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YouTube Heroes will help keep the website's comments clean

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>"If you've ever ventured into YouTube's comments, you know how nasty things can get. To help it purge all the bad juju the section brings, the video-sharing website is enlisting the help of volunteers called "Heroes." It's an expanded version of the Trusted Flaggers Program and gives users who want to help out not just the power to flag inappropriate comments and videos, but also to add captions and subtitles."


Shabbos goy program
I literally have one of the most Jewish videos on YouTube and it constantly gets /pol/ tier posts from merchant and pepe avatars.
This is just funny
This has fucking moot's fingerprint all over it
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omg my safe space is normal once again.
This is mootshit at Google

He must be responsible for this.

Blame moot 2016
>Go and check the video again
>407K dislikes
Holy fuck this is kektacular, who the fuck told them this was a good idea?

fucking faggot niggers, youtube commets were always kinda dope because you had both incredibly stupid people and little to no moderation
>People always bitch about YouTube comments being toxic
>YouTube now decides to do something about it
>It leads to more bitching
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hackers already have custom tools to mass flag videos with botnets and make skype conferences to coordinate attacks
all the big memetubers did their best to bring this to as much as attention as possible

No one has ever effectively cleaned up the internet without making it worse.
We Can Be Heroes

reporting all the /pol/ shit as we speak
go back to your r/ safe space
t. stormweenie
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You fucked up. Here's how your greentext should have been formulated:

>People always bitch about YouTube comments being toxic
>YouTube now decides to do something and give those toxic commenters moderation power
>YouTube ironically closes comments on the same people it is giving power to with this program
Someone needs to start a youtube villains program so these heroes and villains can do battle in cyberspace. It might be fun to watch
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>youtube an heroes
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>battle in cyberspace between heroes and villains
Wouldn't it end with YouTube forever shutting down it's comments?
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>They actually do it for free
My first though as well.
It's literally jannies for Youtube.
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Who youtube villain here?
hello leafy
If it walks like a duck...

>goodboy points for censorship
Whats it about?
Not technology.
>not technology

Yeah ok
They just need to open their mouth and millions of mindless "fans" will be up in arms and just parrot whatever comes out.
>Adblocking is hurting me!
>The new ad guidelines suck!
>YouTube Heroes could delete some of my videos!
Grab the pitchforks and torches, we've got work to do.
What does this topic have to do with technology? What technology are we discussing here? None, it's just about politics of an entertainment site. /pol/ or /tv/ is probably a better place for this.
more technology related than graphics card circlejerk #19804
None of these are technology.
lol what do you consider technology then?
I haven't been in one since ages. But as long as they are talking about the cards, they ARE talking about technology.
While a change in moderation on YouTube is not technology in the slightest.
that's like saying video game consoles are technology

sure they are but it doesn't mean they belong on here when they have like 5 boards of their own to go to
We are talking about how the software they have developed is changing to give users different admin rights. That better for you asshole?
People who want power are the worst people to have power. Everyone knows that. The internet was built to be egalitarian, every opinion is as valid as any other on the internet.
well we will see youtube replacement very soon..
No, no we aren't. Nobody talked about the software.

I wish. But I'm pessimistic; no other video platform is going to be this popular.
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Unix, GNU/Linux, BSD, Haiku, ARM, assembly, Gentoo, servers, soldering, some board culture music, blockchain, basically any port but the 80 and 443 ports, TCP and UDP protocols, TCP/IP stack, security, sandboxing, Perl, C, C++, Rust, Go, bash, vim, Emacs, tty and tty emulators, firmwares, WYSIWYM, xkcd comics (pic related) as board culture

t. guy in second year of sociology
This meme is going to get popular on youtube I bet.
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That isn't technology, that's computing and engineering
noun: technology; plural noun: technologies
the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
"advances in computer technology"
machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.
Then what is technology for you? Can you find a definition that wouldn't expand to a bottle of oil?

There are better boards for that, that's all. Use these boards.
Can a company like Netflix compete against YouTube if it allowed users to upload their own videos?

why dont people switch over to this?
samefagging. whatever.

Don't tell me front-end designing is the application of scientific knowledge or I'll quote Émile Zola to show you what's the difference between science and language.
Is that a picture of all the people Google will no longer need to employ because they instead give random losers on the internet meaningless points to do their jobs for free?
No there aren't better boards that's the thing
The only difference we have is the board dedicated to gaming
Because there's no money to be made there. Some pretty large Youtubers have tried to switch to other services, and every time the result has been that their viewership went through the floor and they came back to Youtube. Some channels like Classic Game Room never recovered from their dalliance with other services.
>the millenial drum beat
Where the fuck did I samefag you idiot? It's called replying to a post. You're just upset that the definition of technology allows for a broad topic and you don't happen to like this particular one. Grow up

more like

>people love YouTube comments for how toxic they are
>YouTube fucks up
You predictably only replied to the failure-prone point of samefagging, stop to defend your right to make noise on this board (though you're probably very interesting at other places).
who /joining heroes just to spite youtubers who bitch about heroes/ here?
Here's how you ACTUALLY fix youtube comments:

You remove them.
>YouTube Heros
>he does it for free

Well we know how to meme them to death now
more power-tripping morons on the internet

gee, wonder how that's going to turn out
On the positive side, this might be a good way to get a list of a lot of SJW's personal information.
If you are not onboard with the wiping them all out at once plan, this is just making a sinking ship slightly worse.
They basically did this a few years ago.
They made a service which was poorly designed and too invasive for anyone to want to use it.
Then force all the fuckers who wanted to make comments on youtube to sign up or stop posting.
You have a point
Only the same kind of faggots that apply to be mods and janitors here will apply for that.
So that means a bunch of hotpocket niggers that live in their mothers basement and the only resemblance of power they will ever have is on an internet website because they're a bunch of omega spineless faggots.
They will use their "power" to push whatever agenda they like and be a bunch of killjoys in general.
baka desu senpaitachi
then just CLOSE THE THREAD you triggered manchild
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>tfw that video bashing youtube right on the frontpage
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>using the term toxic
Mobile views surpass desktop views by a wide margin nowadays, ad blocking isn't a concern anymore
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Reminder that we're the commodity, not the customers. Viewers don't care about the toxicity of comments. Advertisers do.
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>every other comment some 12 year old screaming faggot and n-words
>mOoOooOooM!!! I can't share my narrow-minded views with other poor uneducated people on youtube anymore :^(

So youtube will no longer be safe space for the basket of deplorables? Good riddance!
More like the very deplorables you mentioned will now have power you sperg.
So? You can adblock on mobile too.
We need this as well for: Waffen SS, ISIS, North Korea and CP sharing club.
So, Google run out of free space.
How is your mum going Brian?
What's fucking moot?
Your point.
It's okay little Jimmy, you won't have to deal with PTSD after we get rid of the big bad trolls.
But no one does it, I even use AdAway but I'm too lazy to adblock YouTube specifically
There needs to be a youtube replacement, now.
Safespace? Oh you mean the >>>/pol/ hug box.
Reddit you say?
/r/the_drump_maymay_XD is that way buddy.
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>TFW someone is actually being paid to clean up your shitposts
>tfw they have to come in to work every day and actually read my comments and delete them
>tfw you are causing someone to have an empty and meaningless existence from just your shitposts
but anon

they do it for free
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You can't make this shit up!
>Comments are disabled for this video.

this shit is hilarious
god damn it, heart palpitations started acting up.
If this was the last thing I heard/
had to die listening to this/
got stuck paralized or something listening to the WHOLE thing/
got found with this shit STILL playing,
I would have been so fucking pissed.. that would have been just wrong.

To make it worse, Im the guy you replied to and asked that 8 hours ago..
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Holy shit this is hilarious. I hope someone archived the comments at archive.today or something.
>Right after vauge as fuck rules where you can be punished for wrongthink.
You realize how simplistic your view is right?
The bitching it is not so much about youtube doing something, but how it choose to do it.

Their lack of vision is showing by using phrases like "mass flag videos".

If you are going to launch a potentially controversial "paradigm shift" program, you have to make sure that most people understand what is about in detail. You cant achieve this with a 90 seconds video.

Also they try to sell a shitty work like something exclusive and awesome. And they have the balls to throw peanuts as grand prizes.

Like some anon said on past therads. They want janitors with a minimal expense, and plausible denial/responsability externalization if the system gets abused.

If google wants for youtube to be commecially/economically successful they need to invest on the moderator system and take some responsability.

>past therads. They want janitors with a minimal expense, and plausible denial/responsability externalization if the system gets abused.

This is a key point. I believe they're trying to take this a step ahead of that, and begin to censor opinions that don't align with Googles collective ideolical views. It's already begun with search.

Ghostery browser.
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AYY LMAO, an old friend of mine is in that pic. He has 100k subscribers making random tutorials. I should be an youtuber too.
I'd upload educational videos but I don't want to make a youtube account

>YouTube Heroes will help keep the website's comments clean
>Youtube Heroes will trigger /pol/suckers
They really do it for free. Their life is already so void and meaningless they actually do the work for free.
youtube heros is just going to breed a shitfest of autism tier eleitism, aswell as fuel the sjw faggots.
what if it works?
Works at what?
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t. cuck rodgers
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>muh safe space

you do it for free...
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Another great social network ruined by SJW scumbags, god I fucking hate them so much.
I actually enjoy reading the deranged comments on YouTube.
Just like the Google+ integration didn't "improve" the quality of comments, this will fail as well. I hope they fire moot too.
Yeah moot is a disgusting cuckold, but then again, so are the majority of people working in tech.
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>realizing this doesn't even really make them that new
are they giving a paying job to nu-males, SJW and white knights?

>outsourcing their work to users
>and the users do it for free (or some shitty perk)
>i'm now a payroll-less heroooooo
I deleted my Google account a long time ago when they started becoming "hip" with everything. It makes my dick cringe. Fucking nigger faggots, please die.


>doing jewtubes work for free
Will it beat Ghostbusters?
YouTube Justice Heroes
So does a paid youtube employee review flagged comments or do these "heroes" have the power to unilaterally delete whatever they don't like?
we need to make this into a thing

/youtubevillian/, a sinister subreddit of meme misfits! they'll go around posting chinese girls with condescending expressions on your youtube pages!
Why can't they upload on both?
>>People always bitch about YouTube comments being toxic
Except no one does except for faggots who actually care about comments that hurt their feelings
What do you think nigga?

fuck off
I made sure to do my part with the YouTube Heroes program by reporting the video for being a clear scam/fraud. I mean, they're trying to coerce people into working for them for free. Sounds like a scam to me.

Literally saying "don't bother actually checking for appropriate content with an open mind and fair decision making, just ban shit you think is unacceptable based on video names"
I reported it for "suicide" because that appears to be what Youtube is attempting to commit by having this program.
holy shit anon you're such a fucking faggot.
thought police
God damn giving SJWs tools to make frivolous claims easier.
Why don't they just call them janitors, that's what they are for God's sake.
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janitors is about right.
cleaning up piss and shit sprayed all over the place by shitposting tard-meisters.
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>A group of cartoon people
>One of them is a black woman
>One of them is pajeet
Every time
Janitors are being paid

I find it offensive to janitors comparing these capitalist tools to them
>This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account.
wat did i miss
>deleting obvious edgy shitpost bullshit
>bawww i am le censored free thinker :(((

Let me know when you want your snowflake trophy shipped.
Gonna be great to not have my videos comment section filled with transphobia ;^}
Why the fuck would you bump that? It's not even technology.
all those smiling faces, eager to begin censoring ... reminds me of those happy hitler youth propaganda posters.
Anyone get accepted yet? Applied yesterday and heard nothing yet.
Nothing important, the comments were disabled a long time ago and it was just a short animation explaining how youtube heroes worked.
Maybe (hopefully) they're not gonna go through with it. YouTube can only make so much bad rap for itself in a single month.
no the idea of youtube heroes is to atone for your privileges by working for free
i hope these hotpocket niggers start subbing tech videos with pajeets in them. sometimes they're the only video source.

that's racist as fug, man. AFAIK youtube is not a english exclusive site.

if you don't like the way they talk, you could find something else.
I'm fine with all of this desu senpai

The less people use adblock the less rumor big companies do about it so I can keep using it undisturbed.


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>that font rendering
>Implying nigger lives matter and feminazis know how to use those tools.
Why do people hate on YouTube but not on Google ?

Fuck off with your chanology 2.0 shit you nigger

>using JewTube
>Implying this isn't a ploy to eliminate BLM vids

Note how videos of police shootings keep getting taken down, for "violence" reasons
become an hero
neo-/g/ doesn't even get it
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