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/pcbg/- PC Building General

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Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 50

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**Consider 3000MHz DDR4 in your new build**

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons by vendor and compatibility filter.

>Have a budget, but don't know where to start? This will recommend you a parts list based on price.

>General build advice including chipset compatibility, power supply advice, Windows activation information.

>Information about how to build a pc, how to select components, and much, much more advice.

- Post your list, rate other anon's, ask questions in general.

- Always state the purpose of your PC, your budget, AND YOUR COUNTRY if outside the USA. If you are asking for improvements, clarify whether you want to lower price, or improve specs or build quality.

-If you see any other build advice or part list threads, please politely direct them here.
How does this build look for a first timer?


Tell me guys how hard I'm about to get jewed?
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very good. maybe check some other cases for better airflow, cable management or more silent.

>GTX 970
extremely jew'd.
Looks fine.
good if you really want that platinum rating but remember it's mostly efficiency, not quality difference from. a gold rated psu would be more than enough.

also get faster ram (3000mhz+), you do get a noticeable difference with the new skylake memory controller
Thanks for quick responce bro! Is GTX 970 4gb alright for gaming? Will I be able to run modern gayms at 60 fps?
it is still good but there is no fucking point buying one brand new unless it's very cheap, that PC you linked is overpriced because you can get the same CPU, storage/ssd and everything but with a much better GPU like a 1070 for the same price if you build it yourself.
Alright I will. Looks like time to build new pc by myself. I mean it can't be that hard. Even idiot like me will be able to do it, r-right?
it's lego for big boys.

i think.. i think im done. thanks for the recommendations on getting a PSU

i figured i could throw in these 2 fans for 7 bucks as well


what do you guys think? im going for a quality budget pc
Get 16GB ram 2 x 8 people say it's a meme but it's not.
I got s slight boost in fps by simply overclocking my 1600Mhz DDR3 to 2200Mhz. I wish I had got the 24Mhz back in 2014 but everyone was saying it was a meme.
shit build. get cheaper amd cpu mobo psu and get an amd 470/480 gpu instead
>red led fans
please dont.

who? i havent seen anyone in the last 5 threads.

define "slight boost"
fast DDR3 RAM was a meme because it was at most 5 FPS difference

amd is dead until zen, and then might still be dead if it doesnt deliver
theyre not red they just show up as red in the picture

dont worry im not an edgy teenager :c]
Can I put an old hard drive in a fresh, new computer (that doesn't have a hard drive) and it boot up with windows 10 and not need to reformat?

I've only done fresh everything before, never a mixed build
it's hit or miss cus you need to fix the drivers otherwise it wont start.

it's better to just reinstall from scratch instead of fucking around with that shit.
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Would this explode

Switch to a 1070 and its a 1180€ build
Best low cost, reliable SSD?

It's being used for a windows office PC; capacity is not a concern at all. I just want something cheap and reliable.

I've been recommended this:
Because it's a 120gb with a 240gb controller.

Do you think this one is good, if not, what else instead?
PSU included with the case is meh-tier.
get 3000+ mhz ram for nice fps boost.
gtx 1080 is 50% more expensive and 20% faster than 1070, the choice is up to you.
never heard of that cpu cooler before. doesnt look very good (heatsink smaller than the fan). get cryorig h7 or hyper 212 evo
that kingston ssd is meh. get samsung 850 or intel 540 instead.

adata, crucial, ocz, sandisk. depending on what's available in your region. i dont know about PNY, check hardware review sites to see if that model you linked is any good.


if you can beat these prices and this quality you need to post that shit asap so i can snag one
fuck me i want a 500GB one so i dont have to put games on my HDD but i have to buy a new mouse too.... fuuuuuuuuck i need more money
i need a motherboard with wifi

bonus points if its mATX
check /csg/, the kingdian drives are like $30
fuck off and learn how to read, nigger. he said he wanted something decently reliable.
>easy to fuck up
pick one, it's 2016

is it 2007 /b/
pcbg rate this motherboard pls, it just went on sale so I might buy my first piece of the build today

Not him but I have a similar situation.

Is there no way to use my old harddrive and files for my new build? I need to completely reformat and reinstall windows?
you done good son. i like the nvidia more than amd but thats argument has been going on for years

check out these ssds im looking at right now


you can find them on amazon for cheaper than samsung if youre trying to save maybe 50 bucks or something

if youre planning on overclocking get a different mobo. get the asus one
while im posting about storage and saving money


1tb more for the same price
>chinkshit ssd
pick one, any year.

google a hardware review or two and read the conclusion parts.

depends what the files are. if it's installed programs, you are better off reinstalling those.
if it's documents, pictures and videos just put them on another HDD or USB drive/external HDD.
or you can make a partition if you dont have any of the above, move shit to that and reinstall windows on the other partition, then merge parts.
I've done it a couple of times before. You have to manually select the drive on startup if there's a primary drive with an OS on it and once it starts you'll find you just need to install the new drivers. If that doesn't work you could try safe mode.
it's better to unplug secondary drives while installing windows
>i need a motherboard with wifi
Do yourself a huge favor and buy a PCIe Wi-fi adapter instead. "Built-in" Wi-fi motherboards (they're just mPCIe cards that you can swap out) tend to use the cheapest Chinese no-name NIC that craps out or have shitty drivers. Being able to choose and install your own wi-fi adapter is infinitely more useful.
My plan was to just use my old harddrive and not get a new one. So it'd be my only drive. Would it still be possible to try this, and just install the new drivers from the disc or from their website or something?
You can, just be sure to download the drivers before you move the drive over since you won't have Ethernet drivers. As others have said it may be better to a fresh install but is not necessary if no problems show up moving over.
Building a new computer and have a few parts.

Are there different sizes of desktop ram, I mean like physical differences between ddr3 and 4 or dual channel memory? It's not fitting, never ran into that problem
>physical differences between ddr3 and 4
Notch locations are different to prevent idiots like you from mix-and-matching incompatible memory with incompatible memory controllers. They are both dual-channel capable, just follow your motherboard's instructions on how to run a pair of DIMMs in dual channel mode.
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I am the biggest dummy
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>Newegg Canada
>It's been two entire business days
>Still haven't shipped my shit

Why tho?... It's 4 items, but still, the graphics card I bought from the states, on the same site, at the same time has already shipped... The payments got approved, it was paypal!
Were all items in stock?
Contact support and ask. Why do you expect us to know?
Ya they're all in stock.

I feel like it's actually just the Puralator tracking number that doesn't work, like it is delayed or something. I was hoping other people had similar experiences.

I bought some DDR4 from them last week and it came very fast.
Actually it even says it shipped.
But the tracking number has nothing.
Contact newegg if you want to be able to track, otherwise just sit back and wait.
is OP's image a troll?
Do you know how to google?
Or this
Or the usual Noctua Dual fan meme (if they even make one that has 92mm fans)?
no do you?
Yes. Learn it and you will find your answer.

noctua has smaller coolers but they're not dual fans. an AIO cooler like the other two is probably better if you dont have space around the CPU but can put something like a 120mm somewhere else.

why does it have to be 92mm if it's not even going to be on the mobo?
No place to mount a 120mm fan, let alone a 120mm AIO
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what case?
which sides is limiting your options?
do you have space for something like this pic?
>what case?
Some shitty Rosewill mATX case that cost $20.
>which sides is limiting your options?
Literally all of them. The biggest fan you can mount is a 92mm fan on the rear. The front is blocked by a cheap RIVETED HDD cage.
>do you have space for something like this pic?
Fuck flat coolers.
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>Some shitty Rosewill mATX case that cost $20.
be more specific

>92mm fan on the rear
>the rear
>the front
and what about the fucking area right above the CPU? why are you only mentioning the case fan positions and not the CPU cooler fan?
You see how high that GPU's rear bracket it? That's pretty much how tall the inside of the case is. That fits a 92mm fan at the rear, which is indicative of what size cooler you can probably fit in there.
Anybody know of a solid z170 motherboard? Seems like theres too many to choose from. Don't need any 'gayman edition' bullshit
then get a cooler like >>56520761 but with a regular thick 120mm fan.

>Don't need any 'gayman edition' bullshit
what if i told you about one branded as "gaming" but is exactly what you want?
Gigabyte z170m xGAMINGEDITIONx

I dont care how its branded, I just dont want to pay a premium for said branding. But I'll take what ever suggestion you have into consideration
I don't know what happened, maybe because I clicked customer services it pushed a notification to Puralator to track my shit. Or Puralator doesn't update until 5:30 pm but the tracking numbers updated, both packages aren't very far away.

Even the shipped from usa one!
MSI Gaming M3 or M5.


final iteration, gonna start buying tonight
anything that's too shit?
Bronze, gold, which power supply should I get?
Depending on how much you want to OC, maybe a motherboard with good MOSFETs and power phases.
Rest is good.
Seasonic gold.
Bronze is ultra low end shit, so no reason to get it these days unless it's all you can afford.
>Bronze is ultra low end shit
lolno. 80+ is not a reliability and quality rating, it's for efficiency.
just bought a 1060

cheaped out on everything except that and a i5-6500, I guess once I get some more money I'll replace the mobo/psu

First build, played consoles only for all my life
How will this compare?
It is. It's not efficient to create a high quality 80+ bronze unit today, because the component cost will push it into 80+ gold territory of prices anyway.
80+ bronze means old group regulated design, the only reason anyone would produce those is to make a cheap low quality unit. The highest quality units at 80+ bronze rating you can still buy are ones like Seasonic M12 EVO, and those aren't that great in terms of price. They are really expensive actually. For 80+ bronze.

You can start thinking about the G-series at that price, which are low end gold units.
that's retarded. enjoy wasting money. should have saved up more before buying and got decent stuff from the start.

shit for gaming.
>EVGA builder

stop pulling bullshit out of your ass
feel like saving 30 bucks?

i have a question. unless im gaming, which im not, do i really need a graphics card? the most "gaming" i do is a few games of hearthstone every couple days. i also like watching youtube vids and netflixing

would the i3-6100 do the job well enough on its own
wow someone's in a bad mood today
>not gaming ... do i need graphics card
No. the integrated graphics on Intel CPU is more than enough.
Try making an argument to refute what I'm saying instead of running your mouth. I already know you're clueless on the topic, you might as well just not post if you're not even gonna bother to fake knowledge.
Hey guys, first time builder here. Trying to get something for general use/gaming that could last for a bit before needing upgrading, and ended up with this: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/Cm8FgL
What do you think?
Try posting proof of your claims and knowledge of PSU manufacturing.
Why? You're not going to find any high quality bronze units on the market at competitive prices. It's a meaningless argument. You're saying it's not a measure of quality because theoretically a high quality bronze PSU can exist, but it doesn't because it's not cost efficient to produce.

The Seasonic M12II EVO which is the best I know of still being produced is expensive unless discounted.
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Do I understand this correctly:

You can run Windows 7 on a GPT hard drive (larger than 2 TB) if you have a UEFI motherboard...?

And a H110 is a UEFI motherboard, I think. So I'm good? I don't understand any of these words :/ I'm sorry if I misunderstood. I'm not very smart.

its not that youre dumb. youre new to all these terms. try not to be so hard on yourself we all started somewhere
How's this list for World of Warcraft, a little bit of Twitch streaming, and some light video editing? I want it to be cheap as possible.
Would switching to an fx 8350 be a good choice for the multi-core capable tasks? I hear in video editing (with a bit of a hefty OC) it does beat the 6500.
Case would've been the nzxt s340, except that I need more hard drive bays in the future.
What do you /g/uys think? Im willing to spend another $100-$150 if needed

CPU - i5 6600k
Cooler - Corsair H60 54.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
Motherboard - MSI Z170A GAMING M3
RAM - 8GB DDR4-3200
SSD - Samsung 850 Pro Series 256GB
GPU - GTX 1070
Case - Fractal Design Define R5
PSU - Corsair CX750M (already have one of these laying around)

>Would switching to an fx 8350 be a good choice for the multi-core capable tasks?


>I hear in video editing (with a bit of a hefty OC) it does beat the 6500.

maybe for CPU encoding
Pretty good except for that Rosewill PSU.
You can get a 2TB Hitachi HDD for almost the same price.
For light video editing it's not a big deal i5 vs FX.

Get 2x8GB RAM and you're good.
What about it? It's a low end cheapo PSU they've been making for years now. It's not a high quality PSU. It's the lowest quality you can expect from Seasonic retail.

The only thing out of the ordinary it has is Japanese caps, but Seasonic literally always uses those. It's just a standard group regulated unit designed to be cheap for the mainstream consumer, nothing interesting about it.

This is what a quality 80+ bronze unit looks like.
skip the windows 10 license, the dvd burner and upgrade to a gtx 1060.

As a side note the case is pretty ugly.
but anon what am i going to do with 16GB of RAM?
Doing ni/g/ger things
if that antec one is so much better why does the one i linked have almost identical score?


Caching. RAMdisk.
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Thoughts on this case?
Seems like a nice mini-tower case aside from that logo, but it has a listed max CPU cooler height of 155mm (212 evo is 159mm).

I don't know much about low profile coolers versus some basic h100i sorta clc.
What are your preferences?
what's wrong with the Rosewill psu? It's semi-modular, has some decent reviews. It's normally $70, it's on sale for $50 currently, and has a $15 rebate to boot. Seems like a fantastic fuckin deal.
Builder /g/ents!

I need some help with temperatures. I built my machine the other day and I'm worried that heat might be an issue (I'm waiting for two 120mm fans to arrive and only have a single 92mm chassis fan right now).

In pic related are current temps when I run iGPU and have Nvidia GTX 1070 disabled.

CPU max temp recorded was: 127F yet come cores went up to 190F. Why is there a discrepancy between these two figures?

What's a safe CPU temp? What should I set my alarm at?

And notice how iGPU temp is at 122F when I;m browsing around... and notice the max was 189F. How the fuck do I cool iGPU? Heatsink on it so damn small and there's no fan on it.

Also, how do I help my GTX 1070 stay cool?

Help is much appreciated! I'm a fucking noob.
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First time build. Trying to get it under $700, while keeping it decent for gaming and some multi-tasking, maybe a little bit of 3d rendering. Currently it's at about $760, before taxes and shipping of course.

Any advice on where some money could be saved in this build? I'm thinking the Mobo and Storage could be brought down, though I'm fairly set on a SSD and the Samsung offering seems like a great deal. Is the i5 6500 necessary, or could I get away with an i3 6300 without needing to upgrade in 2 years? Also, the prices shown are slightly higher because I'm Canadian :`(

Also, SuperBiiz...is that site legit? Seems way to low compared to everything else out there.
it's cheap chinkshit. get this instead
stop using fahrenheit

Remove SSD.
Get a better GPU.
Get a better PSU
Because Jonnyguru reviewers don't score for ""quality"". They score according to expectations for a given product segment. The Seasonic S12II is exceptional in the 80+ Bronze cheapo segment because it's one of the very few PSUs in that segment that still has Japanese capacitors. Most use teapos or worse crap, to keep cost down. I can guarantee you that Seasonic isn't selling a lot of those S12IIs, because it cannot compete in the race to the bottom. Only reason they can sell those at all is because they are an OEM and they have their own teapo equipped ultra-low-end crap they flood the market with separate from the retail brand.

Bottom line is that it's still a group regulated cheapo and not some high quality PSU. At minimum a high quality PSU has to at least have independent regulation. Notice how the Antec doesn't shit the bed in crossload while Seasonic S12II does? Yea. That's the mark of quality.
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Alright fair points.
how much ram do i need if im not really doing much gaming?

i mostly watching youtube/netflix and i occasionally play hearthstone. would 4gb be enough?
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Stop coming to 4chan right now you 3rd world trash! Leave NAO!
He's right though, you're literally making shit up about power supply manufacturing and the 80+ company
Nigga that's almost twice as expensive, more than twice if you count the rebate.
Why remove SSD? Are they not far more reliable and quicker?

I get the GPU part, as I definitely cheaped out to try and bring the price down, but what exactly should I look to upgrade with it? Is 2Gb not enough anymore?

What to look for in PSU?

Also, just changed my location to US and the price is no showing $600, so $160 less. Stupid Canada.
you need 16 gb or else the autists on 4chan will make fun of you

however they don't value their money and despite using only 4 or 5 gb ever they need their multiple instances of games open I guess
No. 80+ isn't a sign of quality, but it's impossible to make a high quality 80+ bronze PSU with the technology we have today. It's just meaningless. If you make a high quality PSU it will easily clear 80+ gold or titanium. So why the fuck would you cert it for 80+ bronze?
It makes no sense. To get 80+ bronze you need to compromise on something by using a cheaper design and that's not exactly what quality means.
>stop using fahrenheit

This. It is seriously the worst part about the United States system of units. Even worse than the lbs vs lb-f thing.
rosewill is literally shit tier psu. loud. hot. bad

that psu the other anon posted is T2. which means its just about as good as they get. it runs quieter. uses less energy. provide energy better. it runs cooler. itll last longer and it wont shit out on you. not only that but it passes a whole bunch of safety standards that the roseshit doesnt

here's another T2 psu for a bit cheaper. but its not as efficient

I'm not even aware of why he's disparaging the rosewill psu, but "good reviews" doesn't mean anything if they're not in depth reviews.

There are a lot of hardware review sites and reviewers who don't know fucking anything about what it is they're actually doing.

For instance did any of those reviews mention voltage ripple, inrush current or under/overvoltage?
I can get a Zotac 1060 6gb model for $240. Should I pull the plug and buy it?
Is Zotac a good company for GPUs?
8 is better.

16 is only really necessary if you have a game that uses more than 8gb of ram.
Literally nothing wrong with them, unless that card in specific is underclocked. Check the speeds (listed in mhz) and line them up against the founders edition.
>rosewill one is $50 with a $20 rebate
>the one i linked is $70
are you retarded?

because an SSD only makes shit load faster, not give you better performance.
it's better to use that money on better hardware from the start and buy an SSD later cus you dont have to replace any parts to add one, like you have to if you skimp on any other parts, you just add it.

>what to look for in PSU
quality. check reviews on jonnyguru.


Guys, I need you to convince me that this is a bad idea as I have probably fallen for the memes.

>want to buy gaming rig after not having played anything for the last 5 years
>decide to go big, plan for gtx1080+acer predator x34
>other parts could also be used for workstation (which is also a reason I'm buying this thing, need some decent place to work)
>gpu/screen combo is about 2k already
>have I fallen for the memes for good ?
yeah man probably. im building a barebones computer to replace the one i been using for the past 7 years.. i didnt even bother throwing in a video card cause the most gaming i do is hearthstone every couple of days


just ordered the case a few minutes ago. 35 bucks with a 10 dollar rebate :]
>decide to go big, plan for gtx1080+acer predator x34
>gpu/screen combo is about 2k already

you certainly memed yourself. you dont need to go that expensive unless you do super high end professional work
I don't even know what those are. Would it be significantly more expensive or a similar price with more options?
it's what delivers and converts power on your mobo for the rest of the parts, around $30-50 more for a good one. just make sure you check reviews from hardware sites to make sure those two things are good.

The thing is, as I've said, it would be cool to be able to play some new games, as the last thing I played was skyrim in early 2011, but I know on a rational level that it probably is a waste of money and for that money alone I could buy a decent server + workstation + two 27" screens and set up some decent home lab.
Having that meme station would only end up with me wasting months on witcher3, and however cool and comfy that would be, the older I am the more I think gaming is a total waste of time.
is the mobo i picked good enough for a light OC? I don't plan on doing anything crazy
i like you
welp thats like your 4th post anon-chan, if you want to oc I don´t recomment a cheap mobo but 20$+ on it and get a better one. also dont forget to buy thermal paste (arctic silver ) is pretty ok
buy a crucial ssd or better an samsung ssd.
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I post like 10 times every thread because I'm too scared to buy anything. I can drop another $25 for a better mobo, but which one? I don't know anything about them
no thanks
My computer won't post, it will turn on but it just won't post. Thinking it may be a mother board problem but I'm also worried it can be my old PSU ruined my computer

Do you think it would be wiser to buy a new motherboard and see if that fixes the problem or plan for an entire new build?
yes it's perfectly fine.

If you get a good workstation you can play games on it aswell, even at the same time as rendering shit if you do that.
>arctic silver
fuck off meme paste. almost any ceramic paste is better and cheaper.
stock paste is fine and so is the paste that comes with aftermarket coolers.

depends on what you have right now?
Arctic makes ceramic meme paste too.
>depends on what you have right now?
I have (or had) an i5 4600k and like 8 GBs of 1333 mhz RAM with a 760
I was gonna upgrade the ram and GPU this year but then my pc shat it itself
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they're best known for their as5 paste which is what everyone means when they mention them.

there is no need to buy separate paste unless you buy a second hand cooler that doesnt come with any.

if you buy a new cooler the paste that comes with it is more than fine and will last for several reapplies

that's still very good cpu. DDR3 ram doesnt really have a noticable difference for gaming if you go higher speed.
definitely upgrade the GPU.
it's probably worth buying a used motherboard and try. or ask a friend with a same socket mobo if you can try your cpu in his, or his GPU in yours just to rule out that.
>**Consider 3000MHz DDR4 in your new build**
>[email protected], 1070GTX +100Mhz
>See these threads, decide to replace 2133Mhz DDR @ $60 with 3200 Mhz DDR @ $84
>Literally no measureable difference in any benchmark
>tfw you fell for the meme
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How do I improve? This was just a budget build but now that I have more cash I want to get some PHRESH components. What would be the best bang for my buck?
I actually have that Arctic Ceramic paste. It's really nice, easy to clean off and doesn't conduct. Been using it for 7 years now.
>tfw it's my first build
>/pcbg/ is extremely helpful at every corner
>I didn't even know the H110 had a 2133 Mhz limit
>/pcbg/ told me to get the right thing anyway

thanks /pcbg/
what did you benchmark?

yeah there is nothing wrong with them, just tired of everyone meming about AS5 when it's not even that great any more compared to the dozens of other options.
Faster RAM
A 1 or 2TB HDD
>faster ram
useless on that CPU
2TB is almost the same price
what sort of search term would I look for if I want a case where there are GPU has a riser to be placed behind the mobo like the one in this link?
just so you guys know people on here are about as knowledgeable as you are

take everything with a large slab of salt since most of it is hearsay
Anything I should change or add? I know the PSU might be a bit overkill but I'd rather be safe than sorry, and I wouldn't be saving much money at all by lowering the wattage (The same brand 550W sells for more than the 650W)

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What's your opinion of retro-inspired PC cases? I hate seeing real retro PCs gutted and converted to ATX, but the X500 series cases look promising. The newest version is supposed to have a Cherry MX keyboard and full-sized video card slot, and I am tempted to buy one to put together some kind of mini-ITX gaming rig in the future, even though I don't really need another computer right now.

I am some what nostalgic about the old microcomputers of my youth and would love to experiment with making a modern version of one.
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Alright, I'm down to the credit card now, is there anything you would personally change on this? A little more/less money is not an issue but I'm still happy I brought the price down near $1000 and wouldnt want it to shoot back up
I would think a 1060 would be more budget-oriented, no?

Also I don't want to sound like my parents did when I was young but going into debt is a really bad idea
learned that lesson the hard way

it's very difficult to get out of debt, can take years and ruin your credit in the process
Why is it so difficult? If you only have debt at one bank then you just keep up your monthly payments and not take any more credit
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I live with my momma
I can't find a straight answer for this:
Does non-reference GPU coolers (like evga) blow air away from the board then through the heatsink, or through the heatsink and onto the board?
Trying to decide if mounting my PSU fan-side up would help cooling (by exhausting the GPUs air if it blew downwards?)
I think I misunderstood, I use credit card to build credit, I was saying I'm ready to enter my info and buy it right now. I made a little bit of money and I pay my bills
Anything you'd change if money wasn't an issue? I hear the 1060 isn't good enough for 1440p above 60hz
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>Feel like a certain evga 1070 seemed cheap
>watch it for few days
>decide to add it to my cart in case price goes up
>its now $10 more than it was
Killing myself is the only option
ah yeah I just assumed money was a constraint

I think your build looks all right, the maximum power draw is like half of what that psu can cover so that part is overkill
I don't know how you could possibly use 16 gigs of ram too but if you think you'll use it go for it
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I don't want to find out if >8Gb of RAM is enough
I mean I'm using 4.1/8GB now but I've never tried gay men on my laptop
I picked the seasonic because most gold 650w were near $100 anyways and some fag on here kept shilling the brand, also because it has a dank fan, which is the most common complaint I see on PSUs
Eh I use FF and Win 7 and usually use ~3-3.7gb of ram. Firefox uses 1gb of that though. So if you keep your tabs well-managed and low, it'll be fine. Best to just get an 8gb module though, the difference is like $5.

>falling for the RX470 meme
>needing more than 8gb of RAM
>falling for the ITX jew
Best mATX board??
Why not get a 500W PSU to upgrade down the line?
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>tfw CPU bottleneck

Don't fall for the i5 meme like I did guys.
What gpu/games are you playing? Even an unlocked i5 will hold you over.
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Using old intel ssd and antec case from an ancient setup, and OS

I probably wont be this cheap but its a lot of power no or yes
Only Battlefield 1 visibly bottlenecks my i5, Overwatch to a negligble extent. Bare in mind I'm playing at 1440p 96hz and the bottleneck dips my FPS down to 70 in BF1 so people at 1440p 60hz won't be bottlenecked.

You're right an unlocked i5 would've held me over but I was a fool and cheaped out for a non-K i5 4670 almost 3 yrs ago when I built this PC. Though even if I had a K-version the overclock would've just been a band-aid to an issue which would've returned sooner than I'd like.

I think people building PC's intending to game above 1080p/60hz should spend the extra hundred or so for an i7. Watch the Digitalfoundry CPU benchmarks and you'll notice the frame-time variance is greatly reduced with an overclocked i7.

Plus console games these days are built for 8 threads. The i5 is good in many circumstances but it is not future-proof. Future-proofing is not a meme and I regret not getting a better CPU.
True, the i5 isn't the end-all for gaming. Still, might have to wait another gen for PC hardware and devs to actually optimize games for beyond 4 cores. A Titan XP bottlenecks the best CPU out, and at best people might just go 1080p, but more FPS instead.
which video is this?
intel, nvidia
you're doing fine goy
Need a build for low-end workstation.
main uses: programming, media, memes, some music production.

I neither play games nor do deep learning stuff/neural networks so GPU can be excluded.

I don't need a lot of memory, I would prefer speed over capacity.

Ram? I believe 8gb is ok. Although visual studio is a bad motherfucker, needs a lot of it.

I don't need a cd/dvd/br rom;

Location: Lithuania
Max cost: 500 euro (excluding monitor, peripherals, etc.)

Depending on what you are doing specifically one of the el cheapo FX 8 core cpus might be more economical than looking at what Intel offers in a similar price bracket (even more so if you are willing to overclock it yourself).
thank you friend

What is going on here?


Found the problem.
So the i7 is actually better than my i5 2500k?

Thoughts on this build?
I need to run two 1440p monitors, and compile in Android Studio quickly.

Gaming will just be LoL.

I will probably get the 1060 GTX rather than the 1070.

Any suggestions?
yes, it's leaps ahead of your ancient 2500k. why haven't you upgraded yet? you poor?
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Give me at least three (3) reason why my build is shit/overpriced. The plan is to play games at 1440p/g-sync, but I'd like to cut costs without compromising build quality. Also, I have no idea how to shop for a motherboard
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>motherboard manual:
>Due to USB 3.0 controller limitation, USB 3.0 devices can only be used under Windows OS environment and after the USB 3.0 driver installation.
Should I really trust this information? I can't believe that GNU/Linux don't have a solution for this problem!
someday, I will make my own small build for shitty games like starcraft 2 and civ 5.

also rate my gpu

amd radeon 5700

what a beast

>no cooler capable of handling a balls to the wall overclocked cpu
>2400 mhz ram and not the fastest kit you can get your hands on
>850w psu in a system that won't pull anywhere near that
i very recently put in my cpu cooler

it had the thermal paste already pre applied

if i wanted to adjust the cooler would i have to reapply the paste?
Would it be better to get the FX 8350 or one of the i3s from logical increments? My budget is around $600.
No 3k mhz ram, why no seasonic primr psu cost like 15$ more and is better

Depends what you are doing but the real magic of the 8350 is its overclocking ability. Bonus tip: don't get an 8350, get either the 8320e or 8370e.
GTX 1070 or 1080? Price is not an issue, but I hate paying for stuff I don't need. From what I've read, if you don't plan on doing VR, the 1080 is not worth it.

> From what I've read, if you don't plan on doing VR, the 1080 is not worth it.

Stop reading hardocp, you'll posts will be less retarded that way.
> 2000$+ rig, 6700k with a 60$ cooler
> Hitachi HDD
> That PSU
1)You don't need a 6700k over a 6600k, especially if you are going to oc the fug out of it.
2) 850 pro ssd vs 850 evo is pretty negligible difference.
3) not sure if intentional or not, you got a pretty solid black white color scheme going on. Switching to one of the cryorig comparable coolers and some black, white, or silver colored ram would give your machine a very unified and coordinated look.
When it comes to GPUs, always go mid range. The high range is diminishing returns. 1070 will run anything current maxed out, and when things start needing more requirements, the 1080 will not keep up and you'd just be best waiting a few years to get the next generation of cards.

good psu? just went on sale
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Trying to make a pc with a hard budget of 1000, how does this look?
Get rid of the SSD and get a HD. Or get a 120 gig SSD for booting windows and whatever and a 1tb hd
Looks good, I'd get rid of the case and get something cheaper if you want to cut a little bit down and get a 2tb hd
please respond, I'm hovering over the Order button right now

great rating on jonnyguru, but maybe there's something better?
Tbh, I don't think it's a good build. The memory, storage and gpu choices are just bad.

My ~£1000 build
is it worth upgrading from an i5-4460 to an i5-4690k if i have a gtx 1080? i've noticed my cpu bottlenecking some games. would an overclocked i5-4690k fix that?

or would it be better to get a new motherboard an an i5-6600k?
It's fine. Consider more RAM.

Interesting you chose the Intel SSDs. They're not really in vogue anymore. They're fine though. Honestly the difference in actual usage between SSDs is negligible, and this is coming from someone who has various traditional SATA SSDs from Samsung and Sandisk and OCZ (yes, it failed, although it was quite few years old) and a Samsung 950 Pro NVMe.

Somewhat related note: games require a fuckton of space these days. Fucking Doom 2016 is 64 GB and this is just the base install. I have a 250 GB SSD just for games and that shit's full and it only has four games on it.

Pretty cool game to test a rig on though if you can get it el cheapo.
>computer novice http://pcpartpicker.com/list/cgs89W
already have a 500gb Samsung ssd
basically for old games
interweb dicking around
I know fuck all about monitors any ideas
wanna run a three screen setup
Don't be that guy who screams basement neckbeard virigin4lyfe babby's first computer with your giant fucking full tower case.

You're never, ever going to use up all those extra slots. You could fit all your shit on an mATX mobo and case and still have the option to go SLI in the future (chances are, you won't).

At the most, get a mid-tower.
If you already have a monitor or you aren't very picky, I'd leave it out of the equation and check thrift stores around town. I got two Dell 1708fp and a Dell e248wfp for less than $40 all together. That would give you enough extra cash to get at least a 650-750w gold psu with more headroom if you plan to overclock.

get it. g2 series is great. 80+ gold and a 10 year warranty.
Don't bother with the AIO cooler. You'll get less noise, equal or better performance, and spend less on a good air cooler. AIO isn't worth it unless you get the high end ones for really high end performance or you have space constraints. H60 in particularly is a really mediocre performer at any price tag, yet it's still fucking $60.

Also this is obviously a gaming PC, 256 GB may not be enough. Modern games take a shit ton of space so be prepared to uninstall/install as you play through quite a bit and don't plan on playing many games simultaneously.
All modern Linux and GNU platforms have the most commonly used USB3.0 controller drivers in the OS itself. That manual was probably to shill for Microsoft and to prevent GNUfags from writing threatening emails to the Pajeets in their tech support center.
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pic related gets you the same ram at a slightly lower clock. adds a 120gb ssd for os/few games, nets you a cheaper but still sleek nzxt case, and an evga g2 750w psu (gold, 10 year warranty) that will give you plenty of headroom for overclocking and give you the option of crossfire in the future.

also, you'll get the 8gb model of the rx 480 instead of the 4gb.
Thank you for your suggestions.

Looking back at some of the things I did, it was kind of silly.

The reason I got the 4GB card is because of the custom cooler compared to the reference cards, which I don't trust. But I'll check again.
start looking at reviews of monitors. you'll probably want 1080p, 24-27", and good colors (definitely an IPS panel). but apart from your primary monitor, if you're staying low budget, just get some thrift monitors for your 2nd and 3rd. do your photoshop work on your choice monitor, use the others for whatever multitasking you plan on.
if you really don't want a reference cooler, powercolor's red devil 8gb rx 480 is only $20 or so more than the one in the list.
>If you already have a monitor or you aren't very picky, I'd leave it out of the equation and check thrift stores around town.
>spend considerable money on a nice GPU
>output on shitty screens
I'm not a big fan of this mentality, especially personally since my monitors tend to last through two complete systems before I want to upgrade it, but my GPUs never last more than one.

It's a steep investment, but I find in the long run it's a good one.
and what if i decide to go crazy and just get a 4096 x 2160 meme size would i have to change my graphics card?
consider instead

matching aesthetics, 1tb ssd, AIO on 6600k, higher ram speed, more appropriate psu, and a case that isn't $200. if you really need a writer, just get an external.
it would probably be fine for photoshop, but if you tried to play games on it your 950 would shit itself and i'm not sure how a much lower resolution would look on a monitor like that.
>dat pic

What if I have DDR3-1600?
I believe in what you say.
$250 doesn't feel like a lot on a gpu. and if you're doing a budget build, monitors are a place you can scrape by and still get some power elsewhere. my 24" dell is still 60hz, 1080p and i paid $20 for it. i plan on going 1440p down the line, but if i didn't, i'd still feel fine with my set up.

i'd much rather have the power then the monitor than the monitor then the power.

What that picture shows more than anything else is that for FO4 specifically Intel chips respond better to ram speed than AMD chips do. While a site like techspot would never bother to test it it would be interesting to find out how Intel and AMD chips respond to ram timings. I would bet - due to known weaknesses of the fx line - AMD cpus would see some reasonable improvements with tighter timings.
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>motherboard manual:
>For a fully configured system, we recommend that you use a power supply unit (PSU) that complies with ATX 12 V Specification 2.0 (or later version) and provides a minimum power of 300 W.
I think I shouldn't worry about this, as this standard was introduced in 2003, 13 years ago. But, should I worry?

To prevent things like this existing.

Nigga, you worry too much. Just buy a decently-rated power supply from a reputable manufacture (or rebranded distributor like EVGA). Just remember that not all products from the same brand are made to the same quality, even at the same price bracket. I've even seen 80+ Gold PSUs that crapped out faster than an 80+ Bronze PSU from the same manufacturer (*cough*Thermaltake*cough*), even though the 80+ Gold one had a $30 price premium.
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I made some changes to the build overall, seems good to me now.

Does anybody else have any other suggestions?
Why not get a i7 already?

First time build, mostly for 1080p gaming.

Thinking 480 might be overkill but might crossfire in future if I wanted to but know that some parts might not be suited for crossfire.

any suggestions or alternative parts appreciated
maybe faster memory, and you dont need an aftermarket cooler for an i3
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>but might crossfire in future if I wanted to but know that some parts might not be suited for crossfire.

This is a fool's errand. You either crossfire/sli now or don't bother at all and buy a better gpu down the line as both sli and crossfire bring with them a host of issues besides increased performance (the biggest one is a lot of games simply do not support multiple gpus).

Also as >>56534152 says get the fastest ram you can get your grubby hands on as there is zero reason to not do so these days.
i5 6500 or the i3 6100?

I'm looking at a $100 difference in price. Is having the extra two cores really worth it? Or should I utilize the extra 100 towards a beefier 200+ video card? What kind of computer use can I expect with such a setup?
As a new builder what I find interesting is all these fancy cases, PSUs and cooling system people buy, presumably under the justification that they will outlive their current systems

So what's the oldest thing you've still got in your PC?
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I'm thinking about getting a modular model. This would prevent me from having many useless shitty cables inside the case.
This any good for a first time build?
forgot link

It truly does depend on what you are using it for.

For gaming, have your expectations set for the 6100 as a slightly better Fx - 8350.

I personally would choose between the i3 6300 and the i5 6500, mostly because the i3 is slightly faster.

Mind you, ive heard that even the i3's have hyperthreading, so it shouldnt hurt you too bad on multithreaded stuff.

But please take all of what I said with a grain of salt
your motherboard should have a lan adapter, so that isn't really needed, if you are getting a wireless get one from linksys (TL-WDN4800)

Get faster ram.

>£73 psu

For the same money you can get a 550w platinum superflower unit
I hope it's not that exact same model. Also, full-mod PSUs are ovrerated. You can buy a semi-decent semi-mod that has the same core components and costs $20-30 less. Semi-mods keep the 20+4 pin ATX and a 4+4-pin CPU connector as permanent fixtures, but that's not an issue since you need both to power the motherboard anyway. Usually good semi-mod PSUs had 4-pin MOLEX, SATA, and PCI power connectors as the removable wires. Why do you need a full-mod when a semi-mod offers the same convenience at a lower price?
No, not this model. It's just to illustrate the modular cable thing. I will think about the semi-modular ones. Thanks.

Thanks for input, I'll keep this all in mind. Not planning to build for another few months but any advice is helpful. Crossfire was more of an after-thought but sounds like it's better to just stick with what I have now
>970 beaten by a 470
Maximum overcucked
I've been looking at trying to quiet some case vibration for my PSU. Problem is my PSU is larger than ATX, and all of the PSU gaskets I can find are ATX only.

Anyone know a good way to reduce PSU vibration without using a gasket? Should I just use rubber pads?
Is this why they're so cheap on eBay

I'm slightly butthurt
Holy shit
>mostly selling for $170-200
You weren't kidding. None of the sealed box 970s are even selling at their reduced price.

It's literally a meme card, now that the meme is gone nobody wants it anymore
Wait, at 170 dollars I would want one.
For $30 more you can get a brand new GTX 1060 with better performance and almost the same VRAM.
you can get a 470 with non defective VRAM for $200
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>3GB 1060
Any recommendations for a plug-in wifi and bluetooth card?

Looking at this, seems like the best I can find.

I really fucked up good this time
I don't want a 470.
>implying it matters if you aren't playing on FOUR KAY
>at which point you should be upgrading to at least a 1080 anyway

A few anons on /g/ said from day 1 not to buy the 970 but the hordes of /v/ermin knew better and looks where it has got them, in under 2 years their card is being massacred by not only cheaper newer nvidia cards (not a surprise really) but more importantly an AMD architecture released more or less a year earlier than the 970 itself (hawaii). Hell in a few DX12 titles (and in doom) we are seeing hawaii rebrands fighting big maxwell.
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Rate my budget build, /pcbg/. The Witcher 3 runs incredibly smooth with FastSync on and everything on ultra (well, almost, no goyimworks and shadows/foliage on High). I made right decision and went with this instead of i5/1060 3GB, r-r-right?
inb4 muh bottleneck
Thanks for the link. I know there are bad PSU. All PSU I used until now were terribly bad...
Games that use 4GB or more of VRAM at 1080p:
Batman Arkham Knight
Bethesda games with mods
Shadow of Mordor
The Division
Deus Ex Mankind Divided

these are the ones I played but I bet there are more as this is becoming more common, bigger textures don't tank fps too much so it's kind of free graphics if you have enough memory to spare
I seriously doubt you need 16gb ram, but eh seems decent. I'm sure you could've scrounged up another $15 to spend on the case too.
If you aren't going to use the rebate on the hyper 212, then instead get the cryorig H7, which will incidentally look awesome with that mobo.
Will this work?:

1) Install Windows 10 on Hard Drive "A".
2) Plug hard drive "B" into the desktop. (Hard drive "B" has Vista installed on it.)
3) Open Windows 10.
4) Transfer the files I want from hard drive "B" to hard drive "A"
5) Reformat hard drive "B".
Yes, unless it's an SSD, in which case the minute you write files onto it, it will spontaneously combust

Don't forget to correctly set your boot order in your BIOS.
bump this
Not bad at all. If you've got the money go for it.
Right now I'm using a Gigabyte Z97X-SLI and an i5-4690, but the CPU is constantly running at hot temps no matter what. It's crapping out during Rainbow Six Siege, reaching 100% usage and just crashing.

So I was going to get a new CPU and mobo. What's wrong with the 6700k, if anything? I mean, if I can afford it why not get it.
And does anyone know much about the Gigabye Z170X-UD5? Is there another mobo that has better performance for the price or anything?

Before you go spending shitloads of money i'd first look at why your current cpu is acting like that as there is no way rainbow siege is a cpu killer in of itself.

Firstly you want to see what shit windows is running in the background eating cpu cycles. You also want to make sure your cpu heatsink isn't clogged with dust and is actually getting air to it from your from fans.

tl;dr something is fishy
Is there any reason to think that the extra threads offered by cheap AMD Fx are ever going to be utilized in gaming? Even if so, is it even worth going after any AMD right now given the looming AM4 socket tech set to arrive soon?

Is 0.1GHz for an extra $40 (~25% of i3 6100 cost) really worth it? Keep in mind I'm trying to work on a budget of ~$700 while still keeping the PC open for upgrades in the future (reason for choosing the 1151 socket).

So say I choose the 6100. Any suggestions on GPU pairing that lets me do some gaming (stable FPS with 1920x1080 and decent graphic quality) and light multi-tasking (multiple tabs open, music/video playing, image editor open, and maybe something like Unity/AutoCad open as well). I'm not overly concerned with the newest games being playable on decent settings, but at least games that are current gen/last gen.
Yeah, I realize something is fishy. I dusted everything out, applied new thermal paste all that but it didn't make a difference. With just firefox and steam open, the CPU idles at 50 degrees Celsius while the usage hangs around 20% - 30%. In the BIOS it got up to 43 degrees. The motherboard, GPU, and hard drives are all saying that they're around high 20s to low 30s celsius, it's just the CPU.

In msconfig on startup I turned everything off except Geforce Experience and Razor whatever for my mouse. In services I turned off a bunch of stuff that I didn't need like the spooler (no printer), defrag (have an SSD), etc. So there's not very much running

I really just don't know
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>Even if so, is it even worth going after any AMD right now given the looming AM4 socket tech set to arrive soon?

No unless its at a price you can't refuse.

>So say I choose the 6100.

NEVER EVER get a x1xx FX chip. It has to be the revision (which are all x3xx outside of the 9590).
Was referring to the i3 6100, not an AMD chip.

>the CPU idles at 50 degrees Celsius while the usage hangs around 20% - 30%

That suggests a software issue, so replacing your i5 with an i7 isn't going to change your abnormally high idle usages (well, it might because you'd have to do a clean install of windows). In fact that is a better solution before you drop dosh - reinstall windows.

Well shit. Still the 6100 has (iirc) slightly less L3 cache than the other skylake i3 models and L3 is quite important to Intel's architecture (its why an i7 leads of an i5 is poorly threaded software).

Did I do good?
If you don't mind me asking, how does it suggest a software issue?

Replace that aio with either a D15, R1 ultimate, dark rock pro 3 or basically any big beefy dual tower cooler - they will perform better and more quietly.

Get faster ram.


Your case is shit - the /g/ approved case is the define R5.

Make sure that psu is actually a good unit.

Windows does not gobble that much cpu time at idle (ram it loves, but cpu cycles? not so much) and 50c idle suggests something is hitting the cpu unless you happen to live in a place like arizona or a chinese sweatshop.

Its the golden rule of computers - rule out every software issue before looking at hardware.
I upgraded from 16GB of ram to 24GB yesterday. Yes, I was using all 16GB at times.


>using ver 16gb of ram

These two things should never correlate.
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am I the only one who literally doesn't believe these benchmarks?

from my experience a good GPU can carry an FX 8350 fine @ 1080p/60, but never the opposite.

A shitty i3 will never be able to carry a radeon card.
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I play games in GNU/Linux while my friend plays games in my GPU passthrough with Windows 7. I had to lower the amount of RAM that the VM got and close some tabs in my browser for us to play smoothly. Now I won't have to close my browser windows when we play.

I think next time I upgrade I will get a dual socket motherboard and a couple Xeons. QEMU has an option to pass through an entire CPU socket to the VM, which would be very nice.

My end goal is to have a base GNU/Linux install with only software that is free as in freedom, with the Windows 7 VM for games that need windows, and a GNU/Linux VM for any proprietary games/software that do not need windows. The base install would be used for most things and it would function as a sort of hypervisor.

Right now I use proprietary nvidia drivers in GNU/Linux, but next time I get a GPU it will probably be a high end AMD GPU with good open source driver support. I like to keep proprietary software in a sandbox as much as possible, so it can't hurt anything.
Should I buy a GTX 1060 for 1150 huemoneis (~350USD) to upgrade my ancient PC? This is the best price for the 1060 that I've seen here. The AMDs are more expensive here for some reason.

I currently have a HD 6850.
So 3mb vs 6mb L3 cache is a big deal? What kind of performance difference would be seen from 3mb increase?
Usually ~8% depending on the game. Give or take ~4%

Do consider that chart was used with 980ti sli - thats a serious amount of gpu grunt.


That requires a bit more indepth research that is (sadly) lacking for typical pleb uses. As a rule though Intel's current architecture likes its L3 a lot (hell broadwell features an L4 cache which is why it outperforms skylake at times despite being an older revision).

While I have no answers for you do consider this: Intel's enthusiast chips and all their xeons feature enormous amounts of L3/L4 cache because the workloads these are meant to be used with benefit greatly from the extra memory.

6gb or 3gb? Also: what are used prices like for the likes of 390/x, 970, 980 etc etc?
What video card should I buy for 1080p/60 Hz gaming? I have an i5 6400 to use it with. Personally I think I'm going with the RX 470, 4 GiB version, because it's the cheapest.

it's gamegpu, masters of benchmark results that can't be corroborated by any other reviewer.

What sort of settings? Ultra? High? low?
60fps average or minimum?
Will you overclock?
what's your budget?

the gtx 1060, rx 470, rx 480 are all fine for 1080p medium-high settings
If your PC is shitty the 3gb version seems excellent value but it does have a drop in performance

Virtually nobody else benches AMD's cpus so they are the only point of reference in that regard. Those sites that do occasionally bench fx chips tend to slap the likes of a 9590 on the msi 970 board and wonder why the 99% are complete shit (because no shit a 200w cpu is throttling like a motherfucker on a board rated for 125w - i'm looking at you Gamersnexus).
I had a lot of issues with usb 3 on windows, and I have had none in GNU/Linux. As long as you are using a relatively new kernel you are fine.
Settings as high as possible, no real budget but I want bang-for-buck. I don't mind overclocking the video card. In the first place I was thinking about the GTX 1060 6 GiB, but I'm second-guessing myself on that one because it seems overkill.
Why does everyone always say skip the optical drive? I still watch dvds and sometimes rip cds with it.
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>watch DVDs when you could just go to a torrent site and download a scene 1080p encode

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Has anyone had any experience with the N1 Case? Any suggestions, like fans etc?
>not ripping blu rays and encoding yourself when no high quality option is available
>not ripping music as FLAC
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What should I upgrade first?
Well if you mentioned bluray in your original post there wouldn't have been an issue. But still using DVDs is retarded.

However I will say that buying a bluray drive right now is a bad idea, should wait for BDXL drives to take over first otherwise you're missing out on UHD.
You should get an SSD. Also, upgrade from Windows to GNU.
Depends. Do you game? Or do you do more VM work/encoding/program compiling?
Monitor first, to a 1080p one. After that, maybe an SSD for your OS.

>but I want bang-for-buck

The 470 is the current grand champion for that (dethroning the previous champion, the R9 290 as it was going for stupidly low prices for months on end). While I personally would prefer a hawaii based card due to it being an extremely brute force architecture equally its 3 years old now and polaris does bring some nice improvements over hawaii.
6GB. I don't think buying used is a good idea in this country.

It is the 6GB one. Even if the rest of the PC is old and shitty by now, wouldn't upgrading from a HD 6850 bring a huge performance boost on most games?
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I rip and encode my own DVDs, Blu-rays, and Music. (FLAC/.MP4).

Beats everything I could possibly pirate.
>InB4 buying media

I mostly just do light gaming, I don't usually play the newest triple AAA games.

I've been thinking of an SSD but I haven't researched what the good ones were yet.
>Even if the rest of the PC is old and shitty by now, wouldn't upgrading from a HD 6850 bring a huge performance boost on most games?

yes it will.
you're not gonna max anything that isn't LoL/CS:GO with these cards, the GTX 1080 which is a fucking monster can barely max the new Deus Ex at 1080p
With all due respect, but there is no way it's not a shit port when the GTX 1080 can't max it out at 1080p. That said, I think I'm going for the RX 470, and if it turns out to be an unbearable piece of shit, I'll return it.
Why bother encoding? Don't have enough hard drive space for remuxes :^)????
Because Deus Ex is un-optimized garbage. No seriously. There is NO reason a game can't be maxed at 1080p buy a $700 card. Especially when you have games that look like Metro Last Light or GTA V easily doing 60 FPS at 1440p+
lol no. Single blu-ray rip can easily be 50GB. I have 2 Toshiba X300 series 4TB drives in the PC in that pic. 4TB usable. All those movies and music are around 2.5TB.

Metro:LL even today is a card killer. My balls to the wall clocked 290x can nearly hit 40fps average in the ingame benchmark as long as SSAA is disabled at a resolution just shy of 4k.
Can't decide between i7-6700HQ (3.5 Ghz) and the i7-6700 (4.0 GHz)

I just want to play video games. Is CPU a big factor in gaming? Is the 6700 overkill?
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Does Antec still make god-tier PSUs? I need to build a new box and 3 years ago I bought an Antec PSU and had zero issues..
I am pretty sure he meant Metro: LL Redux
I do 60 FPS at 1440p maxed out except with AA down to x4 instead of x8 using SSAO because x4 to x8 at my resolution makes no difference.

You running 3200x1800 is still impressive to be getting 40+ FPS. A game that can't have a $700 card max 1080p is sad. Terrible Devs. Metro Last Light is the only game I'd consider a dedicated PhysX card.

Redux just looks worse, its still a card killer.
oh, running 980TI classified by the way. Meant to add that.
Nope, meant the original. Even the original ran better than the new Deus Ex shit.
technology keeps evolving as time goes by and progress has stagnated when it comes to hardware

1080p won't reach legacy tier until cards with HBM2 vram become mainstream
GTAV doesn't use 4GB of VRAM at 1080p. Not unless you specifically find the settings to push it that far. But you need a very good gfx card and CPU for it, like 980 Ti or above. Maybe 2 980 Tis.
I want a case in the shape of a cube with a transparent side

any recommendations?
New bread
Settings as high as possible != Max
>Deus Ex
>no way it's not a shit port

I see no reason to use Deus Ex as a benchmark for determining graphic card purchase when it is made by a small player that has basically no creative thought outside their Deus Ex franchise. It is very possible that they tried to ramp up their graphics for this new title and most likely created an inefficient terd that only $1500+ systems can play at max. Because having something to make your game stand out, even if it is inaccessible to 90% of gamers, is still a good marketing technique.
So PSU fan up would be fighting the GPU fan, thanks
I'll mount the PSU face down and the side fan as intake
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