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/wdg/ - Web Development General

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Thread replies: 318
Thread images: 38

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Previous Thread: >>56440158

> Discord
(they're the same)

>IRC Channel
#/g/wdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: https://www.rizon.net/chat

>Learning material
https://youtu.be/JxAXlJEmNMg?list=PL7664379246A246CB - "Crockford on JavaScript" lecture series.

>Useful Youtube channels

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
https://libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
http://www.programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started
https://youtu.be/sBzRwzY7G-k - "2016/2017 MUST-KNOW WEB DEVELOPMENT TECH - Watch this if you want to be a web developer "
https://youtu.be/zf_cb_Nw5zY - "JavaScript is Easy" - If you can't into programming, you probably won't find a simpler introduction to JavaScript than this.

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations
REACT is now on CodeAcademy
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Send help.
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Second for w-we're all gonna make it...
4th for I've been failing to make it for 2 years now and I still work for next to nothing.
Working on it though. 2 more projects done, several more to go.
Are you retards serious? Job postings where I live are plentiful, for both meme startups with hip technologies and Pajeet tier PHP/Wordpress jobs, and also Java and .NET 300k starting enterprise level jobs.
Same here. They just don't want me.

It's like the 90's over here computer-wise. Everyone needs someone that knows everything and has a supreme master's degree in CRT monitors.
Learning Angular 2 from a video series that was just released 3 months ago and some of the syntax is already outdated. What the fuck?

And, does Angular replace Express templating?
Javascript is a fucking tire fire. Everything I've learned from javascript has been relevant to one tiny revision of a point release. Software is degrading and I've become a fuckwit old man.
Angular2 changes every 2 weeks isn't really Javascript's fault.

Google has a knack for doing that, specially their apps' UIs
I went to 5 job interviews. non of the hired me. I gave up
desu, I suspect one of them wanted... ideas from me. the other ones simply understood that I clearly am a hopeless 29 yo dumbass
I wish I could do projects as complex as that...
whats stopping you? How is that more complex than npm installing 500 frameworks to make what could be a static website like what 90% of 'programmers' do today?
Where's my FizzBuzz /dpt/?
import fizzbuzz

def run_FizzBuzz(num):
# creates a fizzbuzz object
fizz = fizzbuzz.FizzBuzz(num)
#prints fizzbuzz up to num


there I did it
Alright /g/, I need a step by step tutorial on how to implement reCAPCHA on my forms (I'm using php btw)

What do? I just want to insert data on my database only after capcha is valid.
google is your friend mate
Finally getting around to learning, starting off with html and css, then java then I'll go on from there. Maybe Python.

Anyway, can I suggest adding Khan Academy to the learning resources? Their interactive tutorials have been really helpful so far.
too hard for me
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Am I misunderstanding how javascript scopes variables or do I really need all these 'this' keywords?
'this' is fucking horrifying to look at holy fuck
I know, I'm sure I'm doing it wrong. In every other language I've used object variables don't need a 'this'
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Alright edgelords, how can I use php's mail function to test my website? I'm using MAMP.

How to set up things? Do I need to create a new e-mail account?

> pic related, me on the left
I've been doing /wdg/ and /dpt/ for a year now, I coded couple MEAN blogs, later discovered how easy is to work with WP, made 3 sites in about a month from start to finish, also migrated a static site to WP with the help of some russian site with cracked plugins etc.

On the /dpt/ side, I started with C#, moved to Java and discovered the OOP, later moved to C++ for about 4 months, and right now I am doing Python, shit is crazy how easy is to implement simple stuff right off the box with all the libs and stuff.
Right now I am building a simple neural network to predict stock prices with python, its not like its going to work, or I am going to win money, but the fact that I am able to do this is awesome, compared to the clusterfuck of classes and syntax errors C++ would have been, and how you can focus on your code instead of the syntax. But yeah, C++ was awesome for threading and "near to the metal" stuff, that I am not fully aware to optimize right now.

>If I have this experience am I able to find a junior job as web dev or internship (paid if possible) ?
> I have NO degree in this field (liberal art major (yeah i know fml)) and I am too poor right now to switch or get a new one from scratch, I guess this could play good role if I want a design job, but thats not the reason I am doing this so yeah.
This function checks if the server is live or local, you need to open your ports, even if you set it up etc. it wont work, get it on some free host (even if its shitty) and test there.

>had the same problem week ago, spended 3 days figuring out what I missed, and it was that
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You're fucked unless you know "somebody"

Everyone is fucked unless they know "somebody"

I'm a competent developer and I'm fucked because all my friends are beaners and stoners and any interview I walk into always tells me, "You seem to have the skills but we are looking for someone with more experience...".
web developers are codemonkeys
Even for a slave-away-internship for 6 months ?
I saw a advert for such thing, paid (but min wage paid) and recommendation letter at the end, or if you wish to stay and work for the guys, no degree needed.

That's my last resort. And right now I took a job on freelancer but its shit paid, but its experience.
I might just be a bitter cynic, but even with your internship, unless you know somebody inside who can vouch for you, your chances are better than with no experience, but still kinda bad.

That doesn't mean you shouldn't try though. You never know when you will strike gold, I just want to help you set your expectations.
Alright I'm really fucking confused.

How do I do a CNAME record to point to a noip Dynamic DNS record?

All I wanna do is add a subdomain but its been well over 48 hours and it doesn't work.

Do I have to create an A Record as well for teh subdomain?

CNAME serv.mydomain.com serv.viewdns.net 30min

viewdns.net is the no-ip
thanks buddy
Only have CNAME. Clear your DNS cache. And wtf is TTL
I already know HTML/CSS and a little bit of JS. What exactly can I do with AngularJS? OSX/Windows apps, right? Is it difficult to learn as other programming languages?
Dude, could you at least try to do some research before asking basic questions.
You could learn to google
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Alright /g/. I know html, JavaScript, php and a little OOP, right now I got some decent free time and I want to start making some easy money with freelance (shitty websites?), but I have no experience with hosting or WP, so my questions are:
> Should I learn WP? Why?
> Is it worth it?
> Any step by step tutorial on how to get into freelancing?
> any pro tips?
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Didn't know ngrok was a thing.

Thank you anon.
I would say it's handy to know how it works and get a decent idea of where things are so if you have to do any work on it you can. But don't go all out to learn it.

Freelance work is alright, I used freelancer.com for about a couple of months because I was bored and made around $250 from about 16 hours work total over 6 different projects.

It was good in terms of getting client exposure experience and also adaptability to projects. This was all on PHP stuff. Two memorable ones were an imgur clone and Security patching to do with session hijacking.
Badly written from phone, also I was working full time so I couldn't dedicate a lot to it.
what are some good resources to start working with threejs/webgl? books, tutorials and so on.
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I'm a Python scripter. I can convert my capacities to JS code fairly easy, but I'm devoid insight into the basic HTML CSS stuff.

Can anyone point me into some well-structured and foundational HTML projects.
Seriously anon?
TTL = Time To Live
age for this request
>whats stopping you?
the concepts. shit takes time and knowledge to research/understand
btw, I just noticed... I'm talking about the 1st pic, I the second one seems to be a simple website/API, something I have made in the past, and not something more advanced. oh, and the 1st one is dated 2015.
>I was bored and made around $250 from about 16 hours work total over 6 different projects
>Two memorable ones were an imgur clone
you made an imgur clone for less than $250?
if so, why?
If you think making a site like 4chan, imgur, r.eddit, etc is hard, it's not. The hard part is maintaining a userbase.
Gimme some portfolio inspiration!
but even then, why do it for cheap?
blackjack game my nigga

Bonus: It tells you the chances you have each hand
To add to this, FreeCodeCamp is expanding its entire curriculum (including the React section) very soon!

What a time to be alive
isn't that shit terrible?
It's a good way to try out new languages and see if you like them.
Is Node.js a meme?
What should I learn for backend. I got hired for basic IT shit at my university and they want me to build a website, I'm learning Javascript right now. They want a place where they can post jobs which is searchable via keywords and an admin panel to do CRUD stuff for the listings.
More a learning thing than anything, I hadn't done anything that needed a drag and drop file upload before, it took me about 6 hours. Random URL generation and verification that its unique, Some basic profiles and comments but the client didn't want picture to use association.
>Is Node.js a meme?
yes, learn golang, is has a great http lib built into the core runtime.
Does Go have a MeteorJS like full stack framework where I can code create something that works on multiple devices without having different code bases or too much added complexity?
there is no binding for meteor like there is for node. you can create a REST api which will work on anything since the client does all the MVP.

it has many options for web frameworks, check out: https://github.com/avelino/awesome-go#web-frameworks
I'm thinking of doing a fizzbuzz class, where you define several parameters: the num up to which you count, the nums that are to be replaced by the words, and the words themselves. So you call up object fizzbuzz but you can set it to go "dick" for multiples of 7 and "butt" for multiples of 9, for example.
Everything is a meme. But I earn money thanks to this particular meme.

>What should I learn for backend
Whatever you like, someone will probably pay you to do it if you're enthusiastic and good at it.

I learned Node because I like Javascript, because I first started programming with Flash's Actionscript, and Javascript is just comfy for me.

Then when I looked for a job I found it was all PHPajeet and ASPajeet job listings. Then a recruiter called me looking for a Node guy. I got more money than I was expecting and my boss is a great mentor.

>I got hired for basic IT shit at my university and they want me to build a website, I'm learning Javascript right now. They want a place where they can post jobs which is searchable via keywords and an admin panel to do CRUD stuff for the listings.

You could probably just shit out a Wordpress site for that rly.
Yes. Just fill your resume with buzzwords to impress the non-technical recrutiers, and then just get intervies.

Don't be like this retard >>56488030 and just give up when you're consistently getting interviews, since getting past the stupid recruiters is probably the biggest hurdle.

If you have shitty social skills then consider reading a book and practice that shit, and be honest in interviews, don't bullshit your way into a job you can't do.
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I know someone with a really small design company who creates websites for companies and helps them design their brand. Currently, she just uses squarespace to make the sites but she wants to move away from it and still retain squarespace's "minimal" (as she put it) design. I believe she means parallax scrolling.

Does anyone have any resources for learning that kind of CSS on hand or know of a good site for that? Looks relatively simple. Thanks.

Pic unrelated.
>Don't be like this retard >>56488030 (You)
I got interviews after using a recruiting website specialized in startups, and putting my uni-provided email address instead of gmail. I'm a college dropout, and the uni I went to was one of the best unis in my country.
but I don't feel confident as programmer, far from it.
where exactly do you live in? In the US/UK, there's tons of web devs but most of them are shit, so if you have some talent, you'll be picked up pretty quick. Just have a nice portfolio on github and you're set.
>but I don't feel confident as programmer, far from it.
That's because programmers are usually betas, and often think they're a lot shitter than they really are.

If you can solve fizzbuzz then you're already better than a lot of the dickheads who apply for these jobs.
What does /wdg/ think of CoffeeScript?
Dated. Just use ES6 and transpile it if necessary. If you want to feel like a .NET wage-slave, try Typescript.
CS is basically dead and of no use now that ES6 exists. Also, just use TypeScript, that makes writing more than 200 lines of Javascript actually viable.
It's not hard making the site. It just takes forever.
Google wants to buttfuck all http websites with a "not secure" warning.
(see: http://blog.chromium.org/2016/09/moving-towards-more-secure-web.html )

Is it worth getting https at the expense of caching problems on a busy wordpress based site? Most people seem to report at least double the loading times which seems unacceptable to me. What do you guys think?
Since when does https cause caching problems?
You're doing something else wrong.
Alright, that's good to hear.
I live in Phoenix, AZ
So I am a retard.

When I upload my html and css files plus the three bootstrap folders (css, fonts, js) to my hosting service the bootstrap doesn't want to work. However when I use it locally it does.
>doesn't even post project hierarchy

WELP you are retarded.

You do use relative paths right?
>hey guys, why does my shit not work?
>no I'm not gonna post it, you can guess what the code looks like right?
No I will try that.
Well obviously you guys might steal my work of genius.

No but seriously I am just stupid that's all.
<link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
Is this relative?
Why does the mongo shell become unresponsive if I pass it a particular type of flawed query?

// returns document, works fine
// returns syntax error notice, shell is still responsive after this point
db.foo.findOne({}, {)
// shell becomes unresponsive.

I can still type things in and enter them, but the shell doesn't respond at all.

What's the dealio?
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Forgot pic
Yes it is. Although your folder is in capital letters in your picture.
Well that is strange, it worked though. Thanks a lot anon!
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That's one dumb mistake mate.
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can somebody help me out? i'm learning webdev and i don't even know what to google.

not sure about the terminology, i'm trying to reroute a page so i can have a parameter in the url? i made a webm. my problem is that the stylesheet stops working if i go to url/page/0 as opposed to url/page, what's going wrong?
fixed it, forgot that you can press f12 and see what's happening

the issue was that i wasn't grabbing the stylesheet from the root directory but from a directory up relative to the current view
do you even know how characters are represented, and how different programs manage them?
do i still need a template engine if i learn angularJS?
Depends. Template engine what for?
Not really but I considered it strange since the original folder was not capitalized.
to make my life easier with express i guess?
Frontend tooling is a mess. Why are Facebook spending so much money to shove React and Redux down our throats, when they don't actually solve any new problems? It's looking like another Angular, frankly. I'm starting to think that Frontend frameworks are generally a bad idea. Intractable, inflexible, and hard to change.
Well Angular apps usually work on top of API and therefore can work on static html removing the need for backend generated html.
fine, so how do I motivate myself to keep applying?
shit depresses me because I'm 29, I don't learn as fast as I used to, lots of the projects I've tried to implement fail very early, I know few/none of the meme techs (hell, I still don't know exactly what REST API means...), and I have no real work experience in IT/programming. also, I absolutely detest frontend jobs, and most job postings in my country are looking for either frontend or full-stack "do-it-all" devs.
sure there are jobs for junior devs, but I guess 20-25 y.o. kids would be a better investment for them than me...
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So, I'm at the end of the HTML codeacademy course because I want to review the whole stuff and CSS positioning is still a pain in the ass.

Should I waste my time trying to figure it out? Will people ask me to reinvent the wheel on job interviews? Everyone seems to use frameworks these days.

The rest is fine 'tho, JS, PHP and all
You should be able to position an element wherever it needs to be on the page.

Don't half ass it or you will regret it later.

Thank you man, I will do the resume again until it looks acceptable then.

It just feels weird, the whole course had some helpful tips and all, this resume test felt like thrown in my face.
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>the year is pic related
>vertically aligning in CSS is still damn near impossible
Care to be more specific? Redux wasn't even made by facebook
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What are your thoughts on requiring JavaScript on a site that has mild interactivity (possible without JavaScript but cumbersome)?

The only exception is deleting data since DELETE requests have to use JavaScript.
I was on the daily programming thread,got redirected here (no one likes helping noobs on this board :( ). My question was :

Can anyone tell me why I'm getting a syntax error in python?

def nmap_quick():
print("Enter subnet to scan:)
b = raw_input("\n")
system('nmap -sn %s' %b)

it's giving me a syntax error for the "b" variable :(
Nothing wrong with requiring javascript in 2016 anon.

Learn basic python syntax before you actually try to write it.
You can learn by doing, you know what I mean? Also it's a simple ass fix, why doesn't anyone wanna help a noobie?
Because google exists. Use it.
I figured out what was wrong, thanks <3. Turns out even though it said the syntax error was with the variable b, it was the line right before it. Fuckin weird
>HTML codeacademy course
it sucks. that course is shit m8. sadly, I can't suggest something else.
def nmap_quick():
print("Enter subnet to scan:") # you missed a " here
b = raw_input("IP ?") # why a newline?
system('nmap -sn %s' % b)

use [-code-] and [-/code-] (without - ) to post code
Its waiting on more keys
db.wells.findOne({}, )

So close your parens and it will return a syntax error...at least on version 3.2.8 its waiting for more input
Yeah that was the problem , lol. Thank you so much <3. And thanks for the tip about the code posting, never knew that :D
I can never setup ssl properly. It always bricks apache.

Anyone have a good guide?
Just take what you can get. I'm guessing you don't have a degree in the field? If so, me too and I'm 27. I apply for anything.
holy moly i just realized that i can totally use my newly acquired nodejs skills to create highscore lists for my video games so i don't have to pay for those services anymore

i love nodejs

Translate y is retarded and you have to force some elements display styles to even do that.

>years into responsiveness
>still can't align stacked layers differently without broken hacks.

Example being a navbar with left-aligned brand and document centered nav links.

You have to set a width to your brand and then padd your center-aligned shit. Retarded.

You can do this in any language.
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Which style of editing would you prefer?

When you click the edit button, the text is replaced with equivalent text boxes. A submit/cancel button appears at the bottom of the side-bar.

When you click the edit button, an overlay appears containing text boxes and submit/cancel buttons.
i'm completely new to webdev so this is actually the first time that i understand what an api actually is and how to create one. previously, i had to rely on other peoples apis to manage player data online but now i can write the tools myself.
Bottom. Less opacity. Need to see booty better at all times.

Oh ok. You jumped into the good part of web dev. Have fun.
i would prefer if you posted that image
I'm glad I'm a backend only guy
I know fuckall about responsive web design, wasn't sure if I should've asked this in SQT, but what's the best way to make a div automatically expand to fit its children?

Google tells me to use display:inline-block, but those answers are from like 2010 and I wasn't sure if there's something more efficient out there now
Look into flexboxes.
If I get a vps does that come with it's own ip address?
Anything wrong with the cheapest digital ocean one?
How many projects can an entry level web monkey expect to juggle when starting on average?

I just spaghetti'd the fuck out of a job interview the other day but it seemed like a fucking slave camp anyway. 30-40 projects at a time with zero help or training from a senior dev.

How much did I fuck up or how big of a bullet did I dodge?
I am enjoying teamtreehouse - very good examples + videos and nonstop streams of content.
life without intellisense is tough
Bullshit. Put the work in, work on your interview skills, write cool projects, apply to hundreds of jobs if you have to. Don't be a sperglord when you get an interview
Front-end dev is fun though. Designing is dicks.

I just use pureCSS for everything these days though. Nice and minimal looking framework.
Also look presentable.

Mop hair won't cut it unless you're a self-made millionaire dev.
wait a minute senpai
am i only gonna need one html file if i use angular js
youre ded
>30-40 projects at a time

Get the fuck out. How is that even possible?
pajeet doesn't know how to say no
In PHP, what's a good way to loop through an array and add each item to the database? I assume a foreach() with insert statements in each iteration would be bad for performance, right?
Look up transactions.
Basically you start a transaction, run all the inserts in a loop, then commit the transaction and all the inserts will be executed at once.
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I no longer want to be in this field.

It's all so tiresome.

Thanks senpai.

That's fine but its better if you have the private variables easily identified by this style for example _X_VEL instead of this.xvel. Your outer this functions should remain the same as they are public.

no, transactions will still emit one insert per loop iteration. slow.

look up the bulk insert functionality of your database, for mysql its just a big parenthesised insert statement.
Oh, I'll check this out. Thanks.
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Anyone here willing to answer a question about php / wordpress? It's really confusing based off of the documentation, but I feel like it's day 1 php stuff nonetheless. Probably not complicated for someone who knows what they're doing.
post it

I need to do two things. First thing: As a wordpress loop is running, for each post, I want to add the post ID to an array. Arrays in php are nothing like C++ so I'm probably overthinking this, but would I just do:

$do_not_duplicate[] = $post -> ID;

Per loop cycle? Or would that overwrite the same variable over and over again?

This one is more Wordpress specific: Second, I need to retrieve all post IDs associated with an author. It has to be an array of IDs, not post objects.
That's how you append to an array, yes.

Can't really answer the second question because I don't use wordpress, but after 2 minutes of google it seems something like this would work:

$postids = get_posts({
"author" => $authorid,
"fields" => "ids"

get_posts always returns an array of post objects, meaning "fields" is just an argument for which ids to look for here afaik. But thanks for googling haha.

C++ would just shit itself if you tried to append to an array like that. There are ways to do it of course, but on a basic level, you have to set the exact size of the array and specify the exact variable you're defining. Was definitely overthinking it. Thanks.
Did you actually try what I suggested?

I literally just tried it myself on a local mysql installation and it did exactly what you asked for.

Also I fucked up the array, it should be

$postids = get_posts([
"author" => $authorid,
"fields" => "ids"
I detest front-end, but I really want to get good at making webpages fast.
what should I learn to get good at making/designing webpages faster? what's a tool like adobe dreamweaver for linux, that supports html5, css3, etc?

Absolutely do not ever use that for front-end, it's fucking bloated and awful. It's far easier and quicker to write in your preferred text editor, save, and refresh your page than rely on the preview function in DW. I'm a designfag who predominantly uses Adobe programs myself, but DW is far from ideal. Just use Vim or whatever floats your boat.
>I'm a designfag who predominantly uses Adobe programs myself, but DW is far from ideal.
why not use it as a sort of reference, and then either remove the bloat, or re-make the page with emmet or something?

>Just use Vim or whatever floats your boat.
I do, Vim+emmet. problem is, CSS drives me mad.
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>why not use it as a sort of reference, and then either remove the bloat, or re-make the page with emmet or something?
When I do front-end, my go-to starting point is always a mockup psd or even a drawing. It should be easy to figure out your HTML content from there, and pretty quickly jump into CSS without needing a different preview or reference. Dreamweaver isn't even super accurate either, it really is just far quicker to save+reload a page. There's no bloat, no big program to install, no sluggish bullshit.

>I do, Vim+emmet. problem is, CSS drives me mad.
No program will ever make CSS easier for you. Yeah CSS can be fucking annoying to deal with sometimes but the hardest part is roughing out your planned layout, because that's where all your design decisions are made. From there you can pretty much just code, test, code, test, repeat until your project is refined. There aren't really any good tools for that unless you're pretty much just doing wordpress pre-built themes.
OK, fine then.
but, back to my question, what are some tools to help you design and implement html pages fast, and how do you avoid messing too much with CSS?
I already mentioned emmet. I guess bootstrap and similar frameworks are helpful, too. what else?
What about your routed pages? Directives?
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No. I was away from my computer, so I decided to trust my apparently incorrect understanding of the documentation. I'll just tried it and it worked perfectly. Thanks for persisting.

The reason I wanted to grab all the IDs is so I can use it with "post__in" in order to combine two sets of usually incompatible queries into the same list. I think it might work. If not, at least I know how get_posts actually works now. You're the real OG, anon.
>have JQuery datatable hooked to a gridview
>winforms asp control in grid and does a postback
>Page doesn't reload the script and the grid loses the styling.

I have no fucking clue, it gets better though they also wanted me to be the fucking consultant for the clients too. So it wasn't just being a code monkey slaving at a cubicle, they also wanted me to go visit them and conduct a sales pitch. So designing, consulting, selling, and maintaining relations with up to 40 clients at a time. All for an entry level position too.

> using Jquery with C#

this is a thing? has this always been a thing? I feel like you could just write pure C# and get the same level of functionality, but I'm also casual as fuck with C#
I just started using Rails and oh god maintaining the thing is so much easier than the Java stack we're using right now. What do you think about Rails, is it actually good?
Ugh, CSS. I can make complex MVC routings work well but tell me to make a website look pretty and I'm done for. Why is frontend such a bitch?
It's good for things you don't have to maintain. Ruby and Rails make it really easy to "just get it done." But years of "just getting it done" can lead to an unmaintainable mess of monkey patching and spaghetti code that nobody understands.

Don't let that stop you from using it. It's great. Just be careful you don't code yourself into a corner on big projects.
>tfw spend hours browsing bootstrap layouts
Holy fucking shit I've been trying to install RVM for fucking hours but I'm too retarded.
I keep getting "gpg: keyserver receive failed: No keyserver available

>"gpg: keyserver receive failed: No keyserver available
from google:
asp:ButtonField CommandName returns the row as commandargument

but asp:TemplateField - ItemTemplate items do not.

come on
Whats the best solution to this problem:

I have a site where everything is locked behind a login screen. Some of the pages you gain access too after logging in should be available no matter where you are. However, some of the pages should only be accessable at a certain location (company offices internet).

So how do i keep the login page available online for everyone to see + some pages available online for logged in users only + the rest of the stuff available only when logged in at the office.

Thinking about going by IP but i keep reading how unsafe and unreliable that is. How can i solve this?
new to javascript, how is data even stored for html elements? how can i do something like [CODE]document.getElementById("whatever").meme = "meme1"[/CODE]? where is that data stored? i can't see it anywhere in the firefox dev tools but i can seemingly grab that value from the element later. am i just stupid?
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Trying to use: https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-espress

Running: gulp build

Wat do?
look up data- attribute. For example, in the element tag type: data-meme='pepe'.

In js get the element and then .dataset.meme which will return "pepe".
danke schön anon
Here's the gulpfile
Ever heard of ADD?
I've been learning web dev for about 3-4 months, got HTML and CSS pretty much down, can do some stuff with JS (incl. jQuery) and if I don't know how a quick search and I can piece together basically anything.

I can make anything look good, so even if my programming skills are shite I can distract/fool people by making my projects look beautiful.

I have no degree in anything, 10-ish projects like a JS calculator, Tic-Tac-Toe & Simon game, API stuff like Twitch streamer & Wikipedia viewer, and a beautiful portfolio. What are my chances of getting a junior dev job? Or any job to do with this really. Any tips?
how can you be bad at design? just fuck around with stuff until it looks good.
I meant the opposite...I'm really good at design, enough to fool people that I'm good at programming too when in fact I'm just a beginner.
just become a front-end designer then, really easy to get jobs in that line of work. most of the hard programming work will be done for you.
>Why is frontend such a bitch?
Because it's tedious and requires a creative mind. I work front-end and I can't do what you do because my brain isn't wired that way. We all have our pluses and minuses.

The only time it really sucks is when I put 20+ hours into sweetening a site for a client, only for them to tell me they want "changes" done which amount to making their site ugly again. I can't say no because they're paying me. So the project goes from being portfolio material, to "I can't show this to anyone" in a day.

>I know fuckall about responsive web design
Then you need to learn Bootstrap, since it takes about 90% of the worry out of it and you can do a ton of responsive crap with it, since all the java is prewritten for you.

>but what's the best way to make a div automatically expand to fit its children?
You'll have to be more specific on "fit its children" though. Are we talking horizontal or vertical?

You are being grossly taken advantage of.

I had a job interview with a company where they wanted someone to know literally every language in existence, front and back end. So I told them to their face I can learn what I don't know to fit their needs, but I'll expect my salary to be tripled what they advertised, and that they'll never hire anyone with such low pay for such high requirements.

I didn't get the job of course, but I felt it was a nicely delivered "fuck you" to HR autists on behalf of the rest of us in the trenches
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how to link dot.tk domain to github pages? i have working username.github.io testpage, cname file and .tk domain
picrel are my dot.tk dns settings
blank names are domain.tk they are empty when i enter the domain name
Would putting a youtube, filled with web dev content, in my resume help me?
isn't front end designers dying ?
Remove everything but the CNAME
I've been putting off full learning REST and SOAP, I always start reading about it but then lose interest after I learning about POST GET PUT etc..

are there any good books or resources I can learn this quick? I feel like I should really know this stuff but I can't build up the will to learn it.
In a sense. Squarespace, Wordpress and some others are making it a lot easier for people to create websites on their own without the help of a designer. The biggest disadvantage is that their sites will look generic as fuck.

Wordpress is 13 years old..
It's a teenager DOOD. Lets get high
generic templates used to be the case years ago, nowdays they're pretty customizable

You said that FrontEnd Dev is dying because of Wordpress. But WP is pretty old and FrontEnd Dev's are still here.

quod erat convincendum
It is and it isn't. Template shitter companies are killing it because Mom and Pop Shop don't realize how terrible they are, nor do they realize they're being price-gouged because the payment is annual for hosting rather than designing.

Companies savvy enough to know an original site will always be better than a template, will pay top-dollar to get one made for them. The trade off is you have to be an absolute ninja to work at a company that lands those types of deals, or be a webdev god to do it on your own.
There is no SMP on a localhost
Look up clearfix
PHP sessions, my friend. Check it out.
what was it called in text editors when you type a part of a statement and then it expands it. afaik it's not autocompletion


turns to
Should I become a web developer?
Youre moms arse lmao
Give me ideas for frontend only projects.
A to-do list. No, really. But make it like dynalist.io
objects vs arrays?

var templates = [];
function registerTemplate(name, template){
name: name,
template: template

function getTemplate(name){
for (var i = 0; i < templates.length; i++){
if(templates[i].name == name)
return templates[i];


var templates = {};

function registerTemplate(name, template){
templates[name] = template;

function getTemplate(name){
return templates[name]

and your thoughts?
What's the best HTML editor I can use? Preferably something that shows the results on the right side, code on left
I am making a bootstrap site, and I want it so that from a extra small column and up 2 divs are 6 wide so they each div takes up half the screen, but when the screen goes below 480px the divs go to full screen each.

The problem is, if I make each div have a class of col-xs-6 then it also keeps them at 6 columns width bellow 480px.

Does anyone know how to fix this, you would think Bootstrap would have an extra break point so this wasn't an issue as I can't imagine I am the only one in this situation.


I use Brackets, very good IMO and free.
Consider using an array if you need the name field for anything other than looking up templates
>The problem is, if I make each div have a class of col-xs-6 then it also keeps them at 6 columns width bellow 480px.

I don't know anything about bootstrap, but obviously if you assign it col-xs-6 then it has that no matter what. Why not make your own class that does the same thing as col-xs-6 >480px and then does whatever <480px. Or use js to change it, but that's dirty.
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Business analyst here. Learned to program on the job, python is good enough to use Django and I know some HTML and JS, so considering switching to weeb dev.

How does career progression work for a web dev? Do people usually stay in the field for like 10-20 years and just become more senior, or do they tend to move into other areas?

And what would expect for starting salary? Getting cucked in my current job (came in with no experience), about €30k nearly 2 years in, so would like a bit of a bump.

Pic unrelated
>have used Ruby on Rails
>have used heroku for app development
So how employable am I? Keep in mind the app I made was shit.
people are web devs so they can put something on their resume and get better jobs
c a n c e r
Doubles inspected.

Why is that? The work seems interesting and appears to pay well
>calling the index of an array "name"
For what purpose?
Google is finally doing the right thing. I'm surprised.
Decided I'd give Wordpress a go since I see a lot of posts for WP devs. I found a theme and now I'm downloading it, but it's 369 mb, is this fucking normal? It's not done yet so I can't check wihats actually included.
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Okay niggers, I need answers from you.
I made this shitty programming language, https://github.com/LandonPowell/DeviousYarn
and I plan on making a web framework for it.

What kind of language features should I implement into a language that'd make webdevs enjoy using it?

Here are some feature ideas I've already got in mind -
Non-broken case insensitive string matching (because of issues with unicode's handling of cases) # Implemented
Ability to use normal functions as infix operators. # Implemented
Object-to-HTML function. # Not Yet Implemented

Since the thread is almost dead, I'll probably repost this int he next /wdg/.
Nice bait.
Datetimes that aren't horrifying to use
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That is the worst looking syntax I have ever seen and no feature, no matter how useful, will ever overcome the aneurysm that awaits anyone who peers into the Examples folder. This is your constructive criticism for the day.
i'm writing a small website and i want to bump text on hover like this:
but without the stupid border and centered, but when i remove
border: 5px solid #ccc;
float: center;
margin: 15px;
it doesn't work
>worst looking syntax
What specifically about the syntax do you dislike? It's effectively just LISP with the functions on the outside of the brackets.

People will take you more seriously if you don't use reaction images, anon.
Assign class for every size.
It's not.
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can somebody help me, i'm learning angular routing

the problem is i'm use pugjs and it doesn't compile into html, it's just plain text. it works if write normal html
DY shill here. Can you show the backend code we're dealing with? You might not be running the text through the pug template engine at all.
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this is everything
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holy shit i fixed it, i literally couldn't figure this out for an hour or so

it turns out that this function never actually got called because i set up a static route so it was never rendered by express?

thanks anon
No problem. :thumbs-up-emoji:

That's exactly the difference between a decent Rubyist and people who "use rails" for a project. A good programmer uses Meta programming only where it's apropriate and tries to keep it clean. You can really fuck up badly if you use the "advanced" stuff of Ruby recklessly in terms of technical debts. But if you use common sense and try to keep it simple and stupid, you'll be fine.


Well, there's a reason why so many Frameworks were inspired by Rails, i.e. cakePHP, Grails, ASP.NET MVC, Play..

Bascially Ruby is perfect for 50% of all the web stuff you want to build. And still OK for the next 30%. And for the last 20% just pick something else.

The main downside is it's such a heavy weight. You wouldn't pick a M1A2 tank for driving to the shopping mall, right?
So if you want to use Rails, make sure you get familiar with some smaller Ruby Frameworks (Sinatra, Camping, Cuba, ...) and use the apropriate tool for the job.

Or you can use Rails as API and use a fancy JS Framework (Backbone, Ember, Angular, React + Flux) for thick clients.


Rails is only one part of the equation. Please don't spam the world with even more shitty scaffolded Ruby code.

Do a bunch of differnt apps or one "super project" like an amazon-clone.

Also get good at HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, get familiar with frameworks like JQuery, Bootstrap, Underscore and so on. Check out CoffeeScript, some people like it. Also try to get good at Ruby, it's astonishing that there are indeed people out there that use Rails but can't into Ruby..

I'd also recommend learning at least one "light-weigth" Ruby framework - for example Sinatra - and something for Front-end apps (If you like the Rails philosophy, you might also look into Ember. It's by a former Rails guy and feels a lot like Rails.)

Oh yeah, and get a hipster haircut, it really helps..
Friend asked me to design a website after hearing that I knew some CSS(basically I just skimmed codeacademy for 30 minutes)

Do y'all use some sort of template, because I've been doing everything from scratch and my stylesheet is a clusterfuck already
>because I've been doing everything from scratch and my stylesheet is a clusterfuck already
That's due to lack of experience. Honestly, if you look at most websites, their stylesheets are probably way worse.
Learn Bootstrap, Foundation, PureCss or some other CSS framework. They can save you a ton of time.

Also, using SASS can make your CSS a little less of a clustefuck because of it's nesting properties. Not a huge improvement but it helps.

I don't doubt that, doesn't make it less shitty. Also, apparently the conventional wisdom is to put all the style stuff in one stylesheet, which means I'm eventually looking through some 800 line doc to find one particular thing. Is there some way to make this more efficient?

thanks famalam, sounds like what I've been looking for
I feel like I've learned so mcuh, but my biggest hinderance right now is coming up with project ideas.

Should I just make a clone of something that already exists? Also, I'm dabbling in Android development as well, I need ideas there too.
Should i move to ASP.NET MVC or should i keep using webforms?
Good /* comments */ and ctrl-f.
You have no obligation to give a shit about what 'conventional wisdom' is though. Feel free to separate shit into files, if it's more understandable that way.
Lets say i dont store the the users and passwords on my Server in MySQL but like this:

User1 - pw1
User2 - pw2
User3 - pw3

In a simple text document in ~.
The access to it is blocked through nginx.

How braindead is / isn't this idea and why?
wtf. do you not care at all about peformance or security?
Never store any user data for your web app (that isn't uploaded files obviously) outside of your database.

The bigger issue here though is that you're apparently storing user passwords in plaintext. If this is the case, drop whatever the fuck you're doing and go learn about authentication systems and password hashing immediately before you fuck anything up.
I've got the foundations of HTML and CSS down. I'm trying to build a local test site just to keep what I learned retained, but I can't think of what to make.

What do you folks do for inspiration?

Pick any popular website and ape the design, see if you can make a decent copy. Bonus points if it looks neat on phones and tablets as well

Need some help lads

>18 years old, got into University for CS no worries
>hated it, full of spergs, lecturers/tutors were cunts, lived 1.5 hours away from campus, etc, etc
>dropped out after a semester and got accepted into Surveying at the same University (good pay, decent work, fair bit of math/modelling involved, etc, etc)
>course doesn't start until 2017, won't finish until 2021
>thinking it would be better spending the 6 months I have off now teaching myself as much Web Dev as I can
>going to TAFE for a year starting 2017 instead of going back to University
>by the start of 2018 I'd have a CERT IV and a Diploma in Web Development to show for it, plus whatever I learnt solo along the way

My 'family' is really inclined on trying to get me to go back to University purely because it's the safer route. But I could be making more I think as a Web Dev with 4 years experience than a Surveyor fresh out of University (not to mention making money along the way). Could even freelance in my spare time and make $$ on the side as well, a lot easier to do your own thing when all you need is a computer as apposed to thousands of dollars worth of equipment.

My questions are:
>Do you think 6 month self-study + a year of TAFE to get a Diploma, then hopefully employment in Web Dev is a better option? (When compared to a 4 year bachelors in Surveying)
>If so, what should I be doing over these 6 months to give myself the best head start?

Currently doing a Udemy course which gives the bare basics of HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap 4, PHP (with Wordpress), MySQL, and a few smaller, less relevant things. I'm not sure where I should be focussing my effort after this though. Do I focus on a specific language/area or do I just try build a decent looking, 'complete' looking website to demonstrate my 'skill?'

I know I'm having a bit of a tumblr rant here but when you try look for answers to these questions you just get fag shills saying, "BUY THIS COURSE FOR $99489!#@!!"
how is vscode for webdev?
>well-structured and foundational HTML projects

There's honestly no such thing. Most of the web is div soup, due to execs and managers and deadlines. Basically try to make a component with as few HTML elements as possible... for example:

A lot of people would write an article using markup like this:

<div class="article">
<div class="article-header">
<h1>I'm a massive faggot</h1>
<p class="subtitle">top kek m8">
<div class="article-meta">
<p>Posted by, <span class="meta-author">Some Faggot</span>, 25 minutes ago.</p>
<div class="article-body">
<div class="article-etc">
<button class="cta-for-some-shit-you-will-never-need">SUBSCRIBE TO OUR MAILING LIST XDD</button>

90% of that shit is unnecessary. Look at bloomberg.com for a somewhat OK example of how to properly structure HTML(ignore their full retard CSS). Also don't get tricked by all the faggots parroting BEM. Use http://tachyons.io/.

.v {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;

I think it's the best editor for webdev, its free and open source, loads much faster than Atom, only downside is if you hate microsoft
MVC any time.
Let's make a wordpress theme together guys on github, we can meme the shit outta it.
Ok, let's come up with a logo
Does anyone know any good in-depth laravel guides/tutorials for someone who has basically no experience with PHP frameworks?

I've been working on an pure PHP imageboard app (since all others are complete shit) and it's turning out great so far but the code is a bit of a mess so I want to port it to a proper framework.
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Hey guys, noob here trying to get into web dev. So I'm learning to code using C# together with Visual Studio, and in a while I'll start learning ASP.NET. My question is, what else do I need to know for web dev?

I'm learning HTTP using pic related (not the pocket version, the full-length book), and then I also need to learn TCP. Anything else? Can anybody recommend another book for HTTP?

Can anybody point me to some nice githubs for beginning web dev? Thanks
That one dude, Jeffrey Way, is pretty good.
You don't really need HTTP beyond some basics and you certainly don't need TCP. Also learn standard frontend stuff like HTML, CSS and Javascript.
>Also learn standard frontend stuff like HTML, CSS and Javascript.

I'll do some of that, sure, but I'm more interested in backend stuff, I think.
Why doesn't this work (simple geo location)?

        // Only change code below this line.
$(document).ready(function (){
if (navigator.geolocation) {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
$("#data").html("latitude: " + position.coords.latitude + "<br>longitude: " + position.coords.longitude);
Have you tried debugging it? What happens if navigator.geolocation evaluates to false? Put in a fucking else clause and console.log the bastard out. How do you know if your callback function fails? The function is given 3 arguments, not just position, go find out what the other two are and console.log those bastards out too.
Thanks mate.
He isn't storing things outside of his database. He's rolling his own database.
He probably loads it all into RAM, which means he has better performance after startup, so long as he has enough RAM.

There are a lot of issues.

You're storing passwords in plaintext instead of hashing and salting them, I'd assume.
You're using a syntax that I could break by putting '\n' into my passwords. (or you're removing entropy from passwords)
Your solution will eventually require lots of RAM and it won't let you assign attributes to users.

Use MongoDB, by the way. SQL is a vulnerability inducing trash language.
>>SQL is trash
>>use Mongodb
I don't even...
For backend learn about databases - SQL, maybe some NOSQL. Look into webservers and admin in general.
>He's rolling his own database.
A text file is not a database. Using one as a database will lead to so many problems that it's just not worth it (source: I've done it before when I was starting out with PHP).

>Use MongoDB, by the way. SQL is a vulnerability inducing trash language.
You could have just said "I don't know how to sanitize my queries or use prepared statements" and everyone would have understood you better.
thinking of learning a css precompiler. any recommendations which one i should learn? xdxd
Hey guys, I just passed my probationary as a QA guy. Would you say I should be learning HTML, CSS and JS and aspire to become a front end dev, or just concentrate on my current responsibilities instead? I'm pretty good at finding, describing and reproducing bugs, but lately I've been more of a man in the middle between managers and devs and I also teach newcomers.
Go to college. If you can't, move to France and go to college. Education is free here, and you get money from the state to pay for food and housing.
Plus, a living permit which allows you to live in France. There are lots of courses in English available, too.
Why i cant upload file bigger then 2mb?
$errors= array();
$file_name = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$file_tmp =$_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];

$expensions= array("webm","gif");

if(in_array($file_ext,$expensions)=== false){
$errors[]="extension not allowed, please choose a WEBM or GIF file.";

echo "Success";
Because default value for PHP maximum uploaded file size is 2mb.
Update youre php.ini

; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 40M

; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
post_max_size = 40M
oh well this is stupid, i forgot that im on new system and everything is not set :D
hm, i set it to 5mb, restarted apache but, still, i cant get it +2mb
I've been learning python and javascript for the last year now. I do my own small projects, but I'm interested in actually coding with other people.

What's a great entry way towards this?
Let make something together anon, github will be our love nest
Sounds good. Got any ideas.

What's your github?
no idea, but i know i would like to build something that works with android
would anybody be interested in creating a /g/ or /wdg/ github and starting a small project that we can all contribute to?
C++ for web development?

Amazon and google use it for back end.
should I?
Google and amazon each have to deal with double-digit percentages of the world's web traffic.

You don't.
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fair enough, but is there any benefit for a website that receive significantly less than 1% of the worlds web traffic to use C++?
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Which do you recommend me to learn, /g/ ?

My priority would be :

- ease of use
- fast deployment
- logical, organized, clear, well documented
php, laravel
Node will provide the first two, but you'll have to supply the third.
I really don't like PHP :(

I like Ruby and JS
>Use MongoDB

Wow, what is this, 6 years ago when all the "cool startups" were jumping on that bandwagon because they're full of people who don't understand data?

I mean, I guess MongoDB is going to keep your data secure by either not recording it in the first place, or making it so slow to access that nobody would ever be patient enough to steal it all.
0.01 BTC has been deposited to Mr. Pajeet's account.
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new guy here, what does this Pajeet meme mean? Yeah, so Java and .net is full of indians shitting away their crappy code, but does that say anything about the quality of the languages themselves? Can anybody explain to me exactly what being Pajeet entails?
Nothing, it's just NEETs mad because they can't get a job with their meme languages.
so if I actually study hard, practice and try my best to write proper code, not just any clusterfuck that sort of works, then there's nothing Pajeet about me using the .net languages, right?
.NET languages are great. Definetly better than those meme languages like javascript.
Yeah, I'm learning C# with Visual Studio right now, and I love it. Building is a bit slow though, even for small programs. Any way to customize VS to make it faster?
Using anything by Micropenis automatically makes you a Pajeet. Learn a proper language and poo in the loo.
> meme languages like javascript.

You don't call the number 1 language a "meme"
>>only language for front end scripting
Yeah i wonder how it got it's first place
No, not really.
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>be me
>learning javascript on my own because the professor fucked it all up on university
>khan academy has a JS course
>mfw they're teaching me how to draw

what the fuck. I want to make system 'n shits for my web pages, not animate a pixar movie. I can't draw with a pen and a paper, imagine with codes even with gridpapers.
That's because it's for children. Try some of the other resources in the OP, like Codecademy, The Odin Project, and Free Code Camp. Khan is great for math, but there's a reason why it isn't listed.
Did you restart PHP too?
You sound like a hipster faggot.
SQL, though there are many justified criticisms of it, does not cause vulnerabilities in and of itself.
>Use MongoDB
Please don't. Hand-rolled non-atomic joins in your application code are a sucker's alternative to SQL. If you want to leave SQL behind, your best bet right now is probably RethinkDB and ReQL. You can actually see what they are trying to do with it, i.e., make a structured query language (see https://www.rethinkdb.com/docs/sql-to-reql/).
First time really using node, I sometimes hit some type of condition where a certain GET will fail and in the logs it will show as taking a really long time. I essentially load the main page and then use the public js to load /foo. The main page loads fine. And even if I navigate to /foo directly it will never load. Only solution is to restart the node server process.
>GET /foo 200 104659ms

What could this be?
Any freelancer.com users here?

Will I get banned for adding a link to my personal website in my profile description?
yeah, probably, don't try it just yet. There's a way for your clients to contact you if they want you, so play it cool.
I would say Phoenix but it isn't very beginner-friendly yet. So learn Django. It's like RoR but for Python. It is more "clear" than Rails in the sense that there is more explicit configuration. It comes with more out of the box (user authentication, admin dashboard). Plus, Python is stricter as a language and in some situations will throw a runtime exception at you where Ruby would silently do the wrong thing. (E.g.,
a, b, c = 1, 2
.) Stay away from Node until you are an experienced programmer or else you will pick up bad habits form it.
how do i learn to make a webpage pretty?
i now know the backend and angular but my pages look like garbage with the exception of whatever bootstrap does automatically. i don't even know how to put two textboxes side by side. is this where i learn html/css?
>Stay away from Node until you are an experienced programmer or else you will pick up bad habits form it.

DESU I didn't really understand backend frameworks until I started working with Express. If you make an effort to learn to do things the "right" way, there's nothing wrong with Node. Especially if you already know JS.
Unless you're trying to do some really retarded shit, a lot of that is wrong
>DESU I didn't really understand backend frameworks until I started working with Express.
You could have learned the same with Sinatra/Flask, or better yet, by implementing HTTP 1.1 and routing on your own.
What bad habits?
* Getting used to implicit conversions and other misfeatures of JavaScript.
* Going along with the tooling churn. (Replacing your build system every six months, etc. This is especially egregious in programmers who never learned to use make(1).)
* Tiny modulitis. (Que le leftpad reference XD.)
* Thinking about concurrency in terms of callbacks rather than CSP or actors. Promises are only marginally better. This is the worst.
On the upside, you might use TypeScript and learn what a decent type system (i.e., one better than Java's) look like, gaining a life-long appreciation for static typing.
What's with the NOSQL meme lately? Every fucking startup seems to want it.

Literally what the fuck is wrong with SQL
Post code
>What's with the NOSQL meme lately? Every fucking startup seems to want it.
That was the case circa 2012. The trend is winding down, thankfully.
>Literally what the fuck is wrong with SQL
A lot, but that's not why startups used to go with NoSQL. It was overwhelmingly trendiness and database illiteracy. A real alternative to SQL will come in the form of a next-generation relation database API, not "NoSQL".

- NoSQL literally refers to "everything other than SQL databases". It's a huge umbrella term that encompasses a huge number of niche database techs as well as all the typical startup meme databases. (The latter is usually what people are referring to when they mention NoSQL.)

- Document-oriented databases are slightly easier for noob programmers to understand (imo) so there's a bias towards them in the types of things noob programmers are involved with. (Startups, hackathons, personal projects, etc.)

- Startups like the idea of being flexible with schema because it's easier to pivot when they figure out what they're actually doing for money.

- Mongo markets HARD to new developers. MEAN stack is entirely something they invented to put themselves on equal footing with other trendy and popular web dev techs.

- Maybe it's just where you're at. In my experience SQL is still extremely popular and always has been.
I wrote a CSS grid system in 77 lines. Anyone interested?
new thread when?

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