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>Ctrl F >No speccy thread Speccy Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 180
Thread images: 80

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>Ctrl F
>No speccy thread

Speccy Thread
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>GTX 1080
>60Hz 1080p

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>tfw when op is just wanting speecy thread to brag
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btw here it is fag
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>only 8gb wtf
human eye can't see more than 1080p
More WTF is the fact it's X79 so it SHOULD be triple channel memory meaning 3x4GB or 3x8GB.
He's running 2x4GB which is just stupid.
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8gb is enough you fucking autistic gayming manchild kunt
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All these quad cores, hex-core coming through.

I'm sure someone has a Xeon or a 5960x, 6900k, or 6950x to beat my hex-core at some point.

Even if 8GB is enough, he's running dual channel on a triple channel motherboard. So he's still obviously retarded.
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>tfw mobo is broken and won't boot with RAM in dual channel mode
>tfw 2500k won't go over 4,2GHz without ridiculous voltages
>tfw EDID on secondary monitor is fucked
>tfw running out of hard drive space
>tfw summer heat
Why the hell do you have so much storage?
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Frankenstein coming through.
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heres your (you), you botnet 10 NORMIES

that could apply to several people, to whom are you referring to?
No one was asking for one you autistic faggot.
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switching to a 6850k and 1070 sooon though

Why do you morons buy high end GPUs with 1080p 60hz monitors? Its plain retardation. Do you not have any sense? You could've easily bought a 970 for significantly less.
>Lower single core performance
>GTX 1070 for 1080p
what's wrong with that upgrade? :^)
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Read 'em and weep bois.

BTW, when 1080Ti drops, EVGA or ASUS? I'm hoping one of them comes out with a white 1080Ti to match my shit up.
Nice alienware dude, love it
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>tfw wierd ram amount and shitty gpu

6850k - doing it more for video production/rendering and such that ive been getting into

getting the 1070 to do more 1440p gaming and ill need more than the 3.5
Is this the new Windows 10 thread?
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I haven't been to that board in like 8 years or more you autistic faggot piece of shit.
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>32GB of RAM with shitty frequency and latency
You're just memeing at this point.
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all sandniggers must fucking die
3000MHz with 15CL is fine for DDR4.
I'm a poorfag.
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I'm sorry
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you're officially cucked
So many Windows users.
What r7 is that? And how does crossfire work with that combo, if it does at all.
>>Ctrl F
windows users, everyone

3000/3200 cl14/15 sticks are pretty much the most balanced ones.
What is stored on those drives?
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Same tho

At least I'm using my 1080
Backups,movies, a ton of anime and some porn.
dude you are the same guy creating the same thead everyday. we get it you have stupid hard drive collection, you dont even raid them. SAME THREAD SAME GUY EVERY FUCKING DAY. ban this faggot
Why backups and not raid them for redundant storage?
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So many Windows 10 users.
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Go cry on reddit you autistic faggot.
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Apart from the GPU which wasn't part of the initial plan, what's the shittiest part of my build?
so many windows users

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Sure, but only in core count.
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>specs won't be shit one day
>o..one d..day
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Happen to have a cinebench R11.5 or R15 benchmark handy? I wonder how it stacks up.

My [email protected] manages 14.99 in cinebench R11.5
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Only CB15

I'd rather upgrade my gpu before the monitor
Yeah, that's right, you can buy a new monitor, shit's crazy
I only tested at 4.4GHz for R15.

At 4.7GHz it would probably manage ~1350
Well most of them are externals so idk?
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just finished putting 10 on here before fridays cutoff
Should be somewhere around that, the 12 core doesn't turbo higher than 2.3GHz with full load on all cores so if you halve the cores and double the frequency the result should be similar.

It runs very cool though, power usage is under 100W.
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tfw poorfag.jpg
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Send donations pls.
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>tfw nuclear reactor in my basement to power this
Mining machine?
>8 gpus
Well damn
theres 4 you goddamn retard.
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No you dont mine on nvidia

Blender render machine
Fermis are still top tier for 3d rendering
>tfw 1360W pull from wall full CPU and GPU and 470w idle load
>gtx 590
>not twin gpu
You goddamn retard
The GTX 590 is two GTX 580s on one PCB.
590 is a duo gpu you goddamn retard.
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Get on my level, fags
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Yfw its actually only 2 cards
Speccy reads dual GPU single board cards as 2 cards
Effectively its quad sli 580s
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Asked before, but only one guy started to talk about how I should avoid Win 10.

Should I upgrade this hardware? And if so, how?
Build new

i5 750 is very old
660 is old

You could wait until AMD zen is around in a few months
Pick up an 8 core zen chip with aftermarket rx480 or something for a 650$~ build
Honestly you kinda need new everything, new monitor, new CPU, new motherboard, new GPU, new RAM. And you should get an SSD too.
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Should I upgrade this hardware? And if so, how?
GTX 1060

Im living in Europe, in Poland, to be more precise. I was thinking about getting some good i7, but whole build (and not being something overpowered or anything, aside from that i7) would cost me around 4200 PLN (thats 933 EUR, if you wish, using current exchange rate).

I kinda even wanted to buy new PC in June, but there are still no aftermarket RX480 cards, no info about Nitro release date, nothing.

And 480 is overpriced in Poland.

>You could wait until AMD zen is around in a few months

Thats start of 2017, according to recent news. Rather long time to wait.


Actually, why new monitor?

>And you should get an SSD too.

Does it really make such difference?
>>And you should get an SSD too.
>Does it really make such difference?
Going from spinnan disk to SSD is the single greatest thing you can do to freshen up an old shitbox
Actually, the human eye is about 48 times better than the iPhone 6S camera.
If you look at your screen you can see the pixles, even on a 4k screen.
Its not as sharp as the real world.
>1680x1050 60Hz
Even if you were at 1080p 60hz i'd suggest a monitor upgrade, it's 2016. 2560x1440p 60hz or 1920x1080 144hz.

>Does it really make such difference?
Yes, SSD is basically the most significant upgrade you can make if you're coming from a hard drive.
It's an unfair comparison though, if you put an iPhone really close to a 4k screen it could see the pixels too. You actually only see about about 900p (which is why things like HD glasses sell pretty well, they really do work)

I have some 1920x1080 at work and I dont like how everything is so small, thats why I asked...

I just hope that SSD drive wont be too costly.

What build, from current or near release parts, would you recommend? As for wok, I might have some use for 8core CPU, aside from that, most demanding application are games, but I dont want to buy something as expensive as 1070.
>I dont like how everything is so small
that has to do with the size of the screen.

Get a 27" 1440p. You current monitor is 1680x1050 20", that's a DPI of ~100. 2560x1440 on a 27" screen is 108 DPI. Almost the same as your current display just very slightly sharper. In other words, text should look essentially the same, you will just have a lot more monitor space.
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ayy i got the same card
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don't cry, sweety. i only installed it in case there are dx12 vidyas i want
I'd try to warm tea with that SSD
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I have a computer that I've made into a modified mess, as much as I could due to the limited motherboard, because I like socket 775. I'd love to upgrade to a Asus P5P43T SI or a P5Q variant motherboard, but it's not worth it due to the price. I just wish the BIOS was more open. Can't even overclock, but that's to be expected from a non-custom computer.

Is it stupid? Yes. Is it fun? Yes. I just wished the motherboard wasn't so restrictive and terrible. You're not even able to add another power supply. I tried modifying mine for it to work with the stock one as it requires a special connection, but I couldn't get it to work properly so I had to do it another way which is unfortunate.

Motherboard along with the 320W power supply that needs to be used with it is the worst part of this computer. Second is the case due to the size.

Main Computer:
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i7 960 @ 3.20GHz 44 °C
Bloomfield 45nm Technology
8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 534MHz (8-8-8-20)
ASUSTeK Computer INC. SABERTOOTH X58 (LGA1366) 39 °C
2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti (EVGA) 33 °C
1863GB Western Digital HDD 27 °C
232GB Samsung SSD 850 EVO SSD 29 °C
NVIDIA High Definition Audio

It's time to upgrade regardless and I'm looking to make the jump to DDR4, just for fun, but seeing as how I don't play video games or do anything that the 775 computer can't do, there's no point. I might just go with a Mac Pro or a DDR4 Hackintosh. I'm thinking of installing Debian on the 775 though and find a use for it as it just sits around.
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Rate me, /g/.
GPU obviously.
>Windows 10 Education
why tho
>Those unoptimized drives
4x5tb in RAID10 and 2x1tb SSD in RAID1 is how you do this if you're not a retard, btw.
><24" monitor
>Win10 home
>840 Evo
>750gb drive for some reason
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I am dumb white pollack. I need to leave with it.
I'm building a pc
I know nothing about anything
Which gpu "brand" do I buy? ASUS vs MSI vs EVGA etc.
I just want something that is quiet and cool
FUCKING USE CASE, can you name it?

What game do You want to play?
Are You doing any CAD, graphic processing stuff?
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You shut the fuck up and buy a reference Sapphire RX 480

>Dual channel
Stop playing video games. Dummy.

Buy a Mac. Or buy a big case computer with big fans that spin at a low RPM.

Brand doesn't really matter unless it's something terrible, but here are the general guidelines:

Case: lel who cares
Video Card: EVGA or ASUS
Motherboard: EVGA or ASUS. Maybe MSI. ASRock if you're poor.
SSD: Samsung or Intel
HDD: Western Digital
Monitor: Asus or Samsung
PSU: EVGA's SuperNova line or Corsair maybe idk

That's about it. Stop playing video games.
>gtx 1080
>single 1920x1080p monitor
what did he mean by this
>Maybe MSI
Yeah, no. ASRock are cheap shit and they're still much better than that MSI trash.
>SSD: Samsung
Nope. 840 Evo should've taught people this.
And Toshiba / HGST. Basically anything that's not seagate.
>EVGA's SuperNova line or Corsair maybe idk
Not just supernova, even EVGA bronze are gud. Corsair USED to be good, they are now shit. Seasonic and Be Quiet both gud

Also sapphire for AMD cards, EVGA for nvidia cards, always.

>Motherboard: EVGA or ASUS. Maybe MSI. ASRock if you're poor.

Gigabyte makes excellent motherboards as well.


I will consider it, thanks. New monitor in that resolution might be expensive, however.
playing (mostly older) games. the only new one i intend to play is BF1
just gaming, no CAD

i don't think i need the dx12/vulkan boost since i'll mostly be playing dx11 games

how does this look lads

I love it :D
It looks like you're paying $300 for a card equal to a $239 one while overspending on the motherboard and massively wasting money on the case, considering a fractal R5 is cheaper.
>750gb drive for some reason
My laptop died, so I saved the HDD and put it in my desktop.

>Win10 home
I just reused the key that was on the bottom of my dead laptop.

><24" monitor
Guilty, I really want to upgrade, but I don't know how to get rid of the monitors that I already have. I don't like having shit just laying around.

>840 Evo
It's not a bad SSD, even though it died on me and I had it replaced through the warranty.
0/10? Really?

I don't deserve even half a point?
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do you mean the 1060 vs the 480? every benchmark puts it ahead in dx11 so i thought it'd be better. as for the motherboard, would something like the ASUS Z170-P be better? from a cursory look at the fractal r5 has it at the same price as the other case
Glad someone appreciates my shitpile. Cant really complain though, most of the parts were freebies of some kind or another.

Only things that I actually bought were the case, the 1.5GB GT440 OEM, and the Patriot Pyro via trade.
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It's summer so my case is open. Everything is warm anyway. Especially the Athlon.
500gb SSD + 2tb Drive
or coffee
I can understand the point of guts threads, it's nice to see setups, but speccy threads are just annoying, unnecessary, boring, same-old-shit.
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Just got this a few days ago.
You're truly an idiot.
It's free as in free beer.
Better than Pro, also free forever.
y didn't u get a z170 motherboard for dat bclk overclock.
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Tap Dungeon_2016-07-27_18-31-03.jpg
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How do you guys wear out your mouse buttons so bad? Just this one single game I've done over 135k clicks and I've only played it for a few hours
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too hot hot dam.png
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Summertime on /g/
>not using custom fan profile in msi afterburner
enjoy your dank housefire my dude
why is my cpu so freaken hot? it it reading the temps wrong?

ive got a cryorig H7 cpu cooler on it. i see people here posting pics in the 20's. is it just cause theyre using water cooling? or are 3770's normally hot. im just using the internet.
send me a 1080
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woops forgot pic
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Dual Xeons coming through.

is that idle temps? people in the 20s are idle temps

are you sure your fans are on the right way?
>not 6600k
[can't wake up]
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probably going to buy a 2tb drive soon
yeah just idle, i mean i am in california and its hot as fuck but still.
i just bought the H7 like 3 weeks ago and i thought it would lower my temps by a lot. it didnt lower my temps at all compared to a stock cooler. is something not reading right?

im no expert so don't take anything i say too seriously, but i just finished my build (we've got a bit of a heatwave going here in the uk too) and my cpu idles around 21°C and the GPU at about 26°C in an incredibly shitty case for air cooling with all kinds of fucked up airflow going on & a worse cooler. so something is definitely wrong with yours.

maybe try reseating the cooler and if you were cheap with the thermal paste use a tad more.
Generic as fuck
>has 11 different hard drives
>calling others autistic

wew lad
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are you a furry?
>840 evo
>It's not a bad SSD, even though it died on me and I had it replaced through the warranty.
it wouldn't be a bad one if it didn't have performance degradation

Should check out /bst/ threads more often for that answer.

But yeah, my laptop is running hot even on one of those cooling pads. Shoulda gotten this. At least it had a USB Hub.

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just uninstalled Prison Edition
What's Prison?
too much money not enough brains


snipping tool

>too much money

Hah! Nah, but I know about snipping tool. Just paranoid on connecting a fresh install of Win10 to this honeypot of a website.
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behold my master race
>windows 10
>master race
Pick one and only one
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cat willy.jpg
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>Just paranoid on connecting a fresh install of Win10 to this honeypot of a website.
Brother, 4chan is the least of your worries if you're concerned about honeypots.
not windows master race i only use so it so i can play GTA V and Doom
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This to be honesto pariente
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Sync masters were pretty awesome when I had them. It was sad to throw them away from dead pixels.
How hot does that thing get?
Man summer is time for hot temperatures.
What case are you using where you can hold that many hard drivers, currently have 6 and I would love to add more.
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works on my machinetm
email me [email protected] I can help
Teach me to make that big money luke. Your hair screams success.
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>How hot does that thing get?
Left this running while playing vidya
Sorry if it looks awful, Windows sometimes does a bad job scaling certain proggies
not to bad but thats pretty hot.
Calm down, buddy
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How do I overclock this
Someone said overclock the i5 to 4.7ghz
The fans don't kick on too much and it doesn't get hot where my hands are.

Never seems to throttle down either so I don't think it's a problem. If it dies I'll just get a new one or something anyway.
Good luck.
My desktops fans turn off on idle which I still find amazing.
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Does this look good?
how the temps looking? My 6600 I just increased multiplier and been holding up. Usually pretty easy.
no idea
temps dont work
TMPIN3 is only 85c
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>How do I overclock this
You're at 2.70 GHz now, right so you need to add another 2.0 GHz.

2.0 / 2.7 -> 74.074%

So rounding gets you 75% increase right? What you need to do is find how many clocks you currently have and multiply that by 1.75 then subtract the number of clocks you already had. Add that many clocks and you should be good to go.

There's lots of different softwares to overclock with, you'll need to find one you like best.
>different softwares to overclock with
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It's mostly anime.
I could spoonfeed you the best clock programs, but you really need to find the one you like best. Tclock is a good beginner's overclocking tool, for linux there's xclock, and for old windows you had built in gadgets you could use
yikes careful cause once it gets past a thresh hold it will just turn off. Thats how you know you cant go any further. Im stuck at a 4.4 on my 6600k cause of my cooler.
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>all these 760's
My niggers
Thread posts: 180
Thread images: 80

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