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>miss 1060 release online >local fry's electronics

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>miss 1060 release online
>local fry's electronics tells me they're gonna be in stock the next day, 330 a piece
>rush over after work
>Do you guys have any 1060's still in stock?
>"sorry, sold out a few hours ago"
>Do you know when you'll get some more in stock?
>"no clue"
>It's all good
>"If you want an upgrade, we have some 1070's in stock for 499"
>pic related

Can't find any reasonably priced rx 480's either. My parents' computer broke so I gave em mine thinking I was gonna make a fresh one right away. I've been without a desktop for a few months now.

Any suggestions I should think about if I'm ready for a sub 1k build? Or should I just wait a little longer for new stock.
>has a job
>doesn't get the 1070 instead
Are you retarded?
1060 and 480 are literally hobo tier cards.
>Casually go on newegg checking for 1060
>Find one in stock on second day after release
>Buy it for $225 after PayPal discount
>Have far superior card than Rx 480 for far less money

>"sorry, sold out a few hours ago"

im calling bullshit on that. How does a car sellout in litterally 5 hours? its the price gougers stocking up and reselling them for 100 profit.
>not sending a NEET envoy to do your business for you at the earliest possible moment
They're so broke $20 is enough to make them do anything.

>he claims to be rich
>gets 1070 instead of going the full mile and buying a 1080 instead

your an idiot when a 1060 >980ti. its the new king budget card like the 970 was.
>king budget card like the 970
You had me until the last bit here. Nice b8 friend.
>what are living expenses
It's not like I'm making six figures, dude.
Go back to /v/ holy shit.
Did you fall for the CS meme?
I got out of work at about 7, Frys was open all day
I live in Los Angeles, so I'm guessing there are a lot of people who are looking to buy
Nothing ever will come close to the 970
Even with its gimped vram and that's how pathetic the GPU industry is
Just found a 1070 for 360 USD thatll get here from the UK in 4 days.
Bless the Brexit for making USD so powerful right now

yeah if you look at steams hardware survey the 970 is leagues above any other card getting like 30% of the dedicated graphics card segment. im curious of how many people now own the rx480 though.
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