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Is Piracy ever justified?

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Is Piracy ever justified?
Why does it have to be justified? I don't care to justify it or explain myself.

Shit's free, yo.
is taking 1 apple from neighbours tree and planting the seed from it, and growing your own ever justified?
Tell me, how can I watch series if my country does not have netflix, and all ISP tv packets do not offer latest shows, how am I going to watch anything from this century?
>That wallet I stole from that guy walking down the street? I don't have to justify that. Shit's free, yo.
>there is a gun on the table
>there is this dumb guy in the room
>shoot him in the head
I don't care to justify it or explain myself, there was a gun and a dumb guy in room...
Piracy isn't theft retard. Theft removes the original, piracy doesn't. Piracy also isn't a crime, it's a civil issue. Theft is a crime.

But please, continue with your worthless and shitty analogies. They're pretty funny.

Same to you, retard. Worthless and shitty analogies are worthless and shitty.
If you ever made anything in your life that is good enough that someone else might want to have, maybe you would understand that your shitty analogies do not apply when you are in jew perspective you fucktard. If I make a game, I would love to get something out of it...
But those things will probably get you to prison. Pirating won't, so it's OK.
Look at this thief trying to justify stealing. Pretty sad desu.
>Piracy also isn't a crime
You are not entitled to it.
lol who fuckin cares
well shit, if they do not intend to profit from that country anyway, then there is nothing lost.

infact, they could potentially gain from it, if it shows a demand in that region
I make a 6 figure salary and I still pirate media and software. I will always pirate.
Maybe so, but that's not for you to decide.
I justify it for myself by buying the product if I like it after testing it out by various methods including piracy. Its just that 99% doesnt do the last part. Thats humans for you.
Both those situations are still fine for you as the 'pirate' if you are not found out.
Same deal with piracy in the digital world, really.
99% doesnt do the first part*
it has been seen before that piracy generated profit for the creator

Try before you buy. Otherwise it's just copyright infringement for poor people.
Is it justified? Your questions has preconceived notions attached to it, let me give you a answer.

Let me ask you this, how would you feel if the loaf of bread you buy at Walmart is $1.50 but there is only one Walmart a 1000 miles away from you, and your local store sells that exact same loaf of bread for $100. It isn't transported from one place to another, they simply make it in the backroom of your local store but they charge you $100. And every other store near you charges more or less the same $100.

Are you justified in making the same loaf of bread at home using the same recipe?

Is it theft?

>inb4 bread and software isn't the same thing
I'm trying to give you a example anyone could understand.

In Europe for example, in many countries netflix is shit and doesn't have anything worth watching on their catalog, I want to watch a specific movie, it isn't available anywhere to buy, is it justified to pirate it?

Suppose that same movie exists in a store, it costs $54.99 for a DVD, it sells in the USA for $9.99, are you justified in pirating it? That is actually a true example not that long ago in Europe, we didn't even talk about Australia.
>Giving money to hollyjew
I mean it let's you test products from companies that are well known to engage in false advertisement and you can check if all the hype is worth it without commitment. I think it's a great way for consumers to protect themselves from being scammed into buying bethesda games.
I get his point, if there is no way to legally obtain it, why not pirate it. I would do the same.
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I want free shit.
That's enough justification for me.
Its bad enough im forced to use windows to play games, im not going to spend money for it.
The creator doesn't believe so, and it's not for you to decide whether or not that's true.
Not really but no one cares.
I can totaly agree with this one
netflix in some countries in europe just sucks balls, and mostly when pirating from this countries you are not stealing from artist (well maybe 20%), you are mostly stealing from retarded goverment and their bullshit taxes
>sucking this much corporate cock
When someone makes software they should be aware that it could be pirated. If you dont like that dont make the software or just keep it to yourself. The theft itself costs nothing to anybody. Its just information consisting of 0 and 1. All software should be legal as are all songs, the lyrics and notes to the melody. You should not be paying to hear Mozart or to see a copy of Mona Liza. I approve paying for materialistic things not information. Its as stupid as paying for college

If he isn't entitled to it and the content creator decided that he would never see the light of day of the product. Then it is not theft because the content creator would never see a dime from that part of the world anyway.

We are long past the time of the printing press, that means democratization of the means of production and distribution of content, you can't distribute your product in one corner of the world and then control what happens to it after the first sale.
It's not a crime
Yes. /thread
I wont help Africa with food or water because I wont get anything back. Same goes for enriching the culture with entertainment
This. Everyone else is a cuck.
Nice samefag
How can Piracy be any more or less fair than going to a library and picking up a copy of whatever media I want for free? In both scenarios, someone had to pay for the media originally, and in both cases, they are sharing the access to the media with people for free, with no ongoing royalties paid to the content creator.

This is more applicable to "single use" media that you only consume rarely (books, movies, TV) than it is something that you would frequently consume over a long period of time like a video game or music.
Yes, everytime
if you genuinely cannot afford the content and have no prospect of being able to in the future it's a net positive to pirate
I've actually never met a person with a legal copy of Windows. Nobody except minor amateur developers cares about piracy.
I pirate all the time, I just don't believe that it's justified.

I never claimed it was theft. The buyer agrees to not distribute the content for free, which he violates. The creator loses control after the sale because the buyer did not fulfill his part of the agreement. Choosing not to distribute to a part of the world does not automatically give the buyer free reign over what happens after the first sale.
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I never pay for anything. If I enjoy whatever I've pirated and I use it more than once or twice I will support the developer if there's a link for it. If they're cunts who ask more than $5 for a mobile app I only donate the price of the application. If they're asking for 99 cents or whatever I'll donate like $20. If you have problem with the way I do things then you are a jew and your code is shit.
How does it feel to be a cuck :^)
It's literally always justified. Are you retarded?
When I was younger I pirated a lot of the stuff because I had no other means of obtaining it. My family was poor.

If I didn't pirate the company regardless wasn't going to receive a dime from me.

Now that I have some money if I do pirate it's because I either can't obtain it from normal channels (older albums in cd form) or content that i would of never paid for to begin with but downloaded because I could.

Most shit pirated would of never been purchased regardless
To the argument that "you're not entitled to something just because you can't pay for it," I have a rhetorical question for the content creator. Are you a Jew who does it for the money, or are you an artist or someone who wants to provide utility for others.

If you claim to be an artist or help people, trying to enforce an exclusive club of the people allowed to consume your content should be antithetical to your goal. If you're just in it for the money and the idea of creating an exclusive club of users interests you, I'll feel no remorse pirating your product.

It's not for you legally to decide, obviously, you'd still technically be in violation of copyright law regardless. But right or wrong isn't the same thing as legal or illegal.
No, you cant really ever justify piracy. The degree to which the piracy is understandable and therefor somewhat justified can certainly vary.

A poor kid with no resources who steals a program to learn with, and intends to make no money with it. When and if that does become a reality, he can buy the product when he has the means.

A person who is already well off and can afford these things, but chooses not to, is far less justified.

Are either 'right'? Of course not, but one is certainly closer than the other.
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Never, absolutery never

It' is stealing plan and simple
>I never claimed it was theft

then you don't understand what the term piracy even means. The whole point of copyright law is to make it the same as theft if that law is broken.

>The creator loses control after the sale because the buyer did not fulfill his part of the agreement.

There's something called first sale doctrine, which means that when you sell an item to someone, you can't control the way that it is sold/given away after you sell it, so after the bread loaf is sold to costumer A, you no longer have a say so on what costumer A is going to do with it, you can't tell him/her you can only use butter XYZ on that bread not butter GNY, it is out of your hands.

Where this is different from an actual product that can be sold is that, technically, you don't own the "product" you're supposedly buying, you simply have a license of that product, and that license stipulates how you may or may not use that product, so what you buy is a license or a licensed copy of said product.

>Choosing not to distribute to a part of the world does not automatically give the buyer free reign over what happens after the first sale.

Actually it does, because I can take my license and resell it for money and make a profit, and there is nothing the content creator can do about it because, first sale doctrine.
Oh and another thing it's all digital. Clones.

The original is still in the hands of the person.

What's at loss it potential profit. The what if. Your stealing potential what if profit.

Sounds ridiculous to me since most of the shit wouldn't have been purchased regardless.
You would off yourself if you were smart.
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is extending copyright from 30 years to 100 + years right ?
are extremely vague patents just or in the spirit of progress

>like software
>buy legit version
>use cracked version
we didnt even talk about the hoops microsoft makes you jump through to get your legitimate license windows activated. I got a COA sticker on my laptop but can't use it because Microsoft claims it isn't the "proper version".
>then you don't understand what the term piracy even means. The whole point of copyright law is to make it the same as theft if that law is broken.
The legality of it has nothing to do with whether it's justified or not.

>There's something called first sale doctrine, which means that when you sell an item to someone, you can't control the way that it is sold/given away after you sell it
The buyer can do whatever he wants with that copy of the movie, but he can't violate copyright laws by reproducing it.

>I can take my license and resell it for money and make a profit, and there is nothing the content creator can do about it because, first sale doctrine
That has nothing to do with piracy. Of course you can sell your copy of the movie for profit. But you can't reproduce it.

You're talking about legality of piracy and the first sale doctrine, which has nothing to do with piracy. You're not even arguing for the justification of piracy.
>Of course you can sell your copy of the movie for profit.
>The buyer can do whatever he wants with that copy of the movie
I've got some bad news for you goy.
Piracy is never justified because morals are an artificial construct.
If it is old enough then yes, it is justified. Wait a few years and then you can do it without being morally wrong.
Then what are you arguing legality or morality?

There are no other justifications possible.

You can't argue that it is morally unjustifiable at all, there are no arguments you can make against piracy on a moral level because fairness trumps greed.

That leaves us with the law. And as a matter of law, there are no possible justifications of piracy when there are other ways of purchasing the product, but the majority of piracy does not happen in the USA it happens in other places, places that either don't have that product for sale at all or have it at a extreme cost when compared to the USA for absolutely no good reason. And no one cares enough about copyright law around the world to go after people who pirate software/music they wouldn't be able to buy anyway because the price is so outrageous that only the elites or big businesses would be the only ones who can actually afford it.
It's justified when the value of the product and its price are far off and there is no opportunity to negotiate (e.g. monopoly)
Never bought any software ever and I never intend to
Call the cops bitch nigga what u gonna do about it
It's great. Saved me tens of thousands in entertainment.
ITT: you fags give OP perspectives for an essay he's writing
>be student
>1 semester of matlab that was mandatory for my degree
>mathworks cunts limited the licences they gave to the uni
>literally 8 desktop PC's with access to it outside of classes that are constantly in use
>licence costs a fuckton
>pirate that shit
>everyone comes running because the majority of students don't even fucking know where to get it

the university was a fault here but I don't think the students did anything wrong. we just used it to practice so we'd pass our class ffs.
Only if the publisher stopped selling the product.
When the product is literally impossible to legally buy for you. For example how I pirated Baldr Sky because the producers refuse to sell it outside of Japan
You could've went with octave instead, nevermind the fact that 90% of the time when "matlab" is mandatory, the prof typically use octave and not matlab themselves.
I want it and I can take it so it's mine.
Suck my dick.
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That copyright jew Mickey Mouse business is some real mickey mouse business.

Anyway, I personally think abandonwarez are justified to pirate. Like old software for obsolete computers, and other old shit that's no longer sold but isn't PD yet, and won't ever be during our lifetime (and by the time it is, nobody will care about it whatsoever).
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I lend stuff to my neighbors all the time, OP.
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So are laws, and therefore the entire concept of piracy. Checkmate.
they haven't lost a sale on me, I'm too poor to buy music/movies/anime
if you want to see if something is good or runs before you buy it
at least when they don't have a demo.
>is making extremely rich publishers with shady practices a tiny bit less rich for your personal gain unjustified

Topmost variety of kek
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>Jew trying to become the next Stallman without actually doing anything productive gets caught because he cannot properly set up a remote connection with his computer and kills himself to avoid punishment

Wow what a hero.
I would never pirate from an indie dev/studio. They need the money to get anywhere.

A multinational corp with millions of people already paying for the product that costs $0 to redistribute? Yeah, I'll download a copy. If it's good enough, I'll most likely buy it.

I don't really pirate much to begin with (pirated two games nearly 10 years ago), but if I did, this is the logic I would use.
>ITT: People who believe morality isn't bullshit
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>morality is bullshit
It's not piracy if you aren't making any money of it.
great argument
It is ALWAYS justified and is a noble act. It uncucks culture.
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Never, copying things is fine though
How can morals be real if our eyes aren't real?
Yes. It's immoral even to support the concept of intellectual property.
Jesus Christ, that's some simple and smart stuff, I'll still pirate shit though, but dang...
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I don't know OP but i know I'm justified in doing piracy
READ torrenfreak you fucking faggot and learn something, copying is not stealing(removal of tangible property.
Are you fucking retarded? Piracy is not the same as theft. Duplicating a file and spreading it does not cost the developer of that software any money unlike a physical object which costs money to reproduce. Also, people who pirate were most likely not going to buy the Episode/Movie/Album anyway, so it's not costing anybody any money.
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Intellectual property is a Jew ruse to swindle silly goyim - pic related, an IP apologist.
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>b-but muh stealing
No, you nigger.
Pirating ≠ stealing.
Pirating is sharing a copy of a file online with other people.
Stealing is just outright obtaining the file without sharing.
Piracy is like copying a VHS tape.
HYea, He did multiply those fish. :D
Yes. How else do we get Windows? Sure as he'll not spending 100+ dollars on the shit.

Basically it's justified for anything that is either 1. Overpriced to an unjustifiable degree. This would include Windows and Photoshop and such. If ms sold Windows for closer to 50-60 I would never pirate it again...and I've installed pirated Windows at least a dozen times so they've lost ALOT of money by not being reasonable.

And 2. Anything that is difficult to legitimately get. If it's rare or hard to find then that shit is gonna get pirated like a motherfucker. You can't expect us to jump through hoops to get your shit.

That's the key to stopping piracy. Make it easy to obtain and reasonably priced. That's very literally all.
>Some dude on a torrent site gave it to me.
Guilts on him, nigger.
Are evil, jew-tier copyright laws ever justified?
So as stated above piracy is little more than a market reaction to poor anti consumer business practices. If you want it to go away practice better business and treat potential customers better.
Yes, fuck the jews
Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)

If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”
This. I got I got the full collection of Trammell Stark's "Music for Local Forecast" in FLAC that way, and that shit's SUPER rare.
I like free things
I never have to justify it if I never get caught.
are fucks ever given?
>If I make a game, I would love to get something out of it...
You already did. The game.
No, but downloading pirated products is a-ok. Distributing something that one cannot redistribute is bad, but stumbling upon something on the internet to download is completely fine.
kek, so you can clone wallets now instantly?
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just seed ya cheapskate
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Who's the one that defines right and wrong?
The laws?

But the laws a merely a guildline serving industry. The term "intellectual property" is a contradiction in terms, because you can't have a property when it comes to information (including binary data files).

You can't "rent" thoughts, can you?
You can't sue someone for watching art?
Yo why do you think you can sue someone as soon as he stores information not in his barin, but at his hard disc?

We have still a lot to learn, we have to break free from the evil deeds of industy. But it will take some time.

I know you want to say that's wrong, but think about it. Think about what lain chan said:
"The wired might actually be thought of as a highly advanced upper layer of the real world. In other words, physical reality is nothing but an illusion, a hologram of the information that flows to us through the wired."

So if this all comes together, if we think about information as reality, can we allow to make reality a product? Can we allow the major labels to decide which music we should hear? Should we let billionairs decide the plot of movies? Because that's the reality we already live in. Do you want this? Then go and buy your stuff, allow people to get rich and redefine culture to their liking. To me, culture "customers" are not only sheep, but traitors to the thought of free cultural development and expression.
>if we think about information as reality, can we allow to make reality a product?
this has be going on since the dawn of time
it could be said that the very basis of civilisation is to capture and harness all of peoples hope and ambition only to turn it against them
I laughed WAY to hard at this
your missing something

some one some where has to host the file
this takes power plus the cost maintaining the network

then there is the time spent preparing the file for upload
such as re encoding tagging and making drm cracks

overall what is happening is the cost is being shifted on to volunteers
and at some point you might want to ask about the deserving poor
They CHOOSE to sell products. WE did NOT tell them too.
They are the ones taking on this task.
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You can bait better, faggot
I've bought 2 cd's before i found napster.
I have not paid for music/movies/programs/services since then

1 download does not equal 1 sale
come on now..step your png compression game up
>what is p2p
>implying people use the company's resources when they pirate
Are you retarded or just clinically retarded?
Information is a property, actually. You can choose to give it or sell it (example; schools), but what you do with that information cannot be regulated by the origin (teachers) and you're free to distribute it or alter it in any way, if you can. This is why piracy isn't wrong, but people who want control/money will make you believe it is.

yeah, it's pretty laughable when someone can't compress a png properly
>he doesn't beef up the size to mess with people who have limited bandwidth
If it pisses off a lawyer, then yes.
unlike americucks, our ISP's don't believe in bandwith caps :^)
is not-pirating ever justified?


also, pirace ≠ stealing, because i'd just not buy the product if i couldn't

yes, if the director of a movie is racist

examples: J.J Abrams, Spike Lee

i always torrent their movies and seed for atleast half a year on my 1Gbit/s line, even if I don't ever plan to even watch the movie

same applies to actors and directors who are communists and pedophiles

examples: sean penn, woody allen, roman polanski

feel free to expand my blacklist
this is racist agains pedophiles
When you don't give a fuck. Who cares.
in case you missed it I was talking about "free" originations
regardless of the provider the cost of distribution is not 0
only much less than it used to be

>what is p2p
a scam
>implying people use the company's resources when they pirate
but you are still using resource
just someone elces
>thinks I'm an American
that looks like FL
No, but it can essentially be proven to be harmless in some cases.

Also it really depends if you believe that someone can own an idea.
If knowledge is power, why would anyone support restricting that knowledge to whom corporations deem acceptable? If art is meant to be shared why should corporations be the gatekeepers on who can and can't view it? Why should the consumer care for an entity that willfully tries to screw them over, and usually screws over the purchasing consumer more than the one that copies files illegally?
>p2p is a scam
Denuvo is causing Doom to crash even if you have a legit copy.

What a profund and depressing thought.


Well, I'd argue that in school you pay for the medium (teachers, rooms) not for the information itself.

But thanks for your words, I agree with the rest of what you said.
Sharing is caring.
Being corporate bitch is not okay.
No. People that try to justify it are just hypocritical liars and thieves. If you are going to do it then just do it. Don't act like you are entitled to it or that it isn't wrong when you do it.
You sound bothered.
I pirate movies and tv shows because I want to watch them when I want, where I want, on the medium (screen, software, device, etc) that I want with the subtitles that I want, with the graphical filtering like madvr that I want, etc.

Convenience is the reason piracy exists. All things things I've actually paid for, I bought because they were convenient enough for me to justify the purchase and enjoy the mediocre advantages of having a legit copy.

I don't want my music to be some stupid streaming service with its own player, its own fixed file format with pre-defined tags that can't be modified, a required internet connection, possible access revocation, risk of hacking etc. If I'm gonna use music, it's gonna be in files that I control in terms of format, tags, playback, modifications (like making seamless loop versions), storage and backup, etc. If I'm gonna watch movies or series, I want to access them as video files that I can watch, discard and reacquire later if I want to, not as some ad-ridden bullshit that only plays on the shitty devices called TVs (I fucking hate TVs, they're slow, bloated, buggy, always being reinvented, have awful picture quality and never just work) at only a fixed schedule with no replay ability, etc.
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If it's otherwise impossible to get, yes.
Nice new trip you have there Daiz
your alter ego
If there ever comes a time where 3D printing becomes mainstream enough that it can print complex objects in every household, then I will engorge myself forever in anti piracy tears.
It won't be the same as bandwidth since that is cheap as fuck, but it will be similar to it.
>y-you can't c-copy my d-design
Fuck you I will download your car and then print it.
I just moved to a new town and I babysit my neighbors kids every weekend. They are big on Smash 4 and the oldest one (12) was interested in playing Melee, so I downloaded the ISO so we could play it on my hacked Wii. He came over last night and I loaded up Nintendont

>Anon, that's piracy!
>You're hurting Nintendo doing that!
>I'm telling my parents you're a thief!

And that's why my neighbors hate me and I can't talk to their kids. If I were a kid, I would've been so excited. Fucking moralfag, I'm sure he's popular at school.
You should tell them this:
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Why are you hanging out with 12 year olds anon?
Think about where you're asking this
I got pretty much the same
For a class where matlab is required the teacher told us to seek support from pirates arrr

But students cant crack for shit, so we started using scilab instead

In many occasion I had to violate the TOS of software I legally own (say old games) to make them work

If develkpers.cuts support or use some idiotic DRM they deserve to be pirated
justification is relative. some might say pirating something for criticism so the creator doesn't get money from it is justified. some say it's not. there's no right or wrong answer.
Wring. If you want to send a statement then you simply abstain from the product. Otherwise, you aren't sending a message other than, "I'm a cheap asshole." People that claim they are just trying to send a message are really just poorfags trying to make themselves feel better.
I believe in both supporting and contributing to pirate culture.

It's a moral thing for me, most of Hollywood and the music industry is dominated by liberals.

Dirty privileged Ivory Tower dipshits profiting off of the backs of middle America while telling us how stupid we are for daring to disagree.

These vapid dipshits live in bubbles of privilege.

You don't owe them a damn thing. None of us do.

I encourage all of you reading this to both pirate AND seed and fight back against the liberal Hollywood hegemony. Then of course you can contribute to good conservative actors such as Robert Downy Jr or Clint Eastwood by buying their tickets.
Yes because I live in a shitty country where the price of softwares and games are like 2 to 4 times the murican price
Doesn't have to be justified. It's up to you to prove it's wrong.
netflix is a great example of why piracy is justifiable.
>offer them money
>they won't offer me content because of my country?
>fuck them, DL whatever.
yall niggas postin in a kike thread
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Don't mind me, just pirating this ham
Is it ever NOT justified?
Nor is the "artist" entitled to my money.
No shit, you retard. OP is asking for your opinion on a subject matter.

Where did OP say piracy has to be justified? And one can't prove shit since it's asking for one's opinion.

So you can dublicate ham?
>Where did OP say piracy has to be justified?
Right here:
>Is piracy ever justified?

>And one can't prove shit since it's asking for one's opinion.
>morality is subjective
Get back to your Women's Studies class.
Of course not. The creator is asking for your money in exchange for a copy of his work, he's not forcing you to give him money nor is he feeling entitled to the money. If the creator felt entitled to your money, he would be taking it.
Piracy good free thing me likey
>Right here:
>>Is piracy ever justified?
OP is asking whether or not piracy is justified. How is that the same as saying piracy is justified?
It's still stealing, just like piracy
Are you saying morality is not subjective and that there is an objective way to determine morality? If so, show me how you can measure morality.
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Pirating everything since I jumped out of the vagina some odd 32 years ago, and that ain't gonna change. Paying for software... fuck that! Not in my blood.

You all keep circlejerking, now.

You didn't get the differnce between copying and taking away. That's OK.

But I'm afraid I have a copyright on the word "still", so you owe me 5 dollars. Also that font.. I'm afraid Arial is no longer free to use. Would you please stop posting, sir or I have to put you into jail to protect my property, you pirate.
Look at this thief try to justify stealing.
For many things, I simply cannot afford or do not have it available where I live. If I can obtain something legally (Netflix, Steam), why not. But there are some obscure shit, or way too expensive, where the alternatives are either pirate it or not consume it.

So, if it it reasonably priced and available, I will pay every time and support the content creators. If I can't, but I can pirate it, I will. Pirating is better than not consuming at all.

Haha, did you just say "Look (tm)"?

That's 100 dollars!
You thief !!!1!!ONE!!
the files being 'stolen' are literally inexhaustible
so yeah i'd say it's justified
personally i'm not a nigger jew so if i like the software i buy it
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>i almost never seed
I think that what people still consider piracy, but in my mind it isn't, is justified. If I've got the CD or DVD sitting in my cabinet and rather than buying an external disk drive for my laptop and trying to rip the media, I go find a high quality torrent that's already in a good format for long term storage, I don't think that's piracy and I think that's easily justified, even though your ISP will turn your ass in for it.

I also tend to pirate things that I could easily watch on Cable. I've got a Cable box, I pay for a plan where I could easily walk out, flip to the on-demand channels and watch the latest episode of whatever hot show I'm trying to keep up with, or I can torrent it and watch it on the computer while I'm working. I think that's justified.
Since black African children are starving and rich companies don't do anything about it, then I won't do anything about paying for their content :^)
something, something, carat, something.
>licence costs a fuckton
It's 50 bucks for a student, and that's if you aren't part of or can't find a program that they give out free licenses to.

Out of the amount you're paying for your college education and textbooks, this is a drop in the bucket. And if you're even remotely resourceful and doing any sort of simulation, you might even find some good use for it related to your major.

Now don't get me wrong, I pirated it too.

Your copy of that data you copied is yours

The idea of owning other people's shit because you made the original is a ridiculous cash grab on the part of idiots who wish their hobby wasn't a terrible career

The fact that the US government has to push out nonstop propaganda just to convince people that sharing YOUR SHIT is wrong speaks volumes about the issue, especially when you realize just who is responsible for things like the duration of copyright and copyright at all. People don't need any coercing to believe that actual theft was ever wrong, only coercing to believe that it is okay for certain people to steal from them.

It's more like your neighbor gives you an apple, and then says you can't plant the seeds from that apple because he wants to be able to make more money off selling apples and hates the ideas of CONSTANT HARD WORK and COMPETITION. Then he bribes the police so they'll shoot you if you plant the apple, and bribes the schoolteacher so the children will shame you for destroying that poor man's poorly chosen livelihood.
>Out of the amount you're paying for your college education and textbooks,
no. It is theft regardless of reason other than if you have a copy and wants to bypass DRM because it robs the developer of capital,

but, like >>55618919 said: Shit's free, yo
Im poor but I like music.

So I pirate it.
>Don't buy a donut
>eat half your friend's donut
>you just stole from the donut shop by not buying your own donut
>they put a sign that says "one donut per customer"
>potential profit is real profit and can be stolen

jew logic
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Jews literally created the west's prosperity via banking. Yeah the jew meme is funny and all but they are due respect at the end of the day.
You wouldn't believe it, but copyright was actually a white british idea. Because the brits were girly men (still are) and wanted to be able to make a living without doing any meaningful work, and have a hard on for abstract morals that boil down to "because I said so and will shame you if you disagree".

Life + 70 terms were a jewish idea though
I gave him his money back, I just wanted the wallet really bad.
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>selling 3 MB audio files for 1,99 USD when an empty 700 MB CD costs 0,10 USD
>not jewish

you underage faggots didn't live in the 90s so you've no idea what scam is the modern entertainment industry, I pity you brainwashed kids.
IMO most people that pirate, would never acquire legally anyway (for a variety of reasons, such as being destitute).

Anti-piracy measures really only need to go only far enough to make pirates put some effort into getting pirated stuff, to make convenience a factor for those out there that might be willing to pay for it.

Piracy is a good thing overall anyway, it gives consumers some power in a situation where companies would love nothing less than 100% control to squeeze consumers for all their worth. Why do you think it took a company like Apple to revolutionize the cell phone industry, when the telcoms with nearly 100% control loved charging ridiculous prices for things like text messages and never innovating.

In industries where piracy is possible it forces content provides to add additional value to their product and pleasing the (paying) customers.
You always know when you have a good point in a 4chan post when nobody touches it.

GG you fucking memelords.
If you never pirate, you're a cuck
>game w/ no demo
>pirate now to try it out
>buy later if like
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>go to a restaurant
>order food
>finish eating
>"That was good, but isn't delicious enough to my liking, so I won't pay for it"
is impossible to think that i play the first couple of minutes
Remember when the Music and Hollywood industries brainwashed us through rampant advertising to make us believe that piracy is wrong, while it became less and less tolerated throughout those years among everyone?

Oh wait, you're all cucks. I bet you can't wait for the first liberal woman president :^)
>go to a restaurant
>see something you want to order
>you harness your dark energy power to materialize the order on to your plate
>you have a bite and maybe order it if you like it
seems fair to me if it wouldn't cost them anything to just copy their existing meal.
I can't even believe kids exist who are against piracy of video games. I've never met someone who doesn't pirate at least 90% of their games. When I was a kid pirating console games was common, the only reason people didn't pirate everything was because they didn't know how to find the iso files.
you didnt answer the question
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>having an series of 1's and 0's in a specific permutation stored on a digital storage device can be illegal and get you fined or sent to jail.
Dumbasses apples have termination genes inside of them. You cannot plant apple seeds that work.
Corporate shills are shit at convincing people
What? I don't think you understand
If you made a game that was actually good, people would support you. Fuck anyone who says pirating a mass-produced nerd vomit garbage game like Assassins Creed 34 is wrong.
Yes. Have you ever played Deadly Premonition on Steam ? 2016 and people still try to figure out how to stop it from crashing. The other game by Swery was on D4 ends on a cliffhanger in season 1. So far Swery is the ultimate Jew dev in my book

If I can't afford to buy it, I clearly wouldn't have bought it to begin with.

>being a PCuck
Should have gotten the Director's Cut on PS3 for free.
>go to restaurant
>order entire meal
>eat one vegetable
>"i do not like this i am not paying"
>be a graphic designer
>someone asks you to make them a detailed logo
>spend significant time making it
>give it to client
>"Well i wont pay since you will still own a copy of the logo"
>go to restaurant
>very very rich restaurant, the servers have mansions and the manager owns a small country in africa
>order entire meal
>call your friend over
>share meal
>"Excuse me but your friend will have to buy their own meal. This restaurant would not make as much money if people were allowed to share."
>but i bought this food and now it's mine?
>Put it all in a togo box and go share food outside the restaurant
>Turns out the restaurant had political connections
>Cops take you down
>Restaurant sues you for 4x your net worth for foodright law violations
>Court agrees
>Idiots on the internet call you a thief
>one dish wonder chefs make heartfelt sounding statements about how chefs deserve maximum profi....need to eat too
>You go to jail because you can't pay
Yes this can not be solved by a contract between two individuals, we need the government to intervene
>Got to shop
>Buy a game
>Bring friend over to play game together
>No one gives a fuck
>Fast forward 10 years
>that game was only licensed for one person
>fuck you go to jail thief game devs need to make millions how else will they bring you more immersive forms of escapism if they can't afford the immense amount of labor required for that don't you like video games

kind of like the terms of service you click "yes" to while installing the game

Only its too difficult to catch you so with your logic the guy who stole the logo deserves to keep it because you were never able to find him again
>Fast forward ten years
>You still own the game
>You can still invite your friend over to play it

or if you would rather

>go to restaurant
>Order food
>come back ten years later saying you already payed for the meal in 2006 so it should be free today
>my country's retarded copyright associations are given free reign to demand that isp's block sites without a court order
>mfw they go on a blocking spree of piracy and legitimate sites alike, basically anything that has "torrent" or "pirate" written in it at some point

Why yes, I do feel like spiting the fuck out of them and proxy my way in them all
I look at it like this.

I don't give a fuck.
The 'entertainment' industry has been threatening for ten years that they are gonna close up because of piracy. I fucking dare them to.
It's free and most of the times it's easier than buying the product. Oh, you mean ethically... nobody cares about that.
Brainwashed consumerist faggots coddled by daddy government and mass media to sprout out of their own volition that piracy is DARK and EDGY. Pirates are the scum of the earth because they harm daddy's buttbuddies.

Gee I wonder what's behind this politically correct cis gendered feminist black lives matter movement
>Consumer isn't one to decide what content he wants to consume.

What the fuck are you on about.
Lol, fucking kill yourself.
>Uses food analogy
>It's 100% more moronic than usual food analogy (which is moronic by itself)

Achievement Unlocked: Arch-Retard.
It is justified since its a better service than the industry is providing: I cant get .flac files in spotify -> Imma pirate those files.
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Publishers often refer to copying they don't approve of as “piracy.” In this way, they imply that it is ethically equivalent to attacking ships on the high seas, kidnapping and murdering the people on them. Based on such propaganda, they have procured laws in most of the world to forbid copying in most (or sometimes all) circumstances. (They are still pressuring to make these prohibitions more complete.)

If you don't believe that copying not approved by the publisher is just like kidnapping and murder, you might prefer not to use the word “piracy” to describe it. Neutral terms such as “unauthorized copying” (or “prohibited copying” for the situation where it is illegal) are available for use instead. Some of us might even prefer to use a positive term such as “sharing information with your neighbor.”
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I like this post
Pirate shit to try it.
Buy what you like (except poorfags)
Piracy technically...I feel like you can jusitfy.

In the reign of older material caught up in red tape of rights and companies that just want to hold onto a copyright, it allows us to PROPERLY preserve older games and material where companies would just piss it away.
This! Since the community does most of the support/patches/improvements no one should pay for their games until they get their shit together.
Theres a lot of things i have purchased only because i tried them beforehand and considered worthy to actually buy.

Intellectual property needs to be massively infringed though.
Authors right must be eeduced to 5-3 years.
It's a fairly unique case but adobe software, mainly photoshop, more accurately They are actively looking the other way while a lot of people are training themselves on their software which drives commercial purchases
Why the fuck do creators deserve money anyway? They aren't entitled to shit so piracy is fine anyway
>Oh Anon that idea you just got is already used, you cant do that because you're not the first person to come up with that.
>You cant copy that because reasons
Intellectual property, copy right and patent must be abolished.
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Rare cards
>implying you can't do that
you probably dont lurk /ck/ it but that scenario happens way too often
mfw as a kid I used to download yugioh cards on the internet, print them out and glue them to old cards I didn't need
mfw I pirated shit when I was 7 years old
how do you map a plane to the mandelbrot set?
Christoffel schwarz transform seems unfeasible

>If you made a game that was actually good, people would support you.

Im fucking tired of hearing this over and over again.

Pirates ALWAYS finds a "reason" to "justify" piracy, unless that little percent that is actually honest and says "yes, I steal, because I want a product/service without paying for it".

Every game in history got pirated, more or less, % stands around the same, popularity actually increase the number of pirated copies compared to sold copies (yet, you cant really measure that precisely). Good or bad, with sole exceptions of those that lose huge chunk of gameplay without multiplayer or those bad enough to be not even worth pirating. Guess why? Because there are always people, who want something without paying for it. Its that simple.

You can make next SMAC, next Master of Orion, another Age of Empires II and people WILL pirate it. You WILL lose income because of all those copies that could be sold, but got pirated instead. The only difference is with price, that can be too high, causing some people to abandon buying and owning the game at all, due to the price - as 3DS owner, publisher cant tell the difference between me and pirate, because both dont buy game (due to price) and neither will buy at future (me - because prices are too high, him - because he pirated).

But even if you set up lowest possible price, people WILL pirate. In Poland, some local devs used to sell their games for 20-30 PLN (by current exchange rate - around 4-6 EUR). People STILL were trying to download pirate copies. Some openly stating that they wont pay for some games.

For few supporters or fans, you will always get people that will priate, if they can. BECAUSE they CAN.

For hell sake, how naive some people are, really?
Even if I agree with this, theft is still not the same as piracy/unauthorized copying. You did not win that argument.
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When you want to play a game but not support the shitty route the series has taken
Yeah, I agree with you. I've pirated a small amount of stuff over the years and can't really justify it but like you said, it's been going on for a long time. The question comes down to whether you think it is possible to enjoy something someone else created without them receiving any compensation for it. Some have no problem justifying this, others don't, and still others are too stupid to realize that it's a moral problem at all.

you will probably gain more income than you "lose".

1. some pirates will try the game first and then buy it afterwards if it was actually good and/or if the developers stand for something the pirate supports as well.

2. regardless whether they also buy it or not, they are very likely to reccomend it to their friends and relatives if the game was good. Some of these may be likely to pirate or buy the game and afterwards spread the word themselves. In the end, more people will have heard about the game and have *bought* it, than if no-one had pirated it at all.

Fuck yes I'll support a game that I like. People who are financially unable to support it directly can pirate it and spread the word instead, supporting as well.

The reverse is true for a bad game. Fuck paying for a game when it turns out to be shit.
When is it never justified?
He's right. That post triggered so many people, yourself included, because it's correct.
making an encode is like taking a picture of a potato but not stealing the potato
It's always justified
Both of your bullet points are unprovable assumptions about the way pirates think. You don't speak for everyone that pirates. You could just as easily say the exact opposite is true and since there is no proof, nobody can argue otherwise.


1. Very few people that pirate will try first/buy later.

2. They are just as likely to recommend how to pirate it rather than how to buy it, if they mention it at all.
10 years ago? Yes. Internet was a fucking mess for getting content.

I find the "industry" has done well to meet consumer demands and gets me exactly what I want now at better costs and without hassle. Not anymore for me.
That's not loss of income you fucking idiot. Most pirates aren't customers who would have bought a copy if cracked versions weren't available.
It's probably safe to say 90% of pirate downloads are for evaluation purposes.
Most people come to the conclusion that your game is shit and delete it.

The steam market had a similar problem for a long time regarding refunds. There is a figure right now saying something like 95% of games are played for less than 10 min.

But I will concede there probably is some faggot who pirated your shitty game and is playing it. Not likely, but not impossible.
not that guy. can't you just use the z from the 1000th iteration as a mapping?
Making a copy of a file, while the owner or whatever still has the file ... absolutely nothing wrong with it, Jesus did it too. Say we had the technology available to make a copy out of a meal, what sick fuck would oppose it if it could be used to end world hunger?

The only problem comes with selling your copy or otherwise making monetary profits with works from somebody else ... but this doesn't apply to 99,9% of pirates.
Excellent post good sir.
Fucking Africans should be doing something about their own starving children...but they don't.
As long as piracy is more convenient than legally buying something. The movie industry needs to catch the fuck up.
>should be doing something about their own starving children
They all starving.
You mean the rich afros?
Well they wouldn't be rich at all if they would cover the gaps.
Bit hard when the environment gets fucked for our oil, their farmers (and most other industries) get undercut by ours and if they happen to survive all that, there are still warlords sponsored by our companies.
But that's exactly my point.
The more people who try it the more it will spread.

Sure, many of the refereed people will also pirate it like the first, but if they also spread it the chance of more people buying it grows. In the end, more people buy it.

And it's not like pirates think "damn, than new game isn't available for piracy, guess i'll have to buy it instead."
No, the are much more likely to look for another game which they CAN pirate. That game will get their attention and they will recommend that game to their friends etc.

Piracy can make people who were initially unlikely to buy a game, more likely to buy a game, which is good for the developer in the long run.

On a sidenote, If the developers invents in anti-piracy stuff, DRM etc., more people will prefer the piracy-version, which is to say, it backfired.

I think mojang made an article about early minecraft gaining further popularity due to piracy, and mojang made their own torrent and put it up to ensure users got a legit, virus free one if they insisted on pirating it.
The movie industry expects to earn revenue >3 times the budget and if they don't they consider it a failure.
Read the reviews and watch the figures on boxofficemojo.
Only when there is not a free as in freedom replacement of the software. Or else it is not justified just like any use of non-free software.
Who is to say that?
It's a net positive anyways unless you have so much money that the expense is insignificant
No I mean work the fucking land. When Rhodesia was white occupied for example it produced enough food to feed most of the fucking continent.

They do not need help when they have massive untapped resources everywhere. Its not everyone else's fucking problem nobody owes them shit of they aren't willing to do shit themselves.
What does that have to do with buying a movie being less convenient than pirating it ?
As much as I would, I simply cannot go and legally purchase the rights to download a movie from an official source in 1080p blu-ray quality. If I want to give my money to the creators of a movie, I have to either go to the cinema so I can pay full price to watch it once, or buy a blu-ray that requires expensive hardware to play it, and then have to sit through 10 minutes of trailers and ads in either of these cases.

Meanwhile, on the piracy side of things, I have the ability to go and fetch a ~10GB 1080p encode that looks 99% the same as a 50GB blu-ray, spend a few minutes of my time waiting for it to download, and then play the file to get straight to the movie without any trailers, ad bullshit, or shitty menus. Additionally I can then stream it to all of my devices if I want to watch it elsewhere.

As it is, piracy simply provides a better platform to get movies. Not just because it's free, but because of the convenience factor. Until the movie industry gets their collective heads out of their asses and catches up to this, they aren't getting a single cent from me.
Scapegoating. Zimbabwe has been entirely under black African control for decades. Incredible resources and highly fertile land.

Still a shithole. Formally called the breadbasket of Africa for its amazing agricultural achievements...when whites ran the show.

Now Mugabe is asking for white people to come back.

Point is Africans have never had their shit together. Nobody can be held to account for their.fuck ups anymore just so you can virtue signal and feel better.
Anyways back to topic...piracy is not that big an issue. Make a good product at a reasonable price with no strings attached and people will buy or donate.
It's true man, I saw an african farm and the farmer was complaining about low crop output cause of drought but he would irrigate using the spring next to his farm, the lazy faggot.
They make too much money off this shit and they should lower the prices, if they did I wouldn't pirate anything.
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> Is privacy ever justified?
As a means to chip away at the evil power, yes. Proletarians in america pay enough economically as it is. Unless you work for a corporation, piracy is a survival skill.
>Mugabe is asking for white people to come back
So they can execute them in grotesque fashion like they do, I mean who wants to sweat in that piece of shit backwards hole full of leaves?!
You lost sight, brother.
Is an extreme and comical example, besides they had to deal with the aftermath of a white minority robbing the country; similar to SAfrica and that takes decades; but with a totally cray guy as their president. They even had a phase when it all went up a bit in 2011 or 2010 but again, Mugabe.
If they did, I would still pirate all of my movies, because just lowering the price doesn't solve the key issue here.
If I could pay full price to download a proper non-shit encode of a movie from an official source, I would be more than happy to do so. Sure, I could go and buy a blu-ray for all the movies I pirate, but people keep saying you should vote with your wallet so that's what I'm doing.

It's kind of the same story as Steam and video games, really. Back before Steam got as big as it is now, I used to pirate video games all the time because it was just more convenient than using a DVD or several CDs to install a game and then potentially dealing with antagonizing DRM. Then Steam got popular with developers, almost everyone started releasing their games on it, and as a result I'm now sitting on a Steam library with roughly 390 games in it, and I haven't pirated a single video game in at least 5 years because of how convenient Steam is.
>Piracy is theft
>Something that isn't theft is theft

When I steal someone's car, I don't leave a copy of his car behind for him to use.

Piracy for life
Shove that steam up yo ass boi!
U call yoself a pirate with 390 games paid, FUCK OFF!
Jesus, I don't think I even played 300 games in my entire life.

Though I have 30k music tracks, so there is that. Obviously all paid for.
that's not what copyright laws are about. it's about protecting "intellectual rights" to some work. it's not about possessing the work, it's about the creativity involved with creating the work.

that said, i pirate the shit out of everything. hollywood/ the music industry is corrupt as fuck and if any of those hollywood shills think they're gonna stop me...
What's your justification of NOT pirating anything? I have never paid for a movie, a song or a program in my life.
It always is, not a single piece of paid software on my computer, not a single bought singleplayer game.
Laws should be about protecting people, not some fat jews wallet profiting off of MY work.
I pirate mostly everything, but I pay whenever I really like the product and it doesn't have a retarded price or want to support the industry in some way. This includes importing chinese cartoon blurays or buying the licensed ones, videogames, soundtracks, Chinese cartoon comics, etc. On general software, they can fuck off. I haven't bought a single program. I have donated a small amount of shekels to some developers, however.
I pirate stuff when they don't deserve money. Pirated Bastion and fucking loved that game so I bought it for the free updates. Same with Witcher 2.
>chinese cartoon blurays
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Rrrr Rosetta stone...
Fucking cancer.
Post more weeb vids.
>create one product
>sell it 100 000 times
>not a scam
So we 13375P4K N0W?
People equate copying to piracy, the actual definition to piracy is high sea robbery.

Is "Piracy" justified?
Fuck me if I know I live in the 21st century where crackers redistribute illegal copies of software freely for other people to download and use, basically practicing communism or anarchy.

Is it justified to use illegal copies of cracked software for personal use?
Probably, but it's semantics in the long run the person that uses cracked software is limited to the crackers ability to crack further updates and therefore limited in functionality and support.
But it's more probably for that person to get a payed copy if he needs that software for proper day to day use.

The same principles applies to games specially if it's hard to crack or unstable.

Either Software Devs step up with Proper non intrusive DRM or we full communism and release the source code(While maintaining the rights and not allowing anyone to use the code commercially a license or royalties) without and instead of making money on the code software companies should stick with making custom versions of their software for companies and charging loads of cash and selling suport services.

And I'm only taking about software.
I will not for the sake of my sanity venture into the realm of Video IP.
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