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i hate this industry. majority are dead serious with the experience

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i hate this industry.

majority are dead serious with the experience requirement. a good portion i ran into school related experience need not apply. they don't want theory related experience. they actually want work related.

you need experience to get the ENTRY FUCKING LEVEL position but to the experience you NEED THE ENTRY LEVEL FUCKING position.

starting pay rate for this two year experience required?? A GLORIOUS $12 AN HOUR. WOW SO AMAZING.

been a neet for two years now. only working the occasional shit job like at jcpenney to create myself another pool of money to live off of for the next few months.

yet pajeets who don't know how to poo in the loo get $50,000+ jobs in a matter of seconds.
oh man please tell me about these mythical internships i keep hearing shills speak about so much.

please enlighten me where i as a neet, three years out of college, can land an internship that i couldn't even land during my college tenure because NONE CAME FUCKING AVAILABLE IN A 50 MILE radius of where i was located. none of my class mates ever landed an internship.

only internships that came available where secretarial and aid assistant jobs. all unpaid of course. internships that would of never gain experience to deleting system32.
>three years out of college
>would of
you sound mad
If the job you wanted ment so much then you would have moved to it. If not then you chose the wrong field for being too stubborn to get out of town
Just lie dude. I say I have 2 years experience going into any industry.
Stop looking at job requirements, if you think you can do it then apply.
Sounds like your school was shit.

Or your friends were bad at programming.

I'm the worst of my friends but they've been getting offers to work reverse engineering jobs at 45$/hr and to work at HP doing web development for 20$/hr and we're in our first and second years.

DESU tho if you don't do studying or projects outside of school no one wants you. If you're unmotivated on your own no team wants to force you to work.

>please enlighten me where i as a neet, three years out of college, can land an internship

Looks like you think that no matter how much you fuck it up you're always entitled to an opportunity, so I'll spell it out for you: you will not have an opportunity because your chance already passed and you didn't grab it. You're not entitled to a job; it's too late for you.


If you weren't retarded you would have chased those options, as people who succeeded did. Instead you acted like a retarded little bitch and ended up a NEET. Everything bad in your life is your fault.
To be honest was auto filtered to desu?
Chinese Moot hates niggerspeak desu.
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I'm in the same boat op..we had the impression we'd easily get a job and make decent salary but reality is you gotta suck a few dicks before you get to that.

Take whatever job you can in the industry so you can then get your foot in the door somewhere else and keep climbing up.
Just get your CV out to recruiters who will find shit you can get.

A lot of jobs say they want experience but you can still blag it

Good entry level example. You don't actually need to "know" java or C++ but you need to be able to show that you have good background and can learn quickly.

Also your comment about getting a foot in the door is also very relelvant. Getting that simple 10$ an hour job and then impressing your boss is what you need to move forward. Pay sucks but you gotta show future employers that you can work.

Also tip to anyone reading the thread. If you tried your best and couldn't get a CS related job then take any job you can get. Tehcnical, IT, non-technical, bagging groceries anything and work hard. Show your employer you are a good employee and then use their referral to step up to the next stepping stone.
>not getting an internship/REU out-of-state while still in uni

I'm going to shill REUs here specifically since I had my trip, housing, and food all paid for. Anon, I think you needed to git gud back in the day. Good luck now...
"experience" is just bullshit requirements. Some employer wanted a person with more years of experience with Node than years node has been around.
+ that 5,000 dollars in your pocket is really nice if you go through NSF.
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it's so they can hire cheap h1-b's
I was an unpaid intern in high school. Plugging in printers. Patching shit down. You know idiot stuff?
It counted as two years of experience. Got hired at like the third place I applied.
Just apply anyway.
>Tehcnical, IT, non-technical, bagging groceries anything and work hard. Show your employer you are a good employee and then use their referral to step up to the next stepping stone.
Ha, I literally bag groceries for a web based grocery store. And you are totally right. Put in actual good work and give a fuck. Since in large companies there are endless options to move laterally or up into an entry level tech position withing the company.
Send in the application and write that you actually did something in school. If they really need a junior ASAP, it will be enough if you don't shit yourself during interview.
This is pic is a joke, right?
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>minority owned
I have one word for you: Networking

You simply don't get internships without networking unless you're lucky as fuck. You genuinely need to network and get to know people who are senior to you if you want an internship. Plenty of people from my year didn't get this and when they ran into the mandatory internship/job practice at the undergraduate level they had to employ themselves or just write about some other summer job they had gotten themselves and how it could improve it with their skills. I was actually one of the few people who got a real internship for that. This approach continued to play dividends on the master's level when most of my peers did unpaid work as part of university projects or just started their own projects for their master's thesis, I was paid to work on my project for a real client I had worked for the previous summer (a job I had also gotten trough connections).

Being a NEET is a pretty good sign that you lack the social skills that are necessary to be successful in life.
Just hang in there, The current job market is going to collapse soon, Trump is going to bring back all the real jobs from china and then we can send all these startup tumors to fucking canada where they belong.

To be fair, most postings use "entry level" to mean "entry level".
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>mfw i got a job out of college
>decent money and full benefits package
>get free parking in downtown of a big city and live 10 minutes away from my work
>using my free time to learn programming and networking to broaden my horizons and become competent in several fields
>mfw i have a degree in the social sciences

>Can make more money working the floor at Lowes or Home Depot with no experience or education

Give me a break.
What are you on about? I made 12.50 at a grocery store in Maryland. You fucking dumb pajeets are taking less money than that to work bullshit it jobs
What the fuck is wrong with you, this obviously not an entry level job I they require 2 years experience minimum.
What are you on about? I made 12.50 at a grocery store in Maryland. You fucking dumb pajeets are taking less money than that to work bullshit it jobs
apply anyway faggot
what's the worst that can happen?

let's say you get an interview and they say, "uh, the position requires two years experience..." just respond that "at $12 you're not going to get anyone with meaningful experience."
you should try to get a job at costco. ive heard they pay well and you don't even need your degree.
>What the fuck is wrong with you, this obviously not an entry level job I they require 2 years experience minimum.
What are you talking about? Any entry level job that isnt a revolving door wants someone who did their time and have actual experience in internships. If you think a diploma is worth anything without experience you are a fucking idiot or work at McDonalds.
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Protip OP only search for jobs that have to hire AMERICANS. These jobs are compliant with ITAR and may or may not require clearance.

WARNING these jobs are soul crushing and terrible but is literally the only way to find work exp in IT.
You should apply for those jobs anyway, sell yourself. Don't let some bullshit requirement written by a dipshet HR lackey give you anxiety and hold you back. I get that this is for $12 and hour, but if you see a tech job you actually want and feel you can do, but has one of those bullshit requirements, apply anyway, be confident/passionate etc.
One surefire way to make sure you don't get a job is to ignore qualifications in the ad and go in acting like you know what they want better than they do.
Your fault for not being a black female.
Please. No intelligent company will setlle with paying triple the price of pajeet.

When will you fuckers understand that globalization means that we are losing. You have to be actually good rather than just ok if you wan't job security.
This, the way to get a job in corporate america is to suck their dick as hard as possible and show to them that they are the masters.
It's kinda odd but the biggest tech job group that my uni offered seemed to hire physics and mathematics and chemistry majors more than it did CS majors. It seems that those that have language knowledge and who are not part of a CS or CE curricula are the best learners.
If he doesn't apply he's definitely not getting the job, if he does he might
>50 miles
That's less than an hours drive. What is the problem? It's normal for engineers to drive longer distances for work.
Talk to a recruiter and go contract monkey. Do a few and get one with contract to hire option. Market yourself. If you're going to be such a whiney useless NEET then I wouldn't hire you either.
Protip from someone who actually does the hiring (engineering, so not 100% related, but close enough as we are STEM brethren):

Things that the job listing read are at least twice removed from what the guy hiring wanted, and thus will rarely be held to those exact standards.

So say I want an entry level test engineer. I pass that up the chain, giving my VP various metrics of my department showing need for one and the ability to justify one (i.e. we are overworked as fuck and we make enough money to pay another dude).

The VP tacks on some bullshit that makes the company look good (this is especially true in a design/consulting firm), e.g. must have a degree with <x> GPA.

Then the VP passes it onto HR, who will do the grunt work of typing it up and posting it.

The HR person has no fucking clue what he or she is looking at. I could say the engineer I need needs to be familiar with the NEC, and he or she may think it means needs previous work experience with NEC Corp (you know, the monitor maker) instead of the National Electric Code. Half the time HR can't even copy paste right and fuck up acronyms or capitalization (like iBwave turning into IB Wave).

He or she will then slap on "standard" requirements that the department thinks is necessary, like that two years experience even if it makes absolutely no fucking sense because HR is dumb as shit.

But generally I still like to at least briefly look over all applicants, and this is how people actually get jobs. Of course I'm not going to hire an entry level test engineer with two years experience even if the job posting "requires" it. That shit would be too costly for that monkey job. So I give HR the list of people I actually want to talk to, regardless of requirements.

TL:DR; just keep applying to anything you think you can reasonably do or learn to do, regardless of what requirements are on the posting.
pajeet will not continue to accept 1/3 the price if he lives here
>none of my class mates ever landed an internship.

Is this a thing? I"m not sure if it's different down there, but in Canada it's rare to see someone in CS who doesn't have at least a few internships before they graduate. Some schools even make it mandatory to have 4-5 internships to even get the degree. As far as I know any accredited engineering major in Canada needs them to get their degree, or at least they do at all the schools I know of.
Lots of people at my university had trouble getting internships, an alarmingly large quantity of people had to work at the school for their internship.
That being said, this was a tech school with a little over 12 instructors and maybe a thousand or so students at any one time

Did any companies at least come to the school to scout people? Was there any kind of internship job board that the school ran? What kind of internship-related work stuff did the school have (or lack)?

Was it more from people not applying, or people genuinely being unable to get them? It's not like location is an issue, since every major company offers relocation and/or housing stipends that I know of, especially American ones. And smaller companies that might not have those that you'd be applying to would presumably be local ones anyway. I could totally understand if most people just never thought about doing internships and never applied anywhere, since they didn't think it was normal or something.
>Did any companies at least come to the school to scout people?
there was a mock interview thing HR had that they would invite some HR people from local companies to the school for, but I only recall seeing one business come to the school looking for intership like stuff, but it was literally one lady's single-person business consulting firm and she was just looking for free work.

Most of the people I knew that had their internship at the school were in networking just helping IT out. Our school had a software development club and I hear that after I graduated two or three students literally just picked up retarded, abandoned club projects for their internship.

>Was there any kind of internship job board that the school ran?
I don't think so. The place was really low on faculty, there were only 5 or 6 people in HR for the campus I was at. I'm pretty sure whenever they "scouted" for internships they just asked the same group of 5 people they always talk to if they're looking for any interns.

>Was it more from people not applying
An internship was required to get a BS (but fucking data structures isn't a required class, go fucking figure), so I doubt it was from not applying (although a lot of people just had HR do all the searching for internships)
I'm sure the biggest factor was people's schedule. The place I live in has a massive military presence and the school really pushes that aspect because vets make up a very large portion of the student body so people in their mid-30s were considered the younger ones here. Because of this, almost nobody has any free time whatsoever because families, or they're working while taking classes and all kinds of other shit, so a lot of people just couldn't fit a real internship into their schedule I'm sure
Globalization is finished, Even trump is against it, The good ole times are coming back, We are going to be a good ole fashioned industrial super power again, Not everyone has the aptitude to be a programer or a specialist, Unless you want riots on your hands of french revolution proportions this must be done.

Hold on to your lug nuts it's time for an overhaul.
I have NEET tendencies, but I can socialize if need be. Can you be specific on where are the best places to do this bullshit as a CS undergrad?
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+2 years experience is their way of weeding out the scrubs

You have to look at it from this perspective:
>Nowhere in your lifetime, from high school and up, do you have any sort of IT or computer experience?
>Or you don't have any practical knowledge in leu of two years?
>Or you simply don't know the material well enough to not need the experience

Do yourself a favor and start networking--half the time, it's somebody you know that's giving you a break, and half of it is simply having the social skills
>Start working for a retail company
>Don't have book smarts, but I'm friendly and willing to get my hands dirty
>Which is a complete juxtapose to the senior tech who is a condescending prick to half the company
Just go to the manager and give a firm handshake m8.
You misunderstand what an entry level job is, it is simply a job that you don't need experience for

>any entry level job that isn't a revolving door wants someone with experience
But they clearly aren't entry level jobs, you are aiming too high for your first job, if they want someone with experience and you don't have it, then you're clearly the wrong person for the job
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>3rd year in comp sci degree
>all offered internships are for website development countries and projects are literally restaurant, small businesses owners that called up the university so they can get their website developed for them for free.
I meant companies
>yet pajeets who don't know how to poo in the loo get $50,000+ jobs in a matter of seconds.

this is simply not true, you sound like a bitter pathetic asshole OP

btw i'm american
>Junior Engineer
>entry level

ur a idiot OP
One thing that helps is to make some project and then lie about experience if necessary. For example if you want to Web Dev, create a really nice site, full stack on your own. Maybe more than one, and put on your resume. For programming same thing, solve a problem, or contribute to prominent open source stuff on github. CS is very receptive to examples. Put your github and/or site links in your resume.
>4-5 years of experience and some expensive certificicate

Jesus Christ.
>I'm too good for this job, so I'd better just not do it
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Wow the internship thing is q fucking Hell across the Atlantic.

Here at the shithole I live and study my school does this thing for us.
The school is in contract with all the companies around the town and in the contract it says they must hire the students of my school to work so I do not even have to find myself a suitable place.

They also demand that you must have to apply to a job unless you do not want to get the diploma.

I study at the university of Szeged. It is not even our capital but we can find IT jobs easily.
i pay people that much to make pizza
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