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tell me your scary technology stories, /g/

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tell me your scary technology stories, /g/
One time I accidentally posted my drivers license on 4chan
a short circuit is more likely
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>click on link with questionable material
>screens go dark, power saving mode, can't wake the PC
did you know that 4chan automatically filters social security numbers? look....
try it yourself!
hi wanna play minecraft

I'm a programmer

first day at work I accidentally pushed my rsa private keys on the github repo of the project while trying to set up ssh
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awesome !
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Vacuumed my pc
You can guess what happened after that
i vaccumed my keyboard with all the keys off
i lost like 5 rubber domes
pizdets cyka
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I'm currently working on "commenting" our company's internal symbolic math "engine".

Basically one person rewrote Maple in PHP back in the year 1998 and organized it in a single ~25 000 LoC file and implementing several advanced black loli magic graph structures.

Oh and there's also no comments.
You know, sometimes I wonder if people are so aware of this meme that no one even tries to hijack any posted numbers anymore, assuming them to be fake.
Who was port?!
What just got deleted?
its a phantom power port you twit
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i accidentally posted my email once
some anon sent me pics of his dragon dildo and called me a cheeky memester
>cheeky memester
I keked
Want the epilogue to that story, did PC die?
Nah its good, just had to reboot.
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>looking for .iso gmaes for Nintendo emulator
>come across a website for emulator games
>click the downlod
>suddenly downloads a .exe file
>antivirus starts freaking out
a 15 year old unresolved bug
now *that* is a social security number
bought a silver rating psu and two days after a massive storm came by. Didn't pay much attention, was organizing some files, namely porn, and suddenly the screen went black as 100 m outside my window a lightning struck.

Pc would just rev up and then do nothing.
Shat my pants, and used my laptop to search for answers, but none worked. Cried to sleep and when I woke up I tried one last time pushing the power button and the pc didn't work
Ya right? I'm fucking jealous
This is what happens when you plant BIOS malware without being careful.
> Evict single node in 5 node exchange cluster
> Entire cluster falls over
> 6500 users offline
> 7 figure fine for sla miss
> Still keep job, because clusters are to prevent exactly this
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>help in NGO fixing their old computers
>old 780g with athlon x2 240 and 2gb ram was donated by a school.
>windows xp preinstalled was a fucking mess (smart tell me the disk had 912 days of use...school use)
>format, fresh install W7 SP1 (x86 of course) from a clean ISO i got back when digital river links were alive in 2013.
>place has no internet service, no router or even local net, disabled wuauserv and BITS because they are a waste of memory on a isolated computer.
>everything was done on saturday morning, leave after install it and all the drivers (from usb, not from WU), i was the last one there as i took the key of the room where the computer is (only copy and the guy working there was on sick leave that weekend).
>boot it on monday morning
>mfw windows 10 boot screen appear.

This shit made me full paranoid, if someone trolled me it was a 10/10 prank but hell the place has 3 computers and that's the only one that it happened, and the place was in a room only i got the key, hell even the mouse and keyboard weren't moved because my inner autist would've noticed it (i leave them covered in a really specific way).
it is getting smarter.
is the silver rating relevant to the lightning strike? was it more expensive or something?

You're a child.
i'm amazed a machine that old would even run 10.
i think you've been had.

I just got a $4 million line of credit from the Moon Pie company.
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>10 years old
>got a new computer from my brother's friend
>start getting RAM issues, so i'm like "aight, i'll reseat the RAM"
>my dumbass puts one of the sticks in backwards
>power up the pc
>attempt to turn it back on after putting the RAM back in properly
>mobo is kill
>lying on an anonymous image board
Nice thread OP, real talk.
Kill yourself.
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Ok ill bite.

>Backup 12 computers worth of Data to Home NAS raidz0 Array
I have a no responsibility clause on my ToS on user data once the computers are left with me.
>Format all the hard drives and install windows 7-8-8.1 where applicable
>Nuke 2 of the hard drives at the clients request
DD those fuckers with /dev/random about 50 times.
>Leave the laptops update and go to bed.
>Wake up at 3 AM only to listening to creaking.
>Look to the side of the bed and Literally look at the NAS HDD activity furiously beeping.
>Gingerly go to my personal the laptop
>Login the server
>Warning Array 1 has Crashed
>Attempt to remount
>Get the Array back online after 20 mins
>Run a consistency check
> NumberIdontnowantoremember Out of all corrupted
>Quickly backup all the client data that isn't corrupted before the array crashes again
>Managed to save the data from only one of the hard drives I nuked
>Proceed to Bloody riping out the Hard drives and running File recovery Software on all of them undoing all my work to retrieve atleast some files
>Manage to retrieve all the files
>Go back to the Array to find out why it died
>Full SMART Test
All drives where WD Greens that I ran widdle.exe on them
>My oldest hard drive the pre intelipark failed because the read head was fubar
To be honest I actually tried recovering the raidz0 array by Removing the platters from the bad drive to a spare drive that had it's platters die but I was retarded and got stressed midway and broke them.

>Proceed to return the laptops and get payed in double from almost all clients because of the situation (I told everyone because I'm a nigger).

Lesson of the Story never use Greens on a RAIDZ0 array without ECC RAM ( I replaced the hard drive and made a new array but It dun goofed because I wasn't on ECC ram).

Or actually Never use RAID0 or RAIDZ0 for anything important.
>Never use RAID0 or RAIDZ0 for anything important
No shit? RAID0 is literally only used for performance reasons.
>is a weaboo
>is retarded enough to let that happen
I'm not surprised.
Hense the no data responsibility clause.

Yeah but at that time I only had my Trusty RAIDZ0 Array I've seen migrated to SHR because I can still get most of my data at the cost of less hard drives.

I'm going to back to it once I get enough money for ECC ram and better hard drives though.
Nice one banana man!
The absolute madman.
Baby's first RAID array.
A bit long explanation, but bear with me.

I'm a /new/ slash /pol/ oldfag and have been digging some pretty sensitive themes, like Clinton Waco assassinations, alphabet agencies dirt, secret club, you know it.

Since I am paranoid I never had any social media accounts, use proxies and even my ISP is not under my name.

So there was the MH-370 flight that was shot over Ukraine and I posted some calculations of the BUK systems, proving the operator only had 2,5 second window to catch the flight into radar and fire, using completely analogue and non-automated controls.
Then I asked how would such a thing be possible.

I got an answer. "Just use the force, *anonname*" and a picture of smug Obi-Wan. Yes, my real name, that was never ever openly used on the internet. And no, it's not common, it's an Greek name you wouldn't have ever heard in your life. And more than that, it was a short form I only use with close friends.

Later that day I got a spam email. Oddly, it didn't land into "spam" folder. It was offering tours with Malaysian Airlines.

From that day on I know safety and privacy is just a meme.
dear god how terrifying
Go back to X.
I'm telling the truth. I may even be able to find the post on 4plebs. Hold on.
Did the callers get their money back?
'Twas around the time of ms chat and IRC, 98 I think, that out of nowhere while on an IRC channel to waste my time I noticed a printscreen of what I was doing about 8 minutes earlier on the computer with no filename sitting on the desktop.

It was nothing much, just some random chat I was having on IRC. Found it strange but thought nothing of it and deleted it.

A few minutes later another printscreen appeared and a file called hello.txt as well. I opened the file and it had typed: i can see your pc.
I deleted that text and typed "hey how are you today?" to which he replied "bye".
Got up quickly to disconnect the cable but when I looked at the pc, the screen was black.
No response from the computer, powered it off and when I powered it back on, the boot sector was gone.

Welp, that was my first and last interaction or "serious" problem I had with trojans or hacking.
Here it is.

The Obi-wan picture got deleted for some reason, but it was there.

The email was instantly deleted, I shat my pants pretty much.
I opened up an RDP port on a server to the internet.

I have no idea if it is safe. I set a good password but fuck it seems so vulnerable.

I know how to secure an ssh port on linux but windows is completely foreign to me. Hopefully MS did their shit right.
my mic would randomly have its volume set to 0.

eventually found out it was the cause of a trojan. every 5 minutes it would reach out to some server in germany, at which point my mic volume would be set to 0.

removed it and changed my passwords. nothing has happened since. i believe i still have a copy of the exe on my rpi.

noice. what was the cause?
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meanwhile at the NSA
>hey steve check this out
>this dude just googled "x" via a proxy
>and he gave his ISP an alias
>we should probably keep an eye on him
days pass
>lmao this guy's just a conspiritard let's fuck with him
>"Just use the force, *anonname*"
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>Hopefully MS did their shit right.
i deleted my friend's system32 folder and he died shortly after
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The joke's on you, after Snowden leaks, Clinton emails and recent CIA leaks I'm not a consperitard, but an informed whistleblower.
You know that Lev is also a Russian name. You posting about about a situation in Ukraine, he might have made a joke/reference about you being Russian.
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I feel ya

>Gradually build data hoard since 16yo
>2 then 4 then 6 WD external drives
>Enclosures die drives still good
>Build a tragic low budget socket 775 server
>8gb non ECC ram
>Transfer all data to array of questionable shucked drives
>3 weeks later drive share stops responding in explorer
>check disk array 3 drives down in a raidz3
shitbrick rips though anus
>check data size 12TB of non backed up content 2+ years of downloading and organizing
>Overnight more drives
>5 days to rebuild array

>learn lesson
>buy tape backup
>buy new mobo xeon and ECC ram
>buy new hard drives

interesting. any chance you have a 4chan pass? that'd make it easy.
Doesn't make sense, since /pol/ has flags (mine is not Russian) and Lev is one of the least common Russian names. I have checked all the possibilities, even googled the phrase to see if it's some kind of joke I'm not aware of.
He meant that since the plane was shot down over Ukraine it was probably a joke about the BUK operator being called Lev.

haha almost the same happened with me around then: a new dir appeared sg like c:\yoursystemisnotsecure . I guess a hacker got in with sum 0day and warned me. did a 360 and installed+configured a firewall.

you can add a firewall rule with ip filtering senpai
thats what you get for jewing out on your psu
Well I don't have many other options other than just believe that its secure.

I'm not about to move a network to a linux hypervisor+Windoze VMs just for some low paying small business customer. But they do need remote assistance so this is really the best case. I guess. lol.

I'll offer a linux container at a tidy price when they realize their various bits of software require multiple, different versions of windows to run on a server.

Fucking jesus, go back to 9gag.
Pretty much all the IPs in the scenario are dynamic. I guess I could ban asian IP blocks but that still doesn't filter botnets from the civilized world.

I miss fail2ban and ssh keys.

hmmm. guesses:

1. trojan installed with a 0day, owner saw 4chin activity and thought about sum trolling. still easy.

2. text profiler (wording,whitesoaces etc) signalled a fingerprint match with some public content under your name. feasible.
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>what's going on>
>what's scary about this picture?
>mfw port 2
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Please tell me more about your properly managed 20TB Raid Array with proper offsite Grandfather-father-son LTO tape backups
>2.5 second window
How did you figure that?
Did you use your real name for your computer account?
I installed the Windows 7 operating system on my physical hard disk for the purposes of Productivity.
>factory has a bunch of optiplex 330's
>all have bentium boor housefire mode processors
>factory has a rich atmosphere of 1% oxygen, 99% machine oil vapors
>one optiplex dies
>inspect why it died
>heatsink has turned into a solid, 4 pound block of coagulated machine oil and dust
>everything inside the computer is greasy
>realize all the optiplexes are like this
>run speccy on one of them
>idles at 79c

it was literally a factory fire waiting to happen, i cleaned, repasted and installed filters in 22 optiplex 330's, bringing their idle back down to 35c and giving them at least a few more years of life
every operator with a computer is instructed to change the filters every week

>every week the filters come out
>you can squeeze the oil out of them
>but at least the insides of the computers are clean
it only works with "_"
Stupid man.
I work as an IT Technician that sometimes has to help old people at a country club with their issues. I've seen everything from optical disk cup holders to ancient desktops running windows NT.
>Greasy computers

Oh god you're giving me flash backs to the old PoS POS computers that I had to clean on more then one occasion.
Never but never I am touching or restoring those things to working condition.
Once had a fan controller/molex connector board from Bitspower die on me in my hardline watercooling loop with angled fittings. My pump was attached to said controller.

I got a fuzzy BSOD, look over at the inside of my computer (which was under and beside my desk) - the CPU had overheated and the nickel plated copper block I had on it (3970X @4.7GHz) was boiling hot. Of course this heat transferred to the surrounding fittings as well and they got so hot that the acrylic tubing run was sagging about 4-5 inches down and dripping profusely into a fan/bottom of my case. This was all in a TJ11 case, so it thankfully didn't drip onto my GPUs.

Somehow nothing was damaged. I immediately unplugged it, drained the loop and let it cool/redid the tubing and plugged my pump directly into my PSU..
This is what scares me about getting fan controller, most of the reviews seem to indicate poor build quality and loosely fitting connectors.
My first computer was an old POS machine pulled out of a Wendy's. It never stopped being disgusting.
man they should have given you something for that
nice, I bet people working in that place are having full long healthy lives.
Literally can't wake up
Well usually for math you either know it or you don't, comments usually don't really help one way or the other.
I just memorize everything with photographic memory.
do you know 420-69-1337 ?
>he's just a conspiritard xD

Isn't it funny you guys were saying the exact same shit before the Snowden leaks when it came to subject of Microsoft being compromised and many other privacy related things.
download diablo 2 money cheat
login to battlenet
character drops everything from backpack, logs out, auto shutsdown computer
(literally what the fuck)
quickly start up again to salvage my gear, nope gone

Buy windows 8 asus laptop
hate windows 8
install 7, cannot boot due to secureboot win 8 malware cuck security. Take off secure boot, since secureboot off its not partitioned to use. FUCK Microsoft gets me every time. Type windows help on google. First bar on google windows support, click it looks legit. Hi yes im a Microsoft employee please run this team viewer. Literally random me for money i shut down in a panic and the PC literally cannot boot anymore. Take pc to asus repair the guy scratches hes hes and just orders another motherboard.

Moral of the story, dont open exes
Not real
Jesus Christ lol
What went wrong?
>open new tab on site
>hit ad frame because touchscreen
>redirects to a generic broken english your device name has 65% viruses please install our app to fix
The scariest part is it was playing a siren in another offscreen tab, or rather the scary part is youtube can't do that on Android
It refers to the efficiency of the PSU to not waist electricity as heat. Basically it means the more efficient it is the cooler it will run over overall. Silver is about 85% efficient.

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>be normie me
>discover limewire
>find porn
>youngteens.mp4, etc
>discover titels are literal, not figurative or slang
>nuke hdd
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>nintendo games
>not backed up raid0
>"important data"
this is a joke, right?
somebody gave me their computer so i could get rid of some virus
find nudes
ask /g/ if they ever snooped on peoples computers
post edited picture with drivers license.
/g/ posts myspace account (this was years ago)
>update to fedora 24 beta
>windows and fedora are fucked
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got two stories.

>be 15yo
>life changed when i realized what 10yo mean
>go to near internet cafe
>start ares
>set up cp downloads in the morning
>go back in the afternoon
>put the goodies in my 512mb usb
>enjoy the videos at home
>repeat this for days
>one day i see cops at the place
>someone reported the videos
>look shota as fuck so im not suspicious
>dont give as fuck, keep doing my shit in front of the cops
>next day there are cameras installed

i realized what i was doing years later lmao
Got a story similar to lev's
>be shitposting in 4chin
>board about shit happening in my country
>post opinion
>>hello anonnamegoeshere
>>dafuq is this black magic
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-Adsense gave me a warning on one of my websites.
-Accidentally tried to install XP on a USB backup HDD with lots of home movie on it. (RIP Partition)
-My Core2Duo, 8500GT rig started smoking (melted wires) because of a cheap PSU, never buy a cheap PSU.
-Sometimes my ISP sends me E-mails to stop torrenting, I keep torrenting.
-Accidentally deleted all my Gmail via Outlook when I set to ICMP (or whatever protocol it is)
-Once I didn't hit tab all the way, and my friend saw my password.
-I tell people to always have a backup of important stuff, but I don't do so for myself.
-Sometimes I forget my root/crypto passwords
what's the second one?
ffs op you'll spook us to death
how hard would it have been to format the drives partitions, disable secure boot and install from a usb you cyka blyat
cops probably caught the fuck before he could post
A post mortem showed that PAM was pseudo hung on all 5 nodes. While it would respond to powershell commands, it would not interact with the DAG itself. There was apparently a network event an hour or so earlier, but my team was never made aware of that.

The reason I wasn't fired - I wanted to force restart the cluster service, but wasn't allowed to, because data loss. But there was no shared storage, so no data loss or split brain to worry about.
I posted on 4chan for the first time.
Not that anon, but stupid is a universal invariant.

> Working for fortune 500 tech company
> 6 node hyper-v cluster
> EMC cx4 san
> All 3 shelves are set to raid 0

We found this nearly 3 years after it was setup, when we were replacing it...
>That one time this guy from mainland China logged in and downloaded the whole file server.

Shit took 3 months to wash over.
are you 12 by chance?
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>get first computer
>learn about gahnoo plus loonix
>download ubantu iso
>install it onto main drive
>on reboot OEM recovery partition kicks in and tells me my pc is fucked
>start freaking the fuck out thinking i broke the computer and let it recover everything
>stock windows vista home basic with tons of bloatware back on pc
>only years later do i realize how retarded i was
>don't know shit about computers
>want to get into gnu/linux
>download debian because "what could go wrong?"
>literally just click next the entire and somehow manage to wipe the entire harddrive by accident
>debian doesn't even install because the wifi drivers for my computer are non-free
>stuck with a computer with no OS and no fucking clue what to do

That was three years ago, I think the me back then would be surprised how austistic about Operating Systems I have become
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> find an eToken on the street
> belonged to a bank, certificate expired 2 years ago
> wipe it
> set it up as an additional key for a truecrypt container with 30gb of cheese pizza
> after 6 months it stops working completely
> noooooooooo.jpg
> crush its chips using pilers
> flush the remaining dust down the toilet
>pile of new, boxed laptops in hallway
>have to set them up and create images after installation
>boring job, but finish ~ half of em
>next day, get message at 5 am
>get your ass here!
>police everywhere
>some burglars showed up at 3 am and stole p much every laptop and monitor (bastards just cut the cables)
>walk to office
>stop in hallway and see pile of boxed laptops still neatly stacked on the side
>have to work in overdrive to get laptops up and running, so we don't lose any more money

2 days later the police caught the burglars.
turns out they buried the laptops and monitors in the wood next to the company without cover or anything, so dirt and water damage, but at least we got the files back
Once I came here to /g/ and the nightmare never ended
>out with pals
>talking about some unknown actor
>phone on the table
>decide to look up said actor on Google
>type first letter
>name of actor as first suggestion
>10yo me
>watching porn, browsing random sites
>cant watch some video because missing codecs
>dl codec.exe
>still no video
>go to school
>come back home and boot bc
>explorer.exe and desktop dont boot
>only thing that shows up is a fake antivirus software ranting bout 500 viruses on my pc
>need to pay ~10€
>reinstall win xp b4 dad gets home
>dad is pissed because i formatted everything

I was a dumb kid
Bought an AMD graphics card, it fried the power circuits on my mew $200 motherboard.
whats his name
>computer turns on whenever I come into the room
>think I must have a virus or something
>think the camera is being used to spy on me or something
>turns out the fluxuation in power caused by turning on the light is enough to wake up the computer somehow
>Help friend clean his PC guts
>Why is this cable connected to the mobo leading nowhere?
>He probably switched out the component that used to be connected to the other end
>Pull it out, finish cleaning
>PC won't start, no BIOS POST, just one long beep
>Manual says nothing about such a signal
>Did I break something?..
>Reconnect useless cable out of desperation after trying everything else

Long time ago, don't remember exactly what the cable looked like or what the socket it was plugged into was labelled, but it was obviously connected to the immaterial spirit of the computer
>have random 5.1 logitech setup
>turn down volume to 0 but leave speakers on
>voices come out of the speakers
>very quiet foreign languages I don't understand
turns out after I freaked out those shitters actually received some foreign radio channels and spooked me in the middle of the night
>steal laptops
>bury them in the dirt next to the building

what the fuck is the point? how do you even get caught doing that?
>me getting my new apartment earlier this year
>new BST, the tower is on a wooden furniture
>it doesn't start at all
>put it on the floor and open it to see if some cable was unplugged
>everything seems okay
>plug it again and try to power it up
>cool it work, it was probably a bad connection somewhere
>without turning it off, I put the tower back on the furniture
>everything seems okay, I use it all the day

>next day, when I try to turn it on again, it doesn't work again
>I didn't touch it since yesterday when it worked
>try to move some cables, nothing
>same shit, put it back on the floor and open it up
>no cable problem
>try to start again, it work
>turn of, put it back on the desk, turn on
>put back on the floor
>it work
I spend 3 days of confusion to figure what was the problem
>the wall socket wasn't grounded
>my shitty mobo/PSU/whatever won't start without ground
>the metallic case on the floor make the ground, but the wooden furniture is an isolation
Electricity is wierd sometimes.
Next week, an electrician came to fix that shit and everything worked.
Paisley RedRocketBoy001
browsing this thread
random cmd window flashes up and closes
>moving with brand new computer
>put it in the original box
>put the box in bubble wrap
>put the thing on a mattress in the trunk of my car
>arrive at new home and set up the computer
>BEEP BEEP BEEP - cpu failure
>bending skylake

next time i'll unmount the cpu cooler

innnnteresting. as an anon above asked lev, is your os username your name?
It's the "open case"-cable. Stop using shitty Dell pcs.
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>plug in old piece of shit desktop from storeroom
>turn wall outlet on and the power supply blows
>Explicitly tell it's a friend's PC
>Never encountered such cable before or since
>"Stop using shitty Dell pcs"

No other board where people are so desperate to find something to vent about. Do yourself a favour and see a therapist.
>Fucking around with cheap chinese IP camera
>Why bother with passwords when it's not portforwarded?
>Forget about it
>Month later wake up in middle of night with pianomusic playing from somewhere
>Get up to investigate, music stops
>Walk by camera, see it turn to follow me
>Speaker crackles and a voice in broken eastern european english says "What's up faggot?"

Damn camera had some sort of reverse proxy to the companies DDNS service completely bypassing my firewall.

This has happened to me too.
>open case cable

Literally what?
>wiped the entire hard drive
>how autistic I have become

I dunno man, sounds like you were pretty retarded back then too
i have plenty from my time as an it teacher for a shop class
>making room in storage for newer computers from 2005 instead of 2001
>have the class open the old ones, take them apart and clean them for resale
>3 of the 22 computers had occupied spiderwebs
>one had a dead rat stuck to the bottom of the inside of the case, literally melted and fused to the bottom
>fill dumpster with entire stock of old computers out of disgust
>new stock of computers didnt even work
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No other board where people take one small comment and start to bitch about it. See a therapist.
I was just wondering what he meant by open case cable, I couldn't care less what brand someone uses
My fridge broke and spilled some thick black liquid that almost ran down to the cupboard below it which had bunch of anime figure boxes. Luckily the substance was so thick it stopped before at the level the fridge was standing.
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>be sleep deprived, fucking around with a few girls on snap
>Wake up one morning, dream about snap
>Semi dream/hallucinate that there a exploit or something and they can see into my apartment through snap>
>Scared, panicking, grab my bed cover and wrap it around me, cover cameras with my hands
>talk to one of the girls, she doesnt know what im talking about at all, she calms me down
>we sex on snap


>coming down from acid
>talking to friends on voice
>they are drinking and having a good time
>I start drinking too
>don't know how much I'm drinking, they tell me to drink more, thanks lsd
>too drunk to sit straight, leave computer and headset
>lay on floor, vomit, etc
>unsure if I muted the headset and they heard me
>can't figure out if it's muted or not
>also try to use phone, put in pin wrong too many time and it locks up
>had to fix that with PUK code next morning, but i still felt fresh next day thanks to lsd afterglow
>instead, find old $100 tablet and use it to send stupid but now funny angry messages about the phone
>go to bed, pass out, still unsure if they can hear
>next morning find phone, case and battery in seemingly random places in apartment¨

somehow remember this fondly although I was scared as fuck.
>my parents bought an Athlon 64, 512MB ram, Geforce 6200, 120GB Maxtor HDD computer in 2002
>made small upgrades over time then replaced it
>I clean my filesystem pretty often so I never felt like needing to replace the Maxtor HDD
>it ran without issues as my only drive
>decided to replace it in June 2015, gave it to a friend for free
>2 weeks ago he told me the Maxtor has died

I felt a bit sad inside, that old hunk of metal has never let me down in those 13 years
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>once upon a time doing favor for a friend
>got parts 2000doller pudget
>friend builds the computer doesnt need help :D apparently
>everything went well lad is trying to start for first time, nothing happens
>repeat 10 times
>calls me and tells te problem
>i check normal mistakes
>mfw he forgot cpu power cabble

shit almost hit the fan
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Off urself my man
shut the fuck up you lying retard
not him but maybe they couldn't transport the stuff they stole properly, that's why they buried it nearby
guess they wanted to get it later
the water damage is just stupid
should have covered it
Story poster here, I'm curious as well. Haven't had time to google much yet but so far I haven't found anything.
GeForce 6200 in 2002? Sure it wasn't added later?
>2016 - 3
>Phenom B55 160W house fire, unstable as fuck, crashes on CPU temperature above 65degC
>Idle temperature 51degC
>Welp time to clean up
>Removed everything and cleaned it up good.
>Replugged PC to UPS
>Replugged all peripherals
>Only monitor cable left
>Brought it close to DVI port to plug it
>Sparks fly out of the port and zap the cable
>Switch on monitor
>Color glitches with no output
>Monitor is kill

That day I learned to always pull off the plug before opening your cabinet as a simple switch off from mains is not enough. Apparently there was earth leakage in my apartment with about 140V AC flowing through earth. Surprisingly the GPU was unharmed.
AMD64 and Nvidia 6 series were released in 03/04
He got the years mixed up.
Shit you're right. GeForce 6 and Athlon 64 2800+ were released in early 2004.
Back here in holland no one is found of weapons, I joined a shooting club.

I've been shooting there quite a while and they were willing to give me access to the finger print reader at the door so I could get in without needing to call people over.

As they put me in their system I noticed they were using one windows 95 computer as their whole database of all the members. I asked them if they made back-ups, they never do. That thing looks like it could die any moment.

Mfw my sensitive data, no better yet, the whole clubs data, is in an old computer that could leak or die at any moment without any back-ups.
The Jews have now taken down 4plebs.

hapbejgiengieng /stpolman/ was right again
I do this sometimes when people post pictures from facebook, the middle number links to the post...
Got ma a phone a few years back (z3 mini)

She just enjoys using the device.
A few months pass and she is just scared shitless, I look at her phone and it's an ad that tells you you have virusses or some shit. Try to explain it is just an ad of a free app and not to click on it.

She's not convinced, a little while later there were constantly web pages popping up. About these "you've won" pages. She actually did fill in her info in a few of these and didn't tell me untill she had lost about 220 euro's


Took me a while to "unsubscribe" her off these you've won a mini van shit while also fighting off some pop up malware on a fucking android phone to factory reset it.

To this day I still don't know how the fuck she managed to fuck a phone this badly when she only installed from google play and external sources are disabled.
>not proceed to download more
Pic related, case tamper switch. If the case is opened the switch opens, telling the motherboard someone has been into it's gubbins for security purposes. The black wire circled in red loops back to tell the motherboard if the cable is disconnected. If so, motherboard assumes unauthorised access/tampering and prevents the machine from commencing POST.
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>downloaded a virus
>windows defense thing blocks it
>"this can't be that bad, let's see this can do"
>execute the virus
>pc starts to freaking out
>felt like I was being invaded by some shady organization

Had to format all my shit. I'll never do it again.
>10 years old
>playing robot rage on miniclips
>pretty awesome, some people get hacks
>tell me to look it up, it's really easy
> discover forum that is spammed with tons of gore while searching
>find 4chan for the first time
>finally shift though yahoo search results, get what looks like legit hacks
>one of the final instructions was to delete the anti-hacking software that is system32
>don't have admin
>give self admin because other account has no password
>delete, YES
>computer goes screen glitches out, errors everywhere
>computer shuts it's self off something something critical
>won't boot
>dad who has anger issues discovers that computer won't boot
>rips computer from the desk, curb stomps that fucker until it's barely recognizable
rip computer
you will be missed
errors and computer murder were bretty scary
I wish I would have never found 4chan. I wonder how my life would have turned out.
10th grade around year 2000
Going to tech school first of its kind in my school district.
Only 10 kids selected for the AP course
To get real world experience our teacher negotiates with the computer administrator at the school so that we can do some of his work.
One of the jobs requires his administrator password.
Instead of setting up proper user account passwords he just gives me his net administrator password
I accidentally infected the entire network with the I love you virus.
Administrator gets in trouble because his login was the one that did it
Passes blame to me
call me a hacker
the police show up I'm in handcuffs
Some sort of elite government task force shows up and scans my retinas and shit
Underage kid detained
no Miranda rights read
parents not notified
School administration bans me from the property
get a really expensive lawyer
lawyer goes on a tirade in court
Judge sees though the BS and hopes I sue school
Sue school for damages and win stupid money
Retired at 35 because the school made my life a living hell over clicking on a link with the I love you virus when they gave me a password they never should have
>be me
>using le acer aspire timelineX running win 7 with intel i core 3 4gb ram
>sitting at computer
>notice some files in desktop
>opening with notepad and live photo gallery
>says something happen to computer
>skipreads the shit
>close and k every thing
>le me browse chrome for like 3 hours and reboot my computer
>me trying to open a png file in a folder with family photos
>err le picture is broken
>start realizing that all files are corrupted after 10 minutes and every directory I go to there are these 2 text files, 1 png file and a Html file
>carefully read for real now
>Cryptowall 3.0 infected my computer and wants me to pay $500 to completly decrypt my hard drive
>am a fagit so I format my whole computer and start on new
>no files saved
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>It was offering tours with Malaysian Airlines




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Once when I was watching a video file from certain imageboard my computer screen suddenly filled with blocky artifact shit and audio distorted into a demonic-sounding screech. It wasn't anything serious, as by experimenting around I found that it was caused by EVGA Precision X that was messed up by a recent update to it, but holy fuck how it made me jump in my chair.
not OP, but why would this matter?

this thread exceeded my expectations friendo.
Kill yourself you underaged retard.
six months ago I wiped my HDD with the recovery windows partition and all the laptop drivers trying to install debian.
Half of the drivers are still missing. Im a CS student. About to start 3rd year
How shameful is that?
reading this post is my scary story
oh god. How do you keep yourself alive?
2 is retarded.

Governments aren't hunting him down just because he's a /pol/fag. More importantly, if they were, this entire idea is infeasible because it's not like he's using words or phrases nobody else on Earth has ever used before.

This isn't a spy movie you fucking retard.
>implying anything was done about child potatoes back when limewire was used widely
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hey there you seem to have used a tripcode et cetera
fuck off
>be on /b/ back in 2008 or 2009
>thread about hacking with a link to "hacking_tools.exe"
>red flag goes off as this is obviously some kind of virus
>but being bored I thought I'd install it and if it was a virus which it obviously was I'd be able to remove it easily
>open hacking_tools.exe
>nothing happens
>think to myself that was probably really stupid but don't see any symptoms right away so forget about it
>months later playing L4D2
>gun starts firing off extra rounds in between my actual shots
>think that my mouse button is sticking firing extra shots when suddenly the gun starts aiming all over the place on its own before the game minimizes
>Windows error message pops up saying "Enjoying your game?"
>Start freaking out yelling and cursing off whoever is doing this
>more Windows error messages pop up saying "Calm down, anon"
>get a cold chill and unplug all my shit from the network
It seems stupid but being focused in a game when something like that happens it freaks you out. The worst part was that I was called out by my handle and it seemed he was listening to me freak out. I can't play that L4D2 map without remembering.
I get this meme.
>Use an Acer laptop 15 hours straight
>Turn it off
>After a few hours, turn it on again
>Can't turn it on
>Get it checked
>Mfw the motherboard melted
>Mfw I have no face
These happen all the time. For Plebian users.
Pretty bad, I'm a CS student about to start my 4th year, I had my mistake when I just started my first year.
>posting on /g/ ironically
>not even knowing the true horrors or git and revision control

Get out, summerfag.

Happened to me as well on my logitech 5.1! Still use them but don't get the signal anymore where I live.

Instead of foreign languages, I'd have something come on called "the Brad show" and it was always the same monologue of brad talking about girls and stuff. Really weird, why was this show being broadcasted repeatedly?
more like
"the Chad show"
Happened to me too, it was some russki radio show if I could hear it correctly. Not exactly surprising considering that the border is just ~100 km away.
>get new hard drive today
>decide to build it in
>while i'm on it i do some cable managment
>turn pc on again
>a bit smoke and some sparks
>get scared shitless
>check als cables
>nothing wrong
>organize cables again
>turn it on again
>with every second nothing strange happens i get more relaxed
>boots normaly into arch
>everything is okay

I still feel some anxiety /g/. That was an hour ago.
Did i have luck that it didn't fry my motherboard?
Should i buy a new one even if everything seems to function just fine?

I don't know what to do.
No i don't have rx 480 btw
Everything I have done was rearranging electrical power connectors and data cables.

Should i check voltage and temps for the next days?
Hmm, maybe your computer was able to generate some of the magic smoke even after it lost it. Interesting, I'll have to research this.
Are keygens really false positives? As I'm too poor to afford software and haven't had any problems after using them. No weird transactions on my bank statement or anything like that.

Have any of you ever been fucked for using cracks?
Could have been a loose connection welding its self together?
I was right beside the sata ports on the left side.
Never happened to me in the last 6 years.
I just hope there will be no aftermath.
Stray bit of conductive materiel perhaps? Dust is full of all sorts of crap.
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I'm really tired though. Had a hard work day. Could have something to do with it.

I guess I will never find out, but I will be more careful in the future.
What if the unseated RAM fell out of its slot and landed in a fan?
I once had no internet for a week.
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WHen I was a kid I dropped my mom's work laptop (pic related) down a flight of wood stairs with concrete at the bottom. Watching it tumble step by step was absolutely terrifying. Thanks to it being thinkpad stronk it survived with some scuffing and the period key falling off.
Around 2005/2006 I had a virus that would randomly play Iron Man by Black Sabbath.
in my compagny, they still use a mail server on debian 5
>once had a virus that would randomly play Black Sabbaths Iron Man

>Once had a computer that could only be started by jumping the power pins with a butter knife
>Same computer would overheat in minutes unless I had a massive fan blowing into the open side panel

>Flicked the voltage switch on the back of my PSU to see what would happen and killed my PC
>write a virus that is a C# program that appears to not run and show an error
>you press ok to close it but it stays in background and collects shit and uploads it
>send it to friend saying it's a C# program I ma
eat less pizza giovanni
>not a common Russian name
>Buy WD external 3tb drive
>put stuff on it over the course of a couple months
>suddenly drive doesn´t work anymore
>sounds as if the platters are trying to spin but can´t >get going
>think enclosure is dead
>call WD for replacement and ask if i can open it up and directly access the data from the hdd
>open it up it´s a fucking green
>connect it to the pc
>it lies on the enclosure pcb up
>push power-button suddenly flame shoots out of pcb
>while panicking i stomped off the power bar
>and that was the day i made the decision to build up a NAS and never use greens ever again
you fucking idiot, did you not partition your drive?
that's not even a big deal, make a live usb of some simpler distro like ubuntu and now you don't even have to partition.
looks like it was said to be a joke
>what's up faggot

I'm laughing so fucking hard mate, the guy who hacked it was a bro.
I didn't want to partition it, I wanted to replace Windows.
I had the same thing happen to me, except the PCB didn't flame up, and I bitched at Wd, and they ended up doing data recovery for me. The drive they sent me back is a Caviar black too so that's nice
WD Greens are the fucking worst. I had a 2TB green for gaymens and the shit only lasted for 3 years before it started to get bad sectors left and right. Im just glad I didn't use it for any serious data storage. On that note does anyone here have experience with WD Red drives? How is their reliability?
>be child
>playing club penguin
>find ban tool
>download it
>run it
>a bunch of command prompts and browser windows with the trololo video playing
>freaked the fuck out
>literally called my parents in
>ended up rebooting the pc
>booted up fine, no virus
>mfw i fell for a blatant troll

Another one:
>be child
>on an acer laptop (aspire 5720)
>encounter on one of these fake antivirus pages on the internet
>tell my dad how many viruses were on the bloody screen
>dad told me it was a fake
>embarrassed as fuck for the rest of the day
*encounter one of these
Late as fuck where I live, can't focus very well.
underage B&
>Be writing code for it company to support ble beacon tech
>works perfectly
>move surface that I was coding on to the board room to demo in front of whole company
>like CEO, CTO the whole shebang
>plugin to screen and run the solution
Nothing Works
Errors everywhere
>go back to where I was and it works
>-Accidentally deleted all my Gmail via Outlook when I set to ICMP (or whatever protocol it is)
Me too, I like to fetch my emails using the ping command.
>Lesson of the Story never use Greens on a RAIDZ0 array without ECC RAM
The lesson of the story is never go full retard.
>Don't use WD green
>Don't use RAID0 for anything ever (unless backed by some other mode)
>Don't use ZFS without ECC
If you don't have two copies of your data, you may as well have zero copies.
>he didn't disable head parking
Two things.

1) If your data is important, NEVER USE WD GREENS. They're basically shit, either use Red or Black.

2. RAIDZ0. Seriously? I honestly think it'd be more worthwhile to configure RAID1 so in case one drive blows up, you'll be okay. Between Red drives and RAID1 if you ever lose data it better be to some chucklefuck with admin privileges or Hiroshima.
What about blues?
Blues are... Okay. They're the Honda Accord of the hard drive world. You can do better, but you can definitely do worse.
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>be me, 10
>went to a used game store to buy a psp
>didn't have much money, saved up $50 for a while to buy a psp 1000
>after buying, I'm sitting in the car looking at the thing
>decide to turn it on and see if there was any leftover content
>doesn't appear so, so I just look at the settings
>pretty much all default, nothing weird here
>goes to look at walpaper options
>just the usual gaybow colors that Sony put on the psp
>hits the "Wallpaper" ticker to see what it does
>instantly sets the psp's wallpaper to a naked woman with her uterus pulled out
>my throat is burning because i'm too embarrassed to tell my dad about it, he's outside the car getting gas
>"uh, dad there's a naked woman wallpaper on my psp"
>he looks at it and goes "wtf"
>we go back to the game store and they're like "well shit"
>they hard format the device and everything's back to normal
>Ok ill bite.

do people actually know what this means or is this just a meme now?
>>Flicked the voltage switch on the back of my PSU to see what would happen and killed my PC
Fugg that happend to me too when i was 6 years old.
>be 12
>computer is kill
>buy a computer for $4, put graphics card in it
>10 year old, infected, oem windows install boots
>use it like that for 3 years
>I only stopped using it because based company replaced the card with a PCI-E version and not AGP.
>install Ubuntu
>days later a Windows 10 free upgrade window pops up
could even be as simple as a wire hitting a fan
Likely he's commenting on the areas that interface with some legacy software his company still uses.
>be 10
>accidentally spill water on keyboard
>PC speaker makes loud beeping sound
>rip out power cord
>didn't use computer for an entire week

Or more recently (about two months ago)
>late at night
>be home
>phone rings
>caller ID is my home number
>let it ring until answering machine picks up
>modem/fax machine bleeping sounds
>but the fax machine was never turned on
Who was phone?
Thank you.
I took apart our old family PC when we retired it after 15 years (athlon xp 1600+) and found what looks to be cola spilled down the inside near the front.

Its a wonder how everything kept working for all those years as the optical and hard drives were all coated in it, it was very sticky.
I liked it when people were playful hackers, not like these days when they would have slapped some ransomware on there to make a quick buck.
When I was young I clicked the fake virus crap
I remember you. People were zooming into your battlestation image to try to see your face on the driver's license. I still have your pic somewhere in here. I'm coming for you.
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Fuck off Bananero
European here. What's the big deal with with these numbers ? What would happen if someone knew someone else's ?
>I'm a programmer
not after pajeet is done with you
>character drops everything from backpack, logs out, auto shutsdown computer
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Explain pls

This happened to me a few weeks ago, but it worked after restarting the goddamn thing
Probably someone you went mouthing off your bullshit too in real life trolling you and to great fucking effect
>guy btfos me on steam after i hurr his feelings
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>get bored
>remember Vinesauce doing a stream to see how quickly they could fuck up a windows VM with viruses
>decide to try it out
>one virus starts frantically googling and opening massive amounts of CP
>instantly nope the fuck out, unplug computer, hide in bed for a few minutes

I still worry sometimes if this will bite me in the ass one day. Fuck.
I remember when some guy on /g/ made a VM and let everyone teamviewer into it, some dick kept pulling up CP so they had to stop.
This was really fucked up
Back in 2009 i used to play Zombie Master (hl2 mod) with a spanish friend.Randomly he invite me to a Steam Group called "Zombie food" i just click it refuse and my windows screen on win xp blinked really fast (reboot screen) and then my keyboard just stop working.And i was trying to talk with him on the steam and he just start laughing.I was only 12 and i just shit my pants so hard in that day.
you thought he did something to your pc?
it was probably a well known bug to fuck around with
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>be 8 years old
>alone at home at night during thunderstorm
>lightning strikes sort of close
>suddenly a huge loud as fuck stream of popping sounds start happening somewhere in the house
>freak the fuck out because I was 8 and didnt what the fuck was going on
>finally find where it was coming from
>it was my mom's fancy ass computer speaker setup, I guess a power surge fucked up the amp somehow and made it spit out max volume noise constantly
>couldnt figure out how to stop it because 8 years old
>end up sitting crying and freaking out outside all night until parents got home

And this is the story of why I only use headsets.
>new at IT job
>finish setting up a several thousand dollar server we were shipping out somewhere
>box it up and pick it up to walk to the front door of office
>the corner of the box catches on a doorway and I trip and drop the whole damn thing with everyone watching

Thankfully my boss was bro tier and said the fedex guys would do much worse to it.

What do they mean by this?
>an informed whistleblower.

Looking up things that are leaked doesn't make you a whistleblower. /x/ is so filled with kayfabe it's ridiculous.
Never leave the completely trusted sites, the ones that get super high traffic.
got a few

long ago in a time when i didn't check fucking everything out before buying shit, i got seagate 1.5tb

its starting to fail... i know ill get a second one because the first is obviously a lemon.

6 drives later, shit works for years, still have one running, but not used for important data.


kid me, get a new gpu for a game, computer fails to turn on.

take gpu out

computer fails to turn on

cry till dad fixes it

(literally like 9 years old and my best toy ever just broke)

repeat this with ram without crying

repeat this with hdd without crying

repeat this with cd burner without crying

learn to use external storage and drives because fuck my motherboard, fuck my computer, fuck my bios... i have an older computer, i had an ide dvd drive, the things dead but i'm afraid to remove it because of how bad that first computer traumatized me with its bullshit.


be me 6 years ago

my p4 system died, i believe a motherboard capacitor died, not experienced enough to or have the spare parts to diagnose, so take it to a shop.

they give me a fairly good deal on motherboard and cpu, reusing everything in my computer. also got a psu through them, not thinking anything of it.

year later the psu blows the fuck up, they gave me a 20$ psu for 100$... this along with their service on my pc is why i never use them anymore and learned what to look for on my own to diagnose.
>Not doing it in a vm
wow, you are really retarded
Same, I found this place when I was 8.
>'place has no internet service, no router or even local net'
>windows 10 installed itself
Was it Joel who streamed that shit?
Yeah it was
Identity theft for example.
Thats what you get for buying bleeding edge. Anyways, Intel should be shot.
>not buying black

This was your first mistake lad. I hope you learned your lesson.
>PC located below window
>wide open when it starts raining like crazy in the middle of the night
>close window
>a few hours pass, rain has finally stopped
>open window again
>huge wave of water bursts out below the window and floods power plug and PC
>loud noise, sparks and then darkness
I thought to myself "thats it, now you can finally kill yourself", but the water just flooded the power plug and killed the power to my PC before shorting out any valuable part of the PC itself, I guess. After cleaning up everything and restoring power everything worked fine again.
One day, I got home and there was no internet.
Also le underage banned Xd, you fucking retard.
>googling for CP

Does that actually give you CP?
Back when I was a /b/ tard I downloaded LOIC and helped DDOS a website. My computer "coincidentally" died a short time later.
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Why would my os's username matter? How could you learn that about someones post?
It's in the walls.

wow jesus dude just report him and hide the post.

This is some shit that the Night Ops! kidiots from &Totse would have done in 2007
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I fucked a Ukrainian bitch and her brother was named Lev. Her ex was also named Lev. Is this the result that b-tards go for when they say "turn off your computer, Kevin" because if so he certainly hit the target and then got multiple secondaries with effect
I am considering buying a razer keyboard because duckyshine 5 doesn't look nice
>start up PC
>check task manager
>something is using up 50% CPU power
>search name of service online
>its just a service process
>check it again
>there is another process with the same name
>realized it's a virus
>opened folder and deleted file
>restart computer
>still there and virus file is back
>install anti virus
>finds virus and removes it
>restart computer
>its back
>keep installing different installers until it worked
>still back
>search online how to fix
>they say "just use anti virus" which didn't help
I had to pirate MBAM for it to completely remove jt
you should always have your malwarebytes open mon.
i keep the default firewall on too to block malicious connections
My motherboard died, so i rma it, the one i had is no longer available, they send me an upgrade. Prepare to reformat, load into w10 to get some shit out before doing so...w10 has no issue whatsoever with the new mobo that has a different chipset. I didn't need to reformat, all that was needed was a restart. W10 is taking my job
Hmm, I don't remember there being a switch like that, but then again I barely remember the event at all. Thanks!
/bst/ never again

How 4chan is so malevolent to those doxed I always wonder
>use gmail for werk
>tons of important shit
>5+ years no problem
>go on vacation and try to log in
>wrong password
>suspicious login
>no telephone number
>no answer for stupid questions about registration date and recent contacts
>go into the Datacenter at my company
>shit's black, can't see anything
>>where's the fucking light switch God damit.png
>after taking a few steps, something starts to rattle in a very deep sound
>>REEEEEEEEEEEEE oh shit what is dis
>my heart almost jumps out of my chest, I finally find the light switch
>take a look at the source of the sound
>it was just our new dehumidifier....

fuck. I felt like a cringe.
Either way your IP and search history is recorded forever in the botnet.
Same thing happened to me and I still can't get into it.
Literally anything involving Netgear's business line products will result in a nightmarish story
File: OÍ BHEÍ.png (80KB, 501x684px) Image search: [Google]
80KB, 501x684px
yeah most consumer ip cameras offer this so tech illiterates dont need to bother with port forwards
born May 21 – June 21?
File: MACUCKS.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
>"What's up faggot?"

it was windows update service you dumb fuck
>typical fa/g/got reading comprehension
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