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/wdg/ - Web Development General

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Thread replies: 316
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Previous Thread: >>55311535

>IRC Channel
#/g/wdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: https://www.rizon.net/chat

> Discord

>Learning material
https://youtu.be/JxAXlJEmNMg?list=PL7664379246A246CB - "Crockford on JavaScript" lecture series.

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
https://libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
http://www.programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started
https://youtu.be/pB0WvcxTbCA - "WATCH THIS IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A WEB DEVELOPER! - Web Development Career advice"
https://youtu.be/zf_cb_Nw5zY - "JavaScript is Easy" - If you can't into programming, you probably won't find a simpler introduction to JavaScript than this.

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations
Can you guys please help me out?

I work a shit customer service 9 to 5 and wan to learn web dev. I know HTML and CSS. I've messed with Javascript/Ruby before.

Is this a good place to learn Web Dev: The Odin Project

I'd like to be employable as a junior web dev in the next year. Please help.
Leaving this here again, just in case...

I recently placed a website on RedHat's openshift platform which uses git to maintain changes.
Once I git push on the server it instantly deploys the changes live.
The website lets users upload images on an image folder... the problem I'm facing is: once I git push my changes, the content of images folder gets wiped on the server (obviously, since my local repository has an empty images folder).
Is there any way to leave the "images" folder untouched?
.gitignore doesn't help
Place the images folder outside of the git repo?

Like in
Odin is pretty good. After you finish, you should also try some other web frameworks to get a better handle on how they work, since rails does a lot of magic shit for you under the hood.

>I'd like to be employable as a junior web dev in the next year.
That's possible, but you're going to have to stay dedicated and put the hours in.
This crossed my mind but I pressumed that it won't be accessible from the web-browser since the folder will be on an upper level of web-root.
Let me check though
Thank you for the reply!! That's not a problem at all, I have the drive and hunger to get out of my shit situation.
nope, I have no permission on that directory
Oh my fucking god, I can't stand ASP.NET anymore. I was using the following code in my ASP.NET MVC project last night:

  DatabaseWrapper dw = new DatabaseWrapper("database.sqlite");
var x = dw.Select("* FROM table WHERE x=y").ToArray();
var y = dw.Select("* FROM table where y = x").ToArray();

and the second Database query wasn't working. "Well, tickle me fuckin bollocks, I've got to debug yeh" so I fire up the debugger... Lo and fucking behold, a SqliteDataReader object was being left in HEAP and fucking with it. You literally could only fix this by manually calling the garbage collector.

GC.Collect() should have wiped out the entire ASP.NET framework with it, because it's fucking trash. It took me forever to figure out why the fuck the database was locked, and that's a stupid fucking reason why it was.

I'm not that familiar with openshift, but I assume it uses some kind of transient file system thing like heroku, which means that if you ever want to spool up multiple instances of your app, you'll run into problems since some images would be stored in one container, and some in the other (thus not being accessible to users being directed to the other container), and they'd be lost when you kill / clone the app (which is essentially what's happening now).

If you're just making the app as a personal project and don't expect to monetize or have very many users, the simplest solution is probably to just put the images into a db. (I assume openshift has some kind of persistent db option? And hopefully it has a free tier? Again, not that familiar with it.) If openshift doesn't have that, or if it's cost-prohibitive, the next best option would probably be to use a cloud storage provider like aws.
Alright, thank you.
Yes openshift provides persistent db (using MySQL tb.h). I guess I'll have to figure out a solution.
To be clear, it's just web-developement using git to push the changes on the project (instead of ftp).
I know it's stupid because Production Server and Project Server should be on a separate machine...
I'm working with forms for the first time in node.js

I've never really had to use forms before this actually, because I was only ever messing around with front-end js.

I want to have a form that can make a post request to my server, running on app.js. I have a file upload module (multer) that can handle file uploads, and the fundamentals of its implementation I'll figure out later.

Right now, I'm just wondering: is this correct?

<form method="post" action="/">
// more html

There's a route in app.js for handling post requests to the root (app.post('/', etc)).

Does the action attribute need more info in its value than a single forward slash? Sometimes I see people placing the entire localhost address in there, other times it's literally just a route, or in the case of a w3 example for php, it was an entire filename.

It's a bit of a bummer that there isn't that many "you're an absolute backend scrub" focused tutorials for node.js, they all seem to assume it's your second or third backend technology.
How do I make this?

I want an image slider where you just cycle through thumbnail size images. I don't want the capability of any fullscreen modal shit when you click on them, I just want them to stay small. So can anyone point me in the right direction?

If you can point me to some already existing javascript code, or maybe a tutorial, or maybe come up with something yourself, I'd appreciate it immensely. I'm really lost
Bump for MEME stack

That is typically called a carousel. You should be able to find plenty of examples of them on github, etc.
I'd like to build a web app that performs a reverse image search exclusively on images hosted on my server. Basically, I only want the search results to be images on my site.

Does an API exist for this? I know TinEye has an API, but it only seems to work for searching through its own image catalog.
Can you help me find one that looks like what I want? I already knew they're often called carousels. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to make exactly what I want
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I'm having some trouble conceptualizing my models. I'm making a site where you can make/join a room, and chat with people in the room, and upload files to them. Should the users belong to a room, or should the room belong to a user? And do the files belong to the user or the room?
I tried doing room>user>file but I'm not sure it's the best, because of room switching complications.
I feel threatend when I see normies learn web dev in a year and get a similar job as me who have a degree in this. Mind you, it's not just a web development, but I had like 5-6 courses in it, it's not CS either though. Fug :^(. Idk if masters in Software eng. is worth it given that it's mainly about mobile apps, some more Java and business. To me it sounds disgusting.
Guys, I'm going through Angular docs and am wondering - why does it have all those functions that can be written in pure JS, like foreach, is(x), etc.?

Looks like Angular's forEach method with iterate through object keys and arrays.

But I agree. If you can write vanilla JS over opinionated shit, choose vanilla.

will iterate*
>Can you help me find one that looks like what I want? I already knew they're often called carousels. I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to make exactly what I want

In other words:

>Can you do <tedious and time-intensive task> for me? I don't know what I want, but I can't be bothered to actually look for it myself. I'll definitely know it when I see it though.

The answer is yes. Yes I can do the thing I literally do for a living for some random cunt on the internet. The question is, can you afford my hourly rate?
I'd do that for sure, I'm just "worried" that maybe when writing Angular in a team environment, I should be using those functions because it's the "Angular way of doing things". But maybe it will depend on a team, idk.
just use phash and generate hash for the uploaded image and then compare the hash to hashes in the database by calculating hamming distances between them
Can users be in more than one room at once? Are the files visible to everyone in the room? (e.g. Discord)
One room at a time, but the files are visible to everyone. Each room is created by someone and then anyone can join it.
I'm not sure if room>user>file or room>user + room>file makes more sense. I need to keep track of which user the files are tied to though, so probably the former?
Not that anon, but would that work if the test image is of a different size/resolution to the database images? Or would you have to downsample first?

room>user + room>file makes more sense to me, but either way could probably work. What does your db situation look like? Presumably you're storing the image path somehow? Just store the user's id along with it. (And also other potentially useful metadata like timestamp, size, etc.)
Any decent library to use web workers or should I just make my own abstraction for it?
Is just going through a whole docs a good way of learning a language/framework? Keep in mind you are talking to a genius who remembers everything without practicing it (proven in programming classes) :^).
Not that anon talking about phash, but yes, it works even with images with different sizes. Look for an implementation in your favourite language and see the examples.
What's up with meta and role html tags? They seem useless but they're in every page source I look at.
Any good books for learning node/express?

A lot of the stuff out there seems to be a bit out of date, and they've only been published for a 12 or 18 months.

Fast moving field, I suppose.
Yeah, terrible. I have to learn Angular 1 for my job and it is already deprecated. It sucks to waste my time on this. I don't know if I will get anything useful from this later.
>Using books for web development

Docs + tutorials + practice

You should basically never bother with web dev books, they're obsolete before the ink is dry.
Meta tags give - as one might expect - meta data about the website. Two most common meta tags would be
<meta charset='utf-8' />
for the character encoding header, and the one for mobile-readiness, which I can't remember. You can find it on Google by writing "html meta mobile".
Basically it's info for how the browser should interpret the data for the page.

Not sure about role. Surely useful, if often used.
>watch 45 minute long js tutorial
>near end
>"most people use jquery for this though"
what is vanilla js used for the most? just onclick shit and making the UI look more responsive?
Fug jQuery. You can do all that with JS anyway.
What's your hourly rate?

If it's not the 2017 edition it's deprecated.
On the frontend, its used for AJAX, which is where you fetch data from the server and insert it into a page without reloading the whole page. When you type a search into Google and it suggests shit for you as you type, that's Javascript and AJAX.

Sometimes entire applications are written in Javascript. Ever used Discord or Google docs, or Google maps for that matter? All Javascript.

Javascript is used less for little shit like button animations, since CSS is now capable of doing that shit.

Javascript can also power your server, instead of using PHP, Ruby, Python you can use Node.js. I like Node and think it has some very good features, like streams.

If you want to do webdev, you pretty much can't escape from Javascript. I like it, but many developers hate it because they're stupid, and they refuse to actually learn the language.
ah but senpai, jquery makes element selection and click events and especially ajax a million times less verbose and tedious
So should I just be looking at this (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/AJAX/Getting_Started) instead of making slideshows and shit in JS?
>this library makes things easier. I'll just throw it on my page
>oh this other library makes things easier. I'll just throw it on my page
>... etc
>I now have a 10mb page weight and am making 230 HTTP requests for meme frameworks, libraries and stylesheets, and my page runs at 15 frames per second while using 8gb of ram... But that's fine
t. Every useless frontend monkey developer these days

Or download node.js and do backend stuff instead, make an application that can actually do something instead of just looking pretty.
>muh slippery slope

jquery is 32kb

unless you're on dial-up it'll be alright
As also a design-cuck, I always find these posts so triggering.
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ty for saving me some time :)
jquery is more than 1000x times slower than vanilla js
The primary web-browsing platform these days is mobile, because normies don't spend all day at home in the basement shitposting on a Tibetan Yak butter churning enthusiast BBS. So shitty unreliable connections and metered data plans are a reality and your page should be as tiny as possible.
What do you expect from bartenders and housewives who got into web development over night? Do you think they really care about performance?
have fun wringing hands over a 32kb footprint, tweaking ms-difference performance times, solving cross browser issues and writing shit like .getElementById
Job interview in two hours for a junior dev position using drupal and "developing in javascript/html/css" what do I need to know going in? I'm a student and it's a school affiliated position so competition is not easy. Please give tips family.
Ok follow these steps for guaranteed success

>open the door
>do not knock, thats a beta move
>if there's more than one interviewer, pick the one that you're going to focus on
>anyone else does not exist and must be ignored entirely for the duration of the interview
>when shaking hands squeeze as humanly hard as possible to assert dominance
>during the interview continuously insinuate that your interview is not qualified to accurately assess your ability as a developer
>ask him an extremely esoteric question (e.g. an edge case in IE4)
>if you don't have a question to ask, just make one up
>once you sense the interview is about to conclude, preemptively get up and leave the room
>this will show your ability to predict phenomena and take the initiative to act before you're instructed to do so
thanks for the laugh. Helped to make me a bit less nervous.

I'm only first year university and i've been casting a wide net trying to get a job doing development or tech stuff. Mostly the market is super saturated as I'm at an engineerning school but I feel like this won't be a hard interview to ace. I've just never had to touch drupal before.
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>using drupal
>If I used a SPA framework on these projects they would take me 100x longer to build a MVP with. If the project is viable and gets traction, then you could consider rewriting with a SPA like React or something.

Do you agree?
How do I convert html/css/javascript to a customizable wordpress theme? I think I understand most of it, but I don't know how to handle images for logos or carosels
anyone know a good hovertip script? I've been using powertip but its kinda buggy and it disappears some times and the default jquery has messed up position
you mean tooltip?
>If I used a SPA framework on these projects they would take me 100x longer to build a MVP with.

Looking at the projects mentioned, I seriously doubt it would take 100x, first of all. And secondly, the reason it would take a lot longer to do a SPA for them isn't because a react app would take a long time to build, but because some of the sites look like they were made in like 30 minutes. (Nothing wrong with a site built in 30 minutes, just pointing it out)

In general, I think it depends on the nature of the project. if it's a service that users are primarily going to be accessing as a web app, and it's something that makes sense to use a SPA for, I would probably do it as a SPA from the start. On the other hand if the project is mostly just static content or something, there's really no point in using a SPA, just make a basic HTML/CSS site and put it on gh-pages or something.
write your own you dumb shit jquery faggot kys nigger
I'm terrible at math.
Can I still become a webdev?
thanks that looks good
nah im lazy ):
depending on the complexity, you could also just use css
Good websites to get jobs for entry-level?

I'm on Indeed, Monster, Dice, and have been accepted to LaunchCode; just waiting on the interview for the 3rd month now.

Anywhere else? that angel site doesn't seem to be friendly towards entry-level.
Is PeoplePerHour still a thing?
It's not my business so I'm not going to complain. I just want to get hired and get work experience. I know for a fact that whatever they do I can find ways to improve.
top navigation vs side navigation and why?
>tfw jquery is mindnumbingly easy and there are pre written codes for anything and everything
why do you chumps hate on efficiency?
Top every time. Cleaner and looks better on all displays.
why isn't my html styled when i serve it via an express app? I link to it like I normally do via a link tag in the head of the html doc.

Do I need to specify something in the express app itself?
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>tfw you have a sexy voice and get the recruiter super hot for you during the phone interview

Remember to do your vocal warm-ups every morning /wdg/
what is missing? the stylesheet?
I figured it out, lack of a static server declaration in the express file. Weirdly, the recommended way of doing it as shown in the docs didnt work for me
where do you get started with back end knowing absolutely nothing about it? ajax?
look at web frameworks of the language you like most
Read the RFCs, starting with HTTP.
What do you do to work on your voice?
you can buy some special white paste you can gargle for 10 minutes before talking to smooth your voice
I start with some breathing exercises for ten minutes, actively relaxing my diaphragm and trying to lower the breath as close towards the crotch as possible. Then I start to hum, not aiming to make the tone higher or lower than the natural octave my voice settles on, while focusing on relaxing all the resonators and letting the sound spread to as much of my body as possible. After several minutes of this, I let my jaw drop open and it becomes an "ahhhh" for another few minutes, taking breaths where needed. There is a meditative mental component at work here too, ideally you want to enter into a relaxed trance where your body adopts your most natural sound without your mind interfering.

If I'm feeling particularly tight in any of my muscles or limbs I follow up with stretching out those areas. Also useful is a few reps of voicing the highest octave I can reach down to the lowest one, repeated several times.

Do this every morning for a few weeks and you will be amazed at the sound you are producing. Others will notice too.
Sounds like bullshit broscience to me

Can you program a game of solitare? If so, in what language?
It's how stage actors have warmed up for hundreds of years so that they can be heard perfectly by the back row of an 1100-seat theatre.

If you do it regularly, it will transform your voice
First nootropics and now voice exercises. Looks like the old general disease is getting to /wdg/.
>clientside code in current year

I guess that could work as well
OP must be gargling a lot of white paste.
I've spent the past two weeks doing absolutely nothing but javascript and it just took me a half hour to center a fucking div.
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>centering divs with js
I'd tap that
Nah, just with CSS. I meant that I spent so much on JS that my CSS ain't up to par, family. Web development is harder than people sell it as. Genuinely surprised so many people just jump into it.
Step 1: Tell them to go fuck themselves
Step 2: Send me their contact info so I can apply for the same position and save you from the burden of dealing with that horror show of a language and framework.

I only care about your sanity, seriously.
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>Step 1: Tell them to go fuck themselves

This tbqh familyman

Make projects that seem interesting and learn cool shit instead of rewriting the same shitty code for retards' ecommerce/deal sites.
it's just that centering divs isn't really intuitive...
it was a nightmare centering divs before CSS3's transform was made available,
Someone give me something to test my HTML/CSS skills with.
JS is ass.

I'm a professional, it's 2:30am, bored af.
Helped a few anons here before.
>JS is ass
Fucking absolute pure garbage donkey ass gorilla shit.
>shit exception handling
>IEEE 754
>typeof NaN = 'number'
>^ There are so many things wrong with this, I can't even begin to list a fraction of them
>no proper scoping
>Array.sort() sorts "ints" in alphabetical order
>the minimum value of a number is -Number.MAX_VALUE instead of Number.MIN_VALUE -> confusing af
One I faced just yesterday
>literally no array keys, have to use objects, which was a retarded use case
>ended up using two arrays

And the worst of all:
>the people who write JS don't know jackshit, and end up writing pure infantile crap.

Even though HTML/CSS are far from perfect, I'll gladly take their quirks ANY DAY over the convoluted piece of shit that JS is.
I actually use these to create/dev my websites and game servers and I didn't find anything better!

- docker
- visual-studio
- nodejs
- redis
- postgresql
- azure
Just fucking give me something HTML/CSS to work on, be it a simple problem or a layout or whatever.

1/10 made me reply
what's that stand for?

>literally no array keys
what do you mean by this? arrays have indexes?
Hard to think of anything that only uses HTML and CSS
>what's that stand for?
Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm

>>literally no array keys
>what do you mean by this? arrays have indexes?
Yes, they have indices, but not keys.
You can't have a JS array with keys, without using an object. Not to fucking mention that literally fucking everything is an object in JS. Convoluted assjuice, I say.

A pure layout, that maybe some beginner has trouble with.
Agh, guess I'll just go waste time elsewhere.
make a fully responsive homepage that doesnt look like shit. no bootstrap. just html and css.
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>that feel when you are just making a useful site you and some friends might use
>tfw as it comes along you start to think others might use it too
>tfw you realize it will almost certainly die and never reach over 10 concurrent users
>tfw you start thinking of all these elaborate features to implement anyway that would be really cool if there was a community
>tfw you go back to coding knowing it won't be a reality but still in the back of your minding thinking it might be
>clients faster than they've ever been
>client server model essentially useless now because of this

I'll give it 10 years before websites just upload the controller and models right onto the client who then runs it in a local server
I need some ideas of what to add to the textboard software i'm writing. So far you can post,reply,and mods can delete posts, that's about it. I was thinking of adding tripcodes next.Any ideas?
How do I make a captcha?
Use google's recaptcha API or one of the many captcha libraries for whatever language/framework you're using
This guy is a web developer

This guy is not

Jquery has its downsides but there's a damned good reason it exists.
is it unethical to just steal shit from libraries.
It's not stealing if they allow you to use it, fampai
You sound like you just read the fountainhead. u gotta sellout in order to make money.
Good book for general web dev?
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.

Also use skype as your number and use a good microphone. I use a good microphone through a mixer where I add my EQs to make me sound smooth and bassy.
Any decent alternatives to PHP that aren't JS frameworks?
>The book presents the Sumerian language as the firmware programming language for the brainstem, which is supposedly functioning as the BIOS for the human brain. According to characters in the book, the goddess Asherah is the personification of a linguistic virus, similar to a computer virus. The god Enki created a counter-program which he called a nam-shub that caused all of humanity to speak different languages as a protection against Asherah (a re-interpretation of the ancient Near Eastern story of the Tower of Babel)

I would argue the exact opposite that the entire reason why php is obsolete is its unscalable to have the server process everything its not how the web was designed in the first place
why would i pay my good money for server resoures just to process markup intended for the end user to consume
Ruby on Rails vs PHP? Just for personal projects. Not necessarily looking for work.
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>have an idea
>oh that's a good idea
>better snag a domain for it
>what'll I call it, though?
>500 years later
Go, Elixir (Phoenix framework), C#, Java

Rails would be fine, PHP is a pain in the ass. The only good thing about it is how large the community is, and Rails has a large community as well.
I've been trying to recreate this site that died like 8 years ago, but the more I think about it the more I think I might have just made up most of it. So maybe it will turn out original?
>have perfect name for domain
>name is mixture of words, can't be taken
>domain taken
>lookup guy
>has owned domain for 4 years and about to expire.
>he rebuys in his 1 week grace period
>email guy "Can I buy?"
>"I'm not selling"

That was 6 months ago and the domain is still sitting there.

Also try creating a URL shortener. Not a single domain in and TLD with 2 or 3 letters.

All for sell for thousands of dollars.

This shit should really be regulated.
>Not a single domain in and TLD with 2 or 3 letters
Yep, the market is dominated by bots.
>div align center
Er, to elaborate, any URL that's a combination of two common english words is probably taken. Bots buy them up because the ones that do sell, sell for a lot.
I barely know js. How do I make it so when I click a div it changes background then click it again and change it back to what it had?
myDiv.addEventListener('click', function() { 

and have the clicked class use a different background
PHP, it's easy to learn and if you are stuck you will find your answer on StackOverflow
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>Tell us what you've recently built
>>I have an extensive repository of userscripts and userstyles that I constantly work on, made to cater pornsites to my specific minimum standards for UX and UI, totalling about 10k SLOC. It includes use of technologies such as CSS3 flexbox importantly for responsive websites such that they can be browsed in almost any dimensions necessary. I utilize Javascript to dynamically load images and video previews. Websites include the furry porn website e621, the hentai websites Gelbooru and Danbooru, and various JAV websites.
Center a div in a simple and supported way without javascript.

You literally can't.
And to go back?
click it again

div {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
Good answer but does this work if it's inside another smaller div?
I just decided to test it and you'd have to change it to relative.
if your bigger div is inside a smaller div?
what are you trying to do?

Nothing, I've just never been able to center a div. I've been out of CSS for years though.
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No idea 3.jpg
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Is hashing+salting still the best-practice for storing passwords?
translation even works if you don't know the size of the element, makes it a lot easier today.

the old way of centering was using negative margins, but this only worked if you knew the size of it and it didn't change.
div {
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
margin-left: -200px;
margin-top: -200px;
No. see http://security.stackexchange.com/questions/211/how-to-securely-hash-passwords
I just flew over that post, but where does it say not to use a salt and hash?
he even recommends some hashing algorithms.
He talked about MD5 specifically, but the same logic applies to SHA family too since it's fast to compute, even with multiple iterations.

From the accepted answer:
> Use bcrypt. PBKDF2 is not bad either.
but >>55371879 didn't mention any hashing algorithms.

so >>55373758 makes it seem it's wrong to do so now.
Sorry, my bad. As per SE answer, hashing passwords is okay, as long as you use a slow function.
No one belongs to anyone you stupid fuck.
What is many-many relationship ? God fucking damn you web devs, you are stupid.
This is my website.

The white makes it painful to view,
the blue makes it look like a generic bootstrap template despite no bootstrap being used,
the search input is almost fucking invisible and doesn't intuitively look like an input box,
and although fairly functional, as a whole the website is completely forgettable.

How do I make this not shit. How the fuck do I into design
>web design inspiration
I've looked through hundreds and hundreds of templates. Virtually all of them are some variation of a simple navbar, a simple centered div, and some fuck huge photo covering the page. It's hard to find a design that suits what is effectively a search engine.
I'm a professional front-end dev.
If you want, I can try making some modifications to the styles for you, if you provide a fiddle of your page.
Kinda bored, and I like HTML/CSS design challenges.
I mean I'd do it to give you some inspiration/pointers, if it wasn't clear. You could use my code directly, or just parts of it. I just feel like coding something.
Just wrap it in

That would be brilliant. I have absolutely no design sense.

I've never used fiddle, does this link work?

Anything at all would be appreciated, no matter how small. After a while of making CSS changes I just lose track of what looks good and what looks bad.
Yep, that works.
Just give me a moment, I'll try whipping up something nice.
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>mfw can't escape web development
>being a frontend dev in current year
Frontend is the easiest shit in the world.

is depreciated

Well then that's some bullshit.
Ugh, my jsfiddle.net bugged out, so I cba to do anymore changes.
I commented all the changes I made, as well as I could.


I was going to put the navbar on one line (logo and links on the same line), but I'm not sure anymore. It works like this too. One line might add some well needed white-space.

table.collections td.title
padding: 1em 0 0 0;
it was deprecated in html4 already, almost 20 years ago
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Damn, thats sick, thanks.
I have never really used "em" (relative sizing?) for anything, so its interesting to see how it works.

The only thing I will probably change is the color of the nav. I think it looks great, but pic related is a "mascot" of sorts (I didn't know how to add the image to that website) that I have been using, so I might try and follow a blue-ish theme if I can. Did you use any sort of color picker in particular for the two greens?

>I was going to put the navbar on one line (logo and links on the same line), but I'm not sure anymore.
As it is, I would agree with this change, but I am eventually going to add a "register/login"-esque thing on the first bar, so it would show the users name and maybe a settings link. I think that would balance it out.

The site is already live at a .org domain, so I'll put most of the changes up in a few hours. Thanks again.
Yeah, using "px" is how pretty much everyone starts writing CSS, but honestly if you know what you're doing, there are VERY few cases when it's actually the best option.
Widths are often best defined in "em"s with a max-width in %.
Some things that have to be exactly defined (if for some reason you're using sprites, or pixel-art images, or 1px values) are acceptable.

The point is that "em"s let the user/browser define the starting size, and are often at a size that is readable to the user. Really helps with mobile readability and cross-browser support.

Regarding the colors, no I don't really use the color-picker (except to preview the general ballpark, sometimes) I prefer colors that can be written in the short HEX format (#XXX). It means you're not relying too much on the subtle nuances of colors, which are often fucked up between the users different monitors/screens. Keeping it simple with as few colors as possible is usually good.
Also, usually it's a design-smell to use pure black or pure white in designs. You VERY often want to use some very subtle hue/a bit greyish color instead. It's a subtle but (for the lack of a better word) subconsciously very pleasing difference.

(Also, you really shouldn't define a minimum width for the whole website. Mobile support is fucked, and even desktop users will suffer.)
Responsivity is where it's at.
Time to actually read up on exactly how em works then.

>Responsivity is where it's at.
I'll eventually get around to learning how to implement a responsive design myself. I wanted to avoid any frameworks like Bootstrap for the time being.

>I prefer colors that can be written in the short HEX format (#XXX)
I'll keep that in mind. Also, what the fuck? I thought the navbar was green as a fucking tree, but looking at it in a color viewer its just a dark blue?
check your monitor color calibration, it's a dark blue.
>learned html
>learned css
>all javascript tutorials are literally just little snippets thrown together but dont actually explain anything.

guess im done here.
>tfw you like front end dev and are good at it but you have to muddle through weeks of backend stuff to get your site to an acceptable functional level first
With ems writing responsive styles is not complex at all.
I remember a few years ago when I first started learning it, it took me months to wrap my head around it, mostly because I was still trying to only use px and %. But after you get used to ems, making the whole page responsive is just a matter of a few (very simple) @media-queries.

Also, I can only say that it's a very good thing that you stay away from frameworks. Writing your own code is undoubtedly the best choice, at least until you're a true professional. When you're writing code that's only bottleneck is the speed at which you type, THEN it's time to start using other people's code (frameworks). And even then, sparingly. If you're a pro, you'll write better code yourself, but sometimes (rarely) it's worth to save minutes/hours for the optimization losses taken from using frameworks.

The navbar is #145 and #134, both of which are basically dark cyan, but more blue than green. You can never rely on the user having a properly calibrated monitor, so you shouldn't rely on very subtle changes in colors (as you can see from this instance :) )

Good luck, m8.

Easiest from programming, probably. Otherwise, not quite.
I'm getting an internship as a frontend dev soon and I'm still stressed about it, there is still a lot of shit to be learned. It's not just html+css after all. But yeah, I've had some backend courses in college but I probably wouldn't be able to function as a backend or fullstack guy at all, given that I only know basic PHP, more than enough to be able to create custom CMS plugins lol, but not enough to be able to write a whole actual system. I've been looking into node recently but have no time for it now because I have to learn all these frontend memeworks. Sigh...
I don't know if I'm doing it wrong, but I used floated containers with percentages for my responsive site. I don't see anything bad with it and it is perfectly responsive. It seem completely logical. I could switch floats for the flexbox though since I'm using it for some other parts, but I would still keep percentages.

Is this ok or should I do something else? I'm using ems and rems for fonts even though I'd maybe even switch back to px because I literally can't see any difference on any device.
>floated containers
Floats are usually (as weird as this sounds) a code-smell. It doesn't strictly mean there's something wrong, but usually there's a better way. Not always.
I'd still rather be using floats than flex, for browser-support.
Eh.. if you don't care about older IEs, I guess it's fine. I prefer supporting them, though.

All you've said about your site COULD be just fine, but without seeing the code and/or result, it's impossible to say.
Make a fiddle, or give a link, and I could review it.
Good front end framework that doesn't require JavaScript?
Depends what you need the framework to do. You can get responsive grids that just use CSS, but if you want something like an MVC or single-page framework you're going to have to learn JS friendo
Just formatting not some 1 page shit
I like Pure.css
What meta tags should I be using?
Is hosting using dropbox still working?
the mobile ready one (viewport, or something like that),
the SEO tags like keywords etc.
Keywords don't matter anymore for seo.
3 years and the feature isn't yet done
Great job chromefags, you are literally stopping any progress

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>Angry that a feature in an open source project isn't being completed
>Too stupid to contribute and develop said feature
>Instead shitposts on an Islamic extremist pottery board
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I love this framework
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For the love of Kek can anyone spot where I'm going wrong here? I know it's Typescript and I know I posted it before but take pity on me, I'm just trying to learn Angular 2 and I need it for my portfolio by Wednesday

The threads component route launches with the board_id of its respective board as a route param, that's working fine:
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Thread } from './thread';
import { ThreadService } from './thread.service';
import { RouteParams } from '@angular/router-deprecated';

selector: 'my-threads',
template: `<h3>Threads</h3>
<ul *ngFor="let thread of threads">
<li>{{ thread.subj }}</li>

export class ThreadsComponent implements OnInit {
threads: Thread[];
thread: Thread;
private threadService: ThreadService,
private routeParams: RouteParams) { }
ngOnInit() {
let board_id = +this.routeParams.get('board_id');
.then(thread => this.thread = thread);

Then it uses the thread service here:
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Thread } from './thread';
import { THREADS } from './mock-threads';
export class ThreadService {
getThreads() {
return Promise.resolve(THREADS);
getThread(board_id: number) {
return this.getThreads()
.then(threads => threads.filter(thread => thread.board_id === board_id)[0]);

Compiles fine and no errors, the functions are firing when they're called, but it's not bringing anything back to load into the ngFor and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY
no idea about angular, but your threadscomponent has threads and thread variables.
you assign thread in the loop
>let thread of threads
maybe it collides there with your thread variable?
This is the mock thread data if that has anything to do with it
import { Thread } from './thread';
export var THREADS: Thread[] = [
{id: 1, subj: 'Hello World!', body: 'Poop', board_id: 1},
{id: 2, subj: 'Hello World!', body: 'Poop', board_id: 2},
{id: 3, subj: 'Hello World!', body: 'Poop', board_id: 3}

Pls send help
I feel like I'm fucking up the namespace somewhere but I can't figure out where, I've been up all night with this


Resolved, please ignore or learn from my stupidity
What's the benefit of using a framework like laravel over non framework PHP?
not having to reinvent the wheel
you know the memes about how shit and ugly php is? well, although a bit exagerated, that's what you get with vanilla php

also >>55381792
You tried to buy a domain before you even started coding?
That's literally the first thing you should do though
If you're working for a client then yes, I can see the logic behind buying the domain first.
For personal projects that wouldn't work out so well for me because I'd get bored and stop coding after 30%, wait a few months then do another 30%, rinse and repeat.

Maybe the domain would actually motivate me to get something done for once.
It probably would since you've basically put a down payment on the project. And honestly even if it's a year before you get it deployed, that's better than getting to 90% and discovering someone else registered it
I don't know if my explanation will be clear but here goes.

You gusy know that type of form where you filll out a section with your details and then you click next, you're then shifted to another section where more content will be there for you to fill out - all of this happening without the page being refreshed. What is this type of thing called? Any tips?

Is there a tool that will help me to create this? I know a lot of JS will be involved to remove one section and display another, I'm trying to find a way to bypass having to code all of that by hand.
For routing without page refresh you need a single-page framework such as Angular.

If you know JavaScript you can learn one in a couple of days tops.
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't have a few days to learn anything unfortunately, I need to get this done by Monday. I just need to break a huge form down into sections where I can click Next or Previous to traverse the different parts.
>I know a lot of JS will be involved to remove one section and display another
that's called a "wizard" form, and it's not complex at all
just build your form into sections

<div class="section-1">
some input

<div class="section-2">
some input

everything except section 1 should be hidden, then at the end of every section put a button that on click wold trigger the next section to show up, and the last section to hide

topics to google for: css hide property, html onclick attribute, jquery (because fuck vanilla js) show/hide methods
Looks simple enough, I'll just use a few hours to code it up then. Thank you.
what the actual shit do i do with my web page

it's just collecting dust in a corner of my basement counting uptime on the internet for no reason
>fuck vanilla js
That's how I learned PHP.
Guys, I'm building a news site with rails and the editor can write articles, I want him to be able to upload images in the middle of the text how can I do that? I'm using carrierwave to upload images but it pus them at the end of the article
Does anyone know if https://dribbble.com/ uses Angular for routing? (not the nav links, the post links)
I want to implement something like this.
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>Still dealing with MVC *and* ASP when the rest of us have moved on to React
fucking for real. nothing is explained, tutorials are just people writing out code without saying what it does. especially with the back end shit. i feel like i got memed.
What was 4chan built upon?
sorry for the late response...
your images should go to app-root data, aka, the environment varible OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR
to disable auto deployment from git, run:
rhc app-configure my_app_name --no-auto-deploy

obviously, change my_app_name
finally... remember to read the docs. or at least google it. openshift is very well documented.

I'm glad people are using openshift. I'll keep suggesting to use it.
>your images should go to app-root data, aka, the environment varible OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR
fuck, I meant
>your images should go to app-root/data, aka, the directory pointed by environment varible OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR


same, I made an app and no one uses it :(
I really need to learn some marketing.
could someone teach us? my site is http://nask.co (btw, should I change the domain name?)
>single-page framework
>you're going to have to learn JS friendo
I really don't get this. why would you *need* JS for a single page website? what can you do with JS that can't be done with CSS?
>my site is http://nask.co
oh yeah I remember you posting this quite a while back I think when you made it

it's cool
Lol, somebody has no idea what he is talking about.
thanks m8

man, this thread is dead. guess webdevs have social lives... unlike me :(
you know what a spa is, right?
t.b.h., no, I'm not really sure.
we have jobs.

I just got home.

Join me in a 2 hour shitposting marathon before I have bedtime.
You can always hang out at /dpt/, thread's always bumped because they're all jobless NEETs
I'm planning about making a shitload of WP sites with "stolen" (automatically retrieved/posted) content for some monies (I'm a [sad] NEET). I got tired of all the "ideas" that I never finish, and all my failures related to things that I have done.
Do you think this could make me some money, /wdg/? Anyone got any pointer on what paths I should take? Do niche websites make money at all these days?
Also, does this belong here?
Your ranking will be below the ranking of the websites with the original content. Furthermore you will be penalized with your GPR.

Niche sites don't generally do well. An inline commenting system is a great way to boost PR.

I'm like you, I'm lazy, which is why all of my websites are ran by the community. I wrote zero content. They've written a few hundred pages of content so far.
So, how do you have a career doing this? Do you work in an office, freelance or try to make your own sites and hope they take off?
Are you replying to

I work my job and these sites operate on their own for a little extra cash. I have two more that are about 6 months out from launch that are also autonomous. I basically launch and hope something catches. I'm not above launching the same site under a different name a few years later.
How do you attract traffic to your sites?
I know these guys that used to post on /b/ who were into 'click trading'. Basically they had an IRC with a ton of people. You pick someone you wanted to trade with and they'd browse your site for about 10-20 minutes then click on one of the ads and you'd do the same for their site.

Apparently just clicking on an ad after being on the site for a minute doesn't count as a 'quality' referral and you'd only make a little money off it. Plus their content was unique most times. These guys were pros tho, they developed a neat way of doing it. Some of them were kids that made 2-3k a month just doing trades after school n shit.

I wish I could find them again, every time I think about it I feel sad because of all the money I'm missing out on. Hold me.
>Some of them were kids that made 2-3k a month just doing trades after school n shit.
really??? I always ignored those threads ;_;
how to get quick motive to keep learning php. awfully distracted tonight with feelings of loneliness.
It doesn't work like that 2-3k a month from ad clicks? You would need like 3 million ad clicks for that.
saturday nights make me really anxious because of my lonelines...
guess you need to think about the thing you are doing, listen to some music and distract yourself from the thought of loneliness
Money = people won't leave you alone. No more loneliness.

Get to work.

Also there is a special feeling you get launching a website that people use.
I make a single post on a relevant forum.

That's it.

I offer social media sharing though. People really like to share what they like.
Why do you comment on things you don't have any knowledge on? Have you ever used Adsense? All the click rings are for Adsense? You know why? Because they pay the best $0.10 to $2 per click.
I was going based on traffic, not clicks.

My bad. I know adsense though.
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Does working with Amazon Web Services (AWS) go here?

Work has recently shoehorned me into working with AWS. Normally I'm a backend programmer and I interface directly with the computer running my code via the shell.

How do I get the python program to read from the worker queue that you can see in the Amazon web interface?

I've seen the example code like
but they don't seem to show how to set the program to use that queue, only arbitrarily assigned names that could be different from the worker queue in the interface.
>on the html/css/js tree
>see all this shit

That is a lot of shit.
Never heard it used in this context but I'd wager that it'd probably be an acronym for 'single page application'.
>literally completely different things

inb4 this retard replies with "lol I was only pretending to be retarded"
>>ask him an extremely esoteric question (e.g. an edge case in IE4)

I'm literally cracking the fuck up. based af senpai
don't do it
please just make a sane static website
In the time that it took you to post that long reply, you could have just googled it.
In the time that it took you to post that reply, you could have just googled it.

literally the first result
Why the fuck should he have to google a common as fuck component for some lazy fag?
Act of
No. It is more kind in the long-term to let babby learn to spoonfeed himself.
Hoe do I check what user wrote into form input? Like the exact words
Have you tried just asking them?
No, no I have not
whats wrong with dynamic websites?
Nothing. That anon is just bitter he can't make anything beyond a geocities page.
I want a semi comprehensive guide on learning javascript from the tooling to hosting using a relatively modern framework or set of libraries from a beginners perspective

Every other beginners tutorial I go to introduces the use of vanilla javascript and keywords and maybe a little jquery, but modern javascript seems like so much more then that. tooling like npm, libraries like Babel or Webpack(?), purely View components like React, MVC like Angular, full stack frameworks, server side Node, extensions of those server side like Node express, actually turning that into a hostable website ...

Anyone know a good starting point? I know some basic vanilla javascript already
I want to cry. I spent 13 hours today just trying to implement the simplest feature in Rails. Websockets stuff. So hey why not use the rails built in socket shit from the new release?
No, that is God damned awful. I spent so long trying to get it right, and I finally did get it right, and it was buggy UNRELATED TO MY CODE. Unusable buggy. 14 hours to find out that even when I do it right, I was doomed to fail.

And only then at 5am did I find out there is a gem that does the exact thing I wanted.
> Is there any way to leave the "images" folder untouched?

Yes, Capistrano would be perfect for this.
You can use the 'shared' folder to choose the files you want to keep between releases :)

If you have a SSH and a git access, you could use it
You should use Capistrano, which is the perfect deployment tool for this.
I believe you can use it if you have an SSH and git installed on your prod server.
Then you can put the image directory in the shared folder, so it won't be touched between releases :) (Capistrano creates a symlink on it for each release).
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I want to make password generator in python
I want to host it online
I want it to cost me nothing

Where can I host it? I assume i would need VPS of some sort not just simple html host?
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If you want free Python hosting, then look at Openshift.

The only way I could see python used is to get random bits to generate random password, because I don't think you can get enough entropy in JS using browser
its not excatly random
I want to use my language dictionary to make combination of words
excluding ones containing some characters, think ščťžýáíô and some letters like y and z because we are undecided country and 70% uses qwertz and the rest uses qwerty

so then I would generate password by combo of 2-3 words

and for this I feel like I need VPS, to setup my webserver and python stuff, and the word dictionary and shit like that


Maybe he could use a Mersenne Twister
That's one of the worst things you could. Your password would be vulnerable to dictionary attacks. You need read complete randomness.
the generator would have additional options and multiple words count
also main aim is to be memorable, while decent, not the best impenetrable

and there quirks in slavic languages, you know how in english you go
>I walk
>they walk
>he/she/it walks
adding that 's' at the end in 3rd

well imagine language that has 7 variants of adding bullshit depending on position in sentence, to nouns and verbs...
Again, not enough entropy, it does not matter what language you're talking about. Plus, you will either have to hard code the phrases which would be terrible or go down the rabbit hole of NLP to generate phrases which are meaningful and grammatically correct.

Just read random bits from /dev/urandom, base64 encode them and you will have a decent, secure password.
if you need more entropy you add more words which would still be more memorable than random bullshit you are talking about
Thank you guys.
I was seeking for a way to do that through git. I owe you
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> believing that XKCD comic has entropy calculated correctly.
Just stick to vanilla for a while. Everything you mentioned are memes of the year, but vanilla JS isn't going anywhere. Once you can solve basic tasks with vanilla JS and feel solid with it, learn some meme tools and frameworks.
How can I post my angular code here? I tried JSFiddle but I it doesn't want to work because it can't add a js script in html.
you can add external js libraries on the left side of jsfiddle
Ok, I did that for angular.min.js but how can I add the javascript code from the bottom in my html though?

I don't know if you guys can make this working or just paste it in your IDEs and try it out.


But basically, for some reason, when I click cancel to close my form, it sends the data to a database again, so I get duplicate id's and everything breaks. Also, for some reason even if I post normally, the first time it gets the incremented id, but the second time instead of sending a new item in form, it sends the old one, and I get that dupes angular error again.

Hmm, I see it still keeps changing the same item...
holy shit, it works and the only thing I did was cleaning up this ugly code from tutorial. Wut, I have no idea what I did to fix it, but I guess there was some bug in there that got annihilated by cleaning.
i'm building a website (again) and this time it should actually look like something and be sorta maintainable so i've been lookin into frameworks. stylus a good place to start? will it fuck me over in the long run? what are some good free-as-in-freedom-frameworks that support grids?
Ohhhh I know that feel anon. I now assume there's a gem for almost everything, no matter how petty
Try plnkr
try "scss"/"sass" or even "less"
>free-as-in-freedom-frameworks that support grids?
im not entirely sure about what you are requesting, but "pure" fits what you want (and is as simple and as small as you can get)
or you can try the alternative default-go-to bootstrap css
thanks! i'll check that out then
Is there a way to stream files through a websocket? I know there are ways to stream video and voice, because Skype Web and Discord exist. But could you upload a file like a song and have it play on the server before fully uploaded?
I've only found one library that seems like it would work and it's not free.
What's a good in-a-day JS project?
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What tools are you guys using? What do you recommend?
tools? what are you looking for?
When has this ever been best practice?
what else would you do?
Say what you want, but Indians are the best teachers. I only watch pooinloos on youtube.
If you're using PHP you'd do something like this if you just want to display what the user entered.

$post = $_POST['formname'];
echo $post;
I'm half indian and I know PHP. Am I a meme?
Plaintext? :^)
Trying to understand how to use git, bower, intellij, webstorm, karma, unit testings, gulp, grunt etc. is harder than actually learning new languages and frameworks.

Kill me.
>using git is hard
we do this at work for applications where medical staff logs in to enter patient data.
everything is plaintext
>storing passwords in plaintext

because my coworkers are idiots.
I'm not even allowed to fix it because "no one cares, no time, bla bla bla"
mcrypt and store the hash backwards.
I remember you talking about this a week or so ago.

Don't they have it in an excel document or something like that?
That's a catastrophe waiting to happen. Leave before something happens and you get blamed for their retardation.
no, that wasn't me.
it's in a sql database.

good to know some other companies are dumb as fuck
Getting hang of Angular and it is getting pretty fun. I feel good when stuff is happening on screen, I almost feel like a real programmer now, even though I probably don't know shit.

But it is nice to make something that actually works, instead of only doing web design. It's been a while since I've made something useful outside from class assignments. Development can actually be comfy, huh...
What features should a textboard software have?
Would having links on my site which lead to pornographic content (but not actually displaying said content) make my site pornographic? I don't think I'd be able to afford to host my site if I can't run ads, and Heroku would probably forbid the sketchy ads I'd have to run if my site were considered pornographic.
I want to create an array of buttons (whose id's are numbers 1-10) extracted from my HTML document. Something like this.
for (var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
var buttons = [];
buttons = document.getElementById("[i]");
How would I do this?
defining the array inside the loop won't work.
make an array outside, get the element in the loop and add it to the array
let buttons = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
let button = document.getElementById('myButton_' + i);
var buttons = []

that'll take all the buttons on the page and push them to an array. much more flexible.
>needing jquery for this
are you being serious
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Thank you
>le "jQuery is only 32kb, you are not a real developer" meme is coming
>using jQuery
>too dumb to use for loops
>converting an Element to a jQ object for no reason
>all to get a fucking id attribute
Looks like the average webdev to me.
no, this will take every button and put the id of that button into an array, not the element itself.

a more elegant way would be giving all the buttons the same class and then using getElementsByClassName.
Guys, will knowing Angular 1 benefit me in any way in the future or is this time I'm putting into it (because I have to) going to waste?
Yes. It's actually a pretty good framework.
It's very popular and great to have on a resume, I'm in the process of learning Angular2 right now

I love being able to type a single command and have all my code linted, compiled, and packaged into a zip file
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what Go framework are ya'll using?
net/http with httptreemux.
If your web application doesn't consistently support Chrome, is it dead?

My web application supports Firefox without a hitch, but it only works ~70% of the time in Chrome.
Firefox and Chrome or you might as well be writing a new tab page for yourself. Saying fuck you to MS and Apple is more reasonable with esoteric applications that can't be polyfilled.
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