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AMD RX 480 launch summary, thread #3

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The sources:

Performance summary:
1- Tom's put this card as below the GTX 970 and R9 390, but not by much.
2- TechPowerUp, Anandtech, PC Perspective, Hexus, HardwareCanucks, and KitGuru put the card at slightly above the GTX 970 and R9 390.
3- LegitReviews, GamerNexus and HardOCP puts the card on par with the GTX 970 and R9 390.

1- All reviews mention that the cards does considerably better on DX12, where it can beat the GTX 980
2- The reviews praise the card's overall power consumption, but note that it exceeds the standard limits (86W from PCIe, instead of 75W)
3- Most lament the temps of the reference cooler.
4- Most of the reviews note that the reference cooler does well on the noise. As good as nVidia? No, but this is something to note, considering the horrible reference jet engines of AMD's 290/290X cards.
5- Overclocking results are mixed, some reviewers getting up to 10% OC, and some barely 2%.

A good launch for AMD. The card is slightly above the GTX 970/R9 390, and cheaper. Once non-reference versions are out, with better temps, this should be a great purchase.
3rd party when?
2 weeks
Less than two months.

You know we could use the threads until they actually get pruned. The first one is still on page 8.
this year
>160 watt
>barely 970 levels
>housefire cooler wiht 95°C vrams

>muh 2.8 times efficiency at 14nm still worse than 28nm maxwell

this card is a meme. the price is still attractive though
480 OR 390?????????????????????????
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The only bench that matters.
Buying a 970 rn
Non-reference 490/x when?
480 because TDP.
German site Computerbase, which I find very reliable and thoroughly with their tests rates the Stock 480 on par with a custom OCd 970, slightly behind a stock 980.
You don't need to be able to speak german to understand the graphs and diagrams.
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>Nvidia memecard lovers BTFO.
>. The card is slightly above the GTX 970/R9 390, and cheaper.

So basically completely fucking useless for everyone. Good job amd.
probably september to december
literally the only thing putting me off getting one of these is the display ports, i use 2x dvi single and 1x dual links for my setup and i dont wanna shill out on expensive adapters
30FPS in AoS in DX12. fail.
Because it's one of a few where the 970 is in the lead? Hello Mr. Shill
480 Dummy. The power consumption of the 390 is fucking stupid. Wait for aftermarket cards that will allow the card to OC well and it will probably OC to Fury levels.
Daily reminder that the 4GB version has 8GB, it's just locked up in the bios.
u are dum as shit ROFL
so we thought we'd get an amazing ground breaking never-before-seen value GPU

and instead we just got a great one.

I'm ok with this
>Still not available in south america

Fucking hell AMD
As long as you're not pushing out 144hz dvi, the cheap adapters work fine
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>AMD releases better card that's 2x-3x cheaper. Shit tier. Useless.
Don't risk it. They may have laser cut the thing to prevent any funny business.
How the fuck did these poo niggers manage to fuck up the power draw so hard? Why not just add another set of pins?
it does worse in 1080 tho
>970 ssc
So basically a 980
>When will we get non-reference cards?
Typically, within a couple of months of launch.

>I was expecting it to beat GTX Titan X SLI! This SUCKS!
This is a $200 card. It beats older $200 cards, and is on par with older $330 cards.

>[company x] BTFO! Fanboys on suicide watch! lel, kek, and kys!
We can do that, but it is a waste of your time and energy. We can talk about the new card instead.

I will split the sources section into a second post, for the next thread. Thanks!
This is false. 4GB version uses 7GHz VRAM while the 8GB version uses 8GHz VRAM. Why add extra VRAM modules of a slower variety only to lock them up.
There are tons of people with 280 or below performing cards. It also makes the barrier for quality PC gaming even lower. You can now build a 1080p killing PC for $500.
Add another set of pins so it can draw twice the power?
does shilling work? do people actually look at this shit and think "yep, reasonable argument. I'm getting a 1070"?
but one of my monitors is, hence the dual link
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>15% performance improvement from OC despite power limit
custom cards will OC "to the moon" like the leaks claimed
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Speak for yourself.

My Pitcairn is finally getting replaced.

This thing is a beast

I'm fucking sold
I presume the 4GB 480 is going to end up on the guide in a few weeks then?

Assuming that the prices remain close to what they should be and supply is okay
So this card is basically useless right? A competitor to a nVidia's last gen technology.
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>So basically completely fucking useless for everyone. Good job amd.
Funny. AMD thinks and I tend to agree it targets 80% of the PC Gamers market.
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Who the hell would buy a 970 or 1070? I imagine the only people that bought them were people who drool or parents/old folks who didn't know better and walked into a failing CompUSA store or something.
I am adding it now, and removing the 380X.

nVidia does not have anything new in the $200 segment.
It was cheaper to keep the production line the same than switch them to only produce 4GB cards. AMD is making a good profit on the 480.
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the rx 470 is only 1k points behind 480 in basic fire strike
What Nvidiacucks don't understand is this will hopefully bring gaming up to speed by lowering that barrier.
The power consumption is an issue though. Being able to overclock a cheap card through the roof is a great thing, and I look forward to it. But I'd hate to see this thing consume more than 225W after a full OC.
I'm going to wait.
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Yeah, 390, 480 and 970 all cost the same and perform the same.
Went to check the noise levels to make up my mind on what to get. Looks like 480 wins.
You're delusional if you think it will clock to fury levels
Good on you. I waited too much (560ti).
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RX 480 Crossfire or 1070 for 144Hz 1080p?
The price:performance is pretty far in 480s favor, but I'm a bit wary of dual GPU.
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>overclocked 980
>faster than 1070
wtf DOOM
Maybe. But if the card really does get to 1500+ mhz, who knows?
It's only almost two years late.
1070 hands down. Crossfire a shit.
1070 is useless. You might as well go 1080 if you want 144 or better usage in the future. No clue why Nvidia released the useless 1070.
The aftermarket cards which are supposedly able to be overclocked further can draw a whopping 300W from the PSU.

They come with 6+8 pin connectors for 225W + an additional 75W from the PCIe slot.
>2g8 didn't come out today either...
What did he mean by this?
ahmed, pls
opengl is garbage.
>a 30% OC makes it perform slightly better than a 25% better card
wow it's fucking nothing
Is JayzTwoCents trustworthy?

Judging by the name, no.

Yep. It's a good card for the money. It just means AMD's GPU division is now in the same boat as the CPU division: they can only compete at sub-flagship levels.
Not gonna lie, bought the GTX 1080 and it is overkill for 1440p. I'm averaging 140fps in DOOM with nightmare settings.
looks like a crackhead
Yeah he's reliable.
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>card with same performance as 970/390 is now considered mid range
I see the AMD pajeets crawled out of the woodwork. Everybody already has a card like that for the past 2 years, and for those who don't, by now a 970 costs the same as a 480, cheaper if you buy it used, has same power draw, and can OC better.

RX480 is a fucking joke, and the final nail in AMDs coffin.
He got the same results as Paul's hardware, Linus and Digital foundry.

4 9 0 x
back to /pol/, fuckwit
Bit of a nvidia shill.

>wont test ashes of benchmark because reasons
>will test rise of tomb raider to show "true" dx12
>early "rx480" is cheating ashes of benchmark jumper
low yields because of lots of defects in chips hence the low numbers of cards available
A single GTX1070 is always better in benchmarks against cfRX480. I am buying a RX480 myself but you have to be some kind of special retard to get 2xRX480 over a single 1070.

The 970 and 390 are already showing signs of age because they can't even max out some of the recent titles. If it was 980 performance then it would be fine because the 980 still holds up strong today and is about 20% faster than both the 970 and 390 but because they flopped and could barely get it to match a 970/390 this card will be outdated in no time. Enjoy medium settings.
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>The price:performance is pretty far in 480s favor

2x8GB 480=$480
GTX 1070 = $400-440

1070 beats 2x480 overall in average fps. If you exclude the games that have shit CF support, 2x480 is 10% ahead. And that's in average fps. Due to frame pacing issues, average fps is a bad way to measure CF/SLI performance.
Go back to grinding Anki anon. I dunno how you came to read it as that, but your translation is wrong.

it reads
>Wasn't able to (2 get) today either
What 2 get is referencing is beyond me, I'm guessing it's dubs, but don't quote me on that.
You mean overhyped trash that will be an even bigger disappointment than the 480?
Seems right.
Mid range=being able to max out 1080p while not being able to max out 1440p.
How is a 200$ card not midrange?
>A single GTX1070 is always better in benchmarks against cfRX480.
All the game benchmarks Falco linked suggest the opposite.
How do you figure since AMD had the fastest card? Has anything from Nvidia beat the 295 yet? This old 2+ year old card?

How is it "a fucking joke" since it performs between a 970 and a 980, uses less energy and custom designs will be GOAT for MUCH less money?

Oh wait, dont even answer me, since you are a shill.
>wait for the next amd card/cpu
>next amd card/cpu comes out, is a gigantic flop
>but it will be better the next time guys! just wait until the next amd card/cpu

every fucking time.

When was the last time AMD released anything that was good? APUs are a joke, Fury was a joke, 390 series were full rebrands, Faildozer was a gigantic fucking joke, Phenom 2 was good but 2 generations behind, and Phenom 1 was a joke.
Of course. High end has been pushed. Technology evolves.
It's low end. 1070 is mid-range, and 1080 is enthusiast tier.
Guess it depends if you class ranges by cost or performance. If a GT730 could run 1440p games, would it still be a level entry card with amazing performance, or a high level card with amazing price.
>When was the last time AMD released anything that was good?
Tahiti. So +4 years ago.
I'm almost considering buying a 970, dated as it might be and the 3.5gb meme and all.

Reason being I want nvidia but I want cheap. I was considering AMD only if it was actually as good as people said it was going to be, which turns out it isn't. It's worth it in terms of price but it's just a bit more.
This card is okayish, but nothing more.
People with a highend 3 years old card still won't buy this card.

There is no gain.
>includes non-scaling games
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Can I post this or should I delete this?
it's <$500 worth of cards
just buy intel
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nice shill you piece of shit, but anandtech benchmarks don't show it above 970 at all
The 7970/7950 were AMD's last truly competitive cards.
Nah mate 1070 competes with 1080 customers which is why they cripple it like with the 970.


Looks like amd have a lemon on their hands. This card is fucking garbage. Nearly 10% slower than an overclocked 970.
>>wont test ashes of benchmark because reasons

Well he complained that the benchmark results were not consistent across most of his cards
We crawled out of the woodwork because we now have reliable performance measurements. 970: It's not cheaper.

And: 8>3.5 always and forever.
Guy who has been called a nvidia shill multiple times here.

There is no reason to buy a 970 over a 480 at the moment.
Honestly, I trust GamerNexus most of the bunch.

Might be just me though.
>since it performs between a 970 and a 980

it's slower than 2 year old cards.

>uses less energy

uses more energy by default than what the 6-pin power connector can even supply. That's a HUGE design failure.

>and custom designs will be GOAT for MUCH less money?

not available yet, while the 970 has been out for 2 fucking years.

Are you kidding?
>2x-3x cheaper

fucking what?

The issue that it's not. It literally costs the same as a GTX 970 and r9 390
No reason to ever buy a 970 ever really.
its pulling the extra power from the board not the 6pin
>a $500 card is now mid-range
how out of touch are you?
>And: 8>3.5 always and forever.

By the time games use that 8gb memory, the 480 won't be nowhere near enough to run them to begin with.
Am I the only who's impressed that this card is so good with only 32 ROPs? That's a pretty huge nerf and it still performs better or on par with the 390/970.
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that's not overkill at all since I'm using a 144hz monitor
I need it min ~140fps
Wait for the 1060 then.

It might actually be a nice card since they'll have to play catch up.
That's exactly what you should be doing. You don't pick and choose games depending on how they perform.

Flip your thinking a little. Think of a world where CF/SLI only works in 5% of the games. Then you only benchmark the games were CF/SLI works, and conclude that CF/SLI works amazing and shows amazing performance increases. Do you think that's a smart thing to do?
I wonder if we'll get a 480X or pre-overclocked cards. Perhaps with 2x 6 or an 8pin for power.

Luckily i don't want to do a new build immediately. So i can wait a couple of months for these things to trickle out.
this desu

also 2 gpus on one board would be cool considering how small the actual board is
Heavily modded Skyrim makes use of ~10GB.
Never underestimate stupid big textures.
clueless fag here who's had a gt 240 for like 4 years, why should I wait for the non-reference versions due to OC capabilities?
>there were retards that thought this card would be in the Fury region performance wise

Anyways, this Crossfire/SLI advertisment is pure shit, games run horrible with microstuttering.
Nothing but a meme.

Anyone who wants to invest into VR in the next year, is gonna get a GTX1070 atleast.

Nvidia is way more efficient once again.

The RX480 already draws more power than a GTX1070.

The RX490 will be in R9 390 region.
Fuck the 480. Is the 460 better than the 750ti?
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I like him. I still look at other reviewers because You would be retarded to follow only one source
No they're pretty fine, I haven't seen them shill stuff and they just seem to show just what it is.

I like the fact that they make a lot of different tests and shit too.
So you can OC better and run cooler.
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Don't spread this bullshit, they sent 8GB cards with double BIOS to reviewers so they could test both configurations on a single card. The consumer cards have physically 4 and 8GB installed.
Oh, so a brand whore buying a objectively inferior card?

Daily reminder:
7950, 7970, 390, 390x, fury x, 295x2, fx83xx, athlon 64
Heavily nodded skyrim doesn't even hot 4gb on my 980. I have 8k textures running too. Nvidia cards have memory compression compared to amd only adopting memory compression now with polaris. The same mods will use much less vram when comparing nvidia to amd.
Was expecting more. Performance is just too low. Even IF it OCs to 1500MHz with decent cooling that would put it at regular fury levels(that is assuming performance per clock ratio is pretty much 1:1 as with other GCN cards) and it's not enough of an upgrade for me at 1440p.

After 8 years with AMD just went with a 1070 this time. Sad times
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>mfw the complaints boil down to people being mad that this $200 card is not better than the $400 they got last year.

Calling this retarded is an insult to retards everywhere.
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7GB in Tomb Raider
We'll always have Athlon.
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Please stop spreading that shit.
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no really falcon blatantly lied about it being ahead
>last year
No, the 970 is older than that, and was $330 at launch.
We need to start overhyping 490 now to get people even more disappointed.
>is not better than the $330 they got two years ago
It was $400 on launch.
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970 is a 2 year old card
AMD is dogshit, can't even beat a 2 year old card
>980 over 10 fps more

Which retards tried to sell me this as a 980 beater for $200? Hang yourselves please.
t. AMDrone false flagging to make people believe Nvidiots actually did that
We don't know how capable of an overclocker the card is. You could be missing out on a huge boost in performance if you go reference. Let's say the card can hit 1500+mhz. Would you wanna miss out on that? Also blower coolers tend to be a bit loud.

Duh. It'll be about on par with a 370/950. AMD already demoed it a while ago running the same framerate in Battlefront as the 950.
Nice cherrypicking, lads
I've seen a Titan X in person making use of more than 10GB of VRAM playing Skyrim.
I'm afraid nothing you could ever shill will change this.
Those were utter fucking shit. Same with the 390/X, goddamn rebranded housefires.
Holy shit, you don't understand anything with hardware and buy into the le more ram meme.

How clueless are you?

In your little mind, you must think that any card below 8GB will somehow run out of ram it will cause a blackscreen or something.
The only ones disappointed are the faggots expecting a high end performance from a mid range card.
Is the crossfire shitty?

If I buy one of these now because it alone will be a rampant improvement over the GTX260 I have in my system now, will buying a 2nd one down the road and putting it in crossfire really make a big improvement?
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Guess you've never played cities skyline before
Crossfire always has been, and always will be, a huge pile of microstuttering dogshit.
See >>55320311 and >>55320239
>blatantly lied
I linked the sources. Read the conclusions for yourself, from each review.
>7950, 7970
poor cards, only saved by the fact that you can overclock the shit out of them.

>390, 390x,
lol rebrands

> fury x,
complete fucking failure

dual gpu cards always were and always are a joke, literally useless for anything but password cracking.

has worse IPC than a fucking core 2 duo, only saved by MOAR CORES

>athlon 64
sad this shill isn't posting the $200 4gb version
Thanks anon, I'm heading to bestbuy when they open in an hour to grab one. This GTX260 has to go.

I feel confident now in the scaling in the future.
I'm very happy about the 480, built my first rig and I'll I need is the cheese grater sapphire version now
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0.50c have been deposited to your account!
8gb can't even beta 3.5gb card at 1440p lmao
more RAM = less texture streaming = less texture pop in & more fps
3.5GB is a liability. Especially because it relies on driver trickery to avoid 0.5GB stutter issues
Drop a link vid mang
still waiting on phoronix
>muh linux gaymen
The 390 has been beating a 2 year old card like a redheaded step child for a while now.

Sorry you just woke up from your coma.
*Cheaper 8gb can't even beta 3.5gb card at 1440p lmao

phoronix already released their shit
>titan x
>higher vram limit
>more room to cache resources

Yeah and fucking black ops 3 uses 11gb vram on a titan x. Does that mean it doesn't run on anything with lower vram?

Off yourself or educate yourself kid.
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DX12 will make this baby shine.
the 8gb isn't $200 :)
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Real talk, how's the performance looking on the 4GB vs 8GB? Is it REALLY worth the extra $40? I can't imagine the difference being huge.

>Calling the 7950 and 7970 poor cards
Dude, what? They're fantastic cards. They literally still hold up today. They were the 2500k/2600k of GPUs.
jesus the 1070 sucks a fat nut, buying 2x 480 now
And 390 had an average power consumption of 265W.
are there any benchmarks comparing the 4GB version to the 8GB version?

Polaris 11 = Rx 460.
It is
8GB is 239.99 the GTX970 3.5GB is $250
$10 more for less
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less? Already shown for more
Glad I kept my 290 and didn't worry with selling it to buy the 480. The performance is almost identical.
I got my 290 for $170 a year ago.
It saves money by working as a space heater in the winter too.
so it is
their website is running real slow though
0.03 rupees were deposited in your account
Why is the 1070 so bad? Barely faster than the 970 LOL fucking nvidiots
Should I buy the 8gb version lads?
*Cough* Mirrors Edge *Cough*
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so this is the power of samsung...
Thats the power of linux :^)
480 is already in 390 region idiot
t. paid shill
>$170 for a 290

Not bad, man. You scored. Wait for the RX490 and see how it is. If its shit, guess you're waiting two generations.
90% of all web servers are linux based
Can you read? It says 99th percentile, not average framerate.
So I guess a used GTX 980 it is for me.
Not that i know of, probably in a day or two. Id imagine the 4gb model will be pretty on par with the 8gb
>used gpu
Refurb can work, but
Someone mentioned gamernexus so I read their review and their conclusion is exactly my concern.

>AIB partners will do a much better job of thermal/noise management, the question is whether or not those cards exceed the $240 price-point. As price grows beyond $240, the value proposition swiftly diminishes. The RX 480 does feel like it's priced precisely where it belongs – $200 to $240. We just need to see if those prices stick.
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>tfw, where I live, a 1080 costs about the same as 2 x 480 8GB

What a time to be alive. Us eurofags are truly getting pegged, I hope the prices normalize in the coming weeks.
>still barely faster than a 970

wow nvidiot buyers remorse KEK LMAO
>t. paid shill

1 hour ago all of /g/ was laughing at how cra the 480 is. If anything, this is the paid shill thread.
i got my gtx760 used 2 years ago, still using it.
>just wanna upgrayedd my 8350 and 760 and play some vr

>fucking 1070s not available
>480 has no dvi port

Any thread that was pro-480 was getting instantly deleted. "All of /g/" wasn't on /g/ at the time.
Poolaris will get better as time goes on due to better drivers.

Meanwhile NVIDIA will gimp maxlel to give pascual a chance.
>3.5gb card doing better than 8gb card in 1440p
This is the objective price:performance and benchmarks thread.
What you post in the thread is your business.
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I'm not disappointed with the performance at all. I was always expecting at least 970/390 performance and it delivered albeit not that far ahead. The attractive thing is that it's only $200 whereas those other cards released for $100-$150 more. That being said, I am disappointed with something that will likely hurt AMD in the near future, and that is its power consumption. What the actual fuck happened here? GloFo's 14nm FinFET is garbage, the RX480 is consuming less power than a GTX970, but the latter is not only 28nm, but it's also not that far behind. This really has me worried for Vega since those are probably monster chips. They better perform well or they're pretty fucked in that regard.
That particular benchmark is not representative of average FPS. GTX 1070 is an excellent card.

If it works fine!
Sure, I guess, if you count doing nothing but playing LoL once a week "using" it.
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>mfw amd shills were grilling 1070/1080 FE owners because of the high temps
>mfw their shitty card that's ~70% slower reaches the same temps whilst even being on a smaller node size and chip

Holy kekkk
who cares
Probably not gonna be a significant enough jump for me to buy, I'm betting on R9 Fury performance.
yeah once non-ref cards come out and better drivers this thing will unlock beastmode and oc to 1080 levels np, you see that scaling? unreal
Kill yourself you statistically illiterate /v/ermin. A small change in the mean results in large changes in the extremes. The 1070 and 970 have tons of benchmarks for their averages out in the open, there's literally nothing out of the ordinary here.
Should I get the reference card or wait for the third party releases?
Also costing 3x time less

Fuck no. They disable voltage so you can never OC. Never buying xfx again.
Any news of where the 1060, 1060Ti, or RX 490 will fall in here?
I'm looking for a bit more kick than the 480 has to offer but the 1070 is overkill for my needs.
Usually better to get non-reference. Cooler temps, lower noise!
Higher resolutions use more vram. A 3.5gb card should in no instance ever be beaten by an 8gb card at 1440p.
GTX 1060 has already been pictured, and rumoured to be released in a week. No news on anything else.
Usually cheap shit costs less
I was hyped to buy a full build today, but I'm going to put off until the non-reference cards are released, and so should you.
The 1060/ti is rumored to have 6gb vram and launch in July. That's about all we know besides a leaked picture of the reference cooler that looks a bit different than the 1070/1080 one.
Yeah and expensive shit costs more.

The state of the GPU market is a fucking tragedy
>launch in July
is AMD dead? The 1060 will do better than this
then the gtx 1070 is a comppetitor to AMD's Fury X, it's useless right?

gtx 1060 will be a competitor to AMD's R9 390, this too is useless then
Price isn't relevant here. It's about the technology. Both nvidia cards are running much higher frequencies which would naturally make a chip run hotter and the nvidia cards are also on a larger process node and chip. The amd card should have massive advantages due to the smaller node, lower power input and frequencies. Yet it performs worse than a 2 year old Nvidia card on a 28nm process.

Mark my words. This is the first evidence of amd flopping with their node shrink. There is worse to come.
I really don't even think this card has a market, it's really bad, I really expected more from it, $200 is still too much at this performance at this point in time
Learn to solder GPUs you faggot
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It's ok when NVIDIA does it.
The non-reference 480 will have a dual link DVI port

The pajeet holding an AMA claims that their:
>reference GPUs are designed to show the world what we want the world to be like in terms of display interfaces
and a 192 or 256 bit bus which improves on the gimped 960.

But thing is the 1060 only has 1.2k shaders vs the rx 480s 2k+ and in the long run those extra shaders are gonna help
>Price isn't relevant
Official Nvidia reps should have trips desu.
We don't know if the 1060 will be the direct competitor to the 480. Given that the 1070's price went up, the 1050 might occupy the $200-$250 bracket for Nvidia. But in that case, the 1060 will dominate the market for people who want more than a 480, but less than a 1070, at least until Vega is out.
everyone saw it coming when it was revealed they were using samsung and not TSMC
>Rx 490
Will probably be cheaper than the 1070 for similar performance. It's supposed to be released by the end of the year, judging by the AMD website.

This should compete with the 480. Who knows if it performs better or offers a better bang for buck. It will probably be on par with a 970.

>1060 Ti
Don't know if this will ever happen
Are you braindead
Well, once the vendor cards release, I can throw one in my HTPC with native GameCube emulation and get exactly what I was looking for.

Not the card AMD promised, but not bad for certain users. Console gaymers can get a decent intro card once aftermarket coolers come about.

Anandtech has a quick glimpse comparison.

The thing is the memory OC's far better than the GPU, so you can easily make up for the 2% performance loss from the lesser bandwidth.
>Any thread that was pro-480 was getting instantly deleted.
You do realize that it's incredibly easy to find out whether you're lying?

Let's take a look at deleted threads from the archive.


We see 4 deleted RX 480 threads. One is in written in swahili, so I imagine that's why it was deleted. The rest of the threads are

Image of RX 480 with the comment
This is certainly pro-480.

Image of 300€ RX 480s, and a comment where the OP laughs and says it has worse price/perf than 970
This is certainly pro-480.

Image of Mirror's Edge benchmark, and a comment that says
I think he's laughing at the 480 here.

>Any thread that was pro-480 was getting instantly deleted
All the threads deleted were 480 hate threads. Good fucking job.
Probably. The fact that the 480 nearly matches power and temp levels with a 1070 shows how much more efficient the 1060 can be. It'll also run at probably over 1.4ghz and oc much higher than the 480.

I honestly can't see anything good coming for amd in the years ahead. Their new card is practically DOA and will be beaten by a maxwell refresh.
There is literally nothing wrong with Swahili.
So how is the shakedown between the 1070 and 480 for 1440p? I still have a 7850 which can play some stuff at 1440, but FPS is pretty bad.

I am thinking the 480 8gb should be a good choice for a replacement, but if it cant handle 1440p at decent settings I might spring for the 1070 or 80.
AMD really needs to ditch GCN.
>tfw 7850
I'll wait to see the Amd 490 or 1060. 1080p gaming.
>86W from PCIe, instead of 75W
I wouldn't put that on my system
I will wait for aftermarket cards with proper cooling and 2x6pin or 1x8pin and the GTX 1060 before making a purchase
>confusing temperature and heat
it's nvidiot time again
1070 wins, no competition.
no later than 2017
Yeah amd fucked up bad when they went with samsung.
what games do you play?
see >>55320399 where the 1070 can achieve 60 fps for GTA compared to 30 from the 8gb 480
Same here. The waiting will finally be over.
>"With Tom's Hardware reporting that the RX 480 draws (substantailly) more than the 75W allowed from the motherboard (for example, the PCI Express high-power card spec allows a mazimum of 66W to be drawn from the 12V pins of the PCI Express slot, and the RX 480 averages79W from the 12V lines alone) AMD seems to be violating the PCI Express(R) spec.
>According to the licensing contract for the spec, if they do not fix this within 3 months, AMD will NOT be able to call the card a PCI Express card. If they do, they face not only litigation, but if my understanding is correct an action before the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) to ban the importation of the card as counterfeit goods. You might think the PCI-SIG will give AMD a pass, but if they do, they risk loosing the trademark entirely. An unforced trademark gets invalidated. The SIG won't let that happen.
>So what does this mean to the consumer? I think there are two possibilities, if we assume AMD will not choose to remove the PCI Express logos from these cards: Either they will alter the boards to have an 8-pin socket and to more power from there, or they will neuter the card to ensure it doesn't draw more power than the PCI Express specification allows. I don't see any other options.

AMD is finished
What's the point in comparing the 480 to the 1070? They're in completely different price ranges.
>Amd 490
>1080p gaming
Nigga what?
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>Price isn't relevant here.
The difference in performance is drivers.

Half the reviewers are using old drivers, the other half are using ones that AMD put out (barely telling anyone) just 2 days ago.

Oh no! Better email them and tell them they used the wrong wording in this graph because this one ass blasted amdrone said so!

Off yourself
No it wasn't
Wait, this could damage your mobo, couldn't it?
480 plays 1080 comfortably it looks like so what appears to be the issue.

DX11 is on the way out.
if it's low-mid-end yes
dx11 will be here to stay for another 2 years
by then you would have better dx12 cards
I generally end up playing a year or so old games, or relatively low processing stuff since I wait for sales on bigger games since I already have a backlog of shit to play. If it can only manage 30fps thats pretty bad, but it probably varies by games and settings. I've gotten 40+fps in plenty of games at 1440 with my 7850.

I need a replacement card so I'd rather get the newest card I can to last, but I'd rather not wait for AMDs other cards later in the year, so it becomes a question of splurge a bunch now for nvidia, or go cheap AMD for now and then upgrade later if necessary.

I've been using AMD for awhile with no issues and kind of wait to avoid the Nivida bullshit, but if the difference is worth the price I may go for it.
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A Samsung Curved 27" FreeSync monitor and RX480 Fucking way less than a 1070 and a monitor with Gsyit
The 960 was shit and the 1060 will also be shit. It'll be $250 for the 3GB card, with a shitty 192-bit memory interface. Idiots will buy it because they want to be in the special Nvidia club, just like the idiots who bought the 960. AMD's only problem is power consumption, and it's not even a relevant amount anymore. As long as it doesn't get to retarded, hawaii levels it's fine.
It's almost as if we should be comparing it to the 390 and 970

Well there's my only snag here. It performs very close to those cards and costs the same

I would expect to get more performance per Eurobuck as technology evolves

It's almost like AMD has said "Well it uses less power than the 390, so it can cost the same as that right? Oh and you actually get the amount of VRAM it says on the box, so it can cost the same as a 970"

Well sure AMD, but I'd also like to take a slight performance increase here a few years later
It's not even about wording, you clearly don't grasp the concept.
Kindly educate yourself.
Thats complete FUD. ASUS has a GTX 750ti that pulls near 100w over the PCI-E slot.
>Implying the 1080 will only be good for 2 years

Will after markets have 8 pins then?
That would be obviously stupid, but taking an average of FPS in scaling and non-scaling games is complete nonsense. Such number tells you nothing.
Nice try shill. At least you posted the link so I don't even have to bother to respond.
Yeah I'm with >>55320857 here
A 1080p monitor is 24"
No more
ASUS has a 750 Ti that also has a 6 pin connector.

I hope that's not the card you were talking about.
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you're right thats nasty.....
4K FreeSync but 60Hz
why would anyone buy a reference card ever?
Let's see when the third party cards come out
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>toms hardware
>the only one reporting this issue

really makes you think..

not like they have a history of being bought out shills or anything.
So I'm probably just going to go return the 970 I bought at microcenter a week ago and get an open box 980 ti instead. Fuck all of this.
would this be better...but its 60Hz
This is bullshit. Firstly the 12v spec is 75W, not 66W. Secondly the spec allows some tolerance. Thirdly those power measurements are never accurate.
It shows the average fps in all games (scaling and non-scaling), and the average fps in games where CF actually scales.

This tells you
1) What kind of performance increase CF gives you on average
2) How well CF scales when it is actually implemented
If you're gagging to get building and are going to stick a waterblock on any way?
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Holy crap.
The RX 480 does in fact draw more power than the GTX 1070 while performing worse.
Worst of all is the fact that power draw is within close range of the Radeon Fury Nano, and performance is still well behind.

Something is terribly, terribly wrong with this card.
Wait for 1060.

If HardOCP are saying it's equal to a 970, then we know it's better than a 970
Because these are the only cards going for $200. All the after market cards are confirmed to be nearer to $300.
Confirmed by...
tl;dr it's a cheaper 970 that performs 5% better than a reference card at 200 bucks, except now you can buy third party overclocked models with better coolers at pretty much the same price point because 1070 is a thing and made all 970 models drop in price rapidly, making this card completely useless.

Nice try AMD, maybe next generation will go better.
That darn GDDR5.
1070 uses GDDR5.
Third party card of choice?

MSI? Asus? Saphire?
A 20W difference adds up to about $5 per year if you play 6 hours a day. It really does not matter much.
A straight die shrunk Fiji with low clocks matter of factly would have been better on all fronts.

That faggot Kyle from HardOCP was actually right.
Reminder that the 8gb is about $240 and most of the time 970s go on sale for $250-270 and ate better
It matters because the architecture is drawing far more power per CU whiling being on a drastically smaller FinFET process.

Fiji is 28nm planar Polaris 10 is 14nm FinFET.
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You tell me
>That faggot Kyle from HardOCP was actually right.
The funny part is he had no way to know if he would be right, he was just mad at AMD and ended up being right anyways.
xfx version comes with dp to dvi cable
I always found triple fans excessive.
New thread


Someone else please handle making these threads, I need to sleep.
Amd themselves.
useless if you have a high refresh monitor.
The Nitro is a literal housefire, it would burn down with any fewer.
Also, in general, more fans = less noise.
4GB aftermarket cards will probably be an extra $20. So $220. You can just buy your own VGA cooler for $20 and stick it on a reference model if you want.
>dp to dvi cable

Damn thing is an inch long

>buying 480 to play WoW
it can't do 1440p so it sucks
The card is starved for ROPs, which is why it only performs at a 390 level, as opposed to a 980 or better level. Obviously they did it to save money. It's also the 1st generation of a new manufacturing process so it's not surprising that it doesn't go perfectly smoothly. You're acting like this is some fermi-tier shit here and it's not.
I won't be able to return it then. And they already have an "open box" 980 ti for $380.

No more waiting.
I can't really imagine any.

More for "future proofing".
so why has is it the same TDP as a gtx 970 on 28 nm?
it the 4 gig extra ram that much What?
>slighty better than a GTX 970
>Hard to OC
my GTX 980 is fine as is and will smoke this card
of course it does? most 980s are still around $400 aside from one I saw on newegg

Also the 390 despite being cheaper, thanks to driver improvements and a-sync under DX12 is actually on par with the 980 now according to digital foundry

390X vs 980
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>X4 AF
why do they do this?
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