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Is this the worst video card of all time?

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Is this the worst video card of all time?
That would be the Gtx 970 friend.
nice try amdrone
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Nope. It does what it set out to do, and that is expand TAM. Did you somehow forget that AMD specifically said they were staying away from the high end Pascal parts?
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Fury level performance? Why do you need 980 level performance? You can't expect 390X level performance out of a $200 card. You should be grateful a $239 card can reach 390 levels of performance.
nvidiots are sick in the head
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Definitely the most disappointing I've seen
Compute Unit you fucking degenerate
This is just a tribute
290 at launch
>no drivers
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I fucking hate you /v/aggots
290 was fixed eventually. 970 is still 3.5 GB stutterfest to this day.
They literally won't fucking stop. Nvidia had better be paying them, it's a whole lot more pathetic if they're doing it for free.
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>Is this the worst video card of all time?

It's a card for the poor masses.

don't gotta buy it..just appreciate it. It will serve 12 year old virgins well, especially for 1st time builders.
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No, this hands down is the worst GPU of all time. There are still memes to this day about it.
It was the fastest at the time though.
Hell, nvidia fanboys to this day call things 'housefire' not knowing that term was actually invented to mock the GTX480
It wasn't, that's half the joke.
It was rapidly beaten by AMD's cards.
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It wasn't though, the 5970 usually beat it.
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>It wasn't, that's half the joke.
>It was rapidly beaten by AMD's cards.

Care to revise your bullshit statement?
5970 was a dual GPU card, genius.
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Yes if you ignore the 5970, AMD's high end card of that generation, it was faster.

Look carefully, it's comparing it to the 5870.
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>AMD's high end card of that generation, it was faster.

Because it had two fucking GPUs on it in Crossfire....

Dumb ass, compare two GTX 480s in SLI to the 5970.
>It was the fastest at the time though.

It was 10% faster than the 5870, cost 50% more, and did driver hacks to hold back some games so the card does not implode due to the heat it produces. That and it started cheating on tessellation.
See >>55316532

1. You don't compare dual GPU cards to single GPU cards
2. You don't measure the performance of dual GPU cards with average fps. It's incredibly inaccurate due to bad frame pacing, and boy was the frame pacing bad at that time. Pic is with 6870s, back when people started finding out about microstutter.
I don't argue that it wasn't a meme card, I had one actually.

But at least nVidia meme cards perform well.
You have a point?
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>cost 50% more
One lie after another.

Never had this issue with everything maxed out
Let's be honest lads. This thing is for ultra poorfags, in select areas where it is actually available at the low price, who want to go AMD.

The rest of the world should be getting a 970 or go back to waiting.
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>Recommending the 3.5 meme EVER

You faggots are hilarious.
Hey anons im about to go buy my parts for my new PC, is a 980 worth it or should I just go 970? Im not confident in AMD.
>newfag doesn't know about the fx5800
lost it when it tilted
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>mfw nvidia's 480 and AMD's 480 are utter trash
Like popterry.
9/10 anons say get a 1070. Just save up for an extra month or two and it will be massively worth it.
Nah. 480 is more futureproof.
> 4K VSR
> H.265 renderer
> 8GB VRAM (better textures or more AA)
And it's on par with 970 for anything else.
>nvidia drops price of 980 to $250
>AMD fucked again
NVidia doesn't control that really. The price drops because sellers want to empty their stock so they give it away almost at cost per unit and then they start cutting into their profit just to make room for the newest stuff.
The 480 has enough umph to watch gamers with 1080s playing games on youtube in 4K, but not much more.
Post caps of the thread you nigger.
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>efficiency of a 970 two years later on a smaller die.
>overclocks like trash
>hot as fuck
Its exactly what i expected it to be
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480 on 480 action when?

Hey there, I'm not biased at all (I own a graphics card) but I'd advise you to always buy Nvidiaâ„¢, because Nvidiaâ„¢ runs faster, cooler, and gives more frames and GHz when overclocked. Nvidiaâ„¢ let's me play games The Way it's Meant to be Played, and with Nvidia's innovative GameWorksâ„¢ development framework powering over 90% of up and coming titles this year, you'd be a fool to even consider a card from an inferior company. I could talk to you about drivers (amd has none, not one driver) but you're probably already sold by now. Buy any Nvidiaâ„¢ card at any price point and you will NOT be disappointed!
So I guess I didn't fuck up by buying a 390 yesterday?
Yes you did
Unless you got it under $250, you did fuck up
I got on sale actually yeah. It was around $35 cheaper than the 480. I got it in Norway though, so the price of a 480 here is around $350.
Yeah you did fine, its just a bit power hungrier is all
Heard a lot of people saying the 480 overheats like hell, was that true?
about as muh as your generic blower stile would. Just wait for 3rd party cards to come out. Same goes withthe 10xx series.
>most popular video card of all time
>worst card

OK buddy, whatever makes you sleep at night.
It heats up way more than that, it hit 91C, one of the worst cooled cards ever.
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sauce? I havent seen it hit that high
Look at https://www.reddit.com/r/amd/ scrambling, these guys are so disappointed it's kinda sad

I could see this coming from miles away but they bought into the hype
"In Sweden.
GTX 970 = $280 (tax included)
RX 480 = $330 (tax included)
See the problem?"

What a disaster
>what's popular must be good
you've a lot to learn
I'm not sure about it being the worst, but I'm fucking happy to see all these AMDrones looking silly after calling Pascal house fire tier.
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wow it's totally not like the card just launched and prices are high as a result!
A budget card with high prices is probably the worst thing that could possibly happen. Like that was the entire point of the 480 and it's failing at that.
It's called "supply and demand".
Did you make it to economics?
What if he wasn't making shit up because he's angry at AMD and he actually has inside sources at the company who gave him accurate information?
He was 100% right so far so I don't doubt it.

Look at how prophetic this quote was:

"In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by a potentially significant margin."

"AMD has a loser on its hands and are going to have to pull every trick in the book to spit-shine the turds, and the fact of the matter is pricing is how you do that."
If you can buy a 970 for $50 less then there is literally no point to buying a 480
No fucking shit.
I'm explaining to your dumbass why it costs so much.
The 970 came out years ago.
Goddamn son get some knowledge.
Well you'd have to be dumb to buy a 480 at anything above $250 and it's selling for way more than that now, so basically the 480 is DOA
>480 is DOA
>don't pay more than $250 for it
>even though everyone else is paying out the ass for it
do you think before you type?
There are plenty of dumb people out there

It's even selling for $500 on ebay and I'm sure a lot of morons will buy it
And those dumb people are the reason that this over hyped card is selling for retarded prices from distributors.
It happens just about every new gpu series release.
Yes, it is an AMD card after all.
Biggest pile of shit I ever bought, and even when people rumored that it has the power of a GTX 980 Ti for 200 bucks, I wasn't planning to buy it.

Drivers randomly crash, is gimped in most games, insane power draw, thermal issues, no good software, functions that are bugged as hell, btw what happened with Mantle? I though it would change we play games? Ahh right the Vulkan meme is the new Mantle and it will also fail.

The funniest thing is this piece of shit costs 280 bucks here in Germany. (stock version)

Why would I even want to buy it? I can soon can get a GTX 1060 that will probably also have the power of a GTX 1070 or around that price, and it's an Nvidia card.

AMD blew it, im waiting for Zen, Keller will completly ruin AMD and Nvidia will be the new monopol.

We need a new Vodoo
This is the hardest/dumbest nvidiot shill I've ever seen.
you got me
>The funniest thing is this piece of shit costs 280 bucks here in Germany.

I don't know why they are fucking up the price so bad. It's truly a disaster when a budget card is selling for so much because that was all it had going for it.
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Yeah sure, I'm a Nvidia shill

Kids really love their buzzwords
Why did Kyle give a silver award?
>buying asrock

dude you're the dumbass
It's the most absurdly over-hyped video card of all time.

For what it is (a budget midrange card) it's pretty good. Unfortunately that's not what it was marketed as.
It wasn't marketed as anything besides vague promises of entry level VR. AMD has a huge fucking marketing problem, they could easily compete with Nvidia if they fixed that. All they had to do was post some benchmarks and drop the rhetoric about being so power efficient at the reveal event and they'd be in no trouble right now.
Because Kyle is a fair and balanced person. He always said the 480 would compete on price alone and that's what it has done.

Sadly the price in the reviews and the real world price are way out of line, making buying one in real life actually a horrible deal.

Kyle is a fucking blowhard that got BTFO by AMD. He is just salty as fuck when he doesn't get this ahem "donations" from vendors/marketing divisions of certain companies.
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>telling the truth

OK buddy, sorry he was right.
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> Not waiting for HBM2
Funny how a 3.5 GB card can beat the 480

What happened AMD?
970 performance for a price of 750 ti

I used to have 2x GTX 480s in SLI. I dont know how Im still alive.
>970 performance for the price of 970

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What a disaster
>Is this the worst video card of all time?

yes, it is son. daddy will always make you happy.
What card do I get if I will be operating in a high radiation environment?

I have $356.78 allotted for a graphics card by The Boss

Which is best for a poorfag? 1060 seems like the best option but buying the 480 would save me some $ for an SSD.
970 is actually going to be the cheapest of all those with good performance
If you are a poorfag the 970 will do you fine. Just because it's old does not mean it's shit. This coming from an R9 290 owner. I try to remain fairly neutral despite all the trolling on /g/ at present. If you can get it for $30+ less than a 4Gb 480 then go for it.
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There have been worse.

>even Adored TV admits the 480 is shit in dx11 and recommends it because of dx12
Also, this guy got a card and had enough time to benchmark it and release the video on launch day, he clearly got a review card from AMD and probably isn't as unbiased as people think.
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