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>go online >want to buy a high-end AMD card >it doesn't

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>go online
>want to buy a high-end AMD card
>it doesn't exist
What do?
these threads are so stupid, its like driving a Lexus and having a panic attack when you drive past a Hyundai dealership
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>go online
>want to buy a high-end Nvidia card
>it doesn't exist
What do?

As a side note, I'm going to be really pissed if we can't do 4 way SLI with the 1080Ti.
How high end are you talking?
Highest end AMD card right now is the 480.
Well the highest end card that's worth buying.
>it doesn't exist
You mean, it isn't in stock right now
That's something different
Look again.

I'm not going to bother with the 1080 since it can only do 2 way SLI.
The 1080 is the fastest card available though, it is by any sane standard, a high end card
I would consider it high end if it wasn't gimped for no reason whatsoever.
I guess if you only run a single or a pair of cards it's fine, but at that point your performance isn't even significantly better than a mid range card.
Gimped? Lol what
Your eyes gone bad?
>it can only do 2 way SLI.
Scaling beyond 2 way sli is so disgustingly bad that only complete retards would consider it a viable option, not to mention the insane levels of latency more than 2 cards produce.

You must be trolling kiddo
>if we can't do 4 way SLI with the 1080Ti.
Nvidia literally already said they're doing away with 4 way SLI
Which was always for chumps anyway
wtf are u planning to do with 3-4 way sli?
>Scaling beyond 2 way sli is so disgustingly bad that only complete retards would consider it a viable option
Stop being poor.
>not to mention the insane levels of latency more than 2 cards produce.
Poor and uninformed. I guess it can't really be shocking how often these go hand in hand.

What a pity. I guess I have to buy Vega instead.

I operate on a different level.
Stop being a fucking idiot
>amd fanboy trying to stear the conversation away from the topic at hand
So, no high end AMD cards right now?
>w-wait for v-vega
Yeah I've heard that before

They are doing away with it because they have been using the same fucking connector for sli for over a decade. The new high bandwdith bridges are just two of the old bridges bolted together to achieve bandwidth, hence why the cards are limited to 2x sli.

Its why AMD went with XDMA - pcie has more than enough bandwidth for many, many cards.
>amd fanboy
I've haven't owned one of their cards since the Fermi disaster forced me to.
No card that is genuinely high end is currently available, my four GTX 980Tis outperform two 1080s, so I'll be waiting either way... The current offerings are simply not worth consideration as 'high end'.
You can do 3 and 4 way sli, just need an enthusiasts key or some bullshit like that.
Which Nvidia decided not to distribute, and will not continue to provide drivers for.
this - Titan cards were the true "high end cards" last gen , 1080 is just the high middleclass.
>Be Nvidia
>"Release" high end gpu
>It doesn't even have HBM2 memory
>Only five of the chips that have been manufactured are good enough to sell
>All five chips are sold out in minutes
>Takes half a year to manufacture five more
>By then Vega will be around to destroy you
Consider suicide, Nvidia fag.
Who even does 4way sli?
3-4 way SLi or CFX is a joke.
scaling is horrible
99% of games are designed for 1 GPU
fewer than 3% of gamers even have 3+cards.

i'm glad we are doing away with the 4way SLi meme.
>Be Nvidia
>"Release" high end gpu
>50,000 sold out in seconds
>AMD fans on suicide watch.
>Stop being poor.

nigger I bought 4 580s and a 4k tv to pump that shit onto back when 580s were new.

2 way SLI is shit, 4 way SLI is fucking atrocious.
>Nvidiafag wakes up and realizes it was all a dream
>Cries into his Sonic the Hedgehog bodypillow
>AMD RX 480 Hits US Stores, Supply 25x Larger Than GTX 1080 At Launch
>25X Larger
>go online
>want to browse /g/ to learn technology
>people shilling and fighting over brands

What do?
Radeon pro duo is pretty neat
>go online
>want to buy a price/performance Nvidia card for 1080p
>it doesn't exist
What do?
>That’s exactly 25 times as many GTX 1080 cards the same branch had at launch, which was only four.
>only four
Four GTX 1080 at launch. KEK!
Buy whatever the fuck you want and stop shitposting you insufferable cocksniffing shitweasel
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