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ITT we post Linux feels >Want to make a very simple image

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ITT we post Linux feels

>Want to make a very simple image
>Few shapes and some text
>Realize it would literally take an hour of learning to do in GIMP
>Abandon the idea
>lunix 2hard4me
>buy macos for muh unix
>want to make a very simple image
>few shapes and some text
>realize i would have to pay for an app from appstore to do it
>abandon the idea
>some people are just not cut out to read manuals and follow tutorials

>no wifi drivers
>horrible game performance
>go back to windows after one day
>>no wifi drivers

Is this a blog post from 2008?
>using Arch as daily driver for months
>Muh vidya gaems run at .5 fps
>go back to Windows "just for vidya"
>1 month later and I forget it's even on my computer
>install Ubuntu, remove Amazon shit and pretty much follow what's on fixubuntu
>actually really enjoy using it, already had experience with the terminal so I was comfortable using it
>can't install Ableton Live and don't have the patience to install Wine and risk crashes while producing
>muh games not compatible
>back to Windows
If Linux allowed me to run some things natively I'd probably use it exclusively.
>no gaymes
is this literally one of your top priorities? are you 12?
I don't care what OS you use because I'm not an autist, but what you want to do would take knowing what you're doing even in photoshop. You're using the wrong tool for the job. Although it could be done in the gimp, a drawing tool would be more practical.
>bought a new awesome device
>plug it in
>doesn't work
>read forums
>have to recompile the kernel to enable the support modules
>recompiled the kernel
>appears you forgot to set some flag and now X won't start
>recompile again
>X starts, device still doesn't work
>have to do modprobe manually
>would take knowing what you're doing even in photoshop

No, not at all. In photoshop you press the shape button and draw a shape. Who knows what the fuck GIMP is doing when you try to draw a shape.
>try to install minimal Ubuntu
>GRUB sees neither windows or ubuntu
>manually boot Ubuntu
>something's gone wrong with the kernel
>have to redo everything


>Install Lubuntu
>Scroll Lock changes only when I change input language
>Try EVERYTHIN, spend literally HOURS, purging all packages related to kb layout management. fucking with config files for X, keyboard, everything
>scroll lock led just don't even work even with system calls to turn it on

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>Install Arch
>install everything from the AUR cuz lazy
Proceed two weeks
>something breaks, takes hours to diagnose
>blame Arch
>call it shit
>return to windows
Proceed two weeks
>reinstall Arch

I can't tell you how many times I've been through this loop.
This. GIMP at least needs a "photoshop mode" preset until I might at least consider ever trying it again.
>get sick of Windows
>install Debian with xfce
>don't have any problems Google can't help me fix in 10 or 20 minutes
>enjoy muh freedoms

Grow a brain you windoze shills
Ah, I hadn't used photoshop in years. I assumed you still needed to make a selection and then fill it.
>return to windows
>Proceed two weeks
>reinstall [linux]

I sure know this feel.
What does this have to do with the Linux kernel?
>windows PC for gaymen
>linux laptop for shitposting
>no feels
what do u do then, fag
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GIMP isn't as bad as you describe. It isn't for shapes though, that's why we have Inkscape. I made an iOS theme when I was like 15 with gimp only and I got $30 in donations.

>pic related

The process was super simple, Google "Whatever SVG" invert color so it's white, scale it down and boom
Programming, typesetting and shitposting
macOS laptop*
>want to do some assignments
>but don't want to install gui crap like libreoffice or abiword
>but latex takes some time to learn
google docs it is
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>use photoshop license you had for past 4 years
I've been spending the last 9 hours trying to make the most basic of functions work.
If you don't play games, you're probably a faggot
I just use virtualbox, just created a new vm today, idk if this counts as a "feel"

also I'm using openbox on it, it's pretty fast.
Write flight software for NASA
Some people expect their machines to work for them. Lintards expect to work for their machines.
Holy Fuck you are stupid. Currently I'm using Slackware installed to a flash drive to use my system anywhere and make music and not a single "OH GOD NOTHING WORKS I CANT FIX IT" with my 10 years of history with Linux. Also stop using Gaybuntu go for Debian.
>that feeling when your mother takes away the laptop you bought with the money you saved up and gives it to your asshole sister who erases the hard drive and throws your laptop into a puddle in a fit of rage

fuuuucckkkk you
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>do ctrl+r history search to fetch up a long command i ran earlier so i don't have to type out and remember every argument from scratch
>find the one i want, press ESC and then the home key to jump to the end of the limits
>suddenly half the text gets capitalized because zsh has entered vi mode
>press u to undo, then i and try to move forward with no success
>press A to go to the end of the line, but not allowed to delete any characters before the end
>more than slightly mad press ^C and start writing the whole thing from scratch
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>Not using far superior Krita
very rewarding and fun then, huh?
look, im pretty sure just programming can even be boring at times
surely you guys must do other activities
not gayming because /g/ says is bad is retarded
just relax, family
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>actually using zsh
> install lincucks
> nothing works
> realise lincucks doesn't work with premium motherboards
> all that extra money on OCing mobo with m.2 and sata express and good onboard audio solution
> lincucks can't into the simplest of things
> post on reddit
> get shady drivers that turn out to be ransomware
> I am now held captive in some siberian shack in the middle of nowhere
> vlad and gusto are wrestling me
> vlad falls over cracking his head open
> mr bond and rocky balboa charge through the panoramic window in an epic fitness and triumph montage
> beads of sweat drip from rocky balboas saggy peck cakes
> he opens up his chromebook while circling his index finger around my ring hole
> he has arch installed
> I have arch installed
> I am the faggot of the lincucks sub culture
So you're 17 now, judging by the image you posted.
>have to change some Album Names in mp3 files
>linux, no iTunes
>search for "id3" in Arch packages
>Everything Went Better Than Expected

>bonus feels round:
>wait didn't I already have Amarok installed?
>maybe Amarok has the feature
>who gives a shit
>non gui-crap
what about krita?

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I actually think I just realized why this faggot vi mode started ruining my days, gonna put an end to it tomorrow. zsh is very nice compared to busybox ash which I end up having to work a lot with.
I used to program open source software as a hobby. I discovered how much happier I was playing games online with the same friendly people daily. Programming was turning me into an isolated socially crippled autist who longed for the warmth of friends. Online friends are good enough for me. I probably would have killed myself a long time ago if I didn't get into gaming.
>like that everything's pretty fast
>but too fast, and since no eyecand, it looks bland
for his wifi adapter from 2004
Install debian minimal
No, just someone with a life; go back to /v/ faggot.

Being this brain damaged must take up so much of your time. Pass my regards onto your state provided carers. Unless you live in some thrid world where you don't have a national heath service.
>want to crop a picture
>have to open up bloaty gimp just to do that
>have to export the image and select quality etc
>using a full blown piece of editing software for minor adjustments
install a paint clone then, pinta for example
That's the point.
>need to run itunes through a windows virtual machine
>pulse crackling sound

this, even smb works through the standard file manager so I can share and grab files between the two boxes easily too

literally the only thing I don't have working is rdp to my linux box
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>using lincux with awesome-wm
>win + r + fir + tab + enter to launch firefox
>log in to windows
>win + r + fir + tab + enter to launch firefox
>pc shuts down
>have to deal with KDE all day every day at work
I don't know why would anyone use this monstrosity voluntarily.
get out
Anime and porn
And I can run TF2 at 60fps on my machine from 2009. Get something other than a toaster and come back.
>> realise lincucks doesn't work with premium motherboards

Wtf lol
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>just someone with a life
>in a Linux thread on /g/
I relate exactly with this
I'd rather put up with itune's bullshit than use a google or microsoft mobile operating system
I installed a VM just so I could use photoshop.
Best decision ever.
Now I actually enjoy making dumb memes again.
xD upvoted senpai
wincuck you have never experienced the productivity of being a vim wizard and never will so pls stop talking.
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faggot who replies to every post

fuck you
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>suddenly half the text gets capitalized because zsh has entered vi mode
>buy macos

Nigga for what purpose? You can get it for free, which is the way to go, seeing how you won't get support anyways because you're not running it on authorized hardware
I simply use windows 10 as my main OS, and have a Linux VM set up.

I can do all my stuff in the Linux VM, my games won't run on linux anyways, so i found the Linux VM option to be the best of both worlds.

95% of my time i spend in the virtual machine, i don't even notice it anymore.
>not dual booting to have the best from both worlds
>try to use GIMP
>it's fucking unusble
>sudo pacman -S krita
>problems gone
while on bash, you just start typing, press up and the commands come...
only retards and full blown autistic NEETs use linux on their desktop PC
>trying to get wifi to work
>wpa supplicant will connect, then immediately disconnect
>every so often it will work for a few seconds, then stop, pretend to be connected, and lock my out of trying anything else with wifi until I restart
>network-manager breaks when using more than one wireless device
>wicd refuses to even recognize a
single wireless device no matter what I do
>iwconfig doesn't do wpa/wpa2
I tried a few more things and they were all trash.

eventually wpa_cli just werk'd, but jesus christ, what went wrong.
Why is there so much garbage?
>try arch
>move to debian
>go back to arch
>move to ubuntu
>go try mint
>go back to arch again
>stay with wangblows 7 in the end
Nah man, that's completely different. Ctrl+R starts a history text search and bash supports it to, it's very handy.
Arch is the not the issues. It is a method that freedom is true, nothing is checked.

If any of you fucking cunts have even done maths then you would know the probability of running into a broken package.

Arch will have an outcome of something broken. It is up to you to fix it fast so it leaves near to no down time. This is where you notice that arch does not even teach you linux skills because you cannot even fucking rescue your systems from this issues.

Stop being a child and shut the fuck up and keep your arch issues to your self. Just because you suck at learning new things does not mean the tools you use are at all shit quality.
Oh shit, so true.

I am using windows on my tower and xubuntu on my laptop. Safe to say that I enjoy the speed xubuntu offers. Fucking faster then windows.

Who the fuck thought windows updates should be a consistent property of windows. Updates should be transparent and not fucking take bandwidth and shutdown time just to see it through.
no smooth scrolling on firefox on linux
>Sick of Windows shithole botnet
>Install arch
>Everything works
>Never going back
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Its on by default.
Also first time I have opened options in Firefox in a long while, they really did copy Chrome for all of the UI.
Vim + a markdown compiler
>authorized hardware
this is the future we chose
Pintos, you faggot
>wasting hard drive space that could be filled with free software on a Windows installation
I'd agree with that but you shouldn't be the one to tell anybody to leave.
aren't you supposed to be banned friendo?
here let me remind the janny
>bought new laptop
>install windows 7 (came with opendos)
>no wifi drivers
>640x480 screen resolution
>no graphic driver either
>wont recognize my ext4 patition
>say fuck it and install xubuntu

>everything works
>wifi drivers are there already
>graphic drivers are atleast usable right out of the box, enough for 99% of the needs
>recognizes all USB hardware i throw at it right out of the box, including my 5$ chinese gamepad, microcontroller burner, USART to TTL USB adapter, and literally everything windows needs to search drivers for

This happened this morning
50 rupees were deposited to your account.

M$ team.
>Get new Netbook
>ships with Win10
>shrink partition so i have space for Linux
>install Linux
>no wifi
>research for solution
>have to use ethernet to sync beta drivers from github because new chipset version
>no ethernet
>have to use botnetOS which i refised to use with all my might
>it literally sucks (all my data)
>finally in reach of ethernet
>sync and setup wifi drivers
>300bucks Netbook doesn't take 2mins to initialize anymore
>doesn't update at random intervals anymore
>fetch dotfiles from my github
>set GRUB UEFI as standard in bios
windows 7 is dying you just realised that?
>it's a shit tier tripfag neet gets BTFP episode
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>install mesa demos
>fire demo starts up instead
>sudo rm `which fire`
>muh naymes

I want tripfags to leave
But how else will I watch my anime and make toast?
Wine + paint.net
> install Xubuntu
> use duckduckgo for 2 minutes to find a premade compton config to battle screen tearing
> everything just werks
>Want to make a very simple image
>Few shapes and some text
>Realize it would literally take an hour of learning to do in GIMP
>Do it in less than 3 minutes in Inkscape, LazPaint, kolourpaint or pinta
There's Pinta you know.
Virtualization exists and it is 2016
>be me
>be building new computer
>not paying $250 for a copy of Windows pro
>decide to go with linux and gradually get psyched up about being forced to learn everything about it
>find a website I can buy a legit copy of Windows for $40
>plans for linux, meet window
>not knowing linux
I've experienced linux, played around a bunch with ubuntu, and kali some while I was learning about tech security.

But when I'm not too busy to learn it, I'm too lazy to care.
$ bindkey -v
That indeed sounds like the response of a mental unstable person who needs both professional care and to use windows.
How do people have trouble with GIMP? I use it the whole time and even enjoy using it.
>smooth scrolling
go back to redit
>smooth scrolling
why would you want that
>Want to make a very simple image
>Few shapes and some text
>Realize I've made a very simple graphics library for that purpose
>It's done in a few minutes using 5 lines of code
>Horrible game performance
Now try a 8 year old Linux distribution.
fixubuntu = mint
>other FS that is not NTFS or FATwhatever
>paying for windows
install gentoo
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>first time install Arch
>Took coupla hours but i did it, most time consuming step was the partitioning
>official manual felt unforgiving and lacking if any errors occur
>don't expect to be able to boot it from my fakeraid0 of two SSD's
>be sad a bit
>already know how to do that in GIMP
>do it in Inkscape instead because of flexibility to arrange and resize elements.
>install Debian
>everything works
>few minor issues solved with google
>get bored and want another distro
>>have to do modprobe manually

sudo modprobe module

u focking wot m8
yes thats right
Thread posts: 130
Thread images: 17

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