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>that piece of tech you're still saving up for What

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Thread replies: 282
Thread images: 62

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>that piece of tech you're still saving up for
What is her name, /g/?
>Buying ACER monitors
>Buying ACER products AT ALL
why buy 1440 if you can literally wait 6 months and buy 4k 120hz
a bi-Xeon Dell Precision
shit is expencive as fuck.
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>getting a g-sync monitor over freesync
Do you just like paying more money, OP?
because I'm not intending to buy cards that can run 4k
I'm getting a 1070

But after reading some reviews I'm starting to consider another monitor anyway, apparently the g sync causes it to have difficulties when approaching 144hz. Might just be an individual thing though. I'll look for a 1440p 144hz option that doesn't have g-sync and see if it's well-reviewed.
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thats real cute

i instead bought a 34 inch freesync WFHD (2560x1080) for $700
1gbp internet
Never gonna happen in Australia tho
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>gay men trash
top /v/
>muh vendor lock
Can't wait till I have money for one of these.
Not going to get that Ikea shit either, but a proper one that has strong,fast and silent motors.
Probably going to be around 600-800€
It's not that expensive unless you go for a T7900 with a bunch of crazy shit in it. Got one up to almost 60 grand.
Well if you're just programming and shit you don't need anything fancy anyway.
>getting a 1070 over an a 480
I guess you do like paying more.
I'm not into crossfire, sorry.
Essentially mine
>saving up for
Ehehe, no. Can waiting for count?
>Google Fiber
>AMD Vega flagship
>144Hz HDR monitors
>Oculus CV2 or decent non-Jewbook alternative (doubtful desu)
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going for the 7910
RX 480 crossfire is competitive with the GTX 1080, not the GTX 1070.
But it's still crossfire though.
What even is the point of 4k? It makes sense for TVs but how huge of a monitor would you need to take advantage of it? Not to mention the crazy amounts of GPU power you'd need.

I don't know if I'm missing something but 4k monitors seem fucking stupid.
Why do workstations still have the best-looking cases?
Because attempts at appealing to gamers usually ends up with unnecessary LEDs and overall being gaudy as fuck.
You don't have to buy the tasteless gaymer garbage.
It only starts at 2k. Have you considered a used 7600 or something?
Had to reply because this monitor is great. Im enjoying the gaming and even photoshop work has been nice on this when I plug my laptop in. Sometimes it can be glitchy but a good power cycle fixes it.
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i need something big on the cpu and ram for my cad work.
>not getting this:
There's nothing except gaymer LED cases, cases which have a "minimal" design with not even one accessible slot at the front, or really cheap cases
Multi GPU is not good and never will be good. It's barely acceptable when you have the highest performing single GPU already, at mid tiers it's severe mental retardation.
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You can't find a fault.
Dude did you even read his post?
Tell me your problem with it.

>you can't find a fault.
Front door is optional senpai.
I'm saving for:
>i5 6200u, 8gb ram ddr4 256gb ssd gtx 940mx 2gb vram laptop.
>Steinberg UR22 MK II or Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
To have a portable musica production rig.
Have to choose between an Acer E15 or an Asus F556, will get an ATH-40 or an extra ssd depending on the laptop I choose.
I don't have a problem personally but he specifically mentioned that he didn't like "cases which have a 'minimal' design with not even one accessible slot at the front"
>posing retarded minimalist trash
>Optical drive and card reader are blocked because MINIMALISM
>shit airflow so they had to make holes in the top
>front ports are at the fucking top
unprofessional trash
A pair of 1080s and water blocks to go with them, obviously. Maybe a new PSU at the same time too.
Saving will go much faster if my search for a better job pays off.
oh nevermind then
Oh, okay, it was just autism the whole time. Carry on, nothing will ever meet your retarded conditions.
Some kind of mechanical keyboard with MX Blacks. I haven't yet figured out a specific model but I know I want one full-size, with a numpad.

Maybe a Moto G4 Plus, too, depending on the reviews.
Front panel I/O is on the top with the power button and if you open the door you have access to a couple 5.25" bays. The rest of the front is fans.
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Having second thoughts after I read about the screen issue, but it's a neat handheld nonetheless.
Not going with the
To build a pc, it's going to be a while tho.
>still using a Q6600
>not really gaming anymore, have a 750Ti
>want to buy a PC, but can't justify it
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Cintiq 13 HD, or an alternative. Comes to worst... A Surface Pro 4
Why not just stick your dick in an angel grinder?
iPhone 7
I might get a QNIX instead, I dunno. Just wanna game at over 100hz and at 1440p.
The new MacBook Pro when it comes out
>even the stock picture looks washed out

It looks really vivid in person. I have one at work.
Hope you win the panel lottery. I was looking at the Asus version of that monitor and the reviews were fucking atrocious - and it shares the same panel and everything with that Acer model.

I gave up and went with a Dell U3415 instead. No frame syncing tech or 120+Hz, but it was worth not having to put up with that taiwanese panel lottery bullshit.

I bought one for a professor recently, it was 11 grand. Who needs 128 gigs of ram for fucking MATLAB? Come on man.
You do that( post results) and I'll continue with my previous plan.
8gb ram kit for my laptop
already ordered and it'll arrive tomorrow, based overnight shipping desu

>Needing an "accessible slot at the front"

I'm assuming you're talking about discs here.

That's why I want to get >>54865348, panel lottery sucks dick.
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
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I just bought her literally five minutes before seeing this thread.
You fell for a 1,300 dollar meme
Bleh, haven't used one in a while. Didn't remember the stigma four years ago.

That explains some shit. Thanks
I've got one of these at work
>tfw I never crank it up to standing height
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Skip to 1:30, shit yourself, and realize what an idiot you are for green texting gsync.


How can something at steady 70 fps still appear choppy? I get how G-SYNC works, but not how the other one is so bad.
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wow, you are completely right guy. I can see clearly now. curved gsync monitors are not a meme, and freesync does not do the exact same thing at an infinitely cheaper price. My eyes are open.
agreed, 128gig of ram is an over kill if you're not running multiple VMs at the same time.
64 is more than enough for professional desktop use
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Curved is objectively better than flat as long as you're sitting in the direct center so viewing angles are not an issue.




That's just how shit vsync is when moving horizontally.
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Her name is Gazelle and I've been waiting for nearly two weeks for this singing doll to arrive.
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>curved screen
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>saying the word meme

I hope you're still a teenager and that's not all...
>Curved is objectively better

An entirely new battlestation
>Tfw poor and can't find a better job
You might actually be retarded.
Not him, but I actually liked the curve Samsung tv we had. It is nice with recreational shit like movies and tv, but I am strictly flat panel for actual work(digital design).
alright then /g/aymen what's the major official BEST DAMNED montior of /g/ award go to then?
since i dont have a job now it will be a long while till i save up enough.

I used to think curved was a dumb gimmick until I bought a curved TV. It's not a gimmick, it's more immersive. It also gives the illusion of being bigger than it actually is. When I was buying my TV I saw the same exact models in store, flat and curved. Curved seemed bigger even though they were the same exact size and was just much more fun to watch. I will never ever go back to flat again.

Curved especially benefits ultra wide monitors. You fags can type memescreen and shit all you want but just look at this...
nice ass
good goy
before i redo my pc i also plan on getting a rifle, closest place to me has basic AR's for 700, trying to find a 7.62 conversion though.
Thinkstation d30. So I don't need to buy another desktop for at least 7 years.
Do you think the guy in 2009 that tried to future proof for seven years succeeded?
Enjoy your overpriced prebuilt mate
What makes a great screen /g/uys ? I dont understand how some screens with the almost same numbers be so different in prices.

I mean what do you look at other than lcd/led resolution, ips/tn, colors, refresh rate and...design maybe ?
good luck with the shooting, anon.
I was just looking into getting this monitor after my 1080p 60hz finally died. You think 4K @60hz is better than 1440p @144hz? I cant decide.
if you can build a pc you can build an AR10

Nigga, your next gpu will be AMD, what are you doing.
>unless you're a designer you probably don't need a screen that can dispaly 100% of the AdobeRGB colours
>unless you're a gaymer you probably don't need a screen that goes above 120hz
>unless you're a designer or a gaymer you probably don't need a 4k screen YET due to the very limited amount of 4k content available

I fell for the 4k meme only a month before Apple unveiled it's 5k screen, people who buy high end 4k screens now are going to be the same as those people who rushed out and bought high end 720p screens before 1080p started being released
RX480 8 gig
the pixel density of 4k 24" monitors is roughly the same as apple's 5k monitors. those are just ~27". the whole "contribution" of the 5k monitor is the "retina display", which is most simply described as doubling the resolution of whatever you would have had at that size. at 24" that's 1920x1080*2 which approximates to 4k.

the people who fucked up are the ones that bought
- 4k 40" TVs to use as monitors
- 21:9 (i.e. fedora) monitors
- monitors that are higher density but not quite doubled (like 25" 2560x1440)
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see the problem is I fell for the GTX1080 meme and of course my monitor died within a week. So now I cant get a pleb 60hz 1080p monitor since im a good goy ya know?

I'm trying not to fall for two memes in the same month.
So you're saying that everyone should buy over fucking priced 5k screens even when there's barely any content for 4k screens ? That seems pretty flawed.
the xg270hu has all the same specs but has freesync instead and i've seen them on sale for as low as $350, enjoy your nvidiatax.
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Meh just added one more thing because why not. Now I'm broke and have everything I need except for two 1080's. It's been fun. Time to live on ramen.
not him, but
1) we had literally the exact same debate when 1080p was an issue. the same shit about people complaining that content at that resolution was taxing and so few people had the hardware for it to say nothing of monitors for it to say nothing of whether human eyes or brains or penises could even appreciate that resolution.

we look back and realize that all of that was retards being retarded. content and hardware will progress in parallel, but if you're too chickenshit to make a move then the demand side will freeze and neither will move forward.

2) see >>54867237; 4k at ~24" or 5k at ~27", it's all 2x of the resolutions we were dealing with at those sizes before. are you people not able to see this underlying rule here?
You're insane. I have 16k in the bank and I'm still on a 7 year old laptop because I'm too frugal to by a rig. I'm jealous of your blind stupidity.
Had those in the computer lab at uni. They were nice.

I don't have anywhere near that kinda money. I have a good credit line so I just charged everything with hopes I can pay it off before interest goes into effect (after 6 months).

And thanks, I guess.
not him but having x in the bank means nothing if your income is 0. if he makes 16k and can easily set aside 600 or 700 for a motherboard - after taxes, expenses, *and* setting aside money for the future - then it's not insane.

i ultimately agree with you that it's probably not the best use of 600 dollars to make himself happy - that's enough money to buy some high quality korean prostitutes in my area - but everyone's got their own outlet.
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I'm still debating whether or not to get the warranty when I buy this thing.

Help me out here, if you have something that both uses SSDs and a hard drive like pic related, what generally goes where? I have a feeling that something like the OS and stuff that's heavily used goes on the SSD, but I don't really know.

And is it true that SSDs tend to go bad really quickly?
>gayming laptop
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Getting the cheap as fuck one.
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>he goes broke after spending only 3k
Not only are you stupid and irrational, but youre also a poorfag aswell. Enjoy your integrated graphics you pleb.
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>he goes broke after spending only 3k

I spent $6,000 actually.
What you don't like your comp looking like a transformers ass?

The chicks dig it dude
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Hardly saving, since I get paid Monday.

As an owner of both a pro and evo 850 just get the evo. Pro isn't worth the extra money.
a 1070, and probably a new zowie mouse
Asus PG348Q
34" Curved IPS thats supposed to support 100Hz refresh. Not excited for the bullshit GAYMER look, but its huge and will kill my need for 2 monitors
might mount an old monitor above it as an infodump screen tho

Join the club.

cool, i'll be in a club!
>I made a list on pcpartpicker so its real
anyone have experience with the cheap Korea Monitors? Should i grab one?
wait for zen

>not rat cyborg
>Saving for life

At least I'll get the free shipping
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>I made a list on pcpartpicker so its real

It's 100% real nigga. Now what?
am i real?
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Barco Reality 909

I can't answer that with 100% certainty but here's a picture of my puppy sniffing my case.
>he paid 500 dollars for headphones to listen to audiobooks
pure autism
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You fell for the 1080 founder's edition meme, there is no hope for you goyim.
A house
This much post purchase rationalization is probably bad for you.
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Buy a parts kit online and then a lower receiver in your local gun store. You could get a pretty sold rifle for just over $500.

Building an AR-15 is like building a lot like PC
Raptor Engineering Talos workstation
>8c/64t POWER8 CPU
>bunch of other sexy goodness
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But it's completely legal, since only the lower is considered the actual firearm, and you have to buy these in person or have them shipped to a FFL.
Not that big
Mine is 27 inches, there's a graph floating around somewhere
980ti ran it fine. Just had to lower settings
Got a second couple days back due to price drops, witcher 3 everything ultra except goyworks, it's fucking beautiful man
And he's right you're retarded, you have to be closer to see the difference not farther so a TV would actually be silly depending on the size and how far you sit from it
i have been waiting the past two weeks for 1070

It's funny when people think you just buy a prebuilt gun at a store, it'd be like buying a prebuilt PC. Yeah it'll work fine but you could build it yourself for cheaper and be customized how you want it.
This explains why my ex thought my dick was so big.
or inexperience. you know, either.
broadwell-e, the shittiest architecture intel has dumped, enjoy your housefire and no overclocking capabilities
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i bought 2 cpu's and realized they aren't compatible with my mother board fuck me dude
Hm, does this mean I shouldn't buy a 6800k?
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I got the cash, doubting if this is any good. thoughts?
from tomshardware review, I say you get a 5820k or 6700k or wait for Zen

Babys first CPU launch? Mobo bios updates are not readily available yet and they usually improve shit like that by a lot.
You never had a mouse monitor keyboard or headset before this purchase?
Get the PG279Q instead.
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Surely you jest
So what I'm seeing here is that I'll just have to plan for an open loop when I build.
enjoy your overpriced cooling meme and high risk of leaks, the 5820k is the wiser choice
How much do you regret buying the hd700?

Heard awful things about the treble.
Yamaha MSP7 + HS8S sub

Really want a good pair of speakers and heard the msp5 last time I was at the local music shop. It's going to take ages but it will be so worth it. Going back there to hear the 7's soon.
Poor choice of headphones.
Now that's a piece of kit.

43" is massive.
try it out in a store, imagine yourself using it and visualize it's placement in your home
In desktop everything is just sharper, i have a 4k 28" and is just comfortable at 150% scaling
In game you can simply lower the resolution until you can play it smoothly
still rocking my acer aspire v3-771g with i7-3630QM
best laptop ive owned so far desu.

>I used to think curved was a dumb gimmick until I bought a curved TV. It's not a gimmick, it's more immersive.

Fucking shill.
>150% scaling
>1.5x scaling
ugh. can we as enthusiasts of technology agree not to interpolate as we upgrade our monitors? this is going to cause us to deal with the absolute shittiest transition phase technology has ever seen.

go 2x or just don't.
you could maybe post the FBI dude if he was advocating buying unfinished lowers to people who are underage.
This. I finally have the money to order my MasterLift 2, which is surprisingly close to the IKEA table even though it's a lot better.

It can be configured to ship with a USB control unit so that you can adjust the table from your computer, which will be fucking glorious
A Formlabs Form 2.

One day... one day.
>the res doesn't matter
Anon.. I play on 4k with sli 980ti setup
I-i can't go back, anything lower looks like shit
Or you could get a closed loop and just not OC past 4.0
That one Dell OLED screen.
I'm waiting for the new Asus 4k@144hz IPS free/g-sync monitor which was shown on computex.
zen/vega/ddr4/ssd(s)/couple ultra-wide curved screens.

Gonna be doing a complete rebuild in ~2017 and gonna give my old computer to my family.
saving up for? I've bought all the tech I want/can currently purchase

I'm trying to make my room pretty, though. That's mostly a case of planning and not saving, however.
Congratulations you bought the loudest and hottest custom 1080.
>hat's mostly a case of planning and not saving, however.
> Anonymous 06/02/16(Thu)12:29:29 No.54871292▶
>Congratulations you bought the loudest and hottest custom 1080.
Not that faggot, but where did you get this information from?
est and hottest custom 1080.

Anonymous 06/02/16(Thu)12:32:00 No.54871313 ▶

>hat's mostly a case of planning and not saving, however.
> Anonymous 06/02/16(Thu)12:29:29 No.54871292▶
>Congratulations you bought the loudest and hottest custom 1080.
Not that faggot, but where did you get this information from?

please don't do this
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Waiting for a 144hz version of this to come out.

Also waiting for 1080ti to come out.

>tfw have money but time isn't progressing fast enough
>mfw will only have more money as time progresses
$200 g-sync tax

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I should have enough by the 29th.
>What is her name, /g/?
My bae. Women are technology, right /g/?
Acer was crap 10 years ago. Today acer is some of the best tech you can get. I have an 8 years old Acer that was literally drenched in water or milk 3 times while running (the fan literally blew liquid through the device)
2 weeks of drying always worked. Only the keyboard needed replacement
Get PSA trash, if you can't afford at least a 6920.
>rack mounted
>thunderbolt interface
I don't understand this.
My acer craptop still runs fine after 4 years. Upgraded it with an ssd last year and it fucking flies. They're ok quality, you just have to take a minimum amount of care, sadly most people are too stupid to have even that. JUST STAY AWAY FROM FUCKING HoP CRAPTOPS
I cant wait for someone to hack into one of those and send the desk flying
that computer's fucking hideous, I'm assuming that's what you intended though
Are you actually blind or are you just shitposting?
I realized what might be the problem, did you set the video to a 60fps quality setting? That's probably the only way you'd be able to see the difference.
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From their recent conference, but I wouldn't put much stock into reports from such a setting, probably pretty biased.
t. the "i have crippling autism" guy
nice argument fuckface
install puppy
I have enough money to buy everything and have no real expenses.

Everything is pointless.
Find more expensive material things to focus on, or start traveling.
And the fact they forgot to mention dual gpu setups have always and continue to still be inferior to a single gpu.
I agree, which is why I'm opting for the 1070.
>wait for Vega
Tired of waiting.
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Looking at the PG279Q, but I'm worried I'll get some awful IPS glow or dead pixels, knowing their shit QC.

I just want an IPS 1440p 144Hz monitor that isn't ass
i'm tired of waiting for you
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>What is her name, /g/?
pic related
The most expensive model of Microsoft surface book pro.

i7 clocking at 3.2ghz
16gb RAM
Nvidia 980M with 8gb VRAM
512 gb SSD
Fulcrum Hinge
Brush Magnesium Body
Dat display
Dat drawing pen

How could I resist??
>still can't close up properly
More screen real estate is always nice, and getting good colors and viewing angles means less eye strain
Seconding Google Fiber. I don't have it near as bad as many, but I would still instantly feel the difference.
>Nvidia 980M
is this powerful as normal desktop 980?
You probably don't really want a full size or blacks, but I guess making a mistake is the best way to learn something. At least you didn't fall for the brown meme, but I bet you're still thinking you don't want a 'loud keyboard'.
Yeah but you wouldn't need anything over 60 hz.
That just means you have owned nothing but garbage all your life. But good for you, ignorance is bliss.
I have 120 hz and its better
I am thinking to save up for a 5820k.

I just want to build a computer with the best price/performance ratio. May not be a 5820k by the time I've saved up for it.
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55" 4K TV
Why not?

I've already got my case, I just need to mod it. Ive got to decide what CPU+mobo I want so I can figure out how to mod the case.
Waiting on Dells 43" 4K screen.

Should be in a couple of weeks.
ssd's for my desktop and my dankpad
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Yes. I am a poorfag. Been saving for months.
Why you need the most powerful?
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Because i keep reserve fund for hardware, but this thing will take tiny bit of additional effort.
Because I want it to last me at least 4 years.

I also might be doing some developing over the course of the next 4 years. I don't care for gaming too much either. I just want to 12 cores.
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Next month, I'll be able to get it.
nigger the i5 from 2007 is still valid and powerful the fuck are you doing, close your eyes. fuck
If you're talking about the 2500k, it would have been better to buy the 2600k at the time for only $100 more.

The $100 investment pays off over time. That's why I would go for a 5820k. It's still going to be relevant for 5+ years.

JUST BUY 2500K it will last until year 2066
>No hyper threading

No thanks famalam.
>I used to think it was a gimmick until I had to comnvince myself otherwise in order to avoid buyer's remorse

sums up 90% of /g/ recommendations
>hyper nigging

dude.. gimme a break here, stop being a sheep
Alright what current generation CPU will be good for intense multi threaded performance 4 years down the line
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>500 bucks for a Veilheiser
2500K hands down
>current gen

Oh shit waddup
dat boi
Retard, there's a difference between keeping your old 2500k because upgrading is pointless, and purposefully buying an old CPU even in a new build. Haswell-E/Broadwell-E/6700k is much smarter than the 2500k for a new build because of hyperthreading and vt-d support.
acer xb270hu
Not really saving up, I have the money, I'm waiting on a good 21:9 1440p monitor which doesn't have light bleed.
>Probably going to be around 600-800€
Hahahaha! For that price I don't want to imagine how shitty that ergo desk must be.
Nothing really. Going to buy another refurbished ThinkPad when I need it in a couple months since my R61 doesn't have enough resolution or runtime for what I'll be doing, my T61 is currently performing another role, and my ChromeBook/Crouton is too unreliable to depend on entirely. Otherwise, all my expendable income is being spent on other fun stuff, such as vegan advocacy and a six-week trip with my bf to Spain, France, and Italy.
anon what do you plan on doing with this workstation? what OS would you run?
Not saving for anything actually, i have everything i need and want
This, wish preorders would go live soon. The wait is killing me.
PG279Q isn't ass. IPS glow is a thing when viewing dark content from an angle. You don't get an IPS without it.
Maybe you are just young.
Why not just visit the library?
I got that monitor but in the freesync version (ASUS MG279Q). And I love it.
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HP Z600 with two Xeons
>Having to save up 700$ over a period of time
I'm never going to buy Acer monitors ever again... I had one of the first 1080p monitors back then and the one I bought had a noisy PSU. Half a year later it broke and I had to deal with the legendary Acer tech support for multiple months and had to send this piece of shit multiple times to their repair service. In the end I got parts of my money back, but they fucked up the remittance and I had to call their hotlines several times again.

avoid Acer
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A nice SGI box like an R10K+ O2 or a POWER Indigo2 for audio stuff and playing around with Softimage/Maya.
For the /g/ermans:
Plasma cutter

What the hell are you doing on this board?
Being useless in /mkg/ probably: a general which most sane people have hidden.
>>150% scaling
>>1.5x scaling
>ugh. can we as enthusiasts of technology agree not to interpolate as we upgrade our monitors? this is going to cause us to deal with the absolute shittiest transition phase technology has ever seen.
>go 2x or just don't.

This a thousand times. If you double resolution, why would you get the idea of doing anything other than doubling the scaling?
The one plus x
Samsung monitors a best
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gee pee ess.jpg
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After spending 2 hours out of state trying to find a store and ending up in the middle of bumfuck, Indiana I've got one of these being shipped out to me.

Also fuck Indiana and their roads.
You don't have a phone?
I would like a thinkpad x200 with libreboot.

>willing buying a dhell
#1 facebook machine this worlds ever fucking seen


There is no non curved 35 inch monitors ultrawides above 60hz.
Was unaware the blind visited /g/
> gay men trash
Top /v/
I'm gonna give him this one.


yes, i'm very poor
could you browse imageboards if you were blind?
Any news on new 4K 35+" monitors coming out for a reasonable (~700 eur) price?
>brags about being wealthy

you aint gonna take em with you
>be Amercian
>don't even have $700
I hope this is bait
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Waiting on this to get released so I can have 240Hz refresh rate in spite of it only being 24" 1080p, will be getting that alongside an i7 5960X and a GTX1080
>I cant wait for someone to hack into one of those
That's actually sort of what I'm going to do.
There's not Linux support for the USB Controller unit, but a free driver exists:

This should make it pretty easy to talk to the table, so I am going to write my own software to set timers, predefined heights and so on.

There's only so much you can do with a motor that drives up and down, but at least it's all free software
same dudE let's wait together
Ok, how do you like to get fucked? Where do you live?
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>surface book
Been saving to buy parts to complete a half finished PC which will be for both work and vidya.

I finally just bought the parts last night. I'm out of touch with current hardware; how did I do?

Dell U2515 25 inch IPS 2560x1440@60hz for $350
Gtx 960 (EVGA 4GB) for $220
Samsung 850 EVO 500GB for $155
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Without the window of course. There just were better pics of the windowed one.
What a shit pc case. This is nothing more than a meme.
>Gtx 960
You will have to dumb down the settings or play at a shitty frame rate.
I was assuming as much. Planning on lowering game resolution (probably 1080p) and settings as needed to keep my fps up.

I chose a higher resolution display mostly for work and gaming second.

Was trying to finish the build on a budget.
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>Complete military service
>Receive large sum of tax free money straight into bank account
>Work for 5 months
>Have enough money for anything I want
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