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> Press got punished by AMD for verifying game quality settings

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> Press got punished by AMD for verifying game quality settings
Massive red flag (no pun intended).

>AMD is shit
>Nvidia is total shit
>consoles are old and shit
The only winning move is to stop playing vidya, I'm tired of this stupidity
I don't use my high-end video card to play video games, though.
I do a lot of video rendering.
And it's not because they didn't want them to mess with the display?
more like "hardware cucks" HA amirite?
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Kyle was right.
>buying a gpu that comes in prebuilts from a major manufacturer.

>sign an NDA
>bitch about it after

How about you don't get to report anything?
It's a non-disclosure agreement, not a "not-allowed-to-know-about" agreement.

They obviously have the information.
>some random employee doesn't want some random blogger faggot fucking up his setup
damn.. really makes you think, huh?
can't they just look online and compare the quality from screenshots? Are "journalists" this dumb?

Of course any company doesn't want a bunch of idiots fucking up their settings.
They obviously don't, otherwise they wouldn't need to confirm the graphics settings.
I think they're called tech bloggers.
Can't do the same shit with Nvidia CES demo too.
Its standard practice anon.
welp amd are finished. if it was really running at ultra settings they'd have no problem showing it off. its probably running at medium with ultra textures or something shitty like that.

good riddance amd and hello nvidia.
it really doesn't matter if you don't pay attention to all of this idiotic bait.

How do you know they were trying to confirm the settings? I didn't read that part of the tweet. Oh that's right, I don't have the reading comprehension of a 4th grader.
not him but you should really stop posting. you're making yourself look like a bit of twat right now

Nvidia does the same god damn thing.

It makes sense probably due to drivers not being optimized enough to highlight the hardwares true capabilities.
Because I am correct?
Well spoken friend! Truly with the power of Nvidia™ graphics cards such as the new GTX 1080™ and GTX 1070™, we can enjoy the latest games such as DOOM™,The Way It's Meant to be Played™!
>It makes sense probably due to drivers not being optimized enough to highlight the hardwares true capabilities.
Really sounds like a cop-out and poor excuse to me.
are you seriously trying to imply he didn't try to press escape to check the settings? why would he even mention "can't show the settings" if he wasn't trying to do that in the first place?

please, stop posting. r/amd wants you and your autism back.
>AMD stock back in the toilet again
Well i mean the 480 is only meant as a bigger stop gap then rereleasing the same damn card... also - less power is gud af

It's well known that GPU's tend to get better as drivers are better optimized.
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But the AMD setup was faster. Where is he getting that information from?
Except if you're using a Nvidia gpu
the fact that the nvidia demo had visibly better image quality and was running smoother?
post frametimes pajeet
I love this meme, you should post it more.
You don't need me to post here if you own a Nvidia gpu. Just watch the fps drops in games drivers after drivers.

link or it's inspectelement bait
>Better image quality

No it doesn't.
Open this link and then scroll down to the comments. It'll be the first comment, you have to click "show replies":
Varied snow effects, terrain isn't a constant in the game. There was no difference in image quality.

I didn't know anything about the game either so I looked it up on youtube.

Thanks, anon.
Keep going anon, this is great stuff.
so you're either blind or can't afford to stream at full quality? many people in both stream and thread chat noticed the graphical quality disparity

but of course it's not like amd would resort to shady FPS shenanigans. oh wait it's like we forgot about the entire crossfire frame pacing fiasco. kys
No, you are just retarded and think that less snow = better quality.

Texture size is the same, textures are different, it's fucking feature of the game.
no. the benchmark is always the same. only when you're playing the actual game does it have dynamic and procedurally generated terrain. the fact they used the benchmark which is supposed to be the exact same every single time and was visually different proves that there was something up.

[citation needed]
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>amdrones still defend this company

and to reiterate, the nvidia demo had richer textures AND was running smoother. do amdogshit cards even have hardware-implemented frame pacing yet?
I doubt $199 would be the amount you'd pay for a high end card.
No you're wrong.
The benchmark were specifically made to mirror in game calculation and shit.
The benchmark AI actually attack different enemy and move ,within their variable, differently in each run.

The benchmark have a procedure generated terrain not just to simulate in game experience, but also to avoid cheating the benchmark on driver level (override Nvidia or AMD custom texture setting etc)

Please ignore all the fact that have been thrown around and continue to make yourself looks retarded Nvidiafag.
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More snow
That's what they were advertising it at, though. They were unfairly comparing it to the GTX 1080 by "artificially" increasing the framerate (i.e. lowering all of the settings).
this isn't a snow benchmark but notice how the terrain is exactly the same with the same grass textures throughout the two different tests with the same settings


the only way to change the look of the terrain to have as big of a difference there was between the 1080 and 2x480 would be to turn the shadow quality and the terrain shading samples. if you re watch the video of the 1080 vs cf 480 you can see the shadows and the terrain shaders look much more flat on the amd side.
no it doesn't, what nvidia side has is bigger Z value, this is part of games engine doing it's work and mixing it up, this doesn't require more or less power to run it.

While textures are clearly, visibly the same fucking size.

This is basic feature you can see in unity engine and CryEngine to name a couple, you are tech illiterate.

>The benchmark have a procedure generated terrain

no it doesn't you retard. the terrain in the benchmark is exactly the same every time you do it. there is no difference.


It's over boys, time to pack up.
this can't be it. why are they both running different versions. that would be a unreliable benchmark if this was actually it.
There's actually a benchmark with what is allegedly a single Radeon RX 480

There is a difference anon, which version of the map you're running? Which preset?
Also the terrain procedure effect were mainly weather related.
>2 RX 480s required to even get close to 1080 performance
>intel cpu
so even amd doesn't use amd cpus LMAO

t. amd fanboy
Remind me again why people even care about the performance of cards that AMD already came out and said "yeah this isn't gonna be the fast stuff you all want" several months ago?
try and find someone with same version in this god damn benchmark, I can't.
there is NO difference. stop being a retard. all the benchmark tests run EXACTLY the same with the exact same textures. find me a video that shows the terrain is different in every benchmark. this >>54866165 video already proves that the terrain is EXACTLY the same in the benchmark.
Every time i google them or search them on youtube i enter "hardwarecucks" and it brings me right to their channel. The search engine don't lie.
it's EXACTLY the same on the same PC, different PC might have different random value.

found one, and what do you know, it has a 1000 higher score.
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I think I'm seeing shills.
Different CPU running at higher clock speeds.
funny, because here's another test using that version


wow your post literally just confirmed that amd are messing with the 1080 performance somehow.

here is one that is closer to Radeon Rig and score is also very similar.
maybe the point is that there are more factors at play than the version, you retarded faggot
>hardware canucks
>every review has the price of what they're reviewing in USD
Jay is the worst of the tech youtubers. Hes such a fucking asshole.
>very similar
>gets a higher score than the 2x480

and ANOTHER independent result that gets higher scores than all the amd scores. jesus christ amd are trying to pull some shady shit. i guess ill go with nvidia this time round.
ever heard of overclocking, you fucking shill?
My god, you are literally most retarded person on /g/

I bet you also think that Athlon x4 will have same FPS as i7
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Nope because AMD does not make high end CPUs Even their Project Quantum uses Intel. AMD and Intel are friends more than enemy
>tries to call out a company for potentially rigging results
>s-stop insulting muh beloved amd
>all these other benchmarks are lies
>i-it's overclocked, i swear
Or you could just play old vidya like I do. There's lots out there. Running new vidya at low settings is fine too.
>maybe if I add a stutter it'll make me seem right!
you're not very bright, huh?

you can't compare results with different circumstances. there are so many factors that could affect the scores drastically
Everyone's an asshole, they're just better at hiding it than others.
so, a bunch of idiots?
Do you have any proof for this?
Yes, I do.
See here: >>54866115
They were also running 2 of the RX 480, I believe.
i said it yesterday the 2 amd cards were running the game at min settings and the 1080 was at max settings

my caps lock key is fixed now
They kinda publicly stated that during the stream.

RX 480 is a mid range card and is going to be sold for ~$200, 1080 is a high end card being sold for $700
But they shouldn't have been comparing it to the 1080, it's very misleading.
I'm an r9 380 owner, and swear by AMD GPUs.
But why make two separate cards while your competitors make one strong card? Everyone knows Crossfire has problems, and I sure as hell can't take AMDs word on "we will make it better".
All they had to do was make a single card that had good temperatures for once.
599 MSRP*

corrected that for you. no need to thank me.
The entire section was about budget gaymen.

>But why make two separate cards while your competitors make one strong card?
AMD will release a strong card in the Fall or early 2017. Mainstream cards are being released first
This benchmark could have been used as a selling point instead of the 2 480s, the performance of a single 480 is around 25% less than the 1080 but with more than a 50% decrease in price. (in AOTS at least)
It's still misleading to compare it to the 1080, even if it's "budget".
because the strong AMD lineup isn't ready

480 is where AMD will make most of its money most likely
its a fucking display, that means no touching/no fucking around with unless you have explicit permission.

How the fuck is that hard to understand ?
You can still buy 3 480s with that m8
Looks like somebody tried getting one of those new Polaris GPUs to run at 5k
AMD clearly stated that 70% of PC GPU market is around 100-300bux.

They want to make this people offer they cannot refuse.
How does this card compare to the 380?
I got mine for like $190, is it worth upgrading to?
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There is not fucking differences between Standard, High and Extreme preset when it comes to terrain texture.

If anything, the left side is the one that is actually really fucking weird when it comes to snow density.
It actually have less snow than it should.
Potentially in the region of twice the performance for the same price.
480 is more or less on par with a 980 and Fury

overclocked, it could be close to Fury X

so probably twice as fast
It really performs that well with one of them? I thought the powerhouse came from 480s in crossfire
and yet the 2 combined cost $100 less than a 1080
480 is basically a cheaper, cooler 390. Upgrade if you're unsatisfied with the 380, otherwise just keep using it
But they're running at low settings
These gaming journalist "professionals" cant eyeball the settings by looking at the game?
Why is it misleading? AMD said this is what you can do with $700 and this is what you can do with $500 Whats misleading?
Show the proofs, because we have benchmark results and they show exactly the same settings.
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The AotS site says differently
Has no one noticed that amd themselves in their Radeon demo account on ashes of singularity got a 5100 score with the exact same set up yet they purposely decide to choose some gimped result of 4800 when comparing it to the 2x480. I'm not lying you can even search it up yourself. Look for user radeondemo and look for the 5100 1080 score on 1440p (crazy).
Cheapest 1080 is still $600.
8GB version of 480 have been confirmed to be retailed around $260.
Were talking about $140 differences the least.

They're fucking not.
Online ranking have been posted, terrain differences mean jack all in benchmark that were meant to bench thousand of unit in a single battle.

MultiGPU setups are fucking SHIT.
Since when they use game score in the presentation?
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Nah, that's a pretty bullshit reason.

If you really want to stand behind your product, you would let people see its performance at various graphic levels.

They literally don't want people to say......
>Oh, it's only playing at 'High'
>What happens when we set it to 'Max'?
cool warpsharp brah
You can link the fps they showed in their presentation to the benchmarks they conducted on their account in ashes of singularity.
It's not actually crossfire I think. DX12/Vulkan/Mantle can use whatever is available and there's less need for the devs to optimize their games to take advantage of multi-GPU setups. The older APIs are still fucked though.
Its a standard practice anon.
Have you ever been to such demo?
Nvidia did the same shit in CES on floor demo.

>hardware reviewer can't eyeball the setting
Yeah, but they never use the score in the keynote.
Also, pretty sure its around 58fps in the keynote, so that would mean GTX1080 scored at least 5500pts for that.
Kys faggot
Yep. The new APIs support multi GPUs better.
>2 gpu
>50% scaling
>50% utilization

Its shit.
It probably had nvidia special effects turned off.
why? because amd is finished and bankrupt and because poorfags got btfo?
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this. They should consider suicide.
Different game version for each card. Might be why. Also notice one does not say the resolution under game configuration.
What a retard. Hs shilling is so obvious now. The answer to his shitpost is cf=/= sli and the 480 cf was at 1440 on extreme/not 1080. It IS meant as an entry level card for 1440. Cf scales better than sli. Also, amd performance isn't as significantly impacted as nvidia i.e. a strength of GCN.

Tbh jayz is looking more of a hack by the day. Watercooling since 20 years and leaks are stll a rampant thing on his builds. Besides that he gives no technical information whatsoever. Basically a not so retarded /v/fag.
They're all children. Like how linus reacted yesterday. Girly low test children 99% of them
>can't show the settings
So lowest?
It was a 1440p 144hz display so probably
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Daily reminder that you have a moral obligation to buy AMD so that you don't support Nvidia's and Intel's corrupt business practices, unfair and anti competitive treatment of AMD, monopolistic nature evidenced by the fact that prices for both Nvidia and Intel are artificially high, and not to mention Intel supporting Israel
i started watching jay earlier this year because i built my first custom loop, i wouldn't have given my alphacool radiator a good clean through if it wasn't for him but he's been acting like such an idiot recently it's disappointing.
>leaks are stll a rampant thing on his builds
I only know of the one he had a while back

>Besides that he gives no technical information whatsoever
He gives a fair amount I think. You want him to walk you through the whole process in 45 min long videos?
It seems more apparent he was trying to take a picture with the settings up on the display. Which would be in full breach of the NDA.
>journalist open up settings
>Fuchs with preset
>play the game in low quality
>Post a photograph with of the screen low quality settings
>the presentation is fucked due to NVDIA shill purposely fucking up the demo
Wow I sure wonder why does that employee had to react
>using GPU solely for vidya
What else are they good for because they sure as hell can't do general computing tasks.
Video editing
That's it
Honestly like 99% of people using computers will do just fine with an i3 and 4gb of memory. I recommend Chromebooks to basically every >40yr old person I know these days because modern computers just have too much bullshit that's just going to get me phone calls in the middle of the afternoon.
Video editing, 3D design and such,

For project quantum (which is dead now) consider that there are no mITX boards capable of handling a higher clocked FX chip but plenty that can handle an i7. Unless AMD built a custom mobo its intel or bust for performance in that form factor.

He also drilled through his shinyt new motherboard because he knows best and tried to mount something (I forget exactly what it was, possibly to make it fit in the case) and being the dipshit he is he went clean through several traces and killed the board.
Textures are the same, one just has deeper shadows. This could be caused by color / gamma settings, post processing, hardware / driver issues. If anything, it seems like they might be having issues with the primitive geometry discard engine being a little over zealous.
>>journalist open up settings
>>installs gameworks™
>>my glorious amd card drops 20 FPS

the only thing i'm seeing is the left side being less vibrant than the right in colorspace.

Otherwise, there's too much stream compression to tell the difference.
He knew full well he could brick the board, but it was an experiment to see if it would work

He gets the shit for free and has like 50 of them so what does he care if he breaks it
LMAO AMD is so dogshit

how does this happen
> This is a display, please do not touch the thing
> Please move away from the thing
> "AMD stopped us from checking their settings and we got in trouble"
Odds are they got in trouble for doing something they were asked not to do.
>2016 antisemitism
how? Did they whip em?
They were being naughty journalists.
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>2016 antisemitism

Yeah, get with the times...
Here's a good a place as any to ask.

On a GTX 760 now. Thinking of upgrading soon for Dawn of War 3 and Space Hulk: Deathwing.

GTX 970 (I know about 3.5gate. I'm only playing at 1080p anyway) or R9 390?

Or is it worth waiting for the RX 480? I've always been interested in swapping to Team Red, but I've used nVidia parts forever. I read (on here, I think) that the RX 480 will be better than a 980, but like half the price.

Any ideas what I'd be looking at, cost-wise, for an RX 480 in AUD?
>Opinions on /g/ are shit and bait

Fixed for you, friendo.
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thank god I bought nvidia
Maybe it's because they did something wrong?
>Any ideas what I'd be looking at, cost-wise, for an RX 480 in AUD?
Do you even have electricity there?
Wait for the 480. They said $199 USD. At current exchange that's ~ 270 AUD. Wouldnt be surprised if that ends up in the $300-350 AUD range.
At a guess it'll be a ~$350 card (for the 8gb version) down here in the land of cunts, maybe a bit more if stores are trying to jew it up
It'd delivered by negatively-charged spiders running along conductive wire, but yeah, we have it.

Shiet, for real? That's hectic. When's the release date? I haven't been on /g/ in yonks and as such, am a bit behind.
And is the power estimate correct - that it's meant to be on par with a GTX 980?
It's not impressive for retards if or doesn't beat the competition
Best price/performance cards, much better than what the 970 ever did, and much better than what the 1070 is doing
End of June
And about >>54868849 ?
Given what we know so far would i be good to get an RX 480 (wich is supposedly a r9 480x, right?) to replace my 770 2g? The low amount of ram is really holding me down even at 1080p thank to nvidia gimping™
Is /g/ really shilling dual GPU setups? Jesus fucking christ.

It only makes sense if you have money to throw away and are going to use top of the line GPUs.

You are literally throwing your money away on low to mid range multi gpu setups because all you will get is shit scaling and compatibility issues where you will be forced to use one shitty graphics card till (hopefully) the issue gets fixed.
Multi GPU has always been popular with cards that have great price/performance
The same thing happened with the 750Ti and the 970
Though it has never been a good idea, DX12/Vulkan could change that but for now no game really does it
Why are you people so dense and retarded? It was just to show that you don't need to spend $700+ to play 60fps+ on 1440 on ultra. The 480 was NEVER meant to compete with the 1080. It was a POC. The 480 is entry level 1440 and a for maxing out 1080. For $199 at <150tdp (even the shittiest psu can handle it fine)
yes. 980/Fury levels.
Fuckin' ace. Quite a step up from my 760, then. Looks like I'll hold out for an RX 480.
Give me the short version

My 780 can't do Ultra 1440p at 60, usually hovers at about 45 fps on newer games

Can this card do it
It's going to deliver at least Fury levels of performance.

I'm hoping for an RX 480X / RX 485 card to be released as well. If that comes, it's going to deliver at least Fury X / 980 TI performance for $300.

Stoked af. 980's or 980Ti's are still like $700AUD or more, so for something that delivers 980 performance for half the fucking price, I'm jumping ship in a heartbeat.

No brand loyalty is truly the best kind of brand loyalty.
Nobody has their hands on one yet. Wait a month until real benchmarks come out and decide for yourself.
I remember when he used to be an AMD shill, he's obviously been bought by now
I've got a 1080 but if the RX480 is really a ~$300-350 AUD card then I'll be buying one for my other pc

Might not be all that fast but it's looking like fantastic value for money
there is an rx 480x, it's the 8g version of the 480 for 30 bucks more
I know, hey. A 1080 would be nice, but so would a Mercedes, and I have to be realistic. Price tag, especially in AUD, is way too pricey for me to just be casually flinging around that sort of cash. But shit, if it's ACTUALLY gonna be $350AUD, that's fucking cheaper than a 970 is RIGHT NOW from uMart.
it's not branded as such, rx 480 comes in two versions, one with 4gb of ram and the other with 8gb
I was more hoping for an RX 480X with 2560 shaders.

But even so, the RX 480 clocked @ 1260 MHz delivers Fury levels of performance. If you can overlock it just 15 - 20% it should match the FuryX and 980TI cards in performance for less than half the price.

What a beastly budget bomb of a card.
as all the NVshills have said and i will repeat

High cost GPU ,hight end GPU =/= low cost GPU >high GPU profromance and low energy.

Not sure if i care which side is winning but NVidoits lost on the price wars and have nothing for the low end

AMD on the other had still has the Fury X2 and 295X2 and now Rx 480 all CF

even Jay admitied that the Fury x2 had to disable one gpu in DOOM because no CF
but still sat at 100FPS

this is why all NVidoits will not show sli or CF games anymore or any Fury x2 or 295X2 's in any benchmark.

how ever AMD isn't doing any games not supporting CF or SLI in their demos

so why is everyone confussed?
everyone is mad as fuck, i haven't see anything like this in decades.
>never worked for a company other than mom's basement: the post
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>this fucking thread

Shitposting at it's finest I see. Really makes you think what kind of people argue here.
>youtuber drama
Honestly don't even know why I come here anymore
Open source hardware video card when?
I do

>In the simplest terms AMD has created a product that runs hotter and slower than its competition's new architecture by a potentially significant margin.

Kyle was right all along

AMD is uncompetitive and bankrupt
Why DO you come here?
I only took a quick glance through, but is it actually comparing the 480 to the 1080?

> this just in a mid-range card cannot beat a high-end enthusiast card
> in other news, the sky is blue, and water is wet
>Gaben be praised

Fucking dropped.
Jeez, just buy nVidia, goy.
Maybe this is a sign that vidya devs should make games that actually run on current hardware and not that of 5 years in the future
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Quickly, find every thread about the RX 480 and post this in it
>implying there's a detectable visual difference between high and ultra settings
There is just you never see them as that toaster of yours is too shitty
So all this time the hype about a $200 card that can run as fast as a 1070 was lies? The frame rates can only be achieved with settings on low or medium? What a fucking disappointment. My 960 runs this shit in medium or high.
$700 actual price.
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Next gen iMac is probably going to pack polaris
>nvidia has less snow
>b-b-b-b-but muh fps

nvidia cheating again
Kyle is a butthurt faggot who either needs to get over himself or jump off the nearest bridge.
all this hype for nothing
fucking sad
Is that a cigarette?

Those aren't good for you.
I know, I thought the 1080 would be better too, or atleast cheaper
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He didn't get a Nano and he acted like a butthurt kid about it.

He also wasn't invited to the RX480 reveal https://twitter.com/austinnotduncan?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

I don't know if he wrote that editorial out of spite for not being invited to a media event, but he's risking a lot with those "insiders" of his. I hope he gets his head out of his ass soon.
Fuck, I messed up that Twitter link.

Can we ban this moronic flamewar bullshit?

Take this shit to >>>/v/
> i don't like how people discuss this piece of technology
> therefore, it shouldn't be on the technology board
haha ok

Its infantile bullshit from retards who don't understand technology and only use it for trivial pursuits.

"my toy is better than your toy", get the fuck out
>someone with a twitter account

- What millennials actually believe.
These toys are still technology.
Only AMD is cheating with their reduced workloads and not allowing people to see the settings

Also comparing to 28nm card on MEDIUM settings, top kek


Underrated post
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What does it take for AMDcucks to shut their fucking mouth. Gosh AMD bankruptcy can't come soon enough. Delusional bunch all of you fucking faggots. Keep waiting for nothing as always.
There's no discussion here, only shitposting and stale memes. GPUs are really interesting imo but this brand war between end users who know nothing about the GPUs is getting out of hand and it's borderline idiotic.
It's only shitposting because there's no information.
If there were benchmarks, or anything at all, there would be 10% non shitposts

Has no one else noticed that the benchmark is Ashes of the Singularity? ... That's important because the dev, Oxide is about as far deep inside AMD's pockets as it's possible for a dev to be.

I guarantee you, if you use any other benchmark it won't look remotely like that.
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>jumps the hype train
>gets disappointed

seriously /g/, get your shit together... wait for the benchmarks and get what works best for you
>when AMD works with developers it's treason
>when Nvidia does it it's cool

Nice strawman argument retard.

Obviously if the roles were reversed, the same logic would hold true.

But that doesn't somehow magically mean Ashes is an unbiased benchmark just because Nvidia can or does do the same thing.

This particular situation reminds me of when Oxide was the pilot devs for Mantle, and AMD/Oxide made a huge deal about ridiculous gains over DX11 by claiming big numbers over Nvidia's and AMD's own DX11 results. Then virtually overnight Nvidia released a new driver and blew Mantle out of the water in AMD/Oxide's own benchmark. I wouldn't be surprised if a parallel situation eventually develops here, with these DX12+Ashes bechmarks as well.
Yeah and get used to it amdroid, Nvidia will gimp all the games to their favor and you can't play anything anymore. Kek.
Shit results, but nice.
Menu will allow them to modify settings or save\load game, etc.
Most likely there are some security guys and they just tell people not to press Esc. I got confronted by security for taking BloodBorn pics, even though they held open Alpha test at the same time. Formalities.
Nvidia is a big company and it does not look bad for them do support the developers of a game to get better compatibility and performance out of their line of cards. But AMD does it, it just look pathetic for a small company to try that.
which of you faggots did this?
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AHAHA, MAD is MAD at press, Nvidia would never treat reporters like that.
https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/4m692q/concerning_the_aots_image_quality_controversy/ there you have the exact settings...
> i could just ignore this thread
> no, i am part of the Old Guard, and must defend the sacred land
> 'you find entertainment in things that are fun'
> that sure showed them
haha ok
I would gladly pay $100 more and have a single card and have overall much better performance in games than use two 480s and rely on dx12's multigpu shit.

Not all games are gonna use that and not all games are gonna be on dx12 in the first place so seriously believing you'll have around the same performance of a 1080 with 2x 480s in all games is seriously naive.
Like others said AMD and board partners don't make as much off poorer selling expensive cards. AMD did this before with releasing the mid range cards first to get them out of the way so they have to release RX 480 and then RX 470 for $150 [a better R9 380 which is also what the NX will likely have]. Then we will get the rehashed Fury chips later this year with FinFet tech [i.e. Vega].
>Unironically linking to leddit
It's 2016 and you're still getting triggered by reddit? Really?
I forgot to mention that the RX 470 [just a name I am using but probably will be it's name] will likely be in 2 flavors. $99 for a 2GB version and $149 for a 4GB version.
Isn't the 480 meant to be a midrange card?

I don't understand why people are shitting themselves over this.
>"paid shills vs paid shills" the thread
Wait for reviews and actual benchmarks to pass judgment.
>Implying any company marketing guy would go to 4chan to show the truth, just to be shat at by angry fanboys of another company
Its good that he can show the settings now though
We got this video



No advanced settings though
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If they were only getting 51% utilization from 2 cards why not just use 1 card to do the benchmark comparison?
Also why not market a 2die single card as a 1080 killer for $500 and be done with it. This is clearly just marketing and hyperbolic results from one game that will never scale to any other game.
Damn mate just how brainwashed are you?
That's the most retarded argument I've ever heard.
>calling others retarded
I'm an Intelfag, anon.
I don't even care about your partisanship crap, but when you see collector stuff like this post, you just have to stop for a second and wonder just how insane people can get.

I hope NVidia/AMD pays you well.
But video rendering relies more on CPU famalam unless you're using AE or working in a post prod type of setup

you can't Sli a 750 ti lol
Or you know, you could show in 1 tweet you know jack shit and are a fanboy.

Black ops 3 works well with crossfire
How so? And what card?
>Buy some paper, get 2 pencils, infinite fun
>Buy a guitar, infinite fun
>Buy a top of the line pc to play modern crap at the highest settings, get bored in less than 5 hours, have to buy the season pass, it gives 2 more hours of fun. Now have to buy another game
>New games are aimed to demographies in which you dont belong and censored to fit moral tastes you dont have or care

Gaming was a mistake. Stop while you can
Modern gaming is shit
you've grown old, is all
No, most "modern gaymind" is a mistake.

But else it's fun activity in the spear time.
Even good for your brain.

Just don't overdo it, same goes for beer. Kek.
Yes, it will make more sense to compare it to the 1060 when it comes out. The problem is Nvidia and AMD are staggering their cards differently so apple to apples comparisons are silly at this point. Of course that doesn't stop people from doing it.
hardware canucks when i called them out on the forum asking why their aots bench is different on the site and different on the official bench site of aots i got my accound deleted :(
i guess slapping 20 fps more on the card is good jurnalism
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really, what do you think they did?
underrated comment
Nvidia didn't compare their cards with AMD cards though.

They just compared their old cards to their new cards
What the literal fuck, didn't they advertize it as 1440p?

That clearly shows 1080p
Supersampling I think m8
That's not the same as running 1440p natively though
Duh, are you even thinking?
99% of Nvidias market are pure Nvidiots, who don't even know anything about AMD, they would know nothing if you compared them to AMD cards, so they compare them to their old cards so those Nvidiots see that:
>new=much faster=must buy
I think it's pretty much the same, as far processing power is concerned
Exactly the same thing, we used supersampling way before it was a "thing" you render a custom resolution and scale it down with he GPU like you usually scale it up.

Exactly the same work goes into it, exactly the same amount of pixels is being rendered in hardware.

I'm just poiting out that, I don't care about that youtube video or that AMD card and how it plays Doom.
yes lets all build games for the current gen
because this is the way of pushing the boundaries
Spotted the German.


Why are AMD owners so angry all the time? Any time there's a GPU discussion it's just AMD fans nonstop screaming "SHILL" and "Nvidiot." Digital Foundry Youtibe comments are a complete shitshow, just people calling everyone who disagrees with them a shill. For a company with a minority marketshare they have a disproportionate amount of shitposting.
Also supersampling would still show 1440p as res not 1080p
>Which would be in full breach of the NDA.
>[citation needed]
I own a 960 dude, but I'm just talking about the market and community.

>jayz2twocents, a well known Nvidia shill and a retard, putting anyone on suicide watch
>sponsored shilling faggot

you mean $200 less
Please be true, that sounds great
>installs gameworks
You must have zero understanding of how gameworks operates. You don't install it.
No hope for poorfags. AMD is going to shit. Nvidia is always on the expensive side. Intel doesn't compete.

yeah you said it but its still not true
>No hope for poorfags
What are you fuckjing retarded? It's the best year for poorfags
>untapped market share
>Steam survey shows most PC gamers have weaker PCs
>gtx 980 top 26th place on while Titan is nowhere to be found on the list
The so called "poorfags" population could be a honeypot for AMD 2bqh
The people on Steam who have shit specs are probably playing CSGO, TF2 or DOTA 2 on a laptop. They have no reason to upgrade. The problem is that there hasn't been a huge game like HL2, Doom 3 or Crysis in a while that gets people to mass upgrade. It seems like the PC market is fracturing even further between toasters and high-end rigs.

Majority of PC market IS toasters and poorfags. Why do else would indieshit and ftp be so popular?
That's the point. If someone's content playing Valveshit and indieshit why would they buy GPU, when they're gaming on a laptop or OEM desktop? Is anyone really in the market for a budget PC? The whole console-killer thing seems like an overblown meme, no one actually wants a PC that performs at console specs.
This is why I got into cars as a hobby instead. Only games I still enjoy playing are the Metroid Prime games
I agree with you on this anon I have actually upgraded my pc last year, from phenom 8650 to skylake 6600k and the only part that I've transfered to my new cpu is my gtx 550 ti which is ancient. I have the money to buy a high tier card but it is unnecessary since I just play World of Tanks and Civilzation 5. I might buy this rx 480 or 1070 though
fuck I was just about to build a pretty casual PC with a 380 to play overwatch and now this goddamn card is making me wait because I have to get the best bang for my buck.
they didn't get "punished" you jackasses this is standard practice at a demo station, this person is an asshole for wanting to mess with the settings like a plebeian idiot anyway.
>here is a quote from an AMD employee

System specs:

CPU: i7 5930K

RAM: 32GB DDR4-2400Mhz

Motherboard: Asrock X99M Killer

GPU config 1: 2x Radeon RX 480 @ PCIE 3.0 x16 for each GPU

GPU config 2: Founders Edition GTX 1080

OS: Win 10 64bit

AMD Driver: 16.30-160525n-230356E

NV Driver: 368.19

In Game Settings for both configs: Crazy Settings | 1080P | 8x MSAA | VSYNC OFF

Ashes Game Version: v1.12.19928

Benchmark results:

2x Radeon RX 480 - 62.5 fps | Single Batch GPU Util: 51% | Med Batch GPU Util: 71.9 | Heavy Batch GPU Util: 92.3% GTX 1080 – 58.7 fps | Single Batch GPU Util: 98.7%| Med Batch GPU Util: 97.9% | Heavy Batch GPU Util: 98.7%

The elephant in the room:

Ashes uses procedural generation based on a randomized seed at launch. The benchmark does look slightly different every time it is run. But that, many have noted, does not fully explain the quality difference people noticed.

At present the GTX 1080 is incorrectly executing the terrain shaders responsible for populating the environment with the appropriate amount of snow. The GTX 1080 is doing less work to render AOTS than it otherwise would if the shader were being run properly. Snow is somewhat flat and boring in color compared to shiny rocks, which gives the illusion that less is being rendered, but this is an incorrect interpretation of how the terrain shaders are functioning in this title.

The content being rendered by the RX 480--the one with greater snow coverage in the side-by-side (the left in these images)--is the correct execution of the terrain shaders.

So, even with fudgy image quality on the GTX 1080 that could improve their performance a few percent, dual RX 480 still came out ahead.

As a parting note, I will mention we ran this test 10x prior to going on-stage to confirm the performance delta was accurate. Moving up to 1440p at the same settings maintains the same performance delta within +/-1%.
trips never lie :^)
>Dollars per second
holy shit everyone jumps to the malice conclusion immediately. I swear 4chan and the internet in general are a bunch of immature babies

did it ever occur to you that it's just a policy for people to not tinker around with a setup the marketing team or whatever has set up? It obviously runs at max settings otherwise they wouldnt show it
Hi there!
You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!
Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
you're in the wrong thread mang, this is the "fanboys piss on each other over shit they don't own/can't afford/regret buying" thread
Just wait for Vega
Polaris was made to compete 980 outrageous price
1080 came first
(watch out for the outrageous coding for fps performance or if you want to buy every 3 months go for it)
That's all
>Do you even math?
I'm personally waiting for the rx 490 which will probably have the full uncut polaris 10 chip in all its glory
Yeah, it seems to be a great deal. Probably going to sell my 7950 come the end of June and try and grab a 480. Will be nice to have a modern GPU for once.
>more space to cool!
so intead of waiting for benchmarks to comeout (independant ones) everyone just shits bricks over speculations while throwing mud at each other and pretending to be know it all about graphics cards.


fucking chill and enjoy the games you currently have and wait for when you can actually buy the bloody thing to look at specs.
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