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>only 4GB >only $199 http://videocardz.com/60819/amd-

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Thread replies: 336
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>only 4GB
>only $199


You all get cucked
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>Low end
>Out performs 980
>The fury tier cards ran fine on 4 gigs of the same ram
the 8GB one is 250 $hekels
there will be 8GB version which will have over 0.5 gb more vram than 1070
as far as I know they will price it 229$
"Only" 4GB.
then I'm going to buy it for sure
>390/390x had 8 gigs of ram
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amd on suicide watch

Enjoy your only dx 12 games being first party Xbone ports.
>3.5 is more than enough for the GTX970 but 4GB is bad for the RX480
230, but close.

I'd bet the aftermarket 8gb cards will go for around 250 to 280.
Thats still .5gb more than your meme card.
yeah it would be ridiculous to charge 50 more for just adding 2 DRAM modules on board
so, the more you wait the more you pay. basically the opposite strategy of nvidia.

damn, cant wait for the launch
Lmao I guess if you love reference blower cards.

Btw where's your 599 1080? Oh right, doesn't exist.
Don't need more than 3.5gb if I recall.

Available on 4GB (199 dollars) and 8GB (229 or 249 dollars), retard!
the 1070 will only have 7GB of RAM if it follows the memory structure / interface of the 970

Throwing more ram at the problem did not help with the awful drivers and poor optimization.
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If the 480 is really between 980 and Fury, then it will be a performance/price monster. Similarly to how the 1070 deprecates the entire high end lineup, the 480 deprecates any card lower than the 1070's price range. It would truly be a fantastic time. I can't imagine what the 490 will bring and how Greenland performs, Nvidia's fat Pascal sounds great too, but I wonder how beefy it'll be when the 1080 is already a hot piece of hardware.
>awful drivers
We're not talking about nvidia, are we?
why is the 390x not dropping in price?? isn't right now the best time to get rid of old cards?
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I forgot, that was my face when we will finally get a single GPU that can run 1440p at 100+Hz all the time.
>no cringe case with fangled shapes
and this is why I will buy it on launch
6 GB is more likely. They cut 25% off the chip this time.
>falling for amd's sketchy marketing

nvidiot talking about stuff he doesn´t have a clue about I rate it 3.5/4
If I want to run at only 1080p 144hz will 4gb be enough? I know only some games gonna reach that refresh rate, but I'm hoping
390 still getting performance improvements 2 years after realease.

>Th-the drivers were great at launch guys i swear.
Are there any official North American release dates yet?
Actually that's mainly because most games are getting to use Dx12 (Or just some Dx12 features) which the 390 kills it.

Altough AMD driver released got better, it's sadly not on pair on Nvidia. Mainly because Nvidia keeps pushing out gamecock titles
/v/ pls stop be so autistic... how much Hz you can pull is about how much power the gpu has.
4gb is only relevant on resolution like 1440/4k or very demanding games like doom nightmare mode

Someone found some of the older benchmarks and they are quite similar between x2 480s & a single 1080.

Don't forget AOTS uses procedual generated textures and seems like 480s rendering more snow.

Take a look:



5000 score on 480 vs 4800 score on 1080.
I have a 900p monitor.

I also have 260 dollars sitting around.

What card should I get to upgrade from my 960?
Shadow Of Murder needed 6GB of Vram to use the high texture quality settings
On the shelf june 29

get the 8gb version for $230 is you so wish.
Sell the 960 for 100-150
Now you have 360-410 Dollar.

I say buy the 480 and a monitor for 200~
>believing some idiot on youtube
480 benchmark they showed in the demo: http://www.ashesofthesingularity.com/metaverse#/personas/b0db0294-8cab-4399-8815-f956a670b68f/match-details/0561a980-78ce-4e24-a7c3-2749a8e33aac

1080 performing worse at identical settings:
When does it come out? I'm in need of a new video card, the one I bought 5 years ago is showing its age.
nope it's between a 970 and a 980, but closer to a 970.

They're a bit odd those benchmarks.

http://www.guru3d.com/articles-pages/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1080-review,15.html shows the 1080 doing 70 minimum on max 1440p.

So the 480 CF performs 10% better than the 1080 while also having 30% less cpu-bound frames and operating at only 51%. Something tells me the 480 is going to be a huge success.
4gb was enough for midrange nvidia cards in 2015... oh wait.
>he doesn't spot the version differences

how will you defend the version's being different? for all we know they made a newer version specifically to cuck the 1080. this benchmark is total trash till they run at identical settings on the same version.
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i was talking about amd's official benchmarks btw
>1600x900 monitor
You need a new fucking monitor. 1080p monitors are less than $100 these days.
Certainly you jest.

From memory, 970 SLI does 70fps at 1080 (on high). The 480 CF did 62fps at 1440 (on extreme(http://www.ashesofthesingularity.com/metaverse#/personas/b0db0294-8cab-4399-8815-f956a670b68f/match-details/0561a980-78ce-4e24-a7c3-2749a8e33aac)).

See >>54862969
and this benchmark is premature because of drivers. It beats a 980 (at least in DX12) and is on par with a Fury (non-X). For $199 at <150TDP.
>he didn't even read the source
both were running version 1.11.19556.0
both were getting around 60fps just like in the demo on stage.
the benchmarks you posted were not the ones used by AMD.
>one game nvidia is known to do worse than expect in

opinion discarded. literally every media outlet is reporting it to be under 980 performance based on their own sources. until you can show me that you have insider sources that can prove these articles wrong then you will always be clutching at straws in the eyes of everyone neutral.

>at least on dx12

Let us know when dx 12 is relevent beyond ashes and future xbone ports.
most media are reporting 390x performance, which is equal or better than 980
>literally every media outlet is reporting it to be under 980 performance based on their own sources.

that's terrible if true. an OCed 970 already can beat a stock 980, so if AMD's 14nm card can't even reach that performance then AMD is done for.
Nobody has had the cards until just now brah. Leaks and rumors don't mean jack. Pretty sure whatever benchmark you've read mentions the information's nature. Wait until the 29th.

Sorry I'm not talking out of my ass and providing whatever fact exist.
It isn't HBM

Oh so dx12 wont be relevant for years? Thanks for clarifying.
You won't be able to turn on AA or exceed 140 fps (that is why you have a 144hz I hope)
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forget the 980, the 390x loses to the 970 in many titles.

the 480 won't be powerful enough to do 144hz in any game that isn't >5 years old.
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kek. it's even funnier once you consider the fact that these reviewers used the gimped reference 970s, the 970 can easily gain 30-40% more performance from a proper OC.
Every release cycle:

>New releases around the corner
>speculations and guesses
>Nvidia releases first
>runs well but costs more than what people were predicting
>AMD releases previews
>screenshotted benchmarks show AMD beating Nvidia by a few frames in a single game
>/g/ and AMD fans start creaming their jeans
>shitposting intensifies
>AMD ends up delaying their release because reasons
>Nvidia stock rises again
>AMD finally releases
>various game forums become filled with AMD/Windows 10 problem threads
>drivers break with half of buyers
>cards overheating
>/g/ threads filled with "should I buy current gen AMD or wait till next release for fixes?"

Every fucking time
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how can AMD screw up this bad
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found one where the 390x beats the 970, even if its just by 0.2 fps.
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Stop wasting your time. Just post a proper list.

Here's 15 games random sample instead of cherry picked.

it wasn't always this way. AMD used to be a real competitor to NVIDIA. seems like the turning point was AMD abruptly switching from their older VLIW architectures in favor of GCN, which has been lackluster and marred by the constant rebranding.
Im hoping amd can compete with the higher end nvidia. So prices will go down. But its starting to smell like when amd threw in the towel vs enthusiast intel (i5/i7). Which as we know. Has not been good for the market.
Good show.

Fuck off with your goddamn shilling. Only you are to blame for getting the 3.5 joke of a card.
>Cherrypicking this hard
>Averages prove the opposite
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>posting benchmarks from a year ago

here, have one from march. literally minimal difference between the two when compared to a 980 ti.

If by every time you mean only the last two, yes, you underage fucking faggot.
Get the hell out.
>Only you are to blame for getting the 3.5 joke of a card.

AMD is to blame for that. They still have no answer to the 970, except for a rebranded hawaii card that draws 2-3x the power and has an absurdly high failure rate.


>3% extra relative performance
>$150 more

how will they defend this
8GB is a meme. I say this owning a 8GB 290x and has a 7680x1440 setup. No game needs more than 4GB even at super high resolutions.

When AMD fanfucks were going on about the 8GB 390 rebranded 290 I called them retards then too.
>But its starting to smell like when amd threw in the towel vs enthusiast intel (i5/i7)
A few points to consider:
The i5 is not enthusiast I'm afraid. Those are the E chips.

Zen is coming out with Haswell performance. 8 core 16 threads for about $400-600. 6 core 12 threads much less. AMD hasn't thrown in the towel by a long stretch.

A 480CF bested a 1080 for half the price. Vega is the 1070/1080 competitor, to be released in August-September. Navi will compete with the 1080ti.

Do you have ANY clue as to what's going on? At all?
The premise "390x loses to 970" doesn't stand your own chart.

Maybe you need a new goal post.
>but closer to a 970.
I wouldn't be so sure about that seeing how the GTX 970 is supposed to have a peak throughput of about 4 TFLOPS and the 980 of 5 TFLOPS while the RX 480 is supposed to have the same 5 TFLOPS as the GTX 980.
At least GCN and its revisions could trade blows with Nvidia's hardware.

Meanwhile bulldozer & revisions vs intel
>The premise "390x loses to 970" doesn't stand your own chart.

where was this claimed. please, show me.

all i can see is that it was stated that the 390x loses to the 970 "in many titles." and this claim was backed up by actual benchmarks.
One is 1080 and the other 1440. the 390X beats the 970 in both, the latter by a 15% margin. That's the beauty of GCN. The 480 is a 1440 card :^)
>At least GCN and its revisions could trade blows with Nvidia's hardware.

the 4870 and 5870 were beating $600 NVIDIA cards for half the price and half the die area.
Im just looking at the fact that i was able to use an i7920 for 5 years. And intel never gave me much of a reason to upgrade. And thats about the time amd threw in the towel around the end of the phenom lifespan.
>implying tflops mean anything when it comes to amd

>fury x: 8.6 tflops
>980 ti: 6.1 tflops

>r9 390x: 5.9 tlops
>gtx 980: 5.0 tflops

you get the picture. amd always have higher computational performance but it never translated into actual performance.
more like the last five you fucking goober
The 480 has 5.5 actually, so you can see how you're wrong.
>Zen is coming out with Haswell performance.

not likely, fanboys assume that because of how hyped zen has been and because of the hollow marketing statements by AMD. it will probably be closer to sandy bridge performance in the real world.
>The 480 is a 1440 card :^)
>2x480 barely scrape past 60 fps in amd's own benchmark game
>1440p card

A $200 480 performing equal to a 390 is actually quite good. The 490/x should be very interesting. Not to mention the Fury successors in Vega

The 390 uses less than 2x the power of a 970, you fuckwit.

No wonder you Nvidiots still manage to think your 970 wasn't a gigantic mistake. You've literally made up reasons to hate the 390 that don't exist. kys
New round of betting with their new architecture imo.
upgrade the monitor first.
The 960 was designed for 1080, not 900.
I remember the bulldozer hype and the images of a bulldozer plowing through a sandy bridge kek
I will admit that AMD has had more of a brute force approach compared to Nvidia, but Polaris is supposed to have much better scheduling meaning that the RX 480 should provide better "TFLOPS-to-actual-performance" than previous GCN cards.
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but amd owners even know the 390 is shit :^)

i'd love to see how they damage control this
A $199 card at 51% utilization. With proper drivers it'll probably push to ~98% and deliver some 35-40% more performance (i.e. 30-40fps probably). Bear in mind that was the EXTREME preset, friend.
Bulldozer completely destroyed Sandy Bridge in multithreaded performance.
It was only bad for gaymen
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>benchmarks come out
>5000 core consumer chips get hyped
>amd actually meant each module had 40% more ipc than excavator cores
>each module has 4 cores with shared cache
>each actual core has core 2 duo single thread performance
They are retarded. What do you expect? Their arguments are all over the place with 480 ranging from saying 480 is shit becuase it uses 110-130w to saying its shit because a 200 USD card doesn't compete with 700 USD card. Grasping straws and making excuses is all they can do right now. They're literally sweating right now.
>no 960 4gb
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>The 390 uses less than 2x the power of a 970, you fuckwit.

t. H1B visa freeloader
Hello Pajeet
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>With proper drivers it'll probably push to ~98% and deliver some 35-40% more performance (i.e. 30-40fps probably

holy kek how can someone be so stupid and deluded

>amd ever making "proper drivers"
>CF/SLI ever having 98% utilization (KEK)
>35-40% somehow = 30-40 fps

these shill posts just keep getting better and better
I'm loving every laugh, actually. A good reason to visit /g/ again.
So 480 is 67DF:C4 right? 67DF:C7 presumable is the full polaris 10 480x, they might align it with 1060 Ti


>Nvidiots so mad they gave up damage controlling their 3.5 meme cards.

I pity you.
>Shadow Of Murder needed 6GB of Vram to use the high texture quality settings
It's RECOMMENDED, but not required, as this isn't the first time devs have overinflated requirements due to subpar optimization, i.e. GTAV, 4GB cards are more than able to use the ultra textures with no performance drops, and this generally goes for most games that insist on 4+GB of RAM, I can run Doom on nightmare settings perfectly on my Fury, and that's also only a 4GB card. The average user that isn't pushing 4k or ultrawide meme resolutions will never need more than 4GB for the upcoming generation if things continue as they do, making the 8GB variant the cheap 1080p ballpark future-proofer
Even the Phenom II x6 were better or only insignificantly worse than the fx-81xx chips when it came to multi-threading.

Bulldozer was WORSE than Deneb in ipc which was already nipping at the heels of the first i7 trying to keep up

you can't defend this architecture.
So literally last generation?

I used to love AMD/ATI, but their fans ruin it. That and they only play catchup.
Nvidia can't into aesthetics.
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>"Nvidia is over" says increasingly nervous man for the seventh time this year

c7 is the 8gb 480, c4 is the 4gb 480. 4gb variant has half the memory and half the memory bus disabled.
You may have been right if we were talking about DX11, but we're talking about multiGPU under DX12, which is much improved and actually allows developers to properly utilize the hardware.
Anyone else forgetting that multi GPU setups are usually shit, especially considering AMD takes 2 years to update CF profiles in their drivers. Don't forget frame times and microstutters.

And why is it always AoS benches that they show. I'm surprised they didn't throw in Hitman either.

>Giving a flying fuck about idle power draw

How autistic can one BE?
They rushed that card for the presentation
They won't be selling any reference
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>he has no answer
>b-but nvidia
>b-but 3.5

C7 is 100% confirmed to be 480.
C4 is 100% confirmed 32CU = 2048 shaders
Wether C7 is full Polaris 10 or not is unconfirmed.
Are you retarded or assrekt as expected?

>CF/SLI ever having 98% utilization (KEK)
CF can be anywhere between 50-90%+

>35-40% somehow = 30-40 fps
I meant total fps. 35-40% of what you're thinking of would mean over 90fps.

Time for you to go to bed desu, you're out of your element.
so what happened to everyone claiming its faster than a 1080 in CF? am i witnessing them all being BTFO by this single benchmark picture?

>Still believing the AMD driver meme

Shit is more stale than your mother's snatch. AMD drivers have been just as good as Nvidia's for the past year. Only retards have convinced themselves otherwise.

Source: I've owned a 960 and a 390 in 2 different rigs for the past year.
was AMD focusing funds on Zen? Their gpus have been shit
Phenom ll x6 was the last time gamers were torn between amd or i5/7
It makes nvidiafags mad knowing they can't do async compute in either Maxwell nor Pascal. Also AoS is because it's the first dx12 game and first game to utilize multigpu from both companies. Don't tell me it's an AMD game when nvidia worked with them for almost a year now to get their drivers fixed. Protip you can't fix what you don't have.
Word up
What drivers for this synthetic benchmark?
>edgy gamer design
>AMD drivers have been just as good as Nvidia's for the past year

doesn't look like it >>54863796

there's no way I'd spend $400 on a 1070.
>Shit is more stale than your mother's snatch. AMD drivers have been just as good as Nvidia's for the past year. Only retards have convinced themselves otherwise.

which has only happened because NVIDIA is getting lazy, not becuase AMD is getting better.

both AMD and NVIDIA released buggy drivers that killed GPUs in the last 6 months. stuff like that used to be unprecedented and happened once every 5 years, now both sides are putting dogshit like that out.
you saved a conversation from 4chan to post back on 4chan to people you will never meet or care what your opinion really is. I would go sit on my front steps and think about what am I doing and where is my life going.




I can play this game too
Somebody give me the TLDR

Is it closer to a 970 or closer to a 980

can it do 1440p60

>Amd drivers just as good for the past year after being ass for the year after each card is released.
> Implying this will not happen for the next generation.

1600x900 to 1920x1080 is not worth it. Shit jump. He should do 2560x1440 minimum.
Bit past 980
>Is it closer to a 970 or closer to a 980
>can it do 1440p60
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anyone can play at this game. only i post proof from articles or someone actually giving proof with their statements like >>54863796 and not a couple of buttblasted amdfags trolling on a forum

>implying there's much of a difference between haswell and skylake
>implying such a cpu with 6 cores and 12 threads for some $250 isn't a bargain

I hope they do.
>no color clashes
>no gayman aesthetics
Minimal and elegant, I wouldn't feel childish putting that card in my pc.
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am i sensing some butthurt there?
Butthurt nividot spoted

>actually giving proof with their statement
>Cites 4chan screenshots

It's clearly past your bedtime.
literally everyone reporting on it is saying it's nearer to 970 performance. only r/amd and their crossover users on /g/ right now are saying otherwise.
>its a literal upgrade (if minor)
>their 6 cores only catching up with intels 4
Nvidia dictate how much VRAM is necessary, you dumb AMD cuck. If they say 8GB is the minimum now, it's the minimum. I'm giving my 980 Ti and its pathetic 6GB VRAM to the local charity store and buying a 1080.
>my unreleased card can do this!!!!
>no look at my released card, it's the best!!!!
>no fuck you my company is better
>no my company is the best
Here we fucking go. It's ok to like a company, but making it into your identity is fucking stupid.

>Fancucking this hard
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who would have thought amdrones could get this triggered by a screenshot


please keep damage controlling. we're having a wail of a laugh over here.

4 of them, 1 of them 16.200.1014.0

AMD slides only showed Ashes of the Singularity CF
Look at the fan, it would be comical if they sold that

Now they think Zen will cost 250 instead of 500 or more.

Man im loving this fanboy delusion.
Literally no benchmark. Literally.

I can't hear you over the sound of your Gimp Force 1080's fans revving out of control.
vega is competing with 1080/980

Poolaris is a midrange option
So, should I buy a second 960.

Or upgrade.

>2 960's

If you want to meme yourself twice, I guess....
Upgrade to a 1080
Don't do multigpu, way more trouble
>closer to a 970

Guess it's not a worthwhile upgrade for my 780
Oh well
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>being this butthurt

lmao, here let me trigger you some more :^)
Sell it and buy a 1080ti. Im sure itll be good.
3dmark pages claim both had 8 gb

Two 960s is, absolute best case scenario scaling, 980 performance, i.e. now shit and cucked by a $200 card. Add in SLI being turboshit and you should have your answer.
>implying damage control
Wtf is that performance

Try harder, Nvidiot. :^)
So lowest estimate is 970 level and highest estimate is around fury.

An average of both is around 980. This will be the true test.
would it be able to run two, three or four 4k 60Hz if i have no interest in gay men?
That review was at high settings while the other links show extreme settings
The "lowest estimate" is wishful thinking from Nvidia fanboys. Any actual performance seen so far has had it basically neck and neck with the Fury.
You can use whatever card you want. Your porn preference doesnt matter.
It's called old drivers.
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Try harder
>Showing a benchmark of last generation cards

It's like you're not even trying
the absolute madman actually went and did it. i know you would.
So they gimped image/AA quality in the newer drivers?
it's for cad/cam, faggot
its called amd being consistently shit
Look at the graph
AMD keeps dipping, can't maintain high average
Nah, AMD's OpenGL drivers always sucked goat arse. They fix them as id releases a new OpenGL game. I really want to see how Vulkan will do
No, it's just really crazy how deep you fanboys get.
>Cherrypicking this hard
Summerfag leave
>keeps doping

What, it went down significantly once
Old b8
relax, it was all to get a reaction, as always
SLi is shit, never go 2 GPU unless it's VooDoo
Should I buy one GTX1070 for $375 or 2 RX480's for $400?

You're wasting your time. These tards are almost fanatical in how hard they try to be stupid. They will shift the goal posts to the moon and back to pretend they didn't get fucking rekt buying a 970. Just point and laugh. Reasoning with them is impossible.
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>it's so shit it's actively trying to drop itself in the bin


>Gets rekt

Why are you posting here kid? Gb2/v/
if it's better than my 780 by good margin, I will pick it up.

See >>54864016
Your right, thanks.
You mean $460
>buying 4GB
>crossfiring 4GB
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Ntards will defend this.
Yea, you are better off with putting your genitals on fire.
CF/SLI is a meme
>the 4870 and 5870 were beating $600 NVIDIA cards for half the price and half the die area.
Unfortunately they didn't double as space heaters like their nvidia counterparts
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It thought it was a loo, even GPU can Poo in Loo, can you?
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will defend this.

Stock cooled cards, sure did.
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It looks just like the Fury X design. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the route they went, because it looks great.

(forgive my spaghetti)
personally, i prefer the mesh vents on the nvidia now.
Coz the old school wavy mesh is what i hated most since i first started seeing them back in 2006 onwards.

Thats the only thing nvidia did right after so many years since 9600GT.
Never do cf or sli. It I sent worth it
So will this card render consoles nearly obsolete?

These dips are just from bad drivers?
I like your taste in equipment.
>taking anything posted here seriously

jokes on you faglord :^) it just goes to show how attached you are to your piece of metal that you can't even tell the difference.
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defend this.

Backpedalling so hard you could win the Tour de France backwards.
Actually if they're putting Polaris in consoles then the performance gains aren't going to be bad at all. 1080p/60fps may be possible for plebs too.
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ok, here's some actual in game footage that isn't a cutscene.
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Thanks, bro.
Y-you, too...

They can't anon. They will try though.
>p-please keep arguing with me on a korean knitting board
>i need to justify my purchases by flinging shit online

you're worse than the ass blasted 14 year old dumping his game screenshot folder in the thread right now.

Hey i want Zen to do well too. But you are kidding yourself if you thik its going to cost 250.

Retarded question here, but why are the lines continuous through all three samples? Shouldn't each sample have it's own set of lines?
QUICK post more gameworks hidden titles.

>Tries to justify his 3.5/4 purchase by flinging shit at AMD buyers.

>Gets rekt, pretends to be trolling

You're worse than the typical 4chan cancer. Enjoy your meme card.
why? it's the best selling new IP of all time. it's performance trumps over any other benchmark posted because, you know, its an actual relevant game right now.

Do you mean, why is there only ONE graph with three lines over it? Because they superimposed the results on one graph for 1:1 comparison at any given point in time.
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At one point Nvidia was no where to be found. It was so lonely. Look at that 295 still knocing shit out.
>being this assmad because he got shown up by someone not even trying

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>posting benchmarks from months ago
my wild guess is that c7 is the RX 480 and c4 is the mobile version of the same chip clocked for the performance/watt sweet spot

Better in Ashes dx12 benching, which favors the AMD gcn cards more than 3Dmark does. Both results could be easily true. Just consider how well 290/290x/390/390x do in ashes compared to other benchmarks
find the full game


We know you are
I've realised this. Nvidia generally has the better performance in the games that actually matter like the big AAA ones that generate all the hype eg witcher 3, fallout 4, assassins creed etc. But then AMD have the better performance in all the major flops eg hitman, gears ultimate, quanta break. It's weird how that works. Generally whenever anyone asks me what card they should get and they tell me they play all the big AAA I recommend nvidia 100% of the time. They're just better in the games that matter.
>goes from 3% to 5% difference
>still $150 more expensive
>implying this is anything to brag about

at least you tried son.
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THE GTX1080 CAN ASYNC YOU AMDRONES!!! b-but you have to turn it off for better results.

They will f-f-f-fix it with a d-driver update!
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I didn't try at all faggot. 1080p benchmarks means jack shit but at least post the up to date one if you are going to try to make the point of a thing being out of date.
>not trying
> trying to get the last word in
>anhero plz
The only thing that signifies is a company puts out hardware that is vastly underutilized at launch.
>complaining about free performance
That game is based on the Unreal 3 engine, those numbers are sad for whoever ported the game

Buying a card in hopes the drivers will be good in a few years once the card is a gen or two old.
Its your money anon....
>1080p benchmarks mean jack shit

Please, tell me what the most popular and common resolution is currently. It's 4k right? Right?
You're right, it won't be relevant for pc gaming for quite some time.

Games will start to offer a DX12 setting, maybe, but until the large majority of consumer hardware and systems have DX12 you won't see it anytime soon.
>telling yourself to an hero

Sure go for it my man.

WSJ says around 980/Fury, and I'll trust them over a fag in the internet
>fag on the internet
>link in post

hmm you're a bit dense aren't you.
When are 970 prices going to start tanking? I have a new build waiting.
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why even consider the 970 when the Rx 480 exist?
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>buy amd card
>install it
>look for drivers online
>install drivers
>fan ramps up
>extremely loud
>intense heat coming from rig
>Videocard just burned and fucked up the mobo including your CPU, and PSU
>mfw freegan cucks fell for the AMD/Linux/Shit meme
>didnt know all modern gaymer rigs idle at 70C roughly the surface temp of our earth's sun
gaming is a meme for a long time now
aren't VR games 1600p 144hz?

How exactly can this card run that?
Speaking of price drops

>Can get a 390 and save $150 canuckbucks vs full price
>Scared I can get a better deal if there's a major price drop before August

What do?

I figure if I can get a warhammer steam key piled in while the game is still in post-launch popularity I can sell it on Ebay for an extra $60 bucks off the overall price
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and this is a gameworks title of course the 390 is going to have some issue we already know how gimped amd was at the launch and how in your face the sabotage was we all know nivida has always cheated and this is finally the face we could all see
I wish there was a GPU store near me. All I have is fucking Best Buy.
>not waiting for 480x which will be the perfect price performance card ever made

>WSJ and benchmarks show performance at 980/Fury
>some fag in techspot injects his opinion into the article and says it will probably only perform between 970/980 even though he has no proof of this claim and is probably incorrect
>techspot is the "journalism" you are sticking to in this argument

Yeah, you and your link are both fags
>don't use DX12 benchmarks goys!
>use only Nvidia™ GameWorks™ games for benchmarks, it's the way it's meant to be played™ !!!
I have a 980 Ti, and I'm excited for AMD to be back in the game. This bodes well for both sides.

I don't know why Nvidia or Amd fan boys would be upset by this.
it can't
Identity politics. It's stupid.
>$200 card comes within 2fps of the $700 card

fucking wow.
>he is living in the past
no one is upset. there are people who are claiming CF is better than buying a single card and they're defending it with their life. don't forget that these were the same deluded people who said no one pays more than $300 for a gpu and now they're trying to convince everyone to spend $550 on two. a bit of a retarded fanbase if you ask me.
Even though I'm used to Nvidia cards, I am going to get the 8gb RX 480. Can't be more than $250
Benchmarks when?
480 is the c7
finally someone in this thread with a brain
healthy competition is always good for development
It's launching at the end of the month supposedly, so soon
>Want to upgrade from my 7870
>Gonna be bottle necked by my FX-8150

I shoulda went with Intel but I'll be damned if I didn't get a good deal.
well they've banned any pre launch reviews so we can only assume its going to be pretty bad just like [H] predicted. if it was groundbreaking performance/dollar then they'd want everyone to know much earlier with reviews so they can start building launch hype, just like nvidia did. i wouldn't expect much 2bh.
its over. Amd won. teh 480x is better than the 980

It's faster in cherry picked shit like DX12 games. Comes very close in everything though.
Wait till fall and do a Zen/Vega build
I honestly don't get why people are shitting on AMD for making by far the best business decision. What percentage of GPU purchases are in the $400+ range? What percentage of purchases are in the $200 range? Sure Polaris isn't competing with Pascal, but that also means Pascal isn't competing with Polaris. AMD is set to capture the largest share of the market by far with an uncontested $200 GPU that maxes out anything at 1080p (what the vast majority of people have).

Sure NVidia is flexing their e-peen with the larger chip, but AMD is set up to actually sell more GPUs because the RX 480 will have no rivals in the largest segment of the market.
I'm still skeptical about Zen. Even though it's easy to be skeptical with almost no information.
My wallet isn't ready.
>high end Vega GPU
>freesync 1440p high refresh monitor
>NVMe SSD, xPoint on the horizon, but probably not supported by AMD chipsets
>Zen 8 core
If Zen fails, the AMD bankruptcy memes will become true, and we'll all be paying $800 for i5s from Intel
I don't think such specialized stores exist
please no. not the 3.5 gb card.
As opposed to buying a card in hopes that the drivers won't go to shit the second the next generation comes out?
>to play the shitty games that suck ass
It's just overhype. A 200 dollar card will just be pure shit. You won't be able to play any games with a shitty 480. You are better off just buying a 970.
well the 1070 is under $400 and i don't care about what these damage controlling fanboys say, it's under $400 and always will be (unless FE but fuck FE). as we saw the last gen the nvidia x70 series is destined to be the most popular even though amd had the 380/x which were better than the gtx 960 but they sold like shit compared to the 960 at that lower midrange price point and the 970 trumped them all whilst being much more expensive.

people don't want to pay a lot but they don't spend very little either. everyone i know and have spoken to has said they'd be getting the 1070 even though polaris is much cheaper. there's a reason the cards like the radeon x90 and the nvidia x70 sell the most.

i personally think this isn't a good move by amd because they aren't competing in the price bracket that matters and sells the most. watch how nvidia gain even more market share due to rapid 1070 sales and watch how it becomes the most used gpu on steam in 6-8 months.
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>mfw i see obvious /g/-cuck posts on [H]
Kyle is laughing at you idiots, 150w Ayymd can't keep up with 150w 1070.
i've noticed this as well. so much damage control lmao
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I will never forget this day.
You keep posting this like it proves anything and it makes me mad. 1 guy sample size means absolutely nothing, are you fucking retarded?
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>tfw Micro Center
Only good thing about living in Maryland. Prolly will buy a 480 online if they wind up not having what I want in stock.
>AMDrones complain the fuck about 970's and their memory bandwitdth past 3.5GB problems and microstutter
>shill dual card solutions with crossfire aids microstutter

Never change
They don't add modules, you retard. Each 64-bit controller (there's 4 of them) is connected to two memory chips on both versions of the card. They just use higher-density chips on the 8 GB version (8 x 8 Gb on the 8 GB version, 8 x 4 Gb on the 4 GB version).
How are they back in the game with this?
Thank God for that Kyle guy but the industry is going to silence him.
So let me get this straight, in the benchmarks shown at launch such as DOOM 1080 vs 2x480 they were using different (lower) game settings for 2x480 fps score? Does not strike you as highly unethical?
>basing performance predictions on theoretical peak FLOPS
You retards never learn, do you?
Theoretical peak floating point performance is a completely meaningless metric. It means practically NOTHING regarding how the card will perform, specially when there's an architecture change like the new GCN revision.
Also, even if theoretical FLOPS did mean anthing, rendering isn't done by stream processors alone. There is gonna be ahuge difference in where this card stands based on whether it has 32 or 64 ROPs (or something in between, like 48). Also, whether there are improvements in the tesselation engine, like there was on Tonga nd Fiji.
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>tfw live within 2 minutes of a newegg warehouse and about 10 minute drive of a fry's
So how does this compare to a 290x, I'm interested in upgrading since I never got around to installing a Waterblock and could easily sell both that and the card to get one of these babies!
fuck yeah maryland; I go to the rockville/beltway location, you?
It sounds like you live in a shithole.
>no benchmarks
>"how does it perform???"
It's been consistent since 2012. I'll takes those chances over my current card getting gimped any day.
I go there sometimes but the staff is even shittier there
I've never had a problem at Towson, though I haven't really needed help from staff when I've gone. I usually know what they have and what I want when I'm going in there.

The Rockville one is kind of a bitch to get to for me, iirc
Haven't paid attention to hardware in forever, will an i5 2500k bottleneck these new cards or can I just slap one of these in my rig and call it a day?
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Basically the same as 290x but way cooler

There are synthetic benches that give a general idea of performance ranking

2500k is fine but overclock if you haven't
what about a fx8350?

inb4 >amd I'm not a rich man
Big difference, you are a genius!
I'm on the 860k can my CPU handle it if I upgrade to this? I'm holding out til Zen hits to switch it out.
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>tfw $250 black friday 4790k
>tfw $30 discount from Micro Center CPU/Mobo bund
>tfw $230 RX 480
Feels good to be a waitfag
FX-8350 is a little below an i7-3770, but if you are looking to buy mobo + CPU wait until Zen is released, then buy AMD or Intel after Intel lowers its prices
I know that feel, got a 4690k and r9 380 for cheap on black friday
>a little below an i7-3770

that doesn't sound bad at all actually
Eh, overclock in the meantime, but you're fine
exactly. What's with the 8GB meme when nobody uses even half of that.
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Longevity, 390s are going to last until 2020
So far is the consensus that the RX 480 will outperform the R9 390?

Since the price is fairly low I wonder if the value on my 390 will tank even more come mid June.

Would you sell your 390 now and get a 480 or just wait until Vega? I'm not sure what the most recent Vega rumors are. Is it still supposed to launch this year??
Sell, I sold my 280x.


980/Fury performance
What would be a fair price to sell it at? It's the gigabyte 390, so not the best one available.
If you're selling to your friend, 150-200USD, depending on which one of you needs the money. On ebay you'll get more http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_odkw=390+gigabyte&LH_Complete=1&LH_ItemCondition=4&LH_Sold=1&_osacat=27386&_from=R40&_trksid=p2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.X390+gigabyte+-390x.TRS1&_nkw=390+gigabyte+-390x&_sacat=27386
Still new to this but I'll order a cooler and give it a shot.
If you don't already have a cooler, don't bother. Just use it as is until you upgrade your mobo/cpu
I was thinking of going the CL route to avoid ebay fees. I was going to maybe post it at $260 assuming people will lowball. I'd take $230-240 for it I think.

CL is a bit tricky since with large amounts of cash I usually make people meet me at an atm so I can deposit the money to ensure it's not fake. Safer, but takes longer to find a buyer.

I might go the online route, like hardforum or something, but they know the prices a lot better so I'd be lucky to get $200-$210 for it now looking there.
This you? https://hardforum.com/threads/wts-gigabyte-r9-390.1901188/
Yep. Well, not actually me, friend selling for me since I don't have account on there.
Is that a fair price? He said someone was already selling a new one on there for $220 so that's about the best I can get.

At this point I just want to get rid of it before the value tanks even more. At this point I can basically trade it for a RX 480, just won't have a video card for about a month.
I'd say so, but list on CL as well to try to ensure it sells
>Gonna be bottle necked by my FX-8150
Not on dx12/vulkan
I will. Hopefully I can get rid of it in a week or so. As soon as more people hear about a $200 card with 980ish performance my 390 will be worth maybe $140 or less.
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