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>complete your CS degree >been working only for 2 years

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>complete your CS degree
>been working only for 2 years
>already tired of programming

what options do CS grads have that don't feel like programming any more?
1 month in

eh it's ok, but I feel like it's getting worse, lots of training and travelling in the next few months, lot more to do

>tfw not really that good at programming
Sounds like you ended up being a code monkey implementing CRUD apps. Sucks to be you.
research or teaching
What are you tired of, exactly?
>Looks like you ended up where 99% of CS monkeys end up
Excellent observation
>Assembling, repairing and selling computers to normies
>Graphics Design
>Video editing
>Social Media Marketing
But actually the programming world is huge. Maybe you just hate big software stuffs but would love to program micro controllers. Or maybe you'd like to do math-related stuff, or video game development.
to be fair, anything interesting usually requires a graduate degree or tons of experience in a niche field
Switch to EE.
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I almost feel for the CS meme and I decided to start chemistry at uni instead of CS. Both fields that won't be replaced by bots & machines in the next time. Have I taken the wrong decision ?

To OP, have you tried consulting or a position in supervising ?
You can try programming something vastly different.

Moving away from that entirely, a pertinent question would be as to your mathematical skills. If you're a competent mathematician, there are paths into almost all technical careers.

You can also try to move towards finance, algorithmic trading is still very profitable, and if you're sufficiently skilled a good area to work in. Ideally you want to be able to develop the predictive models that you are to implement, which is maths.
u could try sucking dicks
The solution to this problem: Stop being lazy and get experience in some interesting niche field.

CS is basically life-long problem solving. This is exciting as fuck. But you have to keep learning and improving yourself. If that's too much work be a code monkey but don't complain that it's boring. (Assuming you're OP.)

nigga you just got a bootleg SE degree
what are you doing with your life

go back and take some more maths and theoretical courses
Chemistry is already pretty much bots only.
Become a sysadmin.
What the fuck, chemistry is almost entirely robotics now, you picked the worst field with your logic.
>manages to pick the only STEM major except psychology that is actually worse than CS
Eh, depends on where you specialise. Either go towards chemical engineering, which is boring as fuck but does hold employment prospects, or analytic chemistry. If you can do pharmaceutical chemistry that's also worthwhile. You'll probably have to find a good masters course for your degree to be worth anything though.
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look at him

look at him and laugh
Psychology isn't STEM.
it's M, so it's STEM.
At what point did 'M' stop being mathematics?
Since it became medicine because mathematics is a technology.
You'll just have to spread the word to the rest of the world.
Was in the same situation, now I suck dicks for living and feel much happier. Give it a try, OP.
Hahaha, what the fuck.
Networking. Try it out.
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Sucking dick is really good compared to programing. I also dress like a girl from time to time.
Feels good.
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Learn C++ and contribute to the KDE project.
Learn rust and stop being stupid.
Learn haskell and meme with the big boys.
Learn sucking dicks and suck more dicks.
Learn to suck dick and become a professional pornstar.
Well, shoot anons. Guess it's time to bust out the old suction cup dildos.
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I don't know where you guys took your information but a big part in chemistry requires to be in a lab and do physical labor which doesn't follow a protocoll or algorithm, something which machines and bots can't do at the moment. Even most work in research can't be automatized. The only fields where machines come in play is in the industry where chemicals have to be processed in big amounts or controlled by machines, the pharma and food industry are good examples. In research programs are used to see and predict how chemicals work and interact and for simulations. But most things are human made, machines function as a tool.
The same things applies to CS. There are already bots that can write and debug codes and design websites, but they can't do it without humans.
A friend of mine works as a chemical engineer for Volkswagen and they develop a motor which has a higher energy conversion efficiency of gasoline than normal motors. They only use the computers for the simulations, they have to do the development by themselves. No one says engineers will be replaced by a machine, just because 80% of their work needs to be made with help of a computer.

Psychology isn't STEM. Liberal arts fag BTFO.

I want to work in material research.

Sry but my job won't be replaced by a guy from mumbai called Pajeet Rashnigharasan just because as a programmer you don't need to be at the location where you work or to be in a team. Or better, by a bot which you probably have written by yourself for your company called Cuck_my_Job_AI.exe
Did you come here straight from the middle of the 90's? You're in for a very rude awakening a few years from now.
I fell into the same boat as you OP, here's the key:

Treat your job like a job. Just a job that you've been trained to do and get paid better than a burger flipper. Don't overwork or overthink yourself in it because at the end of the day it doesn't matter.

Save your energy for the fun stuff on your own time. Furthermore, pick a language/platform other than what you do at work, or you'll still be prone to getting burned out.
At least he will be able to make some meth.
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I'm not. Even now they are trying to develop machines that do all the labor work but they still struggle in some parts to do it. And even if, who for those machines you need someone to build them, that's where chemists and engineers come into play.

>People with CS and SE degree telling people with Chemistry degree that they will be replaced by machines.
>Same people couldn't do their work without machines

CS is a waste of time, don't bother.
absolutely retarded
Option 1
>Start climbing the ladder

Option 2
>See what you like and what you don't, do an MSc on what you like

Option 3
>Do a bridge degree an change careers

Option 4

Option 5
dropped out of grad school and be NEET
Better idea ?
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this desu
Not the guy you replied to, but I've been unemployed for a year and I've been stuck between 4 and 5.

How do I find out what I want to do if I can't get a single job? Everyone tells me to go back to college but I don't have any money for it.
how is someone not good or good at programming?

In my experience everyone is equally good, some just take longer to read and understand code that isn't theirs.
wut why is "this desu" replaced with "desu" ?
Join the army
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>Get job programming before education
>Love programming
>Get my degree
>Love every day of it
Sucks to be you idiots whose only exposure was academia. You gotta learn to love JIRA and Scrum bullshit before you can learn to love programming every day.
someone is quite new, it seems

desu senpai
again. "this_to_be_honest"
You took this long to notice the wordfilter?
>CS is basically life-long problem solving. This is exciting as fuck.
more like boring af 2bh
Came here from full_chan, but /tech/ is under construction atm. Care to elaborate why this is always changed. Is it against spam.
Look man, I don't know how old are you but if you're under 22 and you don't know what you like then you have some time to explore.
If you're over 22 and you don't know then you have a problem.

Either way go and explore life instead of being a pussy about it. How will you explore life you ask? Well, that's your first task.

If you're too much of a wuss to set a goal for yourself then see >>54861236
do the same thing but work at a company that makes a product you care about
hotwheels board hasn't a wordfilter

cucked_by_m00t_and_hiroshima again.
>really want a /g/ career
>CS is meme tier
>CE is on its way down
>EE is CE Lite for /g/ applications
>only other interest is chemistry
>not as delusional as the other chemfag here
>Not listing CSE
Well, there's your problem
Physics or math
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Math, nigga.
>listening to a tripnigger
weird, it works for me desu senpai
>CE anything but EE for retards combined with CS for codemonkeys
>CS anything but god tier
You mean computer science as presented by the engineering department? For what possible purpose?

/sci/ please.
Network Engineer
either go to work for big pharmaceutical, or make the next new thing in drugs for tweens/ravers
what about SE and SD?
no cse is computer science with some engineering classes tossed in other than that it's pretty much a cs degree
>there are people dumb enough to actually fall for code monkey """degrees"""
>relegating people to the theoretical realms
Full respect to people on Physics and Maths but, seriously? Why will you encourage someone without the inclination to do so go after it.
>protip: it won't end well.

Because then you get to apply all the theory of CS to actual problems;
Plus understanding how to design software based on requirements; something CS doesn't care about. This will enable you to climb the ladder faster than CS on the ladder (if you're aiming for this) or allow you to relate to how software products should be designed (if you want to go solo).
And some electronics, not enough to design anything modern, but enough fully understand how modern hardware works and develop on top of bare metal.
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>only other interest is chemistry.
>not as delusional as the other chemfag here.

I hoped you off all people would understand me the best. The job market for us is still better than for codemonkeys. And for the automatisation things look this list, it's very unlikely.


my plan B is industrial designer.

I thought about the same but a lot of people tell me if you're not top-tier you'll end up as teacher.

1114 != 4111 no trips there fag.
>do ChemE
>realise its all normies in it for the $$$$
>turns out the $$$$ isn't really there, work for average income in some food processing shithaus, and there is little salary progression over your career
>top yourself
Deluded chemfag confirmed clinically retarded!
Yeah I'll head right over to Calcutta Technical Institute and get on that Professor Pajeet.

That seems reasonable. Thanks /g/.
Oh forgot to mention in >>54861473 that CSE stands for Computer Systems Engineering, not Science.
what is so code monkey about them?

Choose one.
Literally the whole point of SE and SD is, literally, that literally the whole point is literally to train codemonkeys. That's literally all it's about.
>calling people retarded.
>not providing any argument to back up.
anon pls I'm genuinley asking, whats the difference beween a codemonkey degree and a real one?
take a break-- do something new for a bit. I've been programming for four yrs (still NEET tho) and my motivation has come full circle many times. I find that juggling a few projects helps a lot.
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Literally 100% true though.

Your damage control is extreme, you've replied with walls of text for every tiny post. Clearly you're scared now.
maybe he just likes to pontificate
>In my experience everyone is equally good, some just take longer to read and understand code that isn't theirs.
That's probably the issue. I "inherited" a big clusterfuck from my previous co-worker, even fixing the tiniest things takes so much time. The framework we are using is not very intuitive or well documented either
You get one of the degrees and actually accomplish shit with your time, instead of just expecting university to hand over a good degree to you?
What is wrong with you idiots?
Ignore the haters senpai.

I'm a chemE major. Everyone I've spoken to in the field seems to genuinely enjoy their work. I have been offered a co-op by a local automotives supplier that does injection and foam molding. The field doesn't seem to be saturated and the work seems really fulfilling if you like he science behind it. It's active problem solving rather than mindless code monkeying
>molding things all day is better than being a code monkey


>learn haskell
>write a database environment for a company
>in haskell
>nobody in the company knows haskell
>can't fire you
>easiest work ever secured
Not OP, but if you mean quants. Don't they usually require PhD?
Must be a really comfy job to want to secure it
Thats the floor Tech's job. This has more to do with resins, polymers, and that sort of shit.
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>implying NEET and Shitposting OC isn't the best carrier.

Well, I'd rather do nothing all day and pull shit from db and use haskell in the mean time than stay at home neet and browsing /g/ all day long :p
kill yourself
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It's not damage control and I don't say people are wrong, but most people don't really give arguments against me, whereas I do, even if it's a long answer.

I think we all can agree that our jobs will be fucked when robots become mainstream, but there's a reason why the CS meme exists.
All normalfags I know want to pursue sooner or later a career in the computer field because they are used to sit in front their smartphones and computers the most time anyway, especially those gaymer, because they think if they study CS they will work for Blizzard of Ubisoft later. They totally underestimate the requirements needed. The market with people with CS degrees is big.

Chemistry is full of idiots that want to be the next martin shkreli a.k.a pharma bro or walter white (like me :-^) ) and think they can make the big money with it. Most of them leave after the first semester because they aren't good enough or they don't like standing 6h in a lab.

CS was my first choice but after I spoke to some people they all told me CS is just worth it if you make your own business, anything else you're literally cucked, even if you work for jewgle or kikebook. I'm not the person to take risks in having a business and I don't want to work in a field either where people like picture related are considered software engineers, especially now where there is a computer program for anything and the innovation lacks. The Golden Age for CS is gone.

>sry for the blogpost.

If you aren't a complete autist you should be able to make 6 figs in development with no degree.
If you take the paying part away, they are exactly the same.
Also, they can hire a new guy to check the DB and write a new client for the DB on a less obscure language.
Anyhow you seem to be set for a while.
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better start learning how make cocaine and meth my friend
>I "inherited" a big clusterfuck from my previous co-worker

I'm working on a project like that. God damn does it wear me down.
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thanks m8 good to know. I was always interested in polymers, especially the technology behind self-repairing polymers, so I the interest won't be a problem and I don't do it for the money anyway.

The most succesful people in IT approve this, since most of them dropped out of school early enough.
I'm a shitty programmer.

I'm trying my best to learn and understand all sorts of new concepts but it takes me much longer than most.
these are all poverty tier jobs though
>The most succesful people in IT approve this, since most of them dropped out of school early enough.
>everybody is a fucking genius
>everybody has the right connections
>everybody is above middle upper class
The greatest fallacie of our times
1 year into PLM systems. Still lots of things to learn, but while I'm at it I'm also dealing with databases, and will try to learn cloud management.
Cloud management will make you 300k/year.
Where have I said anything like that. Let me guess, you forgot to include white male cis hetero privilege, you dumb cunt.
>not Air Force
who is hiring for that?
Where am I saying you said that? This is something people say (Uni dropouts make it big) without taking in account other factors. But hey, if you feel assblasted, sorry for hurting your sensibilities
Unrelated but, what do I do if I want to do robotics? My contry doesn't have a degree for that. ME, EE, CE?
All of those things can be substituted with discipline. We'd all be making 6 figures if we could make ourselves do 70 hours of work a week without a boss to be our surrogate mommies
>cloud management
Your pants are on fire senpai, desu~
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Guy in his early twenties who is considering going down the computer science route here. Do you need to be 'gifted' in order to achieve an adequate grade? I was in the top set at school but was not part of the gifted and talented group. I just don't want to humiliate myself and waste money by doing a course that I am not intelligent enough to do.
It depends on what school you go to and the professor. When I went to my local public university I took a class with the hardest professor and got an A. Now I'm going to a top 10 school and I got a C+ with one of their hardest professors.

I feel like I learned more from the public university though.
It's not all that difficult.

t. PHPajeet
>got a job fixing computers at a hospital as soon as I got out of HS
>been at the same job for 10 years now
>make 45k a year
>zero debt

I'm happy enough. Never wanted to go to college anyway.
>make $160k/year working 5 days a week
>no option to make $96k/year working 3 days a week

None of this makes any sense!
Can anyone explain why CS is a "meme"?
You need to be the slave master, not the slave.
In CS work, there are always two paths to take.

One gets the job done quickly, but you dont understand what you did and couldn't reproduce it without going through the same steps.

The other takes longer but helps you understand what's happening so you could do it again better and quicker if need be.

The first path will get you a good GPA. The second one will probably trash your grades, but you'll be happier and more successful in the long run.
Saying something is a meme is a meme.
tech is just a hobby for me. i work on/off as a janitor, about to go to welding school for 8 months and get a job overseas paying 60k-90k/yr and start small businesses till i've done enough to retire. sound like a good life? or should i turn my hobby into career?
Saying "tech is a hobby," just sounds like you shitpost in smartphone generals about your new consumerists purchases and occasionally help your grandmother get all the tool bars off her Internet explorer. Just stick to your original plan kiddo.
but i do web design, affiliate sites and seo work... not worth my time getting more into these then?
>actually falling for the meme meme meme in 2016
No one is good at programming. You get your degree and still wonder how the hell a company is going to pay you to do something you have no clue how to do.
It's all just guessing and googling. All day every day.
no talent required but you have to actually enjoy programming.
>first year of CE
>already tired of programming
A-At least i can go electrical, right guys
I bet you feel dumb whenever the contractors show up and get 15k for 3 days of work
>not studying math
all doing it wrong
If you are not going to change the world with what you do threat it as it deserves. Fair work, inless you fucking hate it. But that's work, 98% of other people employed in mining, construction, health care, post offices, cashiers, etc. don't like their jobs either.

grow the fuck up OP.
>got an offer to do a CS Diploma at a public uni
>like coding but not that good at maths

how fucked am I /g/?
Just become webdev :^)
Have fun working in retail.

You wont get any job unless you have a PhD or go full autismo physical chemistry.
>Be me.
>Decide to study CE because programming is fun.
>Realise that there's barely any programming done in CE - most of it is theoretical BS.
>Final year senpais tell me 99% course material is useless - focus on programming instead.
>Focusing completely on my own projects and studying just to pass exams.
If programming isn't for you then step away from dev and try a support role instead.

Or as suggested above do a masters in something you find interesting. Cyber security would be an interesting thing to research into.

Fuark, this is the first 4chaner I've seen with an accurate view of (non software) engineering. How the fuck did it get such a high reputation? I think it's mainly sheltered lower class people who think that anything with numbers must be well paid.

I think oil and gas might be a bit better but not by much
Do an MBA and become an Engineering manager.
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