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/wdg/ - Web Development General

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Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 24

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3rd attempt at creating the thread correctly edition

Previous thread: >>54746692 (Cross-thread)

>IRC Channel
#/g/wdg @ irc.rizon.net
Web client: https://www.rizon.net/chat

> Discord

>Learning material
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxAXlJEmNMg&feature=youtu.be&list=PL7664379246A246CB - "Crockford on JavaScript" lecture series.

>Frontend development

>Backend development

>Useful tools
https://libraries.io/ - Discover new open source libraries, modules and frameworks and keep track of ones you depend upon.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web - Guides for HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs & more.
http://www.programmableweb.com/ - List of public APIs

>NEET guide to web dev employment

>How to get started
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB0WvcxTbCA - "WATCH THIS IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A WEB DEVELOPER! - Web Development Career advice"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf_cb_Nw5zY - "JavaScript is Easy" - If you can't into programming, you probably won't find a simpler introduction to JavaScript than this.

>cheap vps hosting in most western locations
ok looks good now :^)
Why is every youtube tutorial made by an indian, hard to understand that shitty poo accent.

Almost makes me want to go look somewhere else for a tutorial made by a NORMAL WHITE PERSON

What accent are you talking about?

Like this bro?

The best place to look for video tutorial is Lynda, Pluralsight or Tutsplus
Viewing this fiddle in latest Chrome Dev vs. latest Nightly Firefox show very different results.
How can I make Firefox display the fiddle the same way as Chrome does? https://jsfiddle.net/Lfho10eg/

To clarify, the problem is that firefox does not let the user scroll the list.
So, I got a new job.

First ticket involves getting to know the full stack. I need to modify the front-end, back-end and database.

Is it OK if it takes me 4-5 days to get it done and tested?
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I am starting to use ASP.NET MVC at work.

Am I now considered a web developer?

Where do I sign up to get some sweet web dev hipster pussy?
Good job! But you have to work for pussy too, anon. Here's how:

- Spend part of your web dev money on your image (haircut, clothes)
- Learn some social skills, read books, read Plato
- Get friends
- Get a car
- Go dancing
- Learn to talk with girls
- Talk to girls
- ????
- Profit

Being a web dev hiptster is only step one.
I always ask my employers for a minimum of two weeks for jobs involving me looking at other peoples code and modifying it. Nobody really wants to fix code made by others.

Even if it's a simple job.
What. I thought being a web dev meant I could avoid all of that.

I was supposed to be able to just sit in Starbucks and pussy would just gently ease itself onto my erected penis sticking out of my lowered fly?
That only works if your macbook has javascript stickers
Interesting. That's a nice perspective.

Meaning you don't actually write any code for the first 2 weeks? I'm not sure if I could get that kind of deal, but it makes sense.
> start a react project
> six months in, my chosen flux library stops development
> too late to switch to redux

Pretty much, my employers aren't really programmers themselves so I get off scott free since I always deliver the results.
Is there an active /wdg/ github project going on?

I want to do more open source stuff. Maybe we can get something going? I'm doing a lot in Node.js/Express
>Where do I sign up to get some sweet web dev hipster pussy?

No you're a corporate drone. You can't develop .NET on a Macbook Pro. You probably don't even have a beard, or wear flannel.

Also girls only talk to webdevs who use Node.js
I did a pluralsight course on CouchDB, it was by a Pajeet. There is no escape.
>have React component that handles uploads
>get TinyMCE for textareas
>modify tinymce image plugin to add upload functionality (use the React Component)
>seems to work

Is it a good idea to use React components inside of other components (like Tinymce plugins)?
>read Plato

Your fedora is showing
I dunno, I don't use that meme framework because I don't like to needlessly overengineer my projects.
Its not bad, makes complex code much more readable, also prevents rerendering and you can reuse the components for other things.

I obviously could copy all the code that handles uploads to the tinymce plugin, but than I would have duplicate code and would waste 2-3h on doing that. Other option would be to create a jquery plugin, but its also a time waste.
Are you saying you don't like Plato? What's wrong with you?
What's the best/easiest way to implement a working Contact form with validation?
What's the proper syntax if I want to prepare a statement that uses a subquery for a user ID?

The subquery must select the user's ID to fill out the remaining tables containing their data.

Also, would this be better code, or should I just query once and store that number?

In addition, I'd like to know if it's a good idea to use prepared statements for my database, or is it overkill if I already have a function that does this:
function cleanseString($conn, $str){
$out = stripslashes(

return mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $out);

Does the prepared statement add any extra security at that point?
what stack? In MEN stack I do validation via mongoose in modelschemas. Laravel has built in validation. Wordpress has contact plugins.
They should just do them in Hindi and be done with it because not only is it hard to hear what they're saying, its also annoying. There's this one guy who kept saying "doroper" instead of developer, pissed me off senpai.
I think he's saying that someone who reads Plato in order to try to make themselves more attractive to girls, is also the type of person who would think that wearing a fedora makes them classy.

Although really "your fedora" is now pretty much used as a dismissal of anyone else's post.
Use PDO instead of mysqli, it provides natural protection against SQL injection. You'll still need to sanitize it though, in case the user inputs some HTML code, for example.
Whatcha need to validate?

here's a template for you:
if(isset($_POST['FIELD']) && trim($_POST['FIELD']) != "")

If you need to validate email
if(!isset($_POST['EMAIL']) || trim($_POST['EMAIL']) == "" ){
}elseif(filter_var($_POST['EMAIL'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){
//is all good
}else{echo "You a dumb fuck. That ain't no real email"}

The above method works starting with a negation test, because if EITHER of those is wrong, it shouldn't go further.
Use the email format to also test for numeric, just change filter_var to is_numeric
I've looked at PDO, and I really don't get that syntax. I can afford to throw in a bit of extra injection-tests, but this is a project that is WAY overdue to be launched. I can't actually bother to learn PDO.

I'm asking if what I did would prevent injections, and if the prepared statement is necessary or even beneficial at that point.
No stack. I haven't learned any backend language or framework yet, this is for a family member who downloaded a basic website template and wants contact form functionality on it.

Thanks. I'll probably use this unless I find a quicker way to begin doing this.
OH, you don't know any backend?

The answer I gave you was in PHP.
Did you want a JavaScript answer instead?
>I'm asking if what I did would prevent injections
Yes, I don't have time to test it but it looks good.
ok, thanks.
well, maybe some 3rd party contact form provider, since he has no clue. maybe there is somethig like disqus, but for forms
Heh, um, IDK what disqus is. Templates?

I'll look it up, but I don't use any kind of 3PS templates for my stuff. I write it all from scratch (although, I'll copy a good function here and there).
how will they send you the contact form info without backend? where will it get saved to?
I'm not that guy. I'm the guy who was offering the PHP solution. IDK what that other guy is doing with the data.
disqus is the 3rd party commenting system which you can implement in basic html sites.


maybe there is something like that, but for forms.
Heh, that's actually kinda interesting.

Where does it store the data, though? Like, if a user comments, how does that end up in my database, if I were actually to consider using it?

Or is the comment stored ON Disqus? (btw, is this pronounced "Discuss" or "Discus" (like the Greek throwing thing)?)
If it's actually stored on THEIR network, I definitely don't want it.
I dont know, never used it. I'd guess its something like the integrated facebook commenting system, they handle everything, you probably just paste a javascript snippet in the place where you want the comments rendered.

Yeah, no fuck that then lol.
The project I'm working on is a social network in itself, so I can STOP using Facebook, haha!

I wanna make something not run by dirt bags.
So I wrote a website that's like pastebin, in the paste overview I use Pygments to generate the HTML with highlighting and what not, the problem is that the content is wrapped in a <pre> tag and when a line is too long to fit into the pre, it will word-wrap and then it's misaligned with line number column, I tried adding overflow-x: scroll to the pre tag but it only adds a dummy scrollbar and still wraps down, what gives?
Nah, i'm just looking for the quickest way possible (besides using a 3rd party). It'd be nice to learn some light backend stuff before taking it up seriously. I'm familiar with programming basics, so your PHP made sense and I'll probably use it.

From what I can tell, abstractions are pretty big in webdev nowadays, so if you know of a quicker method I'd love to hear it.

Considered using a third-party but stuff like phpmailer/swiftmail seem simple enough on their own.

This anon isn't me btw.
Hi /wdg/. I'm from /dpt/, and I only came here to say that, despite still thinking you're all a tier below us, I now have more respect for you after trying to use javascript to write a little browser program for a few days. It's absolutely awful, I hate it and don't intend on doing it ever again. If I was open to the possibility of weak typing before, I am now its most ardent opponent. I don't understand how a language running on an interpreter, which should, at least in theory, be able to give very descriptive errors due to having runtime information to base its descriptions off of, can fail so fucking cryptically at runtime.

Thank you for your time and peace unto you.
Can you guys list me all the projects you had before a first job? I want to know how bad I have it.
so I want to make a simple web game in js, multiplayer only with chat room, voting system and simple interactions with the canvas, what framework/environment should I use? or pure js is an option?
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>mfw learning Laravel and it's better than anything I've used for making websites

At last I truly see.
yeah, its very organized and documentation is good. the dude who made it does a good job
Quick question:
Suppose I have a list of things, each with some buttons that do things related to that particular one (e.g. delete, view, rename).
Is it better to:
1. Use a closure to attach a new onclick function to each one with the parameters baked in?
2. Attach the same onclick to all of them and use an HTML attribute to store necessary info, and have the onclick function read that from the element?
id say 1 for sure, and use the fat arrow function => so you don't have to do var that = this stuff
I was just doing something like
function get_delete_func(name) {
return function del_click() {

Is that fine?
It's the best thing which PHP has got and it's led by a disgusting shill.
>tfw I fell in love with Laravel
>My boss still insists on doing C# MVC 5 because he only knows C#
I had zero
Only my shitty final year project
>tfw added added tinymce, image upload, progressbar and backend implementation and it all fucking works

am I pajeet level yet
is this a good tutorial? http://www.restapitutorial.com/
Feels fud mayn.

Yeah I'll have a shitty news portal as my final (I mean not shitty, but basically just a simple frontend on top of a wordpress, because it's just an example for my thesis) and some other simple 100-200 loc stuff. Oh well. Still time to build shit but I'm going in the obligatory internship with only that. I don't think they give a fuck.
I see people post their OS projects from time to time, but none that qualify as a "/wdg/ project".
Good? Laravel is buttfuck slow.
one word
Didn't say it's good, but it's actually easier to work with. To hell with performance if the clients only want a website that werks.
maybe you could even boost performance with PHP 7, or even more with HHVM
>boost performance with PHP 7
Legit question here does PHP7 really improve performance? by how much?
dont know how much in production environment. but in dev environment ap resposn went from 180ms to 120ms an mermory usage from 12MB to 2-4 MB (on OS X)

but I've testetd php5 on linux virtual machine with hhvm and it was significantly more (app response about 24ms)
How would you react to an angular ember thrown at your backbone?
So guys, I want to start to learn Javascripts from the basics. Until now I have only worked on [spoiler]JSF[/spoiler]
Eat some vanilla ice cream and laugh at the memers.
Pure JS is possible since you can do the server with Node.js and some kind of websocket framework. Or Meteor.
I don't even know what that is. What's your question and why aren't you using the resources listed in the OP to answer it?
>Using meteor unironically
i'm pretty sure components are supposed to work anywhere
>Good job! But you have to work for pussy too, anon. Here's how:

>- Spend part of your web dev money on your image (haircut, clothes)
>- Learn some social skills, read books, read Plato
>- Get friends
>- Get a car
>- Go dancing
>- Learn to talk with girls
>- Talk to girls
>- ????
>- Profit

reality check time:

-most girls are trash who fuck douchey lowlife guys and rationalize being sluts by saying douchebags are 'alpha'

-almost all ugly girls are sjw who treat men like rapists, oppressors. these girls are all around bitches

-only girls worth dating are university educated, almost all low income girls want to be single moms and are looking to fuck a guy with money so they can get child support

-most all women are covered with tattoos and piercings, both low class and high class, their excuse for looking like a crack whore is that their tattoos have 'meaning'

-most white guys in the tech industry are either gay or being cucked by their 'girlfriend'
that function is the most disgusting thing i have ever fucking seen

if you don't understand the problem you can't solve said problem
>most all women are covered with tattoos and piercings, both low class and high class
You should leave the trailer park more often.
>no u
How much technical knowledge do I need to get a job at a funded startup? Are the interviews comparable to Google? I have a lot of practical experience but limited theory.
The function is fine.
>he this this is a fair representation of all women
React is fucking awesome
If you're only required to know HTML, JS, CSS in order to design pages and make them look good, then you're golden if you know what you're doing. Shit gets fucky if they expect you to know Angular, React, etc. and how to integrate them with possible server side code.
lets hear from the peanut gallery, am I wrong? really quiet in here, I think the h-bomb of truth has been dropped

Nobody gives a flying fuck, stop shitposting
I hate actual web design desu, I'm aiming to get a general "developer" job where I'm either responsible for integrating things throughout the stack, work mostly on the backend, make utility apps for the business, or something similar.

Something where I'm not responsible for making CSS/JS effects look beautiful.
mixing encoding and escaping, you're a fucking idiot
Meteor has few real uses, but a shitty game server might be one of them.
UX is important and technical developer work. Leaving the frontend to monkeys and designers is why the web is full of shitty janky gimmicky bullshit these days.

In regards to your original question, it entirely depends on your area, and the company. Just slam and jam some shit on github and fill your resume with enough buzzwords and jargon to get past the non-technical recruiters, and see what you get.
That's the long version of what I meant with the fedora comment.
let do_something = some_param => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Do something

Is this a reasonable and readable formatting, assuming that the reader is familiar with both ES6 arrow notation and Promises? It avoids another layer of indentation.
Tell us more about how it should be done, sensei.
How do you fellas take a server side variable and use it in js?

For example I am creating some charts using highcharts and am using data from my db to do so. Currently I am just injecting it as a global javascript variable in my html before I include my js files.
var data = {{ data }}
<script src="/js/chart.js"></script>

I feel like there must be a better way of doing this
If the chart isn't interactive, you should render the entire thing on the server side before sending it to the client.
Have your javascript request the data from the server via an AJAX call. The response is a JSON string. Use JSON.parse(data) and you'll have a javascript object or array containing any number of variables that you want.

Find a tutorial about RESTful web services, create a front-end for an existing API, many of which can be found here: http://www.programmableweb.com/

Generally you don't want global javascript variables. And you also don't want to be injecting things into the middle of script tags on your page.
Fuck, in my job they are going to switch framework importance and now angular is up there, how fucked I am?
>working somewhere that has 'framework importance'

I'd say you're pretty fucked.

What the fuck is 'framework importance'? How about 'not putting a ton of bullshit in my browser importance'?
What do you guys think would be good ideas to add in my portfolio? (to make it visually pleasing)

I literally take ages deciding this whenever I want to get a new job.
My last one almost got me rejected from a 50k a year job because it wasn't user friendly but got hired because of all the features it had regardless.

For god sakes the site emulated a linux terminal, and I thought people pursuing this field would know a few basic things, but I believe I'm partially in fault too for making my customers adapt to my views(which was what I was told two years ago which I think is somewhat correct).
Just put as much stupid gimmicky crap on there as possible and you'll probably get hired by some fucking dumbasses who don't give a shit that their sites require the user to download 10mb worth of bullshit before hitting first render.
Because the webdev is full of feminizt whales that call themselves ux/ix designers that think they have a saying because they tell you how to organize shit while youre the one who actually knows how to code and not only knowing how to use simple shit in photoshop and whatever organizing software they fucking use to plan projects.

I finally get a portfolio of decent projects, but now I have to come up with a resume and cover letter. I don't have a degree or any related work experience, so writing them sucks.
I'm in the same spot, anon. I have no idea how to go about making a decent resume. It would be hard enough if I had anything worth putting on there.

I was in a similar position a few months ago.

Just have a really big 'skills' section, full of every single technical thing you can kinda do, or have ever dabbled.

The resume is a tool to get you an interview, the main obstacle to that is recruiters. So design the resume to get past the recruiters, and use it to trigger as many keywords as possible.

Recruiters only have a job until we can get keyword matching programs to also make phone calls. Most of them think that computers are magic Facebook machines. They usually have no fucking idea what you do. They don't know the difference between Java and Javascript. You'd better put popular libraries and frameworks on your resume just in case they're looking for "jQuery developer" or "Angular developer" and don't know that they're Javascript.

Don't lie tho. There's no point in bullshitting your way into a job that you can't do and will get fired from.
>Recruiters only have a job until we can get keyword matching programs to also make phone calls

Literally why can we not do this already? Recruiters are the most bullshit middleman profession I can imagine.
No. Consistent style.

no don't use snake case in javascript
>Just have a really big 'skills' section, full of every single technical thing you can kinda do, or have ever dabbled.
That's kind of the rub, my skillset is narrow. Highly functional, but narrow.
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Im having problems setting the time zone in arch Linux install I am in EST time zone and the local time is 1:50 PM not 2:50PM. any tips?
Where do you live that isn't using daylight saving time?
US/Florida yes we use shitty daylight savings
Yes, that's actually encouraged.
It's part of the reason I picked React over angular, which just seems to shit all over you if you try to integrate with legacy code.
See https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/working-with-the-browser.html
Clearly you are just a fucking Pajeet.
You guys keep bashing ux/ui designers for no reason. It's like our own meme. On dpt they have web """devs""", here you have """ux/ui designers""". It can often seem like bullshit but you have to know some of that shit too.
def random_idol():

bg_path = 'static/img/side_images/'

if not 'side_images' in session.keys() and not 'side_images_index' in session.keys():
session['side_images'] = []
session['side_images_index'] = 0

images = os.listdir(bg_path)

session['side_images'] = images

if session['side_images_index'] >= len(session['side_images']):
session['side_images_index'] = 0

image_to_serve = bg_path + session['side_images'][session['side_images_index']]

session['side_images_index'] = session['side_images_index'] + 1

if request.args.has_key("base64"):
with open(image_to_serve , "rb") as image:
return str("data:image/png;base64," +
response = make_response(redirect(image_to_serve))
response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=0'

return response

Does this look fine to you?
It's Python, so of course it looks like shit.
I remember being under 18. Don't worry anon, your view will slightly change as you get older.
What are you talking about?
If you don't use a Mac and don't have a beard, then you're not a real web developer.
I occasionally hire freelancers for one-off webdev jobs. Early on, I always ask about their development environment. Anyone who tells me they use Windows gets dropped straight away. It's a great early indicator of people who aren't serious about webdev/haven't been doing it long/barely know what they're doing.
I've been using windows for web development for 7 years now.
the only problem I had was npms dependency nesting bullshit.
Why shuffle the images and set the image list to the session? Why not just set the index to a random number [0, length)?
That's just window's 256 character path length bullshit.
Weak dynamic duck typing is wonderful. JavaScript errors are informative.

Have you considered that you haven't given it enough of a chance?
Nah, it is shit. Use ES6/7 TypeScript.
>I've been using windows for web development for 7 years now.

Are you actually Indian?
No, I think he's a C# dev.
So Indian then?
Which reminds me that I need to delve more into error handling.
Not possible, Indians only know Java and PHP.
>Job opening: Front End Developer
>Requirement 1: Experience with scripting languages (Perl, Python, Ruby) within UNIX and Linux environments

What the actual fuck
Job descriptions are written by non-technical recruitrs, and are basically a fantasy wish-list of what the IT manager would ideally like to find, but which no real person can ever hope to attain.

Also it filters out the timid betas.

Just apply anyway and MAKE them filter out your resume. Its their fault for making a retarded job description. Don't not apply because you don't think your'e qualified, always apply for everything.
Most likely some HR normie probably just copypasted from the backend job description. Don't let it keep you from applying. Ideally you should have some level of familiarity with that stuff though.

Like, you should know at least enough about those languages to see a script and be able to recognize what language it is, and maybe be able to get the gist of what it's supposed to do. And every dev should be reasonably comfortable with linux. If you don't have any experience with it, play with a ubuntu VM for a while, and get a feel for things. You don't need to be an expert, but if a cli scares you, you probably need to work on that.
You don't need types (nor a transpiler to remove those declarations)
I can't think of a time where I ever had a problem with an incorrect type
How big is your JS codebase and how many devs work on it?
Reee, how do I make a <pre> element have a horizontal scrollbar and not word-wrap the contents? Shit's been bugging me for a while. I either have a word-wrap or have it stretch outside of the parent div and create a dummy scrollbar ._.
overflow-x: auto;
overflow-x: scroll;
What? That makes perfect sense. A serious frontend project will end up with a shitton of build, test, codegen, and other scripts in a variety of languages and frameworks. Frontend doesn't mean "write some HTML and CSS files to be directly served", and hasn't for many years.
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Yeah I tried that and it doesn't work. The result's still pic related.
First web development job, it was medium size (around 5 projects, around 25 to 50 modules per project). Managed by 5 devs. My second job was two bigger projects (probably 2 to 3 times larger) and was around 20-25 devs. Now I'm working in office applications completely unrelated to web dev.

It doesn't matter how big it is. As long as you can develop a good modular code base you don't need types.
Trying to learn ajax, no idea where to start, any advice?
white-space: pre?
(make sure its not pre-wrap)
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I tried that too and no dice, I've basically tried every other combination on the internet and it's not working.

This is what I currently have:
.source pre {
overflow-x: scroll;
word-wrap: normal;
white-space: pre;

And pic related is how it looks like, also the HTML itself in question looks like this:
    <div class="panel-body">

<table class="sourcetable"><tr><td class="linenos"><div class="linenodiv"><pre><a href="#line-1">1</a></pre></div></td><td class="code"><div class="source"><pre><span></span><a name="line-1"></a>asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd


(It's rendered by Pygments).
What width did you set? 100%?
how do i make browser MMO?
Yeah I tried 100% on .code, .source, .sourcetable and pre and neither did work.
You don't because browsers can only utilize WS to make connections and TCP is highly inefficient and drags too much overhead along the way for such a game.
Weird... In you dev tools does it report the width as what you expect, or is it larger than you expect? Does it work if you set an explicit px value?
My solution is to not use a state library right now. Mobx looks cool though
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It's larger or at least seems so. Also apparently it's the parent table not the pre tags that are overflowing. If I set a smaller width in pixels, it will correctly shrink and add a proper scrollbar.
WebRTC changes that, to be fair. It's pretty cutting edge stuff, though. I wouldn't build a business venture on it just yet.
From w3.org:

>The browser default is the same as setting table { width: auto; }, which results in the table extending to the width of the content.

Is there a reason you need the table?
The reason why there is a table is because that's how Pygments output the highlighted input and so that line numbers column matches with the content but also allows for mouse copying without having to copy the line numbers.
Well, if it's another library's output, it's probably best just to manually specify the width of the table if that works, rather than changing the structure just to autofit the parent.

Oh, last thought. I'm on mobile, so I can't test, but does setting a max-width on panel-body work?

Also, fucking captcha. What the hell is up with the "click until they are all gone"
I don't want to specify the width in pixels because I'd like it to fit to parent but I'd like to achieve it with just styles and not modifying how the HTML looks like because I've little control over it. The max-width param on the panel-body element has no effect either. I guess I'll leave it as is for now, it's a bit annoying but oh well.
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Shit, I got it.

This style:
    .sourcetable {
width: 100%;
table-layout: fixed;

.linenos {
width: 55px;

.source pre {
background: none;
border-radius: 0px;
color: #fff;
display: block;
white-space: pre;
overflow-x: auto;
word-wrap: normal;

Will yield pic related, now I just need to pull the side numbers upwards so they align vertically and I'm golden. Thanks for all the help mate.
Positioning has been fucking me up since 1999.

Let's say I have
<div class="imageMover"><img src="dickbutt.jpg"></div>

If I want it left and vertical center

position: absolute;
left: 0;
vertical-align: middle;

Nope, doesn't work

Let's try
margin-left: 0;
margin-top: 50%;

Nope doesn't work

top: 50%;
left: 50%;

Nope, doesn't work.

Because CSS is fucking shit, like most of what we have to deal with every day.
On.page("/msg").mvc(() -> {
return U.map("count", 12, "oki", GUI.btn("OK"));

This Java code for a web framework (Rapidoid) is faster than every other single web framework. Why aren't you using Rapidoid, /wdg/?
because fuck java.
Curious, what do you hate about Java that hasn't been fixed already in Java 8?
Not him, but does that clusterfuck of a language still require stuff like defining a getter and setter for anything whether it needs it or not, because you can't easily switch to it in the future?
Just use flexbox famalambambam. ;^]
Getters and setters are not required by any means, public variables are perfectly fine depending on what you're doing. Probably the only noteworthy language I can think of that has native getters and setters is C#. Are you calling all languages that are not C# a clusterfuck?

And what's your point behind how Java is a "clusterfuck"? It's a consistent language with a great standard library and a large selection of libraries and frameworks. You can go the verbose enterprise way (Spring) or lightweight and fast way (Rapidoid, Jersey, etc).
Which is smarter of /wdg/ and /dpt/?
No, that's not the point.
In Python and others, if I had something as an attribute to begin with, I can define a getter and/or setter for it later, so that reads and writes to that attribute are redirected to the appropriate function.
That way, I don't have to make everything a getter/setter for fear of not being able to change it later like in Java.

Java is a clusterfuck because of how much verbosity it requires to do basic stuff, the whole getter/setter mess not being the least of it. It requires doing more because of how inflexible it is.
/dpt/ definitely, most people in this thread have the wrong idea about programming.
And Python is a clusterfuck because it's practically unmaintainable in teams over 2 and it's slower than molasses. It's also dynamically typed so you'll have to deal with a lot of runtime errors. You have two versions of it with an equal amount of people swearing by each side and the tooling is a mess. What a clusterfuck, amirite?

Java is only as verbose as you make it. Just because it doesn't have as much fancy syntactic sugar doesn't make it a 'clusterfuck'. Just look at the Rapidoid website and see how much 'verbosity' you can find. There's none, because it was designed that way.
Pretty much no one uses py2 anymore
That's not even remotely true.
Ahahaha it's true as fuck m8
You're on /g/

There is no winner.
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How delusional can one person be? Python 2 is still way more popular than 3.
>And Python is a clusterfuck because it's practically unmaintainable in teams over 2
That explains why it's used for tons of web backend stuff, graphical applications on linux, and others, right? Oh, I must be wrong, because it's "unmaintainable".
>It's also dynamically typed so you'll have to deal with a lot of runtime errors
Oh no, you actually have to do some quality assurance on your software. Either way, if you get a runtime error because you fed the wrong type into something, that's still a programmer mistake, not a mistake of the language.
>You have two versions of it with an equal amount of people swearing by each side
So what? Just treat them as two separate languages.
>and the tooling is a mess
>Java is only as verbose as you make it
No, there's a minimum level of verbosity involved in Java, always. And then there's verbosity that you're forced to have because the language is inflexible as hell, so you have to either make things flexible to start with or refactor tons of shit later.
ahahahahaha ha ha hahaha ha sure thing m8 literally dying of laughter right now ahahahaha
Oh, and while we're on the subject of rapidoid, I'm not even halfway through the first source file I chose to look at, and found this gem:
    } else if (handler instanceof ThreeParamLambda) {
return new ThreeParamLambdaHandler(http, options, (ThreeParamLambda) handler);

} else if (handler instanceof FourParamLambda) {
return new FourParamLambdaHandler(http, options, (FourParamLambda) handler);

} else if (handler instanceof FiveParamLambda) {
return new FiveParamLambdaHandler(http, options, (FiveParamLambda) handler);

} else if (handler instanceof SixParamLambda) {
return new SixParamLambdaHandler(http, options, (SixParamLambda) handler);

} else if (handler instanceof SevenParamLambda) {
return new SevenParamLambdaHandler(http, options, (SevenParamLambda) handler);

} else {
throw Err.notExpected();

Go ahead, make an argument as to how that isn't verbosity.
That reminds me of that one Java library that has some sort of a factory that has about 128 constructors, each one with one more parameter.
>using winking smiley with a carat nose and square shaped mouth
Another gem: https://github.com/rapidoid/rapidoid/blob/master/rapidoid-http-server/src/main/java/org/rapidoid/setup/Admin.java
Equivalent python would be something like:
class whatever(etc):
for name in ('route', 'get', ...):
vars()[name] = getattr(SETUP, name)

But yeah, keep thinking that Java isn't horrendously verbose compared to Python, when it's clear you just don't know the features of Python that allow you to avoid such verbosity.
>graphical applications on linux,
Always single-man projects.
> for tons of web backend stuff,
It's very rarely used in more than 1-2-men web projects.
>if you get a runtime error because you fed the wrong type into something
Guido/10. Fuck off back from whence you came guido.
>That explains why it's used for tons of web backend stuff, graphical applications on linux, and others, right?
Yeah, then you rewrite it in something more sane because it's unmaintainable and slow as fuck. See: every startup that takes off. Oh, and using C++ bindings with Python for graphical apps in Linux does not require maintainability.
>Oh no, you actually have to do some quality assurance on your software.
It's a valuable convenience when you can just look at the type your handling and all of it's methods and have the IDE warn you if there's something wrong. "Quality assurance" more like wasted time.
>So what? Just treat them as two separate languages.
Oh yeah, I'll just treat Python as two separate languages, thanks for the solution, bro. Not a problem at all anymore.

That's literally the internals of the API, something you won't ever have to deal with. And how the fuck is that task anymore verbose than in other statically typed languages?
/dpt/ by many, many orders of magnitude.
And I say that while /dpt/ is very dumb itself.
got a paid php internship and all i know is how to write shitty php scripts

i'm fucked
because I prefer Go
>as fast, if not faster, than java
>compiles as just fast, too
>uses way less memory
>simpler language, more features, lots of libraries, less typing
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Java. It's taught at university because corporations use it. Corporations use it because there's an endless supply of keyboard monkeys who know Java.

Also if you use it and become successful, Oracle might sue the shit out of you apparently.
Go? More like Go fuck yourself, lmao.
>That's literally the internals of the API, something you won't ever have to deal with
Exactly, so if I'm writing an API, it's overly verbose.
Yes, you can make the externals of the API less verbose, but it doesn't change the fact that the language itself is still verbose.
There's no justification for having to write all those nearly-identical lines of code. It should be 2 lines tops, not 3*n.

Yep, all this shit is 2-man projects: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Python_software

Don't worry

People don't become PHP developers because they expect people to have high expectations of them.
Did you even read your own list? Because the answer is literally yes.
I don't think you know what verbosity means.
I actually used an example like that to shit on OOP in a job interview. Got the job :)
I'll still have a year of university to go through after it's done, I just hope doing this internship won't effect my chances of going into something that isn't back-end web development.
>The package manager for any Redhat-based system is a 2-man project
>Portage is a 2-man project
>All those games are 2 man projects
Get a trip

Then define it, and justify why it's acceptable to have to write that code instead of the ~3 lines it would be in Python. It would be one thing if Java had a macro-supporting preprocessor like C, but it doesn't.
The code you quoted is literally returning different handlers for interfaces that have different amount of parameters. It's exactly how you would do it equivalently in C++, C# etc...

Wow, the fastest async HTTP web server in the world has a lot of lines of code within it's internals? What a genius you are.
>guido gets BTFO
>tells others to get trips
>The code you quoted is literally returning different handlers for interfaces that have different amount of parameters
Yes, and Python can have functions with variable numbers of arguments. The fact that Java can't isn't is strictly a disadvantage. Which -- guess what -- means you need more verbosity to handle all those cases.
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No your not, my first internship was PHP as well. At my current job I mainly do Node when we do back-end work. Ignore all the neckbeard faggots here. You have a job, they don't. PHP may not be the newest, hip-est thing, but the principles you'll learn when writing it will translate to other languages you'll write in the future.
Why? Explain.
They'll tutor you, don't worry.
/dpt/ is currently spouting 'web scale' memes about NoSQL databases.

/wdg/ is bickering over different programming languages.

Everyone who reads these threads, comes to this board, or visits this site, is a retard and is wasting his time.
/wdg/ literally cannot think of a solution to swap two values, not even normal swap, let alone simple but not naive swaps like xor-swap, which virtually everyone in /dpt/ could come up with on the spot and typically knows by heart by now.

I'm legit triggered every day I come on /g/ because of lack of my self confidence, even if people just meme. I can't tell anymore. I'm really not supposed to be here...
Because vertical-align property is for positioning inline-block elements in relation to other inline-block elements (text). Use display:inline-block if you want to use vertical-align
>Because vertical-align property is for positioning inline-block elements in relation to other inline-block elements (text). Use display:inline-block if you want to use vertical-align
True facts. You can check the archive for confirmation.
if I'm running multiple virtual servers with nginx, do I just run my back-end on a different port and have nginx proxy connections to the back-end?
/wdg/ are for the most part too busy with real jobs to sit around jerking off each others' solutions to toy problems, the favorite pastime of /dpt/ NEETs.
>I'm legit triggered every day I come on /g/ because of lack of my self confidence, even if people just meme. I can't tell anymore
And this applies to every single topic that is discussed on every board on this site.

>I'm really not supposed to be here
Nobody is. It's a colossal waste of time. You would literally learn more about web development by reading /r/webdev.
>variable number of params
What do you mean by this? I sincerely doubt it could achieve the same thing as the code above in a type safe way
Didn't work. Tried it on every element and container. Probably broke because my position absolute and relative? Who the fuck knows, honestly.

I have to use transform: translateY for y-axis and text-align for x-axis.

Cool, right?
I'm assuming that the variable number of params in that program to begin with were so that you could have optional arguments, which Python supports natively by supplying defaults for each argument. Something like:
def handle(firstArg, secondArg=default, thirdArg=anotherDefault, ...):
do stuff

If you want to enforce particular types, you can use isinstance (for instances) or issubclass (for types) to check.
If you want to have unlimited arguments, you can use * and ** notation. For example, something like this would be a partial reimplementation of functools.partial:
def call_later(func, *args, **kwargs):
def inner():
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return inner

>>> a = call_later(len, [2, 3, 4])
>>> a()

To make sure the user actually passed something callable in as the first argument, you would just add:
if not hasattr(func, '__call__'):
raise TypeError('First argument must be a callable')
>muh type safety!

Fucking Java babies, I swear to god.
You're right of course.
It's easy to tell the employment split, just look at the amount of anime posted there compared to here.
Nobody in /wdg/ is employed.
A fuckload of professional non-pajeet programers are heavily into either games, anime, or both, depending on field of employ. Additionally, most IT staff is hardcore anime/borderline weeaboo.
>Nobody in /wdg/ is employed
I have no way to prove that I have a job without doxxing myself.

>most IT staff is hardcore anime/borderline weeaboo.
I don't think this is true. Sure IT professionals play games, but no functioning adult actually admits to liking anime, especially in a working environment.

If you think otherwise then you are almost certainly NEET.

I'm employed...I dunno why that's considered a good thing. Running your own successful business /income is what anybody with any real talent does.
Laravel + PHP7 is fast. If your site is slow, your code is shit. There are many tricks in PHP that can make things faster, people just don't look in to it.
it's literally at the bottom.

source: https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r12&hw=peak&test=plaintext
I don't get it.

Why would you need :before?

Why can't I just display: inline-block on a div inside a container with 100% height?
What didn't you understand about PHP7? Your test only show PHP5.
Because vertical-align needs another element for positional reference. The :before element is 100% height, so pepe positions himself in reference to that element.
>implying a 20% difference would make any difference for laravel
.container {height: 100%; width: 100%;}
.elem {position: relative; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle;}

<div class="container">
<div class="elem"><img src="dickbutt.jpg"></div>

It would have reference.
Laravel 5.2 and PHP7 are really fast. It just takes tweaking and doing things right.
>variable numbers of arguments. The fact that Java can't isn't is strictly a disadvantage.
Java has had varargs since 1.5

You can display as a table if you prefer:
that way requires an extra html element though.
I don't care what people say, Reddit is better for receiving support.
Yes, which lets you pass in a variable number of arguments of the same type. Not of different types, unless I'm misunderstanding it.
Technically you could just do
Object... objects
and then have to remember the type passed/do instanceof checks ala the Python way
Sure: ...Object
Same principle that
Said about isinstance/issubclass, but java would be instanceof or Class.isAssignableFrom
Here's what I ended up doing.

Hacked together piece of shit.

Oops wrong side for dots. I always mix up my spead/rest operators between languages I work in
Yes, but then you still have to handle defaults somehow.
On top of that, if the user wants to use the default for argument n, but a non-default for argument n+1, you have to decide how to handle that case too.
Im well over 18, my standards are not going to get lowered, women who shit their body up with tattoos and fuck lowlife guys are shit, always, end of story
I'm more of a JavaScript guy, but it shouldn't be too hard with java, right?
if (args.length < 3 || args[3] == null) {
arg3 = DEFAULT_ARG3;

I don't know why you want to set to function parameters to be so complex though.

America, where the men act womanly and the women act manly.

It's OK though. Male life satisfaction increases with age while female life satisfaction decreases with age.

We care about money and they care about looking good.
Definitely looks like you need it as a table:
Java babies get triggered when you tell them that Javascript is literally a more powerful and expressive language than Java.
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Nobody should openly admit to being that much of a beta.
I think Java and JS are identical there
Okay, but now do the same for a function with 5 optional arguments.
That's going to be 10 lines of code.
You could stick the optional args into an array so that it would scale nicely, but it would still be ~3 lines of code rather than Python's 0.
I mean by the literal title. No idea what they teach there. Bang whatever. Do whatever. Don't look to get tied down etc etc.
Dumbass, you could copy paste that code into Java and it would work. Oh and here's your (You)
I wouldn't do it this way in any static language including Java though. Better just create interfaces/classes than checking instanceof on objects.
And, on top of that, the scalable solution still wouldn't handle putting them into actual named variables.

The problem with Java interfaces is that it relies on them being implemented across the board.
For example, let's say I want to make a class that is compatible with some other class, but not a subclass of it. The problem is that if the creator of the original class didn't make an interface for it, then I'm SOL.
On top of that, interfaces are too granular. I might not need the object to support the entire interface, just methods foo and bar. In Python, JS, whatever, you could just specifically ensure that those two methods are there. In Python specifically, you could even make a metaclass that lets you define a way of determining if something is a subclass or instance of that class simply by looking at its contents, meaning you can use the familiar isinstance/issubclass without violating duck typing principles.
You mean seeking validation through sex? That's called being a normie.
I'll put up a live page when I'm home to show you what I'm doing.

Basically Javascript changes the class depending on what the user selects. Can be in any of those locations, but nothing else will be in the other ones.

So only one element will be in any of those locations.
Jesus Christ you're retarded, you're basically forcing dynamic typing on a statically typed language. Because of that "gem" you posted I can
A) go to IntelliJ
B) type Admin. <- notice the dot there
C) have every available method listed to me in a nice selection I can control with my keyboard.

That Python code you posted can even be achieved in Java by creating a method that takes a String as argument, but it would be incredibly stupid to do that because of the reasons above.

Python devs can be dumb.
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>tfw you decide to write a plain jane rails app with turbolinks instead of a rails api + ember/angular/react monstrosity

wow i might actually accomplish something
>typing reams of boilerplate code in order to accomplish simple tasks is okay because my IDE does it for me.

I've never tried Java and I never want to. It looks like ass to write, and I've heard you actually have to fuck around with threads, which is retarded because threads are aids.

That said the python community circlejerking each other over "pythonic" code is really cringeworthy and stupid and they should all drink bleach. Because if you want to do a lot of shit with little typing go use Perl, sure it'll be unreadable to anyone who didn't write it, but its really compact.
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>accomplish something
I'm using this for my next project.

Anyone try it before?

Completely wrong.
That code is run when the class is defined, so any shell/documentation/tag generator would see those.
On top of that, you could still manually just type a = otherthing.a, b = otherthing.b, etc if you really wanted them defined like that, so STILL half the lines it is in java. On top of that, the java code has overhead by virtue of calling a function on some intermediary thing which just calls another function with the exact same arguments elsewhere.
Come back when you're 18
>That code is run when the class is defined
so you're telling me that in a python text editor/ide with the code above if I would write Admin (dot) the editor would list all of the methods?

>a = otherthing.a
if you want syntactic sugar like this use kotlin

>java code has overhead by virtue of calling a function
the JVM pretty much optimizes it away
>so you're telling me that in a python text editor/ide with the code above if I would write Admin (dot) the editor would list all of the methods
Depends on exactly how it's set up. As long as it actually imports the files rather than just scanning them textually, then yes. I've used PyDoc to view documentation on dynamically-created functions and other things before.
>if you want syntactic sugar like this use kotlin
Having to use an external tool to do it doesn't speak well for the language.
Nice fedora
A recruiter contacted me about a PHP lead position a 6 hour drive from here.

They require entireprise-level experience.

Obviously a senior-level position since it's lead.

I have no professional experience.

Should I even bother?
What are you going to do if you get the job? You'd be completely fucked.

Recruiters are retards
would you like to become suicidal
var/www/html if you're on Ooboontoo
What do I do with var/www/html?
Your default directory. You can access it by going to http://localhost
As for the files, store them inside there. Also suggest launching your editor/ide through the command line with sudo. Otherwise it'll ask you for a password each time you save.
That recruiter is only in it for the cash. Switch your agency.
Our head of IT literally has a alita background in his semi-transparent terminal which he keeps open fullscreen at all time, including when people come in.

That one other IT guy was a massive weeaboo and thought that the name of some mountain in oceania was actually a mispelled reference to some japanese term.
I can't make a good looking Bootstrap form to save my life.

I can do great ones in cutestrap and purecss but not fucking bootstrap.
One of my biggest complaints about bootstrap is its lack of alternative styling choices for certain items, forms included. With buttons you can choose different classes to alter the style/color, I wish other elements had similar options.
Change them in the css?
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Who has the best forms and why is it Cutestrap?
Got a job offer for back-end code monkey, the only catch is that they're use RoR.

Is it worth the trouble to learn RoR?
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Can someone tell me what this is called please? Ignore the bandicam logo pls
I'm looking for something (jQuery plugin?) that sorts the elements dynamically.
That's not sorting the elements dynamically.
Me and a friend are making some relatively simple bullshit right now - the back end is a bunch of python scripts parsing and inputting data in a DB (core), then we're going to have an API serve up the data, and a front end to consume it.

are there any resources (if its possible) to lock an API to a specific website? I would like to avoid the API being "open" to everyone, and only take requests via the main front end.
I dont know what it is or what its called senpai, that's why I am asking you guys.
It looks like a typical navbar that is loading image and URL information through AJAX once the link is pressed.

I like to help, but I can't do anything here. If you have a web guy tell him that you need a system for tagging merchandise so you can find all relevant merchandise information by clicking these links.
Learn about CORS and backend frameworks.
What's a day in the office for someone doing backend web work? I'll be starting in two weeks and literally never worked a day in my life.
>I'll be starting in two weeks and literally never worked a day in my life.

I strongly dislike you.
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all the chinese people at my work say "arrows" to pronounce "errors"

throws me off everytime
I'm bitter because I still can't find a job.

Seriously though, congrats.
Ha, good one.
It refreshes a small section of the page, just a single div.

>If you have a web guy tell him that you need a system for..
I am the web guy lmao

Thanks anyway.
>running and IDE as root
The fuck is wrong with you?
What's wrong with that? Not like I'm planning to rewrite the OS.
fuck off back to windows fag

Tag the stuff you are putting in the db with the title of those links. If it's a link that says 'dildos' then tag your stuff in the db as dildo.

Send tag to backend with AJAX and collect everything with the tag dildo. Sort how you want.
And how do you know malicious code in your IDE or a bug does not break your OS? Add yourself to the www-data group (or similar) and change the permissions in /var/www. Root is not the fucking Administrator account, wintard.
>expecting people in /wdg/ to properly set up users
Sorry, I thought the purpose of these threads is learning, not circlejerking and shilling JS/PHP frameworks.
for the record I used my thinkpad at a Starbucks with a whole bunch of python/arch/IT/sysadmin stickers on it and a cute redhead behind the counter bought my coffee for me...She was a little pissed though when my girlfriend walked up to my table 30 minutes later, lol.

Wrote a python script with php that day. All back-end.
sort them yourself lol and render via React
>Can someone tell me what this is called please?
Seriously? It's called creating a simple event listener for an element, doing your own filtering and sorting as needed and then deciding how to display it (setting the HTML of the container element or display:none on the items you don't want displayed).

It really doesn't require a jQuery plugin.
Node.js has a web workers implementation in a pull request, but they aren't giving it much attention.

What the fuck is these node faggot's problem? Why the fuck do they hate threads so much? All you have to do is make a fucking thread implementation that works with its own eventloop. Then you can just make a function and it'll get back to you with whatever results from that same event loop. It's like how the fucking I/O works under the hood. But actual Javascript code. Jesus assraping christ

Come on, its OK, show daddy where the threads touched you.
What are some good Angular projects to build in a month or less?
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what code editor do you use?
If it works, even if it looks ugly in code, it works so it's good, right?
Not from around here are you?
yuck, that bold text inside of the form is hurting my eyes
In Laravel, if my application has user and administrator accounts, do I need to create separate database users with different privileges and switch connections after logging in or have one database user with access to all tables and just protect administrator views with some kind of "user_is_admin" flag?
>label inside input border
Only if your name is Pajeet. Your code should always be
1) maintainable,
2) documented,
3) performant.
In that exact order.
Is there a /wdg/ version of the random project selector image?
i guess
just make sure you'll understand it later


use better-dpt-roll but make it a ~web app~ instead?
why do you guys have to be so racist

that should be left to b
Firstly, Pajeet is no longer just a racist remark and has become a general term for retarded code monkeys spewing out piles of unmaintainable garbage, turning the codebase into a shitting street, that nobody ever would want to walk. Secondly: shut up, Pajeet.
what kind of retarded defence is this.

just say "i am somewhat racist"
>posting on a Japanese supremacist web forum.
I never implied, I was not racist.
/g/ isn't particularly japan supremacist. and good job completely derailing the thread with your racism.
you're racist and you can't even use a comma
>/g/ isn't particularly japan supremacist.
White barbarians are not wanted here.
Fuck off with your garbage bait /dpt/
Big deal. English is my third language.
Is Japanese your first?
3rd ? it should be your first. racist.

being anti racism is rational not bait.
Racism is completely rational and a necessity of survival.
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good joke
Nice try, hot pocket muncher.
New thread: >>54816841
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Every single civilization in history that has survived has done so by being racist, this is inarguable.

Western civilization currently shares the planet with a number of other civilizations, every single one of which is actively racist, some of which practice racism while telling the west to stop being so racist.

In the mean time, India is flooding the market with terrible shit programming in an attempt to get that sweet American currency and certain middle management is clueless enough to fall for the meme, so the ability to recognize and admonish a Pajeet has become a necessary skill for any good programmer.

That said, you're not technically a Pajeet, but probably still Pajeet-tier, either way you should fuck off back to /dpt/ with your weebposting and garbage bait.
just the kind of retarded rationalisation i'd expect from a web dev
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