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If any of you can crack the code, you will forever change th

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If any of you can crack the code, you will forever change the election.

DC Madam's attorney has hidden an election bombshell. It is due to be released in two weeks.


>“There’s a link right now, that if you had, you would have access to the records,” Sibley says about the website. “If I die, disappear, whatever, they will be out.” Sibley says his website hosts PDFs of Palfrey call logs that contain about 5,000 phone numbers, along with downloadable spreadsheets that contain the names and addresses of 815 Verizon Wireless customers from those logs, which he acquired with a subpoena ahead of Palfrey’s trial.

The story from a fellow anon:

>woman known as "DC Madam" runs high-end escort service in DC for over ten years
>amasses large database of high powered politicians and their sexual encounters with her hookers
>she gets investigated, walls start closing in on her
>"dies mysteriously" in 2007, hanging in her mom's backyard shed is considered a suicide
>but before her death, she gace all her information to her lawyer
>after her death, lawyer was put on gag order, making it illegal for him to release the data
>story gets forgotten for years
>2016 election comes
>the lawyer wants to release the information because it is "very relevant" to this election
>he has set an ultimatum of 2 weeks. if the courts dont lift the gag order in 2 weeks, he's gonna do it (madman.jpg)
>info will also be released automatically
>he set up four servers across the world, and if he doesnt enter a password every three days, the information will be sent to a bunch of media outlets
>this "dead man trigger" style system helps protect him from "disappearing"

Post all relevant info and findings here.

Previous Thread: >>53814052
For Everyone New....Start Here!

Those are domains. Within one of them there is a PDF and or Xcel file that contains a list of Clients who payed for Prostitutes in Washington DC.

One of those names is a presidential candidate. We are trying to acquire those files and expose the Presidential Candidate for the better of USA.

My bet is its Ted Cruz, but Hillary is probably just as likely.
Related Vids:



Nmap scan report for civilforfeiture.com (
Host is up (0.035s latency).
rDNS record for p3nlh207.shr.prod.phx3.secureserver.net
Not shown: 983 filtered ports
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
25/tcp closed smtp
80/tcp open http
443/tcp closed https
2049/tcp closed nfs
3168/tcp closed poweronnud
4045/tcp closed lockd
6881/tcp closed bittorrent-tracker
50001/tcp closed unknown
50003/tcp closed unknown
50006/tcp closed unknown
50389/tcp closed unknown
50500/tcp closed unknown
50636/tcp closed unknown
50800/tcp closed unknown
55055/tcp closed unknown

I'll work on ftp. Someone else should try ssh and the other domains.
I've mainly been posting these threads and keeping them alive on /pol/ but I've been posting monitoring them here as well. I'm not the most technologically apt person on the planet, but I'd like to help. What can I do to work on ssh?
I thought this was just for April fools? It's the second now in every time zone afaik op what are you doing
Does that say bittorrent tracker in that pic?
No April fools....

See >>53820269
try to determine if the server's setup is open to any openssh vulnerabilities such as these:


the biggest one I would look for is shellshock via ssh. I saw the server on civilforfeiture.com is running an old linux kernel, somewhere around 2.4.x.x - 2.6.x.x, so it might be running an old version of bash as well.
that port is closed.
>having sex with women who enjoy sex and get paid at the sane time

>being relevant to any election, or being anything more than cheap soccer mom tier gossip

you trumpniggers sure are a deluded bunch
it could be trump or hilary in there
Can you open the port somehow? I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about btw.
He's more than likely a shill. Ignore him, he's trying to derail the thread.
Fuck you shill. This man that is threatening to release the information is LEGIT.

This is 800 some Washington insiders who were engaging with prostitutes. This is about exposing CORRUPTION! Take your shilling somewhere else you faggot.
I don't think trump has to take trips to DC to find whores. And the fact that you come from /pol/ doesn't help your case either.

shouldn't you be shitposting rato memes on memebook instead? that'd be far more effective

what makes you think they're all 'Washington insiders'?

also what is corrupt about having sex?
shouldn't you be in your anti degeneracy threads?
>also what is corrupt about having sex?
t. cuck
Last time I checked prostitution was illegal.

Also, this wouldn't be a big deal if Ted Cruz did not brand himself as a fucking Jesus Loving Man who loves his wife and kids. Pure hypocrisy.

The majority of those names HAVE to be Washington insiders since the previous batch of numbers comprised of insiders as well that were exposed. The lawyer has already confirmed that the names contain at the very least 1 presidential candidate.
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I really don't get why'd be important for the election if any of the candidates fucked with hookers. Must be an American thing?
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You have no power over /g/

Go back to the shit-hole known as /pol/ where you belong. Ask your boss Cruz to give you a salary raise in the meantime.
What command did you use?
sudo nmap - v -sT civilforfeiture.com
The point of this thread is simply to find these files, not debate politics. If you want to do that, go to /pol/ that's what it's for.
Wat? I'm not from /pol/ and if I would have to vote, I'd vote for Sanders. Even if he'd be "on the list".
Seconding an answer to this
The lawyer said it will have a direct impact on the election and that it is of extreme national importance.

And Maddow said that he would release the files anyway if the court rules to keep the gag order in place. I only hope that they aren't somehow found and destroyed by those shitting their pants about this coming out.
Be ready for these shills. There is something here that they do not want us to find. Every time we start one of these threads the shills start coming in full force.

Keep working lads. We are getting closer...

>I only hope that they aren't somehow found and destroyed by those shitting their pants about this coming out.

Well If we can get to that information first then we can facilitate the distribution of the information and spread it quite rapidly without fear of it being destroyed.
nmap -sS civilforfeiture.com

No, the ports are opened server side.

He's not using any dictionary passwords on ftp, but I'll try the other domains.
well meme'd

>Last time I checked prostitution was illegal.
solicitation isn't a big deal, let's be real here you have prostitution all over america

>Also, this wouldn't be a big deal if Ted Cruz did not brand himself as a fucking Jesus Loving Man who loves his wife and kids. Pure hypocrisy.
lol @ this trumpfag pretending to be some kind of moral crusader

whether he promotes himself as a man of family morals when he is not has little bearing on his capabilities to run as president

whereas trump promotes himself as the savior of the economy of the US, while he has profited off the practices he condemns for decades

all politicians lie including your trumpniggerking, that is expected, this is nothing but gossip tier stupidity and /pol/ grasping at straws as hard as it can

>The majority of those names HAVE to be Washington insiders since the previous batch of numbers comprised of insiders as well that were exposed. The lawyer has already confirmed that the names contain at the very least 1 presidential candidate.
that is speculation
if the point of the thread was to merely look for the files, then there is little point in mentioning the context of the story, as it automatically became a thread about politics as well
If there was no mention of this context, this would be gibberish. I'm sorry, but you'll just have to trust the that politics board is for politics and the technology board is for technology. However, seeing as you're so bent on having a debate, here's the current /pol/ thread: >>>/pol/69666896

You're welcome.
Use Google dorks or web scanners like arachni/nikto, next time ask in sqt
sibleyinvestments.com is completely offline
deborahjeanepalfrey.com and whyjusther.com point to the same server

Nmap scan report for privacycomplianceconsulting.com (
Host is up (0.019s latency).
rDNS record for ip-192-186-252-200.ip.secureserver.net
Not shown: 975 filtered ports
21/tcp open ftp
22/tcp open ssh
26/tcp closed rsftp
80/tcp open http
110/tcp open pop3
143/tcp open imap
443/tcp open https
465/tcp open smtps
587/tcp open submission
993/tcp open imaps
995/tcp open pop3s
3168/tcp closed poweronnud
3306/tcp open mysql
6881/tcp closed bittorrent-tracker
50000/tcp closed ibm-db2
50001/tcp closed unknown
50002/tcp closed iiimsf
50003/tcp closed unknown
50006/tcp closed unknown
50300/tcp closed unknown
50389/tcp closed unknown
50500/tcp closed unknown
50636/tcp closed unknown
50800/tcp closed unknown
55055/tcp closed unknown

privacycomplianceconsulting.com has mysql and server mail services running. If anyone knows anything about sql vulnerabilities, please try this domain.
In this case I would argue that technology and politics are closely related, given the fact that the OP is calling for action with his 'if you can crack the code you will change the outcome of the election' statement, this thread isn't apolitical by any means. If you are the OP, or support the message of the thread, you are acting very hypocritically. Perhaps it is you who should go head to /pol/?
too bad theres not a way to compare files to see if any of them have dupicates
arguing over who goes to pol, is that even a thing? jezus....
I never said this thread was apolitical, I said political debates aren't relevant to this thread. You said it yourself, the OP is calling for action, encouraging people to crack the code, not debate the merits of each candidate. However, I have a feeling that you're trying to derail this thread with any sort of argument you can mange to start, so I won't be replying to your posts anymore.
different anon. point made. in todays thread we are trying tp find a vuln in a server. cheers.
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Anyone understands this curl result?
It's supposed to be a shellshock test
Just coming in here to remind everyone to ignore the fucking idiots trying to derail every thread. Keep up the good work everyone.
I know this should stay in-house, but with time running short, is it nearing time to enlist outside help? if so, who?
we shoudl get legion on it, it will be epic
They'll just fucking ddos his website or some shit
Anything new?
I don't remember all the details of shellshock but it looks to me like either you did it wrong or he's not using an outdated server, maybe both
What's wrong with a person paying for a hooker even if they are presidential candidates?
If it was Hilary it would be hilarious
it's illegal in the U.S. except in Reno, NV
Why are you trying this manually instead of using metasploit?
Having sex with prostitutes while married is a very poor show of character. The president needs to uphold our morals
>implying that this isn't a /pol/ thread in every way
Oh my god just fucking crack the da vinci code thing you faggot

Maybe the president can just change the law and morals
yeah there are a lot of religious right in the U.S. who make up a large voting block. Prostitution especially with married men will not go over for quite a while.
I'll try metasploit, I remember there being another one, open source and scriptable with Python, can't remember the name.
Bore would I go about setting up something like this? A dead man trigger?

In this case it seems to be simply a password to access some server with all the files in it. I remember a case where there was a file in a torrent anyone could download and the trigger would release the password to the file. Simpler and more secure. Is there a way to automate this without depending on a server (single point of failure) for delivering the password?

Is there some sort of encryption that can solve itself after certain time has passed? Maybe using ethereum or some other kind of blockchain technology? Is the only way having a lawyer keep the password for you?
this. fags arguing over who should be where in 4chan.. baka
National security risk and indicative of poor decision making skills.
Here is the key- Trump International Escorts, Now called Mystique Companions. Ran out of Trump International hotel where it was legal (NY and NV). Officially just companions, but we know how that goes.
>Not fucking your own mom

Any additional updates?
looks like this sb tagged #optrump now. only clear tie in all this. /pol/
My suspicion is that he's using a site like https://www.deadmansswitch.net/.
Well that certainly complicates things...
ITT: Skiddies who are getting vanned

I hope to see you all on the news tomorrow.
>I hope to see you all on the news tomorrow.
What do you mean?
Bump. Don't let me down /g/

That looks weak as shit. What stops someone with access to your email from pretending to be you and telling the switch to deactivate?

>These emails are stored securely, so you can be sure that no-one except the intended recipient will read them until they're sent.

Stored securely where? All it would take is a court order for the site admin be forced to divulge the locations of the servers.
>That looks weak as shit. What stops someone with access to your email from pretending to be you and telling the switch to deactivate?

So if I can get you the email then you can get the switch to deactivate?
>you can have your switch postpone its activation (if, for example, you'll be away for some time) by telling it to not try to contact you for a specified period of time.

So if you get access to the guy's account you can tell the switch to not try to contact you for x number of years, during which time you can take down the switch.
Interesting, ok.
It'd probably be easier to bruteforce that site than gmail. I'm pretty sure his email is [email protected]; we'd just need the password.
>It'd probably be easier to bruteforce that site
Which end-point?
Good find.
More likely it's just OpenVZ
For anyone who is looking for the OLD Phone records:

> https://cryptome.org/dc-madam.zip
>the assassination of an individual by current political powers isn't relevant
>somehow related to trump or his supporters
the general population really is this brainwashed
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Can anybody confirm that the following numbers are from Ted Cruz. There a ton of shit that is circulating on Twitter right now.

Apparently /g/ and /pol/ are not the only ones looking at this right now. I really need to confirm wether or not these TX numbers are from Cruz...
How do I check which one of those are Verizon accounts. Supposedly the correct one is supposed to be from Verizon?
Solicitation is a big deal when you, me, and our aunts and grandparents pay some of these people upwards of 6 figures to do the best thing for our country.

Is it worth ruining these men over? In a vacuum, no. But we have a context today of discontent with "the system", and more specifically known and continued failures of our officials to behave in a manner in accordance with the greater good.
WTF some are saying members of Anonymous already have the most recent batch of numbers?


Ugh I really want this shit to explode in the media but we may need to wait longer than expected.

Anyone have any luck so far?
I believe it was revealed that these are Ted's numbers but are photo shopped onto this doc. Somebody please correct me if I have it wrong.
>I believe it was revealed that these are Ted's numbers but are photo shopped onto this doc

Sauce? Can anyone confirm whether the photo is shopped?
so he has 4 hooker phones? I dont really trust the legitimacy of this photo
I saw someone one either /g/ or /pol/ make the claim either last night or this morning (these threads are all running together in my mind at this point). Can't do anybody than that. Sorry.
This seems like a good idea. Anyone tried this yet?
Nope. I haven't been able to find any likely password candidates like the names of his family members or pets, either.
he said the files are already accessible people just need to know the right url

if the dead man's switch is triggered it will email the url to a number of reporters
Would a dictionary attack be effective?
Ok that makes sense then, so we just need to find the correct end-point?

Are there methods where we could get a list concrete list of the end-points or do we just need to brute-force that essentially?
Holy shit I just cracked it woops o_O
Pics or it didn't happen.

this is very important
Bumping for this
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>its a /pol/ tries to do some stupid personal army faggotry thread

fuck off you tool
Even if we find the correct end-point however, we will probably need proper authentication otherwise we will just get a 403.

A lot of end-points (i.e. /download, /stats) give 403s right now so it could be any one of them.
It is true that this originated from /pol/ but it caught my attention and it has spread beyond that board.

There were threads in /biz/, /sci/ and /g/ dealing with this.
Alright, I'm a bit of a noob, so bear with me, but how do we get around a 403? I'm assuming the username portion of the authentication we need is his email, which is on whyjusther.com. But how can we crack the password? I was thinking dictionary attack, but like I said, I'm not too familiar with all of this. Maybe there's a better way?
4chan was fun once, then do nothings showed up.
Fuck off mate. No one's keeping you in this thread.
jesus christ do you even know what endpoint references? because you are using that fucking word completely wrong.

holy shit these threads are a fucking joke and show just how fucking retarded people here are when it comes to actual technology.
Has there been any attempt in running a SE game on the lawyer? Perhaps he could be persuaded to drop a hint?
>Has there been any attempt in running a SE game on the lawyer? Perhaps he could be persuaded to drop a hint?

Someone called him actually but he responded by saying that there is a court order from both saying anything or releasing the information.

He is threatening to release it anyway though if the court does not hear him out which is why he has place a dead man's switch.
>jesus christ do you even know what endpoint references?

do you even English?
>se game

so you are either going to try to trick him into divulging information he never would, or you are trying to deliver a payload and infect the computer.

either way, all of the retarded ideas in this thread are 100% illegal and will get you arrested.
yes, do you? the word endpoint does not mean what you fucking dumb shits think it does, especially when talking about god damn web sites.

pick up a fucking book
Yeah this whole thing has pretty much hit a wall.
I guess we'll just have to wait it out and hope that it's not too late in it's effect.
Different anon. I'll bite, what does it mean? Google says a lot of things are called endpoints and I don't know the context.
The fuck with this thread?
Thanks for joining.

Please start here:
And here: >>53820269

Any help is greatly appreciated.
an endpoint is the 'end' of the chain for a network, which in reality means it is the end user computer/device like a desktop or a laptop.

it has no value when describing web servers, especially when talking about the paths
Thanks anon! Learn something new everyday.
What are some Boards from Anonymous where I can place this information in?

It appears that there are not a lot of people here who know what they are doing. Would be great to get the help of some more people.
dont go to /b/
There was actually a thread in /b/ with regards to this at one point but like anything else over there it quickly turned to shit...
this thread
Pfft noobs.
Well then all he did was use the wrong term. He meant directory. He's still right, though. We need to somehow get the correct login credentials. I'm thinking of a dictionary attack. What do you guys think?
i think you are a fucking retard and need to go back to complaining about the jews and about how trump cannot le be stumped XD

have fun being arrested though. even running a fucking nmap scan against one of those domains is fucking retarded
This is 4chans version of when reddit led the witch hunt for the boston bombers.

go back to /pol/ or better yet just cut the shit. you are embarrassing.
>witch hunt
What the fuck are you talking about?
they've been doing this for 3 days with nothing to show
it's a bunch of ideas guys talking past each other
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I'm an SJW and I'm not on /pol/ but I find this thread amusing and entertaining.
I remember it too, whiteknights whiteknighted the boston bombers.

And as far as I know they were from reddit.

Not sure about anymore, though.

I like this thread, however I do not really care about it's original direction.
> I like this thread, however I do not really care about it's original direction.

I am actually a Bernie supporter that is hoping that its Hillary who is on this list lol.

Although I realize that most of /pol/ is for Trump I think its important that this shit gets out there in the public.
I think we've just been joined by a few shills. Don't let them derail the thread, guys. Keep working on finding the correct login credentials.



bretty much


i did the first couple times but now its just cringey


if you idiots find anything of real value i'll come back and donate $100 to trump

i'm all about MAGA, but i think you are all wasting energy, good luck
>good luck
I appreciate the warm sentiment, but after going through so many of these threads, I get the feeling you're a shill. But still, thanks.

nah, im not shilling anything, calling people shills who dont agree with you is ledditor tier ad hominem

i just dont think you lot have the chops to find anything meaningful before the attorney goes public, and like i said it feels OT for /g/ and would legit get more publicity / help
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Anonymous has the information already...
You're better off using some guy's rainbow table and hoping they used stupid simple encryption
Can the anonymous meme please just die. It's so cringy at this point.
Alright then, bye. We're not going to stop because you don't agree. Maybe you should check out a different thread.
That info has been around for a while. I think popped up in one of the /pol/ threads before that twitter account got hold of it.

Basically this.
Where did the choice of websites even come from?
Those are the domains owned by the Lawyer.
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If you can't get an 0day thru,
Has some bruteforce vectors you could try.
The wordpress username is "admin" and you have endless retries and no cooldown if you user xmlrpc.
Also, we can see that the wp location is in
So there is an username "mbsibley", you can try on this box and others.
Happy hunting gentoomen!
Nice. Thanks, anon
Shit, thanks Anon.
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no real person likes you guys
have you ever noticed how fat people always buy like they are throwing a party or bringing food for a friend?
You know it will devour both those plates, but you play along, because pointing out that bot those plates are more than enough for a single human, two of them is fucking gross.

Being fat is a choice.
Shaming people for bad choices is an effective way to make them stop.
I get that some people have to work harder at staying fit and a lot of people just don't have time to work out.
But it is still a choice.
holy shit /g/
this is more happening than /pol/ ever is
Mhm. My mother has always been somewhat heavyset, but she doesn't eat unhealthily. She just doesn't do much physical work at all.

Having said that, I've tried to stop her smoking to no avail.
don't get me wrong, I am fat as well.
I quit my job several years ago so I could go to school, and sitting on my ass all day made me gain a lot of weight.
When I did work, I could keep my BMI at 23, now it is 25-26, so I get that it is harder to keep the weight down.
but nobody is born at 500 pounds, that is acquired over time.
And you can stop yourself a lot sooner if you wish to be healthy.

I tried to change my diet, and went back into my normal weight in two months, so I know that it is possible, but I couldn't afford the food for a prolonged time (because student) so I stopped.
I also think it would be bad for me to change my weight that drastically, so next time, I will do it when I can afford to stay that way.

Don't deviate from Thread topic. Focus on the mission of uncovering the DC Madam information. Discuss this on /fit/ if you would like.
I'm no saint myself.
When I first hit 100kg, I cut out all sugary drinks (but kept delicious pizza and pasta with dat cheese) and went for a 15 minute walk/jog depending on the day, every day. Dropped 10kg in 3 months. Then I broke my big toe and got lazy, but I'm back on a pushbike to work daily at 108kg from 117.

I figure you have 3 choices when it comes to this, all require acceptance that it is your responsibility.
Change the diet.
Change the physical output.
Keep the diet and go ham on physical.

I like the last one, because food is tasty.
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What is a shill?
If he's releasing in two weeks anyway, what's all the rush about...?
The fear is some DC / Fed agent will get to the information first and fuck it all up. The dead-man switch was set up in the scenario that the lawyer is killed and thus the information is auto-released. However, as one of the Anons above has stated, one could hack into this system and essentially extend the timer, so it would not be released in time.

The longer this information is not released, the less relevant it becomes. Hopefully we get to see soon but if someone like a Hillary is in that list, they will try to prolong the release of the info for as long as they possibly can.
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Based on the "worlds largest crossword puzzle", here are some good passwords to try:

The City in Florida + 1 is the hint. But this is old info, and sibley may have changed his pwd already. Worth a shot, I'd say.
Happy hunting!
Bumping for great good
>an SJW
Seems about right.
> "worlds largest crossword puzzle"
What, was that a suggestion introduced in some page?

Haven't visited this thread in quite some time. Which site (url) is requesting a password for access?
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Ok, I have a shell in one of the boxes, but under different user.

uname -a
Linux p3plcpnl003.prod.phx3.secureserver.net 2.6.32-604.30.3.lve1.3.66.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Oct 18 09:51:51 EDT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

passwd doesn't show other users, but since these domains share the same IP and look similar, it must just be shared hosting with some salt.

Wat now?

xkcd reference
find ~/
We are looking for PDFs that contain 800 some phone records. The phone records are supposedly Version numbers.
Looks pretty bad, as it's locked down.
I can see the box has a shitload of users (uids in ps aux) but I can't resolve them as /etc/passwd only show my current user (as well as the daemon users)

To actually find something, I need to root the box. Now, the kernel seems to be patched but there is this thing:

-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 16571 Dec 28 2012 /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/omcliproxy

Which is a suid binary. Let's see if something can be done here.
Did you get the pass from the adobe leak? Can you mirror?
Ok, this is totally rootable lool.
Bamp. Good job guys.
Good work so far guys. Keep it up. Do you know the account home that it'll be in? If not I guess the best way to find it would be to match it with files that we know are already publically accessible?
bump for interest
this is the only actual hacking /g/ has done in years lmao
that's an old kernel btw it's vuln
again if you heard what the lawyer said, it is accessible by ANYONE who knows the url right now. There is no auth, he is begging for us to take it
Vuln to what, half nelson? The symbols table aint even here.
What I got is 0 axx to /dev/, but I do have 32 libs on 64 bit system. So that's I start.

Instead of compiling aush0k_sucks_ass.c and hoping for the best, I think the suid bins are a better choice.

What is this about even?
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Fuck this, imma download the suid bin and try something else now.
If someone wants to try rooting the shared hosting box:
password: gentoomen

Same box as privacycomplianceconsulting.com,
The target account is in /home/msibley, but it's using cagefs so good luck. Kek.
bumpity bump
>The City in Florida + 1 is the hint
Some thoughts on that:
st Augustine is the oldest city in the state, so September?

Apparently Palfrey spent her teens in Orlando.

If it were me it would be a pun, but i don't know much about the states, anybody familiar with Florida?
Anybody know anything about his history? where he grew up if he moved around?
lel, when and where did we get the hint from? I missed that.
Adobe password leak. There his encrypted password len is 8 bytes, which means his password is 0-7 chars + nullbyte and his password hint was city + 1.

Now, the passwords are encrypted with the same key, and seaching for the password will reveal all the other users that share the password and their password hints.

Following their hints (see how this is a crossword), we can deduce that the password must be "largo1". Their hints btw were like "the city you work in +1", username largo.marketing@bullshit.

augustine1 is 10 chars + nullbyte = 11 chars and would need a 16 byte password block.

The more you know..
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u still on the box? check out / tmp/xxx.tmp
Isn't this stuff supposed to be auto-released on the 11th? That'd be two weeks from the earlier article on the 28th.
But there's always a chance that the feds somehow get to it first. And a chance that the courts agree to lift the gag order, but delay doing so until the info is no longer relevant
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>everyone ITT doing this under the assumption is Cruz and bending the facts to fit the assumption

Great detective work fags
Yeah, that's why it's important to get to it first. I was just wondering about the date is all.
I had make a thread on /pol/ just to ask the same thing. All other threads are gone.
>faggots whip themselves into a retarded crusade
>anyone who points out this retardation is a "shill"

Like clockwork
>forever change the election

With cruz out we still have the big 3 pieces of subhuman shit up there. Eh, I hope it's not hillary cunton anyways
Wait, is this actually it?

Any luck?

Let's just focus on the puzzle and be satisfied to sticking it to Our Betters.>>53843652
And who gives a fuck who fucks who? I don't give a fuck if Trump likes to suck shemales cocks or Hillary getting gangbanged by nigger cocks. Who gives a fuck?
I agree, but people that aren't us do care.
Cruz married a stripper so it's probably him.
Is there info on what kind of services were offered? I mean if it's just some pretty vanilla stuff that went on, it's not that big of a deal to most people. Now if it were orgies, gay stuff and pedo shit, that would certainly make waves.
check it.
It'd also be nice to have the bombshell in time for the Wisconsin primary if possible.

It matters to a lot of people, especially evangelicals. He holds the bible high...
He swears on, puts it down and then he LIES.

Have we gotten anywhere new, guys?
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Based on >>53839858 and >>53843344 :

The lawyer has connections to Miami (his father builds buildings there, he's a fan of a local sports team, etc.) and Rockville (he has a basement office there).

I can't even find anything about Rockville, but Miami is in Southern Florida, and articles mention how he's in Southern Florida when they contact him.

We know the password is (or at least was) 0-7 chars, with a "1" at the end. So we're looking for Florida cities with 6 or less characters. Assuming "Miami" itself isn't the city he's referring to, here's a list of all South Florida cities with at least one word in them with 6 characters or less (maybe his family used to have a summerhome nearby or something):

Coral Gables
Cutler Bay
El Portal
Golden Beach
Indian Creek Village
Miami City
Miami Beach
Miami Gardens
Miami Shores Village
Miami Springs
North Bay Village
North Miami
North Miami Beach
South Miami
Sunny Isles Beach
West Miami
Palm Beach County
West Palm Beach
Boca Raton
Delray Beach
Lake Worth
Palm Beach Gardens
Royal Palm Beach
Cooper City
Coral Springs
Dania Beach
Lazy Lake
Sea Ranch Lakes
West Park
Wilton Manors
Marco Island
Monroe County
Key Colony Beach
Key West

Of these, I find the following words to be the most likely:

P.S. If we can connect Cruz with a specific prostitute, maybe she'll look like the one in this National Enquirer rumor.
[email protected] and [email protected] don't appear to be registered on this site.
keep up the good work lads
>victimless crimes
Same with http://www.deadman.io. Apparently Google has an "Inactive Account Manager" that functions like a dead man's switch. He could well be using that.
Nothing in the shortlist, using an initial capital letter and a 1 at the end, is his gmail password.
Maybe try with no caps?
holy shit every time i see this thread it gets dumber and dumber, especially posts like this.

maybe you should go back to congratulating trump on his jewish grandkid or watching another episode of mr robot
ignore the shills....
just like /pol/ taught you, its so cute. you are LITERALLY shilling for trump but thats okay!

my favorite new part is >>53845256

how in the FUCK would you even make that assumption? by trying to guess the password or entering that username and getting a 'invalid password' instead of 'invalid email and password' error message?

do you people have the slightest fucking idea of what you are doing? this shit is fucking embarrassing to read but its so funny i cant stop.
For god's sake this is NOT about Trump. There is a good chance this shit is about Clinton and unrelated to the Rep primaries.

This is about exposing corruption..
What exactly is the problem with using escort service?
no, its about you calling someone who dares to laugh at you a shill because they are going against your hivemind.

but whatever helps you sleep at night, like i said every time i see it on the front page it cracks me up. for fucks sake someone took the time to list south florida cities like those are going to be a fucking password. someone thinks they know if an email is registered to a deadmanswitch website with literally NO context.

i work in security and you cant make this shit up.
Go through the password recovery prompt; it'll say that the addresses aren't associated with an account. Non-technical but relatively reliable.
You're an angry shill. Also see>>53846347 I mean you're not even doing your homework, really. Embarrassing.

Not relevant. We're looking for files.
Anyone made any progress with that Gmail password?
Nope. Rooting the server has seen some progress tho.
don't just bump fgt, get cracking
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Nice. Keep it up anon
You're doing God's work, anons. Keep it up
I just tried to make an account with mbsibley on it.
Had no troubles doing that.

I also tried to make an account as [email protected] on deadman.io
No trouble there either

- mbsibley was NOT registered (obv is now)
- [email protected] was NOT registered (obv is now)
>21/tcp open ftp
>22/tcp open ssh
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lel don't get this soulful single from NJ confused with our sibley btw:

What if we just tried hacking into his Gmail account?
Has anyone tried getting into this one, yet [email protected]?
I'll get working on a visual basic script to do this!
If it fails, it's secure.
i realize this is a different box but on civilforfeiture.com there are at least email addresses for all these accounts:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

I don't see him using msibley anywhere else fwiw, it's always sibley or mbsibley.
ITT: skids using nmap to find a pdf

Find the directory in which the pdf's are stored on the webserver and bruteforce the names, simple as that
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