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Cards Against Humanity

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Thread replies: 222
Thread images: 12

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Should /g/ make a CAH deck on Card Cast?
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WOW ! At first I though you were a retard but I didn't know this card game, it looks really fun !

I can't tell if you're being a smartass or legit.
why would you cut them out when you can buy them?
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played for the first time yesterday
really like it
the goal is to say the funniest/worst thing ever
you should really try
Maybe because we can only buy the english version.
if any one wants to make the /g/ cah deck, start telling me cards and I'll add them in.

yeah, I have a box too. A friend online bought it for me.

I'm sorry, that sucks. someone should do something about
>How did I lose my virginity?...............
>A beer bottle
So if we gone do this I'll explain the set up

>How did I lose my virginity? _
you need a single underscore (I can add it in but just so you guys know. along with 1 single underscore like any of the cards)

>white card
thats fine the way it is.
This is seriously the first time some of you have heard about this game?
what do you expect, it's /g/ they don't get out much it's a "party" game. they don't do that.
a friend of mine bought a non-english version
guess you have to look for a third party supplier
White cards:
A sweaty steve ballmer
GNU plus Linux
1 terabyte of CP
An overpriced audio cable
A raspberry pi zero
A tor exit node
A macfag
Mechanical keyboards
ill add them

also here to everyone else

guys we have 0 black cards.
What did I gain from lurking /g/?_
>You got BSoD because _
>Stallman is mad,_ will make him happy.
>A new package arrived, It's _
>Arch is easy just like _
My Thinkpad runs _
Black cards:
How come my internet is slow?
The most important thing when coding.
How do you make yourself secure online.
>Richard Stallman eating things off his feet
Red Star OS
Windows 10
/dpt/ What are you guys working on?

What you're referring to as Linux, is actually _
On the day Steve Jobs died, I was too involved with _ to notice or care.
A suitable alternative to MEGA is _
I'll do my chores once I'm finished with _ , Mom

The skinny rotting bald corpse of Steve Jobs
Kim Dotcom's defense attorney
This is my first time on /g/ how do I become a hacker?
More white cards:
Desktop threads
Non-free software
What's the best text editor?
Quick tip to people making white cards. Try to not make ones that wouldn't be funny in any situation. Shit like "Desktop threads" isn't going to be funny no matter the Black card.
Forget emacs or Vim, real people code with _
have never laughed once with this game, i mean, when the only thing you can do is make clever/rude shit up, there's no inventiveness to it whatsoever

fibbage is a much more fun game
yeah, i can see your point.

I guess it depends on what set you play. /co/ and I made the DC VS MARVEL set you see in my collection. I thought with the amt of shit here we could make a giant deck too.
Black Cards:
Pacman broke my _ dependencies again.
Why isn't the wifi working?
_ is a NSA honeypot.
What did I find on my parents' hard drive?
What is the revolutionary new iphone feature?
What is Anita Sarkeesian mad about this time?

White Cards:
Installing Gentoo on salvia
Turning it off and then back on again.
Card tilt
ASUSGTZ.EXTREME_GAMING1137 RAM 16X1 GIG for 3000 dollars
Zombie Steve jobs stealing your code.
RMA Hell
Wait, mom! Arch broke _ again!
>why would you cut them out when you can buy them?
Because I couldn't buy them.

They aren't sold around here at all. I could order them from amazon uk maybe for a huge comparative price but eeeeh.

It was easier to just send them to a print company one town over for printing.
What went wrong, /g/? ___
yeah that's a bummer. but honestly, it's just easier to buy it for like 25 on amazon VS wasting your time going that much out of your way, spending gas and everything. Trust me, it's just easier.

we are doing good so far.
___ BTFO!
Giving the Linus Torvalds Award to the Free Software Foundation is a bit like giving the _ Award to the _.
>___ BTFO!
that trip tho
That quad tho
Here at apple we're proud to present our latest innovation, the i_ - and we think you'll love it.
The botnet
White cards:
Insufferable macfags.
"Premium" audio equipment.
NEETs who post in desktop threads.
if you guys know how this works, we need more white than black but be creative
Developing webapps in x86_64 assembly.
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What did my Amazon™ Drone™ bring me today? Oh its my _
Around 30-40 black cards should be enough, right? Why not start a vote to decide on black cards before picking the white cards?
Check out Linus's ___ Tips!
Code obfuscation in Brainfuck.
The Cloud™
Calling everything a botnet.
Calling everyone a shill.

Should be Linus'
As long as it makes some essential sense it doesn't really matter
It says here on your résumé that you don't use FaceBook. Care to explain? _
>white card
Oops, Facebook, not FaceBook.
________ , Said the average /g/ User.
________ ! Replied the Board
>I'd just like to interject for a moment, what you're referring to as _ is actually _
>I use encryption to hide my _
>_ is a botnet
>You wouldn't download _
White cards
> Dragon dildo
> Muh thinness
> Ian Murdoch's twitter rant
> inb4 zozzle
when are we gonna play this
when we get at least 110 white cards.

you don't pay attention do you? go look for the link I posted from card cast
Dibs on the logo.
go for it. enjoy your time in paint anon.
Beats by Dre.

He fell for the _ meme.
A HDMI cable with anti-virus protection.
>37 black cards
>88 white cards
holy shit /g/
Black card:
Hey /g/, what anti-virus should I use?

also for a white card:
Common Sense
dude the DC VS marvel deck is around 500
>Year of the _ desktop
>_ thread, no time for _
>I run _ because _
>I'd like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as _x_ is actually _x_/_y_
>I found a _ on the floor, any way I can bypass the _
>RMS dislikes _ because _
>rm -rf _

>nonfree software
>nonfree software
already there
>Get on the ground, fucko! Squad, take his _______ and all other ________
>Why isn't the wifi working?
not Why is the wifi working?
10 more cards come on guys.
>soldering cpus
I would give up _ for a new iPhone.
>Hey /g/, I found an iPhone, what can I use to unlock it?
>Honestly, I believe using cables filled with _ give the best tone
>The unboxing videos are the ones with _
>Please format my HDD when I die before someone finds my massive collection of _
>After five hours, my download of _ is finally complete!
>What did I forget to add to this PC build? _
>I only trust _ when looking for _
>You call Jobs an innovator, but he really is _

>Dragon dildo's
>Pictures of Stallman bathing
>My moms basement

Honestly, /g/ and tech CaH material are hard to think of...
Give it back Jamal.
do that for a white card.
Anyone wanna play it with "pretend you're xyzzy"?
White cards:
A tasteful anime desktop
A Mongolian rice recipe website
The internet of things
A CPU fan attached with wood screws
Internet enabled buttplugs
An enraged Linus Torvalds

Black cards:
_ , the best programming language ever made
My new tech startup combines _ with _
_ now powered with _
>Green is my pepper
>____.js is a javascript enviroment based on _______
Sounds fucking retarded. If I wanted to do that I'd open up /b/
then go away if you dont want to play when we get done anon
we are not ready anon stop.

When we have a good amt of cards, we will begin, we may have at least 5 players+ and we do not have enough cards for this. trust me. I have played with a short amt of cards in a deck and the same jokes go fast.
When is it done?
lets get the whites to 130
>A girl without a penis
IBM Model M
Ahmed's nice clock
pentium 4
so we need at least 50 black 200 white
so 70 more cards and we have a complete CAH deck non exp worthy
white: Fizz Buzz, SJW language
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It already exists.

Just google CAH IT pack or some shit.

There are a lot of non-official made by multiples companies to cash-in on the open-source principle of CAH.
Jamal or Tyrone?
>3.5 GB
>stand-up desks

>Thaddeus McMichael claimed _________ was a joke
>things/dont click/______/_______
>free as in _______
>How should I name my wifi?
>Cool _______, ________. Want to bring it to the White House?
Don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread
go back to /v/

>implying i _
>not having a _
_ users are poorfags
designated _ streets
lupus isnt the right password
what a waste of good digits...
>White cards
Cia nigger pedophile
the game kept having issues and we are now going to make the deck bigger. shouldn't take long. I killed the game.

sorry guys, went to fap. I'm back
Riced to shit.
My waifu desktop.
literally who?
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reporting in from another /g/, just thought I stop by and say NICE NUMBERS MATE
i know you guys can think of 60 more cards.
very good numbers my mate very good
any one wanna do DC VS MARVEL VS /g/?
>What wm should I use? _
>_ is a meme _
we need more white than blacks guys.
>A smooth Gentoo install
>Running as root
>GNU Hurd
>Buying a 4chan pass
WHITE WHITE fuck i meant white cards.
wait i read my own thing wrong god damn it.
>Posix Shared Memory
Hey guys this package just arrived, I think it's _.
Should I get the new iPhone or wait until I can buy _?
Daily Programming Thread, _ free edition
On my new 3d printer I just made _
I tried installing debian on _, I should have probably just stuck with _
I tried the whole "_" thing from the last cyberpunk thread, I think it really has some potential.
>IO ports
>Memory mapped IO
>Virtual memory
Ballmer Developers
Open Sores
Mugshot Bill
Holy Steve Jobs with iPhone
Technology impaired duck
Linus Swearing

I don't know what suit they all are though
A pile of unused zenfones
A diy wooden hard drive rack filled with WD Greens
A pedantic neckbeard
My sister
Your sister
My sisters panties
>I'm not happy he's dead, but I'm glad he's _____.
>Our lord and saviour, Richard Stallman
>Script Kiddies
>Proprietary drivers
IBM Synapse running a copy of Kim Kardasian
A cluster of PS3's
2 year old webcam tape
That massive zit on Snowden's face
>Kernel Panic - ____________
>Kernel Panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill _____!
I woke up to find my friend fapping violently, in one hand _, on his desk _.
Onii-chan, could you help your little sister? I accidentally downloaded some malware now my computer's full of _.
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You forgot the leading period.
so its easier to customize
Thinkpad T60
Thinkpad T420
Thinkpad X220
>Sticking magnets to your hard drive as the party van pulls up
>Private trackers
Add in everything. The shit ones can be removed when the deck is large enough.
Lennard Poetering
ALSA Project
Thermal Paste
Wood Screws
Mechanical Keyboards
Being your family's IT guy
Linux Kernel Mailing List
Hardware Backdoors
Macroshit Wanglows Niggernet Exploder 9 ©
A cluster of Raspberry Pi's
Megaupload links
Stallman's third nipple
Start Wandows Ngrmadly
It is now safe to shut down your computer
Gaming on Linux
Steve "Sweaty Balls" Ballmer
Marked for deletion (old)
Cum on CPU
Liquid cooling
Rotational Velocidensity
Coconut audio
Beats by Dre™
It's called a USB line, I'll show you later
Web developing with Assembly
Nevermind, I solved it :)
>Start Wandows ______
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as ___ , is in fact, ___, or as I've recently taken to calling it, ___.
>/g/ - _______
I have Gentoo running on my _____
Anime & Manga
a diamond HDMI cable
White Cards:
Security Through Obscurity
A ThinkPad with cum stains on the keyboard

Black Cards:
_ is technology!
>Writing a virtual machine and kernel from scratch.
Black card: Cherry MX ______
>Updating your CryptoWall installation
>Leaving dongles full of CP in cafes
>Running Android x86 on your desktop
>Prebuilt PCs
>pacman -S ______
>pacman -R ______
>error while loading shared library: ____.so: cannot open shared object file
>zsh: command not found: ____
Cherry MX switches
Duck Duck Go
A broken CRT monitor
Richard Stallman
Linus Torvalds
Edward Snowden
>echo $CC
CIA niggers
>echo $SHELL
The C programming language
FYI, The guys at Cards against Humanity are good people. They have no problem with others printing and creating their own cards, for a long time the only way to get CaH was to make em yourself since demand vastly outweighed production.

This year they paid the Chinese printing company they use, to produce nothing for an entire week so its employees could have paid leave, something completely unheard of in China.

Anything we do to promote these guys can only mean good karma, keep the ideas coming /g/!
>Using Dvorak
>The last ThinkPad
>An IOCCC entry
>tfw none of my friends would get this to play it

I still want it though.
Fucking trip fags
WOW guys I'm disapoint
no one till now said
>Delete System 32

click my link and see how much this deck is currently lol
Install ________
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No you fucking idiot these are supposed to be black cards.
See >>52201514, >>52201549
Then make them right meanie face!
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I did make them right, did you not see the fucking underscores on the next line?

Yeah but you can't do that on the card with out doing like a lot of spacing and I have no idea how many spaces it would take to do that.
Yall wanna see where this goes or wanna goto 300 on the whites?
>4 copyrighted _____s will be removed
anon check it again cause I thru in some blank spaces
Fixed it.
You can check it yourself, it appears in the "Order printed cards:" box.
fingerprints on your monitor
Degaussing a CRT
Macs can't get viruses
Cable elevators
Youtube to mp3
128 kbps mp3 to FLAC
Why would the goverment spy on me?
We need more women in STEM
No drivers
Automatic updates
Something Happened :(
Nanami Madobe
You can't just make it through modern engineering if you can't use MATLAB
Free as in Freedom
Free as in Free Beer
The botnet wants you to starve
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Welcome to the waifu age
VR eroges
Animu wallpaper
Another movie about Steve Jobs
We're in
7 proxies
Ethernet to 220
Ctrl alt del
Chink flip phones
Structure and interpretation of Computer Programs
Add more cores
The Cloud ©
Let's all love Lain
Samsa clip with rockbox
Cow comfort thread
Serious Business
LOL holy shit that worked?!

jesus christo
welp getting to work i guess
>Ian murdock killed himself because ___.
>if (argc < 2) puts("_______");
>10 PRINT ______
>20 GOTO 10
>Still using deprecated ____
>mpv stands for "media player _______"
Wrapping your dick in tin foil and sticking it in a power socket
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Actually, change this to:
>if (argc < 2) puts("Usage: ________");
It would be cool if someone could set a page like >>52195514
>Semen as thermal paste
>Arch Linux. The distro for _______.
card cast doesn't work there as far as I'm aware
Wood screws
>3.5 GB
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2MB, 443x269px
This thread. My sides
>Arch Linux. The distro for _____ girls.
What kind of system specs would I need to run _?
>main.c:13: error: ______________
>main.c:13: warning: ______________
lets try and only do white cards, lets get 17 mor white cards
>html/css "coding"
>girls who code
>hacking the mainframe
>snake oil
>interjection copypasta
>my wife's son
>computer hanging from the ceiling

>ls ~/____

>An FOSS replacement for ___ is ___
>lets start working on ____, i'll make the logo
>$ man ___
>My final project was in college was ___
We have enough now.
How do we start playing?
im trying to make a game but it doesn't seem to work

join ya fegs

>it's not free like beer, it's free like ____
little girls
acer build quality
windows vista
>Moto G
>Tiling WM
Plan 9
Steam OS
Saint Ignucius
Linyos Torovoltos
Muh freedoms
love seeing the senpai around /g/ <3
Common Sense Security Pro Edition ©
A spider nest in your computer case
Compiling Gentoo from source
Hatsune Miku
Your Mom
Android Optimization
Custom ROMs
British power sockets
Stepping on Legos
Ricardo Stallmanu
The Nvidia Fermi line
Coding while drunk
Coding while crossdressing
Rainbow kneesocks
Post feet
Actually reading the terms and conditions
Bent CPU pins
Anti-static wrist bands
Anal lube
HP Black Printer Ink
The Jews
Bombay Tech Support Center #23
Feminine dicks
NSA Honeypot
Five Eyes
The Great Trump Firewall
remember that when you code open source, you code _____
i cant see the cards
we're not currently playing. we are chillin and repairing the deck, we will play again in a few. come join if you like.
coolio, tnx anon
incase my thread dies, we are meeting here for more shit.
Playing again.
Game's over.
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>people still play Cucks Against Humanity
A disgusting normie
White privilege
My waifu
Stallman's secret nipple
The hacker known as 4chan
The new Apple mouse
The fact that I have nothing to hide
Vanilla Ubuntu
A recent Computer Science graduate
Ruby on rails
2 970s in SLI
Your fedora
A virigin NEET
That's why you use CardCast instead of giving CaH money.
someone start a new game

I was playing with /o/ and they have a pretty funny deck
You can create and buy custom sets which fit right in with the real CaH set from CardCast.
rm -rf /
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1
Thread posts: 222
Thread images: 12

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