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/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 30

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Previously: >>52152913

Intended for users of all levels, including absolute beginners.

There are three ways to try Linux, you can:

1) Install a Linux OS on a VM (Virtual Machine/VirtualBox) for "safety purposes"
2) Use the Live ISO directly without installing anything, that way, you can get a "full Linux experience".
3) Go balls deep and overwrite everything with Linux (not recommended)

If you are serious about switching to Linux and if you have Windows dual-booted (recommended for pure newbies),
we recommend you use it exclusively for 2 weeks, and avoid Windows dual booting for that period of time, or it's
likely you will start retreating back to windows instead of getting used to GNU/Linux as your new home and working on
making it feel the way you want it.

>Recommended for beginners:
-Ubuntu MATE
-Debian (For Broadcom devices, use an ISO that includes non-free firmware)
-LinuxMint (Cinnamon)

Before asking, please find the answers to your questions in resources.

Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread.

Understand that much of your software from Windows will be unavailable, although maybe wine can make up for it.

man <insert command here>
your friendly neighborhood search engine
What is Linux (or GNU/Linux for Stallmanists)?

Babby's First Linux (What distro to choose?)

What software does /g/ recommend? (Please DON'T include the so called infographic -- refer all your recommended software here.)

Ricing on Linux (Make it good and functional or make it worse like those at desktop threads)

A script designed to ease the transition from Windows to Debian

We now have an entry in the install Gentoo wiki!

IRC No one uses:
To the person with the Fedora/CD Question, Is this not a problem with the BIOS? What computer are you using?
Why make one when the old one is there?
How long should it take for a beginner (to Arch, not to GNU/Linux in general) to install Arch? I have a flight in 6 hours, not expecting it to take that long but I'm just wondering.
depends how fast you read and type. maybe 45 minutes at max.
Probably less than an hour.
What's the point of this thread?
Update, upgrade, install stuff, test said stuff, learn how to submit bug reports, use it, learn using keboard shortcuts and how to make your own in xfce, test other DEs, test WMs, crawl back to xfce, install and configure compton, do whatever the fuck you want.
How do I move my arch linux installation from a larger HDD to a smaller one (other hardware stays the same)?
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Arigatou /g/ozaimasu
The feds now monitor this thread.
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Depends on your internet connection and your typing speed
also, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Installation_guide
Hey /g/uys!
I would like to hear some recs on how to buy a (cheapish) notebook that works fine with linux distros. Are there any review sites where they test them with linux?

I had a Dell Inspiron m5010. When I installed my first distros it was already an 8 month old notebook and past its 2nd year since initial market time. So I would expect by that time the drivers and everything got figured out. My overall experience was mixed, it froze, some functions did not work. Installing was suffering. It took another year of stable ubuntu releases to have everything working fine.
Current laptop is an Asus X552M. Laptop has been on the market for almost a year. I use Lubuntu and Antergos (and w8.1):
1. Constant freezes (my guess its videocard related).
2. Problems with connecting usb devices (android tablet, android phone; sometimes even simple flashdrives are dropped).

So if you guys have any idea on what the hell to do with freezing and usb problems I would appreciate.
Also: how to circumvent the hours of fucking around with un- or badly supported devices and make sure that the next notebook I buy works fine with current stable versions?

tl;dr: how to buy cheap laptop that works with linux
I've tried to set up email on a vps I own, but every time I do it just doesn't work properly
since it's a new year I figure I'll just wipe the thing and start fresh
does anyone know of a foolproof way to set up email on a vps? I don't need any shitty webmail, all I access it with is thunderbird/k9 on android
Many chromebooks are good with Linux. But if you are looking for saving money I think some dell laptops come with ubuntu.
Keep away from broadcom, realtek and nvidia
Prefer intel
With a video guide and some common sense, I got it running in 15 mins, give or take 10 mins depending on the bandwidth of your connection to download the packages.
Sentora is pretty good
Except video guide are almost always obsolete
>intel cpu
>intel integrated gpu
also make sure it doesn't have a broadcom wlan card

and you should be fine.

in general as long as majority of the laptop was made by intel (ethernet and wlan included) it should work fine.
intel actually makes working linux drivers for their shit.
I would like to play games occasionally. Not COD/GTA5 level shit, but if I find a good looking platformer or adventure game I would like to be able to try it. Are the integrated intel gpus able to run anything significant?

I could order a Chromebook, but they are not sold in retail in my country. I will look it up but also warranty might be problematic.

>broadcom, realtek
Oh shit those things come up in my nightmares.
>Are the integrated intel gpus able to run anything significant?
It really depends on what you consider "significant", and which generation you get. The HD3000 in my laptop runs Killing Floor and less demanding games just fine, which includes most 2D platformers and such. Newer ones are obviously better, but you can go look up benchmarks and stuff yourself.
man cp
How do I go from having everything in one partition to having a separate /home partition without losing all my data?
>Are the integrated intel gpus able to run anything significant?
I saw a video of someone running gta5 on the desktop iris pro
Ohh, nice.
If you did your installation with lvm, it shouldn't be a problem, just google it.

If you didn't use lvm, you can't do shit.
Copy your home folder to another drive, reinstall with a smaller / paritiion, copy home folder back. (you only need about 40G tops for /)
After messing around with DEs in Ubuntu, I have come to a conclusion that certain distros do different things with their packages to make the experience on a specific DE better. Which distros do this? I know that Fedora uses gtk3 versions of most gtk applications and openSUSE does something with qt applications (and Firefox), but what else? Does Linux Mint do something special?
I just experienced a full system freeze on arch.
>Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.3.3-2-ARCH
>Old hardware (sandy bridge cpu, intel hd graphics)

It happened as I was playing a video in full screen. I couldn't ctrl+alt+f2 or backspace. I do have xf86-video-intel installed though.

Any idea how to troubleshoot this?
Found your problem
>Any idea how to troubleshoot this?
>>Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.3.3-2-ARCH
Dude. Arch just released 4.3.3 into [core].
Are you complaining about the fact I'm using arch or the too recent kernel update?

Because I've never had any software issues before that. I'm just assuming it's software, could be hardware too. Where are the appropriate logs for these issues?
Depends on when you consider an install finished.

For a basic install an hour should be plenty. If you need to set up shit it'll take significantly longer.
AFIK 4.3.X is not even officially released on their stable repo
How do you tell?

>stable: 4.3.3 2015-12-15

You dumbfucks.
I'm using an Asus X551CA.
I've tried resetting BIOS defaults but nothing seems to work. I have no idea what to do. It used to be there, and now it isnt. Story of my life.
Ah my bad, see >>52171628
Ex personal firewall babby here.

I want to make sure some programs dont phone home when I run them in wine. Can some kind anon teach me iptables human readable? Is iptables even the right way? What is the best way to monitor / block / allow conections?
Is there a distro that shipts LXQt by default? Is LXQt finnshed and stable?
>Is LXQt finnshed and stable?
I believe LXQT is in the repos for Debian testing.
Can someone explain to me how do I install mpd? I am a beginner and too stupid for the tutorial in ArchWiki.
I don't want to be rude, but if you're "too stupid for the tutorial in ArchWiki", why are you running Arch?
just installed xubuntu on my laptop and it seems to be working really well

I have to admit I doubted linux would get to this stage but I am quite pleased it has.

that is if nothing breaks of course haha
If you're too dumb to read and understand STEP BY STEP instructions written with the dumbest indian in mind, why are you running arch?

Neck yourself please
How can you be too stupid to follow a step by step guide?
>music player
implying anyone is watching the music player while listening to music

obviously bait by another guy who cant install mpd
>frienldy linux thread everybody
>not believing anon is too stupid for something
>wah wah you're not friendly
I think you need to go back to reddit
>waaah i'm dumb as fuck why the entire world doesn't want to lower itself to my level
>oh look,another friendly linux neckbearded edgelord beta virgin
>anon, you're not that stupid, give yourself some credit
>oh you fucking neckbearded bully, stop making me cry
This is 4chan retard, go back to reddit if you want a hug. You not getting called a newfag cunt ass niggaer faggit is friendly.
are you fucking retarded i am not that guy who asked about arch,I am just spitting on you pathetic ellitist virgins
You feed on other people's lack of information because you try to compensate your failure of a miserable life
Fuck off you shitty apps guy.

https://www.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/3ya67j/install_arch_infographic/ < Your reddit thread :^)
>I am just spitting on you pathetic ellitist virgins
No, you're making yourself look silly.
Everyone replied to that anon saying that they didn't believe he was too stupid to follow a step by step guide. That is being friendly, and encouraging. Please stop being a moron with your whiteknight attempt.
your johnnies are out of control virginboy
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yes son?
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I'm installing Ubuntu for the first time. What to expect?
dick in your mouth
don't expect things from something you didn't pay for and you will be pleasantly surprised.
Expect to have a system you can use straight away. Kind of guessing this is a rhetorical question or something, why would you install if if you have no idea what to expect?
well... having ubuntu on your computer ? weird question
>an hero
As in Unity Ubuntu?
Nothing dramatic. You might need to turn of the Amazon menu thing (I forget where the option for that is), but otherwise it's a fairly stable and usable distro.

The only advice that springs to mind is that you should install Synaptic at some point. The Ubuntu Software Center kinda treats you like an idiot, and Synaptic is probably the nicest introduction to package management out there.
as long as it's a desktop computer with mostly recent hardware capable of gpu acceleration it's a fairly decent experience
I'm trying to install a new distro but it just keeps giving me kernel panic error

>kernel offset disabled
>not syncing : vfs: unable to mount root fs on unknown block

From what searching the error gives me its not my kernel since I can boot normally
Everything above looks like colour codes followed by jargon
You sure you don't have any obscure partition?
distro? kernel version?
You sure you don't have any obscure partition type?
you didn't include the filesystems you need in the kernel
you didn't include the hardware options you need in the kernel
your fstab is incorrect

One of these most likely. I'm assuming this is a kernel you built yourself?
Please put this link in the OP:
https://fixubuntu.com/ or remove Ubuntu, your choice.

Maybe, I encrypted a partition because I wanted to see how linux worked in its entirety

I reinstalled debian while it was encrypted however so I didn't think it would be an issue this time


I think 3.16.0-4-amd64
Ubuntu MATE doesn't need that "fix".
It only affects Unity.

Get the hell out, Topcuck420.
le butthurt ubuntucuck
>I don't have any arguments to back up my statement
Go study, junior
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Why my Mint has no documentation for Alias, but if i type 'alias', i get the usual list of alias which are used in mah bash? hm?
>what is man alias
man alias
Just download an app for ir
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faggot@faggotting ~ $ man alias
no manual entry for aliaz

faggot@faggotting ~ $ which alias
faggot@faggotting ~ $
>using Mint
your fault. man alias worked in Arch.

or look at http://ss64.com/bash/alias.html
>faggot@faggotting ~ $ man alias
>no manual entry for aliaz
someone made an alias for alias for you
Are you installing ncmpcpp?
mint users so poor they cant afford a manpage

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friendly reminder
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Your man page of alias sucks.
>friendly reminder
please kill yourself

Ok, got it. It's a builtin command of bash(1)


What's up with everyone trying/using arch? I can understand it if you run on an old machine where every MB of ram and disk space counts but I assume that's quite few of you..?

That's a freetard thing.
>part of POSIX Programmer's manual
>the Linux implementation of this interface may differ

Lyl, we're talking about bash's alias, not some neckbeard shit
>implying bash's alias is different from POSIX alias
street cred nothing else.

I'm annoyed as fuck when I see a post/thread that go somewhere along the lines of
>I'm a windows nigger never used Linux in my entire life want to try it out how do I install arch

My guess is that videogame manchildren have too much time on their hands, and they fail to accept that having a distro that "just works" is a good thing, not bad.
So, first off, you have to "understand" how MPD works. Think of it like a special video game console: you connect everything correctly (all of the wires, putting the "game" in the system, etc.) before you turn it on. However, once you *do* turn it on, you need some special controllers (in this case, clients) in order to play the damn thing.

Now, the setup. I recommend setting it up with:

Per user configs have the benefit of not having to mess with anything in /etc/, which can have weird/annoying effects. All you have to do is edit the config file to have the things the wiki says, and then create the files that your config file now points to, and then you're basically done.

You should also configure MPD to not change your universal volume: with Pulse, find the pulse section in your config file and uncomment the two non-optional lines (along with the beginning/end of the section). With Alsa, find the alsa section and uncomment the non-optional lines along with mixer_type, which you should change to "software".

As for clients, I personally use ncmpcpp, although it's kind of a bitch to set up. But if you get through the setup, it's a nice, small music player and does exactly what I'd need it to do.
Arch is not the same as a minimal system.
Why is Mir a thing? Will anyone other than Ubuntu even use it?
No, and Ubuntu will stop when Debian stable switches to Wayland. In 10 years or so
Why is the switch to wayland so far away?

The point of using Arch is to have more control over your system and build it to be exactly what you want it to be, with very up-to-date software, too.

Plus, Arch has the benefit of being the distro behind the ArchWiki (so, most things in it will be relevant to and work for Arch users), and it uses pacman, one of the better package managers.

Pound for pound, there's no real reason not to try it out for a little bit.
lurk moar
bruh it's been years since I've frequented /g/
Very informative, all that's missing is that retarded forced meme with the old man smoking a cigar
Wayland is being held back because it's a much simpler model. Mir is basically an entirely new display server with a protocol, a window manager, a compositor, and libraries and all that good stuff included. It's basically another X.

Wayland is just a protocol, aside from the support libraries and the reference compositor weston there's nothing helping devs port their stuff over to it so it's a bit more involved. In the end wayland is a superior model because it gets out of the way and leaves software devs to their devices. Mir will probably another X and then get discarded like trash because it was pointless anyway.
It's not.
Fedora 24 release is scheduled on 2016-05-17
Does anyone know how to move the Xfce titlebar into the Firefox tab view? I'd rather it not take up a a cm off my screen.

Also, how does one get Firefox to not screw up the checkboxes with the GTK theme? For some reason all my checkboxes and such have invisible backgrounds.
>Does anyone know how to move the Xfce titlebar into the Firefox tab view? I'd rather it not take up a a cm off my screen.
It's not possible. Border decorations are handled by the xfwm4, not by firefox.
That's disappointing. Is there a way I can disable it on a per-program basis, then? I can disable it altogether, but for some programs I'd like to keep it.
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I failed an install of Debian yesterday on my server and I don't know what to do (besides try again). I wanted to install it across three 2 TB drives in raid 5. Debian install manual says it isn't possible to have the drive you are booting from (or at least with /boot/) to be raid 5 it needs to be raid 1 or a normal fs. After lots of fiddling in the drive partitioner i decide to reserve one gigabyte from the start of each drive: two used in raid 1 for /boot and the last one for swap. The rest of each 2TB are put into raid 5 for /. Both raid drives are software raid (mdadf or whatever) and formatted for btrfs. Aside from some non-free realtek drivers missing and a lot of stupidity on my part (I initially only reserved a few MB for /boot) the install went fine. When I booted for the first time though, I got a lot of [failed]s (pic related). Then it asks me for my root password for diagnostics or something, shows "dbus error" twice and then hangs forever. I switched it back to the set up before and plan to reinstall soon but don't know what to do differently. Does it need more space for /boot? Should I just drop the raid /boot partition and just use btrfs? Or is it btrfs that is my problem? Or is it some other problem with my partitioning scheme? Also, if no raid on /boot how do I ensure my machine can boot if that drive fails?
google "disable window decorations firefox xfce" or something like that.
Fedora has been making that claim for the last three releases. Ultimately what it comes down to is whether GNOME3 is stable using wayland or not. GNOME3 is the one blocking wayland on Fedora
Which distro uses the least cpu, has a decent user interface like ubuntu and has software center or at least can do something with .deb packages?

Trying to get some lightweight shit on a 1,4ghz dual core laptop(no HT) but shits pretty hard.
gdm already uses wayland by default.
Fedora Rawhide already uses Wayland by default.

F23 shares the same wayland/xwayland/gnome-session-wayland packages as Rawhide in order to make people test it.

I'm fairly sure the main culprit here is Xwayland and Input devices.

We'll either get working Fedora 24 with Wayland or buggy as fuck Fedora 24 with wayland, but we're getting wayland anyways.

I wish more people were ready to make such drastic changes, I'm sure it would improve the development speed and adoption rate a lot.
>Which distro uses the least cpu, has a decent user interface like ubuntu and has software center or at least can do something with .deb packages?
Why do you ask about a distro advice if you're going to describe lubuntu anyways?
debian minimal with a WM like openbox. if you have some space you could use bunsenlabs. the equivalent to the software center would be Aptitude or synaptic which you can install with apt. (sudo apt update, sudo apt upgrade, sudo apt install aptitude)
Get a thinkpad. I recommend the T400, that is what I am currently running arch on
>Which distro uses the least cpu
>1,4ghz dual core

It's probably just the gui
>i decide to reserve one gigabyte from the start of each drive: two used in raid 1 for /boot and the last one for swap
That's a lot more than you need for /boot! Mine is 32 MB.

My solution would be to give up the idea of getting it right the second time and settle in for a more experimental approach. Try it first with as traditional a boot partition as possible. No RAID, ext4. If that works, try it with btrfs. If that works, try it again with RAID.

You definitely do not need more space for /boot.

>if no raid on /boot how do I ensure my machine can boot if that drive fails?
The contents of /boot very rarely change (I keep the partition unmounted on my machine), so you could implement a sort of pseudo-RAID yourself, with a cron job. Keep your bootloader installed on every disk and an identical /boot partition on every disk, occasionally syncing them (maybe once a day, max) with a cron job and rsync. Then if your boot drive fails you can just switch the boot device in your BIOS. You'll have to refer to your drives by their UUID in your bootloader configuration, but other than that I can't think of any caveats.
Can I dual boot from 2 different hard drives? I have a 465gb hard drive running windows 10 now and I dont want to split that size or clone to a bigger drive.

Also I am tired of coding on my laptop I want to get linux on my desktop.
Yeah, Grub detects OSs on multiple hard drives.
Just make sure all drives with bootable partitions are all partitioned in the same way (gpt or msdos)

I got my BIOS set to boot from USB first, then the internal hard drive. I plug in my external hard drive if I want to use Arch, and leave it unplugged for Windows
Just plug a Linux install USB and install it on the other drive, and configure grub2 and shit.
You don't really need to configure grub2. Just make sure it's installed on the primary drive.
Thanks for the awesome reply!

>You definitely do not need more space for /boot.
The reason I asked is because I started with a /boot/ partition at 16MB and I spent a while figuring out why I kept getting "base system install failed" errors. I guess I just went overkill on the 1GB but it was partially influenced by this:
which says the boot partition should safely be at 500MB (probably also overkill).

>Try it first with as traditional a boot partition as possible.
I'll drop the raid and see what I can do, thanks. It was really frustrating working on it and it was turning to news years eve and I just had to walk away. I'll try to get it to boot and report back
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Happy 2016, /flt/!
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Friendly reminder
This looks old. Very old. Where did you find this ancient relic?
5 Rupees and a plate of curry have been dispatched to your name, prajeet. Throughout 2015 you have showed much more efficiency than our other valued members.
Our board unanimously agreed to raise fund to establish a loo in your residential premise.
Marketing dept. (International),

So I have a ssd with windows 10 running now. Do I just install the second and then run a live cd to install gnome on the new drive? Will it set itself as the default boot loader and add windows as an option on its own? Do I need to do more than just set it as the default boot drive?
When people say "do not do apt-get dist-upgrade because it will break your OS" are they just spouting a meme? I've done it ever since I started using Debian testing and it's never broken anything.

All the real working networking guys a know use ccleaner like crazy. People who have been in it for years, Surprised the fuck out of me since I always assumed it was just bullshit bloatware.
It's true for ubuntu, not debian.
For real and for true? Would you recommend it for stable?
Yeah, fuck IOBit 360 right?
You probably have to replace the bootloader on the Windows drive with the superior grub2.
You probably heard Ubuntu users. Not really a concern on Debian.

Just saying all those old timers never talk about that.
Grub will start up at boot on whatever drive you installed it on, but you'll need to set it to the default boot device in the BIOS for it to boot into grub.

It's the 2016 version. Stay butthurt.

>On one side there's a Linux user who proves his points with tons of links:

>On the other side there's a butthurt freetard using EPIC image-macros >>52175612

I wonder who's more believable...
Dear paid shill, we've gone through this many times and have gotten tired of it. Unlike you, however who keep posting the same image because you are so butthurt
>I wonder who's more believable...
The one whose claims are verifiable and consistent with regards to logic and evidence, regardless of presentation, Trump-supporter.
Nothing of it was ever disproved.
>Your stability/hardware/software support propaganda
I myself replied to your image and you didn't respond, which means you are in no place to argue
On the other hand I know full well most of the picture of >>52175612 is true, do not even think of denying
Someone lurked some Windows cracking forums and wrote down some subjects?

WINDOWS IS DEAD! This pic proves it!!!
>cracking forum
Jesus Christ

No, this "pic" you speak of, proves windows' design vulnerability. Unless you can properly present counter arguments (because YOU are the one who keeps posting this daily), move along. Memes deserve meme replies
The user is a design vulnerability? Color me surprised
It's funny how If I were to post a picture that consists of all the replies, I would be considered a fat autist who lives at basement and has nothing else to do.
Your NEET propaganda is void of relevancy and the fact that you resort to call people jobless just shows your lack of a proper response
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Of course Linux isn't ready for desktop.

Because if you ask majority of the planet with any contact with computers about being "ready for desktop" they will answer you - a copy of Windows.

Linux was NEVER meant to be a free copy of Windows and no matter how hard canonical tries to make it it will never be one.

If you're switching to Linux expecting Windows, you will only get dissapointment, so don't even bother.

Linux is an OS for professionals and for technology enthusiasts.
Not the average user.

Time for Linux fanboys to accept those fact and stop thinking about them as something bad.

I know only ONE person who uses Linux on his laptop and knows FUCK SHIT about how it works.
It takes a very special kind of person honestly..
God thing Linux' so secure...

trying centOS
been using it for ~4 hours and haven't enjoyed it to say the least.
should i go back to slack or keep trying?
any CentOS users here?
There's no linux there lad.
The average user only needs a browser and office, maybe some multimedia like music and video players and that's pretty much doable with Linux these days.
centOS is a free of charge version of rhel with binary compatibility with rhel packages.

RHEL/CentOS isn't a desktop distro.
It's very specified server/workstation/critical applications distro aimed at high reliability and extensive testing on every package.

Do you really need 10 years of support from a distribution?
it was recommended to be used for my server but i decided to test it for my my desktop first.
that makes sense why i was having trouble then
>Color me surprised
You shouldn't be, you have become enslaved by Microsoft and you cater to their poor choices

>Linux machine can be "hacked" by pressing backspace
Once you have physical access to the hard drive, not even windows can defend your data. People are lot smarter than you think
If your /bin/sh has been bash, the attack surface is huge. You can bypass command restrictions in .ssh/authorized_keys (think git push only accounts, but also many automated systems use ssh for secure authenticated communication channels). Even non-bash CGIs are vulnerable if they ever system() - in fact, anything that ever system()s is vulnerable if you can influence its environment. There are now published proof-of-concepts for configuring DHCP servers to execute arbitrary commands on clients via dhcp hooks.
Both shellshock and heartbleed applies for mac and linux and yes, people know how to be catious. nice links though
>i decided to test it for my my desktop first.
There's no point in doing that honestly.
Even redhat runs Fedora on their desktop machines.
Users are a vulnerability on each and any system.
Funny how you changed the topic of design imposed system vulnerability to that of user imposed one. Your UAC (user account control) is not even a full flavor of Linux's superior temporary privilege escalation.
Point out which of those points made in the picture are design imposed system vulnerabilities and unrelated to user-errors like downloading shit from non-trsutable sources.
i guess if i ever change drives in my server, i'll switch to centos. until then, il just keep using slackware
thanks guys
>which of those points made in the picture are design imposed system vulnerabilities
All these crack/patch/keygen/Loader are objectively prove how easily exploitable windows systems are.
If there were a proper privilege system, almost all those rootkits would be of no harm.
Not even windows defender "detects" all those key changes on your registry and those "patching" processes are even automated
No, that's exactly the user downloading shit from non trustable sources.
And the user gives his consent to the installation, so privileges wouldn't help since the user typically has admin rights on his own pc.

The problem here is that users will do a lot of unsafe things to get their proprietary software without paying.
i don't think you have the same definition of an average user as i have. my parents are better off with mint than with windows.
does anyone know how to add a audio control applet to tint2?
Ex-windows user and linux noob here. I'm using Arch with Cinnamon DE, and have installed all the software I need from the AUR with yaort. Got steam and steam games running beautifully too.

What do I need to do to maintain this system, there's no problems with anything at all. It boots faster than windows. Uses less than 700MiB RAM at idle. So I'm definitely going to be staying with Arch Linux as my main Operating System. And will only use Windows on a Steam-only machine, where no browsing etc is done.
>Ex-windows user
>Still uses Windows
No brownie-points for you
I'll only have it on my $4000 4K gaming machine, and only Steam will be used. It will basically be a console.
Anyone know if there is a PPA or what not for the latest up to date drivers for amd?
No brownie-points, period.
Any tips for my laptop battery drain? I always knew linux was shit for battery life but its really bad. Going from windows to xubuntu 15.10 I'm getting like half my battery power then I'd normally get with windows.
FOSS or proprietary? closed ones are faster in some stuff, FOSS in other things but the FOSS drivers are more stable.
use a newer kernel, configure stuff.
guys stop fucking around distro hopping and just use slackware, take the learning curve and build the system you want.
Can I get a guide to proper partitioning?

I'm doing fresh install on 250gb SSD. I'd like to know difference between primary and logical, how to encrypt etc.
>Can I get a guide to proper partitioning?
Nope, people just have their own individual preferences.
>like to know difference between primary and logical, how to encrypt
Start educating yourself then.
trying. Guides I found dont cover it.
Read the Arch Wiki
But I'm firmly placed on openSUSE KDE and not moving.
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Workspace 1_002.png
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why does the tiling of my terminals not perfect? it works with a web browser or other programs, but not the terminals. And it's not just gnome-terminal, as I tried xterm and it did the same, just less obviously. Using xfce, with the tiling shortcuts.
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What do you guys use tour distro for?

I installed arch on a spare shitty laptop i had to just browse and watch youtube. Then I realised i could use it as a development environment for my 3DS.
Just installed gnome on desktop trying to get amd drivers installed. I forget how to do this. On plain ubuntu I had to go into their software center and allow third party drivers. On gnome I cant remember. I found this though http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/222000/how-to-install-amd-catalyst-15-7-fglrx-15-20-1046-on-debian-8-jessie and it got me wondering: is there anything new going on with linux and the new amd control center or red or whatever they are calling it? What is my move for amd drivers.
why is*

Amd website gave me a .run file which I am running now but it is taking forever. Slow to the point that I dont think its working.
the size of the terminal window is bound to the width and height of characters.
Why an outdated version?

So I am trying to use the amd .run file for ubuntu. And its loading. And it has taken about 5+ mins to load 15% maybe. Wtf is this thing doing?
it's downloading windows. that's the only way to get proper 3d support.
They have really gotten out of control trying to distribute windows 10.
>rebound a key using something that was not xmodmap
>document set up like
keycode 43 = a A a A 

>forgot both document location and how to load it
any ideas? on xubuntu
how do i make youtube-dl cache more than 73MB?
error. i cant seem to grasp what you're asking.
what the fuck did i use to change my keybindings, it was some config somewhere that i loaded somehow
hm no pretty sure it was something else
>hm no pretty sure it was something else
how am i supposed to know what you did!
im hungover and just realized my idiocy
thanks, guessing that's some search function i can use which should do it
yeah i know it's vague as shit, i used xev to find the keycodes which I then put in some config of the above format
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Is it possible to have conky on top of the gnome panel? Like in pic related, just move it up some so it is on top of the panel, in the blank spaces. Obviously editing it so less info is displaced so it would fit.

I have tried to move it up more, but that's as high as it goes.
check your bash history to see what file you edited?
Seriously how do you install amd drivers in gnome these days. This run file is still loading.
just set conky's y position to negative
>terminal saves history despite reboots
well shit. found it, it was mykeydefs.lst, thank you!
Why does portage mask packages, what does that mean, and why should I care?
masking is basically blacklisting a package or a certain version of a package so it doesn't get installed. it's mostly done when the package is unstable or has some other problem.
there's usually a comment telling you why a package was masked. you can unmask it if you want to ignore the warning and install it anyway.
Is gap_y the correct thing to use?

If so, it only goes as high as in my picture. Which is about gap_y 30. Anything lower than that, including negative numbers, and it doesn't move up any more.
could you post your conkyrc then?
Oh ok. I was trying to install Cinnamon and it was getting masked. Though it would probably just be better to jump to openbox and learn to use that instead of unmasking a package for portage. How would I go about unmasking it?
>Using xfce
There's your issue. Use a real tiling WM (i3).
Sure. http://pastebin.com/Kcdr1Yju
what was masked? Are you using stable or something?
amd drivers shouldn't have to do anything with gnome.
from this part looks like you were putting the y value in the wrong spot
gap_x -35
gap_y 30

voffest wasnt used so it couldnt be fucking it up
The start of a new chapter in your life
>from this part looks like you were putting the y value in the wrong spot
I'm not sure I understand. What's the right spot?

miss microsoft office?

Use this clone of microsof office

>Free for linux
>Window retards must pay hahaha

Contains word, powerpoint (copy), and excel (copy)

Safe, made by kingsoft. Enjoy

(Not FOSS)

You mean it comes by default or do you mean its such a shit fest I should give up?

I thought I had this working a couple months ago but I always had trouble with the de-encypt prompt never appearing and I had to type my password into a black screen.
How does that compare to LibreOffice?
>(Not FOSS)
hmm no thanks
he means amd drivers are nothing to do with the DE you use.

What you are doing dealing with drivers outside of your package manager though is anyone's guess.
It alays works when you open with microsoft office.

I am only displaying this software since not every employer, person(s) use libre. This can cause formatting issue.

Using wps will make it always work when using office at the other end.

I use it to conduct propper docs for users that still use windows.
"It's free for linux only"

>Implying you're not using property servers on the Internet right now

Social justice right here.
>FOSS everything, or be a limited retard with the worse compatibility to other systems.
gnome shell may have margins set.

#${font Hack:size=40}${alignr}${time %H:%M}$font
#${color1}${font Hack:size=24}${alignr}${time %a, %d/%m/%Y}$color$font

below any non-commented text or remove it
 gap_y 0

and append
${voffset -20}
to the front of the first line under TEXT

Thanks for this reminded me this is ubuntu and I had a software center found the proprietary software option.
Feel free to start making some sense at any time shitty apps guy.
well, the FOSS AMD drivers are already installed most likely, you can upgrade them with your system. but if you need the proprietary ones for something (rendering with cycles is something that comes to my mind). if you use debian you need to enable contrib and non-free sources if you want to install the proprietary drivers. for this you just type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list into the terminal and add the words "contrib" and "non-free" after the word "main". then save and apt update and apt upgrade. after this you can install the non-free drivers.
learn to use the wiki and the documentation. and a DE has absolutely nothing to do with your
Hey dudes, ive decided to try out a distro for the first time and i liked the sound of Debian and Kubuntu

I decided to go with kubuntu because of the whole murdock thing, so im sticking with it for the minute

I tried installing Kubuntu but my PC wont give me any option to load anything other than windows, and goes straight to it.

Just in case it matters, im running windows 10 pro upgrade with a legacy bios

The motherboard is a gigabyte X99, with an intel 5930K running 2 1tb SSD's in RAID 0

Ive disabled fast boot in the windows settings and in the BIOS settings, but thats not changed much

From my understanding, GRUB 2 is either not installed or not working.

Before installing Kubuntu, i created a 300Gb partition in Windows, and through the setup in the Kubuntu setup i chose the manual option and created a 150Gb partition through the installer, was this correct?

Thanks for reading, hope somebody can tell me where i fucked up

>inb4 Kubuntu meme
>inb4 DDR4 meme
>inb4 GRUB 'hack' meme
>I decided to go with kubuntu because of the whole murdock thing
what? are you influenced by memes this much?
What you are telling me when you:
>No thanks

That tells me that you are one ironic and ignorant cunt.
Not only are you using some property hardware with your linux distro but you are also using property Internet tools and systems to just post to 4chan.

I am simply offering a free alternative to microsoft windows and you seem to hate it because "muh FOSS".

As I said. A social justice retard...

> "If it is not FOSS, it is bad"
Nah, i was just hesitant with Debian's future now that one of its (from my limited understanding) key developers going off the deep end

Even if its not true somethings happened to the entire core of its management that'll make them more focused on saving face and trying to get good PR rather than development

(yes i realise there'll be future updates and still a very active community, i would just prefer Kubuntu over it because of this)
>I decided to go with kubuntu because of the whole murdock thing, so im sticking with it for the minute
You might want to do a bit more research about kubuntu
This is the writer layout
>you're such an ignorant cunt because you disagree with my shitty apps selection

Don't blame it on the sunshine, don't blame it on the good times, blame it on social justice.
Hey OP. Do fucking reply as if you are me.

You are also not making fucking sense.

I bet you have not even downloaded from the link I provided. You are just saying shit based on defense of closed source programs.
how can I make my openbox right click menu match my gtk theme?
>Muh smart

Disconnect from the internet and and unistall your GUI retard.

>Implying you have not viewed your GUI code to ensure big brother is not recording
Original wps OP here

If you even looked at the link you would find the FOSS part incorrect.

>From the wps website
Feel free with your creation. Writing, calculating, showing as your mind. When you are feeling good, share to your friends. When you are feeling bad, we are here.
WPS Community only provide Linux version, you can download windows version here.

"WPS community"
Libre looks fine to me, but nothing beats LaTeX.
latex is not an office suite
The thing is I can and have the freedom to inspect the code if I desire. You, on the other hand, do not have that liberty.
the link doesn't mention anything about licences and what you just wrote is not an indication it is FOSS.
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Hey, didn't get an answer in the last thread, so I'm asking again.

> Gentoo Hardened install
> GRUB2 Bootloader
> Systemd
> LUKS encrypted root partition, rootfs is an LVM, as are the swap and home partitions

It will boot, but it says "/dev/mapper/vg-root is not a valid rootfs" and spams some message about trying to find another one.

I can type shell and manually decrypt the drive and make the lvms available, at which point I can ctrl-d out and let the boot go on.

Evidently my computer is trying to mount the root lvm before decrypting the drive. Does anyone know how to resolve this?

> inb4 don't use systemd

When I was using Openrc I never got to the point where it would recognize my hard drive.
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webdev on manjaro. Yay or Nay?
I only need pretty basic stuff: nginx, php-fpm, mysql/postgres, node and meteor.
I'm tired of having to type my root password over and over for every tiny little adjustment I make to the system. I've heard strong disrecommendations towards running Linux without root password - but seriously, unless one is incredibly careless, what can possibly go wrong?
I have a really simple password.
You did encrypt the LVM container, not the partition inside the LVM, right?

Does systemd know? The only times I've used a setup like that, I've used an initramfs. You will need that, because you have an encrypted root.

Don't try and use systemd in initramfs yet, or you're 100% on your own.
Are you using sudo? Fuck sudo. Just do su into your root account and change shit from there.

Don't be an idot. Use a secure root password; if you don't anyone can fuck up your computer.
Open a terminal and type in
enter your root pass
>Then Shut the fuck up

>Second option
Or you could deal with linux having security even if that requires the user to verify system changes by providing identification and authorization credentials.

You do not install software or change the system on a everyday basic. A prompt for password is required because you do not want you retarded neighbor hacking you system using a kali tools.
Yes, the LVM container is encrypted, and I generated an initramfs with

genkernel --udev --luks --lvm --mdadm --install initramfs
>Fuck sudo. Just do su into your root account and change shit from there.
I'd prefer to avoid having to do either.
>if you don't anyone can fuck up your computer.
How exactly?
>You do not install software or change the system on a everyday basic
Actually I kinda do at this stage.
How exactly does flatshit improve quality of software?
Then learn on how to correctly provide correct identification and authorization by using terminal.

Hell you can:

>Enter terminal
Sometimes this works*
>Enter program name with sudo at the satrt
This can open the program in a root level
>Enter program name with sudo at the satrt
Yes, and this asks for root password.
The important options are presented in sections instead of blasted out on the front page.

Paste has further options
>Replace text?
>Replace section?
Best put that in a drop down menu. With libre they instead place another icon next to pastes options.

>Just to avoid arguments here
I personally like WPS. I understand others may disagree and that is ok. If you do not want to use WPS due to looks or feels then don't use it and stick to what you feel works for you.

I am just displaying this software since libre has got a rep of having formatting issue once opened by microsoft office.

I mean employers, If you are not employed already, might use windows because they do not have time to waste on learning linux or libre. Having that compatibility and reliable receipt would be important for applying for jobs.
Nice pasta. Some of us remember when this was last posted.
It asks for it once.
If you cannot handle opening software as root but then no longer requiring that ID part then linux is not for you.
Actually it's not pasta.
It asks for it every time sudo is invoked.
then open a fucking bash using sudo.

You know have a sudo access sub shell

type in sudo bash
>The important options are presented in sections instead of blasted out on the front page.
So instead of clicking once to perform a basic functionality in case you've forgotten the a proper keyboard shortcut, you click twice or more looking for a correct section.

>I am just displaying this software since libre has got a rep of having formatting issue once opened by microsoft office.
That's true.
Not fault of libreoffice tho.
Documentation of Microsoft's OOXML is open and there's not a single reason why libreoffice devs would implement it wrong.
Documents done in Microsoft Office render correctly in Libreoffice, but those done in Libreoffice do not render correctly in Microsoft Office.

Microsoft are just dicks that are quite happy with their complete monopoly over the market and do not want to loose it.
>Actually it's not pasta.
Actually it is pasta. Congrats though, looks like your trolling is working.
Might as well type su, no?
That gets me a lot closer. Now it's behind the panel. What option do I need to get it on top?
This is why linux (any distro) is not built for retards.

Learn linux basics before you even use linux as a desktop.

I bet you do not undertsnad SElinux, app armor, or any form or preventive permissive measures that create god mode security for your linux shit.

>He does not know how to start a sudo bash terminal using sudo
>He does not know what the sudo file config is
>He does not know how using root account is fucking bad

just add

to your sudoers list and wonder why 1337 hax0rs keep 'hacking' your system
no because sudo still has limits.

If you use su you are giving that bash subshell full access to everything.

Yes, typing in su starts a bash subshell with root access. Use sudo since sudo does not contain root permission but has access to administrative functions of root.

"There is questions asked with sudo unlike su"

"root can do anything with no questions asked"
No I don't understand. Guess why I'm posting in a linuxbabby thread?
Well basically if you download any malware (yes, there is malware for linux, and generally the people that make it are smarter because Wangblows is trivial to fuck up) then it can do significantly more damage.

That and if someone manages to gain remote access to your computer or physically logs on with intent to fuck shit up they can do damage.
Did you read
"Linux for beginners" book?

if not, you have done zero research before switching to linux. Go back to windows where that might be less damaging to your systems life.
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Do the guy with root password problem.

Do whatever the fuck you want.
It's your computer, not ours.

If you don't feel like having to fiddle with shit in order to not have root password, just login as root in the login screen and use it as your everyday account.
No there is not you retard.

There is only malicious scripts. That is the virus form for linux since it changes a predefined number of objects.

Malware does not exist with unix like systems...
This, who the fuck cares. It's not like the retard is getting a job involving security or going anywhere near my computer.
My point still stands. These scripts would need access to root functions to do any real damage.
>I installed arch on a spare shitty laptop i had to just browse and watch youtube.

This, but on my desktop.

I'm probably the least /g/ person in this thread, to be quite honest, but I wanted something I had more control over.
what is your perception of /g/?
i only learned linux so i could watch my chinese cartoons
I just installed Linux mint on my drive and when I boot up, I see a black screen with white letters. I select to boot into Linux mint and I can't see anything on my screen after. Is there any reason for this and how can I fix it?
Basically. Windows would actually be passible for everyday security if privilege escalation was mandatory, because malware would only ever get user access. If you run unknown .exe's from the internet with admin, you deserve everything you get.

My question, though, is why are scripts the only major malware for Linux? I don't understand that. Is it because most other forms of malware don't run without explicit execute permissions?
I'm uncertain; I haven't studied it very much.

Shell scripts are basically linux' answer to .exes. If run with root privileges, they can do whatever the hell they want. Run as a user, they can steal your files and do horrible shit, but they can't fuck up the system itself.

Now, there are ways of executing scripts without the user knowing (hidden processes, Trojan horses, etc.) and exploits to gain root privileges, though these are incredibly difficult and get patched within 24 hours of being made known to the community.

If anyone with knowledge of the subject wants to correct me, I welcome them.

Black screen with white letters - is this the BIOS screen or the regular boot-choice screen?

Are you sure you fully installed it and it's not still working?
Can I ask what the point of Linux from scratch is? Aren't there already a million distros, and if you're doing it outside of a hobby, what's the point?
its like the 200mph club
its for people to say and show off that they did it
Oh so it is a hobby/epeen show. I'd do it, but I can't be assed to work forever on something that has no practical value.
That's the latest that have been posted
dev work is distro neutral
Actually LibreOffice Calc looks simpler and more easier to handle.
This thread will be deprecated in 3 posts, move to >>52183420 later on.
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Super serious. I can now move it into a position where it will be over the panel, but it is behind it. I tried changing some options, but nothing made it come out on top.
what is the best screen recording software for linux with .webm capabilities?
Murdock hasn't been involved with debian in over 10 years.
you didn't repost in the other thread so i'll answer it here: ffmpeg or simplescreenrecorder
maybe OBS if you're into that
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