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unforgivable computing practices of others thread I'll

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unforgivable computing practices of others thread

I'll start:

>touching your computer screen
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> not having the nessecary cable/adapter on hand at all times
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You're at a LAN party and this grill comes up and slaps your LCD's digitizer. What do you do?
>logging in as root instead of using sudo
>Uninstalling sudo and making root the only account.
>using raid as a backup solution
>Removing root and using a non-privileged user acct., after changing r/w/e permissions for the entire system to 'everyone.'
>denying users the freedom to modify the software
But that's part of it's design, Anon.
>Plugging in a mouse or keyboard to the front facing usb port.
>Using GNU/Harmful software
>Plugging in a flash drive or USB headset to the rear USB ports.
making your everyday account at admin and setting no password.
Not removing the protective film from a device long after it has been purchased.
>browsing 4chan/9gag/other web culture site in public
There's not much more cringeworthy than watching some faggot a few rows down from you in a classroom flipping through "I don't always... but when I do" pics in the middle of class.
>having a woman in a bikini/moe animeshit loli background
Same guy as above. What the fuck's wrong with this him?
>using a program that's taking up almost all of the screen, but which isn't maximized
Bothers the hell out of me. Macfags tend to do this a lot. Almost every single one of them, that I've seen. Macfags hate fullscreen windows.
>everything saved to the desktop
>not knowing even basic specs of your machine
>click yes through entire install without reading
>not aware of things that are already running
>Full screening a window
Why don't you just use a tablet?

>Using a charger dangling by its chord
It won't last very long if you do that

>Using bold text instead of headers
Just because it looks the same doesn't mean it is
>using a program that's taking up almost all of the screen, but which isn't maximized
God I hate this. And that ugly fucking dock that they insist on having everywhere, as if it takes too long to minimize or switch window or whatever to start an application from the dock. It just HAS TO BE THERE ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
>full screening a window
>hurr why use all of a screen to perform a task when you could use a small segment?
I would ask the same of you: why don't you just use a tablet or a ten inch netbook?
>creating bait threads on /g/
>People who pound away at their keyboards while typing like it owes them money
>Using doc/docx/whatever instead of latex
>Using google/dropbox/whatever instead of git
>Not using shortcuts for everyday activities, such as copy/paste, searching, open new tab, switch between windows.
>being told by upper management what my machine upgrade (downgrade) will be.
>being told that what I'm doing is easy and should take a few minutes.
>git commit comments that don't describe what the commit was about.
>>Using google/dropbox/whatever instead of git
For us, Ok, but many plebians can't even into phones. How do you expect they can get into git?

>Using doc/docx/whatever instead of latex
Companies, schools and etc do not care about format or program. For them, Microsoft Office and doc/docx just works. Are you really willing to bother these people talking about how latex is good and try to change the all status quo?
>aliasing emacs to vim
>Walks in Starbucks with his $300+ beats by dre headphones, $1000+ MacBook pro
>Orders literally the cheapest drink on the menu, or a water
>Opens up a tiny Garageband project composed entirely of premade samples and navigates exclusively with the touchpad
>Facebook open, presumably to post about the "music" he's "working" on.
>sits for 20 minutes listening to the project over and over, occasionally moving a sample over a couple beats then moving it back
>after this mandatory waiting period, he is disappointed nobody has approached him to tell him how cool he is for being an indie musician so he attempts to strike up conversation with a Barista
>talks about his music, bands he thinks you have the least chance of recognising, and particularly how superior his Mac is to anything you've ever used
>eventually, he realises you don't care, and returns to his Mac
>browses Facebook for 2 minutes
>goes outside to smoke, leaving the Mac on the table making sure to switch to garage band first, usually with a mixer or something "technical" looking showing
>comes back in, packs up and leaves

ex Starbucks barista reporting. this happened at least twice a week.
>using either of them
nano master race
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my fucking sides

No it's not.

Story time

>be me
>working in small company
>avast av everywhere
>for some reason it doesn't work in my computer
>"it must be your setup anon."
>but I have nearly the same setup at home. Only difference it's the AV
>"What AV you're using at home?"
>Fast-Forward a year -- no av in the meantime.
>"We're getting you a new computer anon"
>Boss/CTO set it up for me.
>"There anon, everything is working, Avast included"
>Ok, I'll just install my stuff.
>Install autohotkeys because muh caps locks/esc swapping
>Avast stops working
>"See anon, it was your setup, remove ahk"
>av still not working
>"Don't lose it now boss, let's just use the latest restore point"
>Last restore point after win 8.1 install
>"Well, at least you won't have to start from scratch"
>He gets into it
>Can't join computer to domain
>We can't figure out what's wrong
>Go and take look to the server rack
>Hardware display shows on server "Error: 1"
>Me: What going on?
>B: "I dunno"
>B: "I'll just restore from a backup image, I set up a raid on the server"
>Me: Ok
>Two hours later, server has found no image
>Boss starts freaking out
>Takes HDD out of server and tries on his computer
>"No format" Error
>Disk is damaged
>B: "But the raid was supposed to has a backup that is IMPUSSIBLE"
>Suddenly remember the rack setup.
>Me: "Did you put a UPS between the wall and the wall?"
>B: No
>I transcend the idiocy on this material world and reach a new level of consciousness.
Yes, tapping on screen is annoying, My screen is my screen.
I do side computer work and my screen is whatever I move it to. Mine.

To date, no client has really touched my screen in a annoying way.

Hurray for as many people I have worked with.
>using a glorified version of notepad
>implying sudo always works
muh kernel modules
>>after this mandatory waiting period, he is disappointed nobody has approached him to tell him how cool he is for being an indie musician so he attempts to strike up conversation with a Barista
Is this actually a thing? People randomly approaching at coffee shops to talk about whatever you're doing?

>he doesn't know motherboard mounted USB ports are more stable bandwidth wise than front mounted.


you need to chown some shit and figure out what's actually wrong instead of just hitting it with sudo until it works

>>using a program that's taking up almost all of the screen, but which isn't maximized
>Bothers the hell out of me. Macfags tend to do this a lot. Almost every single one of them, that I've seen. Macfags hate fullscreen windows.

The iMacs in the art department at my college have this. Idk if its a setting you can turn off or what, but when you click the maximize button, it only maximizes the height of the app. Safari is especially bad at this. It pisses me off to no end
you'd be surprised.
I actually got a ton of numbers from decent looking girls both behind the bar and in the lobby after I quit because they would get bored and strike up conversation.
>tfw Brown hair blue eyes master race
>tfw guy in front of me in Networking class is on /v/ and /a/ the entire time
>tfw reading his mangas the entire class
>tfw he's white as fuck
fucking weebs
>not using tab, space, or enter while writing a code

a friend of mine sent me his code, because it was not working. he wanted me to correct it if I see any mistakes he made. I was liek "holy crap i can't even see what you are doing in this!"
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>>tfw Brown hair blue eyes mustard race
Well, there you go. It doesn't have anything to do with whatever you're doing.
"First, install this arbitrary shareware program that hasn't been updated since 2004: http://www.SharewareUtilityPro.com/trial"
>People who don't even have a desktop because it's cluttered with files, random programs they probably never use and folders everywhere that contain nothing probably.
This is autism.
Look it deep in eyes and laugh.

Touch her nose.
I remember a guy at uni who would write a function, test it, and then turn his code into a single line.
On retrospective, a simple s/;/;\n would have been enough to make it readable again
I've never been approached like that anywhere else, anon (except for this one time in wal Mart by a fat chick and her friend). Coffee shops when they're slow are a great social place.
>raid as a backup solution
what's wrong with that?
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whatever do you mean?
grandma forgot her dvi cable, damn me for not having one in my back pocket automagically~
>looking for a program to do a task
>find one on a website
>see the word "free" plastered everywhere
>am skeptical, look around website for a "buy" link
>don't find one
>alright, seems good
>run installer
>click "advanced settings", the other option being "express install"
>opt out of all the sidebars and shit it wants to install apart from the main program
>installer finally finishes
>run it
>run Revo uninstaller
>it cleans up like five hundred registry links and files/folders that the default uninstaller left behind
Using Windows is suffering.

>that one guy think it's worth the trouble to learn and use linux just so he can modify inanely trivial things like what color the border is around his windows
If the program tries to install toolbars of any kind, it's a good idea to research it. If reception is generally positive, disable them and get on with it. If reception is negative, it's like malware. If nothing comes up, it's likely malware.
>Using Windows is suffering.
If you manage to accidentally fuck up Windows, you're really not ready for anything other than OS X.
This x 1000
A lot of the linux desktops I see just make me think "Wow this is fucking autistic"
I haven't. What the hell are you on about? Did you even read the post? I'm talking about the shitty practices employed by many Windows devs.
I do this, its a bad habit from having sticky ass keys on my first computer. It was old and no, the stickiness was not cum related. (I hope)
But I have a touch screen.
Almost me.
I was willing to install Arch and use it for a month before I realized I didn't need it and a lot of what I wanted to do required arbitrary processes that really weren't worth the effort.
So you're saying you DIDN'T install malicious payware because you chose to download and install without looking into it?
Because that's what your post said.
>Removing root
One does not simply remove root.
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Is that what you call "malicious"? It didn't harm my machine.
removing the protective film from a device
>installs "five hundred registry links and files/folders"
>not malicious

>what is hyperbole
The point is, the uninstaller was shitty, hacked together, and did a shitty job of removing what it put on the machine. Like most uninstallers.

I find blue eyed people to be very intimidating. It's like you're talking to this person who can see right through your soul.
>installs "five hundred registry links and files/folders"
>lies about being free
>doesn't remove everything when uninstalled
>not malicious
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Picking nose and hiding the boogers under the keycaps of your Model M
>not eating your boogers to boost your immune system
But no one does this.
If you own a Model M, not like anyone else is going to be around you to use it...
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>replacing keys on keyboard with blank keys because SO LEET DONT NEED NO LABELS
people who continuously click desktop icons to open programs, on windows of course..
>convenience is a bad thing
>girl at a LAN party

yeah, right...
>People who willingly touch another man's personal keyboard
Don't people know they masturbate there? Might as well reach down his pants and touch.
>grandma uses a dvi cable

you mean a vga
>not knowing what weeb means
My WASD keys got blank naturally blank.
I think he means clicking it again and again even when it's already starting up.
That is by design. Up until Yosemite, that button isn't to make the window full screen but to resize it to a size that fits all the content inside. That's why safari only resized vertically, the page you were viewing didn't have any more content horizontally. Fucking brilliant if you ask me, why would one need to have windows using more space than the content within demands? Sadly, a lot of third party software never worked correctly with this behaviour (Firefox for example).
>I have shitty plastic and key dye
>using sudo instead of su
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>Shutting down via the Start menu.
Don't tell me you press the button on your tower.
What if you have pending updates?
I always buy the cheapest keyboards, I prefer to spend my money on what's inside the case.
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>>touching your computer screen
>why would one need to have windows using more space than the content within demands?

>why are there blank parts and pages in a book? It should be all nonstop text.
>he doesn't upgrade his grandma

Enjoy your deprecated granny, you lamer
I was approached once for what was on my screen

to be honest: it was in the faculty building for computer sience and I have a matrix style setup for reasons, but yes, sometimes this actually happens
>>being told that what I'm doing is easy and should take a few minutes.

Fucking this. my boss won't stop doing this for every project i'm on.

It is not because I'm a developer that I can instantly program anything.
>open google
>enter facebook.com in the search field
>CLICK search
>click on the first result

>right click on start menu -> browse (to open windows explorer)

>clicking on the scrollbar in a browser
>while using a wheel mouse

Correct answer
>>clicking on the scrollbar in a browser
>>while using a wheel mouse
This this is the best method if you want to get to a certain part of a large page.

>using the scroll wheel to get to the bottom of a page
>not running vlc as root like everything else
Oh, I should have been more specific: clicking on the small arrows at the ends of the scrollbar to "scroll" slowly down
>shutdown /s /t 0
Why would you open a command prompt and type that out instead of clicking twice?

A similar but lesser offense would be using an admin account to browse the internet.
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I saw one of those guys once, he had a fucking synth setup and it wasn't even plugged into anything. He sat there not doing anything and eventually took a phone call and then continued to browse facebook while alt-tabbing to his garage band whenever a female walked in.
Not the same. Margins and blank pages are a part of the content itself.
It's more like using A3 sized paper for an A5 sized layout.
Why is he holding his headphones like that? Is it because he wants everyone else to hear it?
>the website is down
Because that's how all the super hip awesome DJs do it Anon.
[spoiler] Because while performing a live concert it's kinda important to be able to hear the crowd, it's meaningless in his setting other than to look "cool" [/spoiler]
god I love "don't take the website down"
The very rare moment when I see my headphones that aren't the ones on my desk.
yeah that's what they actually believe

>not setting the power button press to mean soft shutdown instead of CUT THA POWAH
Rule #1 when installing unknown software:
Run it first in SandboxIE or VM.

Interesting, I haven't had a PC do that since my old Pentium/turbo unit.
I think the last pcs that actually did this were back when we still had AT mainboards
those also had the nice "You can now shut down your pc" screen

on modern systems you have to hold down the power button to hard shutdown it

this is dependent on the configuration
I think he meant using raid as the whole backup

since there is nothing wrong with saving the backup on a raid system
>needs to make simple calculations
>navigate from start menu, all programs, accessories, calculator instead of win+r calc
>types EVERY SINGLE DIGIT using the mouse
why [win]+r?
just the super key will be enough, since you can search in the start menu of any modern (post XP) windows anyway
Because it works on all windows from 95 to 8.1.
if(x == null)

You don't need a real girl in order to have a girl at a LAN party, anon.
Just do like we did in the old days. Pick the youngest and cutest looking boy and ask someone to steal his sister's clothes for him.
Works like a charm.
it's probably one less click or something and he's clearly ocd about it.
>I'll just restore from a backup image, I set up a raid on the server
>Takes HDD out of server and tries on his computer
>"No format" Error
>Disk is damaged
Do people really don't know how a raid setup works?
you are right

would be more elegant

but wheter that or
if(x) {

is better is disputable, that's singe point of exit but high indention and nested-levels
for raid1 this can be completelly valid
heyyyy I have those too! wish I were home, I'd take a pic.

they're fucking uncomfortable and have too much bass response, but pretty good cans, nonetheless
even this part?
>and tries on his computer
I genuinely did not know this shortcut, and I am ashamed
depending on your raid controller, a raid1 raid may leave the single harddrives operational
for exactly that reason, so it can be read from any system, if the raid controller failes

but this is only possible with raid1 and not every controller does it
I guess you do learn something new everyday and I suppose that's gotta be a pretty expensive controller
Please elaborate. :3
what's the alternative? in many cases checking for a null pointer before doing something is the only way I can think of.
normally you should have some way of error reporting and not just silently fail

or maybe he complains about what I pointed out here: >>45234677
The second code block, which is does the same, but doesn't just place a random return statement
>Garage band

Only correct answer.
>my dad had iphone 4 for years
>finally give him my old galaxy note 2
>"I need muh contacts"
>ok let's try to export them
>following guides
>setting up itunes
>itunes has no option to sync to gmail even though it's in the guides
>waste 30 minutes figuring out why
>finally find out it was changed, it has to be synced from the device
>ok let's do this
>go on the device, disable icloud and enable gmail
>oh yeah now we go
>look for a sync now option
>nope nothing
>it's not syncing
>look up why
>it seems that to sync to gmail the contacts have to be added to the gmail group
>ok let's do that
>wait where's the option?
>google it up again
>turns out there's no option, the google group can only be set as default for new contacts
>essentially apple removed any way to move out of their device from inside of it
>google some more
>suggests an exporter app, it's free on the app store
>go download this app, it is indeed free
>fuck yes we are finally doing it
>fucking apple

in the end all I had to do was logging in to iCloud and export a vcard file from there and then inport it into gmail


never again
Fruity Loops. Mixcraft. Fuck you.
I'll give you the part about error checking, trying and gracefully failing is good practice.

second option though... just bothers me. control flow is the same but you added an indentation level and more braces, how is that more readable? or is it just the autistic satisfaction of saving less than 5 keypresses?
>blaming apple for what developers do
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For more information on this subject see: Boku no Pico.
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>using I3, Openbox, Awesome, etc, just because /g/ say it so.

and that is why i dont use RAID
let's also talk about my dad's experience with moving to android and my mom's experience with her first smartphone:

>keeps tapping buttons too many times because the response is not immediate, costantly opens s-voice and puts the phone to sleep mere second after opening it
>touches the screen with his palm while picking up the live phone and wonders why the UI freaks out
>complains about the EMERGENCY CALL option on the lockscreen "is somebody calling me? how do turn it off?"
>fails to answer to calls because he can't into sliding the answer call icon
>installs "free apps" apps and when I tell him he's installing bullshit he says "no way I didn't install anything"
>general fuckups with the launcher, randomly moves icon inside folders, loses the app drawer icon, fails to slide icons to another screen by going outside of it with his finger

>fails to find the letters on the on-screen keyboard
>how do I send the message?
>fails to answer calls
>fails to find contacts
>wanted an internet subscription for facebook but can't figure how to turn on 3G and I have no idea how to explain to her in a way she'll understand
>show something on the phone to somebody
>they'll always want to take it into their hands to see better
>they'll never fail to touch the back button in the process and close the thing I wanted to show them
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>leaving the mouse cursor in the middle of a flash video
>Might as well reach down his pants and touch.
Who says I don't?
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>keeps tapping buttons too many times because the response is not immediate

stop getting your dad cheap phones
>keeps tapping buttons too many times because the response is not immediate
android in a nutshell
it's because the studio monitors in this starbucks are drowning out the next track he's trying to match tempos with. you're not a turntablist, you wouldn't understand
>Fucking brilliant if you ask me, why would one need to have windows using more space than the content within demands?

Because then every fucking window will be a different size.

And no, it isn't "brilliant" leaving a 2-3inch border down one side of the screen, because that space is useless.
I don't do it either, but I guess the reason behind this is a single point of exit

some coding guides prohibit keywords like
 return continue break 
since they influence control flow in a way, that could be done with refactoring it into single point of exit/loop check/big if block
meh, even the note 4 sometimes hangs completely for a few seconds for no reason

iphones have lag too but at least they masked it really well so that the untrained eye won't spot it

anyway sort of related:
>boss tries to use my work computer to show me something
>he just takes control himself instead of telling me what he wants to do
>gets frustrated when he can't find stuff
>opens explorer when trying to do any browsing
>accidentally pushes the extra button on the mouse causing windows to minimize (even though the regular mouse is sitting right next to it on the desk)
>looks for who knows what in the system tray and doesn't find it

then we have colleagues trying to do the same and stumbling in visual studio because they keep triggering features from extensions I installed.

then we have
>boss using only explorer and then webpages break and it's usually because he forced compatibility mode on for everything
>boss being stuck with programming practices from the 90es and fails to understand how modern programming works and the limitations
Oi, fuck you m8.
Mixcraft is the tits
"An animu image has nothing to do with electronics is my point. A picture of electronics, has far more to do with electronics, than an animu pic. If you don't want opinions, don't post questions."
>holding one speaker to your ear
Anyone who does this: put the fucking headphones on, lift the channel you don't want to listen to, and rest it above your ear.

The more unforgivable crime here is the fact that he's pretending to do work in Starbucks. I see fuckers like that all the time:

>college hippy looking very seriously at his macbook screen
>as I go past his table while waiting in the queue, I take a look at what's so serious
>four simultaneous windows open, the financial times, the new statesman, some Chinese newspaper, and a Russian newspaper
>I can see "foreign newspapers" in his browser searchbar

What the fuck do these people do when someone who actually speaks Chinese/Russian comes along?
I think I just lost the remaining hope I had in humanity.

If only I had a gun so I could an hero

Leave him alone, it's obviously Windows' fault. He is a superpoweruser who doesn't afraid of anything!

Thanks, did not know that!
that's so true haha

also nice dubs
that is the most overthought piece of stupid fuckery I have ever heard of
>in the end all I had to do was logging in to iCloud and export a vcard file from there and then inport it into gmail

So, you're saying it's your problem that you are retarded, but you want to blame Apple?
>meh, even the note 4 sometimes hangs completely for a few seconds for no reason

>buying a lagdroid
that's still not the proper way, there's just no way to have existing contacts sync natively, there used to be but they had to take out the option from itunes for who knows what reason
And why do you think that iCloud should natively support syncing contacts to Android/Google?

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
>>I can see "foreign newspapers" in his browser searchbar
More importantly, why the fuck does anyone do this? Is it to look cool and spout bullshit about how you care about what happens in the world?
Them fucking make use of the space. I use it for folders with files I'm working with, a TextEdit window for notes, a drop space when I want to save images from the browser.

Do you fullscreen all your notepad windows?
Wouldn't it be great if websites adapted to the available screen width?
>not just pressing command+space and typing in the calculation
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>have Nova launcher installed and keep everything in scroll dock + swipable folders
>friend takes phone
>has no clue how to navigate it because iPhone
Based Nova
Foreign news sources often don't have the same filters, bias, and murrrica f-yeah you find in US ones,
This. My mother bought a galaxy s4 6 months ago and still has the protective tab over the camera lens, despite the now horrendous picture quality.
at least have something cool up, like quantum computing, or near field theory or something you might actually enjoy reading or learn from, Jesus.

surely I'm not the only one that occasionally gets a wild hair up my ass every now and then and search advanced concepts like that purely out of passing interest?
Not fucking correctly formatting your HTML. For christ's sake indent!
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>Whoops I accidentally deleted that important file and it got overwritten
>Oh no my PC got stolen/caught fire
>My OS fucked up and corrupted the whole volume
>I got virused/hacked and my files are deleted or probably compromised

Versioning and ideally off-site or at very least offline media are pretty important for backups
Because he is an uber leet haxor who don't need no mouse. Mouse is bloat
Who holds their phone where other people can see it? I browse whatever site on my phone
What's wrong with Github's Atom again?
Lmao I use a lighter to burn insects off my screen. Usually some faggot ants

>tfw should clean my room soon
>Me: "Did you put a UPS between the wall and the wall?"
I don't get it.
>For us, Ok, but many plebians can't even into phones. How do you expect they can get into git?
Is this a good argument? Many plebs are religious and believe the law should reflect their religion. Does that make their behavior any less abhorrent?
>Are you really willing to bother these people talking about how latex is good and try to change the all status quo?
Of course I wouldn't tell them, just as I wouldn't tell them if they didn't wipe their ass after taking a shit. Is this thread about what you would bother other people with?
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Responsive web design of recent does expand as the window allows, but even then there are still limits. You don't want a news site to be stretching individual lines of text across the entire screen, it becomes uncomfortable to read

Don't let the Newegg and Microsoft pages fool you. Newegg is still mostly focused in the middle of the screen, those two ads you see are stickied.
Microsoft expands header banners to the window, but everything else for the most part is confined to the middle.
>tfw sold my s2
rip in piece best phone i've ever had
highest tier website design
This is retarded.
I picked a variety of sites I could think of off the top of my head.
Though when you boil things down, gimmicks aside, Lingscars structurally isn't too far off from Newegg and other shopping sites.
NULL isn't always 0 anon...
1 nice reddit post dude
The problem rose from this guy not putting a UPS between the wall and the server rack. No raid is going to protect you from a spike in the current.
I mean, between the wall and the server rack.
>>having a woman in a bikini/moe animeshit loli background
Nigga I've got 1246 backgrounds with a 1 to 2 split of naked chicks and nerd shit
>use them as my TV backgrounds when people are over.
>hang out with mostly gay guys and chicks.
>TFW they all love it and demand I "play the slide show" whenever they're over drinking
No one ever cared except the super SJW male feminist who sublet from me one summer and that's probably because he was in the closet.

On topic
>trying to play people music they've never heard using your phone's internal speaker

Thank god for Chromecast
Well I was thinking more of sites like 4chan.
>not being able to do it on windows
It's like you guys enjoy wasting your time with an inferior OS, I seriously don't get it
>inb4 muh freedumbs
There are more people who don't deserve technology at all.
>my father-in-law bought a tv
>it was a deal
>107cm for 300€
>I'm messing with it
>it's 3D
>tfw WHY?
>he's using it to watch news once a day

>bought a laptop because everybody has it
>he's had a tablet for a year almost
>after few months of using laptop to read news and search internet
>laptop has a dvd tray?
>he's like wow
>I'm like WAT

Why are they doing this to me?
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4chan is uncomfortable to read when full screened. See the comment about news sites not running text across the entire width.

Even the catalog can be bothersome in a full screen window. Yes, you can fit more thread thumbnails on screen, but going through them all is like watching a movie while sitting in the front row of the theater.
Because you're poor
>4chan is uncomfortable to read when full screened
That's like, your opinion I guess.

As for your screenshot: That's just shitty website design. You don't build your OS with shitty website design in mind.
>Typing sudo with multiple commands - not just using sudo su
>Telling people to compile from source when something doesn't work (unless they're tech savvy)
>Telling people to compile their project from source and fail to mention any fucking dependencies...
My dad does this. He rails those keys like they've wronged him.

He grew up with typewriters for one, and our first PC had one of those 3+ pound IBM mechanical keyboards (it might be here somewhere). We call him hammerfinger whenever he's on the computer.
>4chan is uncomfortable to read when full screened
I disagree.
or its to hear the current song playing while mixing in the next one?

>>they'll never fail to touch the back button in the process and close the thing I wanted to show them

fuck even other android users do this what the fuck. all of my hate
SJWs should have blank keyboards.
>can't type anymore
Yes they should.
Actually for the 5minutes I spent on the Sun Times site, I thought it was nicely done. It utilizes the full window. Links to other stories slide in when you're at the top, out when you scroll down, giving more vertical room for the story. The whites pace on the sides of the article element seems awkward at first, but allows you to focus onthe story more.
Compare to how the New York Times handles a news story. Everything is crammed together in the middle.
Former Barista, and yes it is. The only reason why it's actually a thing is because we're obligated to jerk off their egos. It's a fucking cancer. I wish I could have told people like that to fuck off and never come back.
>utilizes the whole window
>half of the page is just plain white
Get your eyes checked.
>right-click cut/copy/paste instead of just pressing ctrl + x/c/v

I hold my phone face forward than pull it close to my chest. I give zero fucks about what website I'm on unless it's an important email which I instinctively adjust my posture to avoid people looking.

Speaking of which, people hugging their phones to their body when they use it and typing with both thumbs

you what

the iphone used to support this, they took it out
>somebody takes my note 4
>tries to unlock it
>can't figure how to insert the pattern
>based fingerprint scanner unlock
init 0
shutdown -h now
>boss being stuck with programming practices from the 90es and fails to understand how modern programming works and the limitations

What? Are you somehow saying computers were better in the 90's?
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>sister gets dad to buy her macbook
>gets me to install windows on it so she can play video games
>"hey big bro, my computer is so slow can you fix it?"
>log in
>desktop is covered in icons for "fixers" and other crapware
>Skype pops up for some reason
>she has all these folders with band names on her desktop
>ask her why
>she can't figure out how to get them into itunes
>tell her I need to remove this stuff
>she gets all defensive and grabs it back
>"never mind then I don't even care!"
>installing a new program that performs a function that another program / the operating system already provides
You wouldn't do that.
You play both songs on the headset while mixing.
I can't view 4chan unless maximized.
>I dont enjoy learning
>not picking up based lua to be able to manipulate user interface
Stfu debian plebian

She didn't want you to find her incest porn folder :)
Some of these will fail to find the correct temperature on some systems (usually AMD) also CoreTemp comes with Search Protect if you forget to do a custom install.

Related: I hate that every single Windows computer I see has search protect on it now. Hate that thing and it actually completely breaks all browsers in the Windows technical preview.
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>Foreign news sources often don't have the same filters, bias, and murrrica f-yeah you find in US ones,
Toppest Kek
They just have different filters, biases and nationalistic "le f- yeah like le boss" you just don't seem to find in the US ones. Let me guess, your main news source is RT?
he made programs in visual basic in the 90es

we make programs in c# now

they work almost completely differently, coding conventions evolved, operating systems changed.

Go look at any business grade program from the 90es, their coding conventions are utter crap by today's standards no matter the language
>Some of these will fail to find the correct temperature on some systems (usually AMD)
I don't literally have them all installed, but a few, yeah. They each provide accuracy in different departments. Well, AIDA's great all-around but only for 30 days.

>Search Protect
Yep. A bunch of them do that shit, these days. Never use their default installers anymore.
God this. Not just gramps that does it though and I cringe every time

>blahblahbalh desktop background changer
>blahblahblah file un-zip utility (most any un-archiver)
>blahblahblah image / disk mounter
>blashblahblah file organizer
>blahblahblah show hidden files
When I didn't hate internet in my apartment I would go to the local Starbucks, buy a small black coffee and sit in the corner and download doujins off sad panda
>people on sites like TPB complaining about .7zip and asking for .rar
>did not understand a single word he just read.
>You're not in the sudoers list
>This incident will be reported
kiss her
All the programs I've used from the 90's work.
Until recently have I had so many programs dysfunctional.
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>Enjoy your deprecated granny
>B: "I'll just restore from a backup image, I set up a raid on the server"

This is one of them. RAID is not a backup.

Others include:
>changing the default domain policy
>non-descriptive names for files
>every file on the desktop
>not reading installers and getting ASK toolbar everywhere

and my absolute favourite:
>getting bored and twirling the mouse randomly around while clicking to make the box selector appear and wibble about
I'm looking at you, mystery user who keeps moving and deleting shared folders.
grills that like to hang around LAN parties are attention whores. don't bother.
theres me
>using a usb headset
Ask her where yuzuko is
>abusing the quote function
>we're obligated to jerk off their egos
Please elaborate
>right click desktop
>computer now faster
Using software that comes with a GPL license.
but openbox is great
Uhh, no? What would be the point of that?

There's one thing playing in the headphones and another thing playing on the speakers. They remove one earcup so they can hear both channels and adjust what they hear in the headphones to what they hear on the speakers. It makes the transition between track smoother. It's called beatmatching.
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What you gonna do about it faggot?
>hunt and peck
more like
>search and destroy
its systemctl shutdown now anon.
About 2-3 months ago I made the switch from a Razer membrane keyboard someone had bought me (used it for 2-3 years) to my first mechanical keyboard, the Poker II. It has blue switches, and even after 3 months of use I'm still finding that I type harder than I should. How can I remedy this? ;___;
Put tacks on each key. That'll make you touch lightly.

Also /thread
Don't care because I hate my monitor. If she breaks it it gives me a reason to buy a new one
no, its it's
>using su instead of su -
this isn't 1999

I have gnats flying on my screen at all hours of my use, and getting them on the screen is my best bet.
"its" is possessive form of it.
and "it's" is it has or it is.
prove my wrong shithead
me :)
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>java lecture class
>female teacher connects her laptop to projector
>couple minutes later desktop show up
>no icons at all, totally uncluttered
>amazing. this is gonna be a fun class
>10 seconds later whole desktop is full of icons folders and random shit
>snicker loudly
>lose all hope in that teacher

She has a fucking PhD and can't organize her desktop.
it represents her state of mind :^)
>not hiding all icons on the desktop
>not having rotating wallpapers from 500px every minute
There's one woman in our company who saves everything to her desktop, it's to the point where she has a pile of icons in the corner on top of each other.
>That unlock icons feature to overlap each other.
>using the GUI environment to an unnecessary extent
Disgusting. It makes me sick that web design focuses so much on >muh click when using a kb for I/O is so much easier to design
I love to go to starbucks and look at all the macbooks that people are putting in front of them. Most of them are not even looking at the screen but talking to their friends beside them or on their iphones. Too bad I dont have friends to hang out in starbucks
What do you use?
me too, fuck those things. The bastards are too stupid to actually land on the screen though, they're always on the bezel.
Gave me a good chuckle. RT's demographic must be
completely made up of edgy teenagers and truther-types.
Yeah, I like that functionality. And in Yosemite it's still there, its just in the window tab.
>When plebs have fucking chrome, firefox, safari, opera, and whatever other browsers exist installed on their computer all at the same time and then just use internet explorer.
>fucking crowded desktops with no organization
>Apple fanboys
>People who hate apple and don't really know why to hate it, except because reddit tells them its overpriced or some shit
>touchscreen laptops
>people who insist on using intel, even though AMD is would suit their application and/or price point better, just so then they can look good for strangers on the internet
>People who have brand royalty and don't just buy the thing that is the best bang for their buck whenever they need to get something new

That's all I can think of for now
People with fingerprints all over their nontouch monitor
>what's wrong with [RAID as a backup solution]?

Things RAID can protect against:
>data loss due to random disk failure

Things RAID cannot protect against:
>data loss due to user error
>data loss due to application/operating system error
>data loss due to filesystem corruption
>data loss due to malicious acts (such as by an ex-girlfriend or disgruntled employee)
>data loss due to theft
>data loss due to non-random disk failure, such as that caused by fire, flood, or lightning strike
>data loss due to failure of other components (such as memory)

>But that's part of it's design, Anon.
See above.
RAID is good for redundancy, not backup. It only protects against disk problems, it won't protect you from anything else.
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>mouse is bloat
You can't arrange by penis!
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xD 8k.jpg
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>Mouse is bloat
>note 4
>just released, $800 autism-sized phone
>latest SOC
>so loaded down with samsuck shitware it still lags for no reason

How is scamshit still a thing? Everything they make is absolute garbage and even the $200 Moto /g/ outperforms their "flagship" devices.
>muh benchmarks
I'm talking real world usage; Samshit devices fail miserably at that
Unfortunately almost every Android phone wastes potential. Don't care if it has 3GB's of ram, it will still run like shit if you have carrier bloatware on top of a forked gingerbread.
>work as sysadmin
>finishing up cs degree
>working on a pair programming assignment with a (fairly clueless) partner in a lab
>ask him to try to sudo something
>he freaks out and I have to calm him down and stop him from running to the department head's office to apologize personally
>>using the scroll wheel to get to the bottom of a page

>not owning clutch selection G700 master race rodent - or using middle button click and move scroll..... tsk tsk
>buying anything through a carrier
>buying a device that doesn't have as a selling point "stock android experience"

>thinks drives never fail
>does not do important work
I don't, though. I only buy unlocked.
Not saying you do, just saying that there a idiots out there who in 2014 when there's cheaper, better, no-contract plans available still lock themselves into a contract to get a $700 phone for $199 and end up paying $1500 for it 2 years in, even when there are cheaper, better phones out there that are guaranteed the latest Android versions. It blows my mind
whatever bruh
>not doing this

This must be the biggest faggot of all faggots
you do realize the dude in the story had the sites open in russian and chinese?
this is not about opinion but just about looking "intellectual" by pretending to speak many languages, which is easier to pretend if they use a different alphabet.
I had to fix a fucking computer for my girlfriends sister, whose boyfriend used the administrator account as the default and got locked out. Kid who did it was a complete fucktard.
I am so glad you did this.
>Fucking brilliant if you ask me, why would one need to have windows using more space than the content within demands?
Because the sheer length of your idiocy doesn't stop 3 inches from the edge of the screen.
DING DING DING we have a winner folks

Seems you don't know what that word means.
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So, let's say I'm looking at purchasing a WD My Cloud Mirror 2TB (2 2TB drives in RAID 0) for a network drive
Would that be pointless then? Should I save a bunch of $ and just buy the 2TB single drive My Cloud?
>inb4 buy a rasp pi and ext hdd
>inb4 build your own nas
All I need is basic network storage and the My Cloud fits that bill perfectly, even uses WD Reds. Just not sure if I should invest extra for the RAID compatibility
Youtube videos with this pounding drive me apeshit.
That looks like a hard drive deep fryer.
kill her and her family
>using su - instead of using a root account
RAID itself is not a backup. That doesn't necessarily mean your backups shouldn't use RAID.

The question you have to ask yourself is: how bad will my day be if this hard drive dies? Do you care whether you lose the data on the backup drive when it fails? If you're doing daily backups from your primary machine to this drive without any sort of file history, etc. then you probably don't need RAID mirroring since the entire thing is overwritten every day and it's unlikely for both your backup drive and your source computer(s) to fail at the same time.

If your backup maintains history (e.g., Apple's Time Machine or whatever the Windows equivalent is, or rsync with a daily link-dest, etc.) then you may want to keep that history when one of your backup drives fail. In that case, use RAID.

Or of course if you're storing any files on the drive that aren't stored elsewhere.
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