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Why weren't you a Microsoft Certified Professional at age

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Why weren't you a Microsoft Certified Professional at age 5, /g/?
I thought you were smart :(
Because that god damn spoiled rat can afford the 500$ for A+

Fuck you kid, you don't have to wait for a pay check.

You scum
my son installed arch at 3
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Pics or it didn't happen
I'm not though.
What tests do you need to pass to get MCP? I can't find it on MS site
> wanting to be IT at age 5

in 2030 there will be only job called programmer
My friend is Microsoft certified and he doesn't know jack shit! On top of that he can't even get me a copy of windows for free
He will be a janitor on g with 10
Will he do it for free?
>Microsoft Certified
Pick one.
He'll be doing bbc in 15 years.
the indian gentleman who answers the american microsoft support line and works for $400/month is also microsoft certified professional

I wish i had salary like that

$240/month banker in 3rd world here with master degree
Too many posed/professional photos of this kid, something tells me this is all MS marketing to get people to feel bad and apply for the job too, good job MS.
Unsubcribe to life.
I don't believe you. I live in eastern europe and for the past 7 years i worked as a web developer for $420/month which is minimal wage in my country. ANd one of the lowest wages in all countries. It is impossible to work banking job with a md for that little.
I got a cisco CCNA @ age of 16 :\ (and cisco ITE at the age of 14). Dunno what to feel about it
Paki MS shill has arrived yet again.
>$420/month which is minimal wage in my country

Here it's $180

> It is impossible to work banking job with a md for that little.

Everything is possible when unemployment is skyrocketing
What are you planning to do when your boss comes to you and says "Abdul here is willing to do your job with extra overtimes for $80/month. Are you willing to do it for $70/month from now on? If not please pack your things and leave" This will happen soon, what will be your reply?
If he's so smart, why is his skin color way darker than mine?
Kids that age will do whatever you tell them to. It's not like that certificate requires logical thinking or problem solving of any kind.
Its strange really, as soon as 7:30AM rolled around the shitposting on this boars sure did skyrocket
>Getting certs before you're out of high school
They'll literally just expire before you can put them to use.
Nah, we are so shit we don't have any immigrants
What operating system do you think most businesses use?
do you really think his parents will allow him to go to school? they want him to work as soon as possible that cert is of course just a gimmick it's the immigrant variant of mcdonalds job
Arch Linux with a tiled window manager and an Anime wallpaper.
But that's non-free (freedom denying) software!
He probably can't even assemble his own suicide vest.
That actually sounds fine without the anime wallpaper, as long as the company uses Linux and no software that's only packaged for a certain distro.
>I thought you were smart

I used to think I was too, but learned better, long before this kid got internet famous
Tbh, if we let other kids learn the hard shit at a younger age like what happened to this kid, the next generation might end up way smarter than us.

Or maybe it was just luck.
Because I have a shred of self-respect left.
>0 social skills

They'll end up like us.
>tfw in 50 years there will be gap between us and the kids in tech skill like there is between todays old people and us
oh joy
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>spend entire childhood indoctrinated by parents and teachers with the message that I must attend university or life will be shit
>$35,000 in student loan debt
>all the jobs going to Sanjay Patel and SJWs who have a vagina
>Patel makes six figures talking about ENTERPRISE Java Beans and Shaquisha Lateesha makes bank giving speeches at conferences about "muh safe spaces"
>make $10 hour telling stupid people to reboot
>baby boomer parents give speeches about "muh free market" as an excuse for why they were wrong about the value of university compared to a trade like welding or plumbing
>real first world nations (Nordic countries) have free university and even pay students to attend
>paying $400 for a textbook I never use, listen to professors to read Powerpoint slides, and be required to take courses from a SJW professor on why I'm a piece of shit for being a white male
>will spend the rest of my life paying off student loans and paying for the luxurious retirement benefits (social security, medicare) of the baby boomers
>such retirement programs will go broke by the time I'm ready to retire
>have to listen to Boomer parents tell me why investing in the education of youth is evil marxism, but that it's important to pay for a Boomer's retirement because they were too irresponsible to save for themselves and had to buy the big house and SUV
>constantly finding articles about 14 year olds and 5 year olds who are surpassing me
>know how Krillin must have felt about Gohan
>more articles about how playing video games (my one escape from this hell) makes me a misogynist and that landing a spacecraft on a meteor comes second to a vagina's feelings about a shirt
>no friends, 25 year old virgin

Not sure how much longer I'm going to last like this.
>piece of shit for being a white male

what the fuck, america? I've never been to america, but why would you call you a piece of shit? Isn't that racism? I don't understand.
>anti white

oh child
$250 minimal wage here
IT network admin at minimal wage because all bussiness schools here teach that IT and CS are wortless hobbies you have to pay the minimum possible and everithing runs from an iphone, so no need of servers or network hardware.
Sanjay Patel will work as cheaply as possible as long as he has a job.
SJWs with vaginas are hired to fill a quota.

Clearly for you to get hired you must become trans.
He meant metaphorically. This doesn't happen in every day life but it's everywhere in our media and academia.
They have those mandatory "how not to be a sexist a-hole" courses in Sweden as well. On the other hand we are talking about a country where they're planning on adding warnings about sexism into game ratings...

Being a Finn looking at Sweden basically let the SJW's destroy the country is a surprisingly satisfying thing to do.
I wish i could see the old times when blacks, minorities and women had no rights
>tfw in a country with a free higher education
Feels good, man.
I bet hes the best hacker in the world.
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>Kid attracts the attention of the BBC a company that employs professional photographers.
>People are suspicious that a news organization would take multiple professional pictures of a news story.

Jesus fucking Christ you are dumb
Reckon he'll even remember the skills he learned after high school, or even college?

Maybe he'll become a doctor or something else instead?

At least he knows how to fucking use a computer compared to other 5 year olds. :(
Don't forget.

>Get circumcised for no reason.
>No one gives a fuck.
>It's SOOOOO bad that girls in shitholes are being circumcised! We need to do something about it!
>Oh, I don't care if men are getting circumcised! That's different from FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION, which is entirely different.
>Jeez anon, why don't you suck it up?
>Parents laugh at you for even wondering why they did it.

Fuck this planet. I hope for the worst.
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Fuck off, you piece of shit.
Same. Wouldn't be a better world, but it'd be fascinating to say the least.
Wanker >:(
BBC wouldn't cover a story like this unless someone covered their expenses
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>SJWs with vaginas are hired to fill a quota.

Some of then are really good at giving head.
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>le tip :^)
You are retarded beyond composture.
>free university
There's no such thing as a free lunch
>paying $400 for a textbook I never use
Then why did you buy the textbook?
>spend the rest of my life paying off student loans
Or you could have worked in high school and gotten scholarships to pay for school
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>second year of university
>decide to take required psych course
>she reads out of the textbook all semester
>doesn't come in one day, leaves a fucking VHS for us to watch like a middle school teacher
>start watching
>video on how masculinity is ruining society
>variety of absurd claims
>"the primary reason for male violence in the media is because of the resistance of the straight white male to the growing rights of homosexuals"
>walk out of class
>never return
>A- on final
no regrets
What is more believable,
>News organization makes fluff piece about 5 year old computer prodigy getting business certifications.

>Microsoft pays a news organization to say that their cert program is so easy and meaningless a 5 year old can do it.
He can'f even find that fucking Windows Terminal window
fuck him
>>know how Krillin must have felt about Gohan

underated post
No, 4-chan is the best hacker in the whole universe
The JIDF is loose again on it's campaign to ridicule people against male genital mutilation.
This isn't going to happen. Computers are getting more and more abstracted. In 50 years all of the low level concepts like memory management will be non-existent. The next generation will only know how to use the tools built by the current generation. They'll be really fast at making software with these tools, but they won't know the first thing about a computer. They'll spend all their time on design instead of implementation. Such as designing non-retarded AIs to automate the lives of their aging parents (us).
Yes, I even get a stipendium for it (or whatever it's called in English). It's fucking nothing, but still much better than having to shell out loads of money.
>Such as designing non-retarded AIs to automate the lives of their aging parents (us).
in 50 years we will have created a true sentient AI and you only need one, it will take it from there creating everything software related from that point on and the singularity will be here, we will go star trek tier
>and be required to take courses from a SJW professor on why I'm a piece of shit for being a white male

So true. Except my course was supposed to be about vampires/vampire culture, but instead we spend 45 minutes of the class getting an earful about how women are oppressed/society prevents them from being scientists. What the fuck? I hope I don't get a professor like that next term.
So? Everybody pays taxes. Even you, anon.
Except now everybody pays more taxes. The increase in your taxes will be equal to what you pay for school.
No. You fucking deluded dimwit,
So where does the governments money come from?

Money is collected, money is spent.

You take the total cost of all the schooling and divide that among the population. Now once you are done with school you get to pay for the next 3 generations schooling.
Your government is a ponzi scheme
>The increase in your taxes will be equal to what you pay for school.
>will be equal to what you pay for school.

Yeah, no.
It would be easier at this point to tell us the name of your country
>doing an MSc in CS
>still barely know how to program

No need to insult me, I hate myself more than you can imagine.
Most people in Sweden pay between 49-60% of there income into taxes.

You are paying for it you fucking idiot.

It is arithmetic.

Fuck off dad.
They don't need immigrants they just need to outsource it
>be Russian
>tfw 13%
Which parallel universe are you from?
>Arch has the two usual problems: there's no clear policy about what software can be included, and nonfree blobs are shipped with their kernel, Linux. Arch also has no policy about not distributing nonfree software through their normal channels.
Yeah linux certified useless fat stinkin neckbeard that lives off his grandmas money is obviously superior.
>hard drives
>cable management
Including free medicine and free education
>Abdul here is willing to do your job with extra overtimes for $80/month.
Even brazilian coffee plant workers earn 200 bucks a month. You should read more.
Stop saying free.

You are going to pay for it.
Fuck, I work at subway in the US and even I get $1300/month on average
Wow you sure are mad. loser
>5 year old manages to pass a multiple choice test
Is this what counts for news these days?
Thats cool as hell, do you drive the trains or do you do like track maintenance or something?
He makes sandwiches.
Well, i do, those 13% are what i'm paying for it.
How do we kill every single sjw
I like the idea the the state pays for me, because it wants healthy and educated citizens.

Who wants a sick and uneducated cuntry? What can such society do or make?

It's OKAY for the state ti INVEST into people, so those grow up and pay off by being more succesfull and working better for the country's good.

Can't you see it like this? Too commie for you?
each parasite dies with the host.
That festering zit will come to a point when it bursts sooner or later.
You pay for the state.

You keep saying it is free, when clearly the state will eventually get its money back.

> so those grow up and pay off by being more succesfull and working better for the country's good.

See you admitted it. You pay it off by giving the state half your money.

>hey kid whats an integral?
>what does the church turing thesis say?
>what's a copy constructor?
>how do you define endianness?
>compiler wise what's the difference between an l-value and a r-value?
>name three causes of a segmentation fault
>name some disadvantages of system V semaphores
>do you know how much RAM you have in your computer and how to move a file from a folder to another folder using powershell?
>half your money.

no you fucking retard, its not even close to half, learn2read nigger.
Arch includes both free and non-free. If someone wants to sell their software they should be entitled to it.
Either way statement seemed like saying it include only non-free software

The distro is always free.
The GNU doesn't endorse it only because it includes non free software too. Those fucking commie
but he's british

replace with
>oy wat did u said r u avin a giggle m8
Are the SJWs that bad in america or is this people just making stuff up or exaggerating it? I can't believe tumblr feminists would be taken seriously in the real world.
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>You pay it off by giving the state half your money.

If we were actually commie my wok itself wold be considered payment. well thee are 13% that are like 1/8 not a half.

I am more interested in WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PAYING FOR? Where do your money go if they won't even treat you or educate your children in return for it?

Like, come on, here you don't need any money to recieve medical aid, or to move out from your parent to college dorms.
You may be unemployed and have no parents, Putin will pay for your education, give you a room in the dorm, you can use public transport freely and he will even give you 20$ in cash montly just for being a good student. And they won't leave you to die if you get sick with no money on bank account.

But where do your money go?
What are you paying for?
Do you even dream in code?
Among normal people they aren't taken seriously. They've infested academia though. It's almost impossible to find a high school or university that isn't infected with their cancer. At the business level, it's taken half-seriously. Companies and HR people will do what they feel is necessary to not get sued. California and Massachusetts probably have it the worst. The extent of the problem might be exaggerated in some contexts. I'd say it's pretty accurate at liberal universities though.
>See you admitted it. You pay it off by giving the state half your money.
Even if he pays half his money he gets free education and healthcare for it.
You pay a third and get shit nothing from it.
All of your money is spent on killing a few sandniggers thousands of miles away.
>spent on killing a few sandniggers thousands of miles away.
Well, that sure is better than filling my country with them.
any job in IT are pure shit
Blaze it fgt
Sounds to me like regular, old fashioned college PC. I also have yet to see it happen outside of "gender studies" kinds of bullshit, I doubt the typical female in law or medicine is one of these shrewish, hair-dyed succubi.
They're also not the only type of intellectual fascist. There are plenty of religiously focused schools with a right wing version of the typical SJW.
Muzzies in the US generally behave themselves and integrate well.
The nigger is manufactured, not born.

I got mine when I was 14, fuck
>Microsoft Certified Professional
Because I enjoyed my childhood
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If it's so easy a 5 year old can do it, it has no professional meaning and isn't worth the time or shekels
how do you even circumcise girls? they don't have cocks
Because I do not use MS Winblows.
You're certainly not samefagging, kike.
It's considered circumcision if they get a ceremonial pric with a needle. The less common types include cutting off some of the layers of skin and nerves and a small amount also remove the clitoris.

Nobody gives a fuck when its baby boys getting cut up.
Virgin detected.
>Microsoft Certified Professional
>meaning anything
How many engineers at Google do you think were Microsoft Certified Professionals? How many MIT grads last year do you think are Microsoft Certified Professionals?

Certs are for fucking Community College grads and Indian immigrants.
>Because I do not use MS Winblows.
of course you don't
there's no such thing
holy shit you are in denial. better read up on the issue of fgm before you make retarded claims.
How am I at all in denial? Please enlighten me, oh wise anon, while you try to draw attention away from my main point.
it's not my duty to educate the stupid.
But it is your duty to point out what you say are false claims with no proof?

Nice try.
You wouldn't want Arch for server tho
use google
>You're in denial.
>You're making retarded claims.
>What? I don't have to back up what I say.
>You're stupid.
>Use google.

Why don't you fuck off, kike.
>hurr I'm stupid
>durr durr I don't want to educate myself
>derp herp I shit myself until I'm right
you in a nutshell
So... what country is this supposed to be then?
>He'll be doing bbc in 15 years.
He's being done by the BBC now.
What Linux distro is free? The kernel is fucking full of blobs.

>microsoft certified
>laptop on carpet

seems about right to me.
You have not provided a single reason why I am supposedly wrong.

Please do so or shut the fuck up. I think I've done more research into this than you have.
as I said before it's not my duty to educated the stupid. open wiki and read. mongo.
Oh, you say that I'm full of bullshit but won't say why.

Give a single reason why what I said is wrong or fuck off. If you can't then you obviously don't know what you're talking about, not that I expect you to.
abduhl pls
No go, Schlomo. I'm white. They can't take that away from me.
kebab isn't white, m8.
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Fuck you, you goddamn shill.

>You're wrong.
>I won't point out why you're wrong, but I'm right.
>Google it for no reason.
>Now I'll move the conversation into talking about your race.

I'm think I'm done. You obviously have nothing of any value to say.
ITT: a veiled cut vs uncut argument
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>Why weren't you a Microsoft Certified Professional at age 5, /g/?

I was in second grade when I played around with an IBM 370.

>microsoft certifications counting for anything

Certs like that only measure whether you're good at taking tests and remembering trivia, not real world shit.
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>5 year old can pass Microsoft exam
Is that a compliment for the boy or humiliation for all the other Microsoft "professionals"
>Well, that sure is better than filling my country with them.
You are either a fuckin idiot or a stupid troll.
This is what I thought.

And a 5 year old can be very smart, but he cannot have accumulated much knowledge.
So the exam must be pretty worthless.
It makes me feel better about my shitty situation.

What else can I do but wait for regen?
That's adorable. Now try the CCIE exams.
Most /g/ users got their PhD in Computer Science at the age of 4
not other poster but fgm=cutting off the clit and some other shit to stop the woman sleeping around
india and china are the biggest cheaters and liars in the world. they constantly lie and steal the answers to every test and source code for every program they want and pretend they are equal to actual competent american/european engineers. this is why you see stuff like this rather often, indian "whiz kid" passes MS cert test after memorizing answers to decade old test. good going kid, enjoy your third shift at the local nigerian prince tech support center.
computer "science" truly is science for losers
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>Only white people can do REAL tech support
>Certs are for fucking Community College grads and Indian immigrants.
Certs mean actually more than a graduation at any not well known university. If you get the right ones of course. MCP is not hard to do, it basically tells people that you manage to install windows and memorize a few catch phrases. If the boy is mcse at 8 i am impressed. MCP? No.
>indian "whiz kid"
The kid in OP is British
Guess how we get the privilege of having the world's largest military? Also, social security, and a variety of little things that probably all add up.
(technically for calculating your taxes, but it does give a comprehensive list of where American tax dollars go)

remember that this has to be split between a population much greater than any of le glorious Nordic wonderlands


>Sweden: 9,728,498
>Finland: 5,468,609
>Denmark: 5,655,750
>Switzerland: 8,183,800
>United States: 319,094,000
>my course was supposed to be about vampires/vampire culture

Microsoft did not exist when I was five. :)
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but he doesn't dream in code
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