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You lot are probably not interested in my personal story and will give no shits about any advice I'll give (as I'm not that special).

I feel like /fit/ and /fa/ helped me a lot during my ascension from autistic adolescent to a well rounded top class cunt, so I do feel like I owe you guys something back because I can say I MADE IT. Ignore your narcissism and close mindedness just for this one post and I promise I can help you change your life.

Here's my story:
>Freshy from Brazil moved to England when I was 12
>Unable to speak English and high levels of anxiety made so that my young self NEVER spoke to ANYONE in high school for 4 years (literally not a word, not even a "yes" during the register)
>This life choice meant that I was unable to socialise in my young years too, therefore becoming a SHUT IN for that period
>Crippling loneliness and depression surge at the age of 16-17. I am only happy during the 3 weeks in Brazil I would spend on my family holiday.
>Social exclusion is easy for a selective mute, and having no friends often makes you develop interest in the typical NEET hobbies like ANIME and GAMING. Through this I found 4chan
>Aced all subjects in school (except for English speaking and listening lol) and got an offer to enter sixth form in the same school, the only condition was that I HAD TO SPEAK.
>The spaghetti and tears dropping was horrible but I bit the bullet.
>I wanted to be happy, to have some friends and bang some girls.
>Walking into sixth form on the first day and knowing I HAD TO SPEAK was the hardest thing I had to do in my life (I was doing this mainly for my benefit and the head teachers pressure was used as a crutch).

>At that moment I learned that UNHAPPINESS is a choice

>Most of you lot on 4chan fall on the category of nerd weeabos but I know all of you cunts are intelectually capable of learning anything you put your mind and time into. EVERYTHING IS LEARNABLE.
>To be continued
>To be continued
I think as long as you aren't butt ugly you'll do fine in life.
Go on buddy
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>Like you, I took the choice after that to get /fit/ and look better through /fa/
>I even hanged around and posted on sluthate like many of you sad cunts do
>Watched endless videos on pick up but never practiced really
>After a year at the gym (18yo), I looked fucking juicy
>A couple hundred pounds spent on garms and I looked like a cool kid
>A couple nights out speaking to people and genuinely trying to make friends, and I had friends and some social skills
>Was still a virgin tho, that was the last hurdle.
>Funnily enough, just being /fit/ and /fa/ drew 1 or 2 cuties to like me, which I tried to date but got dumped due to my still strong FRESHY accent and autistic tendencies.

>Girls on TINDER were unable to tell I used to be a major weirdo and had no friends (judged solely on looks and whatever I put on my bio and said to them). It was faking until I MADE IT.
>Began to meet up with some ugly girls, ease myself into the whole dating scene
>Some fuck ups but slowly learned how to deal with girls and be social/romantic with them
>After speaking to around 50 or so girls and meeting with 5ish of them I graduated to normality
>Lost virginity when 18yo, then proceed to fuck another 8 girls later that year, including tinder slags and friends from school.
>Graduated into semi Chad mode, being the guy at school with the most active sex life and social life
>To be continued
>pic related is what I used to look like and dress like (disgusting)
You have to be like top 5% to actually have a chance on Tinder. The only thing happened to you is called puberty
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>Friends flocked to me, guys praised me and girls wanted me
>Shagging girls that were 10/10s (seeing 4 girls at one time) and finally was happy with my life and reached a CLOSURE on autistic tendencies
>Kept the same circle of close friends until today, guys that were there even when I didn't speak or went out and helped them at the gym and to achieve social freedom

>I know all you cunts want to achieve your goals, and /fit/ helped me see that the only secret to it is: PUTTING THEORY INTO PRACTICE
>Bite the fucking bullet you cunts
>Do something for enough time and youll become a master at it but RESEARCH HOW TO DO IT PROPERLY. If you can't research, learn as you go.

>inb4 just bee urself
>pic related is my brazilian ex (thicc 5'2 lil sex bomb)

May ZYZZ be with you all. Peace.
You can't post your before pic without posting your current one.

Glad to hear you are happy m80.
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>pic related was 1 year after gym, 18yo here (nothing special but enough)
>thanks /fit/ for what you done for me
>and to all those stuck in crippling mentalities (Chad, face theory, genetics) please SHUT these dogmas down
>all you need to do is improve yourself as much as you can, and put the time and practice to achieve what you want in life
>I believe in you all and sorry if I came on too hard. I know you guys are easy to dismiss advice otherwise.

I'm here to answer any questions.

I'm glad for you, but I'm not sure just banging sloots would be the goal anymore for me. Still whatever suits your boat
Honestly, as long as Buck Angel is a thing, there's no excuses.
Fuck off mate... girls despised me. The only thing I did was groom myself, dress better, socialise more and HIT THE GYM 6 DAYS A WEEK FOR A YEAR.

>stop lying to yourself you cunt
>Do what I've done, come back in a year and see if your life hasn't done a 180
>Break free from your autistic coping mechanism (you know I speak the truth)
mirin, what routine did you do? PPL?

L O N D O N ?
Honestly mate I'm happy for you but you look much above average facially, most average guys won't have this kind of success
That's not the point of the story. I'm now settled down with a girlfriend I love (1.5 years) and can now focus on other areas in my life. Like I said anything is learnable.

However, being SOCIALLY inept is the biggest hurdle you'll have in your life. You can pretend to be tough and ignore it for a couple years, but having no friends, girls to shag, things to do etc will eat your soul away. You will find yourself depressed and unhappy, and choosing to not tackle this problem will lead to UNHAPPINESS. It's the truth.
It's called neck theory you idiot, and I can tell you haven't been applying it. You would be getting laid 10x more if you did.
Women literally do not give a shit about your face unless you're really hot or really ugly.
It's only a minor advantage to have a good looking face unless you're a 10/10.
They also don't give a shit about your penis size unless it's really small or really big.

Just get big arms/shoulders, abs and a nice back and work on your social skills. Those are the things that actually matter.
What's the best way to approach a girl you find attractive at uni?
How tall are you? I'm making fine progress in the things you've mentioned but I'm also 5' 6".
>lol face doesn't matter

Op your jawline is top 1% shut the fuck up
Face is rarely going to hold you back.
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Here comes the typical fucking dogma around here, sluthate etc.

If you saw how fucking ugly some of my friends are and some of the decent girls they shag it would burst your comfortable bubble. Disregarding improving yourself by setting an immovable fake problem is so easy and typical of miserable people. People that say what you say are scared of failure. Put yourself out there, improve yourself and take the failures in the face just like I did mate (you get over it quickly).

>pic related sorry to burst your bubble (face theory bs)... and yes that's his girlfriend.
Through friends or in person. As long as you keep your thirstiness levels low you're gonna be fine.
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Dude has the face of a male model. This thread has nothing to do with anxiety and social autism and everything to do with this guy finding out with some gym time he is a underwear model
You'll be fine. My friend is 5'6 and skinny fat and he still pulls decent birds. If you gym you're gonna have a major advantage. Put yourself out there and chat to them petit little sorts. They're the fucking best x

Disgusting Hueh Ape

>also taking advice from /fit/ and /fa/
probably a big bait
Listen op

Tests have been done on this. You can literally mention in your tinder profile that you rape kids but if you have face and body it doesn't matter
when were the opportunities to take off your shirt and show your gains off?
are you insane? why would you go to the same school for sixth form given you'd been there and not spoken a word to anyone for 4 years?! what the fuck
I have noticed that the buff manlets I see around are considerably thiccer than their taller counterparts. It's encouraging.
It's always the brazilians who go on and on about their stories in the most random of places, it's so forced, I've seen it on other boards, it's the monkeys every time
not the beaners, not the niggers, not the slavs, not the shitskins, it's always the monkeys
post more snaps
If this is before/after well fucking done!

I want to get those sculpted eyebrows but I'm too beta to go get them shaped like you.
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It's so easy to cope and not do work innit. All you need to do is be JUST above average (no need to be a model u faggot). You can improve yourself in so many areas like: grooming your hair/eyebrows, gym, dressing better, expanding your social circle, acquiring money, having a more interesting life (choose travelling instead of ANIME and vidya). It's not that hard mate. Go fucking do it.
Alpecin and castor oil. Grow a beard and you can hide ur shit jaw if u feel that's needed. Oh sorry, forgot you don't want to improve yourself you lazy slob
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>However, being SOCIALLY inept is the biggest hurdle you'll have in your life. You can pretend to be tough and ignore it for a couple years, but having no friends, girls to shag, things to do etc will eat your soul away. You will find yourself depressed and unhappy, and choosing to not tackle this problem will lead to UNHAPPINESS.

fucking this.
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Eyebrows make a difference innit! Go do it man, if not just do it yourself like I do. Good male eyebrows (male models and shit) are typically straight so it's not hard to do it yourself.
Yeah bullshit, nice story though

>>At that moment I learned that UNHAPPINESS is a choice

What about things that make us unhappy but we have no control over?
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Did i make it?
Lol no. Anyone can pull ass on tinder if they're not autistic and don't look like Quasimodo.
>just b urself lol
shut the fuck up you massive fucking retard you have a 9/10 face
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True man, once you do it a couple of times you learn how easy it is to trick a girl to let u stick ur peepee in her vajay.
>What about things that make us unhappy but we have no control over?
Like what?
This lad what routine did you do? Got any before and afters?
International affairs
General state of the economy
Other people being retards and being able to vote
Yeah this OP.
I get tortured daily in a cellar by Fritzl, how do I choose to be happy?
good job man. i have a question. how to talk to a stranger girl on the street?
>this girl wants me to be her free personal trainer, did I make it?
>dis grill want me to fug her, d-d-did i maek et guise?!!?!?!1111oneone
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You avoid them as much as you can. If it's outside your control you shouldn't stress about it because the only thing you have true control over is your mind. It's classic stoicism, you get to read a lot of philosophy when you're depressed you know
BR here and this is bullshit, its impossible for someone to go through high school without talking to anyone, you get called out eventually, Brazil doesn't coddle autism like america or UK. He looks BR and all but his story is just bullshit.
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Only do that when you're out (pub or clubs). 7/10 you'll fail but you'll learn to know what girls to approach and how to not lose your time talking to a girl that won't fuck you. A "hi my name is x what's your name" is perfect. Then just small talk mate.

If you're fully thinking of going solo, best options are tinder, workplace, cafe's. Going solo is more crash and burn tho, but remember she's a stranger and she'll never see you again if you don't want her to
>all the autists coming out of the woodwork for some bait
Just figure out what principles you live by and stop getting triggered when people think differently than you.

>International affairs
Can't control what Pajeet or Wongting do. You can, however, ride their waves. That's what we over at /biz/ were doing before China banned ICOs.
>rip NEO

>General state of the economy
Depressing, yes. But you can improve yourself in this regard. Could go to school (for something actually useful, of course), learn a trade, join the military, or deal drugs. Just got to find you market, exploit it, and extract as much profit from it as possible. Also, get into crypto.

>Other people being retards and being able to vote
Once again, why do you care? Does it really make you unhappy when some "retard" votes one way or the other? Not everyone sees the world the same as you. A Christian in Georgia is, of course, going to vote differently than a nignog in Detroit. A college liberal idealist who has never paid much tax at all in their life is obviously going to vote differently than an investment banker whose additional 1% in taxes adds up to be a couple million that could be used for his own utility or reinvested back in his business, etc.

Sounds like you need to take a step back, friend. Once you stop letting exogenous factors in your life affect you so deeply, you can progress quicker in life.
>just bury your head in the sand, the post
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Fuck you you prick. I didn't speak and i wish I fucking had. I was depressed like a motherfucker and overcame it. So fuck you. There's some proof, that guy has been my friend for around 7 years now since yr8 or so.
Yeah whatever dude you may exagerate and lie all you want to get some ego boosting from 4chan, good for you that things worked out but don't expect everyone to eat up your little soap opera. Take advantage of the fact that people are too caught up in memes to know anything about Brazil.
Well done g, time and PRACTICE is key. I am now settled down and love my girlfriend, ready to build a life and shit. One advice I give is let yourself open up to people, love is built on trust. Once the girl cares about you and you are completely honest with her, you'll be able to reciprocate the same attention and feeling. I wouldn't suggest looking for a girlfriend straight away cos you might find yourself forcing a relationship and lying to urself. Date a lot of girls and sooner or later a girl that literally you can't get away from because you like her so much will come. Best of luck bro, make us proud.
Mate, I lived in England since I was 11. Brazil is not even in the picture of your argument. /fit/ helped me and I want to help people here. If my advice doesn't apply to you or you hate my story, I'm sorry g, still listen to it cos you'll benefit from it
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Nah I did a typical bro split. 6 times a week with a impeccable diet for 6 months. Consistency is key.
I'm guessing you were a skelly and lean bulked?
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Yh man supper skelly. I ate a lot man, nearly a kg of grilled chicken everyday lol. No sugars (green tea and water only) including fruit and dessert etc.

>hard work pays off, go get yourselves a bit of pic related

Being a patriot and seeing your country turn to shit.

>National and public infrastructure being privatized (post office, water/electricity/telephone companies, harbors etc), essentially selling our indipendence to foreign interests.
>Politicians being openly corrupt and not being held accountable.
>People adopting the western "none of my business" mindset that makes the apathetic to what is happening around them. From crimes to nobody batting an eye or remembering when a guy burnt himself alive in front of the Parliament.
>Twenty years of non-stop immigration have made over half the population foreigners who instead of adapting, brought their idiosyncrasies with them (and said idiosyncrasies built the societies they fled from).
>State terrorism in the form of undercover cops infiltrating protests and turning them into riots (once I saw an undercover giving a molotov to another guy, telling him to throw it, and then arresting him on the spot. Another time I was present in a protest that was announced as having turned into a riot on the radio before it did).
>State terrorism in the form of state-funded non-government organizations. Said organizations are "anarchist" (unrelated to the ideology itself) gangs who go around beating people, burning cars and businesses, and defaming/demanding the illegalization of various parties while posing as citizen movements. When arrested in riots, said people are taken to Police Administration and let go through the back door.

That kind of stuff. Being deformed or handicapped also count as things beyond your control, but thankfully I have no such issues. I feel for those who do though.
Been doing a full body strength routine (3x5) + accessories (3x8-12 range) but I'm starting to think I've been memed
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Hardly. If you actually think your activism changes anything, you're deluded. Best to ride the waves and profit from it. Don't swim against the current man. YouTube is an excellent example of this. How many fucking channels have copied the "top 10" format? Or that cringe Let's Play explosion? Why study coding and programming in college when you know you're competing against Indians who have been doing it since they were 5 years old?

It's easy to get upset over it all, but what's better is to learn and profit from it in the future so you don't make the same mistakes.
Yeah man, you have. It's a loss of time and not enjoyable
what's your height and weight? (and BF% if you know)
I'm 5'5"
wew im impressed.
Like Zyzz said, "we're all gonna make it", BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE CONSISTENT YOU SICK CUNT BRAH
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Is it weird too put gym photos in your tinder profile?
I know I can hit Chad levels, just trying to sort shit out after an enlistment is all, I got a gym membership finally and I'm starting a modified SS after drifting for a few months, I'll make it, just have to get my diet in order is all.

I'm going for the strong silent type, never was blessed in the face department
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6'2 around 72kg tops, bf% id say 14-16
Go on my g, a year is all you need. Progress is very motivational so make sure to be consistent. Testing your power levels at clubs/pubs or whatever will also help keep you on track. Go fucking make it
Nah my main pic was a topless one. It was the most interesting aspect of me tho. If you have something more interesting thing to show
If you think reaching 225 bench press in a few months is a meme I don't know what to tell you
I know you're thinking about it but don't change programs right now you're going to keep regressing, do you really want to bench press 225 in a few years on a brosplit vs a few months on a strength program?
You're cool OP, a welcome change on fit
sick story brah, we're all gonna make it
>6'2 158lbs

I dun thiink so OP. Because if that's true then all I need to do is cut some bodyfat %


Guess I'm not bulking this year.
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How do I gf man?
I can talk to girls but only in a friendly way. I have always been social but because of my upbringing (Muslim) I have never even dared to even ask a girl out in fear of my parents
But now that I'm in college I don't have to worry about them. Yet I missed so much time for experience and shit that people legitimately thought I was gay
Teach me your ways chad
I think I'm fairly attractive
The face is not that bad. The hair on the other hand...
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What are you lifts like OP ?
Did you just focus on hypertrophy with okay-ish weight ? Or did you still make a lot of strenght gains on a bro split ?
Your BF% is probably closer to 10%, because I'm 6'1 77kg and 14 BF%, and don't look nearly as good or big as you, and you're defined as fuck
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>but having no friends, girls to shag, things to do etc will eat your soul away
I got plenty of friends and things to do. No gf tho. How would you approach them irl?
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alpha as fuck
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>tfw get several matches a day on Tinder if I bother to swipe
>still had like 20 or so matches from the last time i checked
>haven't properly talked to anyone aside from saying hi to a few though
>a few even have written to me first
I don't even know why I keep on sabotaging myself like that. A part of me thinks it'll never work out I guess. I could still use the practice though.
Would it be really weird to write to them now? Half of the matches are more than two weeks old. I hate communicating over shit like that though. Its much easier to tell what the person is thinking in person, plus I always think I'll reply a bit later and then forget about it for ages.
Bro. Sorry to inform you, but your newfound success is due to the fact that you are fucking handsome. That's all it was. Put your current mind into your old body and you'd be just as miserable as before
Just wait until you get really horny then your body will take care of it itself

>past 2 years
>only get horny enough to use tinder consistently
>for a period of a few weeks at a time
>March 2016
>june 2017
Wtf? It's not even nofap doing it, it's just random (though the first time was nofap)

How do I get that feeling except like, for a week per month?
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How does you worrying about stuff changes anything? Does all the information that you consume changes your day-to-day actions or would you do pretty much the same things but with happier disposition?

There were always problems, there will always be problems. It's not just a meme: just look at the history of 20th centure, even after WWII. Person can always find reason to be unhappy, to be "ready" when the bad stuff happens even though a)this moment may never come and b)even if it does your "ready" means jack shit in the face of it save for the initial reaction not being so shocked and there is nothing wrong with shocked, you can be someone who adapts instead of someone who is always ready and as such be much stronger and happier.

Life happens on a moment-to-moment basis, everything else is a story that plays out in your head and you can become aware enough to choose the story that you want, and it truly is a choice, especially as far as your values are concerned. Choose values that ring true, are in your control and feel good and you will be set for a "good" life. Also you can read "the subtle art of not giving a fuck" for a "bro" level of life advice.
>in the process of trying to get social pics for bumble
>not attractive but not looking for hookups either
I just want a relationship. It's a cold dark world and sleeping alone every night is destroying me.
no lie looks like my ex's mom

I've seen these pics on /fit/ before anyway. Sad!
This guy made a similar thread before. (or maybe he posted his story in a similar thread or something)
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>You can pretend to be tough and ignore it for a couple years, but having no friends, girls to shag, things to do etc will eat your soul away.

27 and haven't had any friends in nearly 5 years. This man speaks the truth. I'm pretty fit now and look MUCH better than I did at 22 but I have very little social experience and come off as awkward to a lot of people. The worst part is that more women are initiating contact with ME, so my social ineptitude is becoming more visible to those around me. Always remember to get social gains while you're young.
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I believe. Thank you man.
Qual a percepção dos brasileiros aí no UK? Negativa ou positiva?
Not sure why everyone is ragging on op.he was just trying to tell you to stop being a soft cunt
Are all these the same girl
>asking for a friend of course
Agreed, just a shitty haircut. Not surprising at all
>haha same
Good thread m80. Work on your neck, though.
>6'2 and only 72kg
what the fuck, these arent even gains, your literally just low body fat with some muscle definition which is noticeable for it
I gained about 8kg in lean mass in a year
im just here for the tinder screens
what a boring thread, thanks for wasting my time. Fucking cookie cutter.
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>>At that moment I learned that UNHAPPINESS is a choice
Being 5'6 isnt one
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You can still pull when you're 5'6 mate. Loads of shoe lifts on Amazon as well if you're that concerned.
No they're all different ones

You know what I might make a plan of action for you lot struggling with socialising.

Also guys remember, as much as you like being /fit/, you don't need to be THAT ripped. And also spending so much time at the gym will take a lot of the progress you can make in other areas.

Focus of getting better little by little in different areas at the same time. You'll reach a balance that you're happy and comfortable with your life.
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I also forgot to talk about mental gains you can make. Being a lonely NEET weeabo nerd takes a toll on your mental health.

Self improvement and philosophy helped me a lot. Helped me to control my anger and personal issues. Also helped me find common ground with a lot of smart cuties.

I reccommend:
YouTube channel - Actualized
Also listen to Alan Watts
>and reading pic related

Get into music too guys, go on /mu/ and just drown your sorrows and time while still friendless learning and listening to a lot of music. Once you listened to 100+ albums you will find a lot of cool friends just by knowing a lot of music. Then it's easy to invite them to gigs and shows (loads of grills too). That's how I started going out more desu.
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Also guys, stretch your dick and avoid deathgrip and fapping too much. Being horny will drive you to do many things in life (even not related to fucking girls). Jelquing works lol.

Also once you leave virgin land make sure you're a good fuck. There's a lot of simple tips on the internet that will make you into a sex God (e.g. pillow under her hips).

Once they're hooked and you have 2 fuckbuddies your life and personality changes so much for the better.
>fuckbuddies are better than one night stands (always choose the former over the latter).
Come on pricks last hour here before I go hit the gym. Any questions?
>br ex
>texts in English
Another product of creative writing brought you by /fit/.
Is your name Ricardo?
OP said he moved to England when he was 12. So no shit, Sherlock. He's not talking about Brazil, now is he, you daft cunt.
>No girl will say this to you
Thanks the tips bro, I just started uni and these will help.
Portuguese poster here. Why the fuck does his ex, which happens to be BR, texts to him in English? Anyone who believes this shit is beyond retarded and doesn't understand how lusophone people work.
Fuck you iberian monkey
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She lives in England too mate. Her grandfather was Ronnie Biggs the train robber and Hells Angel patron. Her dad knew a lot of the Hells Angel gang he was scary as shiiit. I spoke Portuguese to her mum and dad but mainly English to her. This all came with a cost cos she was crazy af and so possessive. I left her for my current gf.

>check her fucking arse hnnng
Mentiroso. Os brasileiros são a etnia que mais mal se integra nas sociedades. Nunca conheci um único brasileiro que falasse em inglês ou a língua do país onde está com outro brasileiro. Os ditos cujos têm quase sempre aqueles grupinhos parvos do facebook para fazerem os seus mini-ghettos no país para onde emigraram. Ela é brasileira e falas inglês com ela? Que grande treta. Seria o mesmo que eu falar inglês com uma gaja portuguesa no Canada: estúpido e idiota. Mas vai lá enganar os camones com esse conto de fadas.
Uni is the perfect opportunity mate. You can remake yourself. So many new people and so many horny girls.
Some tips
>make loads of friends
>don't fuck or try on with your flatmates
>don't talk too much about your sex life (mansluttting will decrease ur successfulness)
>take time to chill with girls in a friendly way and contain your penis (their girlfriends will want to fuck you)
>when manwhoring do not fuck too many girls in your dorm, go to theirs and keep your reputation clean.
>avoid socialising with too many gimps
>/r9k/ shitting up another thread with self loathing and excuses

Gj on the change OP
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I studied in a very English neighbourhood. No Brazilians in my school apart from brothers. I've been here since I was 11. My ex lived here her whole life. So yes we used to speak English to each other g, it was easier. Plus I always absolutely hated the segregation of brazilian dickheads in England, it was so toxic. I met her through tinder and not through family, her being Brazilian was just a coincidence.

If you wanna hate you can hate man. I'm here to help not to lie x

>I really wish my current gf didn't make me delete pics from all my old girls hehe
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Took me 5 seconds
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>Keep thirst low.

That cannot be stressed enough. The more you make it apparent you wanna clamp them chimps, the less likely she is to give it up. Nothing dries up pussy faster than desperation.
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Pure pottery
She's either Brazilian or she lived her entire life there. What's it going to be?
How old are you now? And you meet all these girls on tinder.
Biggest rule of them all. Always compose yourself.
aha love the thread mate, I somehow naturally became somewhat of a chad all of a sudden in the last year, lost a bit of weight and filled out my 6'3 wide as fuck frame, seem to naturally intimidate people, bit weird sometimes my g

also does 'uxb' refer to uxbridge? if so, im not surprised at the amount of local slags you've found to fuck akhi
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Born in Brazil lived England since 2 I think.
I am 20 now, started dating when I was 18. Stopped a bit once I got my girlfriend (1.5 years).

And yes most girls I shagged where from tinder, although a couple were not (Friends, house parties strangers, holidays, visiting mates unis).

>big tip coming: clubs are mainly a scam
>you can pull girls and get numbers easy
>Shagging is difficult (unless it's a real local club)
>This is because girls normally tend to already have planned to go back home with friends or don't wanna be split up and spend a night in a strangers house (applies mainly for young girls)
>competition is clubs are so strong (7 mateys surrounding a fat girl sometines) and it all goes to the girls heads.
>Some girls get satisfied by not shagging and just getting hit on a lot.
>music is also very loud and conversation to trick them to fuck is harder
>A lot of distractions

Therefore try pubs, small local clubs, parties, gigs etc. It all depends in your area and vibe.

Therefore guys, don't get discouraged if you've been to clubs 10s of times and haven't gone past a kiss. The environment is hard. Come off with a friendly non thirsty vibe and you can counteract the system tho. Grab a number and leave it there, hit them in the morning and hide your intentions to fuck.
it's pretty danm gay that you're impressed by beeing normie tier, you aren't so much imparting great wisdom as beating yourself off in front of an audience, but it's also impressive that an ex-autistic managed to change for the best.

well done I guess faggot
Yhh, Uxbridge is a shithole. I live in bucks but uxb is local. Glad to hear man, there's a lot of us with Chad potential, we need to help some cunts.
>wins the lottery
>preaches about how being poor is a choice
How many girls you slept with.

I'm not even gonna pretend to be a Chad, but I have still slept with a decent amount of girls from clubs fucked married women and girls with boyfriends.

Got tinder the other day and I don't really know how to use it, Im an autist who only gets laid by girls telling me they think I'm fit.
Mate I wanna help people reach normie level because the truth is, it's not hard but is a happier life. Once they sorted out their lonelines and vinginess they can move on and further progress in other areas. Thanks for the support tho.

I'm planning to ascend very soon. Focusing on a lot of other areas now. Hopefully I'll be rich soon x
I hate you so much because you have a huge ego and don't realize how good looking you are. You are handsome as fuck and that's the secret to your success, nothing else.
Ah ah fairplay that's the easy way to do it. I was active for about a year man so around 16 girls. Now that I have a girlfriend I have to reject so many birds it's actually peak lol.

You got it going tho, if you can pull at clubs your face to face game is strong. Just uoad some nice pics on tinder and you'll eventually learn how to improve your text game.

On tinder it normally went like this:
>opening line "hey b what's up"
>bit of shit chat
>I'm going out now and tinder drains my battery, what's your Snapchat
>have a good story on Snapchat to make her interested
>send her a couple topless pics to get her biting
>if she's interested she'll keep chatting and convo will develop deeper
>ask for number
>always talk on Snapchat to make sure she's not catfishin you
>find out when she's free
>plan a date that's close to somewhere you can fuck but do not imply it (I didn't have a car so this was difficult) for example a coffee near her house or smoke a spliff in your free house.
>if you don't shag the first date (very hard to do it) make sure you postpone the second date until you're pretty sure it's a shaggable setting
>you're in for gold

>tinder truth: if she sends you nudes and is willing to meet you, as long as you are not super autistic in person there is a 99% chance she will shag you.

I shagged most tinder girls in 1 or 2 dates.

what do if dicks is only 5.4 inches?
Post picture and I will tell you how you can improve too.
>you were saying similar stuff to us all
well i wanna do similar stuff to you all
Jelq or penis pump
Dude, just choose to have a bigger dick. Has OP taught you nothing?
just be confident bro
U srs?

I can imagine myself getting ripped, acting all cocky and sending topless photos. Then all it takes is one slut who is unhappy that I "don't message her enough" or feels like i just pumped and dumped her, to tell everyone i got a small peen.

Fucking lol

>makes "just be yourself": the post
>it's all about personality bro
>actually a 8/10

It's all about HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME, when will gymcels realize? It's not the fucking gym, it's not school, it's GENETICS
white chad is chad thundercock
asian chad is chang thunderwang
latino chad is ???
advice: if you are retarded or lazy you can just go to any local hair salon and have them waxed for 5-10 dollars.
Penis pump works. Never had to try it but a lot of mateys on sluthate and goodloking loser vouch for it. Fuck sluts on tinder that you don't know and like me tell them "that you're not a social media type of guy" and you're too busy for it. This will keep the stranger fuclbuddy away from shaming you in your personal life.

The only reason I got to see 4 girls at a time was because I had not social media. U guys should try it. It will also hide that you're a weirdo with no friends
Hes 6'2 as well lol
Frame and Face can be improved to a degree, Frame moreso
I like how you ignore the diet part since that's the actual hard part.This guy tells you he completely cut all sugar and ate lean while bulking from skellymode and you think the reason your results are shit is your routine. Never gonna make it.

Her arse lol.

English English is a fucking ugly dialect.
carlos truenocarajo
You don't even need much muscle to look good when you are lean, OP said he is like 70kg at 6ft2 that's pretty light even for like 5ft10 - 6ft yet he still looks good.

Most people on /fit/ are just fat and think they need to bulk when in reality they could just cut and do some cardio, I doubt op arms are any bigger than 15" no need to get xboxhuge if your goal is to look aesthetic.
Não faz sentido absolutamente nenhum de qualquer forma.
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top fucking kek
What are your tips for girls and meeting them? I get lots of mires but i'm too shy to talk to them.
Ricardão Pau de Trovão (means Richard Thundercock and it rhymes)
Chavo Thundertaco

kill yourself. any time. thanks.
More like Carlos Pollatrueno

>t. Spaniard and also a translator

Runt confirmed
calm down innit
ugly manlet detected
ask her if she wants the dick after class
Fucking brilliant


Bruh. thats my ends
She sounds boring as fuck
That applies to 80% of men according to women
that's my aim too man, good luck, it is very nice having goals and making progress
Trust man, being an antisocial virgin distracted me from a lot of the more important areas in my life and depression held back so much of my potential.

Being a depressed autistic neet will
>affect your employability
>no money, no life and no pleasure
>direct sense of belonging (no friends, girlfriends and self worth)
>education (school and university can be unbearable environments)
>health as a nonchalant attitude can cause you to eat unhealthly and not exercise
>being a neet will also affect your family relationship (mummy and daddy will pressure you to stop watching cartoons and playing video games)
>love life (This is obvious)
>etc etc

Once you overcome this big hurdle, you'll be able to suffice your basic human needs and will be able to successfully progress in life with a sense of fulfilment instead of ending up in a 9-5 job you hate and thinking about suicide everyday.
No way man, small world eh hehe
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If you get mires you're literally a step away from Chadville. You just have to put yourself in situations where you are shaggable. Make friends with their circle of friends, soon enough you'll hear Stacy or Jerry say that she finds you fit. Next time you're both drunk just friendly talk to her (don't mention that you know she likes you) and one thing will lead to another. All you have to do is TAKE HER TO A PRIVATE PLACE.

Opening line could be "hey we've never met I don't think ahah, I'm x what's your name? How do you know Jerry and Stacey?"

All you need man.

>pic related, Chads have it easy

Yep, work in Uxbridge and live in bucks, funny to see those places being talked about on here

I cringed.
Mad, I go to rush gym nowadays. You might see me around g, feel free to approach
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>However, being SOCIALLY inept is the biggest hurdle you'll have in your life. You can pretend to be tough and ignore it for a couple years, but having no friends, girls to shag, things to do etc will eat your soul away. You will find yourself depressed and unhappy, and choosing to not tackle this problem will lead to UNHAPPINESS. It's the truth.
Fuck it's so true it hurts.
I just want to stop being lonely...

No worries bro, always around so who knows.
Anyways lads, I've got work at 5am unfortunately tomorrow. Gotta go bed, done a bit of back and bis at the gym so feeling good.

I really hope my thread helped some you guys, I can answer questions tomorrow but I think I've covered almost everything already.

>Constant progression and youll make it
>Social gains will change your life and you will finally find comfort
>There is nothing better than having a girlfriend to love
>thanks for everything you taught me /fit/, and even the sad times where we sat here and had a little moan about chads
>change your shitty salves and be happy
>Night night

Listen to Flava D ft. Miss Fire - Happy (Murlo Remix) by Murlo #np on #SoundCloud
lmfao when i go to this very gym
Is nofap a meme?
What do u think about it?
OP you're a mentalcel MM who undid their mentalceldom
Amazing how bluepilled you are especially for someone who used to post on SH
See you around g ahah
nah both are equally legit if you're natty for hypertrophy desu
gonna laugh when your one of the skinny 16 year olds with the shittest form known to man.
When I did no fap my motivation went through the roof and speaking to girls got a lot less boring. It also gave me motivation to start conversations.

I remember the times when I was chirpsing a couple girls on tinder and as soon as I got a nude and had a wank I completely lost interest and killed my chances to shag them. Once you start having regular sex you won't even think about fapping man. Interestingly nofap made me last longer in bed as well since my dick was used to nice moist pussy instead of my hand. Legit works man try it.
I'm not that huge but I'm there often. Youre prolly one of them meatheads powerlifting innit? Fairplay I gave no hate
After doing a month without any results, I don't feel that great about it.
But your answer definitely motivated me. Thanks man
My dilemma with this is: How the fuck do you express an interest in a woman your age, with sexual chemistry (hopefully) happening, without seeming too eager?? It seems like a total contradiction. If I approach her she knows I want to fuck her. But she won't approach me. Right from the start that's a losing battle.

I guess if there was something genuinely interesting about her I could play the approach off as being about my platonic interest in that thing but let's face it, 99% of women have nothing interesting to say unless you're (mentally) a girl yourself. And it's mutual. My hobbies / interests are stereotypically male. I can't expect attractive, young women to care about anything I care about. I'm not looking for a lesbian friend, I'm not looking for a bro with tits. Wtf am I supposed to talk about to a girl? srs
Ahah that place is so fucking toxic. Go to good-looking loser instead. There the community actually do something about their vinginess instead of just moan and wank off to Mew.

I've changed myself a lot g, just make sure you do the same and get away from SH.
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fucking lol that faggot was outed as a scammer on SH
fact is you're an ethnik slayer who improved their body and was only not slaying when they were younger because they weren't trying at all
if most people do what you've done with "konfidunce" and "game" they will just end up embarrassing themselves
>1 year

i've been working out for 4 and I look 300 times worse than you

i am at 1/2/3/4 tho so sucks to be you right haha

kek my mate goes there and the place got evacuated by armed police mid gym sesh

you might recognise him, dark skinned, looks somewhat asian, wears a portugal top

btw lads, Crown and Treaty just down the road is fucking jokes to get smashed at on a friday night. Whelans aint too bad either, both shit for birds though
Did you ask if she copies & pastes that to every guy on Tinder?
tfw 5'6

fuck me
If that other one was your before pic, I'm curious how you dress now
bruv if you're a brazilian why are you using mans slang

that's literally for only middle easterners make your own slang you thick prick
Fucking this, this thread is literally "just b urself bro"
Bombard her with questions about herself. Or just be a fucking silly cunt m8. The deadest jokes work with them and they love to chat as long as you're not taking yourself too seriously. Ofc most of them will think you're trynna hit on them straight away and brush you off but when you say silly shit or boring stuff she won't give a shit.

>see my 5'6 friend chatting to girl for a good hour at the pub
>go up to them to try on her mate
>"hey guys, Oli and you seem to be getting along so well, so much chat"
>girl goes "he's been calling me a chicken legend with ketchup, mayo, lettuce and extra cucumber the whole night" giggles
>he gets off with her and grabs her number later

Another time in a rave with my wog mate
>wogio: hmm mush I need to find myself a little blond sort with glitter
>in the distance after 20 mins we see one
>goes up to her and with the most retarded voice goes
>"hmmmm your glitter is well nice"
>she laughs and he grabs her face and rubs her glitter all over him
>leaves to dance because he's fucked on mdma
>girls finds him blesses him more glitter and gets off with him
>he fucks her a month later after texting

You see just be silly and not thirsty. You don't have to sell yourself and your hobbies to birds, they don't give a shit 90% of the time. Just make them laugh and ask about them.7
>'love the thread mate'
>reading comprehension

mashallah you are struggling with the shaytan in this dunya broski
Mate see you at wheelans on Saturday then. Crown and treaty is a cuntfest. Went there with some scatty birds my mate hooked up at spoons and it was the shittest shittestnight of my life ahah bouncers took away all our gear and ganja the pricks
rah my bad g

sometimes man gets vexxed over small shit allow it

>How tall are you

ahaha was it that fat fucking bouncer (the only english one) with the beard and somewhat of a mohawk kinda thing

guy is convinced Im a drug dealer. GIves me the shiftiest looks.

we got so bored of it that last time we were trying to do the silliest shit to get kicked out for, but as a rule, it couldn't be anything too blatant.

about 6 of us managed to climb upstairs through all the barriers on the stairs and pissed all over the floor.

I jumped back down the stairs and nearly flattened some poor cunt (bare in mind im 6'3 100kg).

Somehow got away with all of it
Nobody should listen to advice of a guy that has a 9/10 face, is literally worthless.
Lool mad ratings to anyone who pisses them cunt bouncers off. I'm never going to that place again.
>ask girls about themselves
>give them nicknames
>be silly

Thanks for trying to help but I already knew all of this *in theory*, and I can apply some of it some of the time. Hasn't gotten me anywhere. I think where I run into trouble is with asking them about themselves. I hope I'm just asking the wrong questions. If I'm not then I'm screwed. I'm always trying and failing to have meaningful conversations with women. Even the bright ones aren't particularly bright when it comes to the bigger picture. What should I be asking them? What gets a woman talking? What do they care about that isn't regurgitated rambling they picked up from other women or from the media? How do you make things personal fast without overstepping any boundaries / being weird?
im off to bed geezer, have a good one, If I ever see a tall curly haired Brazilian lad about in uxb I'll make sure to embarrass you in front of your mates ;)
What's your opinion on diet sodas like Coke Zero/Diet I am 100kg atm and I've already lost 30kg since last year but I still crave some sweets/snacks because I have no friends and spent my whole time at home/work so food is something that helps me keep my mood
it works in the sense that it streaches it out while fucking ripping the tissue, now leaving you with a small and non-functioning weiner
Diet drinks are filled with even more chemicals, because the sugar has been taken out, in order to make appear like it's palatable.
I saw you giving advice before on eye brows and respected that youre giving back.

hey how do you fuck the girls? do you go out with them telling them you want a relationship, or do you just go out have fun bring them back home and shag them without ever having the talk?
Then you be the best god damn 5'6" manlet you can be. I'm 6'2" and let me tell you something there guy DON'T YOU FUCKING HANG YOURSELF OVER THAT YOU NIGGER. You can do this brah you can be a sick cunt you will make it. YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT IN ORDER TO HAVE IT FAGGOT.
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last question, what is the dick length?
>You see just be silly and not thirsty. You don't have to sell yourself and your hobbies to birds, they don't give a shit 90% of the time. Just make them laugh and ask about them.
Fucking this, 1000x this.
kek underrated
this is the perfect fucking body man. fuck
fuck this attitude, keep making excuses and stay dry
Ay yo how to I make eyebrow gains? My current looks close to your before
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My 5'7 hispanic friend has had like 5 different lays this year and is also a chinlet and DYEL. You're going to make it my friend just keep pushing.
You be the prince boi, first think that you are one. You'll continue to improve yourself. So just let the cards fall where they may and steadily progress. Patience is the man's refined sense of confidence.
"Bite the fucking bullet"
Thanks anon im not gonna stand for this shit anymore I'm finally going to kill myself like I always wanted.
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I would be your best friend mate. I would tuck you in to bed every night, read you a bedtime story and kiss you on the cheek. It wouldent be gay though cuz my socks would be on you see.
audibly kekd
>y-you too
>5 lays in a year

that's not very impressive. I could fuck a new girl every few weeks if I wanted to fuck mentally deranged and average looking girls.
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OP is a sluthater posting this because PSL are annoyed about the "lookspill" spreading outside of their forums
Reminder not to believe a word he says
Nobody gives a shit. What does this have to do with fitness anyways?
It's because here in Brazil everyone has a "rags to riches" story. It started with our businessmen all inventing their rags to riches stories and exaggerating how poor they were when in reality they came from wealthy families, so now all average Brazilians copy this and create their own stories, usually exaggerating the "rags" part to make it sound way more impressive.
can you repeat that in laymans terms?
So im just trying to grasp what you're saying op.

You were a nerdy faggot growing up, then discovered tinder, lookmaxed and now you're doing good? So what did you actually do... Go on tinder and look good, is that it? Just trying to understand.

At the same time you're saying the way you look, how big your penis is, etc. all that shit doesn't matter. But scroll a little bit more down and you're preaching becoming fit, stretching & jelqing, the usual "just become a chad".
>Freshy from Brazil moved to England when I was 12

fucking shitskins get out reee
Bro my dick is somewhere around 6 inches and you can still have good sex, it's out of your control don't let it hold you back
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>unhappiness is a choice
Aye, Blood, greetings from the south, senpai. I would have killed for me mum to have emigrated too, but I stayed for the shit storm. At least we got some fine women.

Hermano: Do you have any advice for short men? I mean, I read in another post that you're 6'2. I'm 5'8 and been training boxing and doing strong man esque traning on the side for a couple of years. Should I go full A E S T H E T I C S ? Also, I have a fairly strong chin yet a very weak, very round jaw. Any advice on that? Planning to cut to around 11-12% bf by winter.
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>tfw not even the prophet Muhamad can curve the Chadtastrophy

Pic unrelated
This shit might not apply to you man. I've hanged around these dark bits of the internet for a long time and I know how soul crushing, demotivating, toxic and yet comfortable the ideas that circulate here are.

Before I took a choice to change, I had no hope of being happy. You know how comfortable it was to sit around /r9k/ comtenplating suicide at a young age (before even living my life) and absolutely despising people and life in general? Oh I remember posting on sluthate too, where some lazy cunts just like I was would moan and moan about women and our social ineptude. You know how we coped with everything right? EVERYTHING WE BLAMED ON LOOKS (or factors that we thought to be unchangeable). People there wouldn't get a job because apparently they were ugly (I personally used the ethinikcel mechanism) and therefore growing up ugly they didn't have enough social interactions when younger and therefore they never developed into a normal human being. And the only way out of that miseeable life would be to have plastic surgery many times unaffordable by the young NEETs in there.

You see how the cycle goes? Excuses and excuses. If you take away the blame from yourself and your laziness then it's so easy to sit around talking to a lot of virgins on the internet about anime and vydia.

It's SO FUCKING GOOD that you see that what I've done is NOTHING special. Please preach that. Because a lot of you out there, who are as depressed as I was and without a glimpse of hope in life, haven't actually lived life. You need to fucking change and taste the other side of life now, be HONEST with yourself and let yourself know that you're fucking tired of sitting down in a computer with no real friends, life experiences, girlfriends and shags etc etc. You're fucking done with it and you want out. The clock is ticking we can all make it bros.
Also i have never preached the famous meme
>hurr durr be urself

Fuck off and read the thread. The last thing I want from you lot is to be yourself. Cos right now some of you are disgusting little neets. I want you to fucking improve in every area of your life consistently so that your quality of life is not of a BOTTOM FEEDER anymore.

Exercise, jelquing, grooming etc etc are all forms of improving yourself. Don't get stale mate.
Focus on boxing and train according to what your goals on it are. Being 5'8 in South America is like being 6'0 in Europe, you're gonna be fine bro. Round chin and strong jaw can be fixed with a beard, if you need to put some hair growing shit (castor oil, alpacin) fucking do it mate.

12-13% body fat would be good for the sloots too. Would be very hard to maintain and would take a little time off your life though, do it once and see how much the benefits outweigh the lifestyle. Boxers are very disciplined and will get a lot of pussy by standard. You're gonna be fine g.

just talk to everyone without trying to get laid.

being social is a skill, and you gotta add to your basic social skills courtship skills. Don't try to pick up women, just talk to them like they're people.

you'll start to pick up on the girls that like you, and the girls that are friendly. YOu'll miss out on some, some will be super obvious. Whatever. It's a numbers game.

You're in college, not only is it the easiest place to get laid even for the most ugly and socially awkward people, but youre a minority, which gives you an advantage.

Girls get wet when I call them habeeti, even though I never speak arabic otherwise and they don't even know what it means.
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I guess
I have some friends who are girls but I'm a skeleton so I dont think they would find me attractive
Not to mention hairy
OP here, hairy as fuck too. Just shave man it'll do you blessings. Get hench too.
>what I've done is NOTHING special.

That's the point. No one says that self-improvement is useless and you shouldn't do it. People say that self-improvement won't work nearly as much as it did for you. You have the height and face, dressing nicely and muscles are just bonus.
You have to question yourself: will your life be better after self-improvement and is it worth the time, energy and effort? For you, it worked. For 99% of people, it won't work the same way.
>it worked for me, therefore it will work for anyone
fuck off, failed normie. gymcelling beyond ottermode is COPE
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I'm not beyond ottermode. Nowadays my body is meh and I have more time to enjoy myself, my friends and girlfriend lol

Self improvement will work for everyone. Ffs stop coping you faggot. Post picture and I'll tell you how i can better your life.
Life will be better after self-improvement because this thread is directed at the guys exactly like I was. Weeabos NEETS with no friends or life prospect. So yes self improvement will deff improve their lives and yes it is worth their times because anything other that spending time masturbating to hentai and chilling on 4chan is time better spent you cunt.
Fucking Mr. Anderson coin. At least I got half of my bag when it was under $6 bucks
not him but slowly start ot minimize the amount of added sugars in your diet. what is dangerousis not the physical dependence, but the mental dependence, where if you feel down, you gorge on something sweet (because of the dopamine rush) that can mess with you if you are not careful.
Haven't bothered setting up a profile or even taking/getting decent pics to use because I can 100% see this happening. I don't even like texting my friends or family, people who I actually know and like, I feel completely unmotivated to pretend to like somebody I don't even know if I can't communicate with them face to face
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>from brazil moved to england
stopped reading
To all DYELs: life improves by multitudes once you are fit. A lot of your problems are resolved as they stem from physical insecurity. Grills will become a no brainer. Honestly, once your are even slightly yolked and show those sexy gains on tinder, you will have the choice of which girl you want to fuck on a given day. Also outside the internet grills will flock you, proving how important looks are. Not only to women by the way, but everyone. People will treat you with a lot more respect.
Lifting won't make your life 10/10 but being fit definitely adds some points to your crappy sadcunt life.
Underrated post.
any six pack tips? I've cut down to the point where my top two and my V line come through but im looking boney eveyrwhere else on my stomach.

t. normal boy who went through puberty and thinks it's an achievement

fucking millenials i swear

CHAD just CUTS and looks MUSCULAR while you BULK and CUT and still end looking like SHIT
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Did I do good
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Op post your tinder profile
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Don't have tinder anymore man, I've got a girlfriend.
>pic related is some of the shit I dress in now. Not too flashy but way better than that Raj cardigan and green shirt lol
>Prague is beautiful btw
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>gf's phone background. Cute innit.
>who's phone wallpaper are you on anon?
>time to change that, go change urself.
Did I do well?
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Good job
> Rogers
GTA, whaddup
You look like a Muslim.

What are your lifts right now?

How tall are you? I'm willing to bet your ascension had a lot more to do with the fact that you're not particularly short.
show ur gf m8
You forgot the part where you have to be at least a 6/10 facially and at least 5'11"
people on sluthate and lookism are annoyed that "normies" on places like /fit/ (I know /fit/ isn't normie but by their standards it is) are aware of looksmaxxing so are posting crap like the OP here to try and "bluepill" them

Um tuga azeiteiro a navegar no trevos. Estou espantado.
some people have actual problems in their life and mind, other than being a fucking retards that wanted to be muh misteriouz anime guy that never talks
You're legit attractive as fuck, so in a sense you already had it in you.

Be comprehensive with the fags who are basically fucked unless they compensate elsewhere. Aka Uggos.
>objectively attractive face

you've been handed shit on a silver platter, don't pretend you've """achieved""" it
post imgur link to dick pic, I'm curious
Interesting read, OP. Thanks.

My biggest question would be: Now that you have made it, are you truly happy? I know this is a deep question and I don't mean to insult you in any way. I've heard a few times that kind of lifestyle won't fill the void, I mean, well, you know what I'm getting at?
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congratulations with having godlike genetics that after a year made you look better than I will in 5, with a quarter of the work I do
congratulations on having godlike face genetics
congrats on being rich and being able to go to school in england
congratulations on not being autistic and depressed and not having a shitty family situation you're stuck in

>muh unhappines is a choice, maaaaaaaan

now fuck off and go masturbate somewhere else faggot
your """advice""" is completely worthless, this worked for you just because you had the means to go study in a civilized country and because you have incredible genetics

Seriously mate, get colon cancer
Is this recent or before you started lifting?
>10/10 face
>10/10 body genetics
>long dick
can you just fuck off with your bragging and die?
we know what this is
literally all you had to do was stop acting/dressing like a fucking dweeb

I mean people here have actual problems in their life, like >>42780922 said. You're getting shit from people here because you're comparing your struggle to people who have been working out of 5+ years, improved their looks as much as they could, learned to be social againt all odds and their terrible upbringing, worked to achieve something in their life in spite of begginning with nothing, and still lack the ability get women to like them.

I'll wager that you've had a good upbringing a healthy family with a decent income which has provided you with everything you could need and more and friends who've stuck with you since young age.

You don't know shit about improvement and your post is insulting. Good for you though.

All your "advice" and "lessons" are invalidated by this pic. Your face is all that made you succesful, not gym. Unhappiness is indeed learned when your face is 8/10.
you're literally the embodiement of the exotic dark-haired tall handsome brazilian

it pains me how delusional you are about how much you've worked for your success
absolutely non-kosher kek
How is the stuff OP is doing any different from looksmaxxing?
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>opening line "hey b what's up

This line only is the perfect, most crystallized example of the delusion you suffer from

It's a textbook case of Survivorship Bias, since you made it, you think that what you did will work for anybody else and conveniently ignore the advantages and luck that you had along the way WITHOUT WHICH you wouldn't have made it.

At the end of the day you were a dweeb that decided he didnt want to talk because you thought it was cool or whatever your autism told you, then decided to change that.
Well, turns out you were in luck, since you are 6'2'', had 10/10 face and body genetics, and after just one year of one of the most INEFFECTIVE and stupid routines you can do, you looked better than 95% of the people here that work 10x as hard as you did in 5 years.

Now that you "made it", you come here with the most cookie cutter, trite bullshit advice that you could utter
>happiness is a choice, maaan
>just go out and improve, girls will just flock to you after one year of lifting!
>just use tinder, use retarded lines that will never work unless you're good looking
>if you didnt make it yet, and criticize it, that means you are "COPING" and not working hard enough, afterall I DID IT and it worked for me, everybody else is in the SAME situation, innit?
>depression, social anxiety, family and environmental issues? that's just a choice!

Hope you enjoyed masturbating with all the attention you got, now get the fuck out of here, you daft non-self-aware cunt.

You blamed it on looks when you're 8/10 facial wise? What a joke. People on r9k are nothing like you, it's filled with ugly incels. You've done nothing special because you were already born with the prerequisite characteristic for attracting women already you moron.


You were never like r9k or a gymcel. Because of your face that is impossible.
>hard work pays off
>has great jawline / maxilla from GENES

Stop lying to these Incels.
This whole thread, someone archive/screencap it (do they still archive stuff? It's been a while)
Why is this place overpopulated with Hillingdon fags? I probably know you mate.
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teach us how m8
>2 days ago

if you think making it is getting mires and tinder hookups i have some bad news for you, anon. you take pride in meaningless vanity. it is gone as fast as u get it, sorry.
im 25, fit but aspie af sometimes

im also in school with like 18 year olds. im fucked boys, go on without me
Don't give attention to this Brazilian attentionwhore.
>awh u cuties
How about you do it yourself, you lazy cunt? You don't deserve hitler dubs
Im so lucky my parents made me study hard. I'm short with average looks but I work hard as fuck and never stop studying. I could be sad about lacking in the aesthetics department but at least I work out daily to make the best of what I got and make a fuck ton of money as a result of my work ethic.

Seriously, my parents could have just let me wallow like some other losers complaining about not getting laid and blame my shortcomings. Instead they pushed me to try my best and now I don't have stupid self esteem problems. I hated it when I was young but I'm so grateful now.

It's not much, but there's a small percent of women that find that attractive and I can deal with that. If not, I can just buy expensive toys.
t. kv

Literally the perfect response. Quick, meaningless, playful and coy, reflects the "accusation," yet demeaning to the inconsequential thot.

Thanks for the thread OP. Bringing positive motherfucking energy to all of us sad cunts. We can all make it. Every day is a new day and each girl is a new opportunity to sex or spaghetti. The choice is ours.
Thats the first thing on here thats made me laugh out loud on here in months
Yeah, this post is when i began to see through your bullshit. Before this, i kind of read your stuff with cautious optimism.

But you and your friends seem like complete morons. Typical low brow/ low iq brazilian trash. Good looking but dumb, like most white(ish) brazilians. You dont know any secrets to pulling women, you are not getting women because of the advice you're giving.

You're getting women because you're good looking. You say "hurr anything works, just be silly and act like an idiot, ask her questions". Of course it works for you, you're a 9/10. Anything will work for you. Women try more with you because they see you as a catch. They will laugh at your unfunny jokes, they will make an effort to listen to you more and be interested in your boring conversations because you hold all of men's value in womens' eyes is held in looks and resources.

If a 5/10 dude tried your advice he'd end up in the exact place he does when he tries anything, with his dick in his hand on /gif/ at 2am post-date.

Sure, you put in a fair amount of effort to get to your physique. But no way near the amount of people (including myself) on here. Your facial aesthetics are carrying you a long way and i dont think you realise it.

>>42781213 puts it quite well.
m8 I want to make it so bad, but I have horrible teeth. Need to wait till end of the year before i can change my insurance so dentistry is also covered.
After I get that fixed, I'm going balls to wall with everything I do.
This has to be a bait thread.

You have a 10/10 jawline, slayer eyes, full head of hair, full bushy eyebrows, high cheekbones, perfect maxilla, good nose, and it looks like you are tall.
So your are tall as well>>42766077

LMAO "just be yourself" is shit advice. You are a 6'2 guy with a 9/10 face how are you going to pretend your advice isn't worthless?
How to eyebrow gains faggot?
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