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>With Zyzz it was all about aesthetics >Piano man brought

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>With Zyzz it was all about aesthetics
>Piano man brought us the roid monster mode, humanity sold separately

What happens now? Who will take over /fit?
Neither of these fucks. Big Lenny looks too dumb and Jason blaha already peaked a few years ago

>Big Lenny looks too dumb

He is one of the smartest bodybuilders in the world, kys
Lenny looks like shit mostly but he has a very impressive back.
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Kali Muscle
dubs and the next /fit/ king will be a perma virgin wizard gymcel that uses his surprisngly good looks and musculature to promote his disdain for women over youtube therefore cultivating a massive following of lookism fags from across the web
Is that top left really him?
That guy is the ugliest person in the whole world and he looks better than me.
Does anyone like that exist? Alot of swole virgins on this site, at least one of them has to be making videos.
Clarence is a vegan natty virgin. He classifies as swole
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noone smart would chose to turn into that "thing"
Big Lenny is a monsterous aesthetics
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When will we replace Rip with Sheiko?
We don't deserve him, faggots drove him away.
Probably some diet king.
Our new hero has yet to emerge
>put in headphones
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The natty king.
He will always be The True King of /fit/

>Looks great
>Likes the dick
>fucking dork

He's the embodiment of /fit/ without the shitposting.
jif pli ge
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Jeff is the right answer.
No he isn't
I think it's time for a woman to lead us
Bradley Martin
go back to your board, fag
I second this motion and nominate Lord Jeff sied the friendless as our new monarch
Clarenece has a gf now right? I really hope that he's at least fucked her or had a three way with frank yang and omar where he was alpha the whole time.
t. cookiecutter
>Dem pectorials
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If any girl will it will be her
>having manlet as a leader

you degenerate cookie cuttening porch monkeyining swine
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Kaiser Juilius
Disregard this post, I'm a huge faggot
yuck wtf
This is /fit/ not /fat/.
Jason Blaha lost his following when he started lying all the time, he's also clearly lost it completely. Big Lenny is a fucking psycho and looks like a literal monstrosity from out of Warhammer.
>Likes the dick
the obvious true king of fit. we miss you scoobs.
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qt twink mode is the new king
dem roids tho

Jeff, I implore to to vacate the premises
He's gotten a lot less chill recently, shoving it down peoples throats more.
>shoving it down people's throats more

The once and future King.
Frank Yang was always /fit/'s king, its time he took the crown.

>10years blogging
>actually natty
>grew from awkward and weird to a real man

wake up to yourselves
>Jason Blaha
Lol. By peaked do you mean maintained being a consistent lolcow and fat shit
I want to slap that ugly face while pillaging her muscular pussy.
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Now it's time to save western civilization .
Jesus his hair is so fucking gay. I'd respect him and his physique 1000% more if he just got rid of the 2007 scene kid haircut.
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>Who will take over /fit?



He even fucks traps, he is a true /fit/izen
After 2 roid monsters died on us, I think aiming smaller might be a good idea.
One of them choked on his food.
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Justin will come out of exile and reign

The one true kang
Why is this Northern barbarian pretending to be from a civilized culture?
I'd love to see Big Lenny get more recognition here

>Fucks Trannies
>Does shit loads of gear
>Lives in a shit pit

He's 4chan incarnate
He's merely honoring Europe's past and its history m8, I've seen plenty of Italians and Greeks Larping as vikings too, it's not ''pretending'' its honoring our history.
>Lol fuck off Snow nigger
That I may be, but I have Franco-Belgian blood in me and my grandfather was quite clearly a roman decendant :^)
I'm sorry, but I can not promote such barbarism.
he admitted he was gay, and has a husband.
they make super twinks now?
Never skip face day.
>goat fucking snow niggers pretending to be part of western civilization, while in reality they lived like animals while Meds did all the heavy lifting
I'll never bend the knee to a cocksucker
I vote Blaha.

>Makes up stories to sound cool
>Clearly delusional about how "big" he is
>Spends his days sitting in front of a camera, video game system, or making his ammo.
>Socially retarded
>Makes threats over the internet but never backs them up

How is he not the poster manchild for /fit/ already?

ikr, vikings were malnourished serial rapists who continued ritual sacrifice hundreds of years after everyone else realized it was retarded and barbaric.

>o-oh but they b-bathed

so did the greeks and romans, with aqueducts that weren't seen in northern europe until they arrived and were destroyed after they left.
Bradley Martyn is the millenial insta boy, so sadly he will be crowned if us oldfags dont find a worthy substitute soon
uh-huh, explains why they were taller than literally all people they conquered or pillaged. Speaking of which they conquered parts of Britain, France, Ukraine, The baltics, and even Russia. Don't downplay their victories.
>Hundreds of years after everyone else realized it was retarded and Barbaric.
You mean until Christianity came and forced everyone to give up their pagan ways and slaughtered those who didn't? Also the Spartans, who were Greek (the ones you fetishize so much) killed infants if they were misshapen and the rite into becoming a Spartan soldier was killing a random Helot slave. ''muh Spartans weren't as civilized'' alright, well Socrates was butchered by a mob of Athenians for not liking Democracy, that's not very civilized either :^) There's never been any aqueducts in Northern Europe. The Romans never went further than Denmark, they didn't dare to come up here, at the time Scandinavia was incredibly dangerous with clans and tribes slaughtering each other, making Alliances to slaughter other Alliances, blood feuds, petty kingdoms, etc.
>h-ha see you were savages
Well yea, we didn't exactly have time to devote all of our time to prance around in dresses while discussing politics, or have several people devote their time to architecture, we didn't have time for ONE emperor to rise up and unite all the Nordics under one banner, and we certainly didn't have time to constantly have sex with our 12 year old boy slaves. We were busy trying to find food before winter came so we didn't die. Later on there would come people who tried (and did) unite Scandinavia. Birger Jarl united Svealand and Götaland into Sweden, and then the Danes created Kalmarunionen which practically ruled all of Scandinavia.
Fuck off Kevin Bacon's retarded son.
what's a king to a god
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Our one and only true Natty King. No one else comes close.
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When will fit accept Jujimufu as their lord and saviour ?
Predict Ruby placings.

1. Dale
3. M'tard
>le kill a bunch of priests then run away/ get shit pushed in when an organised fighting force comes along men.
>implying defending democracy against sedition isnt civilised.
>muh spartans killed helot slaves as a rite of passage
yeah more than a thousand years before, its almost like the rest of western civilisation moved on...
>We were busy trying to find food before winter came so we didn't die.
so you're bragging about being so retarded you guys didnt know how to farm properly?
I'll give him 2 years tops before one too many skateboard accidents catch up with him.
Fuck yes!
Gone are the days of degeneracy. We are going to surf the Kali Yuga until the transition phase begins.
>snow nigger cope

Lmao, you were literally Africa tier, but at least Africa had Egypt, Carthage, and Timbuktu. All snow savages had was a frozen wasteland.

You spent hundreds of years raping and robbing your betters, now I'm glad that the third world immigrants you've imported are doing the same to you.
That's what I said. We were busy farming and hunting during summer so we wouldn't starve the rest of the year (It snows and gets cold as fuck inbetween october and april)
>Let's kill a bunch of priests and runy away
Are you actually fucking implying this after I told you the Vikings conquered Ireland and even managed to hold Britain in a chokehold for a while? (Danelaw) And after telling you that we went and took a part of France (Normandy) and then colonized a ton of Eastern Europe? Viking mercenaries even fought wars on the behalf of Medds as mercenaries both for Byzantium and the Ottoman empire.
They're doing the same to you, you retard.
Also I'm Polish master race, don't even bother responding.
Scoobatron will return
scooby claims that the mods keep permabanning him whenever he's tried to post
Your people flood into my country as well, so much for ''master race'' you were barbarians back then as well.
If you did not act like a cultural sjw you would recognize the positive as well, but alas you will take every opportunity to sperg out and larp about retaking the holy land (just to give it to (((them)))).

So to give example of something that dogma driven people would never consider or value: during the Christianization of Scandinavia some king (don't remember name) asked the priest what happened to he's ancestors which did not get buried the christian way. The priest replied that they are in hell, to which the king asked to not be buried the christian way for he would rather be with he's ancestors. Yet we constantly hear that the strong family unit sprung from christian values and the savages did not care at all. Really makes you think.
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>Bloho cuck
holy shit please tell me you're not serious

Big Lenny is literally /our guy/ on the other hand

pick one...
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well not everyone has elite natty genetics like Rich
weird how everyone else, in the civilised world found time to fight during the summer.
>embellishing your history massively because you have no culture to speak of at all
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