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/FAT/ General - "Are you going to eat that?" Edition

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Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 62

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>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication.

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
http://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
http://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
http://www.fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones
>Join the /fat/ Discord

Prev Tendie >>>42577777
anyone else like me watches obese cunts in youtube a whole box of pizza to feel better about themself? my favorites are hungry fat chick, and joeysworldtour
>no quints
Already to a bad start. Might as well just binge today.
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Dear /fat/,

I've been coming here off and on for over a year. Today at work some girls were talking about how they like skinny men (fat bitches, I wasn't in the least bit offended) and it got me thinking. Why can't I lose weight? I know how. I've done it already (lost 25 pounds last year). But I just can't seem to make it a permanent habit.

Like fuck, I'm about to go to rehab for not being able to stop myself from eating an entire fucking pizza by myself in one sitting and then be hungry 3 hours later.

Fuck my life, anons.

Sincerely, Anonymous.

P.S. Fuck food. It's the worst.
You've found the secret: dieting to lose weight isn't a permanent solution. If you don't change your lifestyle and eating habits, you'll never fix the problem.

This is why i actively discourage anyone considering short term alterations like keto or OMAD. They may work for weight loss, but they don't seem realistically sustainable to me personally.
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why are you still eating /fat/
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Confess, my children
I'm not morbidly obese and I work out every day, so fasting would be counter-productive.
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I've had all my meals for today and have 200 calories left over

Instead of calling it a day, I'm going to eat those 200 calories too
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I ordered a burger within my calories and some chicken that should have been. Instead of small nuggets they brought out something much larger. I walked an extra 10 miles as penance.
What's a good weight to stop cutting til for a 5'8 guy? I've cut from 240 to 160 and my gut still hasn't left me. Should I be doing anything in particular to get rid of my gut?
Just slice straight down with a butcher's blade

i'm 6'1 and 190 lbs, I still have a bit of a gut, although that is due to my loose skin mostly (I used to be 380-400). Most guys at my weight have a gut or at least some extra bodyfat, but mine is especially weird because it's kind of like the same gut i had when i was fat, just emptied out for the most part.

i don't know if yours is like this ( i doubt it)

anyway, 160 is not too bad a weight if you lift. it's around this mark that it gets really hard to lose weight, but if you really have the dedication to do it ( i dont), you need to do cardio and eat under your tdee, and make sure you count correctly.

i personally am failing to cut any more, i just find myself too hungry and my intake has been around 2400 calories for the past couple months.
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doing it for her /fat/
Is La Croix /fat/ approved?
Post gut. I'm also 6'1, currently 240 lbs. Need pic for reference.
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I'm starting to get hungry, boys. For 3 months I went eating 1500 or less calories a day and I was perfectly fine not really getting hungry and kinda forcing myself to eat what I was eating. This week has been different though. I can feel my motivation slipping and I'm on the verge of a binge.
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Alright what should I add or take away? Concerned on lower body more than upper body
Then eat at TDEE for a few days and see if that helps, dude.
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How much did you manage to lose in those 3 months?
So what's the change that's worth following?

Exercise like a maniac and hope I eat less for the day? I already work out 2-3 times a week depending on laziness levels. I haven't lost a pound in 12 months.
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55 pounds
>Ate like shit thurs-sunday and didn't work out
>Worried about todays weigh in
>Down 1lb

2 nore pounds and I'm down 30lbs. Currently at 204, about to drop below 200 for the first time since HS.

Add me on MFP Jeffisfat
Was going good today until I got home from work, ate a huge piece of cake, followed by chips and hummus.

Fuk m8 that was probably like 600 cals
got 150 calories left for today

what to eat to make sure I don't get hungry at 1 am
The change worth following is one you can stick to and live with.

Because you have to live in a very similar manner if you want to keep the weight off.

If guy haven't lost weight in a year, you are eating too much. Start counting calories and eat 500cal less than TDEE,assuming you do want to lose weight still. That's not a huge deficit, so it shouldn't be a big adjustment.
What's your height? I am at ~196 after my morning shit down from 235.
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Ive visited someone today, ive ended eating a taco, rice, bistek and meat, forgive me father
What's your height? I am at ~196 after my morning shit down from 235.
I assume you meant weight.

I'm at 243. Started at 300.
Need motivation? Any time you get hungry or think about food, GRAB YOUR BELLY. Jiggle your fat, feel your soft core. It's even more prominent when you sit down. Hold on to that fat as long as you can and you'll be disgusted with yourself and probably walk away from whatever bad choice was in front of you
He also wants to know your height. 180 and 6' is much different than 180 at 5'8"
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>completely food-addicted
>working part-time while mooching off parents and paying a small amount in rent
>the rest of my paycheck disappears into buying takeout and even ingredients to make my own stuff
>will be completely stuffed and already planning my next meal
>if someone's taken the car somewhere i will fucking trot my ass like a pack-mule up to 3 miles for some pad thai or butter chicken

looking up therapists in my area desu
Yeah but he didn't list his height.
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the sadder, the better.
> JoeysWorldTour
> Hungry Fat Chick
> BigDaddy Food Reviews
> Daym Drops
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What would a good weight for someone that is 6'7" be? At 318 now, down from 335. BMI charts say 210 but I'd be skelly thin and lose any muscle I had at that weight. I was thinking between 240-260. Thoughts?
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aye father, i ate 4 slices of pepperoni pizza today and im not even sorry for it. its a scheduled cheat meal so fuck off
196lbs - 5'11 down from 235
>scheduled cheat meal

never going to make it
Just kill yourself, your parents will be glad you're gone.
im just following scoobie's orders bro, i have to follow it
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who /notmakingit/ here?
>3 day binge spree on Friday-sunday
wew,good thing i'm back on track now
he says to take cheat days?
get motivated or something

i got inspired by my dog. i was so scared no one's going to take care of the little fucker if im going to die before him ;_;
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>The change worth following is one you can stick to and live with.
So eating 12 pizzas/day and drinking a 12 pack to wash it down?

I can live with that.
yeah, to keep you "sane". honestly, if you eat clean and exercise perfectly one cheat meal doesn't going to matter. it makes the visit to the gym worth it
Well I don't go to the gym so I can't afford cheat days/meals.
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I'm here with you, 69ers fan. Too bad I wear a big blue and gray star when I go to watch my team play.

I'm a fucking cook. I cook food for a living.

Life is hell.
Thanks. Look better than I expected.
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Daks taking us to the promised land
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2 rough days and I'm back on the wagon

I put my GI tract through the fucking ringer. I have pills to take now for fucks sake.
Safe to say I've learned my lesson.

It's my birthday in 6 weeks, no more follies between now and then.
I am 5'7 and had to go to 125 to get rid of my belly and be nice and lean

you could probably still lose another 20-30lbs
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>. I cook food for a living
Do you pick as you cook? Temptation all day.
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319 today, v1lb from yesterday, v6lbs from start.

No treadmill today, still 53mi total.
Today I swear I made the best spaghetti sauce I ever tasted in my life. It was a complete fluke and I'll never make it that good again, but holy fuck was it good. I "tasted" 3 meatballs and then decided to eat lunch with a huge plate of spaghetti.

I'm fucked /fat/ aren't I? My co-worker makes the best chicken salad I've ever had and made it today. I had 2 sandwiches.

Fucking VLCK diet btfo on day one.

>Daks taking us to the promised land
Not without Elliot and he's too busy beating women up to play football.
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I swear to god if that scale goes up again tomorrow I'm throwing it in the god damn trash
Throw yourself out a window instead. From the 10th floor.
That was rude. Besides I'd have to drive for an hour to get to a building with 10+ floors.
don't put too many onions in the sauce
Delet this, I'm 5'7 160lbs and was looking to cut down to 150 before I started bulking. I figured I may have to go a little lower depending on how I looked but I wasn't expecting this...
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can't wait til i'm done cutting
i'll just get piss drunk. i've been craving drinking for so long but i know if i give in it'll start a nasty cycle
how long have you been cutting? remember to take into account your new form

I was always a light weight, even as a lard ass. When I bought a box of cheap wine just to get fucked up, I was deep in keto and I'd shed about 60% of my body weight over the preceding 10 months.
I don't remember much but I was really, really ill in the morning, and I had plenty of wine left over.
Aww thats a shame. I was hoping I'd be able to quit cutting soon but I suppose it won't be that easy. Were you doing a lot of cardio or lifting while you dropped to 125?
Do you think things will be different when you finish cutting?

What would stop you from losing all your progress? It's harder to keep weight off than it is to lose it,man.
>Doing intermittent fasting
>Can feel my heartbeat go up
Am I gonna die?
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>2 weeks
>haven't lost a single pound

I'm new to lifting but I've been cutting for months now.

Ate at 1500 calories and did IF while doing light body weight stuff here and there. On good weeks I'd drop three pounds, but now that I've started lifting five times a week instead of doing body weight stuff can I expect to lose less weight or would whatever muscle development I'd gain offset my weight loss or something?
Fat fucks
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Some day.
I ate a large slice of pizza with vegetables on it today. My mom "left it for me" in the fridge. Could've just pretended to eat it & thrown it away to not make a scene but threw it in my stomach instead. Damn me. At least it didn't lead to a binge, pretty surprisingly t b h
Hunger is from insulen fluctuation. Stop eating carbs and you insulen will fuck off and you wont get rampage hungry. Itll take a week or two of misery but itll get easier.
Anyone have tips on how to stop stress eating?

I haven't lost any weight in the past few months and at first I didn't understand why my routine was so different than usual. I was snacking a lot more and eating later into the night. Then I realized it was because I had just finished high school and have been stressing out about college, pushing things away to get prepared so my schedule has been very hectic.

You see, this will be my first time back in an actual school in a few years. In high school I had five surgeries (one in each year, two in junior year) and so I decided to do online school to finish up what credits I was missing. I'm just really nervous about getting back to school.

I think maybe the answer to stress eating is to just try to keep myself in check as much as possible and by the first week of school, I'll get settled in and I won't be stressed anymore?
Been feeling a little light headed the last few days and have been getting head rushes everytime I stand up. I feel like I need to break from working out until this calms down (or doing anything that will excite my heart, including alcohol and coffee). Shit sucks, I hate having a heart condition.
Moderation will set you free.

When you realize you can eat a little bit of something "bad" without destroying yourself, food will become your friend again.
What kind of heart condition anon?
WPW. It only really acts up like once every other year for a week or so, hopefully this time isn't any different.
fish and chips
I hope so, anon. Don't die on us before you get /fit/ and show us the path.
You're probably going to have a hard time cutting lower than 160. You wouldn't look good with less fat anyway, you'd just be a skeleton instead of a normal man. Now is the time to start lifting weights while keeping your weight roughly the same. That fat will leave as muscle takes its place.
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for some reason, that never occured to me. well, at least it will be easier when the day comes

Not 100% sure what you mean since i'm kind of a dumbass. but i know that about the weight thing, and i think i've done a good job at changing habits. most of the food i used to eat on the daily disgusts me or makes me sick and i've grown to like veggies and what have you. it'll probably be the same for alcohol
I won't, thanks bro.
I have a friend who is 5'7 and weighs 140 and bitches love him. He tries to lift but he can barely gain weight. 140 is not unattainable at 5'8. I know guys at 5'11 that are 140 and they're not skeletor skinny.
Stop giving bad advice.
>if I give in [to drinking] it'll start a nasty cycle
>can't wait till I'm done cutting I'll get piss drunk

Why will the cycle only happen during your cut, and not after your cut?

Anything that would fuck up your cut (overeating, drinking too many calories) would happen the same way after a cut, wouldn't it?
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oooh i get what you mean now. yknow i'm not really sure. i guess i figured it wouldnt be AS bad since i would be eating at maintenance and not at a deficit.
Everything you said is stupid.
>5'7 and weighs 140 and bitches love him
Your physique is far from the most important thing to women
>He tries to lift but he can barely gain weight.
He must be pretty dumb. Gaining weight is easy. Ask anybody itt
>140 is not unattainable at 5'8
Nobody said it was. I said it's hard. Because it is.
>I know guys at 5'11 that are 140 and they're not skeletor skinny.
They ARE skinny. If they aren't skeletons then they must lift weights.
The point is there isn't a good reason to cut below 160 anyway. It's time to start building muscle mass.
I feel you. Can we kill each other at the same time so it's considered a double homocide?
Are you eating at a deficit?

If it's been a while, try eating TDEE for 2 or 3 days. Got me losing weight again.
Pulled pork. But it was my main meal of the day and I'm still under tdee
keep cutting.

You will know when to stop, just look in the mirror.

also keep lifting. You will probably get shredded by 140 ish depending on how much muscle you have and how shredded u want to be.
Like, entirely? I'm trying to lose weight but I like pasta and bread too much.
Last night I ate outside my eating window. I got back from swimming and devoured two peanut butter blondies and a tub of oppo. I feel pathetic.
Is it true that your belly fat starts to feel looser as you lose weight? I think it's just my wishful thinking playing tricks on me.
I used to work in a Japanese kitchen

Owner let us make our own meals for lunch (and dinner, if your shift was long enough)

All them bowls of rice and noodles and fried shit

I'd probably have died by now if I stayed
I know that feel
do you plan on surgery one day
I don't see how anyone can eat 1500 calories and not feel like they're suffering. I have a hard time with 2000.
more vegetals
2 pounds of broccoli a day
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>that fat will leave as muscle takes its place
bro come on, this is in no way true, that fat will stay there until he goes on a cut again. why do people just make up shit i swear lol
You should cut until there is not much fat on your body. I'm 6'6 and I was lean at about 175. Then I started lifting. You still got a gut, you still need to be dieting dude.
>just walk around with a gut because that's what a "normal man" looks like
have higher standards.
Shit, 175? What were you even doing at the end?
Lifting on a bulk is much more fun dude. Your gains are limited during a diet. Just keep losing weight and once you're lean the real fun begins. Good luck
I'm new to fit, do any of you know good cookbooks to reverse fatty liver?
Bro I ate like 400 calories today and I'm fine. But I get you, I had a hard time with 2500 when I started. As your body gets smaller, your hunger adjusts.
Just normal diet plus daily cardio. It might seem hard at first but it gets a lot easier when you get used to it. I was just skinny and didn't see any reason to leave pudge on my body. I've noticed a lot of dudes are scared to be skinny though, they would rather stop at skinnyfat or chubby. I just wanted to start lifting at a reasonably low bodyfat.
I've been having a rough time lately,mentally. 6'3", 303 this morning. Started at 325ish on 5/24. Progress is progress I guess and as long as it goes down its cool, but I feel like I should do better.
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I was too lazy to eat today, so all I had was 2 scoops of whey protein in the morning and I ate a spoonful of coconut oil for dinner.
If I'm trying to lose weight by dieting, how do I deal with cutting calories/eating less, but I still feel hungry? Shit sucks, I hate the feeling of hunger. I'll be absolutely fucked if I'm ever in a situation where I don't have a supply of food.
Eat more protein and fiber rich food. Those things fill you up really well. Carbs make you feel hungry again sooner.
Should I just do something memey like eat roasted beans or something for every meal? I kind of dug myself into this hole by liking bread and sugars too much, due to living in Cheeseland (Wisconsin) despite having diabetic family history.

I'm 22 and I'm probably already pre-diabetic. I just fucking know it.
alternate day fasting is piss easy, lads. calorie restriction is masochistic.
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I feel the headaches coming on
Eat your fats.
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they are both the same
/FAT/ decides my cheat meal

im thinking about, pizza, burger, or some chips and coke
the classics

I'd go for fish and chips
with vinnegar and ketchup
with a plastic fork
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All of them. Live a little
Water like a gallon of it or more a day.
A full bar of chocolate laxitive, followed by korean food.
>decide to fast to shake things up
>not slept since 5pm yesterday
well this is gonna be easy
might try keto too since I'd get a head start, why the fuck not
Get a burger, but ditch the bun or see if they'll wrap it in lettuce.

Or just go crazy and get the bun, it's a cheat meal.
just found an old video of me on YouTube from november
holy FUCK I was fat!
why are burgers considered as a cheat meal?
> bun
good source of carbs
> beef
good source of protein
> lettuce, tomato
literally 0 calories

>inb4 cheese
get the fuck out
you're still fat boogie2988, at least wait a month after the surgery. jesus christ
that nigga gon die of painkiller overdose
I assume most people are pairing it with French fries, and add ons like bacon.
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greatest food confirmed
proper balanced meal desu if you skip the mayo, bacon, processed cheese
>skipping bacon
might as well skip living
fuck it, chuck bacon in.
even with bacon, it is still arguably healthy
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>goy detected
we got him boys, he's got nowhere to run
How do I lose 23 pounds, I work out maybe three times a week, play basketball with friends 4 times a week, and when I go home I can't help but to eat fat food that was made for dinner. I try not to eat it but my house is filled with obese fucks and all we have is fattening food, I'm currently at a weight of 193 and would like to try and slim down to at least 160.
Count calories. You can't out exercise a bad diet, which you have just explained is the issue

Cook your own food.
I could try that out, but I'm not that good when it comes to shot like that. I thought of not eating on the days when the food is really fattening, but I always regret it the next day. Do you have any suggestive diets to try out, I'm sure I can get the items required.
I ate two bags of chips and an entire thing of maltesers today

not sure why, didn't even enjoy it
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I catfished a girl on Tinder. The girl is a pure 10/10 but I used my old photos where I was in ottermode.

Now I'm eating 1200kcal of pure protein just to lose weight before I meet her.

ATM I'm stalling her and hoping she won't lose interest.
I had pizza for breakfast, 2 gatorades for lunch, and some chicken for dinner. Probably not a well balanced diet.
The Gatorade is not a good choice for someone trying to lose weight.
True but it was like 88F today. Should have gone for water though.
anyone else struggle to eat in the morning? I swear it takes like 2 hours for my digestive system to wake up. I even struggle to drink a cup of coffee immediately after waking up. it makes me feel so full.
then dont eat in the morning nigga the fuck u want.
eat @ lunch or whenever the fuck
Kek. What are you now? And how old are the pictures?
I understand that. I was just wondering if it happens to anyone else and what the causes might be.
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how do i reach psycho mantis mode
I'm the same way and honestly I think that is the secret to my weight loss success. I don't get any cravings for several hours after waking up and I really don't have a massive urge to eat until I actually start eating something. If I woke up and had cravings immediately I probably would have failed during my first week.

But yeah, embrace it m8 and try intermittent fasting. It works and there is really no virtue in forcing yourself to eat when you're not hungry and could just save those calories for later when you actually want them.
Go back in time to Nazi Germany and identify as a Jew
Around 2 years, give or take. I was 93kg and now I'm 113kg. I have some extra muscle but it's a far cry from the glory days.
Yeah that's a fair bit for 2 years but nothing that bad. You can lose a good 10kg in a month, especially if you haven't gone on a cut in a while and stick to that 1200kcal diet. The fact that you have muscle left also is a huge help.

Don't stall too long though, better to chance her not liking what she says and backing off than to wait too long and not get a chance at all.
>stagnating for 22 days despite doing everything right
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A casino buffet. GO HAM NIGGA!
I know. I'm into BB/PL for 10 years. With 1200kcal I can lose 6kg in the first week and then 2kg per week until I hit 93kg. Although I'll just cut to 100kg and call it a day. I won't have abs but I won't be a fat fuck either.

As far as the stalling goes I think I can pull it off for a week or two max. We'll see.
>lost 3.8 pounds in the last 30 days
>443 caloric deficit per day
>ate 1747 calories on average
>my TDEE was 2190 calories
>2190 calories is my BMR without factoring in activity level

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>going from buying clothes with the assumption that you will get fatter to the opposite
Unless you just started cutting in the last 30 days then that's completely normal. A TDEE -500 calories diet means you should lose roughly 1lb a week. And since you've been eating slightly more than that it makes sense that you've lost slightly less than 4lbs in the last 30 days.
This. Such a great feeling. I remember when I had to switch from Large to XL and how I just did mind games to convince myself it was no big deal. "Oh I can still fit in an L, XL is just more comfy" "I bet XL is the most common shirt size after L" and all that other BS like that.

I just bought some new Large shirts and they fit me like like XL did 4 months ago. I also dropped from a 40 waist to a 34 and got some new work pants and blue jeans last month. I'm saving the blue jeans for the fall but the work pants and my belt are already getting noticeably looser. I might have to return the jeans by the time October and November roll around and go for a 32. Feels fucking great.
>tfw only 19 inch shoulders
I'll look ridiculous when skinny.
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yeah but I'm questioning my TDEE. My weight loss is closer to BMR TDEE than sedentary.

My sedentary TDEE at 6'2" 255lbs should be about 2600 calories. This would be a 853 caloric deficit per day.

Over 30 days that would be 25590 calories, or 7.3pounds.

I've been pretty anal about tracking food so I don't think it's that
>"I bet XL is the most common shirt size after L" and all that other BS like that.

......... that might be true tho. If not then I would bet M, L and XL are the most common sizes. But good job on the weight loss anon. I dropped a few sizes myself and while I hate having to spend the extra money I made sure to buy an even smaller pair so I have more goals to work toward.
Loose weight again, loose skin be damned you'll be healthier.
Oh I see. Ok that is a bit strange. I guess the obvious question then is how active are you? I guess it's a given that you should be active enough for your sedentary TDEE to be relevant over your BMR. But if you're just sitting inside all day that could potentially explain the issue.

My only other guess would be that your metabolim is getting slower. How long have you been dieting and have you dieted a lot in the past? From what I understand the more you diet and cut calories the weaker your metabolism gets. I've heard caffeine can help as well as doing IF. I've always assumed I have a slow metabolism and I've been doing IF and drinking quite a bit of coffee lately and have been losing weight as steadily as I was during my first month of cutting.
I went NEET mode due to loldepression but I'm getting over it and started going to the gym again. I'm just hoping the "moderately" active TDEE holds true

>How long have you been dieting and have you dieted a lot in the past?
I started in April and this is my first time not just shoveling whatever garbage I can fit into my mouth.
>I started in April and this is my first time not just shoveling whatever garbage I can fit into my mouth.

Nice, I'm in the exact same boat actually. Never dieted in the past and I started April 15th. So your metabolism should be pretty solid unless it's just naturally shit. But if you've been exercising and going to the gym regularly then I have no idea why you aren't losing closer to what you should be based on your sedentary TDEE. I wouldn't really count on the "moderately active" ones or anything about sedentary though. I've always gone by sedentary and just consider my exercise a sort of failsafe buffer so that if I eat a bit closer to my TDEE than usual or I eat something I can't count accurately I can still rest easy knowing there's little chance I ate over my TDEE.

But anyway, best of luck to you m8. Hopefully in the next month you lose more
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>white bread
>good source of carbs

>disgusting processed cheese
what app is this?
bought a quarter-loaf yesterday for a week of sandwiches. made two sandwiches and then like three or four slices using the remainder of a thing of cream cheese. I am now out of bread again
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Where you at, /fit/?

>was 10 pounds away from super morbid obesity (class 3)
>now 15 pounds from only being overweight

feels good man
Where do you think you are?
Self control is the basis of any change. Try mastering that before you commit to any diet.

I recommend mindfulness meditation, specifically taught by a theravada Buddhist .
I'm overweight but I don't look like that
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I was between overweight and obesity class 1. Just tripped over the edge into 30 BMI before I decided it was time to fix shit up. That was just over a month ago and I'm down to 28 now, or 7KGs lighter.
should i only drink protein shakes on workout days?
>should i only drink protein shakes on workout days?
Do you mean like literally only brotein shakes through out all day?
no, just one

should i skip the shake on non-gym days?
do you need it for macros?

if you can eat the protein, that is better
Is 1 meal cheat meal a week okay, or should I make it bi-weekly?
High-end of overweight right now. Started fasting when I realized I hit the borderline of class 1. I don't think I've ever hit class 2 in my life.
I think that cheat meal should be served as accomplishing something rather than having it as regular thing.
Thanks, I'm trying man. Only thing that sucks is I started going to the gym way too late.

If I'd started when I started eating better, I'd be 30lbs lighter and 2 months closer to my goal weight.
Might not work for you because different folks different strokes.
But I only allow myself one cheat meal once I hit a goal ex: lost 20lbs.
I do however once in a while factor in a burger with lettuce buns or something like that into my caloric intake I find doing these things helps keep me from wanting to rip open the fridge and I still lose 3lbs a week.
Watching that Jason Fung vid. He makes it sounds believable and on point.
He's not pulling it out of his ass

Djabeetus patients benefit alot from IF
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>ate another banana
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/fit/ i am back and fat.
i restarted counting calories today after two months in snap city.
i feel like shit, my sex drive is gone and i cant even look at myself.
im gonna make it brehs. i will
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fucking good on you mate
>sex drive is gone
There's no way that sex drive increase if you lose weight.
I find the suffering enjoyable
I can't explain it but I love that feeling of being hungry
it fills me with determination to keep it up and lose weight
what... most people here and irl say that now that they feel better about themselves their sex drive increases. hat was my experience too.

it's probably purely psycological, unless you were like 300 pounds. in that case being so obses definitely had an effect on you sexual performance.
>tfw I caught myself just as I breached overweight
thank gosh
5'11", 230 lbs btw
dont do it fat bro.
that's obese already, your bmi is more than 30. it isn't that bad though.


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Holy shit LCHF is making this shit easy. A bit tough in the beginning but you get used to it. I feel fucking great and the fat is melting right off.

Time to push those last 10kg!
you're dumb. a non overt cheat meal every week or two weeks will prevent you from binging. I've lost over 100 lbs with cheat meals interspersed in my diet.
i dont know, its expensive and dangerous, and for losing 200 lbs it could be a lot worse
Why wouldn't you believe it? Why do people think you're going to hurt yourself if you don't eat the moment you get hungry? Nobody ate 3 meals a day in 10000BC
Going to a baseball game tonight, a double header for my local team.
Eating a light breakfast, straight veggies for lunch, and planning a 5 mile run. I've lost 40lbs already, 35 to go. What can I eat at this game? I love all of that shitty stadium fare. Give me the discipline to not fuckin binge my face off on soft pretzels and beer.
Another thread yesterday made fun of him.
>eat one single carb
>gain water weight back

le sigh
It's always fine to relax and have something like a pretzel and a beer once in a while, but keep in mind how many calories are going down the drain in those things that aren't benefiting you in any way and think more on it if you think you'd binge.
If we're talking a high quality huge pretzel that's 5 ounces, that's almost 500 calories alone. A good idea would be to have a big, hearty meal you know the calories of before going. I mean, would you rather have a nice sized steak and a big helping of roasted veggies or a single pretzel and beer that would be something like 650 without filling you up and leaving you wanting more?
I resisted eating a snickers and an ice cream today.
100 pounds
1 year

i did it
you can do it
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>want to lose fat at a decent pace
>start ADF to halve caloric intake
>look into lifting to lose weight faster
>"hey I know I'm not going to build much muscle while cutting, but what routine should I do for fat loss/muscle retention?"
>don't get a single straight answer

Every single fucking time in every single place I ask. I can build muscle when I'm happy with my BF%, I mainly want to not be fat. Is there something wrong about lifting without the main intention of bulking or is it just an obsession with masculinity? Endurance and cardio is more important in my trade anyway, I already meet strength requirements.
You will still get noobgains. You will just stall faster.
progress pics?
if you are doing a giant cut like some anons here it will be incredibly difficult to move up on weight, I have just been lifting 20s for awhile while cutting to try and maintain some kind of arms. You will lose more weight with cardio and that's just a fact of life. So I guess anons just consider it more "worth" in the end when it comes to making good weight loss.
They're just cunts.

They're one step ahead of you and can't understand why you aren't where they are yet.

Lose the weight first, and don't give a shit about gains yet.
It feels so damn good.

nah, you gaybo
I don't really care, I just want to get down from 30% to 15% BF at the moment. Even ottermodes can make military strength reqs.
>wanting inspiration is apparently being gay
okay then
Then just lift. It make you more defined and help the fatloss.
to be frank i didn't take any

wanted to erase the fact that i was ever fat
>11 months
git gud
Is the routine for fat loss any different from lifting for strength or will SS/SL work fine?
no stretch marks or loose skin?
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lift, of course.

> but i'm cutting, i won't make muh gains

bullshit, you'll look a 100 times better if you move your lard ass around and pick up heavy objects than if you don't. simple as that.
people on fit are retarded and end up going t-rex mode and looking fat because of memes like ss and gomad. just eat a lot of protein (~200 grams a day depending on you height/weight) and go hard in the gym.

honestly most people that ask that question are just looking for an excuse not to lift. stop being a pussy, if you really want to you can.
You're not a special snowflake.
>eat my sugary cereal (planned)
>eat leftover piece of cake (not planned)
>instantly feel nauseous from sugar to the point of never wanting to eat sugar again

Glad to know my body's looking out for me. It goes to show my body's adjusting to my new eating habits and can't handle the old way I used to eat. Feels good.
>driving person to airport 100 miles away
>kind of pissed that I have to do this at the last second
>binge eat a 20 piece nuggy /w mcdouble
>still kind of pissed off
>eat a double chalupa box

I did this two weeks ago and I don't even really understand why, I was having a nice WL pace and had no cravings for anything, I'm back on the horse now but I'm pretty sure I have anger issues.
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/fat/ give me your thoughts on this:

Alternate day fasting with Keto.
Keto is a meme , bad for health , bad for energy .
I have a better plan

Alternate day cardio with clean eating
Drank a six pack of light beers and then ate leftover veggie fajitas. Probably only went about 500 calories over maintenance, but it is an annoying bump in the road. Also feel kind of wiped out today because my alcohol tolerance is way down.
>Keto is a meme , bad for health , bad for energy .Calling it a meme is a meme. It's been proven time and time again humans are perfectly healthy in keto.

>recommends cardio
What are you even doing here if you're this normal?
Keto is a meme. ADF is easy and works, no calorie counting needed. I combine ADF with IF out of laziness because I can't be bothered to wake up at 6 for breakfast.
Elephant's foot tier constipation.
recomp while eating at maintenance and lifting is possible but it is generally a slower process than cutting/bulking.
hey guys i'm trying to get back in shape after 6 years of neglect. been going well for a few weeks and have seen some good progress, but have a question.

i'm at work literally all day. here for over 12 hours most days so i work out afterward without much opportunity to eat dinner until after which is around 9pm. should I be worried about eating so late or is it fine.
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> Started a few months ago- decide I was going to weigh myself monthly.
> Two weeks since last weigh in date
> Get impatient, decide to weigh in
> Afternoon (normally weigh in first thing in the morning)
> Down 2.6kg (5.7 pounds)

It's awesome to be back in the 70kg range again instead of 80!
purely hypothetical:

how much fat can you gain in a 24 hour period?
like if from waking to sleep you did nothing but eat, until you couldn't eat any more
with effort you could probably rack up around 15-20k of calories eating nothing but pure junk
so how much of that would stick to you?

The math dictates that it would be around 5lbs, but I don't know how efficient the body is as storing fat. Something like that would be overload city would it?

I might have to give this a practical test
for science of course
This sounds good. Gonna be a bitch the first week or so with hunger though.
I think I've figured it out /fat/. Im finally starting to WANT to go to the gym. all day today I've been sitting at work just itching to go work out.

I'm 300 at 5'11". I want to cut down to 200 and start bulking and get fucking huge

I don't exactly know why or how this feeling of determination is happening. I attribute it a lot to Chad nationalism. Because of that I've started reading and watching a lot of material about classic bodybuilders like Arnold and I've started listening to a lot of The Golden One's material. Really getting me motivated.

Think about your future, think about what you want to be, think about how disgusting you are right now. Think about how nice it would be next summer to go swimming without a shirt on and feel completely secure and confident. Start working for next summer guys.
Eat at maintenance for 1 - 2 weeks, and start again.
>get fucking huge
That's not going to happen unless you roid. Just being in shape should be good enough.
40 minutes till breaking fast*wee*
if you have a wider frame you can't always take those recommended weights seriously. you can measure your own BMI, but if thats you and you're 310 rn I'd shoot for 250, because with the change in body comp I think youd start to look and feel much better at that point.
damn dude. that was a huge shit.
6'4 260 lbs
Are you a girl?
Lemme tell ya somethin, as a fellow 5"11 (less than 1cm off 6 foot, fuck yourself God) 200lbs is not the goal weight. I started around 220 and I am closing in on 200 fast (like 6 lbs to lose) and the fat is still everywhere. Gut fat. Moob fat. Back fat. Thigh fat. Ass fat. You gotta get leaner than 200. I'll probably need to shoot for 180-190.
>wider frame
How to know what kind of frame you have?
I'm getting definition in the middle of my torso but I still have a huge gut
what a tease
I'm 5'10 and I was 170 with some muscle and I still had a little gut pouch. 200 is a good weight if you've been lifting for 5 years and bulking regularly but otherwise, shoot for 180ish.
grab your wrist, if index and thumb touch youre average. if they overlap, thats bad. if your fingers dont touch, thats a good frame
Its a pretty simple, yet reliable test that INDICATES whether you have a good frame. theres more to it, but thats an easy way to check in a matter of seconds
They almost touch but there's like 5 mm gap. Dunno if that good or not.
>finger and thumb
>once inch apart
I'm 6'3" and 302 lbs, how low should I go?
Do it and update us boy
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Here's my 8 month progress pic. You guys think I have gyno? My man tits haven't quite gone away yet.
It's supposed to be your middle finger, not index. If your index and thumb overlap holy shit what's wrong with your bones
Boys I'm probably retarded

From October last year to June this year I went from 330 to 260. Right now, because I am a fuck up, I am at 275

I've been trying new things at the gym but nothing sticks, and I keep going and getting pissed off that people are hogging machines and squat racks

I can't make a home gym since I live in a tiny apartment

So I am going to go full retard and join the crossfit meme
Oh, my thumb and middle touch.
Just use calisthenics, bro. You need minimal equipment, primarily a pull-up bar. You can workout with next to no space and make next to no noise. I know because I do it in my studio apartment.

Good thing about being fat is your body is so heavy it's just as good as lifting weights (if not better due to balance and shit).
I'll consider it if this doesn't work. Thing is in high school I used to love football practice (not so much the games) because I'd just get my ass kicked. Maybe I'm a masochist or something, I have a free class tomorrow so we'll see if I can do it or not.
>Good progress. Also you definitely don't have gyno, you just need to lose more fat.
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I know that feel. Football kicks your ass, especially with doubles in the summer.

I'm guessing Crossfit is gonna be more your cuppa then. Of course you could always find a jacked black guy at a park and do his routine with him.
I ate some homemade roasted peanuts
I have a cheat day once a week. Day. I eat a high protein breakfast, then whatever I feel like it for the rest of the day. Last one I had:

3 donuts
4 cupcake pancakes and hashbrowns from ihop
A gyro and large fries
A loaf and a half of garlic bread
Half a box of timtams
4 peanut butter sandwiches

Still dropping weight. Refeed days are real. 0 desire to go off diet the other 6 days of the week.
Forgot the breakfast. It was 6 fried eggs and a family sized pack of tuna.
For some reason I thought you told me to jack off a black guy at a park... How many calories would that burn?
If I ever did that anon I would start making excuses for the rest of the week. Cheat days work for some people but not for everyone. Every time I've tried the cheat day thing I've fucked myself over.

Cheat meals on the other hand is a bit different thing for me. Maybe once every 2 weeks I'll have a really awesome meal at a restaurant or something.

One thing you'll notice about skinny people is that when they eat out, they eat like pigs and don't care what they eat, but they don't go out very often and they eat very healthy at home
>For some reason
Subconscious desire.
>How many calories would that burn?
Black guys take forever, so a lot.
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Do I belong here if I'm /skinnyfat/?
I'm very new to /fit/ so I'm a bit lost here now.
Although I feel like this thread is for obese people mostly.
Because starving yourself is a terrible unhealthy meme. Work hard and change how you see food.
If it was for only obese people it would be called /obese/. I've lost 40lb but most people in fat would go REEEEEEEEEE NORMIE GET OUT if they saw what I look like. But other /fit/ threads say "LOL NICE BELLY AND LOVE HANDLES DYEL FAGGOT"

So it's a crap shoot really.
I like it. Aldi has it's own brand that is 2.50 for a 12 pack. It's nice for when I'm craving soda. I have no idea why people hate it though.
If I am a fat fuck who is 5'11, 300lbs. I am just starting to workout, I am trying to reduce my intake and exercise. I know a lot of this can be based on estimates, but will I avoid starvation mode if I eat low cal and burn the majority of it through exercise? I know there are more benifita to exercise than just weight loss, but that is my primary goal right now.
Should I alternate arms?
Someone out there will think you are fat no matter what so basically all are welcome here
if you eat more than you burn you will lose weight
don't complicate things
At that weight and height if you keep your calories at 1500 on your days away from the gym and do maybe 1750 on training days you should do fine anon. Just make sure you are getting enough protein. Grams of protein per day equal your goal weight in pounds
How big are your hands? Chances are you'll need both the entire time.
Looking for a very simple baked chicken recipe or seasoning ideas. So far I'm thinking of just throwing a bunch of breasts in a baking dish, dousing with olive oil, pepper + salt, and covering with foil while baking for 40 minutes. I've heard paprika is good season with, but I'm not eating any nightshades in my diet.
I was 29% BF in June. Now I'm at 22%. I hope to reach 15% before I go to military processing in November. Thanks /fat/ for keeping me straight, now I can have a bright future!
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>Thanks /fat/ for keeping me straight
Were you gay before?
Flatten with meat tenderizer, rub crushed garlic, marjoram and salt in it, skip the oil, bake.
After 3 weeks of eating solid, I crashed and got two burgers yesterday. I only got burgers because I had a BOGO coupon.
need to stop buying the reduced stuff at work
it's hard to turn down a platter of two dozen sandwiches for 9 pence
think I'll stop taking any money with me
stop being afraid of carb breh , just don't load them with fat ,
Pasta with pure tomatoes sauce and veggies , same for rice , no bologna or mac & cheese .
Keto give you "energy"

Carbs and cardio give you energy

If drink coffe you are doing something wrong , and 99% of the keto community smash the coffee .
he kept looking at our obscenely flabby masculine bodies and he had no other option but to switch
>skip the oil

Enjoy dry chicken
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Enjoy not getting fat from all the extra fat you won't be ingesting.
What happened?
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Is soy actually that bad for you?
I really like edamame.
>mom bought chocolate almonds again
what the fuck
stab her
Are they activated?
better yet just rape her
there is like 2 study n=1 and one n=3 that show marginal decrease in test and they had to eat up a fucking retarded amount of soy ( gallons of it I think)
they grew on a chocolate plant?
>Eating fat makes you fat
That's common knowledge.
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skip olive oil, paprika is too fine and will burn after 40 mins, cajun seasoning seems to hold up though, I eat chicken like this all the time
For some reason, I like dry chicken
They're almonds, covered in choloclate and they're 570 kcal per 100g
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Never gonna make it
I had funyuns and a red bull for breakfast this morning and it was so good.
Fat is used for hormonal processes
Carbs are more likely to make you fat since insulin is the one that makes you fat.
Fats barely trigger insulin spikes. That said, fats in moderation is good.

When your cooking it's used to protect the meat from burning as well so it dissipates quite a bit.
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>570 kcal per 100g
oh heaven on earth
>since insulin is the one that makes you fat

Insulin has 0 calories. It's extra calories that make you fat. Carbs need to go through de novo lipogenesis to be stored, fats can be stored almost directly and they carry over twice as much energy.
>It's CICO
and you were doing so well
>Carbs are more likely to make you fat since insulin is the one that makes you fat.
>Fat is used for hormonal processes
Oh god please stop
Yeah bruh fat is only used for hormonal processes don't wory .
Just by looking at the mean composition of an adipose cell you can tell which kind of fat the persons eat , fat is the most readily stored as fat micronutriment , insulin has way more property than fat storing , stop listening and reading keto/paleo guru blog, you don't need insulin to store fat , go on an all olive oil diet with 5000 calories a day and report back .
And at least carbs will allow you to perform higher intensity exercise compared to fat .

Dietary fat beside Omega 3 and 6 are LITERALLY USELESS , all those studies shilling saturated fat get those benefit from the increase in minerals found in the food that contains it , not in the fucking SatFat itself .
Fem/fat/ here at 85 kg. Would a job that requires me to stand (serve behind counter/ cleaning) 5 hours a day count as sedentary seeing as it's not exactly exercise?
Need to know to calculate intake and get slim again to be cute again desu, I'm too young to remain fat from my college days.


I woke up today, and it finally dropped. I'm now at 189.9lbs. We're all gonna make it.

Thanks for the advice anon!
Do you mean burn more than you eat?

For health reasons I really cant take my time. I need to lose weight quickly
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