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/plg/ - powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 320
Thread images: 36

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This thread is dedicated to a mystery trip
Where is every 1

That's one handsome bawbbii
How did you know who that is???
powerlifting is useless gym specific strength. if you want actual functional strength you should be doing bodyweight
I do pushups, sit-ups and pull-ups is that enough?
>Go back to good equipment
>Session felt easy as shit, zero fatigue
>Finished my session quickly
What a magical feeling. Looks like I won't need to deload after all
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This Samoyed wants to tell you something
not even close cracker. bodyweight you gotta increase intensity just like pling . difference is theres no weight so you need to learn all the variants of standard bodyweight exercises that increase intensity

for instance, elevating your feet will increase pushup intensity. theres a couple books out there that teach you all the bodyweight exercises so you can legit use bodyweight to get strong
I was kidding, I don't care.
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thanks lad
typical braindead pler lol
not sure if I would rather snuggle with her or her dog
Typical projection
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Because friendship.
Training going a lot better than it was lads. Pretty happy
this is literally my meme you stole
you stole my trappy away from me
Ah, shoulda known it was you, Dino
>block pull, high vol chest/delts/, SSB "fun" day
>get to gym
>closed till wed am


Build your own gym

Why is plg always dead it's actually annoying
Because no one wants to talk about anything, plus a lot of people left
Then why keep making a new thread
Because some people enjoy making the first new thread for some autistic reason
Did you say that cause I put your face on it
What's the best routine for advanced bench programming?
nice thread
That was actually funny, I was just referring to like 3+ anons making new threads at the same time to be the first new thread.


Who is this?
Do you mean building the monolith?
you dont know this famous lifter?

he held an ipf record bench for 120+ kg weight class for 3 years now
because my princesa left
Whomst's jewish grandmother is this?
It's not as effective as weights for incremental loading/quick gains

For example elevating push ups doesn't make them harder, it means you're not incline benching rather than benching
see >>42587725
I'm in the discord and keep seeing this guys face

Who is he??
I'm pretty sure I know who this is and I believe that that is not a fact.
now THATS a face i can get used to seeing
wasn't that a squat focused program
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>doing American programs
I really really hope you guys are on drugs
the best natty powerlifters are American
go back to your Slavic shit hole
projecting much?
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USAPL is a lolfed though
>same pepe in back to back posts
I think this conversation is done
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>he doesn't see the value in using a good, appropriate reaction image in multiple posts
yikes this general is dead
if only trappy came back...
what federation in US isnt a lolfed
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s-she is coming back just wait!
Someone who escaped Auschwitz
Did something fuckity to my arm today lads. Right where my tricep ties into my elbow I feel a sharp pain when moving. Running it on a lacrosse ball is painful but provides temporary relief. Did I just tendinitis myself?
Does faceguy still post here?
It's possible. Does it get really bad when you do a pressing movement?

Good. I have a pretty out there question for him

Stop fucking with it, lad.

Get cucked nigger
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I know he's lolfedder but how is this guy only 22 it's insane
>crazy genetics
>on a fuck ton of roids since he was like 12
>seems to train like less of a retard than alot of other lolfedders.
>Going for a squat pr
>Get my current 1rm of 150 kg easy
>Try for 155
>Drop past parallel
>When i get to parallel on the way up my hips shoot back
>have to dive out from under the bar
>why does it have to be this whey?
I have been training for strength for 1 and a half years.
I am 18 at 78 and 5'10"
Does it get better /plg/ anons, i am a disrace to powerlifting?
age means nothing it gives a false sense of potential but some just peak early
I'm really tired of deadlifts and since I'm not competing I want to change my main pull to a pull variation. (Already do a variation + conventional but want purely variation)

I'm stuck between RDLs or Deficit Deadlifts, what do each of these do better than a conventional?
Deficit deadlifts are like worse deadlifts. So RDL if you're tired of deadlifts.

quads give up on that pr, question is how your hard sets of 8-3 reps look

if quads give up too and you hips all the way up add some quad assistance
Deficit deadlifts are better than conventional at making you want to kys. RDLs are better than conventional at making you not want to kys. Squat hard and RDL hard and your DL might even improve.
I honestly enjoy running Smolov programming for squat and deadlift, and Smolov Jr for benchpress, twice a year.

Am I dumb, ignorant, or both?
How do I include 2-3 days of running into my powerlifting program?
Can you explain this to me? From my experience, deficit deadlifts are actual deadlifts that make me more confident at breaking the bar off the floor. RDLs don't feel like deadlifts at all, they feel like an erector and hamstring pump accessory. Like weighted hyperextensions or hack good mornings or something I'm not saying that doing squats and RDLs won't improve your DL, but deficit DL is probably a more faithful accessory if you want to use a low weight.
Oh and snatch grip deadlift > deficit deadlift
>tfw cant activate lats with mixed grip
how to fix
hook grip



Also >>42590986 for your heavy sets

Pretend you're trying to crush some oranges in your armpits, or someone is trying to tickle the shit out of you and you don't want them to.
Yeah i was going to try hooking today. After you get used to it can you use hook grip all the time? Like for all working sets

How does that help

ok ill try focusing on that but its a lot more natural with DOH
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post discord plx have a dougie as thanks
>How does that help
I'm not a kinesiologist, but snatch pull 60% of your conventional 5rm for 5 and tell me where you felt it
My guess is that by worsening your grip and "shortening" your arms, your lats have to do more work to keep the bar over midfoot.
I'm not really sure snatch grip DL specifically works lats, but it definitely aids hugely in troubleshooting upper back rounding and in training the DL motion after your legs and core have been beat up by squats.
depends on your goals

if you're a climber, bodyweight is great

if you're an american football player, benching is great because you're constantly pushing

if you're a rugby player squats & deadlifts brace for the scrum, which is basically a core and legs exercise

if you're a long distance runner, it's all garbage

basically, nobody fall for this shit
weighted bodyweight exercises are great though

the whole ''bodyweight only'' thing is like a cult
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Given up on Conventional, gonna finish the rest of the sheiko block doing sumo.

90% single, felt ok despite being my first time doing sumo in like a year. Back was a little bit rounded, but it could be worse.
Powerlifting can be seen as a cult
Literally every community with a specific set of rules (which if not followed exclude you from it) can be seen as a cult
Stop using that silly word
If you don't lock your lats in on SGDL you'll round like a motherfucker.

However in my experience lat issues are mostly an issue of poor body awareness and learning to cue lat tightness fixes that. The orange cue works, but if you're still not getting it you can also set a light band up pulling the bar away from you on your warm ups, and that'll force you to cue lats or the bar pulls away from you.
It is more natural but you'll get used to it

>Giving up on conventional
Good lad
t-shirt from a pharmaceutical company, lol
>Powerlifting can be seen as a cult
>Literally every community with a specific set of rules (which if not followed exclude you from it) can be seen as a cult
>Stop using that silly word
clearly you havent done much reading on the subject

It can be, and to some it is. But in general it isnt. Just spend some time on the forums of gymnasticbodies and youll see what I mean
how long did you rest between attempts?
What program did you run?
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Didn't notice, that is hilarious
that old man was mirin
>How do I include 2-3 days of running into my powerlifting program?
run on 2-3 days
Not sure about that, I've seen candito say that SLDL or RDLs are fine as replacements for deadlifts so I guess each of them have their own benefits over a regular deadlift.

>5x5 bench @83%
>>5x5 bench @83%
jeez good luck with that
>Hey guys is it ok if I squat high bar

>Hey guys is it ok if I train bench and OHP equally hard instead of prioritising bench?

>Hey guys I'm not progressing
>>Eat more
>But I don't want to get fat

>Hey guys is it ok if I do (variation from the "norm" by powerlifting standards)

I love you, and powerlifting, but it's a cult. A very soft and moderate one, but a cult nonetheless.
only a few retards treat it that way, others just meme

we all know permabulking just gets you obese
>jeez good luck with that
>not being shw
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Pic related, slingshot and deads, gonna try to do it (doh)

>Hey guys is it ok if I squat high bar
It's literally the other way around, anons here yell at you for squatting low bar lmao

>Hey guys is it ok if I train bench and OHP equally hard instead of prioritising bench?
OHP makes bench progress way harder if you focus on both equally

>Hey guys I'm not progressing
>Eat more
>But I don't want to get fat
Most people that say that have a BMI of 20 or lower, they really do need to eat more

>Hey guys is it ok if I do (variation from the "norm" by powerlifting standards)
Tbf, usually these variations are very sub-optimal or just plain bad
That's more a function of coming to plg and asking a bunch of autistic children for advice than down to powerlifting as a whole.
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hello /plg/ i haven't been to /fit/ in over a year basically and i need help please help me.

is anyone here an /owg/ refugee? what happened to that general?

also is "trappy-chan" gone or still posting?
>is anyone here an /owg/ refugee? what happened to that general?
it died and commisar started roiding
>commisar started roiding
i remember his whole thing was "you can easily do the bulgarian method without drugs"
He did it without drugs for a very long time, didn't he?
lol no after a while he said that to go past a certain level he had to roid, he was very realistic. He just did what was needed
well i don't know how far he got before he hopped on roids. does he still post?

i was thinking of trying the bulgarian meme back then but i lost gym access and the necessary time to do it. now im a weak piece of shit.
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What is/are the suppliment(s) that cause(s) polumboism if used long-term?
insulin and HGH

t: read a couple articles
> you still have that Valeo belt
Lad just train beltless, it's doing literally nothing for you
ok thanks
> Bench x2@7,8,9 hopefully ending with a double around 240-250
> Close Grip x3@6,7,8
> Hammer curls and face pulls to keep my elbows and shoulders from falling off
Gonna be fun
Say you have progression based on an AMRAP with atleast 2 reps required to progress, how many reps would you wait for until progressing something like bench? 3 reps? 4 reps?

Seems that after I add 5lbs my 2 reps goes to 1, and I cant complete a heavy triple afterwards.
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>high volume back extensions
5 reps
protein powders and creatine
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Go with this
Think about pushing the bar back into your shins. And keep your back flat.
that file name... Son i am disappoint
It's a metameme you dip
how long should the rest be between sets when doing nuckols 28free bench 3x int?
As long as it takes. If they feel exceptionally difficult, 5-8+ minutes will probably be necessary.
>8 min rest on bench sets

Three or four minutes tops, ride a bike a few times a week if it takes you any longer to recover b/t sets
If they're extremely taxing then it's perfectly reasonable to rest that long. If you've never had to rest that long you've never tried very hard desu
Can I get a form check?
On squats maaaaybe. I've certainly had less time between attempts at meet.
If you're peaked then you have very little fatigue to work through, meet or not. If you're moderately fatigued already and/or doing somewhat difficult programming, it can definitely take that long.
Hey this is how I squat
during 3x beg i take 6 mins rest b/w 1 and 2 set and 10 mins before the amrap set...

thats already really long
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>when you're in the hole and know you're gonna do a squat morning but then you remember you're a billionaire playboy Chad with a 105827472782385 iq
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Btw lads.

Virtus is legit a billionaire playboy chad. He managed to keep it a secret from us all.
white bread
New nuckols
horrendous squat
does bodyfat in the belly area effect torso angle in the squat
I knew that but didnt want to expose him out of respeck
Deadlift isn't super technical and even if you detrain you'll still build muscle in all the places deadlift uses muscle doing squats and SLDLs/RDLs along with your regular upper back work.
Only if there's so much of it that it touches your knees, forcing you into the perfect upright position for flawless squats without even using your core. This is also the point when you should move on to TM after doing SS.
Thanks guys deadlifts went good today. Alternated my usual mixed grip to dominant hand over, actively thingken about ur lats really makes a difference.

Also is hook grip a meme? Is it worth learning? My right thumb kept slipping out
Don't do hook grip if your barbell rotates with the plates or you'll know the true meaning of pain.
>Hook grip
It works, I'd personally never do it because I need my thumbs for things

>Worth learning
If you have a bunch of issues with mixed grip and/or you want to do Oly, then yes

>Thumbs slipping out
Actively push them into the side of the bar, chalk the sides of your thumbs up too, and add in some plate pinches or some shit for dat dere pinch grip
wouldnt more belly fat pull your torso more forward due the center of mass being forward more
Hook grip is not a meme. I tried doing mixed when my grip started failing and it felt like the most unnatural thing in the world. Hook grip was uncomfortable for like two weeks of training while I got used to it, but I dont even feel it anymore
>Don't do hook grip if your barbell rotates with the plates or you'll know the true meaning of pain.
this so much

>Also is hook grip a meme? Is it worth learning? My right thumb kept slipping out
you gripped wrong
Exactly except you have it backwards; the mass on your gut spills out forward to your knees, so you have to squat more upright to move the bar backward so that the weight on the bar balances out the forward weight of your gut. Not only does being extremely morbidly obese force you to squat with perfect form, but it also offers counterbalance so you can squat with better than perfect form.
oh yeah that makes sense
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>less than $500 to my name
>rusty, unreliable truck
>struggling to get a job since graduation in May
>student loan payments start in November
>keep getting told that I'm "not a direct fit" because my internship experience is super varied (automotive, medical devices, access technology)

I don't even know what kind of job I can get with my experience, but I need one soon.

send help


>DC day 7
>incline press, BTN press, JM press, deadlifts, and machine pulldowns

It's the only thing that got me out of bed today. Hoping it goes well, since training is the only thing I look forward to lately.
> I need my thumbs for things
Hook grip affecting your thumbs is a meme. I pull about half my sets hook and half in straps, my thumbs feel great
>DC training

Is it really not a gimmick? It seems like it is a gimmick.
thx for the advice guys
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Fuck if I know, dude. I just decided to try it because it looks fun and has potential. I was going insane with boring-as-shit volume training. This had more of a "no bullshit, just work hard" kind of feel, which suits me better. I tend to overanalyze.

Some of the guys on the DC forum are ENORMOUS (240-270 stage weight), so that has some implications, I guess.

It's not applicable to powerlifting, though, so I don't recommend it for people here.

I've only been doing it for two weeks. Today is my first day of "beating the logbook". I don't expect it to be difficult to do so for quite some time, to be honest.
240-270 stageweight just means gear. For all you know they could be shit at training and that's the only thing holding them back from achieving those last 30-60lbs that someone like coleman has on them. Also going through the forums I actually didn't see a lot of dudes there talk about actually using DC training. The thing with roiders is you really have no idea what they're taking and what their natural potential is.
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>tfw they actually got some good photos of you

A 270-lb stage weight for a non-professional, non-lanklet competitor is pretty damn good in my book. Keep in mind that Arnold was 230-245 on stage at 6'2". That being said, I don't know how tall these guys are, so I can't really guarantee anything as far as density goes. I know that DC aims for 3-4 pounds per inch of height in stage weight with his clients. His trainee gallery (mostly on-stage pictures) has some pretty good showings, but I don't know their heights and weights.

As for pros, from what I've heard, DC has 2-3 pros for clients, but the only one I know of is Dusty Hanshaw (whose physique has improved significantly since switching). I think David Henry was also one of his clients, but I don't know if he still is. I don't keep up with pro bodybuilding all that much.

>you really have no idea what they're taking and what their natural potential is.

True, but I'm not worried about their natural potential. I also doubt that they're on the same dosages as pros (not to mention insulin, which could explain that gap of 30-60 pounds). I'm hoping I can get that 5+ post count, so I can access the gear section of the forum. It's pretty dead, though, so it'll take a while.

I'm not far away from starting on gear myself, and I'm only worried about what I can achieve within my limits.


By natural potential I meant what they can achieve on gear for some reason. Anyway my point is it's hard to really tell how much can be achieved with gear so you can't tell how much the programming is working.

Well, it's not hard to assume that these guys are on gear no matter what, right? So we'd be comparing two types of training under otherwise similar circumstances. It's not like you won't see better results from better training just because your hormones are different.
How often do you guys shower?
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Who's askin' and why?

1-2 times per day. Once in the morning, and once after the gym on training days.
3 times a week, after training. 1 extra time if I need it.
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it's the 6x10 (((deload))) week in momentum 2k17

Squat 2x10 @8
Bench 3x10 @8
Deadlift 3x8 @7

How many of you pause every bench rep in training?
Program suggestions for someone with a lagging bench and upper body who really needs to put on more muscle mass? I'm gonna be eating a surplus for a while and want to get big.
190/120/225 at 84 kg if that matters.
don't feel like my grip is hindering me too much in diddly yet, but should I switch to mixed for my max lifts anyway?
once a week :)
Tng feels uncomfy and i lose control

learn how to h00k with me

doesn't hook grip rip in peace your thumb
>do meme damien pezuuti bulgarian program
>squat actyally goes up 5kg second session
wut i thought you guys said this was for roidfags>>42594030
>second session

Wait for the fifitieth.
>bench 3x5 87%, 3x6 75%
>rows 5x5@9
>ohp 80% SS chins
>facepulls and curls
should i continue doing this or start doing a real program
dont b a pussy
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>political theory class
>professor throws out the question of "what makes a citizen?"
>I say that a citizen is someone who relinquishes absolute autonomy and agrees to follow a certain set of 'rules' in return for whatever service the collective state offers
>professor asks for other ideas
>"huuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrr a citizehn is oen who benefits frum puhblik goodz"
>"hurr a cihtuzen is soemone who votezzz"

why am I literally the only intelligent person alive
Nigga I hate my history class
My teacher is a fat Chinese gay man who thinks sharia law is ok

When is it appropriate to reveal your powerlevel and blitzkreig the class with zyklon b

I mean when someone has a meme opinon just adopt an even more radical meme opinion and repeat it

like pretend to be a follower of Stirners ideology and try to apply it to every single thing you are talking about

for fucks sake I wrote my final paper for my American History class on why we should have invaded and strategically nuked the Soviet Union in the immediate aftermath of WW2 and how this would have prevented many social, economic and diplomatic problems we see today
My lifts are on the up&up soon I'm gonna hit a 500kg total at 74 is that any good or no
I read your post the other day when you btfo this chick who asked you why you chose your choice of rule with 'do u think u r smart enough to choose your leaders' I loled

If only I wasn't such a pussy about being hated in this liberal environment

Tbh mirin
It's not great but I'd say it's starting to get good.
(Random lifts adding up to 500)
180/120/200 at 74 is alright. Middle of the pack in regional meets or small euro country's nationals.
We shouldn't have strategically nuked them IMMEDIATELY after WW2, but once they started getting hostile to the west but before they had their bombs developed, we definitely should have. Then subjugated them to our will.

However this would leave us with America as the sole superpower... What kind of a world would we have today with America being completely unchecked the past 70 years? Who knows, man. We'd have less reason to meddle in foreign affairs because of the lack of enemy commies, so I suppose it would work out. Furthermore, leftism would have less of the stigma it does now. Maybe we'd have gotten our own American brand of socialism if we'd nuked the Russians. That would be cool.
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That's gd m8 u should continue going up and up and all the way

*~life is a never ending process of self actualization~*
>own brand of American soshulism

Do it for two weeks and switch.

I thought you did a real subject (chemistry), so what the fuck mickey mouse paper is this?
Oh cool

Currently 185/110/185 but hopefully soon 190/115/195
>not quoting starship troopers
I'm disappointed in you panzer
>t. Meme Spouting Brainlet
>that bench
Every fucking time. Why everyone here squats almost double their bench. It's not fair I also want good total, but I'm stuck with 155kg squat 180kg deadlift but my bench still progress nicely at 140kg.
You act as if being a citizen is a bad thing. Most people don't deserve absolute autonomy and require services from the state to help them survive. Those who don't should be able to climb to the top in an ideal meritocracy.
>ideology that has killed more than 50 million and targets the intellectuals and wealthy as oppressors

U dumbfuk
Your not trying hard enough for lower body and you're genetically blessed with a good bench. You're like Bobby but even more Bobby
Bobby is fat retard right? At least I'm not nearly that fat.
I'm not a full blown commie you braintard and "communism" killed millions of people the same way that capitalism, primitivism, fascism, authoritarian monarchism, and any other political ideology has.

Also there's various forms of lefty ideology that don't have to target the intellectuals you imbecile
Ah fuck, thank you

Yep. He squats 185 last I checked and benches around 155 I think
> Socialism
> Cool
Shoo commie shoo
If the way I progress keeps up I doubt I'll reach 180kg squats before hitting 180kg bench. Maybe I'll just become like that one chink that only benches.
What squat/DL program are you doing? How much do you weigh? Are you trying hard enough?
c6w/74.5kgs/ Last week I almost puked during my deadlifts so I think I try hard at least much harder than on my bench. Bench just feels so easy and natural while I still feel like i can't even squat properly. Like I know theory but no matter how hard I try I can't put that in practice.
>Squats 185
I wish, only did 180 in comp, but I'm probably good for 185 now.

>Benches 155
Kek. Only did 142.5 in comp. I'm probably good for 150 now though
Amazing bench lol. Not bad DL. How long you've been training? As for squats, I haw the perfect solution for you: practice. What I mean is to take a really light weight, like 100kg, and do it for tons and tons and tons of reps, think like 10x3, 3 times a week. The weight should be easy but you'll just get to practice form over and over again and slowly put into practice getting comfortable squatting. Once that weight starts to move nicely, go to 110kg 8x3 then 120 6x3, 130 5x3, 140 4x3, 150-155 for a triple eventually. 2-3 times a week squatting and just work your way up over the course of several weeks, maybe 1-2 weeks at each weight. That way you have lots of time to practice learning your squat form and getting comfortable and slowly moving up while also doing tons of volume. You don't even have to do my exact template, that was just an idea - the point is to practice practice practice till you're comfortable then slowly move up in weight
Oh well that's good. How's Hepburn going?
It's great now that I'm back to using good equipment. Squats and bench were a joke yesterday >>42591525
Is what I'm doing. Will be upping everything by 10 lbs and starting my cut next week
Yeah thought about it, that's why I want to do sheiko now, heard it's great at fixing form. I've been training on and off for about 3 years and consistently since this december.
Lol it's funny that we rep similar squat weight but you rep way more than I can even max my bench at. Good going mang

>hasn't even started cut yet
Shiiiieet nigga I haven't been in here like 2 months, last time I was here you were supposed to start cutting
>do hihf training
>decide to try Nuckols' adv 2 day squat yesterday
>should be easy
>my everything muscle hurts today
Whelp, the first week is the hardest anyway. Dunno how I'm going to deadlift tomorrow though.
>great at fixing form
No, it's great at ingraining a movement pattern, making your squat consistent. If your form sucks, it will merely be consistently bad as opposed to bad all over the place.
Doing Sheiko is actually a quite good idea, I wouldn't inflate your squat max at all, just leave it at 155 so you get good practice in. How tall are you btw? You might want to bulk. I'm 5'5 which makes sense for me to be 74 but if you're not ultra manlet and still below 14%bf you may wanna try 83

Tsk tsk this is no bueno. Stick to it and you will progress homie
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>want to front squat
>can't do the clean grip
Wrongo. Since the triples are ez at 80%, it gives you time to correct bad patterns since each rep is relatively easy. All the while you still get good volume and training in
Getting mixed info here and I'm 5'6 and bulking want to get to about 80 by the end of the year.
what % is sets of 4 at rpe 8 and 9?

on 9 I figure its 5 rep max and slightly below on worse days, but 8?
Stretch forearms, bis and tris, lats for a little while and you should be able to
Sure worked for george and joe. Their squat form got all fixed up, and certainly didn't remain the same at all because they did a ton of submax work with shit technique.
I wasn cutting but then I got bursitis so I decided not to cut until I was free of bursitis for like a month. That was about six weeks ago
At 8 depending on the day can be from
Well that's their fault for not trying to improve their technique during the submax work lol. There's no "program" to improve form, just programs that allow YOU to improve form. Sheiko is one of them

Glad you're better buddy remember to try hard with the cut

Work on that mobility bro
I just recently hit 1/2/3/4 for 5. Should I run Sheiko? What should I have in mind and what's ur thoughts on Sheiko?
>should I run Sheiko
Meh, if you want. There's other programs that work too. Depends more on how you progress than your numbers

>what do have in mind
Form, consistency, speed. Every rep, strive to make it perfect. Maybe inflate bench if it feels too light

>my opinion
Gets fatiguing over time. Gets boring. Kinda comfy though
Will do friendo

No, unless you're 4'5 70 lbs
Ok, do you recomend any other programs?
Tbf I was exaggerating quite a bit. If you need periodized programs to make progress it's perfectly fine. People just tend to flock to sheiko because it's the shilled PL program regardless of whether or not it's appropriate for them to run it, which is why I usually say people shouldn't. I personally prefer to save sheiko to either fix form if it's pretty bad or use it for meet prep.
I usually make my own programs desu. Canditos was pretty good for squat, 28free memes is shilled a lot. I liked the deadlift portion of it, bench was gud too
I'm looking to compete next year actually! I'm using my own program right now, I've never been on a program made by someone else.


do you have a good guide for sumo diddly?
I have a sudden new pain in my left elbow that occurs on the downward part of my benchpress. Its sharp and can sometimes run up the ouside of my bicep. It starts when i get about halfway down to my chest and peaks when i touch my chest. It does not hurt when i press up. Any ideas on whats causing it? Never noticed it before yesterday and it was painful enough to cause my elbow to give out mid rep. It hurt for a while after but overall doesnt hurt outside the gym. Any ideas on what could cause this? Sudden shit form? I tried wrapping it today to see if a little support would help. My squats and deads made it get all pissy but not as bad as yesterday. Are there some stretches i could do or am i gonna have to take 2 weeks off before my meet and come back and push embarrassing low numbers?
>stretch hips a bunch
>stand comfortably wide
>grab bar
>loosen upper body
>brace and take in a ton of air
>gets hips close to bar while tightening upper body
>break off floor with quads (leg press into ground)
>just stand up nigga lmao

That's how I do it at least
Lower volume and try to hit light singles (like sub 85% or even lower) for maintenance coming into meet if they don't aggravate it. If they do just rest and ice and just bench baby w8 instead of getting injured at the meet

>kinda boring

Nothing is as boring as Sheiko.
Post one of them maybe?
form check on my deadlift please. Ive been having a lot of problems with deadlift lately, going to try the lift barefoot next session. To me it looks like I am shifting forward to get the weight off the ground which leads to my hips driving first and lumbar rounding. Anyone else agree or have tips?
1. You're wearing heels to deadlift. Don't.
2. Seems like you're trying to be too upright. Your hips are rising because your shoulders aren't in the right position
3. The lumbar rounding is very minor, if you start with your hips in the same position they are when the bar breaks the floor, you should be fine
4. You're slightly unlocking your knees, don't do that
will go barefoot next time.
should my shoulders be further forward? Thus making my torso more horizontal?
What do you mean by unlocking knees?
Ive been running the late beginner portion of SS (heavy light heavy) and my squats been progressing 10 lbs a week very nicely (current 325 5RM). I include this because the program essentially neglects deadlifts only saying to do them once every week for 1x5 after a heavy squat session. My deadlift pr was 365 5RM (questionable form) but it hasnt progressed in probably 2 months because of fatigue and poor form I just lost confidence and the drive to add weight to it. How do I deal with deadlifting after a heavy squat day? Or should I just keep ignoring deadlifts somewhat and continue to focus on squat if its moving successfully. Also im 210 lbs and still eat 4-5k calories a day so I believe I can continue to make progress on a semi beginner program that im doing.
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Hey that was one of them.
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They should be slightly ahead of the bar. Watch where they go when the bar finally breaks off the floor
>Unlocking knees
When you lock out your hips, you let your knees unlock a tiny bit
>How to deal with deadlifting
Pic related is what rippetoe recommends, but you'd probably be better off just taking a 1x or 2x beginner deadlift program from 28 free desu
What program am i doing next for squat lads

westside, russian squat program, or c6w

What's your squat, height, bodyweight and time training?
That program is essentially what im doing but with a light day in between (80% of 5rm for 2x5) as recommended in SS for "advanced novice" I was stalling going for PR every session. This still only has 1 sets of deadlift per week.
I understand I could switch programs for deadlift but with squat intensity high it seems hard to progress on deadlift as well. A lot of information has said that deadlift will go up with the squat but its hard to test this theory because i feel as if im always deadlifting fatigued. I guess my real question is if im advancing 10 lbs per week is it bad to just say fuck the deadlift do my 1x5 for it to maintain and focus on squat (which hopefully improves the deadlift indirectly)
I feel as if I will soon be switching to texas method because my numbers seem high for beginner program, but im going to keep on it for as long as I can.
Why the fuck would anyone choose to squat jerk over any other type of jerk?
>1 set of deads per week
It has less, it has one set of deads every 2 weeks

>Seems hard to progress deadlift
The programs I recommended shouldn't be extremely hard to do alongside what you're doing.

>Should I say fuck deads
Personally, I'd say no, and would try to find a program that allows them to progress like the ones I listed

>Numbers seem high for a beginner program
It's not about the numbers, it's about the rate of progression. I got to 250 3x5 bench on SS lmao.
Google "Clean and jerk world record videos" for starters
Also >>>/fit/owg
>My right thumb kept slipping out
Use chalk retard
yeah I realize its not about the numbers it was just a guess as I know I cant ride the beginner train forever.
What was your squat when you hit 250 3x5 bench? My bench is pitiful 200 3x5 but I just got in 1.25 lb. plates so hopefully using those I can go back to linear progression...
SS gave out at 275 3x5, but I ran TM for squats for a month while running SS for ohp, bench, and deadlift, and when I hit 250 3x5 on bench I was squatting 295x5 on TM.

Texas Method
If I do 28free and squat 3x, bench 3x, how often and on which days should I do DLs?
5'8 manlet 172 lbs 3rm is 365 a little more than 22 months
It can be advantageous for lighter lifters who have a greater strength to bodyweight ratio.

>"Clean and jerk world record videos
The vast majority of these will be split jerks, with a few power jerks. Also a lot of people who do power jerks fail if they dip below a quarter squat in the jerk.
Even Ilya who has the unofficial squat jerk record does split in comp.
what's your opinion on rack pulls?

A useful deadlift accessory that will get you physically and mentally adjusted to holding heavier weights than you can actually deadlift.

Just use an already bent bar.
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Update on beating the logbook: I got more weight or higher reps on everything without unreasonable strain. I even got the same reps with more weight on BTN press.

I was a little put-off when I only got one rep higher than last time on deadlifts, but then I remembered it had only been two weeks and that my old programming would get me one or two reps every twelve weeks.

Works for me, I guess. Time to shovel some food into my face.


>rack pulls

Very fun, good for overloading the back, not great for actually driving up my deadlift (which is very disappointing).

Feel useless to be because I'm weak off the floor and lockout is ezpz for me.

did 550x2 recently
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How do Iron Rebel knee sleeves compare to Slingshot Strong sleeves and SBD sleeves?
is squatting on carpet floor a bad idea?
Probably shitty knock offs considering they tend to only be shilled by wrapped roidaroos that don't compete in sleeves

Competition platforms are carpeted.

It's a bad angle to judge this, and the clothes obscure it some, but the first one looked high.
back angles really never show depth right
anyone have the dropbox link?
raf is just mad you're continuing to progress without his coaching
Why is it every time I open up plg, Sean has just posted something?

Not only that, its always retarded.
but sean unironically is almost always right
I only open plg when I'm taking a shit or eating food
OH shit I get it, this post was made by Rafael, LOL
Gin is for men, whisky is for boys
Okay Dino
>The official pastebin

>The new dropbox - /fit/ information repository
>now partially rebuilt

>dropbox mirror

>What is depthprivilege?

>How to deadlift by Mark Rippetoe

>How to setup for the deadlift by JL Holdsworth

>How to sumo deadlift by Ben Rice

>How to lowbar squat by Alastair MacNicol

>How to set WRs by C. Lutz

>How to build a big bench by C. Lutz

>How to bench press by PTW

>How to piss off Isley

>Trips PRs Pastebin

>/plg/ atlas

>The spreadsheet the PLG website linked to
3 reds
Sean is for boys
Dino is for men
btw werent you training for oly whats up with the lowbar
i do both also
didnt loose any tightness doesnt matter
>didnt loose any tightness doesnt matter
well i certainly hope you didnt

divebomb is dangerous, not worth the ego
>not worth the ego
lmaoing at you thinking im going fast for ego purposes
>divebombing for speedgains
dont think anyone here is dumb enough to belive that
Lmao raf such a fucking faggot. Kys raf
optimal squat tech is descending as fast as your body allows while maintaining tightness/bar path. stop projecting you speedlet
Gyms closed tomorrow and I have nothing to do. Give me a show to watch lads
I'm not a weeb
Futurama. Any episode except the first two of season 6 is at least good
Get out normie

neither am I lad. I just like comfy anime (no weeb)
Get out degenerate
Ded thraed
I know, right?
fuck I thought I knew your trip password
From next year I'm going to try and compete in both pl and xc skiing for half a year each. I think I may be a little stupid.

That's the old one :^)
Wow, rude.
>use sheiko to progress because it works
>sheiko gains free trial runs out
>lose muscle and strength because I'm training sheiko without my free trial but the workouts don't count

I wish I followed the advice of someone called "fat retard" on a south estonian cock fighting webforum and saved my sheiko gains for when my wilks was another 100 higher than his.
Send raf your dick again.
But I don't care about functional strength. I want to compete on the platform. So what's your point?
Fucking 0/10
was it you that recommended me jordan peterson?

wtf i love you now
>broke up with gf
>make OKCupid account
>already got a date with new girl and she's really cute and seems cool
>I feel a pit in the bottom of my stomach when I think about being with someone new still
What do I do brehs?
this may or may not call for some harsh introspection. namely, why did you break up and what is it you want from this new woman?
Online dating DOES NOT WORK
Why's that? What do you suggest instead for someone who already finished uni?
Clubs, organisations, public events, work, study a free course, bars, night clubs.

Get involved in something

Even spotting for a local PL event man, there will be girls there
Fuck yeah it does.
Literally only works for hook-ups
>alright now that you've came in me, get out my house
When he did this?
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>tfw you notice your lower back don't feel so good
whats the current meme?
is it still sheiko?
C6w lower + cuckols 3x bench is literally shilled every other thread
Cuckols looks solid desu but the volume and intensity in the first 3 weeks of candito is literally higher than TM
>volume and intensity in the first 3 weeks of candito is literally higher than TM
How is that a bad thing? TM is shit
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Stop doing candyfagitos routines and pick a real mans template, you pussy faggot.
Squatting 5x5@75% 1rm is ridiculously hard but doable
Squatting 4x6 (same volume) at 80% intensity is literally impossible. I already want to kms after the first set, and then you gotta do 3 more, and on top of that 2x6 deadlifts too? And then again the same thing 3 days later?
Lol no

Maybe I'm a gde tho so who knows
>Squatting 4x6 (same volume) at 80% intensity is literally impossible
Try harder
>And then again the same thing 3 days
You squat at 70% 2nd day of 1st week. Then you do amrap on 2nd week. You literally only do 4x6@80% once in whole cycle. Are you sure you ever did that program?
Literally two of my friends have married qt girls they've met off Tinder.
>Are you sure you ever did that program?
I never did because I'm sure I'll stall hard and maybe even regress on deadlifts, I just quoted the spreadsheet off the top of my head.
How do I get over thinking of eating as a tedious chore?
>I never did
Yeah thought so, just try harder then.
All of the strong trips said that memeko was a bad idea for most lifters

If you ignored their advice it's probably because you were in love with a Brazilian transexual homosexual
new thread where?
you deserve to fail for doing the 150 first you fucking cunt
Thread posts: 320
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