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What supplements are you /fit/izens taking?

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What supplements are you /fit/izens taking?
Anything else then taking

>protein powder
>pre workout

Is a meme and retarded, go to your average supply website. 200 million different powders with a different description and basically coming down to the same thing. People that find Zyzz their rolemodel take shittons of supplements couse they too afraid of the needle
Creatine and leucine. Leucine is the part of bcaas that actaully works. When bought on its own, it's about a tenth of the price of bcaas.
Anything else is retarded?
Are you fucking retarded?

>fish oil

You list shit like "pre workout" and "weightgainers".. jesus fuck


That's it.
Testosterone enanthate
5,000IU D3 because I only get enough sun a few days a week

20-30mg Zinc(I break a 50mg tab in half) because getting adequate amount is impossible and ain't no body got time fo dat

Would take a b-complex but haven't actually bought it yet. Drank sips for years but the fake sugars fuck with my gut now
Pre workout
Protein powder (convenience)
Bulk L citrulline
DMAA on occasion
>protein powder
..Has BCAAs.

>studies show onion increasing test by 200% (seed extract) and 300% (juice)

Flaxseed oil for omega 3s and fat (scoop diet)
6-9 scoops casein/whey
Multivitamin.. B before workout
Ashwaghanda (30% reduced cortisol, 15% increased test)
L-tryptophan (metabolizes into serotonin and melanin)
Mucuna pruriens extract (has L-DOPA)
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Garlic with 1-2g vitamin C..
Fish Oil.
Protein Powder.
Pre Workout.
Intra Workout.
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Protein powder
ZMA off and on

Are ZMA a placebo or have my loads got magically bigger + weird dreams
Its normal when using zma
omega 3
>taking vitamins and supplements

Your diet is shit.

Or zero because they're candles?
garlic pill for test gains
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vitamin k2 (mk4)
vitamin d3
niacin (500mg flush 3x a week)
assplain yourself
Fish Oil
Korean Red Ginseng
Use Layton logic as 90% of the game is this cryptic shit
10, because even if the candle is out it is still a candle.
>Apple cider vinegar
>Cell tech
all of em
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>>Apple cider vinegar
Tried, felt no effects at all. Hippy broscience

Put me to sleep, but I didn't sleep well. And awoke groggy feeling...
I is the ACV for trem acne. Weight loss wise it ain't shit but it kills acne quick.
>protein powder with BCAAs
>Fish oil
>calcium citrate, Zinc, magnesium
Powder, creatine, pre-workout. That is literally all I take.
thinking of getting ashwaghanda, did you actually notice anything different when taking it? Also, do you take it every day?
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You don't get nearly enough of those vitamins to make any difference in your lifetime. Only fish oil, and thats a maybe. The rest are hot garbage that you piss out.
Drinking it or actually putting it on your face? If so, when do you put it on face, and doesn't it stink?
Test E

Anything else is a meme
Both. If you mix it 1:1 with water and add 2 drops of tea tree oil for every 50ml or so it doesn't smell. The tea tree oil is also good for absorbing excess skin oil. Then just use that daily as a toner.
>Myprotein Natural Chocolate Whey Isolate
>Myprotein Creatine Monohydrate

Too much of a faggots to get real test.
I'll try that out. Do I need to wash my face before, or can I just dab that on my face in the morning before going out?
Rich Piana's situation and memes aside, what is your opinion about pic related?
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Going on every meal.


Is zinc a meme ?
I don't think so but instead of picking and choosing certain supps to take get yourself a quality multivitamin that contains all the key stuff you want.

I take Controlled Labs Orange Triad

I took ashwaghanda for a month or two, can't say I saw any noticeable results.
Honestly this. These are all I take
Food and coffee
>fish oil (works out at about 800 EPA +DHAs)
>Vitamin C (1g per day)
>Garlic (2-3 cloves a day if im feeling sick right before bed)
>CoQ10 (got it for free will not buy when it runs out)

>MyProtein whey 11lb bags
>colostrum (mixed into protein shakes)

BCAAs etc
>pure Leucine
>ON Amino 2222 Tabs (got them for free again will not buy when they are done had 160 tablets so its lasted pretty long for a free sample)

>Cocoa powder (2g per day)
>Colostrum capsules (2g with every meal)
>Vitamin D3 + K2 (2000IU + 180mcg)
>Zinc + Magnesium (dosed separately to avoid wasted full receptors)
oh and Mr. Hyde PWO
> whey
> creatine
> vitamins
> omega oils

keep it simple.
LOL @ everyone in this thread taking meme supplements.

GHRP-2/CJC-1295 no DAC, Melanotan-2, clen, t3, NSI-189, caffeine, aspirin.
>d-ribose and B-12 for energy
>multivitamin occasionally

I need to take more iron but I hate the side effects it gives me.
>lists peptides in a supplement thread
I dunno but since taking it my erections are almost back to diamond status . 40 yrs old

Vitamin D, Iron free multivitamin, Omega 3, Whey protein, probiotic.

I have a digestive disorder hence the probiotic and multivitamin. Can't eat a lot of fruit or vegetables because the insoluble fibre causes cramp so I take a multivitamin to be on the safe side.
I take RealFood(tm) three times a day.

No other supplements.
Just because the candles are going out doesn't mean you don't "have" them. You have as many as you started with.
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just bought my first jar of creatine.
Taking one scoop in water after each work out.
What am I in for, boys?
mmm placebo
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Anyone know if supplementing l-tyrosine would be beneficial if I take amphetamine/ephedrine/caffeine pills somewhat regularly?

If so, should I take it before, during, or after taking stims?
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MSM powder for fucking up my tendons from 10 years of boxing

I also work at a supplement store so I can buy it rly cheap
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Are these memes?
BCAAs before my workout
2 Scoops whey a couple of hours later
Omega 3 fish oil tablet and multivitamin with midafternoon meal
protein powders
beta alanine
omega 3
citrulline malate

beta alanine in the morning, taurine in the evening since they compete in the uptake (taurine makes you sleepy as well if you don't drink it with caffeine)
melatonin only if I'm travelling, but this happens pretty often
multis... when I remember to take them (let's say once every three days)
citrulline is just in the water bottle I carry in the gym
not him, but BCAAs are a meme and Leucine is what you actually want.

>When BCAAs are supplemented on top of some protein, the increase in MPS is smaller compared to simply eating more protein or adding only leucine
>Why would the addition of the two other BCAAs be worse than leucine alone? Isoleucine and valine use the same transporter as leucine for uptake in the gut. Therefore, it is speculated that isoleucine and valine compete for uptake with leucine, resulting in a less rapid plasma leucine peak.
>So, leucine supplementation on its own is better at producing the trigger for maximal MPS, and a complete protein is just better at providing the bricks for muscle growth. A BCAA supplement doesn’t fit anywhere in this picture; it’s worse than only leucine at doing leucine’s job, and it’s worse than a complete protein at its job.

TL;DR don't waste monies on BCAA, waste monies on leucine.
I'm >>42520050
Meh, It definitely helps me get through my workout on an empty stomach and its cheap. I'm going to carry on using it regardless of whether or not a user of a Kazakh basket weaving forum thinks
I've literally linked academic papers, it's not what "le basket weaving forum user" thinks. Do as you wish.
leucine is cheaper than bcaa. and it works better.
Creatine, l glutamine pwo proton powder fish oil fiber and that's it.

tastes like shit in its pure form though
Essentially calling me reddit because I didn't listen to you
Did a quick search and its exactly the same price
Testosterone Propionate
Drostanolone Propionate
Trenbolone Acetate
Cycle Support capsules
Hawthorne Berry caps
Omega 3 Caps
Potassium caps
Est Redux caps
>calling me reddit
no, I called out your strawman. Yet you keep using strawmen. You don't need to convince me with your anecdotal opinion and seemingly you won't be convinced with science. Do as you wish, it can't be helped.
As for the price, it's invariably lower. Search better.
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>Essentially calling me reddit because I didn't listen to you
This shit makes no sense.
2 candles?

2 flames went out leaving behind candles and only later on did a third go out possibly suggesting that it burned through all the wax(candle farthest to the right). all the rest burned until they were technically no longer candles meaning the only candles you have left are the 2 which were prematurely blow out.
10, extinguished candles are still candles.

You fucking inbred, i obviously count the pills
Protein powder shake a couple times a day, and a caffeine pill before workouts

Everything else is a meme to seperate you from your money
>Whey 2 scoops (2SCOOPES)
>Creatine (Water Bending)
>Zinc (general health)
>Magnesium (charlie horses)
>Vitamin D

Have fish oil but don't use it since I eat fish almost daily
started doing IF and I only eat like 4-5 hours after lifting so I odnt know if I should use something to supplement like BCAA's or HMB
Does this shit actually work? Pls post ur lifts and/or body.
>still buying preworkout instead of just citrulline malate & caffeine

top wew
Falling for the Omega 3 Jew. Look up the studies ffs. Correlation causation and all that fuckery.

If you eat like an Asian that they studied maybe... maybe Omega 3s will mater. But feel free to give your money to the pill merchants.
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only proton
yee yee boy
Never ending thirst.

deca + sustanon
Can you link these studies?
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I'm taking Maca. Anyone else?
Whole milk's a supplement, right?
wait so i can still get stronger on hypocaloric diet? I'm new to this stuff
Fish oil
Zinc (going for magnesium once it runs out and vice a vers a)
Glucosamine - definately not a meme and helps out with joint health
BCAAs when I feel like it
Whey if I can't hit my protein macros
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The whole thing with dopamine production is that receptors are protected by antioxidants. I was taking Phenylalanine (which metabolizes to Tyrosine), and maybe that's most helpful because it turns into a compound that is euphoric.

Of course, the simple stack is >>42516893. M. pruriens covers L-DOPA.. 1-2g/lb. protein covers the other phenyl. pathways, and tryptophan covers serotonin's. Taking them together has some competition, which is logically for rate limitation and balance.

I have it absolutely clear, though, that the stack feels phenomenal.
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Fish oil
Vitamin D3

Oh and test prop

Also got Panax Ginseng, Rhodiola Roscea, ZMA and Vitamin D3 (5000IU) in the mail
I've been taking ashwaghanda for some time now and it's worth it. Buy some and see for yourself, it's not super expensive
Vitamin D3
Vitamin K2
Ashwagandha Root
Expansive male multi
test and tren
Morning pills:
D3, K2, biotin, multivitamin, fish oil, lutein/vision formula

protein shake with lunch, creatine and glutamine an hour before workout, pre-workout right before workout, gatorade and a protein/carb bar during workout, creatine and glutamine right after workout

Much of what I take is due to a calorie restricted diet and intense cardio in my workouts because I train for bike racing.
EIther, tho probably cleaning it is smarter anon. I think you already knew this
So would you recommend regularly/daily taking caffeine pills, and how much?
What's test prop?

High protein worm bait
Very high doses of buffered vitamin C. (above 2000mg per day)


Not gonna be TLDRing the articles or explain why I do this. I don't care what you do.

Read it and benefit from it or don't and keep wasting your time shitposting.
it has been disproved quite a while ago, yet sometimes some faggots spreads this again from his useless blog. dig better. never take high doses of antioxidants, it's actually counter-productive.

this is a meme and you should feel bad
Worm bait with rich protein in it to catch big fishes
>saw palmetto
>milk thistle
>whey every now and then
Cool opinions. Arguments yet to be found.

>never take high doses of antioxidants, it's actually counter-productive.
Don't worry, I won't be taking 100,000mg of it anytime soon.

So sad you don't have the brains to understand it's all about correct dosing.
you didn't want any arguments to begin with and your attitude is awful. Literally dig better and look for actual academic papers "or keep wasting your time shitposting" (cit.)
fish oil


others are melted wax
Whey because easy protein
I make my own PWO:
>beta alanine
>citruline malate
Sometimes throw in some DMAA if I'm feeling cheeky
Also 5g creatine mono ED
6000 iu vit D3 from september to march
Most of you sont get enough pottasium,use salt substitute and if you log you shit on cronometer or other place that also tracks your micro youll see how little you get even from a varied doet,and as an active person you need more. It also balances out sodium excess. Also magnesium zinc maybe.
Right now 190 511 pretty lean making gains work labor 5.5 hrs a day and workout 1 to 2 hours a day
Eating 6k kcal
Taking creatine mono
And maca powder complex
Making gains but a lot of acne
>6k kcal
teach me sempai
Fish oil + multi-vitamin
Whey protein powder sometimes
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