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/fit/ I made a thing I just wanted to help some people out

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/fit/ I made a thing

I just wanted to help some people out

p-p-pls be gentle

It's a work in progress
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appreciate the effort but it wont change that much
having low bodyfat, hair/beard which fits your shape and reducing salt intake is probably the best shot you have but its still alpha genetics or beta results
Get Lean
Get a Tan
Get Veneers
Get a Haircut weekly
Get a Manicure weekly
Wear Streetwear

Grats your an 8
>Get Lean
>Get a Tan
>Get Veneers
Too expensive for average joe
>Get a Haircut weekly
>Get a Manicure weekly
Eh no?? What the fuck
>Wear Streetwear
Not really, streetwear is for skinny Chinese kids

Grats your an 8
Weekly haircut? Nigga that's too expensive unless you do it yourself
This isn't /groomingfortwinks/
I'm laughing at the long hair bit

You either have grooming and a diet that makes any length hair look good, or you don't.

As for maintenance, it's simple. Wash every 24-36 hours as needed (obviously more often if sweaty or summer), condition weekly, keep covered is outdoors for lengthy periods, get a trim as needed for split ends. Avoid styling products and dyes as much as possible. Air dry only.

In other it's the same as if you're a bitch; take care of it via simplcity and it'll look better when you do go out and dress up.
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>Can't grow a beard to save my life
> Shitty bumfluff at best
May aswell kys myself
You do realise /fa/ is fashion?? What has this got to do with fashion???
I heard some women don't mind "hairy" or "standard" eyebrows but it's something to take care indeed.
you undermine your own points by using people that were unattractive to begin with as examples of what not to do, and vice versa
They're attractive because they're not ugly. It explains their point?
Aren't any of you on help me?

I'm >>42392785
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>he thinks anybody can become an 8 by wearing faggy clothes and getting manicures

jesus christ what has this place become?
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just get straight teeth and whiten
>haircut weekly
absolutely unnecessary unless your hair is pretty short. Even then every few weeks is fine. Furthermore, it's easy to underestimate hair length. For modern hitlerjunge haircuts you actually should have >6 inches on top. This actually requires work and product to do though.
>manicure ever
just trim and file your nails, fag
only if you're black and younger than 17. Otherwise, slim fitting pants and button shirts. Roll up sleeves.
more than it has to do with fitness

Not that it matters much, but here's my advice.

In a sentence, find your archetype. Some guys have that rare combination of both feminine and masculine facial features, but you're not one of them. These people are the 1% of the population, and were born to be models.

However, unless you're 5/10 or below, you've got potential - you just need to recognise what looks good and play to your strengths.

Nature has this weird way of creating archetypes.

If you've got blunt, heavy features, play to your strengths and choose a haircut that accentuates your face shape. Don't go with anything overly fashionable, instead choose something robust and utilitarian, like a shaved head. The same idea follows for your choice of fashion. Be careful though, because 90% of nu-males have decided they're "real men" these days and end up looking goofy as fuck after committing to a masculine look which only contradicts their feminine features.

If you've got a delicate or "pretty" face you're in luck, because that shit is in demand these days - you're already ahead of the pack. You can chose a more high-maintenance style and focus on developing a lean, athletic physique.

Overall, there are some downsides to doing this. You will almost definitely start attracting a certain "type" of girl once you've committed to an archetype.

For example, I'm blessed/cursed with looking a bit like a caveman. It's not that I look oafish or anything, but most people assume that I'm a bit of brute at first. It's good in a way, because the whole "daddy" thing is becoming more and more popular these days, but at the same time I'm really not into choking bitches, and yet that's like 90% of the girls who go out of their way to be with me.
>slim fitting pants
What if I'm into chicks, senpai?
LOL 3 oldfag /cgl/ tripfags I'm friends with are on that poster.
There are men on /cgl/?
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pic related is you, right? Basically every attractive male wears fairly tight pants, and that has been consistent for literally hundreds of years. If you don't it's because of lack of confidence in your own sexuality, not anything else.
>dye your eyebrows
Uh what
Be fit, take care of your hair/facial hair, wear clean fitting clothes, keep your face+body clean and don't go over the top.

You can obviously do much more, but you'll most likely need to read more than a few page guide to make use of it; sort of defeating the point of having a short guide.
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I have heard it said that tight pants bring tighter groupings. The rohdesians were on to something.
>If you don't it's because of lack of confidence in your own sexuality, not anything else.
It's because I'm very clear about my own sexuality, fagboi.
>slim fit
>early 2000's hip hop jeans
>absolutely nothing in between
Are you Scandinavian?
ah yes, you're so clear about your sexuality that you vehemently refuse to wear tighter clothing, as you want to ensure that everyone knows how heterosexual you are
And you're so clear about your sexuality that you vehemently refuse to wear anything BUT pseudo-latex clothes.
What's wrong with wearing normal clothes, why does it have to be metro-sexual or nothing?
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take the height threads with you
I don't know what this is but it sounds super lame
take all of /tv/ with you
Number 1 just isn't true, if you can grow long hair and it's decently thick and you couple it with a beard then you should, sure it is quite a bit of maintenance but once you actually take care of it and are lean and not this fat fuck then the amount of pussy it can attract is insane, even if the majority of your face is ugly.
>pluck eyebrows
What the fuck
what if im balding and shave my head p regularly?
Have sex
Gain height
Hit the weights
Take a shower
Get a clue
Don't knock it until you try it. I have some pretty nasty ass eyebrows and trimming really helps me not look like a mong.
>pluck unibrow
>pluck eyebrow
Are you telling me if that if the people listed as examples of being ugly due to not doing x went ahead and did x, they would rise to the level of the attractive ones? Or if the attractive ones stopped doing x, they'd become as ugly as the ugly ones?

Come on man.
What's wrong with salt?
I eat a lot of it...
Being well-groomed is part of being attractive which is part of evolutionary fitness which is related to general fitness.
Pre-requisite: have your basic needs met, food, shelter, clothing, you may have these things already, or you may need to exchange your labor to obtain these things first, You may also need to obtain a mobile phone or internet access.

1. get a good nights rest, 8 hours
2.shower, shave your face, brush teeth floss, comb your hair or shave your head if you're balding
3.get dressed in non-tattered clothes that fit
4.go to gym, follow a proper strength training program
6.drink water and eat clean, throughout the day in a manner befitting your fitness goals
*7.get on with the rest of your day, that consists of satisfying gainful employment, interesting constructive hobbies, participating in community events and fostering and maintaining good and healthy relationships with friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors
8.make and maintain a budget that allows you to live within your means while setting aside some money in savings, spend your money frugally and spend it wisely on things that will improve your quality of life and make you happy.
9.repeat steps 1 - 7

*if your employment is gainful and not satisfying (satisfying in that it does not negatively impact your physical or mental well being) instead of pursuing interesting constructive hobbies and participating in community events seek out a better place of employment or way of meeting your basic needs. You can still maintain relationships but do not devote large amounts of time to this, only enough so that the people you care about and care about you are aware that you still wish to maintain a friendly relations but explain that it's important that you improve your employment situation, this can be achieved through short conversations via, telephone, text messaging or email

There, that's life. Those are the directions.
Yeah but how do I trim it to stubble? What blade should I use for that?
Use an electric trimmer with no guard on it
I'm stuck on step one, I have no toiletries, wat do?
>with no guard on it
What do you mean by this? English isn't my first language.
>being attractive

not the guy you replied to but that sounds more of a /fa/ thing.
being /fit/ and being attractive are two different things.
those are also a prerequisite
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Normally you put pic related over the blade so that you can choose the length of your hair. If you don't use one, the trimmer will be close enough to your skin that it will leave stubble, but not close enough for a smooth shave.
Really nice, expecting another good one inphographic
Thanks, will see about it.
QUESTION: What number do the buzz razors go up too? I usually say something like a 2 on the sides/back and a 6 on top.

Should I go longer?
I don't think I've seen higher than an 8, which is 1 inch. Maybe you could find longer than that if you look.

I'm stuck number three.

I only have rags and bread bags for clothes.
Salt increases water retention and bloats up your face
No. Stop
>Manicure weekly
i´m 24 and many girls i know related to farm, economics and industrial carrers say my hands are cute

>wash them
>cut nails once per week
>take calluses off once a month
>cut the skin arround the nail
and if you want to go fancy
>esmalte transparent (mate/shiny)

gals would watch
>ryan gosling is a 7

then i am a -3
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>pluck bottom of eyebrow only
what does this mean?
Cutting your cuticles is bad for you. Cuticles are there to prevent infection.
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How about lift heavy for a while first so you don't end up a metrosexual faggot with pent up aggression and no discipline?
The best thing about Elliot Rodger is that he isn't bad looking.

If he lifted he could be a solid 7/10
Sorry op, i'm not gay and do not want to suck your dick.
So dye and trim eyebrows without me.
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>1.Get a haircut
>Is bald

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that's why this is a dumb thread, it has nothing to do with fitness. people will try these things and still look like either a skinny dweeb or doughy lesbian with plucked eyebrows and $15 haircuts and then get all pissy and bitter that women aren't ring tossing their vagoos on their dicks. There's no fucking shortcut, and quite frankly it'll be a better reveal if you look like a unibrow troglodyte at the gym for a year and then get cleaned up when you actually look like a man
im talking about (uñero) whitlow
the only tip you gave was "groom yourself" which is a basic requirement in society in general
anyone here who doesn't already know to do that is already beyond hope
this is true, someone actually looking for help should read the sticky.
Can someone post Elliot with a thick neck? He bacame a slayer.
>get lean
>get a tan
If possible
>get Veneers
unless your teeth are awful, unnecessary
>haircut weekly
ridiculous, every month more like
>manicure weekly
>wear streetwear
Only if you want to look like a douche
>Get Lean
Can get behind 100%.

>Get a Tan
Yes, cancer gets you all the women.

>Get Veneers
Get laughed at by everybody normal because that shit looks fake as fuck.

>Get a Haircut weekly
If it's a good haircut, it's not cheap
If it's a cheap haircut, it's not good
Either way a waste of money, because nobody needs a haircut weekly wtf.

>Get a Manicure weekly
Gay as fuck and waste of money.

>Wear Streetwear
Has to be the ugliest style, don't know any women who likes this.

All of this sounds like you're trying to have higher upkeep than the bitches this is supposed to attract. It's extremely unsexy and will turn off any woman who discovers the truth.
You may also consider using a #1 or #2 guard. My beard is thick enough that if I go with no guard my face feels like 80grit sandpaper
>Basically every attractive male wears fairly tight pants, and that has been consistent for literally hundreds of years.

Maybe what you think is an attractive male isn't an attractive male? Maybe you're just a faggot.
Fucking LMAO at the copecels in the thread. Having the height, face and frame is literally all there is to being attractive. You simply can't fake the bone mass, slayer eyes and robustness of an alpha male. Keep trying with your eyebrow tho lol, like any girl is gonna notice.
Incoming disagreement.

Please add too this list

1.optimen multivitamin x2 tablets twice daily.
2.minoxidil eyebrows, beard and hair line
3.shower twice a day
4.orange fruits and vegetables x3 a day
5.anti aging moisturiser morning and night
6.melanotan for pasty cunts who can't tan and only burn (this will increase you by a solid 1)
7.shower x2 daily
8.add extra virgin olive oil to every protein shake for hair and skin natural gloss
9.hand grips, hand rollers, wrist rollers for forearms and hand size gains
10.suncreen before going out everyday, you will still tan even with melanotan
11.groom body hair, if permanent hairless use sunbeam hair removal kit ESPECIALLY YOUR ARMS, SHAVE YOUR ARMS
12.cologne not to much 3 sprays, middle and sides of neck
13. Iron your fucking shirt Jesus h Christ
14.brush your teeth and floss x2 daily
15.sleep a minimum of 8hrs a day
16. Eat plenty of greens
17. Do farmers walk for overall torso physique improvement, you'll be amazed at what this does and it gives veiny forearms.
18.train calves everyday
19.trim nails every third day
20. Buy a nose hair trimmer
>trim nails every third day
I thought it was fingernails every week toenails every other week.

Is there even something to cut if you're trimming every third day?
>cologne not to much 3 sprays
>not to much 3 sprays
>3 sprays
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