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Is built fat the superior build to dominating in the arena of

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Is built fat the superior build to dominating in the arena of casual street combat?
fat kids bretty good
Fat kid has been in some fights.
Skinny kid is outweighed by 50 pounds and has not.
Reason number 8000 you don't stand within striking range of an aggressive man. Once he caught that first haymaker it was over

nothing like a rape gut for street fighting
holy damn
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casual street combat. heh ok

But yes, built fat is the best for a everyday fight.

More weight=more force behind punch/kick
harder to be thrown around
can pin someone down
your slower so they could run but if they are going to fight then yes.

>that cheapshot
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Weight counts for a lot in fighting, it's why weight classes exist.

The down side of being heavy is that you gas faster, but street fights rarely go beyond 30-60 seconds.

Not a cheap shot. If another man gets in your face and acts agressively you have to be ready for a fight.
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thats gotta be fake or the most beta thing i have ever seen

>kid gets throw down and punched
>slowly gets up
>kid is still beating his friends(i assume) up
>just stands still shaking his wrist
it was like 5 on 1 what kind of numales where they
Unless you are in small town Ireland, or some other similar place where tradition is still enforced, then there is no honor or code of conduct in fist fighting. It used to be a way for two men to vent their anger and agression in a controlled way and allow the two men to settle the dispute and move on with life.

Nowadays you have to be the first guy to throw, or you'll end up like the skinny guy, fucked from the first punch, completely caught off guard. No such thing as a cheapshot when you are standing face to face with an aggressive man.
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Fat kid hits like a bitch. Still he was going to win either way, but those cheapshots didn't hurt either.

Don't let people get that close to you in a standoff. If you hit like a girl, don't fight people way bigger than you. Learn how to move your head. 3 simple things that would help you from not getting your head knocked off.

As always, avoid fights if you can. If you see someone look like they're loading up, don't fucking stand there with your hands down. Move and put your hands up.
>fatty clearly above his opponent's weight class
>starts the fight with a dirty sucker punch

Wow what a fighter, such skill.
Yeah, poor kid didn't have a chance. I guess that's what he gets for going up to his face like that.
That skinny guy would have kept punching if the fat guy dropped, you can see that. He's an asshole
Don't let a belligerent man get that close to you period. If he is in your face then you should be throwing punches or shoving/grappling him.
Seems like they didn't really care. Except the first guy they all just got right back up.

Built fat is pretty strong as long as you have the cardio to go with it and you also know how to strike because you can utilize that extra mass for more force
Mass x acceleration breb
it's emos or goths
kek, what the heck is this?
a fucking russian wrestler running around beating up betas, thats pretty funny desu, you have more?
>cowboy boots
>fishing caps
>dad jeans
what kind of rednecks are these, holy shit
Yeah. I don't shit talk. All I do now is tell them not to come near me if I feel they're ready to fight.

Posturing gets you nowhere. I don't need to tell people how tough I am 2 inches away from them. Though that is the perfect distance for an elbow.
It's not fake. You can see one of the lanky fucks get his hand broken.
honestly just carry a hammer

when you've seen what a well placed hammer strike does to a human face build becomes largely irrelevant
oh shit, i didnt realize it broke
post that webm of the fat guy outside the nightclub throwing ICBMs at a couple hotheads
who the fuck carries a hammer?
advanced rednecks
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what the hell man, fucking brutal

literally nobody expects a kick to the balls

if I'm in a fight I throw the hardest kick I can to the balls and then drive my knee into their nose when they double over
People who win fights

Thor silly

and all the chavs round mine who jump people>>42353918
fat dudes at hardcore shows always play alpha. it's like the music makes them forget their insecurities that cripple their fat pathetic lives
Carpenter here. We don't.
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>getting aggresive with a man
>standing right in range
>with your hands by your fucking hips
Yes, be ready for a fight, but let's not pretend we have a decent example of whether "built fat" makes you a better fighter. He threw an unexpected punch at the very beginning and the other guy never recovered.

That's my go to move if anyone pulls a knife on me. And then stomp on their elbows and knees after.

Almost want it to happen too.
did he die?
>kick guy with knife in the balls
>he stabs you in the leg and you bleed out in less than a minute

Unfortunately not. I feel like i remember a thread about this a while back where it was uncovered that he was the one who posted it online.
Does anybody else's heart race when they see fights? I'm admittedly a former pussy. Prior to being /fit/ I got into a lawn brawl and it was honestly awesome. Probably helps that I didn't get hit. Anyway these days I wonder how a fight will pan out if I ever get into one...I worry that I'll be a pussy even though I have a body that can do damage now.
that's really not cool unless the situation has gotten legit dangerous

and most guys who try to ball shot I've seen just piss the other guy off and get their ass kicked worse

see? hammers
he has a youtube channel, he recovered a few minutes later

exactly this. if you're that close up to someone in such an aggressive situation, you best already have your hands nipple height and be aware of an impending punch/grab. should never be that close to someone anyway
i wish i had fought more growing up because the older you get the more dangerous it gets. i think if you're in your 20s or 30s a well placed punch can kill a guy
I only had fights as a teen. I was always fun even if I received a lot of punches it was never serious damage.


people carry hammers

Hammers are fucking pleb-tier. It can easily slip out of your hands, not to mention you don't have it holstered so you can't just grab it, you have to remove it from a bag or something.

Nothing beats a well placed pipebomb. Why waste thousands of dollars and hours of your time practicing to fight/shoot/buy guns, when you could make a cheap pipebomb over night for ~30 dollars. They punch you? You pipebomb. They stab, or shoot you? Pipebomb. No one can escape.
If someone gets that close to your face you clock them the fuck off

Only fight advice my dad ever gave me, saved my ass twice most likely, I went for an uppercut both times though - nothing like hearing that teeth chatter sound and watching the conciousness leave the idiot who's trying to attack you's eyes

what if they have a plunger and use it to defuse your pipebomb? can't defuse a hammer.
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stupid thread

learning to fight is the superior build in the arena of fighting

these threads only serve for armchair MMA fighters to jerk their dingdongs
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>tfw I kicked a guy in the balls and then tore out his earrings with a ddt on concrete
Bitch stumbled back to his friends before falling over again.
lmao, how fragile do you think humans are?
if your artery is hit you'll pass out within a few minutes because of the loss of blood and lack of blood pressure
Check'd and kek'd
Didn't realise the guy I just kicked in the balls was a ninja assassin, my bad.
You realize people get stabbed all the time right? And the people who do it are usually huge pussies. I was talking to a guy who was showing me his stab wounds from when him and another guy were stabbing each other. He thought he was going to bleed out. He didn't

They're not going to get your fucking low upwards leg in a nut kick. They're not Flash.

You kick them in the nuts and move away. Repeat if needed. If you can somehow get the knife away, even better.
Said the guy who thinks kicking a guy in the nuts will disable him, especially when he has a knife.
yea, I'm positive he will glady take every kick to his groin and will never attempt to dodge to protect his crown jewels and won't try to cut/stab your leg in the process.
>what is an artery?
I'm not that guy you cunt, but I agree it would easily disable him. Ever been kicked in the nuts? Does this knife give him poise or something?
That and a punch in the jaw will usually disarm him
It takes 1 kick, not 2, not 3, just 1. If you can still breathe after a kick in the nuts then you're a woman.
What is a femoral artery
>what is really hard to predict a swift low kick in the nuts?

But more often than not you're going to survive getting stabbed. Any Indian in Canadian hoods has stories about how many times they've been stabbed. These aren't movie mercenaries that murder with a knife strike you're dealing with.
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Is this fake shoot stuff or just really well sold? cause that question mark kick looked like it actually knocked her out
why the fuck do you assume you can just get away with a kick to his balls? I'm assuming you are a male yourself and earlier in your life you've been trained by other little shits and teens trying to kick/punch your balls. even if I'm totally unsuspecting I'd try to block the kick, step aside or turn away. Unless the aggressor is under the influence of alcohol or whatever I wouldn't know any reason why he would just take your kick
enjoy your manslaughter charge
especially when he's holding a knife and kinda on guard

Which makes me wonder why in god's name he keeps shaking it like it's some rag doll.
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inside of your thigh
side of neck

choose one and stick a knife in it. post in this thread in 10minutes if you survive.

seriously, knife wound can kill you easily if the other guy knows where to hit. knife fight is no fun, turn around and run if you can.
I mean to say did she actually knock her out or is it just sold really well?
He gonna break his fingers punching like that, what the Hell.

What happened? I can't watch these work-out-goes-wrong videos. Too spooky.
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knifeguy didn't see it coming
5 on 1 will wreck your shit bad unless you are Bruce-Lee tier. They could have fucked him up good.
You have literally never been in any confrontation in your whole beta manlet life, stop watching movies they are warping your perception of reality.

I've been practicing krav for close to 2 years now. Kick in the balls is one of the dumbest moves you can possibly make.

- The shock is not big enough for any impeding danger (guy choking you out, knife out, gun out) to cease. He will feel the pain, but unless he's some kind of 100lbs that didn't want to fight/kill you in the first place, he will continue

-He'll get angrier

-You just lost balance, because 99% you don't know how to properly kick. If you get on the ground, you're done for

Please, for the love of god, take some kind of fighting lessons and don't rely on retarded moves read on the internet
you're retarded
Wouldn't like to fight that cunt jesus
>talks about a knife in a fight
>recommends ways to fight in a knife fight
Dude NO
Knives kill. That's major surgery.
If a dude pulled a knife, you fucking RUN there is NO POINT in fighting, let alone a dude with a fucking KNIFE.
If you can't run, give him whatever he wants. Save you life, cancel your credit cards later but shit dude, don't fight a guy with a knife.

Don't fight. Never fight.
the guy attacking the others is backed by his friends and the guy filming. Had they all bunched up on the guy in red, they would have been beaten to a pulp.
Better you have your dignity damaged than your brain
>projecting this much

>That's my go to move if anyone pulls a knife on me. And then stomp on their elbows and knees after.
>Almost want it to happen too.
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True, but everyone wants to think their failed cuts, poor diet, and 20% bodyfat is an advantage in certain areas of their miserable lives.

what about a hammer to the balls?
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Knives are fucking dangerous, friendo. My little brother nicked his arm with a pocket folder and nearly bled out due to how imperceptibly deep the cut was (it had actually reached muscle).
>no, you
There are several videos of this manlet beating the crap of those kids. He has a whole squad of russian bydlos backing him up. In some videos the kids actually try to defend themselves and the others show up to beat them.
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>it had actually reached muscle
You mean it went deeper than 1/8 inch?! Holy shit!
try it out and post results
What climbed into his vagina
fiori de liberi talked about dagger and how fucking terrible they were because both parties would always get fucked regardless
Whats the story here?
he gone man
He's fine.
>go off balance from kicking someone in the nuts and somehow this hinders you more than the person who got kicked in the nuts.

Jesus Christ at the knife apologists here. Just waiting for someone to say that you'll hurt your leg more kicking someone in the nuts and the knife guy will take advantage of your broken leg.
Jeez, what the fuck is his problem?
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anyone have the webm of the guy fighting 3 people with the stack of wood
>hurt your leg more kicking someone in the nuts

You'd think being a board full of men we'd all know the damage a good kick in the nuts can do. These guys think holding a knife makes you a superhuman.
Kek, pussy just pretends to ignore the stomping of that guy's cranium instead of leaving to call the cops.

Why does he attack all the NPCs as well?
>guy clamps his knees together
>your leg is stuck
>he knifes you several times


Maybe the beating was deserved?
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>that fucking punch barrage at 0:13
No he hasn't.
Maybe, but you can see that he protested the beatdown until spergmeister stuck a finger in his face. He then quietly resumed his vigil as a bar entrance loiterer.
why would he be so fucking retarded?
they are both trained fighters, look at how they move.
Native Georgian here. This is standard attire for white kids outside the city.
>martial arts are useless
>proceeds to perform martial arts
>Not knowing filenames get shortened
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Ok Naruto. Does your hair also turn bleach blond when you're angry and ready to fight?
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That's how I feel. I've only ever been in one fist fight before, but I was 13 and my mom broke it up. Lifting made me strong, but I would probably have shit reflexes/form in a real fight
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>3 old bums and a meth addict woman
Is that a fucking jojo reference?
You've never done that. You've only imagined it.
100% sucker punch.
I wonder what that bitch thought he was doing
These are the same type of people that have never met a black guy in their life but think they're the best thing ever.

I know a lot of people who have been stabbed. Stabbed in the throat. Stabbed like 30 times in the body. One guy just got stabbed in the ass a couple weeks ago to no real effect.

In America, it's guns. In Canada, it's Indians getting stabbed.

Yes you can easily kill people with knives if you know what you're doing. The thing is, you're usually dealing with massive pussies who won't Matrix grab your leg and stab you 20 times before your leg leaves the ground. A good kick in the nuts drops people. Look at any MMA fight for example where people writhe in agony while wearing a cup. Not that I can kick like a fighter (though I kick pretty hard), but they also don't have the pain tolerance, nor are they wearing a cup. Nor do they have the reflexes needed to catch your leg that moves extremely fast in an upward motion and stab you in one fluid motion before you do anything else.

With that same logic you might as well be arguing that you grab his wrist before he does anything. Although that's a little more likely than getting stabbed in the process of kicking someone in the nuts.

Nor does kicking someone in the nuts block you from running away if it doesn't work as well.

>I kicked him in the nuts but naturally I don't know how to do something girls have been doing since they were 5 years old without tripping.
>now that I have tripped, the guy who got hit in the nuts has the advantage because I could not compose myself in time, while he was in no way effected more than me
>I cannot run, he is too fast and he just got kicked in the nuts so he's faster and his reflexes are now super focused
>he knicked me in the arm, now I will surely bleed out

More than likely, the guy getting hit in the nuts is open season for another attack at the least. If not, his running will be fucked up from having been hit.

I'm not saying it's not risky but really
i think that was the girl who was shoot fighting and ended up getting blackballed
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There isnt really honour in a street fight
See if you can trap your mom's legs when she kicks you in the nuts while YOU'RE READY FOR IT.

You're not fighting fucking Rambo
What was retarded about his heavy clean?
Well the first dude did get fucked pretty badly, I mean look at that kick to the head after everything else.
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>showing me his stab wounds from when him and another guy were stabbing each other
I'm imagining two guys taking turns stabbing each other
>fat guy just walks around throwing same wild haymaker every few seconds.
>you have to be in an anime to kick someone in balls.
>that pause at 0:11 to wipe the spittle off his lips
Story is raprefugee enters Italy thinking hes big shit and gets rocked by bus man
Haha special ed white boi sperging out like a retard.
best one in thread
I was laughing hard and asking if they were playing stab for stab. "Now you go"

Some of the shit these Indians do is hilarious.
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that jumping plank breaking kick
Reminds me of the second mission in FF7 when a train passenger just wants to remain in his seat while Barrett opens up a can of whoopass nearby.
Zero respect for sucker punchers.
>hurr I can beat a guy that's delirious from a surprise right hook.
Big fucking deal. Who couldn't?
Never fight a fat dude in a Hawaiian shirt.
>Zero respect for sucker punchers.
>sucker punchers
You mean winners.
lmao based fat Hawaiian guy is enjoying it
easier to dodge punches when being thinner. Also you are faster, and USUALLY have more stamina.

I have been in fights with guys bigger than me, and they couldnt throw me around with me draging them with me.

So yeah, I agree with you in some points.
saying based is gay
just be 90 + kg and 185+ cm and youre basically unbeatable even if you dont know how to fight
Just post more good fight gifs. I speak for all the bloodthirsty Anon's here.
I am gay. Well spotted.
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I always laugh to dyels and combatlets that post the most shittiest street fights videos to prove their point instead of martial arts material

it says three things about them

that they have never fought in their lives

that they have literally 0 combat training

that they are dyels that would want to combat train but too pussy to actually train

I mean, anyone with a month of experience would see those videos and realize they are just drunks fighting each other with literally 0 technique or training, that doesn't prove shit
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Streetfighting keys to success
>when the trash talking starts, start talking with your hands
>turn your gestures into the first punch
>repeat: always throw the first punch
>try to punch through the jaw, causing his head to spin, this is what causes knockouts,
>speed and placement are keys to a KO punch, but in all other circumstances, being heavier and having more reach are the winning factors
Holly shit and a half.
>And here's one more for the road

top kek

>mfw this guy is probably a necklet who thinks his muscle would protect from punches in the head
This is plan B

Plan A is run and if you find a weapon use it
the guy is strong as fuck
No, I mean bitch ass cowards.
Mike Tyson said that your neck isn't that important in fighting
Can't run if you're with friends. Social status drops like a fucking rock.

>inb4 they're not your real friends if they judge you for being a pussy

Most people are fucking animals, act like it. Unless you don't mind being seen as a beta at best forever.

If they have a weapon it's legit to run though.
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Ayy I'm 100 kilos and 1.88 meters.
Thanks for the confidence boost.
The kicker is actually 5'4"
I didn't consider that, I was thinking more if you're in the wrong place at the wrong time.
> SS vs brosplitters

>Mike Tyson said that your neck isn't that important in fighting

Fucking unbelievable, i can't believe im wasting my time with actual underage retards
Yeah agree it's best to run then.

No point trying to prove you're tough to some a bunch of thugs
>Unless you don't mind being seen as a beta at best forever.
This is fucking terrible advice. Proving your worth in street fights is irresponsible and niggerly. It doesn't matter if they have weapons; people get fucked up for life by simple punches and kicks all the time.
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Happened in spain some years ago.
A fascist/whatever skinhead was riding the metro when suddenly a shitton of hooligans get in and recognize his hoodie.

He ended up killing a guy, and thats fucked up, but there is some ninja shit going on
Jesus fuck
There's a point where it goes from a fight to aggravated assault and a second point where it becomes attempted murder
Concrete does not forgive
The webm that keeps on giving
t. never been in a street fight
This is fucking hilarious
BASED bus driver
>kick him in the head with your other leg while doing a one-arm handstand
Think fast, retard.
Is she ded? Looks like he kicked her right in the windpipe
i cant comprehend what is happening here..
a bunch of niggers are jumping on a fat woman..
story? sauce? link to vid?
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that woman has a fat ass, i would smash
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kinda non related but korean seal/udt cq training
dafuq is this shit

yeah I know its just training and for show but I wouldnt like to be someone fight this guy
it's the oldest trick in the world. Picking on the fat, low-confidence girl
Rookies are fucking retarded when they win a fight
I'm sure he's fine

why do faggots always jump in just as fights get good
I wanna see someone beaten to death
Standard outfit for southeastern boys

T. South Carolinian

if you're throwing a first shot a headbutt upwards into the nose is better than a punch
why dont nobody stop them though? this is just weird.
niggers are weird man
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Hes obviously a level 70 ret paladin farming a level 15 dungeon farming for cloth.
most people are not edgy retards IRL
be rich, get a good lawyer,get beaten, sue them into poverty

ultimate win
if you're gonna punch someone slip your keys between your knuckles
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best in thread
a diamond in a sea of shit
>not naming this borderpatrol application
Still laughed at filename though
why is fighting predominately present in low lifes, poor and the dumb?
I think he's fucking dead... story?
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Unless you get killed, paralyzed or get brain damage.
>t. insecure
Because richer people have more to lose
Hahaha doggo flail
Because their lives are harder and they have to be harder to survive. Pampered children are more low test, so they're less aggressive.
You tell us.
Wealthier people are better, smarter people in general.
Poor people are usually lowlife scum.
fuckin kek at the black guy at 0:40 recording it
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>getting involved in something that isn't your problem and depriving yourself of a good show

>not being a retard

pick one
I saw this a long time ago, I think the story is the Russian kids getting the shit kicked out of them are high on something that makes you really detached from reality.

I think it's more related to that

Fighting is so much skill based that every child that starts early would get really good at it after a while, maybe not to international champion levels but he would surely become a champion at the local level or something, i don't think this level is related to genetics
low iq
the fucking bucket lmao
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Like this anon said: >>42355752, throwing the first punch is EXTREMELY important. Statistics say over 80% of the street fights are won by whoever threw the first punch and it's not hard to understand why.

During a heated up discussion or confrontation, pay attention to your "opponent's" body language, if it displays these:
>Moving arms around vigorously (!)
>Heavy and deep OR quick, rapid breathing
>Wide stance (!!)
>One feet in front of the other, both pointing towards you (!!!)

...Prepare yourself and DO NOT let him get close because he is definitely pumping up and garnering enough courage to assault you.
If you have no way to distance yourself from him or somehow avoid the fight and he is closing the distance, strike first and strike HARD, do it like your life depends on it, because unless you personally know your opponent, it may as well. Some people out there will do terrible things to you if they drop you on a fight, they will stomp on your head, drop something heavy like a brick over it, stab you, blind you, cripple you or even kill you. Who knows what a complete stranger is capable of?
Don't let it happen, strike very hard with your own survival in your mind, strike to make him shit himself in pain and get away as fast as you can.
Because the rich people own UFC
Hope he enjoys time in state prison now

>punching to inflict pain

if you punch correctly he won't feel anything, he will just drop and get KOed instantly

may as well take some boxing classes to get real training for some months instead of thinking you are ready by just reading some tips
this is cartoony af
Can't find the story again. He died though.
After the first sucker punch the fight was over
And you shot someone in the back of the head, they also won't feel anything and will just drop dead.

Most people don't know how to punch correctly, don't want to or just can't take classes to learn how to punch correctly. So, stating the obvious like that was useless.
Also, what i said wasn't meant to make anyone "ready" to fight, it's useful knowledge that can help people recognize situations where they are at imminent risk of being assaulted and why they should give their all in the first strike, in case there's NO WAY to avoid fighting.
I love how they walk all slow
The dude pass out during his clean

The barbell must have put too much pressure on his jugular, slowing the blood flow to his head

Yeah, rabbitpunching can kill someone, you can win the fight but die 12 hours later because of rabbitpunching, it actually happened in some boxing matches

I still think training is better, you learn new skills, you get humbled and you learn a lot about yourself

Got the sound track to that shit
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Just carry this

that's a funny looking hammer
nah he overbalanced, fell backwards over his heels and the weight smacked his head into the wall behind him, knocking him out
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Don't be an honor bound dork, always strike first in a street fight.
Just keep a safe distance from the guy talking to you. If he tries to get near you then get your fists ready. That's it.
It's a concealed carry hammer
Fake as fuck
No... we dont
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God they really fucking suck when they don't get a sucker punch in and don't outnumber the victim 20 to 1

He's not built fat, he's just fat.

>Bruce-Lee tier.

Not only will being somewhat versed in any martial art enable you to do this, being a skilled street fighter up against unskilled ruffians makes this possible. It's all about area control, accuracy, and timing.
Also why is the skinny kid moving his arms like he's in mortal kombat?

why would you let them keep getting back up
soon as you ground them, stamp on the exposed windpipe to make sure
>lets turn this assault case into a triple homicide

That last slam he does to the head is the one that does me in.

You must have a really bad teacher. You also must not have watched many fight videos. There are plenty, I mean PLENTY where dudes get kicked in the nuts and they are DOWN.

if someone's willing to throw a punch at you how would you not enjoy killing them and the thought of their mothers in tears at the funeral?

Here's the guy who lived.
I'd just stab myself and save him the trouble.
look at that poise. Unfortunately, fat rolling will do nothing for you

military men are overrated, they are just bullet spoonges

they are just used to cap zones
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Exactly. If things are getting heated quickly, either hit first or stand out of range and consider leaving.
wouldn't be surprised if that kid broke his hand on those punches

Because we would not enjoy the thought of prison. Some of us are also not degenerates who enjoy violence in the real world.
lol, the others are trying so hard to concentrate on their games
I'm the guy you're replying to. I got kicked in the nuts during sparring. It took me a solid 2-3 seconds with the adrenaline of the sparring before I felt it and even so I did not fall, I just had to back away and stop. Street fights are done in a few seconds. If a kick to the nuts doesn't stop the fight then and there, it's not effective.

Be agressive instead, go within very close range for a powerful punch and aim for the neck.
Hand-to-hand is nearly irrelevant in modern combat. It's all about the sheer quantity of lead you sling and gear you carry.
>white men vs communism
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punched the cigarette right outta his mouth

a good strike on the testicles can kill you
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I cannot help but feel thst they need to be physically removed.
What's the story? Is this South Africa or something?

lol, what a dickhead
ooh it must have been while you were kissing me
>Is built fat the superior build to dominating in the arena of casual street combat?

no throwing the first punch is superior
a decent strike to the neck will kill you on the spot.

I am posting on a board where I don't expect people to have solid kicking technique. Punching someone in the neck with enough force to stop a fight immediately is relatively easy to do and doesn't put you in grave danger (if you have your guard up that is, and are aggressive).

Kicking someone in the nuts could end the fight. If you know how to kick properly (hip thrust) and are trained enough to not lose your balance when doing so in a fight for your life (adrenaline impairs your control of fine motor skills). I am not making shit up to look cool on a forum, I am trying to help people by showing them what I was taught

It's happened to me too, same reaction, I'm just saying it's very possible to be used effectively in a self-defense situation, as it has stopped plenty of fights immediately. Nothing's gonna work perfectly every time, of course.
that looks like National Geographic
seriously for fuck's sake, stop the idiotic debate. Krav maga is MADE for street fighting and SURVIVING in these situations. Learn krav, and apply that instead of "I once got kicked really hard in the nuts and it really hurt bruh, surely I can do this to whoever attacks me and I'll be fine because it really hurts, ok?".
there's a reason hockeyfights on youtube is so popular. shit gets me pumped
hand2hand maybe but CQC is real as fuck. Better learn CAR or tactical shotgun skills
check fort lauderdale's local news in about 30 mins, i gotta make a quick stop at ace hardware
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Thats a pretty girly punch though
Holy shit.
There are weight-classes for a reason, a ripped 70kg guy does not stand a chance against a somewhat built 110kg guy
If a guy comes at you, and I mean actually comes at you with a knife, your best bet is to just grab it. You'll cut the shit out of your hand, but it's better than having 6 inches of metal plunged into your gut.
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100% demonic possession.
хaхaхa cyкa
You don't have to know how to kick to kick in the balls without losing your balance though. Look how girls have hit the balls for thousands of years.

If someone can't throw an upwards kick without falling over, they probably don't know how to punch without looking like an orange in a plastic bag. Let alone strike precisely in the neck.

Not to mention your probably wore a cup anyway, and it still hurt you. Kicking in the balls doesn't exclude you from sitting back a little till it does kick in, nor is throwing your upper body forward towards a knife attacker in any way safer than just kicking upwards.
some of these videos makes me realise maybe i should step back in the ring to not forget to fight.
wtf? have you never in your life experienced what it is like to be hit in the balls?
>not just wrapping your jacket around your hand
He was clearly getting attacked by 3 nig nogs you mong
he looks like Ted Cruz in the thumbnail
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Fucking go away.
Your thighs are vulnerable dude, people often die when shot in the legs because you bleed out, it's very hard to stop when a larger artery has been damaged. Knives are also more deadly than guns, a gun wound to the center of mass you may survive, a knife would is much less likely, it cuts everything in its path making it nearly impossible to stop the bleeding.
>tfw that Boer is probably dead by now

you can only fend off the hordes for so long
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>not posted yet
i am now erect
No your best bet, if you can't run, is to at least control where you get cut, the backside of your forearm is a common area.

The first rule of a knife fight is you are going to get cut. Just keep it from somewhere fatal.
I'd say so. People think knife men are just "AHA! I walk forward and LUNGE thee!!" when in reality it's as much speed as a punch, you don't need any force behind it to deal damage, even if you don't hit properly, and EVEN IF the opponent is full of adrenaline and SOMEHOW ignores the pain, you could STILL kill them by hitting one of MANY, MANY things inside the body. a SIMPLE slashcut in the throat, not even a "deep stab" is enough to kill you, pronto.

Your best bet against knife men are either giving up immediately, and trying to calm them if their bodylanguage tells you they're not actively looking for trouble, or, running the fuck away as fast as you can, hoping they are not insane enough to chase you.

The third option against knifeman, and this is assuming he actually wants to chase you down and kill you, and you actually are backed against a wall and have no escape, is to get in as close as possible, and lock down the knife arm, while using ANYTHING you can do deal damage, whether that is your forehead in their face, your hook to their head, or your knee to their balls. Go in close, or you'll just be walking back, getting popped full of stab wounds trying to "deflect the knife away" pathetically.

Of course, you're gonna get cut, slashed or stabbed in one way or another if up against a knife, so just pray that the places you ARE cut aren't lethal, which there are many, many places that are.

I may be a "lowtest beta" but at least I'll be a lowtest beta with many years left to live.
Photographer ruins my immersion desu
This is my fetish
I always love when he escorts him out and then gives him one parting punch for good measure
based ruskis

fucking brutal
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full version?
Y'all people in this thread talk like getting into a fight is a normal, regular thing that everyone experiences from time to time.
Just want to say that's not my experience. Good thread though enjoying the webms.
now you're just posting porn intros lmao
How many years, do you wager? 10? 15 on good behavior? Hope he likes bars and aggressive sociopaths as cellmates.
I am 93 kg and 194cm and I can tell you this is bullshit
Holy Beautiful, Jesus Beautiful
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>tfw no braphog to knee you in your balls
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This is the greatest fighter in human history
Does it increase test?
>Just want to say that's not my experience.
In general it isn't for respectable people.
Fights in general end in injuries and law enforcement. Both are highly undesirable for people with structured and well maintained lives.
Even if you fend off an aggressor and knock him out without getting any injury yourself, chances are high you have to explain your actions in court. And if his injuries exceed a certain amount compared to your experienced threat-level you can be held accountable.

As a law abidding citizen, you are already losing once you engage with this kind of horseshit.
>if you kill your enemy, you lose

Cuck. This is why western civilization is dying
that bucket at the end.
lost it
Thats because these are laws made for actual humans with a brain. And they were good when they were made because in a society of people, where individuals have a worth because of education it is highly undesirably to have them die or get damaged.
With the latest arrival of subhumans the whole ordeal is of course absolutely worthless.
it must have been loud as fuck tho, inconsidered niggers
and at last this thread devolved into femdom porn
[spoiler]not that i mind it though[/spoiler]
This is why we invented kicking. If a guy comes with a knife, he obviously intends to attack at a short range. I you can attack him a a longer range you own him. Unless he's good at throwing knives.
Kill yourself.
Oh wait. Thats already going to happen 100% if you ever encounter a situation where a knife is present as threat.
Stop saying retarded shit like kicking will do anything.
Actually punch power is a combination of speed and strength, not just strength, therefore being a slow fat shit wouldnt make you good at throwing punches.
Strength is speed. You don't have different muscles for either one.
F = MA
What's the context here?

>inb4 white trash acting like the niggers they are
That's sick Vasili. Is he some sort of low ranking gangster or is this normal past time in Russian countryside?
Was that Bryan Fury's machine gun punches or Jack's piston gun punches?
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Looks Russian or Eastern European to me.
This Jamaican daggering "dance", where horny men dry hump and jump on women.
that was awful sportsmanlike to let him get to his feet and get his head clear before resuming wailing on him. 10/10 manners Cletus
how to get A6 plz
get F6 then cut
jeez, doesnt surprise me this thing was invented by niggers on an isolated island only with niggers on it.
what has niggers even contriputed with to society?
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