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Finally reached my goal of doing 1 hand chin up or pull up, can

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Finally reached my goal of doing 1 hand chin up or pull up, can do like 30chinups and 30pullsups with both hand, still look like shit, hand looks like sticks, no muscle on core, look like fat slob, is getting fit a meme?
>pic related
>body dysmorphia this early

Anon while you're not built or have a ton of mass, you can see that it's there. Almost non existent but it's still there, you have to keep going at it and in about a years time you will look back and be thankful.
>he thinks you get huge off bodyweight shit
what the fuck is body mysmorphia am i going to die?
i weight 77 kg and i can do 2 chinups with 45 kg extra yet i can't do a single arm one. what gives?
You dont eat enough. Your goals seem to be feats of strength relative to your size, and you're not trying hard enough to get a size bigger.
You might have triplets
but, well lifting yourself up with 1 hand is like lifting 80kg with 1hand? thats more than most ppl lift.
core looks good, even with that fat on it. you can see the curves of your abs. lose some weight and they'd pop out like fuck.

as for arms, yeah high rep chin ups and pull ups ain't gunna make you huge. try doing weighted chin/pull ups for lower reps. it's easy to do even without weights or a belt, just get a backpack and put gallons of milk/water in it or books or literally anything heavy that fits.
this is a good start for you, keep going. you will make it as evident by your current dedication. do not lose hope
try to train few weeks with towel, like do 1hand chin-up then other hand use for balance and slight help with holding on towel.
I did chinups with weights as well like 30+kg. but towel thing was more effective.
its easier said than done, i literally cant loss the belly fat, its like fucking stuck to me or something i dont even know anymore. like literally, i cant do those shitty things like running and shit since my knees are beyond repair fucked, so all i can do is lift weight and do bodyweight.
don't try to lose weight, you aren't big enough yet. if you cut now, you will end up a no muscle and no fat jew straight from the camps.
lift more weights brah. bench, OHP, incline dumbbell bench, curls, tripull down, weighted chin/pull up, dips, all that shit, do it more.
you literally just need to beef up that upper body. in 6-9 months of hard work, you can make it.
bicycling is one of the best cardios out there that doesn't interfere with lifting and your strength gains, well apart from squats
everytime i try to ride bike, it feels like im losing some power in my dick, like its going limp from sitting on the bike seat, anyone noticed this?
Have you also been working on things like
>Handstand push-ups
>Dip progressions
Also get some rings. Ring dips and their progressions will work wonders for arms combined with high rep ring curls and tricep extension. If you can do one arm chins you're obviously strong as hell, start doing weighted chins as well and you'll see your gains explode.
>he fell for the body weight meme

But seriously go lift some actual weights.
grab your balls and dick and put them on top of your legs
Use a man's seat with the hole in the middle so your gooch isn't under pressure
Focussing on one exercise achieves exactly one thing: You get good at that exercise.
Your body will look disproportionate and not all of the strength you develop doing that one exercise transfers to other exercises.
tl;dr stop focussing on pullups if you want to look good
>that body

Eat properly and do exercises properly
when doing pull ups for example do them more slowly and clearly, don't go swinging on that shit
nice, slowly and properly do pull ups, chin ups, dips and push ups
ok you got me im 185cm 75kg
i guess i should start focusing on doing 1 hand pushup now.
Once i can add 1hand push up, to my 1hand pull ups, i should look fairly ripped?
The only way to get "ripped" is progressive overload.
You can't do that with bodyweight.

Go to the gym like a normal faggot
Well then I call bullshit.
That's a chin up with ADDED weight, you fucking mong
A body weight chin up is zero added weight
so i literally haxed the reality cool heh
he added the weight because i did it 1 handed @ 2handed would be 75+75
What's your BW?

If you weight under 170lb there's your problem lmao
What's this website?
It doesn't work like that, especially with only bodyweight.

If a person can do a one handed push up, it's not the same as them being able to bench their weight with one hand
no it's far worse
Symmetric Strength
it does work that way with a chin up retard there's only one support point, unlike a pushup where your feet hold close to half the weight
no you just lied on a Tahitian Nut Rating Forum
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Pic of my back, kinda hard to take pic
Indistinguishable from someone who is totally sedentary.

Go to the gym and lift properly
how about you post a gif of you doing a fucking one handed chin up?
Thats not how you do it correctly.
One handed push-ups are easy to do.
guess you are right doing bodyweight like pullups,pushups etc is a meme, even though when i started i could only do barely do 1pullup and now i can do 1handed, i dont look different.
Ring tricep Extensions fucking hurt your elbows if done too much
i did that abit but not much, need to check out few tips on it
>handstand push-up
that looks interesting never did it
again looks interesting never did it
tnx pals
Hey Op, give got a question for you.

For how long have you been doing chin-ups and pull-ups ?
i think around soon it will be 1 year. At the start i could barely do 1-2pullsups, i did lose around 15kg over the period, i didnt only do pulls ups. My workout was something like 100situps(5x20 differnt kind), 80 pushups (4x80differnt kinds), lifting some dumbells from 10 to 25kg with differnt exersizes and pullups. Like last 3-4months i mostly focused on pullups/chinups trying to reach 20 and then trying to do them 1 handed, in the process i was able to do 30ups 2handed.
and i also did leg exersizes, but didnt focus on them much
pushups 4x20 obviously not 4x80
>one year
>those results

fucking kek
>1year for this body
Just go to the gym already, jesus
lol I look better than you after 4 months
you should have seen me before i started working out, i weight 95kg, and i was basically fat as fuck in the middle, i looked ridicules. And i still look bad, but i guess i dont look like disfigured fatass anymore
Your form is probably absolute shit.

Post a vid.
still don't believe you can do a legit one handed pull up at 75kg. no way that's possible
>you're allowed to jump off the ground, right?
it doesnt matter if you jump of the ground or not, atleast for me, the hardest part is locking it in at the top. I could do halfway and 75% chinup for weeks now, just did it fully today.
Also thinking of doing 30days 100pushup shit, just finished doing them today, might improve my looks abit.
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>it doesnt matter if you jump of the ground or not
lol but you can't do it. you won't post video proof and you don't have enough musculature to make anyone actually believe you can do it.
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>does bodyweight for 1 year and doesn't even know how to build muscle

of course you still look like shit. your workout is a fucking meme!
you are not building muscle, you are just improving endurance. nobody cares if you can do 30 pull-/chinups. get a backback and load it with bottles of water, books or even bricks if you have to and do that shit weighted. 3x8-12 and increase weight if you can do 3 sets of 12.

that also applies for every other bodyweight exercise you goddamn dyel
actually i do weighted pullsups with 30kg or do 1handed with towel support, so ye i dont normally do 30. since i know it doesnt matter after 20~. Thats why i started training for 1handed.
obviously i did it by not jumping, but i couldnt doing by jumping or not, since i still couldnt lock it in at the top, which is the hardest part
lol except literally no one here believes you did it.
Op don't worry about what these egocentric assholes are saying about you.

Start lifting heavy (pace yourself) and do more cardio.
il post the vid in few days, i already did workout today, so my hands feels like they are shot.
lol i dont worry, i wouldd be skeptical of this as well, since the way my upper body looks i should be doing even 20pullups.
why does my whole body look much more lean and muscular when I'm like weaker ?
After 12 already it pretty much doesn't matter in terms of strength. You're just developing endurance and getting your body used to the exercise.
it totally doesn't work that way tho
You look fine anon. Just keep going.
Honestly i dont know when its stops mattering, but for me right now, first 20 is like im not even doing them, it feels same like im walking, same feeling, after that i start to lose out to endurance and max out at 30.
Also i started doing interesting mixup i sometimes do 2-3minutes really slow pullup, like doing single rep really fucking slow for 3minutes. I think it works. And definitely does something.
>first 20 is like im not even doing them
That's exactly the point. Do harder progressions
>since i know it doesnt matter after 20~
obliques in orbit
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>winged scapula
Look up how to fix it, OP
Its been almost 2 years for me and I'm not much bigger than you OP.
Because OP is a lying liar.
Explain how?
You need hypertrophy dumbass not strength
There is absolutely no way you can do a one armed chin with this body. at all. I know many climbers and martial artists who can. You cannot. Stop lying on the internet you fucking moron.
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pic related is me, i can't even do one muscle up (i just haven't worked on it, my pullups get as explosive to my nipples)

start gaining weight and do a shit ton of volume of the big 3 every day, and adding 3 or 4 sets of the most intense movement you can do per m.group (archer pushup archer pullup, dragon flag, russian dips, hspu for example) full body everyday. then you'll get swole and cut at the same time, if you keep going with the progressions. you might not even need to cut since you'll be pretty built

it also looks like you have posterior pelvic tilt unless it's a pose, might want to fix that if you want to see what your core looks like at it's best... definitely improve your scapular control to implement in your exercises, and when you're really good at it the back gains defo speed up, trust me.
also, calisthenics starters mostly look good because of their pushing strength. they tend to sometimes skip/lag back work.. push ups & dips are just ez gains and ez strength, they make you look good even if you're weak too. looking at the original post you seem to focus on pulling strength more...

i only focused on strength and worked low volume high intensity the first 2 months of starting calis., i was skinny as fuck (almost full skeleton very low bf% like 6-7) and didn't look any muscular under natural lighting, but gained fast strength. and then i just stopped for a few months for some reason. i just did 100 pull ups today (also added in a lot of frenchy reps), and 100 push ups yesterday (all sets to failure) to get warmed up for the week, now i will be doing 200 pushups 100 dips 200 leg raises on dip bar and 150 pull ups each day starting tomorrow + 4 sets of the most intense move i can do per muscle group. i'm just playing around and experimenting since i have time. i'm probably at 7.8-8.2% at the moment. feel like i gained weight fast this last month, should i keep going? my abs don't show as much anymore, i can do dragon flags, even bad form front levers
+ i don't know how to do a back pose lol tried my best though

forgot to add: lifting is way more viable than this calisthenics shit. it'll save you a lot of time, im just a purist faggot
Buddy, you look like you never lifted the fuck are you taking these pictures for?
what do you mean by towel? slinging a towel over the bar, and holding onto that?
please go to the rowing machine and do a few sets of 12 and get a pump if you want to gain back muscles

doing 1 arms shit is gonna do fuckall
bc i thought i looked slightly more muscular than OP and looked way worse before.. shit im just an idiot
It's 165lbs... what's unbelievable about that?
>does the opposite of what /fit/ says
>looks better than 90% of the board
>mad retards say he looks like shit
come on dude. if you're not OP, have you ever tried a one handed pull up?

Muscles can only be stronger if they are a. bigger, or b. denser.

Do OP's muscles in any way look large and/or dense? No? In fact, is there a useless layer of body fat making his body weigh more but adding no extra strength? Then how the fuck could he pull off a feat of strength that many athletes cannot? Seriously, can't you fucking think this through for yourself?

If you are OP stop fucking lying.
>is getting /fit/ a meme
No. Bodyweight exercises are a meme
>have you ever tried a one handed pull up?
No, I've damn near had on in the past. Had a 20 second negative, could do a OAC with 80% ROM. Body weight of ~190, and definitely not shredded. It's entirely based on how you train. You can do shitloads of weighted pullups trying to get more weight on your belt, or you can just put a pullup bar in your hallway and GTG one arm negatives and get there in a matter of months.

>Do OP's muscles in any way look large and/or dense?
Relatively. It's a pretty horrible photo, but even with the terrible pose and direct lighting he looks like he's in shape. His lats are also big enough to be clearly seen from the side while they're in a stretched position, even with the body fat - meaning they're probably fucking yuge. He's not shredded or anything, but he's also not really fat. Picture is pretty unflattering, but I bet if he had overhead lighting and flexed with a straight on pic he'd look 10x better.

>Then how the fuck could he pull off a feat of strength that many athletes cannot?
Because he actually worked towards a specific goal for a year? And you can get significantly stronger without putting on much size - CNS nigga.

>Seriously, can't you fucking think this through for yourself?
You sound so mad man... is it because you still look dyel, meanwhile OP did basically random shit and looks decent?
damn, lol it probably looks like that bc i'm skinny with a little bit of exposed muscle, as you can see i have no arms, it's only torso at this point. first time poster by the way
i'll make like a before and after thing, maybe a video on youtube if im successful and claim i didnt touch any weights, those kind of HOME WORK OUT NO WEIGHTS NEEDED GET JACKED (BIG shoulders) videos seem to make money. we'll all make it
>as you can see i have no arms
You don't even have your arm supinated man...

Shoulders are pretty poop, though. If you maintain your pulling strength and work on pushing movements as hard as you did on pulling you'll look breddy goosey in a few months man. Maybe add in some jump rope to get a bit more cut up/fit.
You look pretty good man. Especially for doing just calisthenics. I'm getting into calisthenics along with weighted chins and dips. You have a set of rings? Invaluable tools imo.
my pushing strength is way stronger than my pulling strength, sure the front deltoid is working in all pushing moves, especially hspu and 90° push ups, but it's not like you can isolate the whole thing, it works according to the percentage of bodyweight shifted, etc.. i'd have to do hspu's on volume if i wanted bodybuilder level shoulders, and im nowhere close to that point atm, lol. in bodybuilding you can easily isolate almost any muscle at your will at any intensity, so the expectations are freely set since you can theoretically sculpt whatever you have on your head (if you have average genetics & muscle building factors planned)
or just gaining a lot of weight consistently as you work would do it, idk. calisthenics is only a form of escapism for me atm, i don't really care that much what i end up looking like, even my diet is a normal one.
my front delts are decent enough but the overall size factor would be the lateral head, and if you want to work on those you'll have to do the wider handstand pushup, the gymnastics one. lol
like i said, going to the gym is 1000x better than calisthenics in every way for fitness and aesthetics

yeah i'm getting a pair next week or so. would be good since my pull up bar is too low for leg raises etc.. i have a question, how hard do windshield wipers get on rings? or are they easier?
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I too remember when I was in grade school and thought I was accomplishing anything with exercise
In a ring support? Easier than hanging. While hanging same as normal ones. If you're not tight on cash I'd recommend getting a resistance band or two for rear delt work. If you are then toss in alot of ring face pulls and rear delt flies at the end of your workout.
>winged scapula
thats my back muscles m8, the reason they protrude like that is because i had to hold my phone in weird angle
yup exactly, if you feel you need some help u use the hand on the towel for support, after few weeks/months you will be able to do "towel pullup/chinup" with minimal towel hand help. Then you start doing controlled 1 hand negatives, after you are comfortable with that, you should be able to do 1 hand chinups, etc.
high rep like 50 pushups work mostly strength
Shoo shoo gains goblin
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You Can look at this guy
this is op, il post video of me doing 1hand chin up tomorow probably
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