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What the actual fuck is the point in me to continue lifting with

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What the actual fuck is the point in me to continue lifting with a shitty body like this?

I use to do full body and upper/lower but for the last 2 years I've done PPLPPLx and it's not helped at all with "aesthetics".

Are some of us just born with shit bodies that will never make it? On-top of this shit I just recently diagnosed with a mental disorder, so even my mind is never going to make it.
No you weren't born with that much bodyfat. Fatso.
maybe actually try instead of whining you big hipped bitch
>I use to do full body and upper/lower but for the last 2 years I've done PPLPPLx and it's not helped at all

yeah nah you've been fucking around for the last 2 years, i guarantee it.
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To give a perspective.

Height: 5'7
Weight: 185 lbs
Waist?: 40 inches (measured at black line)
Just watch your diet. Muscle mass is good, eat less. Or don't. Just don't whine about something you control.
With fat % that high you will look shit not matter how much you lift.

Stop eating like a pig
There's nothing wrong with your body man. You're neither fat nor skinny, You're perfectly fine. Not even joking.

There also isn't anything wrong with bettering yourself either. Change doesn't happen overnight and if you want to see results, you need to push yourself past your limits in the gym and eat your body weight in protein + a good diet.

You will make it!
you don't work out hard enough
you probably haven't struggled on a single lift in 2 years
you should struggle every single set, if you don't, then the weight is too low

5"7 at 180 your a fat fuck my man
You should be 150 lean.
have you ever thought of cutting? wtf

>Butt sticking out
>No discipline or intelligence to eat/train properly
>Gayest photo I have ever seen

Was this level of virginity even possible before the internet?
you would look good if you lost fat (hips arent that wide its fat the fat around them, obliques look kinda visible despite the gut, ect)
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what are your stats?
if you're strong at least then there's an excuse for this shitty body.

if not, stop falling for other peoples meme exercises.cut until there are no love handles.(~500 cal deficit).start with the basic ppl and then add exercises to fix your weak points.

your weak points as i see them, starting from worst

1.shoulders (jesus christ)
2.arms (dyel arms, do more curls)
5.probably legs

your traps are surprisingly ok when compared to the others
>literally no definition
>185lbs at 5ยด7
>"g-guys is my body broken why don't I look good when im a fatfuck with no HINT of ab definition???"

Holy fuck kill yourself. If I saw you in the street and recognized you I would beat you to death and plead guilty. Don't even need a trial ID be willing to go to prison for taking out a piece of shit like you.
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>tfw you get shit on by 4chan

Here's another perspective. I don't seem to look as fat from the side.
Literally taking pictures of your ass and posting them on a Malaysian cricket enthusiast forum
Are you in London by any chance?
bro we dont need more naked pictures of you JUST START CUTTING AND REPORT BACK AT ATLEAST 10% BF FOR FUCKS SAKE
dude i'm 5'8" and 170 and i feel really fat and want to get to 155, you need to cut and lower that bf %
oh your gay
>dat skin lotion for silk skin
>dat hairless body
>dat cute ass
Id fuck you and im not even full homo bro
Stop fucking around at the gym and lift properly. If you spent more than 2 years lifting and that's the end result then you need to give up because you're clearly wasting your time.
Made me giggle der m8
You got nice legs and cute socks
Cant we go to another board so you can post more pics?
Where else would I get 100% authentic and true opinions/thoughts?

This place is the best for this kind of stuff, everyone is honest and doesn't hold back.



Yeah I realized now after looking at pic related that at 5'7 in contest shape (5% bodyfat) you should only be 151 lbs max. That puts everything into perspective for me.......I'm at least 35 pounds over-weight (because I'm not even sure if I'd weigh 151 pounds at 5% bodyfat)

Going to start now.

I am doing everything properly in the gym. That's whats annoying. My diet is really stupid though. Im probably eating way more calories than I need. I get about 150 to 200 grams of protein per day, and eat like 3500-4500 calories depending on the day.

I guess I need to eat around 2500 max.
>tfw 5'9, 165 lbs and still not in contest condition
Eat less. Lift more. Run. Drink water. Eat less. Eat less.

it's a bit of a slow crawl, just lose about 2 lbs a week naturally, none of that atkins diet bullshit, just eat less calories then you burn every day and you'll do it the healthy way
mate you're obviously not trying hard enough. Don't allow yourself to plateau, keep pushing harder and harder. Doing pussy boi workouts isn't gonna help anyone, you're gonna have to cut harder.
>This pose
>That ass
no wonder /fit/ is just /hm/
There is some quality muscle under all that fat. Workout on a huge calorie deficit and eat shitloads of protons to maintain the muscle. You'll make it breh
Jesus' mum Mary m8 read the bible.
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As long as you don't have a clear definition between your delts and upper arm muscles, you are either fat or dyel. In your case it's fat.
Take diet serious. It's not a meme.
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thank you for taking our advice
now i won't have to kill myself out of rage
you saved a life today
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Going to start cutting right now as of making this thread, not tomorrow, right now.

I didn't mean to do a gay pose, I guess it just happened.

What do you mean exactly about delt/upper arm? here's another perspective.

/fit/ is always right.
>That body
>Not fat

Shoo shoo white girl

fucking faggot, your better than me atm, and i am still going strong 3 days a week, fuck you!
>Are some of us just born with shit bodies that will never make it?
Yes. They are called "non-responders". But you're probably not one of them.
You clearly have mass, just cut down 15-20 lbs and you should see definition.

Nevermind. OP just used his craigslist power-bottom pics for this post. HNNNNGGGGG.
Your TDEE - 500 calories for 2 months doing exercise. There you go you're thin again, thank me later.
>What the actual fuck is the point in me to continue lifting with a shitty body like this?

Too much food volume

Not enough weights volume
Yet another post that proves OP is a faggot
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Should i cut?

>eat like a fucking waterbuffallo
>"waaaah why won't my 30 minute 3x5 squats workouts with 5 minutes of rest in between not turn me shredded!!"

fix your diet you jackass.

and start doing some curls and shoulder exercises, fuck
Try make 1/2/3/4 (strength duh)
Then cut.
Inorder to gain aesthetics you actually have to have a background in sports or do peds, if you have neither then you pick up strength training.
I am an 18 y/o with +1/2/3/4 and 5'10" at 171 and i am a doey dyel piece of shit.
What does this chart mean, should i kill my self.

>1. Lying
Since when was a 150kg squat impressive.
I also lifted for 3 years, and failing my bulk.
See i can't even reply right.
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Why would someone go on the internet and tell lies?
>3500-4500 calories




holy fuck.... 3.5k-4.5k cal??

sheit what are you eating?? i get 150-200g protein and i am under 2k cal are you not useing protein shakes? how many eggs are you eating? chicken breast? turkey? tuna? prawns? steak? are you even trying?
nigger have you done one accessory exercise in your life
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>What do you mean exactly about delt/upper arm? here's another perspective.
I encircled it.
It's a waterproof way of bf% indication.
You have a bodyfat distribution that somewhat compliments your body, but you can still see the delts/arm thing.
Stand straight facing a mirror and don't flex, you'll see.
If you don't believe me, check out some random chick pics on facebook or something.
>get huge
>take up wrestling or another actual power sport instead of bodybuilding
Jelly of that power manlet build Tbh Tbh
Another amazing power athlete, would be a tremendous wrestler, shot putter, hammer thrower etc.

Common that graph is bullshit. I have 10.5%bf and i am not nearly as ripped as the 12% guy.
you need to cut fat. plain and simple. Enjoy your cut.
Bad, posture and fat, you have a very similair shape to me but I'm like 30lbs lighter
Actually babies have way higher bf%
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hahaha your body isn't even that bad, you're just pretty fat and need to cut

You don't have wide as fuck hips like I do, kys
Fat fuck cut
You are just fucking fat
You are FAT. Adhere to HIIT and it shall not fail you.
Insulin fucks up your gains and fat burning- or short: aesthetics. So stop eating sugar and eat less carbs. Add some fiber to your diet.
5'10 155 and no where near contest condition.
Danny devito/10
At 5'7" you should be like 130 lbs. Maybe 160 if you're an NFL power running back or some shit. This just means that you have more room for improvement.
cut, you fucking fatass

jesus christ the bulking meme was the worst thing this board ever shat out
This is the most retarded thing. Insulin, while too high levels c a n make you fat, is the most anabolic hormone in the body. Eat the right carbs and you will grow muscle.
OP can afford to cut carbs, though, because he's fat as shit.
>tfw you get shit on by 4chan
>but dont lie anon
>youve got a scat fetish

so you don't have 10.5%bf faggot, throw your shitty scale out the window
>Are some of us just born with shit bodies that will never make it?

Like you didn't know that already
u should hold squat wrs or do oly lifting look how fucking tiny your femurs are jesus christ
It's not necessarily only about total femoral height but relative to both torso and tibial height.
You're fat. Lifting won't fix that.
Do you wear your jeans up to your navel? What the fuck is wrong with you (apart from being fat)?

I'm 5 inches taller than you and I have a 29" waist, you're fat as fuck.
Does the Pope shit in the woods?
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