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FPH Fat People Hate Thread

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Thread replies: 319
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Here's a story
>Work in a grocery store
>Pack bags at the register and have to carry them out for people, we're on a hill so people can't take shopping carts outside
>Ground shakes as a giant lone landwhale brings not one, but two full carts of groceries to the register
>After bagging all of her shit and loading it onto the lifting cart her total comes down to about 400 something dollars
>After paying she comes over and eyes me
>"What are you doing???"
>"Give me my groceries."
>"Ma'am, we have a store policy that doesn't allow customers to take carts outside, I'm going to escort y-
>"Does it look like I can't carry them by myself?"
>"Ma'am you have like 100 pounds worth of groceries."
>"Give me them."
>"Okay :^)"
>Give her every single last one of her groceries individually
>She takes ALL the bags into her pudgy hands and slowly waddles out the door
>The parking lot that day was packed, so I assume she parked all the way down the hill, which surprised me
>I'm watching her half way down before she falls and drops all her bags and cries in the parking lot
>I laugh my ass off and then go send the Indian guy to clean up the mess
She pissed herself and broke multiple pasta sauce jars on the pavement which I thankfully did not have to clean up.
Thankfully she never sued or anything and I never saw her again after that.
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What should we do with the fat acceptance crowd, and how do we solve the obesity epidemic?
We need to stop letting them coddle themselves and show them the reality of their situation. Only then will they try to achieve.
There's no one magic bullet. We basically have too get the next few generations of people cooking the majority of their meals for themselves. We can do stuff through government, like reducing corn subsidies to raise the price of anything with HFCS, or we can increase spending on education, but for the most part, we're stuck until people start treating being fat the same as having smoker's lung.
Nothing and it's a self solving problem.
The more people buy into HAES and shit, the more (and earlier) they start dying of everything that comes with morbid obesity. Combine that iwth the fact that they don't reproduce much and even some of hteir offspring reject their ways and you see social darwinism at its finest.
I think the shit corporations put into mainstream junk food is fucking disgusting and needs to be regulated.
I think the shit people willingly consume is the problem. Corporations have every right to try to sell you deep fried sugar, the responsibility lies with the moron who actually eats it.
You don't understand it's like crack to these normies. The shit they put into their food makes them come back to it.
I got off it. Six months ago I weighed 50% more than I do now. And I decided to do it without anyone having to intervene.

If they can't break the habit then they are weak and deserve the early grave they're driving themselves towards.
I'm a big believer in freely available healthcare and as obese people and smokers willingly hurt themselves I believe that they should be banned from using the system with one exception, the exception being that they are allowed to use the system given that they sign on and go through forceful rehabilitation.
And when I say forceful I really do mean it, not a single candy bar and not a single cigarette, and if they were to fall back into old habits they will shall not receive the same chance again.
Eliminating fast food crack is a step in the right direction, but fatties will still be able to make crack at home by adding animal fat, oil, butter and sugar to everything. Proper nutritional education is the key; it should be as mandatory as sex ed from an early age.
That's the damn truth. It's the way food is constantly on display that's the problem. Grocery checkout lined with candy and shit? That's not cool. Imagine if liquor were on display the same way junk food always is.

And going to a restaurant, the serving sizes have no right being that huge.
Get a communist government in place and all of that will be fixed
Look I'm not saying it's the food that's the problem what I'm saying is it's much easier to do the wrong thing than it is the right thing. People are more attracted naturally to stuff that tastes good but is shit for them than genuine healthy food. That doesn't mean healthy food tastes bad it means people are much more likely to consume unhealthy shitty food because they don't give a shit and they live in a society where they think it's acceptable to be unhealthy.
The problem isn't so much that it's on display as it is people not being incentivized to deal with the consequences.
Eating a large meal isn't a big deal if you go for an extra long jog afterwards. Eating a candy bar isn't a problem as long as it's in an amount that you personally can deal with. Drinking alcohol isn't a problem in and of itself, it's when you drink so much that your body cannot take it anymore.
The problem isn't that the food exists, it's that people are too lazy and weak to actually take responsibility for their own bodies.
I dunno, i think convenience is a huge factor.
Not only is it way too easy to acquire junk foods, but it's a hundred times easier to prepare than healthy food. And often, cheaper. At the end of a long, hard day, who wants to spend 20 minutes or more cooking a less tasty healthy meal?
Exactly, normies nowadays have no fucking idea how to even cook.
As I said. Lazy and weak.
Beyond that though, you can eat junk food every day and as long as you put in effort you can keep from becoming obese.
The problem is that leaving responsibility in the hands of the individuals is impossible for most citizens who are lazy, indulgent, and self-imposed ignorant who refuse to take responsibility for their actions. This is why society with too much freedom falls apart, because the masses don't really want to be free they want to others to think and make the hard choices for them.

Eventually we're going to have to ban that shit or start controlling sugar by the government because we will be forced to do so in order to preserve our own society. People should take responsibility for their own actions but they won't, and we will be forced to do something about it because we won't have enough resources to take care of them when they're all 600lbs and it's "their right" to have a mcbuffet delivered to their doorstep so they can keep filing for disability.
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I wonder which one sponsored this post
This. Should concentrate on teaching nutrition instead of anal sex.
You don't understand, not everyone has the actual time to spend working out for hours, or cooking healthy meals. On top of work or college.

Hell, i don't want to even say that. It IS possible, of course. To balance a healthy diet, even with a busy lifestyle. The problem is, it's just waaay easier to do the unhealthy choice.

The junk food needs to be hidden, you should have to go out of your way to get it. Portion sizes at restaurants should be regulated.
huh, i never thought of it that way. but goddammit, you're right.
This. Kids need to be educated better on what's good for them. White kids at least.
Except you don't even need hours, the time you'd save by getting quick junk food would probably be more than enough to balance it out.
It's pure laziness on the part of the people.
If you really don't have the time to spare for that difference then your schedule is fucked up, which again puts the responsibility on you.
There's also alternatives to getting shitty hamburgers all the time, my local grocery store sells a variety of subs and salads that would most likely be faster and cheaper to get than actually going to get a hamburger.
>White kids at least.

Non-white kids still contribute to health care costs, so that's retarded.

/pol/ is that way ->
Those subs and salads are far more insidious than a triple cheeseburger and large fries. I can't count how many if these pre packaged products have about the same calories and fat as a big mac but are marketed as being healthy. THAT'S the kind if behavior that should be reigned in.
>Pre packaged.
Except not really, all the subs are made in the store and the salads are available in a "make your own" style where most of not all of the components are prepared in the store from products that you'd otherwise find in the dairy or vegetable sections of the store.
It's almost as if the people who work in the grocery store (at least over here) actually have to do something.
>Most of not all
Most if not all*
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I don't get what the picture is trying to say
>Illusion of choice
It's saying that no matter what you choose it will be coming from big daddy.
It's kinda like how pretty much all the glasses you could buy likely originate from the same company.
It's kinda spooky if you look into it, they forcefully take over various brands and raise the price through the roof, the CEO I believe has been quoted saying "everything is worth what the people are willing to pay for it" or something like that.
"Proper nutrition" was taught to us in middle school. I remember the food triangle, for all of its incorrectness.

All they should teach is the abstraction of calories, and how excess almost always leads to weight gain and a lack almost always leads to weight loss. Then how fat and muscle are part of weight. And then what the body uses all the micronutrients for. With none of the "x is linked to y" bullshit that's wrong half the time and usually inconsequential the other half.
You can eat fast food three times a day and still lose weight. In fact, you'll probably have better HDL levels than most people if you do it smartly.
yeah or like all the sex you have is with one type of genitals: the penis.
More like how you could have had good sex for free/on the cheap with a normal penis yet your American parents pay more money to get you worse sex with a circumcision, without you having any sort of real option.
yeah or like how not a day goes by that you don't unload a full plump turd into your underpants with a diarrhea chaser.
They should also clearly teach about liquid calories, and to avoid overusing oil and butter (pure fat) to cook. I genuinely believe most people don't know they should count oil by the teaspoon to approximate how fattening a home-cooked meal would be, same as they don't know to count their 5 glasses of orange juice a day.
I agree. Anal sex is more fun when the kid doesn't know it's coming.
Pepsico is killing it with the crisps.
So? CEO mans not wrong.
That's the exact attitude which is behind the horrendously large prices on medicine in the States.
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>horrendously large prices on medicine in the States


Srsly tho you have nothing to complain about.
Kek, they have more problems with food than anything else, though I hear that you guys are on a similar vein with semi regular water issues.

>Using a false equivalence as an argument.
Tsk tsk tsk.
> there is no magic bullet
Yeah, /k/ will proove that wrong

We have problems with everything bud.
>only thing I buy on that entire list is velveeta, and that's a rare occurrence
Feels good to not ride the Jew cock carousel all the time.
Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I enjoy looking at your nation and seeing what it has become.
it's really quite sad to see a country founded upon the ideas of freedom and that every man should be able to choose for themselves and the people of the nation get to control the nation in which the upper 1% has more control of which laws are and aren't put in place than the normal population, you've probably seen the charts, I don't have them at hand at the moment.
A bit ironic, really.
But it's quite the jarring thing when I see that in your nation people have to pay so much while I and those in the nations beside me would only have to pay a maximum of 300$ish a YEAR on prescription medication.
Medicine its also one of the problems here. One of the biggest actually. Sort of liek food.

A. There is no medicine. Literally, you have to visit 4 or 5 different places to get all of what you need.

B. Problem A. also happens with general medical suplies and tools

C. Staff shortage.

D. Everything is as expensive as the next thing.

Not trying to make anyone feel bad, just so you know. There is always another country that is way deeper in the shit mire than you.

Still, thanks for the support.
Wait wait wait, you're Venezuelan?
how in the fuck do fph threads get derailed this quickly?
Yup, why?
Oh I thought you were from the states, hence the speech.
I don't actually know which principles Venezuela was founded upon, though I can't imagine that it was to have a semi totalitarian government.
Because they're all reposts of reposts of reposts that have been around for years.
Also Reddit cancer, apparently, but that may just be the 4chan kneejerk hateboner.
Then you better be high-Venez-tailin' it out of here.
Indeed. Thing is getting out of the country its just as hard as living in it. Still doable tho. Can explain why if you want me to.


Hence the speech? Didnt get it.

Also, the foundation of Venezuela is quite a complicated story.

Long story short, we have had only a handful of decent presidents since 1830.

We have dictators to spare. At least some of them did a few good things, but they are mostly overshadowed by all the bad shit they did.
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If every /fit/izen took a fatty to a gym today, i'm sure we could make a notable difference.
I'm a conservative and I'd also like to believe that it's the consumers fault. However with the cost of health care I think it would beneficial for the wallets of everyone in America to place a heavy tax on high fructose corn syrup
The speech about The States falling into such a corrupted version of the ideals on which they were created.
Anyways I'd certainly be interested in hearing about getting out of Venezuela, sounds enthralling.
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Speaking of medicine in Venezuela, I recently read this article about the situation there in National Geographic.


Sounds like a nightmare man, best of luck to your people.
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>solve the obesity epidemic

It's not going to happen when our top political leaders post shit like this.
Alright sooooooo here is why its so hard to get out of the country.

1.One 30Min flight costs A BIG FUCKING LOT. Srsly you can eat for a few days with how expensive it is.

2. The paperwork. Some documents are hard to get due to the country´s situation. Either the lines are miles long, or there are staff shortages, anything that can go wrong, CAN and WILL go wrong.

3. Transport. Fucking taxis are damm expensive. And going to the airport (wich in my case, I have to cross 2 fucking states to get there) with your own car means you have to take it with you, and holly hell is that hard.

4. What to do once you get to ther country. Here, im going to use USA as part of the example. Dollars here are pretty hard to get, same old stuff, you cant get em, or they are to expensive. so, you have to save for YEARS to get enoguh dollars to move to USA. 100 dollars were equal to you saving for 5 FUCKING YEARS. and that was aout a year ago.

5. The language. I alredy got that covered :)

6. Job. I feel like I dont need to explain why it would be hard for an inmigrant to get a job. Specially with all the shit going on there, seems it would be a lil bit hard being a southamerican there. Correct me if im wrong.

Seems like the best idea is to go to Cuba in a fucking wooden boat.

You know whats funny? If we take down the current president, there is alredy ONE ASSHOLE who has been there since before our current dick-head of state. This asshoel will probably take the spot once the current guy is gone.

So, in a nutshell, shit is gonna get very ugly before it gets good.

Thanks, appreciate it.
The only things I get from here is Twinnings tea
btfo lmao

>Chelsea Clinton
>top political leader

seriously dude
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That was apparent from his first post dumbass lmao
She's going to be a presidential candidate in the next 20 years. Just watch.
Unlikely to be happening much over the course of Trump's presidency, trickle down funding via the USDA for nutrition edu got raped in the new budget.
Can we stop talking about fucking politics? I just want to hate fat people goddammit.
Forget the fast food, I'm talking about microwaveable junk. And don't get me started on sugar. Stuff should be illegal...
Found jolly rancher wrappers in the cup holder at the gym the other day. Lost the picture I took.
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Yeah, I'm sure the jolly ranchers absolutely destroyed their diet.

>Nutrition Facts Jolly Rancher Hard Candies serving size is 3 pieces, totaling 18 grams. 126 servings per bag. 70 calories per serving size.

70 calories? I'd have to fast for three days to save up for that.
because I'm sure he only saw 3 wrappers
Jolly Ranchers take at least three hours a piece to consume. I have no idea how someone would take on more than one.

Hell, if you like them and can fit it in? Especially if someone is some sort of chronic over eater. A lot of smokers turn to hard candy, I imagine that might be true for over eaters as well.
hogs chew them
So why isn't the guy fat as well to make the point clearer?
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FPS for you. I posted this before but it's a good story so I'm going to post it again
>Make roughly 20k over the summer which goes almost entirely to tuition, books, clothes for the year ect.
>During the year I make 500ish dollars, 300 go to rent so I have 50 a week for all expenses
>40 goes to food, 10 to the gym
>Pic related is what I eat every week
>Because I'm a poorfag I have 3 roommates
>2 are reasonable human beings, one is a fat fuck
>Bitches about being poor but has a constant stream of shit come in the mail
>Goes out to eat frequently
>Gives the whole "Muh metabolism and thyroid" speech every time someone more attractive than her is on TV
>Talks about how expensive losing weight is, constantly asks me what my "secret" is
>Tell her it's just a lot of hard work, just a little a day
>Rolls her eyes and huffs whenever I say anyone can lose weight

I hate her so much. She's also super bad at life and failed 60% of the courses she took last year and takes money from her poor parents all the time. She told me they pay her tuition and she's never had a job which just makes me hate her more.
Did you pay it? If you did you are even worse than her.
Fat guys are gross.

I've seen guys do the same "fat guys are okay, fat women are gross" bullshit, but at least guys aren't turning it into a social movement.

Story, sort of short fat person story, my dad the other day was talking about my mom at her biggest after she had me, it wasn't just pregnancy weight, she got fat, and he ended it with his pseudo humble "and I loved her regardless." I turned to him and asked if he remembered breaking two dinner chairs and a shower chair. "They were weak." Strong enough to hold up everybody else. He's still massively fat, she's a healthy weight.
Did I pay what anon?
Her tuition
Where did he say that all? Cmon anon.
I pay my tuition, not hers.
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I will die, but that will be about 30 years later than you.
Fat makes you age faster, not slower.
You are viewed as more lazy, wich is accurate.
You never lokk amazing, also we have pinup-girls on plane wich are thin.
Also these planes most likely weight less than you.
(Ka-8b weights 190kg)
When I work out I burn enough calories to eat whatever I want.
I burn up to 2000kcal when riding a bike not icluding the afterburning effect.
Fat is unattractive and there are only 2 genders.
Being fat gives you tits, and tits are not manly at all.
Objectively not.
You are more likely to have less friends because you can´t keep their pace.
I want to see a hamplanet riding a road bike uphill with a standard chainring and normal cassette.
>communism will fix big serving sizes
I guess your right, everyone would staving
Men have higher test levels, which means for them it's more of an 'achievement' to get to the size of an obese woman. Men by nature grow muscle easier, women grow fat easier. That's all there is.
The reason HAES is a thing is because the girls who are in normal BMI range get guilted for feeling fat (I was one of them). At 120lb, 164cm I was called obese at school. These were kids who literally had smaller bones than me (I am Russian, they were black, English and Indian) and were obviously of smaller frame than me who had muscular calves without touching a ball. It was initially made so that actually diverse bodies would be welcome, but then that shifted to being a hugbox of pseudo support.
you owe me my time back for reading this worthless story
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>wich is accurate
>You never lokk amazing
>I burn up to 2000kcal
I am a german amateur cyclist, when you keep 35km/h for hours you tend to burn a shitload of calories.
Sorry if my enlish isn´t that well.
Nigga you'll weld your jaw shut trying that shit
Every bullet is a magic bullet

>government causes terrible unintended consequence of HFCS in everything via corn subsidies
>your solution is more government intervention

fuck off you fat democrat pinko fucks.

literally all you have to do is get rid of medicaid/medicare and allow insurance companies and hospitals to deny service to the obese assuming they cannot pay for their increased cost. there are ZERO consequences in the medical system for being obese right now. insurance companies have to cover you. medicaid picks up the tab when you can't pay your bill. providers waste resources on those that don't put in an ounce of effort into taking care of themselves.

human beings need positive and negative consequences for their actions. the entire reason why socialism doesn't work is because people become complacent because they assume the state will take care of them even if they don't put forth effort. and, those willing to put forth effort don't work hard because they don't the fruits of their effort will be taken from them.
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Jesus fuck...
Who's the asshole that might replace Maduro?

t. moved out of Venezuela 9 years ago
how do you make 20k over three months??
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Red pill me on "muh genetics"
/fit/ I need hope that it's all willpower and habit
I got into a heated argument over how I believe that women should absolutely not be in active combat roles in the US military. I was arguing with a morbidly obese lesbian English major. I went to Afghanistan twice. I supported my argument with articles, most of which of course weren't good enough for her. I brought out articles from female Marines, saying they should not serve in combat, the grip strength study showing that 90% of men are stronger than 99% of women, articles from Generals saying women don't belong in combat (discarded because the general is male) articles detaining how standards are lowered across the board for women to pass physical standards and first person accounts of soldiers who fought with women (some from both sexes) and how it didn't work.
Of course, she had virtually no points, arguments or supporting articles, she mostly just complained about mine.
>Well of course women can't pass the same physical standard because the patriarchy keeps so many from enlisting, if more women were encouraged to join, they'd pass it easily!
That shits all over the women, in elite shape, who tried and failed, but whatever.
>Grip strength isn't a good measure of overall strength!
So I showed her how the lightest male Olympic lifters lift more than the heaviest women.
>same 'muh oppressive patriarchy argument'
>Any article written by men was discarded out of hand
>She just kind of stammered and couldn't think of anything good to say about women themselves saying they themselves shouldn't be in combat.
We argued for a while, and eventually my other friends got annoyed yet also somewhat involved.
The climax of the argument came when she said.
>Of course the mixed gender units didn't work because the societal oppression of women doesn't allow them to perform well amongnst all those men! An all women unit would kill most male units!
This pissed me off, I lost some friends. So I said, "alright, then you and these three other women should easily be able to take me down, unless of course you're full of shit and the only reason you're a lesbian is because no man could his dick in you past all the fat"
I should mention my girlfriend was one of the women at the table, and she is somewhat /fit/
I am normally an extremely reserved person, but I was somewhat drunk and she incensed me.
I kept goading the dyke with more logical arguments about how women make poor soldiers, like so many harpoons into a whale. Finally, she threw her drink in my face, enlisted the help of her less fat but still obese girlfriend and the other girl to go beat me up. My gf declined, but decided to be the arbiter. My friend tried to stop me, but I was too far gone.
We walked onto some grass, and they fanned out in front of me. Hurling insults at me, mostly penis related. I suspected that fatty would try to kick my groin, so when she rushed up to me I side stepped a little so she kicked my hip and I kicked the ankle of the only leg she was standing on. She went down, hard. The other two tried to flail at me for a second until the whale started to wail. The still ambulatory lesbian switched tactics from 'female soldiers are just as good if not better than men!" to calling me a coward and a weakling for hurting a girl. I lol'd and went to finish my beer, the lesbians left, still crying a little and the atmosphere was a little charged with the other couple, but my gf, bless her soul, defended me and changed the subject and the rest of the night was ok.
I burned the bridges with the lesbians and the other couple and I'll probably never see them again except maybe mutual friends.
I found out today that I fractured her ankle, I felt smug when I heard. My girlfriend said I should not have used so much force, (I didn't kick her THAT hard) but otherwise doesn't hate me, fear me or whatever.
Am I an overreacting psychopath?
>Am I an overreacting psychopath?
No, I would have done basiclythe same.
>implying someone isn't entitled to complain that a broken arm hurts just because someone else got theirs amputated
What. In my coment I said that the prices for medicine in USA are nothing compared to the prices in Venezuela. WTF you talking about.
It's a metaphor, dude.
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If its self solving why is the problem getting worse? Have we just not seen enough generations to witness the obesity epidemic crumble under its own weight?
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>I fractured her ankle
If Obamacare is removed I´d agree.
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Her ankles were already working as hard they could, but now I'm certain that she will gain weight during recovery. Her poor diet will probably weaken her bones causing this somewhat minor injury to fester and linger for years to come, or so I dare to hope
Imagine complaining infront of an African that a water bottle is too expensive. Its that kind of feel
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My fiancee’s mother is morbidly obese, her father is either overweight or obese but tolerable because of his sense of responsibility about it. Her mother, however, isn’t just fat but a fat fuck mentally, emotionally, and physically. She’s fat, lives like trash, doesn’t act very decent, cares little about her health/appearance, wastes money on gimmicks, and is overtly passive aggressive and borders on manipulative.

But the worst thing is that she acts like she has the right to judge me.

>at lunch at a local restaraunt
>Blob-in-law mentions she had something pop in her knee
>knee was recently partially-replaced
>she says she’s been bad and used when getting off stools and put other stress on it
>Says it only hurts when getting it up
>Says she wants to get an X-ray but doesn’t want to see doc until she loses more weight
>I mention that losing weight would also be best to relieve stress on the joint
>I ask if she’s seen a dietician before
>Says she’ll wait until she’s diabetic and get insurance to pay
>You dumb fucking cunt
>Tell her that’s a terrible way to approach this
>She gets defensive and brings up how I didn’t get bloodwork done once

Yes, it really doesn't matter what an obese lesbian english major thinks.
And you aren't going to be able to change her opinion, you argued for the sake of arguing good job
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>that pic
Wow. Guys I'm surprised how true the advice of looking at a girls arms to tell her future waistline is.
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After 8 months or so of cutting at 1200 cal a day I went from 178 to 143 (manlet) and started getting very large bruises very easily, saw a doc and they recommended bloodwork, I’m a poorfag college student with shitty insurance so I didn’t and went off my diet during finals and gain 5lbs back, bruises went away and it hasn’t happened again so I figure I was deficient in something so I’ve got a multivitamin.

>I say that my issue went away and now I’m taking a vitamin now that I’m cutting again
>She says “you don’t need to lose anymore weight, there is such a thing as being too skinny and it being bad for your health”
>I’m about to have a fucking stroke at this point
>Just decide to stare off into the void behind her and say “Okay”
>Shouldn’t shame this bitch and make her cry in front of her daughter
>She is going to have a heart attack or stroke.
>She wants to follow us to grad school a state away

This woman is a nightmare sometimes, I love the bitch but holy hell her fatlogic makes her insufferable sometimes

ectomorphs are people with higher % of type I (slow twitch) muscle fibers. These people are better endurance activities like marathons, swimming and are "hard-gainers"/"can't put on muscles/weights" because type I fibers are small.

mesomorph are the majority of population they have 50/50 ratio of slow twitch vs. fast twitch muscle fibers. They look "normal".

endomorph have higher % of fast twitch fibers. These people are better in explosive activities like sprinting and weightlifting. They "gain muscle easily" because fast twitch muscle fibers are bigger than slow twitch fibers.

Please cont.

Never understood that meme in the pic tho.
ecotmesoendo shit isn't true. Modern medicine stopped using them long ago.
I always forget to find good attachments so I use whatever I've saved. My fiancee and I think these are funny because of the drastic editing

but my point still stand that elite endurance athletes have genetically higher % of type I fibers, and elite explosive athletes have genetically higher % of type II fibers. Whereas the overwhelming majority of the population (non-athletes) have equal % of both. No amount of exercise or diet can change your % of muscle fibers. It is all genetics.

The -morphs are just placeholder names.
They are funny, just never understand the origins of that meme. Got any more stories?
>Am I an overreacting psychopath?
Yes. You've been in the military. You know they fuck with your mind in there.
You're right.

I don't think it changed me too much, but I do worry...
I ground my teeth in my sleep so hard after coming back that I chipped off several pieces and flattened the peaks. I would spit out normal mouthguards until I got a custom made one from my dentist. I sleep decently now.
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>Fiancee’s car need a recall repair done
>Dealership is in hometown, but we’re away from school
>Decide to swap cars until repair is made
>Blob’s car is full of trash
>Soda stickyness near the cup holder
>Nonsense hanging from the rearview
>Crucifix hanging off a cigarette lighter because she’s “catholic”
>Bullshit decals on the rear windshield and “hemi” stickers near the model name
>That’s an inside joke because she floors a 4-cylinder
>Car has a fuel efficiency calculator that aggregates gas in tank and the odometer
>When she drove, 28 mpg
>Fiancee and I, 32-34 mpg
>Her mother’s weight is mine and my fiancee’s together
>We finally get my fiancee’s car back for a bit and we noticed the center console is turned up
>I ask fiancee, “why would that be up?”
>Fiancee admits “I think it digs into her side”
>I lol because the bucket seats in my fiancee’s car are incredibly spacious
>Blob-in-law is a wide load
>inb4 thicc
>sister's 350 pound coal burning friend having a fight with her cuck bf
>comes over here
>with Culver's
>house is creaking
She's so fat she's literally absorbing the lawn chair outside
Lulz. hope there is more
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>Went on a family trip to Key West
>Having a great time, hot but you know, it’s like a cumshot from the equator so what’d you expect
>Made the walk all the way down duvall and now blob-in-law is getting
>By these powers combined, she is
>a huge cunt
>Constantly heaving, blotchy face, sweat pouring from everywhere
>Rather than acting like a rational and mature miserable person
>she turns every simple request for comfort into a laborious appeal to God
>”Can we PLEASE sit down?!”
>”Oh thank GOD this shop has A/C!”
>”I NEED some water NOW”

Vacations with her are always kind of shitty because she wants to have experiences with her daughter, but then is ashamed, exhausted, and embarrassed and projects it all by acting whiny and pouty
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literally the only thing on there that I consume is life cereal, although the occasional m&m sneaks its way into my life. My one true sweet love is my sips though.
Probably an iron deficiancy, I reccomend some nails and a couple of quarters a week to keep you from briusing.
>>Made the walk all the way down duvall and now blob-in-law is getting
>>By these powers combined, she is
>>a huge cunt
Yeah once I dropped the cut I haven't gotten bruised anymore. Now I know why people don't encourage 1200 cal a day cuts for very long
What should I replace cheerios with? Just make oatmeal instead?
Yeah cause everyone would be dead.
I went from that weight to 135 in 4 months topkek
Literally retarded
>Here, im going to use USA as part of the example
That's where you fucked up.

Central america m9. Sure, shit isn't particularly heavenly in central america, but life is cheap (well, maybe not in Costa Rica) and work is plenty.
Good for you, I had lapsed at christmas and didn't follow as close as I should've.
You have a good gf and your story was very satisfying. Gj m8
is that shopped?
What a depressing story.
Yeah, us venezuelans arent really liked there. A while ago, there was a riot of sorts in Panama, due to there being too many of us.
Switch to Yorkshire gold, use 2 teabags per cup

"no plan survives contact with the enemy"

You might have been irresponsible in provoking the fight, at the same time, if she can't make the obvious counterpoint: "The fact that a man is physically stronger than I am and it would be stupid to fight, says nothing about all women being unfit for combat." She was certainly a willing enough participant to accept the consequences.

(I'm assuming this actually happened, because it's more fun)
kek'd hard
Hear hear.

Self regulation is just too much for some people
Go up north. I live in Guatemala, and my brother in law is from... Nicaragua or Honduras? Something like that. And I've never heard of people disliking venezuelans up here.

Not that you have to broadcast the fact you're a venezuelan, mind you. Just move and apply for citizenship, I really doubt you'll be refused. THEN worry about saving up, applying for a visa and hitting the US if you want. But get out of Venezuela into an easier-to-go-for-a-spic country first.

Man, if only Bolivar had been half as good at administration and personnel management as he was at starting revolutions and commanding armies.
And yet our socialist politicians in the UK praise Venezuela and Cuba for being champions of social justice.

And these people got 40 percent of the vote in the last election

Pls send hlep world
She'll run for the Democrat spot and likely win, which would be a major fuck up for the Dems because she'll get btfo just like her mother did but that's just the kind of thing todays Dems do.
Really drives the point that an attractive guy can find a fat woman attractive. Because obviously fat people are not attractive unless you teach it to people.
Chloe Moretz, one time /tv/ waifu, has a very strange body. I'm convinced something went wrong in puberty, some sort of hormone imbalance or something. But of all refrigerator shaped women, she's the most refrigerator shaped. She also constantly wears thin shirts that show off her odd chest. Again, she just doesn't look like a woman. Not like a tranny either.
I doubt she'd win the primaries. Jeb! abd Hillary proved America is only getting more and more tired of political dynasties

No, she'll be parachuted into a safe Senate seat first. That way she'll be 'experienced' and 'accomplished'. They might do New York again. Then she'll run.
Prostitution obviously.
No. People need to learn not to be retarded and read and interpret the actual nutritional info label
Nigg what? You drunk, high, or retarded?
i want to believe
>work in hospital
>specifically medical records for a bit interning
>80% of workers are fat middle aged women with disgusting visible tattoos
>morbid fat fucking lard "registered nurses"
>start their day with an XL cup of iced coffee triple triple and heavy breakfast like italian sausage, grits, bread, and home fries
>also get donuts in the morning and they eat that too on top of their fat ass diner meal
>don't move from the computer for 8 hrs
>take hr lunches and eat burgers, fries, with an XL sweet tea with added sugar
>already consumed 1600-1800 cals and the day isn't even over
>one RN is so fat her fat rolls literally reach her knees not even joking

I'm just mad these bitches are working in health care and don't have the slightest idea on the 2 basic principles in life that will keep you away from having to go to the doctor.
1. Eat clean with moderation 2. Exercise
So, you're saying you can make around 80 grand a year without college, but you decide to slum it out piecemeal?
Either you're lying, or you're not too bright.
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Just a reminder that in a little over 2 weeks, Boogie will probably be dead. Don't let yourself go like he did, use his horror as a cautionary tale.
That's something I picked on early growing up. It seemed like every school nurse, most health teachers, and most doctors I saw were fat. I don't know if it's just a coincidence or if medicine genuinely attracts fatties. I just hope they aren't the HAES type.
He's in good hands with Dr. Now.
>statistics from 1990 onwards

I thought the whole "thanks obama" thing was just a meme
Do you think that the fatties who preach HAES and body acceptance and all that "being healthy is unhealthy" stuff actually believe it, or do they have a voice deep down saying 'im very unhealthy'? If it's the former the amount of delusion is mind boggling, the latter it's still astounding. When I look at a healthy, fit person it motivates me, I want to be like that so I work towards it - if I didn't I'm sure i'd ignore it and get on with my day. These guys though, they have to make a fuss and make themselves feel better by trying to justify their weight and lack of health, surely this indicates that they must know they're wrong.
I meant that I wouldn´t care if they would pay for their own shit.
The -morphs are confusing if used to mean something totally different and spread misinfo.

What you described has nothing to do with the original psychological profiles
I hate playing internet psychologist, but I'm going to do it anyway.

I think I lot of them obviously overcompensate. Look at that bitch from My Big Fat Fabulous Life. She says something, and then she laughs at herself. And she doesn't laugh like normal people laugh, she does an "everyone look at me" laugh. And it's a stereotype too, one embraced by fatties who don't realize how transparent it is. I've seen fat hate posts complaining that their friends lost weight and lost their "boisterous" - read: fake - personalities. Because they didn't need them anymore. They could be real people who did real things and genuinely enjoyed them. Adults don't say "YAY!" At least not without sarcasm. But FA's do.

A FA's week is ruined by hearing that fat is bad and someone doesn't want to fuck them. Their personalities and their confidence is a house of cards. FA is denial, and they usually aren't good at it.
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>Sorry if my enlish isn´t that well
Jesus christ, get some fucking english lessons, guy.

I'm starting to sense a weird jealousy/obsession/fascination/disgust from /fit/ when it comes to Boogie.

Why do you guys care so much?
Personally, I hate Boogie for furthering the idea that losing weight is hard. Boogie could eat like a pig, just a lesser pig, and lose weight. He puts work in eating as much as he does to get over 500 pounds. He needs to take responsibility and not make excuses.
Just wait for a period of social upheaval. Fatties gonna die.
Wrong. What was disproved was the idea that your body type had any bearing on your personality. The existence of those three body types was never under fire.
homie any force would have broken her ankle
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Please find a pic of the lesbian whale right now Im just picturing you surrounded by fatass tumblr chicks like Chris Pratt in Jurassic World
Some of those you quoted have absolutely nothing to do with boogie
>body types are based off genetics and dont change
>not lifestyle and fluctuating

haes, pls go
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>quoting random shit

To answer your question though:

Part of it, for me, is his complete retardation when it comes to healthcare. At the very least, he doesn't publicly acknowledge that he's part of the problem without turning it into a joke. He has unironically used "person of size" to refer to himself. Could be that he's doing it out of shame (joking about it), but he has genuinely said in some of his more political videos that everybody else paying for his life mistakes is a societal necessity. Some of what he said bordered on guilt-tripping people into agreeing with him. He conveniently leaves out that he fucked himself over mentally and physically in the first place, and just says "Well I'm a problem, now 'we' have to deal with it! Don't you want to help me?" He would rather sit on Twitter and bitch about his immobility than try and exercise at all.

Another part is that his wife ballooned, which probably wouldn't have happened if she was around somebody else.

The last complaint I have about him is pic fucking related, and everything it implies.
>be fat fuck
>end up being a representative of a sect of the entertainment industry
>get award for existing
>never even walked to the stage
>somehow feels no shame about that
>talks about escapism as an acceptance speech
>"I can barely fucking walk, but in games I can be anybody! What a great industry!"
>still doesn't acknowledge that it's his own fault
The Game Awards in and of itself has some massive problems that are borderline unfixable unless they oust their host (will never fucking happen in a billion years). However, I can't tell if the media voting for him as "Trending Gamer" was a cruel joke, yet another push for fat acceptance, or if it's their disgusting attempt to help push HIS narrative into popularity because he's pro-gibsmedat.

I hope both he and the game industry die on the table.
>FPS for you. I posted this before but it's a good story
That's not even a story

>this fat person I know is shit
No shit

>I'm a good person
I have my doubts!

>so I'm going to post it again
And hopefully for the last time
I don't think dynasties were the issue in those cases. Jeb! couldn't get any votes because he's an uncharismatic autist who's almost as beta as Bernie ("Please clap", letting himself get constantly interrupted during primary debate). Hillary lost in large part because she was too cocky and completely ignored key states, but she did still win the popular vote, assuming the final counts are accurate.
Do you honestly think that diet and exercise will change your frame
>almost as beta as Bernie
surely you jest
>get bullied by trump
>respond by calling him a bully and looking sad
Not as bad as letting BLM take over your rally, but still not pretty.
>get bullied by trump
trump backed out of debating him bro
Didn't mean the debates m8
>Jeb is a mess
Summer is 4 months for me and I make 5ish a month doing a job you only do in the summer
Not a bad assessment my dude.
I think you're onto something.
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Thermal depolymerization.
I do think it's becoming obsessive and I don't really talk about him on /fit/ but if you want to know why I want to see him die watch his YouTube vids and twitch. He's the most cringe human I've ever seen. He will say things like "I can't stop eating because of my anxiety" or "I can't play competitive overwatch because I get anxiety attacks" as he's streaming to 500 people playing h1z1 (another, intense shooter). He's just ultimately giving up his life for his guilty pleasures and turns it around by preaching depression/healthcare/upbringing/abuse/anxiety as he's eating mayonnaise out of a jar for laughs/views. It's a shame desu
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This is obviously some fat fetishist, they make everything so much worse
Hey guys, fat fuck here... I'm 6'2 and 130kg or 287 pounds... I actually hate myself so much... I just want to die. My only friend is moving away next month. I go to gym 3 days a week but I can't lose weight... I deserve to die... I'm too weak for this world...
Eat less and better.
Walk at least 30min a day.
Drop all sodas and shit. Don't eat outside of meal time.
Drink a lot of water/tea.
I merely kicked all kinds of juices and sodas from my nutrition and i'm on a caloric deficit and steadily losing weight.
Granted, working out probably helps but i don't count that into my caloric balance (because i don't want to fall into the trap of overestimating it)
Weight loss is almost all about diet. Do your best
See my post
Maybe it helps
Stop being a sad cunt and do something about your diet.

I was 6'2 283lbs and miserable as fuck. I'm down to 181 in 1 year with no exercise at all. Fix your diet.

You should exercise though, I'm skinny fat now.
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I usually lurk these threads but this thread looks pretty barren so here's mine. This was last week.

>at work
>hungry, decide i want some sweet potato fries at burger shop
>come up to door, a hefty ~400lb-ish man rolls up toward the door
>two men situate themselves around him, one pushing the door as far as possible open and the other behind him
>he rolls up to the door
>the door is not wide enough, the buzzing sound of the scooter's motor groans laboriously as it pushes into the frame of the entry
>the two average sized men exchange glances, the fat man on the scooter looking only forward waiting for the other two average sized men to problem solve the issue for him
>all three notice there is a second door and have good luck nudging him inside the second time around
>fat fuck accelerates toward the register, scooting chairs out of the way as his scooter plows through the restaurant, nudging several patrons seats
>there is no way for me to maneuver around him
>succumb myself to the spot in line behind him
>backs up his scooter and runs over one of the previous men's feet, to which he shouts loudly in pain
>fat fuck does not apologize, parks in the middle of an aisle to which workers then have to maneuver around several chairs to deliver orders to the rest of the patrons
>he gets his order and is nudged back outside with the two men
>see him behind loaded with his three greasy paper bags of food on his lap into a brand new 2017 dodge caravan
>realize this giant piece of shit likely gets government aid for being fat, has two caretakers, a shiny free scooter, and possibly even a brand new minivan to transport his fat ass to the burger shop for three bags of fast food daily
I imagine this is one of the main reasons so many healthcare institutions face staff issues.
Forget the pay and hours, or even the mess; There's no way in fuck that I could tolerate dealing with these stains on humanity.
bruh you're a god
How about I can keep my healthcare plan that I pay for, keep my cigarettes, and you can quit trying to "give" me "free" healthcare with my tax dollars.
Yes, oatmeal is a god-tier breakfast food.
We're gonna need more harpoons.
>fat man/non women gender
Why are you idiots typing essays to this stupid faggot as if it needs to be explained why anyone would shit talk a famous fat fuck who milks his enormous safe space on jewtube?
The saddest and maddest burger ever.
>That pic
Everything wrong with Western society today.
>I'd rather whine for sympathy than read the sticky and not over eat like a piece of shit
>Imma soldier!
>chimps out and breaks someone's ankle

I bet you bought a red mustang with all the money you got from service huh?
Honestly that's a big bit of confirmation bias. The only nurses I know that would get a job sitting at a computer for 8hours a day would be planets, they rest are busy actually running around and taking care of patients for 12+ hours a day.

I can testify to you about the job situation. There is a bunch of Venezuelans which emigrated to brazil (to avoid the docs hassle and the flight issue).

There are walmarts which are employing engineers graduated in the best universities in Venezuela to be cashiers..
But I really like corn flakes and quaker oats :(
embarrassing.. just EAT LESS
nicely written
At least he speaks more than one language.
You don't deserve anything.
To die is easy and not even that you are willing to do.
Make a choice: kill yourself now or slowly (living miserably through the years) or actually start living.
Once I've been in your place and the first thing I did was to make a choice.
Self pity leads nowhere.
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>Be a 14 year old with legit autism
>Eating lunch at summer job
>Massive blob of a girl wants to get to her lunch plate
>I sit in the way
>Drag my chair all the way to the wall
>She is already upset that I did this
>Explain to her that because of how big she is there need to be as much space as possible for her to pass
>She cries and wails while I don't understand why
>I only did what made sense, even gave a logic explenation
>Leftie boss barely says anything
>Probably conflicted about what victim card is the strongest
>Autism or obese females
>The war rages on even to this day
How much space did you give her.
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Based anon
I would befriend you for hearty keks such as this
Lmao, someone needs a trigger warning
xd well memed!
Is it that good?

I'm an American and my English friend recommended Twinnings as a good go to brand for tea.

I'll check out Yorkshire Gold next time I'm shopping though.
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Fucking kek anon

As a self aware autist the thing I still struggle with in normieville is how people seem to always question why I'm so logical. Most things are fairly black or white, or have a 'best/efficient' way of being done in my mind
>mfw I get called sensible all the time because I don't often make stupid decisions
if she can walk, you won since your disability card is higher. If she used a scooter, she wins the victim Olympics.

I'd rather dig ditches than be an immobile 600 pund manchild who does funny meme voices for 12 year olds on Youtube.
Because most people's knowledge of nutrition is horrible. I work in an older office, and the number of people I've seen with meme "30 day diets" is unbelievable. Most people don't understand what a calorie is. How many overweight people do you know that even realize that a soda can provide twice the calories of a cut of fish or chicken? Then add how self-conscious they must feel, so attempts to explain can easily come off as demeaning.
I fucking hate 'geek culture'

I noticed as I got /fit/ and more into sports I lost interest in vidya.
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Stop being a bitch and get to work or you'll end up like Boogie.
Well duh, you don't need escapism when life is good. At least that's hiw i explain my lost interest in vidya
My fitness pal and a food scale. It's hard to eat less when you're not exactly sure what you're eating. With those two, you see the impact food has on you.
>I merely kicked all kinds of juices and sodas from my nutrition and i'm on a caloric deficit and steadily losing weight.
My obese dad, a type 2 diabetic, cut out all sodas to replace it with Arizona Iced Tea, Gatorade, and various juices. People have tried telling him what's wrong but he just won't take it. Plus he's too much of an asshole for most people to care about anyway.
>replace it with Arizona Iced Tea, Gatorade, and various juices.
He is not a smart man, is he?

And just for the record: i replaced it with water.
I just can't bring myself to shoah the coffee jew though...
You could always help them drop before their time is due if you have balls big enough. I doubt a lot of people would be surprised that a 300lb+ guy drop dead after a meal. And autopsy probably aren't that serious considering how much of a pain in the ass it is to dissect an obese guy.
Nah, we've told him. He likes making cake and brownies too. But he has to buy Stevia for his one cup of coffee a day. So those were the big two, no more non diet sodas, more juice, and stevia in for sugar once a day.
Guys. I just got accepted into a fat camp as fitness coach for little kids. These kids get fed tonnes of food by their parents. Soon I will be able to green text their awful stories. Wish me luck.
Shouldn't you be more excited to help these kids instead of shame them? There's nothing wrong with shitting on fatties that aren't trying to help themselves, but I bet most of the kids at a fat camp want to become healthier.
the woman on the left is actually a really good powerlifter
Exercise and diet DOES change the size of the muscles in question. Fuck sake, this is common knowledge. You don't get MORE muscle fibers, same as body builders don't get more fibres. The effect it basically the same though.
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>4. You look amazing in pinup style/vintage clothing
I still dont know why they choose to wear shit from that era. Girls back then had obvious hourglass shape.

Square represents the table, the poorly drawn hamburger is her food(I remember how there were no veggies between the buns)

Large circle with female symbol is the offended fattie, the line is the wall and the small circle is the chair, I stood next to the chair on the lower part of the pic, from this bird perspective at least. Since the chair took up more space than me it's not important to draw me

This is a rough estimation of how it looked, I made sure to add the extra space so she could pass with comfort
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Couldn't she have gone around the back of you?
>see this
>look into it more
well I guess I'm never eating any of this shit again unless I wanna go bald or get cancer
>top leaders

The fuck is their fibula
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>when your gf's forearms are bigger than your thighs.

That drawing is a rough estimate of how it looked, something was in the way that I can't recall combined with her lack of mobility that would make her journey take much longer.

I wanted to make sure that she could walk in a straight line so her heavy breathing would cease a bit quicker, it was nasty listening to when eating
humans are not suppose to look like that what the fuck is wrong with these people
My Greek yogurt is on there...
That fucking circle with the woman sign - Christ I love this board

As I'm slimming down to under 200 pounds (I', 202 today and was at 230+ as of July of last year - goal is to get back to 175. I'm 6ft1) I just get more upset looking at how obese everyone is becoming around me. It's fucking atrocious that this epidemic is being handled with kids gloves because we don't want to hurt people's feelings. We love to scream and talk down to alcoholics, drug addicts, gambling addicts, sex addicts, but food addicts are the one group that is actively fighting against healthy living. It's a shit show, I fucking hate living in America right now because I'm just disgusted with the way everyone is letting themselves go.
You're at the fucking gym, don't eat garbage candy at the fucking gym. Really can't go 30 minutes without sucking on some sugar? And then left your garbage in the cup holder?

A couple calories won't kill you but bringing candy to the gym is pathetic
Are you out of your mind?! Jolly ranches take like 4 minutes to dissolve.
right this is why those countries with universal healthcare are so much more obese and unhealthy then us.

holy shit you are stupid
Niggers are not human
i remem this post
how r u diong now babes? i love u btw no homo tho
Buddy of mine at work is pretty overweight so gets overworked and out of breath very easily whenever he does semi-strenuous work or goes outside in the heat. He's a nice guy but he's so unhealthy it makes me sad.
>today, in library using laptop
>see a parked and empty fattyscooter between a table and the bench
>sit on bench far-side, my preferred spot as my back is to a wall (autism)
>setting up
>look up, enormous ass in my face
>like a damned dragon of lard blocked out the sun
>deer in headlights as it shuffles over to other side of the bench
>takes a seat big enough for two and a half humans
>says hello, I say hello back but, since I have a soft voice, he doesn't hear me over his own panting and grunting from the effort of walking 3 yards
>"wut, 'chu don't speak english? WHAAATEVER"
>look over at the dude at the table, to the fatass spreading its pool of asswings over the bench, and back to the table dude
>he gives me a look like, "bruh I feel it, what an asshole, share my table"
>move all my shit and hop over to the table
>lardgolem is using a public library laptop, chatting loudly on its phone, and drinking beetusjuice from a big glug
>license plate with murrkan flag on the fattymobile
>doing my shit, it leaves an hour later, zipping out on the fattyscooter like fast and furious
>probably all funded by our taxes as the creature is too fat and disgusting to hold a job
>return to bench, avoiding where its assprint is still embedded into the other wing of the bench
>take a look at the tray table (little black tables that are just big enough for a laptop, you can move them around)
>surface is visibly greasy from where it was touching the table
>shove it away with my foot and use the non-defiled traytable

>media wants me to believe that mong in the orange is not 100% a legitimate gorilla

As much as I hate niggers, I can understand why they are always trying to get with white women. If you see a non-fat niggress it's like a unicorn. Not a single one of the baboons have jobs, of course, but they can all afford ten buckets of KFC a day. What a disgusting waste of gainsbirds.
feels bad when a racist quotes me
Back to plebbit faggot
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Seems reasonable enough to me.

She probably wanted you to scoot back abut, she tries to get past and oh silly you, you need to scoot back more, then repeat the whole thing
I don't think we need to eliminate fast food. I don't think we need to do much of anything. I grew up in texas, and even there mandatory high school health classes taught us how to count our macros and forced us to count our calories for a week. Kids are being given all the tools they need to not be fat hogs, and they are being shown how to use them. Even with the older generation, ~95% of people understand that weight loss and weight gain ultimately boils down to calories in, calories out, and the way to be thin is to not eat so fucking much. It is the people's fault that they are fucking fat, it isn't due to a lack of education, it isn't due to fast food corporations, it is due to the fact that fat fucks are too god damn lazy to cook their own meals, and they don't have enough willpower to put the fucking snickers down and go for a run.
I see a lot of arguments like:
>"b-but fast food companies are so cheap, they are encouraging poor people to eat their shitty food"
And any time I hear this shit I know whoever is saying it has never truly been poor. It is always cheaper to cook for yourself when you are poor. I can get a bigmac, or I can get a 10lb bag of rice for a few cents less. One feeds me for a day, the other feeds me for a week. Beans are also cheap af, and frozen veggies, and milk, and eggs, etc, especially at markets in poor neighborhoods. I am by no means a /pol/fag, I would consider myself a democrat, actually, but these fat fucks have me doubting whether or not I believe in socialized healthcare.


Racism is healthy and valid. Race reality denial is a mental illness. Niggers are NOT HUMAN.


Fatties just eat because this world is shitty, depressing, and gay and there's nothing else to do. Food = feels good, so they eat and eat to fill the hole, then vote shitlib so the hole gets deeper as we are thrown into a dissolving society plagued with decadence, degeneracy, faggotry, and weak willed pansy numales. I mean, for the average normie, what else is there to do? Can't go on crusade, can't build starships and explore space. Nothing else but to get a cheap high off a bucket of ice cream.
but it does change your frame. Look at any victim of starvation and they will have narrow shoulders, regardless of whether they were a linebacker or a trap. I have seen many guys get wider shoulders too, as they worked out more. Just gotta hit pullups and lat raises my man.
I am not a normie in that I don't have a social life, so I have even less to do than most of these fat fucks with spouses/families/friends(don't know how they achieve that shit but they do). I still am not fat, because I find stuff to do, and I just don't constantly shovel food in my mouth. If I am really bored, I will go for a fucking run, or do a bike ride, and eat up 1-3 hours of my life. It isn't cause of degeneracy, or faggotry(gays are in better shape than the vast majority of normies, as a fag myself I can confirm this), or weak willed pansy numales. It is because we live in a society were it is easier for desires to manifest, so fat asses are just able to fully reveal their gluttony. The main reason I typed that up, though, was to explain why we shouldn't blame the government or corporations or whatever, we should blame shitty humans for being shitty humans.
Also, daily reminder that different troupes of chimpanzees have more genetic variance than any race of human has against another race of human. Niggers are human, that is scientifically undebateable.
The astounding majority of fats live in the southern us and vote conservative at all costs. You are an imbecile.
Fuck off the both of you.
Take it to the relevant boards andndont derail this one.
I haven't worked in a hospital yet, but I do hospice care and work with RNs every day, and none of them have been hambeasts. I think that's more because of the desk job.
Every single person that I knew that was very fat was like this. They would practically act like children, always trying to have silly, boisterous conversation. They tried to act like they didn't take things serious. However, as soon as their facade was challenged, especially by something that directly challenged their obesity, their facade would break and they would become aggressive or depressive, depending on the person. They have utterly zero self confidence and it was obvious how easy it was to break the faces they put on for people.
Medicine is expensive because its expensive to make. You need expensive material, trained professionals who can demand good wages and at the end of the day you usually get very little product considering the amount of starting material.
Personally I want him to die so we can have yet another example as to why being fat is bad
This. I like this.
>really good powerlifter
>no medals
>cuts out sugary drinks
>replaces them with sugary drinks

You're dad isn't just an asshole, he's also a fucking moron.
>implying wogs pay taxes
He's probably read all the stories of kids who's parents force them to go to fat camp who then refuse to work.
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Everything in this fucking post is wrong goddamn it. Every stupid point you tried to make is untrue. I thought this was /fit/! Do people really not read the sticky? I thought that was a fucking meme.

>Not only is it way too easy to acquire junk foods
No more or less easy than acquiring healthy food. There are just as many grocery stores and gas stations as there are fast food places. Got to one of them instead and get some fruit or pretzels or something. Wow, so hard. Fuck you.

>it's a hundred times easier to prepare than healthy food
No it isn't! It really fucking isn't! Do you know how many fruits and vegetables can be eaten without any preparation? ALL OF THEM! Fuck you.

>And often, cheaper.
This is what fatty tumblrinas say! We make fun of people who say this all the fucking time! Where do you think you are? A bunch of bananas cost the same price as a cheeseburger, and you get more calories. Rice and beans is the cheapest food on the planet! What in the fuck are you talking about?

>At the end of a long, hard day, who wants to spend 20 minutes or more cooking a less tasty healthy meal?

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look at the happiness in this man's face.
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/fit/ doesn't know ANYTHING about eating healthy
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Pretty much this >>42086942. Once someone refuses to admit they are wrong due to their own beliefs rather than facts its rarely worth it to waste your time on them any longer. After that mixed gender units remark I would've probably ended it right there.

Also, if shes as fat as you say she is a small child could have fractured her ankle due to the sheer amount of stress being put on that leg.

P.S. Marry your gf, holy shit.
Get yourself out of that bubble, son. Obesity is a worldwide epidemic, and universal healthcare has nothing to do with it. UK, Canada, Bahamas, Australia and many more nations with universal healthcare are among the highest in obesity rates.
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NSFW might puke too.

Water fasting is for you. If you can't loose weight that way, you might get a Noble prize in physics.
I've been on both sides where I've experienced fat shaming and skinny shaming. Right now I experience "skinny shaming" and I can tell you that it is not as emotionally damaging (or at all) as being fat shamed was. Nobody wants to be called a twig but I can tell you that being called a twig doesn't hurt like being call a whale does. That's just my experience and I can't speak for every thin person. I had a friend who was very thin in middle school (puberty is happening at this age) and she went through hell with the skinny shaming.
This guy knows what's up.

>how many fruits and vegetables can be eaten without any preparation? ALL OF THEM!
Nah dude, some of that shit needs to be cut up, peeled and/or thrown into boiling water first. That's hard work bro :^)
I can relate, although I honestly take any comment on my current figure as a compliment and testament to my hard work.
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how many fatties suffer serious injuries by falling for the fat but fit meme?

It is incentivized already. I can get two kilos of beef and everything I need to make tacos for a family of 5 for what I pay for a shitacular fastfood meal that sits in my gut like a brick. People are fucking lazy.
>doesn't hurt like being called a whale
Good, maybe the pain will make them work out.

That girl is an actress and she actually lost a lot of weight.

Tumblr hated her for it and accused her of fatshaming. I am 100% dead serious.
You're a fucking spaz
Not enough
>can't take grocery carts outside
Ok but what if someone bought something heavy or large, mutliple cases of water or big packages of toilet paper or tissues or whatever. Do you just tell them to carry them one by one to their car? That seems either fake or an incredibly shitty and inconvient place to put a grocery store
average nog gets 10k from the government every year

average white pays 2.8k each year
i understand it as customers aren't allowed to take the grocery carts outside but employees are allowed to escort them to the customers' cars
Oh that makes sense. Why didn't she just ask for fucking help?
i still love the vidya but everything about mainstream gaming outside of nintendo is a fucking joke.
That picture is actually impressive, I wonder if she could break some bones if she would come down too fast.
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i dont understand. i just cannot comprehend how someone could see this in a mirror and not recoil in terror. all it takes to be normal is patience and not stuffing your face.
>tfw live in Montana
>tfw my state is consistently a holdout
Not that anon but you could easily find it on google. She lost like 100+ lbs (was still very obese but still) and Tumblr threw a bitch fit
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Oh god, it's cassandra clare, the incest hambeast that plagiarized harry potter.
See those udders? She traumatized Rupert Grint when he was fourteen, flashing them at him.
>In 1982, Knorr became convinced that Suesan [Knorr's daughter] was casting spells on her to cause her to gain weight. Suesan denied doing so but Knorr became angry and shot Suesan in the chest with a 22-caliber pistol.
lol you actually believe this
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>fatties Literally believe weight gain is magic
This is priceless
Get rid of ALL farm subsidies. Food prices will SKYROCKET and only the rich will be able to afford being fat.
Good job mate.
Reducing corn subsidies is literally less government intervention you dumb piece of shit.
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