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This is day 23 of my diet. I've lost 11 pounds. All I've

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This is day 23 of my diet. I've lost 11 pounds.

All I've done is made a loose meal plan and stuck to a 1600 calorie diet (800 calorie deficit for me) and I've gone from 222 to 211. Admittedly, there were about 4 days out of the 23 so far that I've done hard physical labor, and a few days where I didn't hit 1600 calories (the past two days I only managed 1300 because I made really thick curry that was more filling than I anticipated) but even so, as a fatty, I want all of the people on the fence and being lazy and indecisive about things to remember:

You can lose weight. Yes you fucking can. Read the god damn sticky. Just fucking count calories, it's not even hard.

I've literally been to the gym once since I started (I know I need to go more). I spend most of my free time loafing around in bed or playing video games, and am not very active. If a lazy fat slob like me can see results and find will power out of nowhere, so can you.

My diet used to be 711 junk food, taco bell, and papa john's. Now I'm saving money making my food at home. I only cook once a day for dinner, and just have a protein shake + banana for breakfast and a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. Those two things alone allow me to cook a gloriously large dinner filled with protein and 3-5 servings of vegetables.

If you're reading this, and you're fat, and you hate yourself for how you look (which is presumably 100% of /fit/ anyway) I believe in you. The worst I went through was sugar withdraw in the first 3 days, which a few aspirin took care of for the most part. You can fucking do it.

What are you waiting for?
Good for you OP you're gonna make it
we all gonna make it brah
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Calories in, calories out boys. It's just that simple. <1700 calories a day, 6'3". The fat falls off. You might plateu a few days but then suddenly you will he 2lbs lighter. Eat whatever the fuck you want just stay under your calories.

Protein and fat to stay full.
that explains the curry; I put a whole can of coconut milk in that bitch and had to eat it over the span of two days.
That big dip in May was water fasting. As you can see it works amazing unless you eat too much afterward, then it all comes back as water.
This is now the second summer where I have simply just cut down on what I eat (arbitrarily) and try to run 3 times a week minimum

In the winter I go back to the gym and eat without worry

End of summer last year I was ~196 and I've already hit that point this year. The past two winters I was at 225 and 221 respectively.

It does suck at first feeling really hungry for most of spring, but since it gets warmer each week, losing the weight actually works out to be perfect timing
you're doing even better than me. Keep fucking going.
All you have to do is drink a shit ton of water and you're not even hungry. How do fat people have so much trouble losing weight?
habit, complacency, and emotional instability for me.

I've got the ol' brain problems and before I started this diet, if I got upset, I would eat. I didn't even realize I was doing it. Even now, an ice cream sandwich sounds fucking amazing. (The 7-11 ones that are two chocolate chip cookies with ice cream between them.) Shit's 430 calories.

I had a nightmare that I was chugging strawberry milkshakes last night.

Also you gotta understand just how strong cognitive dissonance is in some people. Pair that with just a pinch of ignorance to the basic concept of counting calories, and you have the blueprints for the fuckin Hindenburg on your hands.

I've been drinking so much la croix lately though I'm afraid my piss is going to be carbonated.
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Haha. Yes the food dreams. Wake up after eating a Whopper in a dream and hate myself. Then realize it wasn't reality.
I had a dream I was straight up chasing a levitating cookie through a grocery store

I think I've got some issues mang
Half of that weight is water weight and glycogen though, once you start slacking off it'll all start coming back. Come back with transformation pics at 6 months, a year, and every year thereafter and I'll believe you made it.
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