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Beta/Cringe thread. You lift in an attempt to not end

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Beta/Cringe thread.

You lift in an attempt to not end up like these people.
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I'd be friends with this guy
I feel bad for people like this.
Nothing they can do about their looks outside of major surgery.
I suppose if I weren't good looking I'd just have to be super successful to make up for it
No you wouldn't.

The poor fuck. He's probably autistic as well. When you meet a guy like this in real life and he is generally a nice guy, be kind to him. People like this can always use it.
>blonde hair blue eyes masterrace
>your average /pol/ browser

there's no wonder someone who looks like that turns out socially retarded
Don't be kind to him. Be normal to him. Being purposefully kind is pitying.
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always a dilemna, idk
Stop hurting my soul
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>says the average antifa user
the people who worry about their girlfriend being loyal megathread
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you need to delete this
The cards were stacked against him from the very start, I can't feel anything but bad for him. The way people would default to treating him in virtually every social situation isn't going to have a positive effect on his personality.

oh haha
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>tfw this guy has gotten farther than i've ever gotten with a girl
why am I so scared of them?
The guy screenshotted this himself? Staged cringe?
You can't be actual friends with guys you don't view as sexually attractive, even if you're straight. Google it.
Omg yes
I'm gonna smash Mary Liz Winstead mark my words.
Aw dude this isn't even cringe. I world totally go to his party if he was legit about jazz.
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>be me
>130 pound lanklet
>been doing SS for 5 weeks now
>still can't squat lmao1pl8
>made an ass of myself trying to clean 95 today
please end me

politics is cucked desu. everyone i know who cares about politics religously are all fucking losers.

chad and stacey doesnt give a shit. theyll complain about liberals occasionally but doesnt let politics run their life. they party, make money and have fun
aw fuck
i remember a time when i was like that
if i knew him i'd totally be going to his birthday party. motherfucking ice cream cake too, suckers missed out
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i'm just bummed out now
Of course not. A friend screenshotted this.
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fuck off to /r/cringe with the rest of your ilk.
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Pic related. The average liberal/democrat voter on the internet.
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Most of my friends are ugly as fuck. I dislike the guts of my pretty-boy friends because I am jealous of them talking about the cute girls I wanted to fuck and that they fucked, so I rather not even be near them.
No one discussed politics until this samefagging bitch.

Fuck you, people like you are ruining /fit/
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This is painful
qt on the far right

Geez...sounds like a nice guy at least.
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>b-but le drumpf is fat! Join us winners instead!
It fucking hurts to look at this bro
>oh haha
>at a convention for the disabled
>hurrrrrr why aren't you faggots slim and strong like my SS brothers
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And I thought the /fa/ meetup was bad
This is legit fucking sad m8
god im fucking handsome
>convention for the disabled

It's a Bernie Sanders rally. Everyone there is mentally disabled.
you aren't doing SS correctly if you can't even squat a pl8 after a month
Eat food you fuckin
thats not cringe
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Not really
>I was the first bitch to bring up politics/race

Congrats shitbag.
My favourite part is how they are all dressed incredibly badly. Is satchel anon male or female? Or a made up tumblr gender.
The second from the left doesn't look that bad I guess.
i saw an article about how /b/ sent this guy a bunch of stuff and was being nice to him in general
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Jesus christ. Poor guy. Then again, he's eating ice cream cake and acting like he's 14 when he's 25 years old. He should try to take control of his already.

Not to say you're ever too old to eat cake, though.
Meh, you're right.

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>that guy that wears DBZ clothing in the gym
The true cringe.
i found the best one

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Having a dbz shirt isn't cringy if you are not autistic about it
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How you even being to fix this?
Assuming youd have unlimited money what would be the first you do?
it is by far the most BORING anime tank top you can wear though. It's full normie at this point.
Everyone talking about politics please take your shitty opinions to /pol/ or reddit. No one here gives a shit either way.
so what if it's normie? That's a good thing, I like to talk about dbz with normies.
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Fucking hell his neck gets me everytime.
Wait so an obscure 2hu lewd print shirt with tier 3 moonrunes would be better?
wait is this really /fa/? pls tell me it's really made up of androgynous teens
I hate how everything has to be about politics since this last election
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Nope it's from their meetup back in 2014
do you get enough to eat? are you sleeping 8h/night?
If he just lost weight, had good hygiene (face/skin care routine) and a hair cut he could look a lot better than he does now. Sure his mouth/lips and nose need surgery but it wouldn't even be that major a procedure compared to jaw etc
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what anime tank tops do you wear anon?personally i like berserk and evangelion
never reveal your true power level
>>41652810 Poor dude..
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>mfw I unironically wear this when I go to thegym
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> they censored the fat guy tits
Eat moar.
Who's got the edit with Dylan roof in it?

Jesus christ
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>cringe thread
I already have my memories thanks
redbubble nice

also this isnt obvious enough normies wont think anything of it you are still concealing tge power
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... what the fuck are you supposed to do on your birthday when you're 25 and have no friends?

I just go out with my parents and grandparents to eat, then go home and open some birthday cards and pretend I don't think about killing myself every other night after jerking it to thick milf porn.
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my buddy wears this
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I feel your pain, m8.

>Started at 114lbs
>Up to 135 in 4 months
>Still 135 3 months later

I've essentially cut a whole through the fence of Auschwitz, but its only big enough to get my head through and now I'm stuck as Nazis are shooting estrogen into my asshole. I think I'm about to be pulled back in, lads.
>clean 95 today
lmfao!!! Who the fuck is this weak?
There's a guy in my gym who wears the top half of Goku's gi
eat scoops of peanut butter and wash it down with milk
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I own a Lucoa tank also, its pretty cringe so I doubt I'm ever going to wear it to the gym
What is so cringy about this? So they're splitting up after 7 years of marriage? Alright.
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There are exactly two guys here who don't look autistic
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>learning proper form for the main lifts
>thinks he can jump straight into olympic lifting

You're an idiot
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>le nek man

sounds like she's trying to get him to make a move.
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If I'm reading this correctly, the story and subsequent embarrassment could be summed up as:
>hot teenage girl gets into committed relationship with guy before having a chance to sexually experiment and have fun
>guy ends up becoming this overly emotional skinny boy who's pleasant enough but has traits that make a good friend instead of a good mate
>girl finds herself in situation where she learns more about her sexuality as she didn't have the chance to previously
>girl realizes she is attracted to more traditionally masculine men, so as such leaves her husband

Apparently race fits in there somewhere, I'm not sure, but apparently that makes it more embarrassing.
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No, Anon, you are the beta
what is this from
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>getting married
he has special needs
Provide proof. Most of my friends have objectively attractive traits
>cucked by a negro
Moral of the story? Be Dylan
to be fair, what do you think the average conservative/republican voter looks like?
Furthermore, what do you think the average person looks like?

Spoiler: not that good for either.
Does anyone have the edit where the neck guys neck is lengthened and Dylan Roof is added on the end?
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Cringe AF.
On the other hand, at last he get the balls to message her.
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Seen a literal autistic kid at the gym the other day with a "go super saiyan" shirt on. I kek'd inside.
I still, to this day, do not understand why any man in the [CURRENT YEAR] would even be willing to do all this marriage and family life shit.
None of that's really cringy though. I think it's just 4chan reading too much into shit like usual.
>tfw you're name is Dylan
>tfw you've cucked your highschool friend group

Is Dylan the new Chad?
*average American
>the rambling paragraphs

That's where he fucked up.
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Open your next Tinder match with "I want to eat a cupcake out of your asshole". Report back. Srs.
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I think I have some beta shit on this laptop

I'd fucking kill myself. My parents have been married for 43 years and are as old school as it gets and would never pull this shit.
The girl is clearly moving on, while the guy is still clinging.
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Normies gonna norm

I'm all about that cynical asceticism bruh

That's bait.
I do this all the time

You're just afraid of what others think, how sad
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well why shouldn't he? usually break ups are one sided
I don't have a Penn Gillette strong enough for this
>the guy in the back staring at them with weird wet spots on his shirt
I'd honestly just put a bullet through my skull.
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This was my 20th birthday. Invited tons, and I mean TONS of people, not a soul showed by my dad. Ended up posting the event on /k/ and supposedly a couple people said they'd show to the range, but nobody wished me a happy birthday.

I hate myself. I hate my life sometimes. I will inevitably die someday and my consciousness will slip into oblivion as it fades away and every sense and emotion and self awareness is erased with me from history and this world without a trace. Why delay it? If accepting human mortality wasn't so incomprehensible I actually might.

All I have is my gains.
Being this much of a cuck should be illegal.
will mr skeleton legs ever find love?

I want to do something violent against him
i cringed at this
>adults spending thousands of dollars and man-hours to play dress up and be good consumerist goyim

Quality cringe
I man ISTJ haha this sucks
I want to do something violent against his father while fucking his mother
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>that chart
>not beating your wife, not just because shes being annoying but also because it turns you on
>being this cucked
fuck me, man
>DARE shirt

LOL, I bet it's totally ironic since he does hella drugs with his bros XD
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Some BETA birthday parties.
That would've been a hilarious joke if he hadn't acted like he was serious.
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>I'm stuck as Nazis are shooting estrogen into my asshole
I laughed outrageously hard at this

Honestly I just feel bad for him.
well, he's a 'groid. by 25 all his friends are dead.
Fuck this image.
I'm an INFP and I suffer from that shit so much.
It just hurts and I don't know what to do.
If you're strong, you can wear whatever you want.
When I hit 4/3/2/1 I'm going to wear anime T-shirts.
Nigga basically made the kid throw up six times just so he could clean it and get the succ.

Like seriously, he cleaned up vomit twice as fast as putting the seat down after pissing.

Holy fuck thats depressing. I can imagine this sad little man getting all excited about his accumulating good boy points

>Oh gee, if I put the toilet seat down three more times I get rewarded with my wife not being a cunt for a whole week

Fucking sad what kind of shit actual adult humans are willing to take in a relationship these days.
Really disturbing to see sexual favors and parental obligations combined with fucking princess stickers and rainbows and the whole childish reward system in general. What the relationship dynamic and general mental state of these two must be like I don't want to imagine.
fucking forget the friendzone this nigga in the friend realm
there aint no one saving him except maybe superman
Is this what happens when it is no longer socially acceptable to beat your wife when she is being a cunt?
Bros, I posted that as a joke

Migg Bryer is pure psuedoscience. It's a meme and none of it is validated by the scientific method.

Behavior patterns, personalities, and thought processes are not set in stone. They evolve and change all the time. None of this shit is set in stone.
>triple dubs
>I will inevitably die someday

My friend, if you were born 100 years later you probably wouldn't have to worry about it anymore. You'd probably live in an age of nanobots using micro 3d printers to reconstruct damaged cells, get rid of cellular garbage, etc. If you're 20 (or close to it) now, then there is a chance that you will live to the point where biological immortality stops becoming a "it'll never happen" thing and more of a "it'll definitely happen thing.

To give you an idea, right now there are PHDs and department chairs of top tier universities and biologists saying we will never achieve life past 120 years old. I call bullshit. In the 1900s a top tier scientist with the equivalent of millions in government funding couldn't do what two bicycle manufacturers from a flyover state did in a field. That's create flight. If you told the Wright brothers that 60 years from then we would be landing on the moon, they'd think you were out of your mind. Technology is evolving faster than it ever has before. You just have to wait as long as you can, and you might have a chance to get there.

One of the reasons I don't believe the mainstream idea that humans cannot possibly live past 120 years old is the fact they quote the past. They look at the advancements in pharmaceuticals from the 1400s to the 1900s. None of the fucking matters. No scientist worth his salt will ever quote the past as proof of the future. That's for historians, economists, humanitarians sure, but not scientists. It doesn't matter what happened from 50,000,000 BC to 2019 AD, if the secrets for human immortality are found in 2020. Just like quoting the past billion years in evolution and advancements doesn't mean shit when the past 60 years have been the dominant factor in space travel from the moon all the way to the edge of our solar system.

So keep fighting man. Keep living, live happy, make money, make gains, find what you enjoy and enjoy it.
You have to go back Ahamed
a bowl of fucking cheetos? u fucking kidding me
there's no such thing as the friendzon
Those are cheese puffs you fucking savage.
Thats so sad. I feel for him.
Hey fuck you m8
I'm pretty sure this guy had an alergic reaction to something.
like he probably looked normal but his face puffed up and it stayed that way.
i've seen this before. I guy that used to come into my store to by alcohol had the same thing, but on his ID he looked normal.
That dude has to be a queer right?
No I'm just a redneck.

I would backhand the cunt after making my own chart with shit like chop wood, brush back 40, automotive repair, complete woodworking project.
I love you anon. If you ever feeling down just remember there's an ausposter rooting for you.
We're all gonna make it.
I love it when rednecks list off activities they do to prove their manhood because they are so insecure about the masculinity

Yeah we're sure you're pimp slapping bitches and chopping down trees all day day, cletus
I've probably spent about $30,000 on cosplaying, going to cons, and everything else included with that. It's literally my only enjoyment in life and the only place I have sex.
this makes me feel sick. I never had these feels before a gf hold me fit
the friend zone is where a beta male does nice things for a female, as a friend, to hopeful get her to fall in love with him. She thinks hes to ugly to be BF but never tells him hes to ugly to date because she still wants the nice things from him.
That's actually an amazing resume
That's just shit that needs to be done.

You metrosexuals are a touchy bunch.
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>I've essentially cut a hole through the fence of Auschwitz, but its only big enough to get my head through and now I'm stuck as Nazis are shooting estrogen into my asshole. I think I'm about to be pulled back in, lads.
that's the guy putting the girl in the girlfriendzone and the girl obviously taking advantage because she is not dumb
Everytime I see this the thing that makes me the most angry is that he put the "?!" at the end of a statement.

also i own those exact shoes and also pinroll my jeans better than him

also he just seems like one of those kids who is on the school's student government and attends christian youth groups or some shit
yeah but if your baby pukes, you're not just gonna leave it there to lay in its vomit are you? so it's pretty much guaranteed that's its gonna get cleaned after its pukes
From left: 1, 2, 5, and 8 are all training neck, and nothing else.
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This kind of relationship dynamic seems to be more and more common these days tho. Its mostly due to weak-willed young men with unclear/ neglectful parental relationships in their childhood who project their need for a parental figure into a stronger-willed partner when they get into a relationship.
They basically give up control of their lives to their partner and while many women embrace this quasi-parental role they are handed, mostly because of maternal instincts or the need for recognition or the feeling of authority it gives them, it leads to a skewed relationship dynamic where often the man is really not appreciated or respected.
I've seen many relationships where the man is treated like a dog or a child, while the man signs off all control and responsibility for his own life and the amount of underlying resentment makes your stomach turn.
Its sad af.
Yeah, you do nice things for people because you are a nice person

If you do nice things for a girl so that she will fuck you, you are a creepy asshole and deserve to languish in the "friendzone"

Most guys these days will do favours for girls just because they are girls. It's upside down

I'll do favours for guys because guys are useful and I can probably use them for a favour later, and they will appreciate and remember what I did. I'm less likely to do a favour for a girl

You're not wrong. It's fuck/won't fuck. Black and white based on attraction. But there ARE girls that tease guys and string them along as followers in exchange for favours - they know how to manipulate.

So these dipshits follow these girls like a lost puppy and claim they are "Friendzoned", when really they are more like pets for the girl to receive attention and favours from.

Side note: It is very satisfying to be fucking one of these girls after seeing this, and make her submissive to you infront of her group of follower guys. Playing with her ass n shit and she just lets you - feels alpha, and you're also warning those guys that they're being idiots wasting their time
I love it when rednecks claim city people are metrosexual, they do it to prove their manhood because they are so insecure about their masculinity
Every time I see this picture I wince a bit. Poor fucker.
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P-please no

I can't handle sad birthday pics
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How to cut out the beta/cringe from my life? I stopped talking to woman through texts. What else can I do?
Even a handsome guy can fall into the friend zone by doing nice things for a girl.
I love it when losers use the projection meme, they just can't accept that their insecurity has been nailed
Niggah literally what. All my friends are ugly as fuck.
Stop talking to them. Start talking to more guys. Girls will eventually be annoyed if you're not paying attention to them, so they will butt into your conversation. Make her feel awkward and creepy and out of place. If the guys you were talking to shift their attention to her, leave and find something else to do. Always be more interesting than her and never want anything from her, especially her attention.
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sounds like u got low standards
You have a lot of love anon.

One day you will meet the girl for you.
Thanks bro I hope you have a good life :)
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girls only get annoyed if you're not paying attention to them if you're a fucking 10/10
don't spread dumb shit
Nah 7/10 is enough, especially if its clear that you are popular in that social group

>Be socially awkward around girls because I didn't talk to them until I was 21.
>Join frat
>50 frat bros
>Bounce around the party avoiding eye contact with girls
>Broing out with bros
>Girls inevitably open with me because they see I am popular in the frat
Threads like these make me feel better about my severe cheating ways and emotionally abusing chicks
>its the little wins on behalf of the good guys
People like you make me realize how amazingly attractive I must be in contrast. Have you ever been at a bar and randomly made out with two girls in ten minutes that you didn't know the name of? Both who approached you first?
10/10 girls like when guys approach them because guys rarely ever have the balls to do so.

Normal/average girls are the opposite. Tons of guys approach them. It's better to not approach these girls unless you're practicing basic conversation with them and legitimately need something from them. Otherwise, you're going to just be a friend.

If you're below a 7/10, give up talking to girls until you fix your shit.

If you're a legit 7 or above, you still need to get your mind right about assuming a masculine frame, being non-reactive, etc. I know game shit gets shitted on here, but some of the advice is good. Guys fall in love way too easily. "No More Mr Nice Guy" should be required reading, if just to understand the part about silent contracts.
I'm ISTP and I like partying
this has to be fake. No man is this much of a cuck.

please tell me this is fake.
Worse still, these are the types of men that raise the next generation of males.
>tfw 3/4/5 but not brave enough to wear anime shirts
I do nice things to girls for favors. It has worked a lot. In finals this girl gave me her notes. Saved that class.
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There's this gigantic swole nigra at my gym that used to wear pic related, though I haven't seen him wear it in a while.
>Turn 22
>Get invited to a bar for monthly outing.
>Dude has no idea it's my birthday until I casually mention it
>Decide to invite some people from work to go along
>A lot of people said yes or they'd let me know
>No one showed up
>No one let me know
>Not even the guy I'm seeing
>Even after texting people to ask about it
>End up getting drunk and singing the birthday monkey song to myself in the bathroom and snap chatting it to some of the people who didn't show
>Still a pretty fun night
are we in bizarro world
I feel you, I do that sort of stuff too, but handing over notes isn't really much of a favour. She's already taken the notes, she just has to send them to you. I've asked random people in class for notes and gotten them 10/10 times since it takes no effort

I mean shit like helping someone move, shovelling a driveway, picking up a package, giving them a ride etc. Something where you have to go out of your way to do it

I still do all of the above for girls - I'm just far less likely to do it for my girl friends than my guy friends
That guy is all anterior delts, average quads, no ass.
what does it mean if i'm the most attractive person out of my group of friends?

this isn't me thinking that, one of my friends said that one time while we were getting ready to play soccer and everyone else agreed
>he can't OHP 4pl8
I want liftlets to go back to their calisthenics thread

city boy here.
just moved to 15 acres in the sticks
can confirm my life is yardwork now
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godspeed uggobro
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The thought of someone being able to OHP 4 pl8 and only diddly 1 pl8 is hilarious.
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>tfw my name is Dylan too
>met this new girl
>shes pretty amazing
>seriously motivated, funny, very smart, really cute
>have to meet up frequently for uni work
>overhear her talking one day with a friend who asks her if shes going out with her partner
>welp, lost cause
>be nice, but not trying to make a move or show interest
>this goes on for weeks
>then find out she wasn't in a relationship
>I just misunderstood what they were talking about and she wasn't actually in a relationship with a partner, it was just someone she was inviting to a public event
>now uni work is over and never seeing her again
I lift to hurt myself for my stupidity. I am those people.
Because a woman is the most potentially dangerous thing to a man. When it's good, it is good. But when it gets bad, you can discover pain and despair you would never even dream up in your worst nightmares. There is a switchboard inside of you that controls your strongest emotions, which only women have access to, and they will reach in there and flip those switches on and off until they get what they want, or you short circuit and keel over face down in the mud. She will not help you back up, so as not to risk getting her hands dirty. Rather, what you will get to see out the corner of your eye as your convulsing body is about to inhale its last breath, filling your lungs with water and silt, is the source of all your greatest joys, the love of your life, reaching into another man, fucking around with his switchboard.
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>mfw the only girl who ever gave 2 shits about me was named Madison
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this is just fucking depressing, because it happened to me a few weeks ago

sitting alone on my bday, fun times
You are designed to want to mate with them and you've been taught your whole life that sex with them is the key to reaching some sort of masculine ideal. This means that their approval has value to you, and you've given them power over you. Because you fear their rejection and what you see as it's inevitability, you decide it's safer to ignore them.
i dont get it

>welcome love squid hell


What's wrong with having your gf be the girl and you being death?
1/ 2/ 3/ 4 and I wear this to oppress the normies
The irony in this post is hysterical.
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pic didn't load

The Far Right has all the qts, m8.
Hes not wrong. Just look at the lengths /fit/ spends talking about chicks here.

Boy it must be great to be a girl on /fit/, not only can you laugh at the pathetic beta threads but you can laugh at the pathetic omegas who post in them as well.
In what world is 1/2/3/4 "strong"?

In the real world.
>that arm
Our world

You do realize that in the Western country the average human being is overweight? Being a skeleton by default makes you healthier than the AVERAGE person in the West.

Someone who can 1/2/3/4 is going to be well above average.
The average person can't bench 0.5pl8
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Jesus Christ /fit/ is pathetic. Fuck off, manlet bitchboys.
This isn't fitness, this is r/theredpill. Please go back.
Pink Hat of Truth right there. Girls *are* very powerful, but they are not accountable. That is a very dangerous combo, and boys *should* be afraid.
Go home /pol/, you're ignoring facts again.
Your post reeks of sarcasm
>People like you make me realize how amazingly attractive I must be in contrast. Have you ever been at a bar and randomly made out with two girls in ten minutes that you didn't know the name of? Both who approached you first?

People like you make me realize how amazingly attractive I must be in contrast. Have you ever been at a bar and randomly made out with seven girls in six minutes that you didn't know the name of? All who approached you first?
A lot of normies think it is impossible to look somewhat decent without steroids.
To them it basically equates to attend gym = steroid user

>nerd/weirdo tier
>gifted but often attracts antipathy from sheeples

>communist manifesto

His words are cringey but his face makes me only feel pity.
Thats actually kinda cool. I fucking love the monogatari series.
Where did you get it?
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Does /fit/ think men can't have female friends?

This is (A) depressing as hell, and (B) EXACTLY why men don't get more female attention. Perhaps if they started seeing women as human beings who were worth getting to know even as just friends, then women would stop worrying "If I smile at him, is he gonna start being creepy?" and women would be more inclined to be open with men. Like, you can't treat a whole half of the world as the "People I'd Like to Screw," and the "People I Wouldn't and Therefore Don't Care About," and then be surprised when your dehumanization of them leads to bad end results.
Ate these pancakes this morning, utter shite.
I honestly don't think a single person can be real friends with an attached person of the opposite sex. This is especially true with a single male, we'll just try to fuck.
>point out facts
>what a bitch

The average american man, emphasis on 'average', has never bench pressed before and rarely does any sort of exercise whatsoever.
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I bet your boyfriend pin rolls his dick into your ass aswell
I'd probably be down to doing this ironically, looks dumb and funny enough to get a few laughs for a couple weeks. The princess stickers really sell it to me.

If only I had a gf.
>tfw you will never hold her hands back like that while thrusting ur donger in and out of her booty hole
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I'm friends with a female coworker and we've managed to keep it completely casual. We like to go to the movies, hit the mall, and go out to eat every now and then. She tried to hook me up with her cousin but she was a fatty so I said no and laughed it off. I don't want to date her either, she's attractive yeah but she's simply not my type. She acts way too young and reminds me of when I was a hyperactive teenager even though she's four years older than me, but that's perfectly fine for a normal friend.

I can tell this other coworker of mine has been oneitising for her for a while now, he was working with her for a whole year before I came into the picture and me and her are basically his only friends. Too bad for him I'm friends with her bf too so beta boy will simply have to stay in line, kek.
That image doesnt match with your post, please delete it
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>hold girls hand
>get a chub
I should stop fapping for longer periods of time
What gets me is that no one seems to take into account the fact that she is also famous now.
Is that important?

Unironically think it's sadder because he's black

Idk, seems like most black people have friends kek
Dracula would have a field day
So you are fucking her?
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Just remember this:
There is a balance of power between the sexes.
Women have soft power, it works well in indirect situations - which is most social situations.
Men, have direct power. Men are strong. Men have power in situations that call for action, and direct straightforward no-bullshit situations. Women CANNOT handle these kinds of situations.

You can play the game indirect, but she'll always have an advantage. By being direct (not always - they hate that shit - but just enough) you put the ball in your court.

For example, take the "friend zone". Women don't put you there, they can't. They don't have that power. You put yourself there when you refuse to "man up" and be direct about your intentions.
> pls respond
The two female friends I had, while being married, tried to sleep with me. Seems very unlikely that males and females can be friends without at least one of the parties wanting to fuck the other one. It's not just guys who are like that, naive beta nerd anon.

Please, for the sake of all that is holy, be baiting us. If you aren't, you need to find something that helps your work on your self-respect. Probably get off /fit/, for your own sake.
If it's not normie then it's probably autistic tho
im a decent looking guy, but let me tell me alcohol worked WONDERS for me in college. would have never had the courage to talk to girls otherwise. literally met my current gf at a mutual friend's birthday party when I was drunk as fuck. she actually was bothered a lot by me cause I would never approach her/talk to her when we were in the same classroom/uni building (we were in the same college, but she was a year younger)
Fuuuckk bro :(
That sucks
I got INTJ but I don't consider myself autistic. And I don't just bluntly tell people they're wrong. Apparently INTJs aren't afraid of telling it like it is but breh I am terrified of how people perceive me and really don't wanna be hated. I also don't spend hour in deep profound thoughts,like the cosmos or some shit. I just replay the same song for like an hour straight at times. Or have the same song lyric stuck in my head for days, weeks.
>courageous enough to message a girl
>rambles endlessly
>thinks being overly self-analytical is the way of seduction
Half of 2010 probably passed while he was writing thesis long messages to sluts
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OC. I'm such a fuck up.
This is the first time I felt any sympathy for a nigger.
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Oh man last night i was drinking with this hot girl.
>We we're messing around fighting, flirting, insulting each other, touching,
>her head was in my lap while i scratched back of her head while she made half moaning noises
>freely grabbed her ass
Message comes to her phone
>she reads it and burst it laughter
>shows it to me
>its 200 words paragraph from some dude saying something like this
>"i think of you every time i close my eyes... my body dreams of you... you are the most perfect being this world has created... you're all i could ever want... my heart will forever be cold with you"
>me and her laugh our hearth out
>she sends it to all of her girlfriends
>one that was with us takes her phone and types a response to that last part "my heart will forever be cold with you"
>"maybe you should go to hot spring to warm up"
>dude answers "ok..."
>she puts the phone away and continues to flirt with me

Also to keep it a bit fit related. I've added some arm isolation to my UL_UL__ workout for last 5 months, didn't think much of it.
Last night at one point she didnt want to let go of my arms, clutching my biceps like a harpie. I was fucking glad i did all those isolation
Don't skip them ever
I want tot duck the guy to the right, and im male. Does that make me gay`?
This brought on new levels of existential dread i've never felt before.
that's actually kinda sad. i hate women so much.
>if he just put a ton of effort into his appearance, he could go from a 2 to a 4!
This. It wouldn't have been nearly as bad if he just was clean and simple. It was almost on the right track to give credit to the beta. Even if she posted this then, it wouldn't have been embarrassing. She would just seem like a bitch.
i would've sketti'd out my dick if she said golem get ye gone
this desu

holy shit this

politics is the jew's cuckler
thats a 200% return son
My birthdays were just cake and a candle. Not because beta, but we were poor and I was embarrassed to invite anyone to my house. The cake was because it was the only thing that differentiated it from any other day.
feels bad man
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>get rejected
>pretend it wanst you
>"oh she actually believe it wasn't me"
>try again
This is real autism
Daaaaaaaammmmmmnnnnnnn Daniel!
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Make it stop... I didn't want to feel this tonight. I want to be their bro.
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its a reddit meetup
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qt on the bottom right
Notice that only the 0.5/10s are showing their tits, while those with an iota of physical attractiveness choose to remain classy
why did they take their shirts off ?
>fat white bitch with a mini negro

Sounds about right.
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>this is me
lol you sooo misread that
I know man. Just look how good that doggo is behaving.
this is b8 i think but it's good enough that it made me reply.

Don't be a bitch, if someone fucks to you you make sure you fucking wreck them. The end
This guy posted this to facebook?
can't figure out which ones don't look autistic
I don't understand what's wrong with this one. It's cute. Unless the wife is stay at home mom he should be doing that shit in the first place
>1.5 years in
>75kg working squats
>110kg dl
>18kg db chest press

lol just fuck my lifeup forever senpai
pathetic weasel.

that's perfect
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>mfw my ex (who cheated on me) sent messages like this while I was bangin' some slut

he needs to have his tounge on the roof of his mouth for 4 years
For all that is holly please be bait
With that mentality youre better of being single.

Go read The Rational Male or Book of Pook, because you're lacking testosterone to naturally have a good frame.
ENTP reporting in. I think taking tests like this one can really help you become the person you want to be. Look at your result and think to yourself 'is this who I am?'. And if so, 'is this who I want to be?'. If the answer to the second question is no, you know what to improve.
how is that even possible
>75kg working squats
>110kg dl
Well that's understandable if you started off very skinny and moved up slowly because you were a bit nervous injury. Keep up and mayb-
>>18kg db chest press
Sir Daniel, is that you?
>seeing women as human beings
I keked
To be fair, he was doing nothing wrong until the second column.

I think league fucking sucks, but there's nothing wrong with trying to connect with someone over it if you're under the impression that they're into it, too.

Him not getting the fucking hint and just plowing through is what makes this hurt.
Every time I read this I hear the Asian guys part in Kahn from king of the hill's voice.
>An autist with a first class honors in maths.
I'd hire him
I have female friends, they're all ugly/fat.
I had/have a female friend from my childhood.
I never really cared much about getting into her pants and dont think she cared about getting into my pants either. This was during my teenage years. Havent seen her for years now but i think if she was single and i met her now we would probably fuck though not sure why.

I do think about her sometimes and think she was just a good friend and fun to hang around with. She was like 7/10 a bit crooked nose and really really small.
>People like you make me realize how amazingly attractive I must be in contrast. Have you ever been at a bar and randomly made out with seven girls in six minutes that you didn't know the name of? All who approached you first?

>People like you make me realize how amazingly attractive I must be in contrast. Have you ever been at a bar and randomly made out with eleven girls in 3 minutes that you didn't know the name of? All who approached you first, twice?
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>Tfw no 4 plate OHP, 3 plate bench, 2 plate squat and 1 plate deadlift

Why live?
dunno lol, i welcome some sexual tension with my female friends. It always creates more fun atmosphere and you always feel welcome.

I've had my pretty female friends mess around physically with me whole night, then when we're in the club and a random girl start talking to me they would say
>"i think you should give your number to Anon"
I smile nad say
>"i think that would be a great idea"
Got few numbers and dates really easy that way.
18kg in each hand

ha ha

I tried eating more but I just got fat on my belly. Am I low test?
What state famalam?
>Just be yourself!
Dude I hate that word too.
Kys fag no one will ever love your beta ass.
Good taste, my dude.
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Trying way too hard

Kek, projecting much?
Jesus Christ, please stop pissing on my eyes.
How was that projecting?

Open a dictionary lmao

Literally all the men are extremely pathetic bottom of society tier, there are a very few 6/10 women in the groups but most are 2/10 at best.

So these are the phaggots who Down Vote and ridicule me for not voting for Hillary.
If I wanted cringe I would read my tinder conversations
Lucoa is shit
KEK that Vietnamese comment
>domestic violence intensifies
These people should both be shot
You are the beta
What did he mean by this?
not gonna make it
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