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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 330
Thread images: 88

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Your daily reminder that fat hate saves lives
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I have come for the cheetos, Chester.

The jalapeno cheetos, if you will, Chester.
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your daily reminder to stop posting this unless it's verified the child has the disorder

there are thousands of kids that are just morbidly obese now. it isn't nice but it's reality
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Daily reminder not to drink gross sugar water.
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in the window
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golden finale
>"im a fat piece of shit with tremendous baggage, what hot piece of ass wants to take care of me financially? oh, and we can't have sex"
sounds like a real bargain right there
Imagine how empty the pool would look after they all get hauled out.
Those seats look familiar, is that a Melbourne train, or is that just a common pattern for train seats?
>pacific rim t-shirt
>fat tingle in the back
>those hipster fags
>the tumblr version of Elliot Rogers
>politics: green party
the nail in the coffin
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How much would someone have to pay you to drink 5 litres of that water.
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Not even photoshopped.
>No blacks, 6+ tall only
A gal's gotta have standards, after all
Sad thing is it look like she did photoshop it. That or she did a shit job with that foundation. She looks like she's wearing a flesh mask with the eyes crudely cut out.
>you don't need abs to be fab
>but you do need blue hair and beard, a skull and crossbones tattoo and heart nipples
No thanks, I'm good with being conventionally attractive.
I think that's about jerkin it, not about eating junk food.
Pretty similar in most places, It's to cover up the sweat, slime and literal crap that gets smeared on them in between services.
Funny because they aren't starving themselves to death, but she is eating herself to death.
How to you cityfags put up with this shit? Why would anyone in their right mind live in a city/suburb
>Giving the finger to something that literally just says "Healthy recipes to shake off winter"
It's not like one political party in america that has all the fatties and uglies, it's just that all of america is majority fatties and uglies.
Love the guy in the front right either rethinking his entire life or checking for dubs. I hope he does reps for jesus now.
such brave
I'm exaggerating of course, it's usually just dead skin cells and dirt, with the occasional light spot of perspiration.
I'm surprised at how skinny the finger is.
jesus christ I wonder how EMTs go to sleep at night with all the shit they see.
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fucking nu-males holy shit.
>kids 5.5

I'm frightened
If becoming a nu male I could get heart shaped nips, sign me up
How does some nigger on runescape know what you look like, do they have facebook integration now?
Unlike most people on /fit/, nu-males have girlfriends.
for all intents and purposes, the nu-male is probably the girlfriend, the non male is the xzirlfriend.
You say that like they have sex
Who is the lovely lady on the left??
>10 gallons of sugar water

Christ even on my worst I only had 4 or 3 a week.
has to be fake

So scary it's now in the top ten videos.
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>your obesity will kill you.

Is that a promise?
Is this a good bulking diet?
Based Dr Phil
because public transit is for poor "people". I use my car to get around like a civilized person.
why is she smirking
how does that happen? heart cant reach far away tissue and they just die?
fucking hell, how does this happen?
who has that much money to spend on food everyday?
whales think in extremes to justify their shit
I really wanted to see what these people see, so I gained 120 pounds of fat.
The chick in the middle is a lady who was on my 600lb life. She was an actual success story. (iirc her english husband was abusive towards her and her daughter)
almost 1000 pounds
how the hell can you even eat that much food to sustain that weight ? I mean I ate 10k calories for 3 days in a row and only gained 2 pounds after the water weight went away.
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>I have five wonderful kids and another named Brian

Every time
The government.
It's one of those professions with a lot of substance abuse
Goddamn I want those shoes. Even though I'm a man I could still pull it off. I bet her fat feet are stretching the fuck out of those poor things
>native language: USA
i forget the specifics but their clogged arteries + sugary diet = poor circulation of blood, so parts of their bodies just start dying on them, starting with extremities. thats how people lose their feet to beetus
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>even hambeats dont want niggers
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can somebody tell me why? what is the fucking appeal of being an unmanly man? Why do "men" these days use words like fab, or make stupid shit like this or have any desire whatsoever to be feminine? i dont even know how to describe this
Grandma was southern and would inject herself with an extra shot of insulin so that she could eat sweets. Lost her leg and her eyesight to beetus, and later her life (inability to fight off staph infection). It all has to do with different effects of the sugar, usually some sort of swelling of a nerve or vein damage.
They were raised by women.

Never heard of or experienced hardwork.

>a gallon of sweet tea

Don't know why that stood out to me. Just something about measuring human consuming habits in fucking gallons is hilarious.
this is one of my favorites
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Also consider neuropathy from uncontrolled diabetes. When you get to such an unnatural state your body chemistry starts going out of whack.
The nerves, particularly those at the extremities and isolated body areas (e.g. the eyes) begin to be attacked by the fatty's own immune system and become inflamed. Combine this with poor blood circulation and the nerve endings straight-up die.
Dead nerves = no more sensations
no more sensations + injury + laziness = festering wounds
Fat fucks have both poor hygiene and are more prone to pressure ulcers and skin infections, so this all ends up causing tissue to wither and become necrotic, attracting detritivores such as maggots and fungi who feast on the rotten flab.
Fatties are literally the living dead.
looks like someone hasn't heard of MADMILK
I sleep like a baby
What state are you in? In CT most calls are ODs
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this cant be real
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some of my favorite fps are about that
As someone rabidly against the sjw movement and modern feminism, I hold that people should basically act how they want. Chopping your dick off and demanding to be called 'she' goes a bit far into the category of mental illness, but a guy shouldn't be ashamed to order a appletini other than it perhaps not being the most cost effective way to get drunk.

Attaching these ideas of masculinity and femininity to arbitrary concepts is why we currently have such a clusterfuck of identity politics.
"female products are more expensive!"
>then buy male-targeted razors and moisturisers
"the workplace is a boys' club of assinine humour!"
>then get in on that humour or accept that it's not your gender but your complete lack of bants that's stopping you getting promoted

And I think the worst offenders of this are gay people who define themselves by their sexuality and thus feel the need to act more feminine after they come out by saying shit like 'darling' and 'fabulous' and intoning their voice to a higher pitch

>tldr; people should be comfortable acting however instead of acting how they think they're supposed to
She seems like the most worthless person in the world
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dlete this
>And I think the worst offenders of this are gay people who define themselves by their sexuality and thus feel the need to act more feminine after they come out by saying shit like 'darling' and 'fabulous' and intoning their voice to a higher pitch

why the fuck do fags do this
I'm pretty sure those Pepsis are Pepsi Max, the zero calories one, but I can't tell if this makes it better or worse
Zero Calorie sodas might not be jammed full of sugar, but they still turn your bones to glass. Something that's REALLY bad for fat people.

Like this bitch: >>41589079
Implying soda actually touches your bones as it moves through your digestive track
That's like saying your bones don't get calcium from milk because it goes through your digestive system.
jesus fucking christ anon
Do you strip out your muscles and let them stew in a protein shake rather than drink it?
Oi I'm laffin'
>not filling your bone bellies with milk and chocolate

It's like you don't even want to get big.
Schooools out for the summer!
This is pseudoscience. I have never heard of anything in diet soda causing bone atrophy. It's more likely, but the lack of activity shown by fat people and their rather poor diet are the reasons for that. My point is this: the problem with fat people is not the diet soda, it's self control.

you're right about the self control part, but wrong about the negative effect diet and non diet soda has on bones. there's phosphoric acid in diet and regular soda. Phosphoric Acid can lead to osteoporosis.
And then there's this dumbass
It's not pseudoscience, phosphoric acid in colas is shit for bone density. Just because you haven't heard of it doesn't mean it's true, just google this

so, a few things to bear in mind:

1) the human body is designed to operate at a certain size, and therefore is only designed to produce a certain volume of blood. when you increase in size, your blood volume does increase, but only minimally so. so, as you put on more fat, you have more tissue that needs to be oxygenated, but your blood production isn't able to keep up. when you reach land-whale proportions, large volumes of fatty adipose tissue are receiving only the barest minimum of blood and oxygen.

2) glucose (sugar) is acidic. in high amounts, it can cause physical damage to blood vessels, leading to chronic inflammatory states. for reasons that are unclear at this point in time, blood lipids tend to aggregate around these damaged vessels, leading to atherosclerosis. this can lead to heart disease and decreased cardiac output.

2.5) additionally, small vessels (such as those in fat tissue, kidneys, retinas, feet, and hands) are particularly prone to glycosidic damage. however, being so small, the vessels are actually destroyed, leading to ischemic damage (lack of oxygen) in their target areas

3) glucose also has the ability to form precipitated aggregates at particularly high concentrations. this can lead to direct clogging of vessels, particularly fine vessels (see above)

4) finally, glucose actually directly binds to hemoglobin in your red blood cells (this is actually how they measure long-term blood sugar, aka the HbA1c measure). while the hemoglobin is still able to carry oxygen, it is only able to do so in limited amounts. therefore, your overall ability to deliver oxygen to your tissues is decreased

so, all of these factors combine to make ischemia, necrosis, and chronic wounds a very common problem among diabetic patients.

tl;dr - diabetes is fucking terrible, don't be fat
Well I mean a 500 calorie diet is probably pretty fucking retarded
This would make sense if you soaked your bones in diet cola and it didn't go through your kidneys and intestines. Faggot.
not that anon but milk is so acidic it removes as much calcium as it adds
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>moutain dew or sprite doesnt affect bone density
pretty sure artificially sweetened drinks are linked to diabetes, it still makes your body think you are consuming sugar and it produces insulin even if it doesn't need it
google it
no it doesnt. it produces little to no insulin response.
Not the previous poster but webmd is a shit source and I really doubt you understand the actual biomechanical effect of the cited "almost 4% lower bone mineral density in the hip" seen in one calcium and vitamin D controlled study. What is the causal relationship and effect size to actual pathology -- in an individual or a larger population, i.e. should one give a crap?
>you fell for the milk meme
LOL marketing at work.
I'm pretty sure this is bait, but try actually reading the studies done on it, fuck. Other anon posted a journal article for you, but do your own fucking research if you don't believe it. 4/10 for making me respond
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every time i see the thumbnail of this pic i think of this cover
No, according to studies it's specifically colas that affect bone density, and differences were only shown in older women
Her lips look like a hemorrhoiding anus
well good i only drinkn diet dew and im not old or a woman
Do girls get ED? I thought that was a penis thing
Great album anon
I remember reading ages ago studies on how it's those bubles in soda that fuck up the bones strength.
Something about body having to use calcium to get rid of the co2 you ingested.
but, again, this was ages ago so I wouldn't vouch for it.
Eating Disorder, anon.
Have fun stuck in traffic and driving home drunk.
To trigger insecure straight dudes with gay wet dreams.
Are you saying your body exposes itself to everything that you swallow? Or have you never eaten corn?
It's almost like your body has receptors for the nutrients it needs and doesn't have them for things it doesn't.

Fuck off, nu males need to die.
Lost. 2 posts in. Gjdm
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fucking got me
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https://youtu.be/MRRkvF_2h9o WITNESS ME!!!!!!!!
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But keep at it
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>Weigh 15st (210 pounds 16)
>Try to make new friends in the summer
>Nice people but eventually get out of contact
>People in the friendship group start shipping each other
>People try to ship me with the other group fatty.
>Down to 13st (182 pounds) 18 only tried losing weight shortly before 18th birthday
>Up to date picture of the girl
My dads a paramedic and I've never got the feeling that it bothered him much besides being tired from being busy. He doesn't say much about a lot of the shit hes sees but I know for a fact hes seen a dude impaled on a sign and another crushed by sand. He doesnt even drink except for one or two during the occasional family thing.
imagine if they would've eric cartmaned you with her.
I did and it was hillarious in my head
Her sister really does look like Katy Perry.
>People in the friendship group start shipping each other
Never a good sign.
To appeal more to straight men by being feminine. Between High School and College I had a sickening amount of straight guys wanting to experiment by sticking it in my pooper. Now I'm in my late twenties, act 100% masc, and have traded the sexual attention for respect and social interaction.
>straight guys wanting to experiment
those are called gay
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Funny for everybody except for me, i don't know what shape to describe her as based on our first meet up

It wasn't bad at first since i got along with the girls and we chilled regularly and were all decent looking, not that I can have high standards anyway.

I was introduced to this one after the fact so I didn't know it could've gone so badly
Awful lot of gender assuming going on here
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Tell them to eat a box of crusty assholes. They shipped you two together thinking that you'd want someone like you, or that you already have something in common (food), or that this is your range. Deep down they did it because you and she are leftovers and nobody else wanted to take one for the team. Not that every single one of the previous reasons isn't fucking offensive on it's own. You're the group's bottom feeder in their eyes.
Seriously mate, this is offensive and you should let them know that you're not fine with it. Let us know how it turns out.
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That's a quote from M'Rodge.
>In obese people who already have metabolic damage
So you're saying I need weed and cocaine? Sold.
>You're the group's bottom feeder in their eyes.
but anon, they are.
fat people are for fetishists and other fat people.
Hes not that fat now, depending on how tall he is.
I actually did want to add
>at least he was
but then though that it would be unnecessary, for obvious reasons

So what. People who think they are getting what they deserve never improve.
patrician taste anon
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... bruh
Ok, what does it have to do with that guys friends?
He is the one who controls what he thinks he deserves and what he should be doing with his body.
Are you one of those fags that "baw everyone else is responsible for my shortcomings"?
Get tough be a leader of your own self at least.
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>Is there any gentlemen left in the world

Not after you denied the pussy pass ice queen and became a fat fuck.
>glucose also has the ability to form precipitated aggregates at particularly high concentrations
Wait, do you mean their blood vessels can literally be clogged by crystals of solid sugar?
>implying there are 5 liters left after all that displacement

Because the only open or semi-openly gay men around until quite recently were the ones who were naturally extremely feminine or the ones who were so crazy they'd actually come out of the closet in like 1970. So that became the "gay identity". Once that became the accepted gay identity, that's how people who wanted to adopt that identity acted.


It's to be annoying. Triggering is was what bara and traps are for.
And of course, she wouldn't take it as a sign to become fit and more like that 'cheerleader type', instead she'll just hate them.

Don't forget that microbes eat sugar too. So you've got dying tissue with poor circulation, and your body is pouring syrup on top to make it more attractive to pathogens.
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a feminine benis, obviously
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>tfw hashtagfatphobe
>Ok, what does it have to do with that guys friends?

That last part? Nothing.

>He is the one who controls what he thinks he deserves and what he should be doing with his body.

That sounds tumblr as fuck. The guy clearly wants better and is bothered that they tried to hook him up with a giant slug.

>Get tough be a leader of your own self at least.

I have caluses in my hands from working out. I've gone through a lot of soreness, hunger, cravings and exhaustion. I have commited great effort and have changed greatly. Now girls are miring and approach me every now and then.
I wouldn't had changed if I thought a genderless human gello was what I deserved. I thought I deserved at least a 7/10 and I was mad that I couldn't get it. Hence the change.

Whoopsie daisy, meant to quote >>41592074.
You know its bad when satan himself starts questioning it
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It's only 5 gallons ya dip
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he deserves her until he stops being fat. then at that point he is no longer fat and doesn't have to be with other fats.
>Those measurements
And just like that fullmetal alchemist is no longer my favorite anime.
>couple of strawberries
>"gotta get that fruit in there right?"
Fucking kills me everytime
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>fat as fuck
>6 kids
>cant fuck
>wants handsome man
>wants financial gibs
>carries dwarfism genes (implying yoid want to breed this, more or less fuck this)
It does this by burping
Literally what is shipping?
Is this a brit thing?
Its when you pair up two people as a couple. Its most common with people that arent real though, like characters from books and anime and shit. fags can get super butthurt when their ship (relationship) turns out not to be cannon, for example http://imgur.com/a/XKwJ4#0.
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This is who wrote that article

It's hard to feel anything when you realize you would never care about their opinion on anything
Cant even tell if its a man or a woman despite the mustache.
Listen as the preaching of Christ DESTROYS fat faggot piece of shit gluttons with this HARD PREACHING
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I like how they're unintentionally memeing white superiority.
I hope those posters are no older than 12.
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>mfw putting down three of these for dinner tonight

You guys are pathetic. Enjoy your water and steel cut oats lol.
Naruto is nearly 20 years old anon.
Imagine having no life to the point that it's an actual void, one which you fill with Naruto and Bleach. And then the show ends and your OTP didn't pan out and all you have is autistic 4chan-style rage.
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That looks fuckin gross.
Also you can live off junk food and soda and not be a total lard ass; it's about QUANTITY not quality.
At least you get something out of filling the void with lifting.
Right? Anyways yeah fat people are gross.
Isn't xe white as well? Isn't it racist for a white to assume what looks the best for people of color?
Is that satire or a shop? Holy fuck is this a thing in the US?
No it's a thing on the internet.
Serious question, why don't fat chicks just hop on Var? They don't even have to worry about pct or arimidex.

>Inb4 roid user says "t-thats now how it works"
Fuck off lol, several studies have shown steroids do 50% of the work without even working out
My country has internet too but as retarded as our lefties are, I have never seen such bullshit like in these FPH threads.
Not /pol/ as i hate that board but...

We got a black president and the left thought that meant it was the end of the white male. There has been a huge increase in all things SJW and the mentality damaged of the left got all wound up in their circle jerk of "our time is now." They literally lost touch with reality and birthed the outrageousness shown in that image.
In my opinion, general public opinion hasn't changed.

Just political activism has been extremely insane since the rise of the internet about 15 years ago, and is only getting stronger. If you look at the voting trends, people are as moderate as ever, but the problem is you have leftists going onto these internet sites and spouting all this nonsense, which is what the media sees and picks up on and tries to cater to. Then you have rightists giving their opinion, but they're immediately branded as trolls and racist and everyone ignores them. Your moderates obviously don't participate in the leftist shit, and they don't want to be labeled as racist, so they keep their mouth shut and just show up on election day.
How do you fuck a morbidly obese person.

Really, my roommate is dating a 350lb girl, idk how you do it. Is it not all just fat blocking her pussy up down there?
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What does /fit/ eat for pre-breakfast.
2 of these and a 2000 calorie proton shake. Gotta eat big
You eat two fat girls for pre-breakfast?
I basically agree, except that the general population has definitely shifted significantly left. Although not to the extreme of the loudest activists or the medias messages. Bernie would have never stood a chance 8 years ago but he likely would have slaughtered Trump had he not been fucked over by his party.

/End rant
For all that branding by the leftest media as trolls and racists and blah blah blah, that election sure swung the other way. Maybe the American people saw through the shit after all.
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I'd say a lot of that is down to Hillary basically being a bond villain while trump is just that guy whos going to demolish the community center unless the kids can win the dance competition.
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its a tumblr thing, i think it stands for relationship. its when youre watching a tv show or some shit and you think two of the characters are going to get together. you "ship" them together. really fucking stupid

f-fuck you i loved bleach it used to be my favorite anime
This looks like the last /fit/ meet.
>pull it off
not off those feet, by the looks of it
Well those people in his imgur seem really pissed off about the canon ships bleach ended on. Have fun with knowing that they fucked that up faggot.
Milk is mildly basic, not acidic. And it's not the acidity that does the damage, it's the phosphoric acid specifically that leeches calcium from your bones.
Since when does feminism care about POC or HAES?
Milk is slightly acidic, ph is 6.5-7
i would honestly fuck both

Super Saiyan Big Beautiful Woman?

Toriyama really ran out of ideas after DBZ
Just double checked, you're right, good catch.
Spilt my fucking drink.
And I would honestly fuck neither
That's the aftermath of completing Rich Piana's 8hr arm workout
"you've been fupa-duped"
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S-shut up
>Two numbah nines...
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Socialised healthcare was a mistake.
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People who defend the freedom to do with your body as you please don't really care about the freedom or safety of other people, they just want these laws so they can do whatever and whoever they want, without caring about if someone who is not responsible ends up getting hurt or worse.
enjoy your early death
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This thread isn't inspiring, its fucking terrifying.

It's a Melbourne train
>pre breakfast
the fuck? warm lemon water I guess
Rippetoe's wet dream.
just threw the junk food my mom brought me when I specifically told them not to. I am hitting 10% this time and nothing is going to stop me.
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The only time I could fathom having a coke in the morning is when I'm amazingly hungover. Is this at all common for the average ambulocetus?
Intersectionality, insyallah. Caring about one thing means you have to care about absolutely everything and can't prioritize one issue over another, but just sort of hope that everything gets fixed at once.
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Why do they add phosphoric acid to soft drinks instead of something like citric acid or vinegar? It seems like soft drinks are specifically designed to damage teeth. Does coca cola have shares in the dental care industry or something?
Only hits you the first couple of times you see gory shit. Goes away after a couple weeks.

This is the most infuriating one I've seen. Literally screamed at the TV watching that episode.
>implying they aren't just their girlfriends' beta provider while she gets fucked by tyrone every night.

> Tfw working research science in the UK
> Tfw I am making half of what the lardlords earn
> I cant even get access to the welfare bux because I'm not britbong or muslamic
Go home then pajeet
what the fuck is this

I poo in loo thank you very much
You're basically right except in the implication that the extremists are all leftists. Ignore your confirmation bias and you see that the loudest voices on both sides on the internet are extremist idiots.
Right-wing moderates face the exact same dilemma as left-wing moderates. Some choose to ignore their own extremists and just attack the other side, others get sucked into extremism themselves

And before you say that the difference is that right-wing moderates are branded racists/misogynists/etc for not being leftists, leftist moderates are called the exact same if they don't fully support these extremists (see twitter).
And right-wing extremists brandish everyone who's not on their level as a sjw cuck, a globalist, a race-traitor or just an idiot.

And unfortunately, this added exposure translates into changing public opinion and real-world consequences
I can't be laughing like this, it's only 5 AM.
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>Work in health
>Mfw getting called out to some lardass with preventable issues
>Mfw they act like fucking entitled assholes
>Mfw have to get a fucking fatvan out to pick their god damn couch potato ass up off the fucking floor with a pneumatic mattress

I hate fatty so much.
i really, really want to believe this isn't real
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>500 calorie diet
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The jews are behind it. Learn to recognize jewish names and faces, you will see them EVERYWHERE pushing bad things. They want white people gone because we're the ones who can stop them. They would rather the world be brown so they could rule over low iq brown people. A jew will tell you that you should race mix, but the same jew will not race mix.
Blacks are not usually betabux material.
No you troglodyte. He eats *out* two fat girls for pre-breakfast.
Took me a sec but goddamn.
da joooss xDDD

nah im just kidding i agree with you but ive stopped caring. RIP society im just gonna do me
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this can't be real
Poor thing, fuck dude, the makeup can't hide that fucking forehead and huge nose.
Masculinity and femininity are not "arbitrary" you retarded bitch.
>State Alchemist
>Can only turn food into blubber
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>those calves

Every cow has calves.
i crie

It's depressing, sad, and unrewarding, but damn it's easy.

she sounds almost like chris chan
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always the answer
Maybe its just the type of person I am, but when I see crazy stuff I take it as more of bragging rights than freaking me out.
At parties with more than 1 EMT we try to one up each other with the shit we have seen
I laughed tfol.
Nice get bro.
How does one decide how many s's to put on their bbw is there a metric?
go away
I like how each panel shows something more and more innocuous.

>500 calorie diet: Fair enough it's a bit excessive imo. Even you are committed to keeping healthy if you're emotionally unstable I can see why you'd hate this.
> Slimmer by next week: Again if you're committed to staying healthy, you might dislike them setting unrealistic expectations but this plan makes a point about being filling so seems pretty agreeable but there's still an implicit imperative to be thinner if you're stretching it so oh well...
>How Emma lost 7st: Well now you're starting to show some narcissism there's not anything that implies a plan it's just advertising an aspirational story about someone who made a positive change in their own eyes. But if you're under the impression weight loss is oppressive in some sense I guess there's a tenuous reason.
>Healthy recipes to shake off winter: What the fuck is there to be offended by there? No insistence on losing weight its just something encouraging enjoying food there's even a picture of a fucking cake on the magazine and a sachet of chocolate attached to the side.
How do you not understand it when it's obvious and plain on its surface. Men who can't compete against other men in the traditional hierarchy obviously prefer that the hierarchy be disregarded or destroyed. Hence "I don't have abs that's why I support the 'you don't need abs' movement"
no need to be rude, sheesh
The equivalent of what they spend on food and medical bill for a month should be enough.
I used direct language and you find that "rude?"
I would fuck the chick in this picture but she probably doesnt look like that anymore.
>glossy brown lipstick

what the fuggg
yes :(

What's the original? I want to read the insipid bullshit that landwhales try to push into the masses.
They make more than me and I went to uni
To be fair that is what they make between the two of them. They obviously get half that individually.
it's My Great Big Mamma by Olivier Ka
seems like the second part was drawn by someone else though, not in the original book
its ok brian
Grow thicker skin. Especially if you're going to post here.

Literally too many wonderful things about this to be real.

>left my vagina in a state of abject disarray
womanlets, when will they learn?
>muh rough n tough sekrit club
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>Fullmetal Alchemist tatroo
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>tfw not sure if actually girl on the left
>met gf 6 years ago
>me relatively fit
>her not necessarily fit but slim and normal
>both be bad influences on eachother with food
>both become obese as fuck
>decide to lose weight
>I've lost over 80lbs this year just by being careful of what I eat
>if anything she's gotten bigger because she has no mental fortitude when it comes to eating healthily and turns to binge eating whenever something mildly upsets her
>finding her less and less attractive not because she's fat but because of her attitude

I love her but she's so frustrating. It's not fucking hard to lose weight, just stop eating shit. I have to shout at her when we go shopping because she grabs donuts and shit like that then she gets upset and uses that as an excuse to eat later on.
Bernie would probably have faired better than Hillary against Trump, but that doesn't really speak to right v left, after all, the left wing of the DFL couldn't even beat what was probably the most right wing candidate on their slate.

Trump is not very conservative, he's a populist Centrist Jingoist who is willing to play ball with a highly conservative congress, and when he won the nomination, most Republicans didn't think "this is the strongest candidate", they thought "good gravy, we've nominated the only person Hillary could possibly beat."

Thank God she couldn't even manage that.
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Jesus Christ. Just give me the Takis, man, those are fucking awesome and I hate myself enough when I wolf down just a small big of them.
>More healthier
>what is the fucking appeal of being an unmanly man?

I asked a chick who likes to collect feminine orbiters about it the other day and she said she likes cute things. But in the end she got fucked by a rich space marine guy.
Perhaps women are stupid and don't know what they want. Perhaps they are lying because they're cunts. Perhaps they are trying to emasculate men because feel threatened/outclassed. But what is certain is that you shouldn't listen to women.
>But in the end she got fucked by a rich space marine guy.
> a rich space marine guy
>space marine
are we in warhammer now?
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>got fucked by a rich space marine
>unattractive attitude
>unattractive appearance
so you're staying with her for the memories of the good times? I know 6 years is a long one but get out while you can.
she actually has a beautiful facial structure. What a shame.
this nigger>>41598477 is not me

I know that, but they dont even try to compete. they just say "fuck it lets tear everybody down to my level so we can all be shit" instead of trying to better themselves

cant comprehend what leads a person to that line of thinking
>you shouldn't listen to women.
yeah i learned that the hard way. women always mean the complete opposite of what they say. women are evil
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Well this got a couple of responses ill address you all.
I dont think its because we have anything in common, she was FAR fatter than me in our first meet up and shes only grown exponentially since then. I think it was more, the two ugliest friends get paired together. I haven't spoken to that group in around a year, never looked back.
it depends, fat people like myself have a higher tolerance for fat in terms of attraction, but its by no means a feature anyone but true fetishists look for
I'm 5'10 so my BMI is around 26, not far off normal weight but i still want to continue to lose body fat.
I stayed the same for about a year after that, since then i've had to buy 2 new suits for college since they keep getting too big. I kinda just look back at the slug to remind me what almost happened.
I'm well on my way, but i dare say that no man deserves that monstrosity.

This picture is also from 4 years ago and shes put on weight every year. So shes around 13 in this.
Nigga, you thirsty as fuck
Ill also answer any questions
This is about someone my friends tried to set me up with and how i noped the fuck out of there. No one could be thirsty enough for this.

What else would you call a fucktall fitizen? Machosaurus? BFGuy? Kaijukin?
>an ultra Chad
>a big guy
>a goliath
>a sick cunt
any of the above probs

Too much alcohol and improper diet lead to the body stripping calcium and other minerals from bones to function leading to weakend bones. It's indirect, but it does happen.
I can't remember if it gives it a specific taste, or if it's used to process the cola.maybe both? But coke would definitely not be coke without it.
Do they say no homo between thrusts

Nutrients, faglord
That's some serious dedication
that is revolting
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You have to go back
I'm not even religious and I'd listen to this guy preach about fat people all day
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Nahh, Chad's are born, a successful attempt to make one gets a space marine
I don't get it
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she's fatter than she used to be i guess
CORRECT. Lost 24 pounds in less than two months, haven't changed my diet a bit. I just eat less of it. Still losing weight too.
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