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CBT - King of /Fit/ Reporting in

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 244
Thread images: 81

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Using old pics because soon I will unleash my shredded summer body and blow you all away. Until then. HATERS KNEEL
Good work man
lord of the lard return of the burger king
Bigger forearms faggot
what the fuck lmao
i'd rather be a dyel with nice skin than having your body with that acne
Is this really you or are you a larper using this guy's pictures?
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>using old pics

Yeah its not him guys
Like a sunburnt potato thats been left out for 3 months.
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fucking kek
not enough acne
approaching 3rd month of GSLP

Bench: 80x6
OHP: 55x6
DL: 115x7
Squat: 115x5
without angle BS
Moar of this
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You're the king? Well I didn't vote for you!
build up that core to hide those birthin hips bois

lookin v thick, keep us updated with that pasty white solid body xx
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R8 my back/farmers tan
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fake and gay. kys larpfag
>im the king of fit now
check your fucking ego
You're the mayor of the munchkin city in the county of the land of oz
Forearms too big in drawing
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6'1, 65kg, 12% bf (calipers), aiming at 2350 kcal/day currently.

Am I gonna make it?
Back looks more impressive than front. Pretty good though, maybe do more ab exercises.
172 pounds, 5'11
Currently cutting. I'm not gonna make it am I brehs?
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Im at the back flexing
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Have I made any discernible progress or should I just kill myself?

5'11 140.

[spoiler]Sorry for shitting up the thread among all these other actually decent looking human beans.[/spoiler]
2350 is bullshit, eat more; you're severely underweight. gain a pound a week and don't stop for a while.
Hook yourself up to a blood transfusion and take a butchers knife and cut off all that loose skin
Holy shit dude, good on you for getting rid of all that lard. Don't feel bad, besides I'd say you did make progress between pic 2 and 3. Just keep at it and you'll make it, do invest in plastic surgery though
Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
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60 days of my cut

How'd I do so far lads? You think in 3 more weeks I can walk around looking cut while relaxed?
I'd love to get surgery done but I'd really like to hear from someone on /fit/ that's had it done, can't seem to find anyone though.
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How much longer until I can unironically wear a stringer?
Immediately take 700mg testosterone per week, eat 3500 calories, and workout ppl every day. You'll be big in 4 months.
was his ass good?
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5'9 145lbs
Lifts at an all time high but feels, appetite, and desire to lift are at an all time low.
How do you guys stay motivated?
Dude your proportions are insane.
Fuck I'm jelly.

Start cycling bro. Become a god
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5'10'' 172lb

squat: 315 x 2 ass to grass or 295 x 5 ATG
diddly: 405x2
bench: 225x6
ohp: i don't ohp heavy but it's 115 x 10

the lighting in my bathroom is complete shit.
holy fuck can we see your glutes
4 cycles of tren
this is gonna sound weird but have you ever posted on reddit
damn mirin hard that shoulder waist ratio
Kek, even I know thats the worst way to do it.
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Nice numbers except bench. Put equal/more effort in pushing/pulling upperbody +iso's as your squats and deads.
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n-no homo?
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2 weeks into a ppl after doing a brosplit (lol) for a while. 5'8" 147 lbs.
I was benching 235/245/265 for 5/3/1 but I started focusing on squats more and maintaining my bench.
Why? I'd balance it out a bit unless you're going for the t-rex SS victim look.
because my lifts were 1/2.5/2.25/4. embarrassing
and now i love squatting :^)
holy kek

Part of me wants this in SIR's comics, but I also don't want to immortalise assholes.
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I just lol'd so hard... hahaha
being vascular and veiny doesnt = bigger. OP still lookgs stronger and bigger. yeah you look more vascular but so what.
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Idk.. You still think he is stronger and bigger lol.

are you doing EQ? these veins are absurd
You definitely look better
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What do?

Other than tattoo removal
Actually no.. In my next blast tho! been wanting to try it. And I am 5'8 short probs.
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Here is a better view of em lol.
Did jason genova teach you how to pose?
jesus fucking h christ you are legit anorexic anon, just save money for the loose skin surgery jesus man, no amount of weight loss is gonna fix that shit just start eating and lifting now so at least your upper body can look decent and non-skeletal
yeah you see OP is like 6'3
so yeah hes probably bigger and stronger.
you still look thicc as fuck tho.
Obesity to Anorexia

Eat properly or kill yourself with something other than diet for a change.
who cares, you both look fuckin groace anyway. hgh veins under roid skin make you look like walking tumors
I think I'll do 300 reps of curls per week just for the veins
if you're not juicing then don't bother asking
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5'7" 156 lbs

Lets see the summer shreds bois
Just stick with the tried and true. My diet is 100% on point tho, and owe a lot of my progress to genetics.

Someone is just jelly... LOL
>156 lbs

holy tiny
>Just stick with the tried and true
SS and GOMAD it is then

Have you had that mole checked?
Let me fuck your boipucci
It does look asymmetrical though, >>41559297
You might want to get that checked
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Mirin hard bro
you might want to get that mole checked, along with these dubs
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Thanks, that genuinely means a lot to me.
Working on it.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't have something fucked up my in head that might be called an eating disorder in that even if I lift I feel afraid to eat at or above my TDEE. I think I'll be more confident in doing so once I get surgery.
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Holy shit anon, chicks drool at an ass like that. Men too.
You are my ass idol.
Thanks for inspiring me anon. Wow.
Is that your fucking nipple showing through the tank??? Why is it your right peck but nipple is on the left????????????
How the fuck is everyone here so fucking ripped? I'm shit at this lifting thing
You have a better physique than the majority of males on the planet. Use the power of your dubs to believe in yourself and keep lifting and eating well and you WILL make it anon.
Looking mighty juicy for 148lbs. You sure you're 5'8?

It's a spot on the mirror
Kek okay that's good

Who is this?
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6ft, too scared to weigh myself because I want to believe the weight gainer is working.
Trying to get leanthicc
My dumbbells only go up to 35 lbs, so mostly everything I do is calisthenics. I'm just now starting to go to the full two scoops of serious mass, last week I only did 1 scoop a day.
you will mak e it one day brah make sure you eat but the proper foods and all that and dont give fantastic weight loss but probably lost too much, dont worry about the loose skin you've made more progress than 99.99% of fatties ever will
why does your neck always look like this
why dont you just take a normal picture
if you don't want to look like a self absorbed insecure fag, never
Gotta hit shoulders hard as fuck and you'll look good.
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>only 2 scoops

If you are American and have insurance, MANY plans cover removal of skin. Depending on previous obesity levels and bmi. Check with your carrier. Loose skin is a health issue, if bad enough, and crosses beyond plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons.
Thanks guys
As nice as it would be to roid and see how my physique turns out, I want to see where I can get naturally first. And I want to reach 2/3/4/5 before I ever even think about turning in my natty card.

Why would you need to hear from /fit/ on this issue. Talk to your insurance, see your primary care (If needed for referral) or see the plastic surgeon.

If not, many plastic surgeons do payment plans, and would maybe even do it at discount because it's not really cosmetic, is it? Your problem will be the hospital, but even they might give you a discount, based on income. Get the ball rolling anon.
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Muh dicc.
That's not what I was supposed to say.
Thanks, friend. I'm doing my best to get in as much physical activity I can every day despite being an office worker.

Really? I always assumed the cosmetic nature of it would just have insurance scoffing. That gives me some real hope, I'll start looking into surgeons around here tomorrow, probably. Thank you.
Yep, 5'8" on the dot lol

No. Now of course this is based on my experience in the insurance industry, 13ish years ago, so things may have changed. Your biggest hurdle might be if a doctor never noted your bmi.

Here's a quick article just after a simple Google search. Make sure you complain about rashes, irritation and other health issues. It is possible, depends on plan.

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>tfw cant do handstand push-ups or military press cause of injury
I used to just not work shoulders but now I do front raises, side raises, and the raises where you sit down and crouch over. Will I get decent results from that? I know it isn't optimal but it's what I got.
Well, I hate to lie about it being anything more than aesthetic, but I guess the medical industry isn't exactly the most just institution to begin with.
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kek'd and check'd

Your skin will be a HUGE fucking problem later on. It will rash, and it will fuck you up. I also wouldn't feel too guilty about lying to some mega insurance company.
You have a very clean hair line
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I can't take you seriously when you use "lol" in every god damn fucking post
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these pics hide my love handles well
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Theres gotta be at least 5 larping fags for this roid monkey
get some lats
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cut a little more and you'll look great. maybe some more chest and shoulders
bulking right now actually :)
and yea i am starting to up the volume on my pressing alot
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mirin hard anon. hope your heart and blood pressure are ok though.
How does everyone get that bottom pec shape/definition? My chest has shape from a side view and my upper chest is has shape but the bottom just looks like there is no muscle. Is it just a body fat thing?
lookin solid.
keep it at that pace and you'll make it for the summer season
Hit some back extra solid for dat dere v-taper and you'll be able to get some head nods.
literally blessed genetics.
shoulder to waist ratio is godly.
I'm 5'8 and 150 pounds and just had 3 scoops of protein in my shake it was 72 grams of protein. I feel sick now, am I gonna wake up feeling super sick? pls /fit/ the sticky did not answer my question and I have nowhere else to ask
all the anons in other threads think i'm shitposting but im not, I just don't know if I had too much
please /fit/ what do I do? my stomach feels weird, and I feel a little nauseous
just puke if you feel sick, make up for it by eating smth light and mix in ur protons w/ it
am i really the only one who doesn't find this appealing.
like, i'm not trying to put you down, this is totally my opinion, but i really don't dig the high shoulder:waist ratio. it just looks alien.
Yeah, imo a more thick, solid, tight core would make him look way better. Not knocking him on his progress though.
lmao this nigga is so top heavy he gets knocked over by winds. nigga falls over when you play touch football. nigga half bodybuilder half little girl.

it legitimately looks photoshopped and I'm a little creeped out.
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R8 me and my bf
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Meme chest gap but what can ya do
I kek'd
Work the legs. Fuck every time I see a decent upper body I look right at the legs. I'm disappointed 99% of the time.
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need to cut
>you will never be a pretty faggot in a speedo w a bf
kill me
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Trying to cut about 5 more lbs. Not sure if I wanna get too lean though as sorta happy with the way I look.
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contest prep?
Eat anon, you'll feel and look better once you fill up a bit. Don't forget to lift and cardio

You have ovaries tatooed on your back?
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98,2kg to 94,0kg

You have a handsome face but fuck that second picture makes you look like a total fucking mong.
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189cm / 95kg

Lifting is fun
Maybe you should look at the body. That's the idea of this thread.

I can send you more of my bulking face so you can jerk off to them.

And sorry for my bad English.
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What body fat is the lad on the right? I am very similar to him, but I find my own body fat very hard to judge.

>get some head nods
Gotta get lean for them head nods

Lol thanks man, I got a deadline. Got a festival coming up in a month so I got high expectations as far as leaning down goes.
Who gives a fuck? Upper body is all anyone's looking at, except for autists on /fit/
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5'11 168 in the morning
Still got a few pounds to lose for summer
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22 years old, 6'1", 216lbs
Yuuuge as fuark bro
What u running?
i'm on TRT from my doctor at 150mg a week, and i got EQ from a rejuvination clinic for joints that i use at 200mg a week. And sustanon at 350mg a week.
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4 months since I started working out seriously used to do it last summer but not seriously put on 14 kilos in the past 4 months

1,68m , 61 kgs
>I can send you more of my bulking face so you can jerk off to them.
Pls do.
>before heroine
>after heroine
Dude you look sick- as in actually sick, that doesn't look healthy. The veins in your arms look like they're wrestling and about to explode. How many foreign substances are you pumping into your body?
Mirin Chad upper body, i really should get back to the gym
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Joocy Manlet
You look bad bro. Like you're being reckless and have no idea what you're doing, like Craig Golias but small. You don't need to be a chef to now the like is bad.
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its getting decent, chest and core could be better
what the fuck is up with 4chan raping the quality?
fuck you
also dont do shoulders/back anymore
skipped arm day
i work arms in some periods every other day, and some periods i just add in bi's on back day and tri'c on chest day and then an extra day for arms, guess i just have shit arm genetics
I'm gonna get big thicc and strong, just wait
Meh, my legs have always always been pretty small, I'm probably going to give smolov a shot and hope it brings my squat up.
>fuck you
after what?
You look worse
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forgot to add a leg pic
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6'3 195 lbs
Gonna just cut until I get abs.
Ordered clen to help get rid of this former fatty gut
Wtf I'm gay now.
How well is that EQ working for you? I have some joint/tendon issues from my time in the service
i recognize those flabby tits, do you post on /soc/? lol!
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6'3" 196lbs
6 days till beer season starts
What is the thread called?
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6' 175lbs

Am I summer ready?
it's always funny how fast manlets start looking better
I think you need to cycle for a few years dude.
Good inserts get rid of that gut and you could be otter
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I've been lifting on and off since I was 16.

For the past three years, I have been in the gym 4-5 days a week.

Since January, I have been in the gym 6 days a week. Religiously. In Novemeber I had balooned to 174lbs, now I'm around 155lbs. 5'7".

Honestly, I feel totally fucking defeated. My diet is excellent, I lift 6 days a week. I do HIIT a couple times a week, not always though. And this is what I fucking look like.

Its pretty devastating to lift as much as I do and watch skellys and DYEL achieve more progress in their first 6 months ever lifting.

I honestly dont know what to do anymore other than find a legit personal trainer and roid.

OHP: 125x8
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Should I just resign myself to the fact I need to cut down to 140-145 and be a tinyfag forever
jesus dude wear some sunscreen
Have you tried lifting?
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Have you tried reading posts?

I've probably been lifting for longer than 90% of this board. I got tested in January and had low test but not low enough for TRT.
three years of dedicated training does NOT look like that. hire a professional; i'm guessing you train hard but without a goal and so your progress is fucked. for now, cut own to 10% while maintaining your lifts (sacrifice volume if necessary to keep weight on the bar) then slow bulk for literally a year plus on a professionally built intermediate powerbuilding program.
I worked at a gym for a bit and half the trainers got their certification from the internet

Is there a way to find serious trainers easily? Im moving to a totally new area
Why my dude
you look fine ignore that pleb definitely summer ready by normie standards
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Tfw no abs
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More normal stance
built like a fucking fridge

also use this on tinder y/n? i'm left
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doesn't matter what you use, they will see you IRL and know you're a facelet
>he fell for "abs will develop from compunds" meme
Haha have fun getting fat chasing those numbers.
Anon my sides
Dude hop on test,dont suffer like this.
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I struggle between being DYEL af and getting fat so I've been eating on maintenance.


More compounds. Lift heavier
This is the body I want
Long torso for a manlet
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how am i doin
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Currently on cut. 15% bf, getting it to 10%
cardio + deficit
hi bubbie
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>tfw got 205lb OHP today
Congrats on erect dicc mode

lol bruh that level of vascularity comes from one thing and it isn't curls
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R8, and does it look like I have gyno from this pic?
what the actual fuck do you do nothing besides shrugs and OHP

you are disproportionate as fuck kek
5'8 145 lbs
lookin good my man
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Yeah you need to do something about your pecs. It's not bad yet, but I can definitely see some gyno starting to form.

Otherwise you look kind of boney but bulding bigger pecs could help with the overall impression

pls rate and give a bf% guess, sorry for bad pic, I hate taking pics of myself
After my cut, i think I'd look like you
Why does everything else belong on a 6 foot man while the legs should be on a 7 foot giant.
routine? I'm a 80kg skinny fag, 187cm, HUGE bubblebutt, top is narrow. I think your routine would fit me. I did candito for 6 months before.
oh my god your wrists are tiny lmao
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Cutting again atm
legs are way more devloped, he has like bodybuilding champ legs with impressive but not top tier upper body.
not the best pic but what bf do you reckon i am?
either that a really bad pose or you really need to work your core bro
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forgot pic
How? i think he would look alright if he cuts
just like the old, fat, ugly women in that one fb screencap hatin on the asian chick, lmao.
>i'm not trying to put you down, this is totally my opinion
yeahh sureee, fuck off back to reddiit, ur just mad he got better genes than u lmaooooo uggo
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Lifting for 3-4 years, however not very consistently, also with pretty shitty diet and pretty unhealthy amount of alcohol and drugs (work was bartender).

22 years old
150kg dead
110kg squat
82.5kg bench

I agree with him, the ratio is too extreme right now. That said, if he fills out his core a bit he will look godly.
My stats are the same but you look much better than me. Mirin'.
how can I become so thicc?
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