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How many ways can /fit/ serve broccoli? Bonus points for

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How many ways can /fit/ serve broccoli? Bonus points for not cooking it
Whats wrong with just eating it raw? Am I missing nutrients?
Raw is probably the best way if strictly looking at nutrients. Vegetables vary in their bioavailability when being cooked.
Only 1 cup of mayo?
Asparagus is better. 27 % protein, when broccoli just has 20%.
Alright guys chef here.

I'm not going to give measurements because we all know you're going to fuck it up to fit your macros or sate your cravings for shit you can't have.
>inb4 ketofags

You're gonna need broccoli, carrots, apples, red quinoa, cashews/peanuts, a little bit of olive oil, your favorite dressing (preferably a white), and salt and pepper.
-cook that quinoa
-optionally blanche the broccoli and carrots
-cut the broccoli into smaller heads, roughly 1/4 inch in size
-cut the carrot in half lengthwise, then diagonally down each half so you end up with nice sliver deals (batonett)
-cut the apple into 1/4 inch slices and cut each slice into 3 pieces
-crush the nuts up or don't I don't care
-add the veggies and fruit to a bowl and toss with oil
-add the quinoa, nuts, and dressing
-mix it all up
-salt and pepper to taste

You can add hardboiled eggs to this as well if you can't control yourself enough to include this into a meal.
Do you want your cum to taste like shit? Don't give her/him a reason to not suck your cock. Not gay but this is /fit.
It's better to eat activated broccoli
Could I toss some in a fruit smoothie without tasting it?

Just eat it raw like raw chicken, muh nigga.
All dem Gaines.
hmm, gonna try this one next week, also i add rosemary and couple garlic cloves (i break them first) to my olve oil bottle, so it has that subtle taste of rosemary and garlic
Does it lose nutrients if I boil it?
Kek I don't know why I laughed.
I've been preparing my broccoli raw how gordon ramsey does in the video, it's pretty tasty and not too high in calories.

He starts preparing the broccoli at around 4:08.
His daughter is also kind of cute.


Don't boil broccoli, because it does lose nutrients, either eat them raw or steam them for 2-3 minutes. The article goes more in depth about cooking broccoli tho.
Steaming causes the exact same effect as boiling. It does not matter how you heat the broccoli, the enzymes mentioned in that article are destroyed either way.

>0.27g vs 0.20g protein per 100g

Who the fuck eats broccoli for protein? Not even vegans do it, only specially retarded vegans.
If you only steam it for 1 min it doesn't.

I chop up about 4oz of it along with 4oz of sweet potato and cook it in a pan with 1tbsp of olive oil and lightly season it with salt.
That's blatant misinformation. I went to school for this shit. The enzymes take time and heat to break down, take one of those away and the other is doing less damage. 2-3 minutes is a safe zone for fresh produce, if it's not right off the field 1-2 minutes is fine. Basically blanche your shit.
No protein / 10

I get plenty of protein in the rest of my diet. That's just something to tide me over till my next meal.
>Not sprouting your own broccoli from seeds for those sweet sweet Sulforaphane nootropic gains
>Making it
Eat them with chad's cummies of course
>1:43 I think she had a stroke. Nothing made sense for like 10 seconds kek
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I just boil it in a big pot or lightly fry it on the grill when Im making steak and add a little salt to it
but eating it raw is hands down the best way to eat it
I think I just had a revelation about my sub-par diet, I'll add this video to my list for when Im losing motivation
quesiton is, how much broccoli should you be eating in 24 hours?

microwave, and after add some mustard powder to produce more sulphorophane.
Steaming, Im a lazy cunt so I figured out a way to cook a proper meal really fast.

3 sweet potatoes and a handful of broccoli in a microwave safe conttainer, open lid slightly in 1 corner so steam can get out. 6 mins on 750w. In those 6 mins I fry my chicken breast.

Bam nutritious ass meal in under 10 mins
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this video made me sad
Why do you homos need to prepare broccoli? Broccoli is my favorite vegetable, I always just tore it off the stock, washed it and ate it raw.

If I'm feeling fancy, I might douse it in olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette

>cup of mayo and half a cup of sugar in a salad

Kek what the fuck, she also can't get through three words without running out of breath this is so sad
I intended to buy broccoli today but the stuff was $3/lb with half the thing being an inedible stalk.

Is it okay to break the stalk off in the store? Or do I have to pay for this thing I'm going to chop off?
What kind of a fucking beta are you, just break off the stock if you do not want it. Who gives a fuck what others think?

You can eat stalk tho, its actually not bad
she can't even finish a mening without being out of breath wtf
In the real world, there are such things as customs, mores, and faux pas.

Your alpha/beta dichotomy has no traction outside of 4chan.
>In the real world, there are such things as customs, mores, and faux pas.
>Your alpha/beta dichotomy has no traction outside of 4chan.
Not so fast, famalam

you can also run your broccoli through a grater or blender and wait 40min for maximum sulfurophane production.


Sulfurophane kills the shit out of cancer cells in a petri dish, and a couple human studies have been done showing it does the same when actually in your body.

Time to make activated broccoli soup.

The stem is totally edible and has the same nutritional value as the florets
I roast those fuckers, and do the same with all cabbage-like produce.
Freeze it and blend it in smoothies. Or just blend it up raw and sprinkle it over shit so you don't have to chew raw brocolli
Are you retarded? Dice that stem up and steam it with carrots and onions, BAM you now have a vegetable mix to throw in you rice you uncultured fuck.
my wife steams it and adds seasoning with grilled chicken breast and jasmine rice
also some black beans taste good with it to
It's trying to act like a human but it quickly runs out of breath by just talking
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