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Who wins in a real fight and why? Worlds strongest man Brian

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Who wins in a real fight and why?

Worlds strongest man Brian Shaw, or UFC fighter Jon Jones?
jon jones would rape him
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Bones will fucking murder him. Like, he could literally kill him and Shaw wouldn't be able to defend himself.

You delusional fucks need to go to a boxing gym and spar or a BJJ gym and roll around with people that know their shit. It's an incredibly humbling experience.
Brian weighs 420 pounds, end of story, weight classes exist for a reason.
Jon Jones, I mean he's a light heavyweight and pretty strong in his own right, plus very skilled.

Now if it was Shaw vs. Demetrious Johnson, I'd say Shaw.
Nope. Bones would gas him.
weight classes exists for fighters. brian is not a fighter and would get murdered by even a large welterweight
Brian Shaw probably has the strongest neck on the planet, his torso and organs are covered by a 20-inch layer of muscle and fat. Brian would fucking crush that niglet.
kek I see what you did there
In a UFC fight? Jon Jones
In a prison fight? Brian Shaw
>in a real fight

shaw, shaw and shaw again. one's a great UFC fighter with good genetics, the other is a genetic freak

us 'delusional fucks' are not 6'8 and >400 lbs with a heavy frame
brian will be tired in 20 seconds
A real fight doesn't have rules. Shaw would overwhelm him with strength, he could gouge Jon's eyes out or kick him in the balls when he's down
Jon can't do anything to stop that.
you never watched a strongman competition, have you?
what a retard

the difference between Shaw and Jones is like the difference between a full grown adult male and a 120lb woman fighter.
Shaw would just Brock Lesnar him Jon Jones only hope would be to break his arm or leg then again idk how strong you'd have to be to break out of an armbar from Jon Jones with just pure strength
except it isnt. shaw is just a fat retard who can't fight.
you're obviously the size of a little girl
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stay salty my man
lel and you stay a bruce lee-wannabe twig
clearly the fighter, the guy who is optimized for fighting
sorry that you being a fatass won't help you in a fight, buddy
>who would win in a fight? A man that trains to lift heavy stuff or a man that trains to win fights
gee i wonder
As someone who has wrestled, done bjj, mma, and easily hits 1/2/3/4 (not that big if an accomplishment) brian shaw would kill anybody 200 lbs lighter than him. He isn't just big, he is strong, surprisingly flexible and has good cardiovascular health.

The two are in entirely seperate leagues.
8 years muay thai and BJJ here.

You guys really need to take a step back and realize that you dont know shit about fighters. The difference in timing/technique/power(and utlilization of power) means 1000x more than the weight difference, specifically against an untrained fighter, which is this instance matters even less since jones is a relatively tall and lanky dude. The assumption that Shaw could beat him is implying that he could even touch him before jones knocks him the fuck out.
Im not saying Shaw isnt a genetic freak, and im not saying that theoretically he couldnt rip someones arms off, but in this argument, he stands ZERO shot. Maybe against a 165lber in the UFC where the stat difference is tremendous, but not against a light heavy.
You people are goddamn deluded if you think jones wins that fight, I follow mma religiously and have done martial arts myself, of course I'm no authority on the matter but a size discrepency this big is just too much. Jones wouldn't win because shaw simply out muscles him, that and Jones has absolutely no stopping power to speak of, he couldn't KO a child.
i currently compete and i think you're full of shit. were you that bad that you couldn't win against bigger guys in sparring?
You are so damn wrong, it hurts to read your truly retarded post.
What a load of horse shit, if you were honestly a wrestler and not just an Estatter you would know how important leverage and technique is. Whenever we get a bigger dudes who are physically fit, we regularly put them against manlets. Its humbling
with no prior notice I honestly think Jones would win

with 24 hours of basic MMA coaching Shaw would win
brian shaw isn't some "big dude" you retard, he's a monster.
hey fatass, just because you squat 4 plates doesnt mean youre a tough guy. that manlet who shadow boxes while youre sweating out your bacon grease would rek your shit so hard.
You obviously dont know what you are talking about

Did you see the CrossFit guy and Shaw workout together, the CrossFit guy did well in lifting and when Shaw did CrossFit he broke the rowing machine record
Monsters come and go in MMA gyms but that doesn't prevent anyone from tapping them out.
God damn /fit/ you fucks have reached a new level of delusion. No amount of "NECK MUSCLE" or "BIG CORE" will protect you from a clinical shot to the chin, or a knee to the kidney. Jones is a trained killer (and a strong one at that) who practices how to kill people every day.
Shaw is a genetic freak beast who eats donuts and picks up heavy things. He doesnt stand a fucking chance.
shaw isn't a powerlifter, the intensity of his conditioning work is absurd, you don't know shit about the sport of strongman.
jon jones
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First of all, I'm like a cross between a shadowboxing manlet and a powerlifting manmore, I am a hybrid and therefore unstoppable. Second, here is former heavyweight champion Fabricio Werdum next to Shaw:

I mean, please, let's be real. Jones is fantastic fighter, but he is DWARFED på shaw, plus the fact that he cannot knock out shit.

a "big dude" in your pathetic gym is probably any 180lb faggot slightly above ottermode.
>8 years muy bueno and BlowJobJobs
He could literally tear his arms out of their sockets and crush his ribcage in three seconds. Also good luck punching Shaw in that fucking bowling ball tier dome.
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muh weightclasses
Brian Shaw would win because he would take his dick out and start busting nuts around him on the ground so if jon tried to advance toward him he would get stuck in the busted nut, then Shaw would stick his own dick up his ass and ejaculate for dat instant test boost increasing his strength by 10x and jon jones would try to tap out but he would realize it's not UFC so he would just lay there spread eagle with his ass cheeks peeled apart with his hips DRAHVIN on their own until the gym employee comes over and tells them both not to fuck in the squat rack
Jon Jones
>600lb sumo deadlift
>Insane martial artist, high level of conditioning, very explosive

Brian Shaw
>1021lb deadlift
>Worlds strongest man, high level of conditioning, very explosive

It's pretty clear that pound for pound Jon Jones is a better fighter, but in a fight Shaw would easily win.
Shaw would never catch him, he doesn't know how to move or throw and he's slow. and Jon would use his speed, range, cardio, and longer reach to pick him apart. Jon Jones is the king of eye pokes ffs

A 400lbs Shaw is slow. There's a reason super heavyweight boxers don't try get as big as possible. a 210lbs David Haye beat up a 300-something lbs 7ft Nikolai Valuev.. Nikolai Valuev can box to a world class level.

Anyone who thinks Shaw with a couple of martial arts classes has a chance is an idiot. Jon eye pokes the shit out of everyone. He'd blind him, bust him up, strangle him if he wants. He'd literally kill him
I approve this message.
youre dumb as shit
Bones could literally drag him down and put his dick in his mouth
Jones wins and makes it look easy
You've never seen Maruisz pudzianowski fight, have you?
that guy is just obese
Here's a video of pudz getting beat up against an old Tim Sylvia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYiFEVLaVKw

Jones took down DC and DC would throw heavyweights around like a child. Jones would destroy some untrained strongman. Untrained people are hilariously bad at fighting. There are so many videos of untrained giants fighting and losing against small guys. And there are several videos of top strongman sparring and getting their asses kicked by small fighters. Plus in a streetfight Jones would pop out anyone's eyes in the first three seconds. Good luck fighting someone after getting Pai Mei'ed
Holy fuck..
Why the fuck would you voluntary go to the ground when you have the weight advantage and know jack-shit about grappling ?

the blob is retarded

Vid related

Shaw would win. Brute force tops technique when it becomes overwhelming.
>that little punch conor hits

toplel what a manlet bitch
Don't think this is a great example. If you're buddy boxing like these guys, the monster always wins. But when it comes to an all out fight that you'd run into on the street, McGregor could go immediately for the jaw. Even to someone the size The Mountain, one direct punch with technique would do a lot of damage, Head is always the weak spot.
That's retarded
No fuck you
You're a dumb cunt if you think a fighter can take on someone that big with just technique
I've been doing every martial art for 20 years and I know I'm right. You should see big guys like that in my gym. Humbling
>big guys like that

see >>41509930
If size is so important how did Ice Age Manlets btfo mammoths?
who would win:

>10 Brock Lesnars


>an Haitian drug dealer with a loaded AK-47
I'm on your side. When I used to do BJJ I was deadlifting like 305@140lbs so I was small weight-wise, and no amount of technique could stop my buddies (220lb rugby player with 1/2/3/4+, and 180lb bodybuilder with 1/2/3/4+) from overpowering me. They would just brute force their way out of everything; even the coach couldn't really do anything (he was probably around 160lbs) because these guys were just too strong and they had great cardio so they could always keep up. The rugby guy was also sweaty all the time so that didn't help in no-gi situations since he could just slip out of any holds
the guy is multiple time superheavyweight boxing champion
Brock Lesnars. Haitians can't fire straight
Jones by whatever he wants.

Seriously guys, Jon Jones has spent years training to beat guys who've trained for years. He's on a totally different level.

Brian Shaw wouldn't even know how to counter the kind of shit Jones would throw at him. How do you defend a heel hook from a world-class submission grappler when you don't even know the difference between an armbar and a kimura?

How do you knock out a genuinely skilled guy when nobody's ever taught you how to throw a decent punch? How do you even TOUCH a guy that good?

Anybody who thinks that pure strength can beat a guy like Jon Jones is deluded. Jones might not be a world class strength athlete, but he's fucking strong. He's not someone a 400lb untrained dude can put away with a pure show of brute force.
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Lol what the fuck do you think Shaw is gonna do to him? He couldn't even touch Jones. Jones would kick his knees for 5 minutes until he could barely stand, poke his eyes and go for the finish. And then if that slow fuck magically grabbed him, he'd probably get armbarred or slept with some other submission.

You need more than good genetics to be one of the greatest MMA fighters of all time
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>implying MememeA isn't just marketing
>Inb4 the bodybuilder vs BJJ video

There is a two hundred pound weight difference. Shaw is the size of a female grizzly bear and still has good relative strength, excellent relative strength actually. If Bones scores a hit early on to the jaw and it's a ko, then yeah but the moment Shaw gets his hands on him, he will get crushed like a fucking Caprisun being thrown against a brick wall. I almost always agree with strength being less important than skill but this is an exception. I'm also sure that Brain has been in fights in his life, everybody wants to challenge the big guy. He might've even done some martial arts before.

You're so fucking wrong. I bet you never trained in a MMA gym.

Fighting gasses you the fuck out. It's a different breed than regular anarobics. Legit Marathon runners have a hard time catching their breath doing this
>Armbaring a guy who can dumbell fly your body weight
Go train.
I'm totally serious, go train at any BJJ gym, and see how well you do.

I thought MMA was bullshit too, until I started training. Now, I know how tough those dudes are.

Literally the shittiest dude (non-CM Punk) on the UFC roster could push your (and my) shit in effortlessly.

It's a big world out there.
You think an elite athlete couldn't overpower a single arm with his ENTIRE body?
Bro, Brian Shaw could curl more than Jon Jones deadlifts. He'd basically be the greatest fighter on Earth, if he wasn't so busy winning at Strongman.

Martial Arts are for beta males

You are 100% right this thread is basically mixed between guys who actually train martial arts and have been in fights vs guys who don't know how important skill level is

Jones is literally a GOAT and he's 6'4 with a stupidly long wingspan He would knock Shaw out from across the room
Not me
Brain is also using his entire body. He could probably wear Jon Jones like a boxing glove and punch his head into the mat.
He can bicep curl 600 pounds? Amazing

Weight in animals isn't comparable. 125 pound chimps are as strong as 225 pound men and bears have claws and can bite through a human femur.
Humans are animals, dumbass
If you actually think Jon Jones weighs 205lb you don't know anything about fighting.
>MUH I spent years of my life doing useless martial arts so its time to sperg.

Shaw would tear that niglet apart.
>a guy who will gas out almost immediately, is very slow, and has no technique vs a guy who can take your back in 2 seconds and ride you like a backpack
gee i wonder
Jones powerlifts in the off season

He's ridiculous strong despite his lankyness I doubt Shaw can curl in the mid 500s
t. clueless /asp/ie

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Please go back to /pol/ you stupid fuck. I hope your daughter gives you mulatto grandkids
I would love to see Brian Shaw even throw a punch, I'd imagine it's rather slow. Not to mention his range of motion is completely fucked because of how big he is. I don't see how his physique is good for fighting at all.
His heart has to pump blood to all 400 pounds of his body, I imagine he'd be exhausted almost immediately. There are UFC fighters who weigh only 265 and train for this every day of their lives who gas out after half a round. I think Jon would just have to evade grappling, spam leg kicks, and wait. Eventually take his back in the 2nd or 3rd round and RNC him.
>Not noticing obvious sarcasm
keep doing your kung fu, shitter.
You are just ignorant man. And I think WWE is nonsense, I'm surprised you're accusing me from being from /asp/ when you're the one that thinks all you have to do to win a fight is be strong with no technique lol.
Shaw could literally just fall on him during any kind of BJJ from Jones and Jones would be stuck
People just want to delude themselves with the thought of being able to take somebody stronger than them with muh martial arts. Keep hitting those mcdojos, fags.
Nobody in this thread has ever even seen someone as big as Shaw before, let alone fought them; all of your opinions are irrelevant
You can take the back standing
I'm not really into MMA; what does that mean?
You are obviously emotionally invested in this, but you should actually join a jiu jitsu or kickboxing gym when you are less insecure.
>All this posturing from both sides
that dominican whore really live very good
Looks like somebody is projecting.
who wins in a farmer walk/tireflip/whatever strongmen do and why?

Worlds strongest man Brian Shaw, or UFC fighter Jon Jones?

Hey guys who's gonna have a better time in a marathon, a marathon runner or Phil Heath?
Who's more likely to win a bodybuilding competition between Dorian Yates and Cristiano Ronaldo?
Gee i fucking wonder
I'd give Jones the edge although he could get overpowered, he has great reach, hits hard, depends how well Shaw could take a punch or elbow in the face
oh shit he can row
depends really
I wish they'd do a close in version of the ufc

half the cage size, no weight classes, all blows allowed (including bites and stamps to the head) and let the fun commence

the ufc sold out so hard
Well one trains to fight and the other trains to pick heavy things up and put them down again.
you're just mad there's a legion of manlets who can wipe the floor with you
>People just want to delude themselves with the thought of being able to take somebody who trains with muh strength. Keep cutting those carbs, fags.

What a useless fucking statement.
And even if they could the last 5 Brock Lesnars could hold up the bodies of the first 5 and use them as meat shields.
MMA is a combat sport - its not meant for street fights. It has some applications but you'll get fucked 9/10 times anyways. OPs pic is the result of a delusional MMA fag in a street fight
>I can't believe I actually agreed to go skydiving
>Oh jeez, I'm really getting on a plane
>Oh my god, oh my god oh my god, my adrenaline is pumping and my stomach is churning
>They opened the hatch! I'm really going to do this!
>The wind is blowing and my knees feel weak
>Jon Jones just threw me out of the plane! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!

Meanwhile, Jon Jones:
>Wow, how time flies! I suppose I only have time for one more song before my scheduled fight.
>For my 22nd victorious fight against a trained professional, I suppose I'll listen to some rap music on my iPod
>Ahhhhhh, I feel confident and ready to take on the challenge that is presented to me.

An unprepared meathead would get cold feet if it were in a cage or on the street.
in a streetfight it's 95% aggression at the least
I've seen huge guys get sent to hospital with a broken bottle in their eye and half their face missing by dudes half their size
Has nobody seen Nogueira vs Gary Goodridge?

Or any of Bob Sapp's fights against the Japs in PRIDE?

Jiu jitsu will win
Jon Jones would murder this guy because Jones would threaten to suck all the testosterone out of Brian Shaw, and Brian Shaw would be like "NO I'MMA ZUK YO DIK FORREAL" then Jones would run around screaming "ILL FUKN REK U SCRUB I SWER" until Brian Shaw stopped curling in the squat rack
This post makes me moist.
Hmm. Great question actually. Could Jones get Shaw's back and submit him before Shaw lands a punch? mayb. Could he out-jab him? Without doubt.
The thing is Shaw is so fucking big I don't know what these punches would do to him and how hard his own punches are.

If u had chosen a bigger MMA-fighter, let's say Miocic, Overeem, Werdum or Ngannou I would bet against Shaw every time.
Ok, the more I think about it I would bet on Bones
I've always wondered where the strength limit is for the fighting mismatches. For those who are saying Jones would win, what weight MMA fighter would Shaw win against? If you think Shaw would win, then what's the strongest/biggest untrained person Jones could win against?
he could probably win against most welterweights
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Jon Jones is one of the greatest MMA fighters of all time, and he's about 230lbs before he starts cutting to make 205

Shaw would be very quickly cut up with elbows, have his knees hyperextended, and probably get taken down, mounted, and pounded out with elbows

I bet most guys here have never ever seen a guy that weights more than 300lbs and who is in shape. You have 0 clue how strong Shaw, a 400 pounder can be.
I think specifically jon jones has a great chance at winning. Bones is like what, 6'4 and is a strategic fighter.

Watch the old UFC. Scrawny twinks were beating up beefy men. A fighter today weighing 170 will be more than capable than Royce Gracie was back then

I was going to post this video because it shows alot.

People often equate big with slow, because most big guys are fat and out of shape. Brian Shaw is a gigantic mountain of muscle, born with an extremely efficient and explosive neuromuscular system.

If Brian Shaw decides to pull average Joe's arm with full force, he'd shatter fucking bone. Even a highly trained athlete at 205 would suffer torn ligaments from that punishment.

The second the fight would turn into a grapple, Shaw could kill him.

People often forget that MMA and Boxing are sports. Ask any experienced athlete from either sport, and they will tell you: Translation into real world fighting/combat situations is extremely limited. Very few fighting disciplines actualy focus on real world combat, and the ones that do are extremely mean and dirty.

And for those of you who think that knocking out a guy like Shaw is easy for anybody, take a good long look at his neck and traps again. Now imagine that giant man foaming at the mouth with rage, running right at you. Now imagine you trying to punch him in the face. 420lb of raging muscle flying at you at 15+mph. Throw a punch at that and you will break your hand. This is why bare-knuckle boxing isn't done anymore in places where people are sane.

I have nothing but respect for both athletes, but that doesn't change the fact that Shaw is basically the closest thing on earth to an actual Hulk.
are you tom kelly
he doesn't have to punch him in the face

I guaran fucking tee that if Jon Bones Jones did an imanari roll, he could heel hook Shaw and rip his knees in half one by one
This. Even I'd beat up Jon Jones is a real fight cause I'd poke out his fucking eyes
Bob Sapp AT HIS HEAVIEST was 329 lbs. Shaw has almost 100lbs on him.
>I was going to post this video because it shows alot.
>People often equate big with slow, because most big guys are fat and out of shape. Brian Shaw is a gigantic mountain of muscle, born with an extremely efficient and explosive neuromuscular system.
>If Brian Shaw decides to pull average Joe's arm with full force, he'd shatter fucking bone. Even a highly trained athlete at 205 would suffer torn ligaments from that punishment.
>The second the fight would turn into a grapple, Shaw could kill him.
>People often forget that MMA and Boxing are sports. Ask any experienced athlete from either sport, and they will tell you: Translation into real world fighting/combat situations is extremely limited. Very few fighting disciplines actualy focus on real world combat, and the ones that do are extremely mean and dirty.
>And for those of you who think that knocking out a guy like Shaw is easy for anybody, take a good long look at his neck and traps again. Now imagine that giant man foaming at the mouth with rage, running right at you. Now imagine you trying to punch him in the face. 420lb of raging muscle flying at you at 15+mph. Throw a punch at that and you will break your hand. This is why bare-knuckle boxing isn't done anymore in places where people are sane.
>I have nothing but respect for both athletes, but that doesn't change the fact that Shaw is basically the closest thing on earth to an actual Hulk.
Heavier weight classes often have much less active fights since it takes more energy to move more mass around harder. Flyweights are going full throttle for 5 rounds. Eventually most fights are going to end on the ground where every ufc fighter has training. An armbar works because the leverage you have is far more than is possible to muscle against. Can you one arm fly anything close to bodyweight, let alone someone else pressing against you?
why the fuck did you quote the entire thing
>jiu jitsu would win
You mama faggots are all the same
>Muh technique
You people would say Bruce Lee could wipe the floor with the Incredible Hulk. At what size does technique not matter? At some point, size has to overcome all skill in the world, so, what is that breakpoint? I think Brian Shaw having 200lbs on Jon Jones is a massive advantage. Its certainly not 100% in favor of shaw, but if shaw ever got ahold of jon it would certainly be over.
Jones fights people for a living. He knows what to do and what not to do against certain opponents, so why would he allow himself to get grabbed by Shaw? Jones trains to avoid being grabbed by guys way quicker and more coordinated than Shaw.

This is: Emmanuel Yarborough - 882 pounds MMA Fighter. I think the tactic from this guy was....fall off the opponent and wait 2 min TKO after this.
That's what those faggots don't get. One big hit by Shaw and the fight is over.
He said 'real fight' not MMA match. Plus Jones is a coke head.
I hope now its works :(
Tim Sylvia weight: 266
Marius Pudz weight: 262

Not the same comparison.
Also don't forget that McGregor in his first fight with Diaz underestimated how hard it was to fight a 'bigger' man and Diaz is only naturally 20lbs heavier than Conor.

Highly trained fighters are obviously great great fighters and can overcome a lot, but Shaw is like literally 2x bigger than Jones.

It's an insane difference and Shaw is packing mostly muscle
A real fight?
He's already good at poking people in the eyes and doing it in a way subtle enough to get away with it in competition.
If he really wanted to gouge out someone's eyes, he would no problem.
Jon Jones is actually half hedgehog. That means he is half human and half hedgehog. Jon Jones also knows how to get all the chaos emeralds. That means Brian Shaw would have no chance against Jon Jones because Jon Jones would go super Jon Jones, and Brian Shaw's defeat would be nothing personnel kid.
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>he quoted the entire thing
Butterbean actually has a few submission wins and probably figured he could muscle his way to victory.
He's a boxer first and foremost and I agree he should have stayed standing though.
Jon Jones should have lost a decision to Gustaffson. Cormier does pretty decent against him too.

You act like Jones is a magic ninja. There are only a few very limited submissions that will work with there is a significant gap in strength.

You do not realize how MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE 200 POUNDS IS.

Do you think a 90lb gymnast could submit Ronnie Coleman in his prime?

Virtually impossible. Jones probably won't even be able to get leverage against Shaw and Shaw will straight overpower most techniques.

Again we're not talking about a 200lb guy vs a 250lb guy. Or even 300lb. Or even 350lb. We're talking about a 200lb guy against a 400lb champion strong man.
He walks around at 230. Also Shaw has been at least as high as 430 so it's still a 200lb game.
240lbs vs 350lbs max, according to stats.

So again, you're only 50% of the way there.
Brian Shaw would be like that gorilla that rips a baby impala to death and eats it alive.

Little Bones Jones would be clinging for dear life while Shaw tears pieces of him off to eat.
FYI, Pudzianowski had been competing in MMA for 5 years when this fight happened
Good point although Brian Shaw's penis is about 2 feet long flacid, and at full strength can unleash a concentrated beam of pure seminal energy strong enough to level an entire modern metropolis. Just food for thought.

Sorry Brain would not win.
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>I don't know much about martial arts.
You're right there buddy but I scrapped with a few army boys who thought they were tough and sang their songs about how cold-blooded they could rip people apart with their hands. I have no fighting experience other than adept street fighting and proficient weight lifting. I murk armyfags who talk about their "fatal strikes" and shit. I don't really see how a BJJ chode or boxing weeman complex is really any different.
>/fit/ ironically thinks ripping limbs off with bare hands and super strength is an actual thing
Bigger as in 10-20 lbs is one thing. 200lbs and strength that is record breaking is different. You're an idiot.
>Game of thrones actors
You do realize televised mma is fake? It ends on a 30 minute or 60 minute block every time it broadcasts like clockwork and you would not assume that the matches are both scheduled and handpicked? Now that we see that for what it is, you would assume 2 fighters filling a 12 minute time-slot are actually competing or trying to win in the first 11 minutes? No. Obviously they are instructed to be safe and do no harm to their foes while throwing limp jabs. I mean if you think television is real and cable news is real and ufc is real and wwe is real and reality drama tv is actually happening or whatever then that's cool but I just happen to know a little bit better than that.
Does nobody remember the first UFC champion Royce?
>giant vs normal dude
>the only chance the normal dude has is hitting the giant in the balls
>le testicular atrophy faic
I can't believe some of you actually think Shaw would win. No matter your size if you can't fight, you're going to get rocked.

>b-b-b-but anon! a REAL fight!!!

lol are you dumb. You think that Jones somehow is at a disadvantage if rules aren't an issue? He would still kill the guy.
>No matter your size if you can't fight

completely delusional lee-worshipping twink faggot
read >>41511745
Shaw is twice as heavy, and very little of that added weight is fat.
His only weakness would be his face, attacking joints and shit would do fucking nothing to a man that strong.

If shaw guarded his face and charged forward with force he would literally do permanent damage without even striking.

I don't think you understand just how much fucking raw strength that guy has.

Not to mention his endurance since >lolstrongman.

There is only one thing that beats a monster, and that is a trained monster.
The early days of the UFC and Pride test that theory and proved you completely, 100% wrong. There were loads of strong men, tough man winners, etc. When against someone who knows what they're doing, and is fucking GOOD at it, it's no contest. It's a blowout 100% of the time. Sorry.

Besides that...

>attacking joints and shit would do fucking nothing to a man that strong

This is hilarious. You clearly don't understand the principles in something like BJJ.


Jones would just choke this guy out in a matter of seconds. It doesn't matter how strong you are when there's no blood and oxygen going to you head.
I think some people are underestimating pain management, a well placed leg kick can make the toughest of fighters to have trouble moving. I have my doubts someone like Brian with no background in fighting being able to handle 2 or 3 well placed shots to the leg from someone like Jon Jones. I'd say though that Brian being coached before hand by a professional or taking some very basic mma training would tip the scales in his favor.
>get arms anywhere near his neck
>just pull apart his arms and rip them out of their sockets

It's like putting a rabbit up against a bigass wolf.
Maybe you should watch some classic Pride fights, friend. You're lying to yourself. There used to be no weight classes. Shaw would lose every time. Every. Single. Time.

Every time you delude yourself into thinking otherwise I kek my pants.
>bringing up pain management as an argument against a strongman athlete
'bout as retarded as people who brought up endurance

M8 you ever been kicked in the leg by someone who knows how to throw a good kick? I'm sure strongmen deal with significant amounts of pain but that shit doesn't stack up against what fighters regularly and purposely put themselves through on a daily to weekly basis.

Fucking delusions ITT
strongman compete through injury all the fucking time, they basically live in constant pain.
Bob Sapp played handegg and tapped out to strikes every other fight.
and? what the fuck does handegg has to do with anything?
What part of that video convinced you that shaw would win?
Handegg is the most injury-prone sport you fucking cretin, much more so than strongman.
Who's the pro Boxer? He doesn't seem very fit for a pro and doesn't even wear boxing shoes.
Why are you asking me? Either way its more of a case in point.
If Brian Shaw were able to make himself retarded at will, he could summon his retard strength to literally rip Jon Jones arms out of their sockets. It has to be like opening the chakra gates on the chakra meridian only were talking autism gates on the autism spectrum.

1 Cain Velasquez
fucking kek

Mariusz is even one of the smallest strongman winners ever. BTFO.
Pudz is a pro fighter you knob.
>who would win, a 180 lb strong man or a 90lb woman who is good at fighting
I think Robson Moura would utterly destroy a prime Ronnie Coleman. I don't even think it'd be close.

A 240 lb (I'm talking walking weight here, not the weight class he competes in) trained professional fighter vs a 400 lb strongman who's never had a professional fight in his life.

Wouldn't even be a tough fight for Jones: He'd make Shaw look stupid for even trying.
>I know how to defend a RNC!
>I'd just pull his arms off!

Around the world, BJJ Blackbelts on suicide watch as local 4Chan poster dissects the entire sport with blistering analysis.
Jon Jones wins easily. I mean Brain Shaw cant fight. He would get his ass handed to him against a 170 lbs amateur boxer.
Just because he can lift things up and put them down doesnt mean he cant fight. He dont have the heart of a fighter. After the first hit, he would look away and cover his face with his hands.
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>le shaw is le slow
>le shaw is le fat

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Didn't McGregor make pic related faint after a couple minutes fighting?
>that punch the second the nig leaves his head open

Looks like they're having fun desu
I was once on a plane with Terry Hollands, thought the pilot was going to ask us all to go to the other side to help weight distribution
skill level has a diminishing return, size difference only has so because of how human strength etc. scale as they get larger. If Brian Shaw had absolutely no training that transfered to grappling then the other guy would win

No, it's just some light sparring in which Hafthor just "gives up" but Mcgregor being a manchild acts like it was a real intense fight and that he put him on his ass.
looks like conor is completely powerless and pretty much a little girl next to a real man.
Are lifters this insecure about a manlet being better than them at something?
Its not about his speed, its that heavy =/= invulnerable

Nobody is denying that an actual MMA fighter is technically better at fighting than a strongman. The question is at what point does technical skill become outmatch by pure strength.
I love how McGregor haters use this vid where they both hold back as evidence of a lifter beating an MMA guy in a fight.

Even if the Mountain "won" you're basically saying it takes a genetic freak to beat a 170lb manlet fighter. Would love to see how you retort against someone like Ngannou, Lesnar, Overeem, Stipe, etc.
conor is a little bitch and would get BTFO by amateur fighters of just two weight classes above him.
Its like a pistol vs a shotgun

Concentrated shots vs scattered power
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>handling this
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>Handling this.
It's surreal reading the comments in this thread. I guess threads like these naturally draw extra retarded dumbasses who grew up watching WWE and haven't done anything fighting related in their lives aside from punching a bag a few times. Brian is a badass strongman, but he breathes heavily while explaining his diet, just standing idly. He'd gas in a fight in a minute and would be annihilated. The reason he won WSM now is because Big Z's gotten too old.
>feathers vs. feathers

who gives a fuck
might as well post women fighting
>h-he'd lose to someone bigger than him though!

This is how stupid you sound. Also, I don't think you've ever been to an MMA gym, but fighters spar with people regardless of height and weight, not exclusively to their own
>A professional fighter vs An old fat guy

Ye those were feather kicks now imagine the damage from non feather like Jon Jones.
This thread summarized
>MMA fighters are weak
>show vid if fighter kicking ass
>Lets see them do it to someone bigger than them
>show vid of them doing that
>i-i would be different if that were someone bigger
Pretty much hit the nail on the head
Jones would not be able to break Shaw's arm. Shaw could easily curl Jones off even if he had him in an armbar or kimura
Fucking this.
Okay but he probably doesn't know how to throw an explosive punch or have any endurance. His muscles are probably so tight that he would have an issue with movement.

*punches and kicks you in the face with superior reach while maintaining a distance until you gas*
>wsm champion doesn't have endurance

Compared to a professional fighter? Nah
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>Jon Jones
>not the man who is gonna beat hit in July
>neutral person posturing
I wish this explosivity meme would die. Linemen are often the same size as Shaw and they are explosive. Just because you're big doesn't mean you can't throw a punch.
Jon Jones
>Superior conditioning
>conditioned shins and knuckles
>used to being hit
>can touch his face without issue

>picks up heavy things
>tired after saying the alphabet
Aren't linemen like 310lbs on average? 100lbs less than Shaw. They also focus on agility and not concentrated strength
being lighter makes it easier to punch with speed, generally fat people punch slower but since they have a lot of mass it packs power regardless but fatties tire out easier
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Is that supposed to be impressive? Wouldn't do shit against Shaw
Damn there's some serious fucking bullshit in this thread.

In an MMA fight Jones would win 10/10 times. There's no way one of the best MMA fighters in the world wouldn't be able to beat an amateur at least by decision.

In a real fight? I don't know. And neither do any of you because I don't care how long you've been sparring at the strip mall but I know for a 100% fact:
1. You've never seen in person or been a part of a fight with at least a 200 lb weight difference
2. No one as strong as Shaw has ever been in a videotaped fight. Ever.
Why do you people say an MMA fighter is screwed in a "real" fight? What hell does that even mean? Kicking balls, pulling hair, poking eyes? Whatever it is, the amateur is screwed regardless. If an MMA fighter can destroy a person while being restrained by rules, he is more dangerous when he is free from them.
Dude here is the devestating power of someone of Jon jones.... stature... can kick

best post in the thread. I will take someone with training over someone who has not training 90% of the time. However, Shaw is so much bigger than Jones that it makes me even consider the possibility of Shaw out muscling him
>Why do you people say an MMA fighter is screwed in a "real" fight?
Because if Shaw backs into a corner and protects his face it's literally almost impossible for Jones to take him down without getting grappled.
Then Jones throws a hook and gets behind his ear? Jones kicks Shaw's liver? Fighters prepare for these things man. Also, a nut shot if a real fight allows
Show me a video of a man 200 pounds heavier and literally twice as strong in every way as their opponent being taken down by any of those methods.
Technically, was is the difference between an MMA fight and the street ? Shaw is still allowed to bullrush Jones and snap his limbs, right ?
If my friend here >>41524007 can take Burger King down, I'm sure Jones can do it. The face isn't padded by muscle and fat like the body no matter how heavy you can lift; punches will hurt.
>twice as strong in every way

I'd love to see Shaw throw a kick
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Not even close to the same parameters. That guy looks like he couldn't deadlift his own bodyweight.
Oh shit
You don't think REPEATED strikes from a pro fighter would start doing damage to the body? Not even a little to someone like Shaw?
Jon Jones deadlifts about 580lbs, Brian Shaw deadlifts about 1100.

That strength difference is unfair you tards act as if Shaw will just hold shots and fight slow it's almost like none of you fags remember when Brock Lesnar was in the UFC and how his fighting style was. And Lesnar was only fighting at like 260. This is a 400lb man. All and any punches caught by Jon Jones would hurt him greatly by either slowing his limbs down or straight up breaking his bones.
Lesnar isn't a fucking strongman you idiot. He was a wrestler, an actual one in the NCAA. He is agile and has been trained to move around, not stand and pick heavy things up.

Even if you were right, when he was a clueless newcomer in UFC Frank Mir made him tap in their first fight
>were you that bad that you couldn't win against bigger guys in sparring?

If you can beat the bigger guys, it isnt you are better but the bigger guys are retarded.

Ive been training Judo since 17 and I can assure you, with the same stamina, 10kg of muscle means 1 level of skill + 2 years of experience.
Lesnar wasn't known for KO power. I think he only has two KO victories and they were TKOs
No. I don't think someone as athletic and coordinated as Shaw would stand there like a punching bag while someone wailed on them.

You don't think it's at all possible that Shaw could grab a limb like at 0:12 in your video or catch Jones by the throat?
Jon Jones is at an extreme disadvantage. Brian Shaw has 200lbs of muscle and 4 inches of height on him. A lot of Jon Jones fights he uses his reach advantage, this is negated. Jon Jones is literally just way too small, imagine how hard a jab from Brian Shaw must hurt, now imagine a left hook to a guarded rib. It would still do damage. At Brian Shaw's size pretty much every heavy punch is lethal so it's not like Jon Jones will be able to weather them like you see in boxing fights such as guys like Pacquiao and Marguerite.
That isn't what I asked. I asked if you thought repeated strikes to a body part would do damage to Shaw.

Also, Shaw could (unlikely) but he wouldn't know what to do with it fast enough, whereas Jones is trained for situations like this. Shaw would horribly tire out in a minute

>Brock Lesnar

Also the referral to Brock Lesnar was to the way he would Bullrush take downs and hammerfist people.
>implying Shaw would have any speed and unpredicitability in his punches
>I asked if you thought repeated strikes to a body part would do damage to Shaw.
I don't know. I've never seen someone as big and strong as Shaw getting punched. Have you?
>le shaw is slow meme

stop being a retard, guy's explosive af, he's a beat and would maul the niglet

>Jon Jones does a kick
>Brian Shaw catches it halfway
>Holds on to his leg
>Begins to spin a man half his weight and proceeds to toss him out the octagon
>Implying Jon Jones will be able to dodge 90% of Brian Shaw's hits

I can safely assume 4 or 5 hooks to any guarded body part of Jones will either break bones or destroy that guard completely and one landed hit is all it takes for this fight to be over imagine if Brian Shaw learned some wrestling and take downs, this fight would be too easy.
How long could he keep that up for? He seemed tired as fuck
he seemed bored out of how easy that was.
>le making up potential scenarios makes me right

I can't see a guy like Shaw being able to keep a flurry of punches on Jones. Especially with a lack of footwork and conditioning for a 25 min fight.
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Jon Jones RD 1 via Heart Attack
He doesn't need to keep a flurry, just 4 or 5 landing ((((hits))) will most likely break bones and do extreme damage anywhere they land.
And fights don't usually last for 25 minutes unless we're talking about a UFC fight and even so Brian Shaw's game plan will have to be ultra aggressive because he will obviously assume Jon Jones has better conditioning.
Ultra aggressive is how you get hit
This is some absolute bum, Jon Jones would have to whether a storm for about 2 minutes and would then maul him.
what in the actual fuck
>I can safely assume 4 or 5 hooks to any guarded body part of Jones will either break bones or destroy that guard completely
Raw strength isn;t the same as punching power you mong, there's an elasticity and speed that you need to create real power, guarantee you this Shaw doesn't hit harder than Anthony Johnson.

It really bothers me how Thor keeps his hands horribly down
>all these faggots who haven't heard of Mariusz Pudzianowski
That's Shaw's only hope of getting Jones, so it would really be 50/50 because we have to assume that either Brian Shaw's punches are strong as hell, Jon Jones is strong enough to knock Brian Shaw out, and a whole lot of stuff.
>just 4 or 5 landing ((((hits))) will most likely break bones
If you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and have no concept of what it takes to actually punch hard then I could excuse you for thinking this
Shaw would rape jon jones now Shaw vs Anthony Joshua is a whole different ball game

in a game of boxing or a fight?

because if you think joshua would win in a fight, you are fucking retarded

he can barely win a boxing match against a 40 year old
>Not based Ngannou
>he rows, that means he can throw punches
being this fucking stupid
Wtf, you and your coach suck at bjj. I lift twice what y'all do and get cleaned by a 140 pound brown belt regularly.
Im assuming Shaw's hit power is retardedly strong.

There are too many assumptions in this fight. Im a brainlet, in going to sleep, bye anon.
>Im assuming Shaw's hit power is retardedly strong.
I think you would be surprised
UFC 1-4
Royce Gracie wins
I think Conner McGregor
Imanari rolls are all the fucking rage recently
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Jon Jones


Same reason why fighters train to fight instead of just lifting weights all day. You're good at what you do the most. You become extremely good after a certain point.

If you try to put a reasonably large guy like Jon Jones in the ring against Brian Shaw, I'm going to bet on Jon Jones every single time and you'd be an idiot not to, because Jon Jones is trained to fight to the umpteenth degree while Brian Shaw is not. He's strong, but that's it.
Even with all the muscle Jon Jones would still punch and kick harder simply because he has years of training.

All that muscle will serve him only to absorb some impact and give him the weight advantage. But that is not going to take him too far against Jonny Bones
Brian shaw deadlifted 1073lbs with a torn bicep
Congrats. MMA fighters win fights going in injured
who do you think would win? Jones or an Eastern Lowland Gorilla (6ft tall, 460lbs).
Shaw tore his bicep while fighting off 10 Silverback Gorillas who were all on steroids and he was simultaneously having sex with about 50 women, 10 of which gave birth to handsome beautiful sons while Shaw DL'ed 1073 lbs.
Strongmen will readily admit that weighing 400lbs makes it difficult as fuck to do everyday things.
you mma fags are EVEN MORE delusional than the people who thought pacqiao could beat mayweather, rousey could beat mayweather, and the people who think macgregor can outbox mayweather
Nice fallacy. These aren't unanimous opinions you dunce. People in combat sports are always split on things. You act as if Floyd has no fans
Haven't you guys watched attack on titan
Their are weightclasses for a reason.
McGregor haters exist because he is a scumbag, not because he's a bad fighter. He is a good fighter, he's just an obnoxious manchild with a loud stupid mouth.
McGregors haters exist because they take his words too seriously. The people who hate him bandwagon on whoever his next opponent is. They think its cool to hate the guy everyone loves.

At the end of every fight, he shows respect to his opponents. He just knows how the fighting business works.
Said it once and I'll say it again

/fit/ is really sensitive when someone succeeds at fitness without it relating exclusively to weightlifting. Bonus points if they are a manlet.
Jon Jones because he's actually trained in fighting. Strength can only do so much when you don't know what you're doing.
>breaks world record

uhh b-but he was tired!!!
>non cm punk
Strongman is just pure roids. Roids are in all sports, but strongman is nothing but roids. The strongest are the people who respond the best to roids, nothing more.
Pretty much anybody on the ufc roster could beat shaw in a fight. What most people on /fit/ don't understand is that mma fighters are good at dodging punches. Shaw can't dodge a punch. I don't care how strong he is if he takes one to the jaw he's done. Even if the first punch doesn't get him the next ones will. All of his strength doesn't matter if he's half conscious. I'd like to see shaw get jaw rocked then do one of his strongman competitions. This whole threat is retarded
dude, just stop. Shaw is almost a gorilla in comparison to most of the guys in the UFC. Do you think a professional fighter can take on an adult gorilla? The answer is no. They'd get wrekt.
Shaw is a roided glass jawed can. KO'd in under 30 seconds.
An adult gorilla with no gas?
Even if you're right, which you're wrong, anyone can just bring a gun and end the fight. Hundreds of hours of training in MMA gone out the window with the pull of a trigger. Really makes you think.
>anyone can just bring a gun and end the fight
No, they can't. Because you don't know when a fight is going to happen, you may be unarmed and even if you are armed, you don't wanna go to prison. Obviously plenty of fights happen without somebody being shot.
He's not your average big dude off the street you fucking idiot. You have this idea in your head that Shaw is one of these average weightlifters who weighs around the 225 to 240 range. He's heavier and stronger than those guys and that much of a difference compared to Jones means something. Fucking idiot.
Gorillas have no gas, the other great apes have no endurance compared to a human of comparable cardiovascular fitness.
Shaw wouldn't even be a difficult freak fight. Prime Hong Man Choi would end Shaw's life inside 1 minute. Shaw would turtle up and tap to strikes very quickly.

Prime Bob Sapp would even smash him in a matter of seconds.
> class

Weight CLASS exist. Not weight category, weight class. Shaw has no fucking class in how to actually fight and them muscles aren't conditioned to take so much as a fart.
The polish strongman pudz literally got btfo by any decent fighter he face, same as bob sapp etc.
There's diminishing returns to having extra weight at a certain point.

"weight classes exist for a reason"
Yeah, and heavyweight is the highest weight class for a reason. You rarely see decent heavyweight fighters over 250lbs.
except it doesn't, and you're most likely garbage at judo
Usually you can determine who wins a fight with three things

Who hits first, who has more training (in a relevant martial art), and who has the most capacity for violence

You could be a hulk, but if you're not as trained as the other guy or if you aren't as willing to go fucking crazy as the other guy, you're gonna get your shit pushed in
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