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>tfw some neet gamer does a better cut than /fit/ has eve

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>tfw some neet gamer does a better cut than /fit/ has ever done and does it in 28 days

another reminder to never listen to /fit/

>no food for 28 days
so he ate during the nights
>OPs standards are so low he thinks the faggot looks good

nu/fit/ pls kys
those dates don't mean shit without proof. it's the same shit as those "transformation" videos of already ripped guys that come off bulk and get ripped
Kevin Bacon looks like that!?!?!?
>OP has low standards

Pic related is me, i never said he looked good, just that he done a better cut than /fit/ ever has and quicker.

Why dont you post yourself cunt ?

99% chance you look worse than me
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Fuck, forgot pic
Saw this in recommended videos and thought it was bullshit. Nice tho.
I bet you cant evwn do 1/2/3/4
What a stupid nerd faggot he will regain all the weight
Projection and jelly: the post
Just checked out his videos over the time and he has been steadily losing weight and not all in one month. He has been working out and probably eating clean for about a year I'd say.

You could just look for yourself, but then again you'd be doing the same stupid shit I did and give this eating disorder promoting fraud more clicks.

Yeah, he had cut a tiny bit and was still very fat, then fasted and cut it all.

Honest question, what is the point of your post at all?
Yeah no, that's not what happened. The point of my post is to prevent people from doing stupid shit.
Nice. Legs? Back?
ohp 70kg 3x5
bench 105kg 3x8
squat 180kg 2x3
deadlift 240kg 1x4

6'1" king of the manlets

can't take a pic now i'm at work (mobile post master race)
he says he lost 52 pounds in 28 days

that's about 1.857lbs/day about 6,500 calories per day

his BMR was 2070 calories at 220lbs
so he is claiming he did 4,430 calories of exercise on a water fast

that's 2.5 hours of running (10.9mph, 5.5 minute mile), or 27.25 miles, every day

a marathon is only about 26.22 miles

so he's claiming he ran a marathon EVERY SINGLE DAY for 28 days?


> It's exactly what happened

> No it isn't!

O .. k .. ?
You still look dyel after 1/2/3/4 newfag. And he looks built.
Jay pls go

> Is making things up

> Gets called out on making things up

> Shit .. better go full meme mode.

J-jay p-please go!
>inb4 /fit/ believes anon's ""scientific"" evidence
Doesn't even 5x5
>that's 2.5 hours of running (10.9mph, 5.5 minute mile), or 27.25 miles, every day
>a marathon is only about 26.22 miles
A SUB 2:30 marathon to boot.
>Day 1 Of Fast Weight: 220lbs
>Day 28 Of Fast Weight: 169lbs

this guy lost almost 2 pounds PER DAY
there is no way in hell this shit is real
you're getting rused

>c-calories in c-calories out

That's not how our bodies work, fucking retard. You're also not even including waterweight, which would be huge considering his sodium intake dropped to near zero
>britbongs are actually this insane
wew lad
just look at his videos. this guy is full of shit
kill you're self
t. Cicolet
god you're so retarded it hurts

You can do this type of stuff only if you are NEET
>Just checked out his videos over the time and he has been steadily losing weight
that's what he said in the video, oyu idiot. He then regained all that after Christmas, got pissed off and nearly killed himself with that fast.
Anyway, why fatties always look for shortcuts? That's what got you fat in the first place ("Eating a lot and unhealthy is easier")
Yup, 4 years liftin
Thought so faggot
Did you account for a water weight? Fat tissue isn't all fat, it contains water too.
>a few weeks of fasting
>"nearly killed himself"

you should do that
kys I mean
yeah this isn't how it works anon
suck a dick, edgelord
But fuck not eating.
Yea you can go on the naked and afraid diet and lose weight.
Y put your self through that torture.

hahahaha i can just picture you know:

sweeping the debris off of your desk, disregarding the dice and pencils that fall to the floor, you begin the mathematical operations that will prove your intelligence on the internet!
its pretty basic calculation that even you should know since you spend time on fit, and it proves him right
not sure what you're all about
There was a man who went on a 382 day water fast and lost 276 pounds in total, so he lost about 0.72 lb / day. Meanwhile, this nigga supposedly lost nearly 2 lb per day.
he didn't. idiots here are giving him shekels by clicking his bait video
"I'm so insecure I pick fights on the internet" thread

Nice way to start a day fagmaster
>Anyway, why fatties always look for shortcuts?
If I was a YouTuber with 1.8m subs and a ton of money, I would totally do the same thing, hire a personal trainer and go on the most extreme diet possible. Looking for shortcuts isn't a bad thing when there is a genuine shortcut with no significant side effects.
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What is this retarded increase in fasting and other bullshit momscience diets? Is it because there's more faggots and women on 4chan in general?
fasting has been around for MILLENNIA for fuck's sake, god just kys
>fasting and other bullshit momscience diets

tell that to nobel prize winner for autophagy.
>le nu fit thinks this is impressive >>41410920
>implying i started it
>still hasn't provided a pic

absolute pottery
>People actually discuss this like it's not a complete meme and done by this idiot just to generate traffic for his bullshit

You wouldn't even need to be educated to recognize that this is bullshit. The body can only go so long without proper nutrients. It can't sustain itself for fucking 4 WEEKS OF NOT INGESTING ANY FORM OF FOOD. Especially things like micronutrients(vitamins and minerals) would be depleted after a few days and he would suffer from immense side effects. Not to mention the faggot gave no credible evidence validating the start and end time of this shit other than: "hey guise this is day 0 of my water fast Xd believe me i provide no source but i am telling the truth it says in the bottom corner of le video Xdddd"
He's probably done a few months of really low kcal diet and then packaged it as some sort of magic 28 day fast.
Literally bait
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I haven't eaten in 4 days now

Am I being memed ?

A few things to consider:

1. Metabolism increases during fasting. This has been scientifically proven. So if his BMR was 2070 before the fast, it was higher during.

2. If he really lost 52lbs, 10lbs of that was probably food and water weight that will mostly come back after he starts eating.

3. On the /r/fasting subreddit it's very common for people to report losing close to 1.5lbs per day in total weight (fat + water weight) with no exercise. If he was doing lots of cardio every single day, I can see him losing almost 2lbs per day legit.
He said in his follow up video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inRCKUeA4fY) that he gained back 10lbs of water weight after a few days eating. He also said he did light training everyday on the fast. looks legit.
The fitness police are coming to confiscate your gains.
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follow-up since I have nothing to do at work


Just strictly calories and calories/pound of fat

Yeah, it seems like complete bullshit

I compared him to this guy >>41412036 who does appear legit, assuming the start/end weights are accurate

Even with the added 10lbs back, it seems unlikely unless he was running 11 miles a day and considering that "light" training.

If you see any errors, let me know. In my original post I used 52lbs because I converted from kg.
Not just that, but a marathon at a very good pace for a disgusting fatbody like him. Private Pyle lying like a muh-fucka
Wow you niggers talking about his marathon pace like it would actually count. He would still burn 4k+ kcal if he ran the fucking marathon in 4 or even in 5 hours. I'm not arguing that he's legit, or that someone his weight could even finish a marathon, let alone do it in 5 hours, but picking an arbitrary speed and saying he would have had to run this fast when that is actually incorrect is just dumb.
All the literal retards thinking the math lies. Welp that's enough of this board
Pace only matters because it's determined by speed.

Jogging at 5mph at 220lbs (his heaviest) burns 798 calories per hour.

So that means he was jogging for 4 hours a day...

Walking (3mph) would be 9 hours/day

Oh I get it, so you only used that to calculate the distance. The other two anons still literally thought that he would have had to run that fast though.
Shut up baldy Cape guy... Oh wait I see you got dubs... My apologies
This, really sad to see the state of this board.
This video really shouldn't be on youtube...yes, it has a disclaimer but that isn't going to stop some fucking retard from trying this and flushing all of the sodium out of their body (death)
he literally has a disclaimer at the start of the video
the doorknob is literally at the height of your belly button
You have a point, he says he's 6'1, but I AM 6'1 and my belly button is around 2 inches higher than the belly button so I'm guessing he's a 5'11 lying manlet
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>from fat to hungry skeleton with the secret auschwitz diet
/thinspo/ is this >>/fa/12457825 way
>fasting cures cancer!!
Gee, really activates the almonds..
But I said that already. That isn't going to stop children and idiots from doing this. I wouldn't care too much but this thing has been on my recommended videos for the past week or so, so it's getting promoted by youtube somehow.
you live in fuckin lala land if you think kids are going to stop fucking eating for a month.
Here how it will go
>i want to lose weight
>not eat for a month
>6 hours into fast
>Im hungry
fuckin dumb
>basic information shouldn't be accessible because some retard will fuck up and kill himself
Go fuck yourself you stupid nanny-state nigger. Might as well ban backyard pools, since statistically some kids will inevitably drown in them.
By the way, there is no way a kid could do this shit, because they would have to have the willpower to do it, the stupidity to not stop when they start feeling miserable, and retarded parents who would let their go on a month-long water fast because some youtube gamer did it.
>who would let their
who would let their kid*
Same, also 6ft1 and just tried, my bellybutton is definitely a few inches above the door handle.
I told you were to look, if you are not content with me doing it.
The explanation you are giving is not supported by how he looks over the months and other anons provided even better evidence on why this guy is obviously lying.
Since you refuse to correct your obviously flawed believe you are either a) invested in this in some way (you are that guy or you are shilling for him) b) simply deluded or c) a troll - In this case: well done.
>cancer is out of control cell activity using up your energy to split
>fasting slows down metabolic processes and kills cancer cells energy supply
It fits, only big pharma shills will dispute this
you are forgetting water weight bud, subtract at most 15 lbs from your calculation

so... 37 lbs in 28 days
Water fast is powerful way to take the extra fat off AND detox your whole system!
Plus it boosts brainpower for obvious reasons
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