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Thread replies: 311
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Previous thread was over 300
How do you reset your position between reps of deadlifts? I tend to slowly lose my form, so the final rep is usually awful.
Is this shit real life? Tastes exactly like sugar and has absolutely 0 calories. Surely there's some sort of drawback to adding copious amounts to my oatmeal and smoothies?
Make sure you go to the starting position each time you start a new rep, even if it means taking a count to check your form in the mirror or check your stance.
good q. seconded
good q. i want some now. seconded

if i want to be fight club brad pitt should i stop SL5x5 and just do push-ups and sit-ups and pull-ups
my left arm is 3/4" smaller than my right arm. it looks pretty retarded and i want to fix it asap. what's the most i can work out my left arm in a week without fucking it up due to over-exertion?
Jack off with your left arm more.
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>Strained my spinal erector in thoracic park of back (upper, just where lat meets the spine)
>on pain medication and fully funcional, feel nothing now
>been 5 days since injury
>want to fully heal before getting back to strength training

How do I know I'm ready? Experiences?
im ambidextrous when i jerk off.
Please rate this possible routine:
Pushups 4x25
Weighted dips (10kg) 5x12-16
Pullups 5x5
Biceps curls 5x10

Every other day.
Is lacking compounds.
What do you advise? This is at home btw
How do I prevent myself from getting so fucking warm when exercising?

I'm fairly fit (for a normie), been running for 6 years and going to the gym every now and then.
But every time I move my body I get warm pretty fast, in the office right now I'm wearing a blazer while most do not.

But on in the gym, when running, or in the club I just get so warm.

Any way to prevent that?
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Get a gym membership senpai!
I know ;_;
Some day when the kids are grown and I'm too old to work all the fucken time
if you live in the USA you can get a set of adjustable dumbbells for $200 that go up to 100 lbs per dumbbell. check amazon.

then just do a compound-focused program with dumbbells as best you can. deadlifts/squats will be severely limited because you're lifting a max of 200 lbs, but upper body should be good.
>i want to be fight club brad pitt should i stop SL5x5 and just do push-ups and sit-ups and pull-ups
That's not very muscular, mostly diet. Eat clen and tren hard.

Deload the top weight by a good amount and double your warmup sets, see how you feel that first day. If it's all good, work up slowly.
can i keep doing SL then? thanks senpai
Thanks for replying, do you think there is a way to gauge how healed I am, besides not taking my painkillers for that day and seeing how much it hurts(or doesnt) just functioning normally?
former fatty questions

>be 6'3 260-ish
>diet & light exercise down to 200lbs
>continuing to slow paced diet/exercise at around a -250ish deficit

I kind of like the look of 200 lbs on me, but I still have fat to lose. Is this a good way to nearly maintain my weight, but lose the fat, and build the muscle?

Not racing for a summer body, but trying to build a year round thicc frame that looks good naked
other than facepulls and rows, what is a good rear delt exercise?

other than rack pulls/deadlifts and shrugs what is another good trap exercise?
Cheers Anon, I'm just trying to make the best of my situation (Europoor) so I wanted to do a bodyweight routine.
Best progam for a noob to running? Couch to 5k? How to deal with running in a built up city when I am an autist?
wear sunglasses or a disguise or something but start running until you get really tired, then go home. repeat
Run at night time. Just wear reflective shit.
If I'm getting 1.2g/kg of protein daily, is there any point in me having whey as a post workout treat?
If you're BP in FC lean, but more muscular, you'll look better than he did.

For soft tissue muscle strain, the best way is how you feel and function. Skipping the pain meds (bring them with you just in case) for a day of normal activity first, before lifting, may not be a bad idea. But when you come back, light targets and extended warmup and no ego, stop if it bothers you.

that sounds fine

Look for RCAF 5BX, or do Convict Conditioning, or get US Army FM 7-22 and do the Prep Drill, Conditioning Drills, and Push-Up and Sit-Up drills.

C25K is good. Wear headphones even if you don't listen to music, runners ignore their surroundings all the time. Avoid running through areas with lots of niggers.
wear less clothing. shorts instead of pants, t shirt isntead of long sleeves. drink cold water. about it.
>Look for RCAF 5BX, or do Convict Conditioning, or get US Army FM 7-22 and do the Prep Drill, Conditioning Drills, and Push-Up and Sit-Up drills.
Thank you Anon.
what is BP in FC lean
The way my doc has me take the pain meds is in the evening and they work for 24h after that, so I will see how I feel when I wake up.
I will give it a couple more days though before trying.

Plan on doing 20% increases per workout (20%->40%->60%->80%->100%) which should give me a total of 12 days of "rest" ?
That being said I will only follow this plan if I don't start hurting at any point obviously...
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I'm getting some dumbbells. What are some good exercises for arms to be able to do more pushups?
whats the best whey to get on myprotein? theres a shit load of them, some are like 20euro other 55.

also best flavours?

I rarely use whey but when I do I like to have something decent, i've tried the three basic flavours + unflavoured
all shit, but at least you can mask the unflavoured one
do you correct bad form?
saw a pajeet doing half reps, skullcruhers by just moving his shoulders to throw it, calf raises without even going all the way up, etx....i wanted to throw up

shoulder press
dumbbell bench press
>be fatty that's working out
>chest day
>go to do dips
>holy shit tough and painful
>go all the way down
>all the way back up
>2.5x reps
>can't do the full motion anymore
>start doing dip shrugs

If I can't do the full motion, are the dip shrugs okay?
assisted dips
no equipment, i'm using my washer and dryer for my dips and they're the perfect height for me to do abs on too.
as lean as Brad Pitt in Fight Club

at home? DB flies, DB floor press, DB pullovers with or without a bench, DB bench press if you have a bench, DB overhead press, DB skullcrushers

i'd go unflavored and the cheapest whey isolate you can find. check a bakery supply shop for it
you can assist by putting a stool or something under your feet and controlling how much you use it to push up
also you can do negative reps
Whenever I run my right ankle starts to hurt like crazy and I have to go back to walking for some minutes before it stops hurting. I've been running consistently on a treadmill for 6 months now and bought new pairs of shoes TWICE, which didn't help it whatsoever.

Anyone with the same experience, and hopefully some advice?
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How do i get rid of babyface. I'm making gains, i'm 6'1, but I still look 14.
What routines do you guys recommend for chest/triceps that actually builds muscle? Obviously diet stuff too.
My workout is usually:
5x8 bench
3x8 upper flies
3x8 lower flies
3x8 middle flies
Then just a bunch of triceps.

Sometimes I can't do a full set or I cheat and do it really shitty, should I go lower weight?
if i do dumbbell shoulder press, should i follow up with front or side lateral raises? (pick one)
I want to stop training legs outside deadlifts since I dont want them to grow anymore

I'm thinking of doing like two full body days or some shit like SS 3x week, so AxBxAxxB...... but with no squats

is there any routine like this? like a upper/lower split but no legs involved
would also allow me to OHP and Bench on separate days

fucking sucks wanting to keep making strength gains and doing acessories for more muscle building but not wanting bigger legs, squatting 3x week was a mistake

fly to thailand and get beard transplant surgery. $4500.
Front raises are USELESS for everyone, everyone already works that muscle more than you need

do lateral raises and rear delt flys, the rear delt is probably the mos neglected muscle
this way you can get the 3D looking effect(not like roiders but yeah)
Isn't this what's in sips? Either Erythritol or Xylitol. Same idea.

thanks senpai
no. people are often not interested in advice.
running is not good for you. high impact.
try dumbbell bench instead of barbell, my chest responded better but maybe just me. skullcrushers are the best for triceps.
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Pic related, ive got a large soft bump that showed up on my forhead a few days ago and it hasnt gone away. Popped a zit on it this morning, but its still there and hurts sometimes. How do i get rid of it? I tried putting a hot towel on it a few times yesterday and it would go shrink only to come back in 5 minutes
when will i stop thinking im small?
Is it better to have a fixed number of reps or to go "till failure"? I suppose it depends on the exercise
In my case, a gymbro of mine told me he always does bicep curls till failure
>Popped a zit on it
You'll have to do this a couple more times or it's just gonna go away on its own senpai
take any upper/lower split and just ignore the lower, and do deadlifts for your first lift on alternate sessions.

for example lyle's generic bulking routine, which has A and B upper sessions, do ABA BAB with only uppers and on the A sessions open with a deadlift
Are there pills that make your stomach feel full? I just don't have the persistance to not eat. It's horrible.
I like to have an idea of what my 'to failure' reps are, and then go beyond it

>hit 10 pull ups once
>haven't been able to do more than an 8 max rep since

it's infuriating though.
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what do you guys run for legs? i was doing Squats, RDL and Leg Extension, but im looking to switch out RDL for something else. i was thinking Front Squats, but i don't think it's the best considering im already squatting
non-weighted full squats?

I get tired after about 15 reps
is there any website that talks about the diverse exercises and which ones are the best? I'm doing Bench Press and Incline Dumbbell Bench has direct chest work, then there's dips which I try to focus more on the triceps as theyre the only direct tricep exercise

I never know if I should isolate a muscle more or not
not that i know of. i usually chug a few pints of water if i have heavy cravings. also, just get out of the house and away from food. should help
to failure is great for a lot of exercises. it should be for ones where you can easily fail and not hurt yourself, mostly isolation stuff. curls is one good one, dont do it with bench unless you got good spotters.
try coffee or other hot liquids.
stiff legged deadlifts for hams, and you can try a session of front squats. Ive just picked them up and my core is getting doms every day again. also try weighted lunges.
>is there any website that talks about the diverse exercises and which ones are the best?


try that site.
that's fine. people start at different levels. people recommend doing bodyweight squats to start off.
but i think going heavier for less reps would be better. so i'd say try to see how many reps you can do with just the bar and go from there. recall that most people squat for 5 reps at a time
This is going to sound autistic as fuck, but I want to jack off before going to the gym and not shower.
Will I stink too much?
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how to tell if I'm an intermediate lifter?

pic related is I atm, I could do more weight on pull ups and dips but im cutting so i'm a bit lazy
>stiff legged deadlifts for hams
as far as im concerned, those are the same as RDL no? i tried them yesterday and while i did feel it in the hams, it was mostly in the lower back. i might do bulgarian split squats actually
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go on strength standards. it actually tells you at which level of lifting you are at.
do diddlylifts build any mass at all?

also is it fine to only diddlylift and do barbell hip thrusts? heard for sports the posterior chain is the best to train but im afraid to get weird legs or some shit
>Floor pulls
>Horizontal press

What fucking "cold on the cob" shit is this?
yes actually my bad they are basically the same for hams.
every exercise builds mass but yea those are good exercises. you will gain mass in hams, butt, back and especially upper back for deadlifts. barbell hip thrusts will give you a bigger butt.
...why do you squat more than you deadlift?
is it fine to not squat tho? dont want some fucked up legs kek
just want to be able to fit on my current pants in the future
but do you think that im working my hams enhough through squatting and deadlifting?
i just want joocy legs
I quickly learned how to squat while it took me some time to properly deadlift aka a lot of deloads to fix form
lots of dudes skip squatting you are fine. I would recommend you not skip but what do you mean fucked up legs? too big?
if going for joocy gota eat alot and hit it alot. Ive been doing stiff legged barbell stuff and its a better growth than just deadlift because deadlift is compound where as RDL/stiff legged isolates ham
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Doing SS. Is it bad that I cant add weight every workout? Tried to add 5kg to my bench today but couldnt even do that, feels bad man. Three weeks in gym if that matters. I think I can add some more every week though. And yes, I'm eating enough
yes, my legs got too big from squatting 3x week
I dont want them to be bigger, simple as that just to maintain their level
aight i guess i'll look more into proper form for RDL/SLDL. maybe i was doing it wrong or just not used to it still. thanks anon
what are your current lifts?
also adding 5kg in one go is not recommended imo. usually it's 5lbs at a time (total, not each side of the bar)
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When a girl starts grinding on you at the club are you supposed to move along with her or just stand still? This has happened to me a couple of times and I still have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
Dont know about 1RM but here's what I do my reps with:
bench 50kg
DL 70kg
Squat 55kg
OHP 35kg
It's a sign she wants access to your penis, you should drop your trousers when she does it so she knows you're on board
So i'm a beginner skinnyfat guy. 178lbs. Im lifting pretty novice weight and im on a cut to lose my flab. Im still lifting and working on increasing the weights i lift, but if i can be honest with you, i want to see my abs for once.

I never work out my abs or core besides the compound lifts, and everytime i do ab workouts, i feel torn up the next couple of days.

I know abs are mostly about diet, and im working on it, but when the flab starts going away, i want something strong to show.

So I guess my question is, what is a good beginners routine for abs? Im not strong enough to do shit like hanging abwork or weighted shit. I just want a routine i can do that wont absolutely murder me day one and that i can consistently do throughout the week(like every other day or some shit)
You're not going to get much progress if you cut while you're a beginner
What is the best angle to record yourself for squat form checking?
I can't progress for shit on my squats, but I'm making progress on my deadlift. I just hit 2pl8 on deadlifts but I can't get over 170 on my squats.
alright well try doing smaller increments. 5kg is too much. you're making jumps too big. but even if you struggle then, it's not too bad. progress doesn't need to be THAT fast. but yeah, add a 2.5lb plate on each side when you increment from now on. though you could get away with adding 5kg for deads tho
ok yea just do a squatting session once every 2-3 weeks to maintain strength and you'll be fine.
grinding is mirroring sex so you just mirror the mans role back.
go on /plg/ and you'll see at which angle people record themselves.
squats are tough man, just keep at it. if you can't add weight every session it's fine.
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>Got fat last year
>Started losing weight in December, counting calories
>down to 185 (from 225).
>Started with too big of a deficit (eating 1300-1600 cals), but it was working so I kept going
>Plateaued for a few weeks so I'm trying to eat at my maintenance again but have trouble getting there

Not only have I stopped losing weight despite still actually being under what should be my maintenance, but I can't poop. I'm going 2-3 times per week max. Keeping up with my fiber and everything.

How do I fix this?
K, thanks. I actually first added the 5kg and then tried 2.5kg. Could have maybe lifted the 2.5 increment just fine had I not 'shocked' my muscles with that larger weight so that does make sense
2-3 a week is 100% fine

You're eating less so you poop less.
I'm 5'6" 140lbs. Current stats are:

Bench 145lbs
Squat 200lb
DL 225lbs
OHP 105lbs
Row 150lbs

I know they're not the best but if aesthetics are my goal should I switch to a PPL or keep doing the strength program I'm on?
bro i really don't think irregular bowel movement is good for you. should be daily.
to be aesthetic you need to have some muscles first. you're still too weak imo. but you could do PPL and still focus on heavy compounds.
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What mode is this?
You're 140 lbs at 5'6 and you're benching 145 and I doubt you ohp that much without cheating ( bending knees). Continue on strength program for certain and put on 30-40 lbs over the next 2-3 years.
Outside compounds, I'm doing ab wheels.

1. do I need more ab work? is this fine or should I add hanging leg raises and those two would be enough?

2. how do I train obliques? side planks? every day?
Just because it's not daily, it doesn't mean it's irregular
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I was pooping almost every day, even while on at a large deficit. Now I barely go, and about once a week it's huge. Might be broscience, but could I have slowed my metabolism? I should have been losing weight for the 6 weeks or so but haven't lost a pound on top of hardly going to the bathroom.
what the fuck is wrong with this guy?

is this a shop? hernia?
what's a typical day of eating for you? the only times i didnt poop every day was when i was in china and didnt eat enough veggies.
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90 lbs into my cut and I'm pretty sure I have birthing hips. It's really killing my motivation to continue. Can I work with this? I haven't even lifted in like 2 weeks because I don't see the point if I'm gonna be wide
Why no Deadlifts or barbell shrugs senpai?
You should definitely try to poop more than once a week, broseph

Gotta blow your O-ring if you don't
Can anyone who has experience in buying their own bench for their home gym make me a recommendation?

I'm especially interested in a bench that doesn't wobble. Currently, I'm looking at:


which is my first choice because I like the design.


I feel like this design would wobble, but on Amazon these type of designs have more reviews and are far more popular as well.

pls help
I lock my knees and do rippletits' method of pushing your hips forward which isn't the strictest movement. But I'll keep focusing on the strength for now thank you.
Somewhat /fit/ related

Did anyone here experience sleep apnea as a result of gaining weight?

For the majority of my life I'd been nearly underweight but now I'm 5'11" and around 175 lbs. For the last couple months or so I've been unable to fall asleep properly because my body keeps waking me up because I stop breathing just as I fall asleep. I looked up the causes of sleep apnea and weight gain/obesity is said to be a factor. Am I gonna have to lose some weight?
5'11, 165 btw
not normal dude. how much do you weigh now?? go see a doctor dude that's not good
I'm 175. I've never weighed this much before so I'm just wondering if this has anything to do with it.
I don't think you're fat enough for that to be the reason. See a doctor, that's a serious issue. The doc will probably recommend a CPAP machine.
I have this fit girl on my Facebook, she's a gymnastics teacher, who I haven't really talked to in my life we just went to Junior high and high school together, who recently liked my latest Facebook picture. She seems pretty wholesome and family oriented which is what I'm interested in (not really into hookups) Should I message her and try to spark a conversation?
that's really strange. you're nearly not fat enough to be getting these symptoms
Post another pic when you see she's online and see if she likes that one too
3 eggs, fruit, and toast in the morning
Tuna and sometimes vegetables in the afternoon, also soup
Chicken and vegetables for dinner, sometimes pasta
Lots of coffee
Miscellaneous things like almond milk or yogurt during the day to hit my calories.

Been trying to get to 2100 calories daily but end up at around 1900.
Holy shit Good idea m8. I'll do that tomorrow, I'm going to a dinner theatre tomorrow so I'll get a good juicy looking picture with my mom at the table. Fuckin perfect.
very strange. i eat like that around that amount too and shit every day. dunno what to say desu
How do we feel about Stackers?
If I'm DYEL, are accessory lifts useless? I know compounds are priority but some times I'm not completely tired.
Fellow DYEL here
I do some accessories for muscles that aren't the primary focus of compounds and need to be "caught up"
Like skullcrushers for tris

It's like, the top of the shoulder, close to where it rotates, hurts when I put pressure ie go down for bench press.


Accessory lifts like curls are great for newbies (maybe dips or pullups as well).

Don't let them meme you, Strong Lifts + Curls (or Starting Strength + Curls, because SS and SL are basically interchangable for newbies) will literally last you for 9 months (the curls are usually 3x12 or 5x5 - it kinda doesn't matter tho at lower skill levels). If you go 3 days a week at the gym doing SL + curls for 9 months you will see massive returns.

The simple matter is: very, very few people really ever progress past SL + Curls (or SS + curls). And if they ever do plateau, its almost always a diet/consistency thing and not an issue with routine.

Also, if you aren't terribly tired after your routine: good. The first month or so of lifting should be dedicated to practicing bar path and general form. If in another 30 days you still feel like there isn't enough intensity there may be an issue (but most people quit before 30 days anyway).
When fasting is smelling cooking food good for weightloss? If I gdt my tummy rumbling does it help?
Sounds like impingement
Keep your elbows tighter in
Thanks for the response. I'm currently utilizing the accessory machines but I'd like to get into using free weights for accessory lifts. Care to provide any other lifts you're currently doing?
Lift heavier weights

The thing that makes men look good is lean muscle mass. Good on you for losing 90 pounds - next is to start building muscle.

Barbell rows will give you a bigger circumference around the chest, so will benching. In addition to this, squats will make you legs and ass bigger.

All of those things in conjunction will give you mass in places that aren't your hips making them smaller by comparison (they don't seem large to me at all really).

Okay, constructive criticism over.

>I haven't even lifted in like 2 weeks because

Lol you don't look like you've lifted in 2 decades. Stop being such a faggot and go pick up a barbell.
Thanks for the detailed response sempai
yeah I knew I should've have said that cause I definitely have zero gains

So you think I should start bulking now or keep cutting? Thanks for the advice btw, been trying to get someone to help me on here for a few days now
Tried both, helped a little bit pain is still there. Got my set done but no progress, and this is AFTER a rest day, hm.
Becoming a firefighter. We are going to do PT everyday during orientation. I don't want to hold my class back. Im good on the running but the body weight stuff... Push ups, planks, divebombers. I have trouble holding the position. Is just doing them everyday the only way I'm gonna get better? The worst is holding the one inch off the ground in push up position.
Just do 1xhoagies to mouth until you can't see your penis and you'll be good
I used to weigh 300lbs, I'm down to 223. I can do about 30 push ups till failure. Its just the holding for 30 secs that gets me. The worst is when someone else falls behind then by the time they catch back up im about to fall over
That is not the man I want to be. I was there and I'm never going back.
Why wear a weightlifting belt for a chest machine?

This guy put on his belt just do this machine?
Yea I know a lot of those paramilitary types, there's a lot of downtime because there's SO MANY of them, you will spend a lot of time eating, especially if you are formerly fat. You're hard wired to eat while bored.

Join army to be a fire fighter instead, more incentive to stay fit.
Speaking of belts, when should you use a belt when doing diddlies?
I'm doing 115kg now and I still feel pretty newbie.
I don't want to be that fag who thinks he's tough shit wearing a belt on lightweight

Whatever you are doing to have lost that weight, keep doing it.

In regards to Bulking and cutting: those are higher skill concepts that just aren't applicable to people that don't have 19 months of muscle mass on them.

If you incorporate Strong Lifts + Curls 3 days a week you will be VERY happy in 6 months. If you do SL + Curls 2 days a week or are kinda lazy you will still be on a great path.

Side note: the time frame "19 months" is semi-arbitrary. Since you can only build about .5 lbs of muscle a week means that means you can think of muscle mass in terms of time.
That is to say:19 months, times 4 weeks per month, times 0.5lbs muscle per week is about 40 pounds of muscle mass.


You are very likely flaring your elbows out. Deload 20% and look up "alan thrall how to bench press"

Ignore the "powerlifter" vs "body builder" stuff. Its not really a thing for most people.


Gotchu senpai.
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I've been doing a full-body routine for like five months now, designed by an employee of the gym. I had no idea when I started, but now that I know more the plan was actually quite alright and fit my requirements "easy, fast workout to get a little fitter", consisting pretty much only out of machine exercises

>I the Greyskull LP a good -actual program- to start with?
Goal is ottermode tbqh

current progress is (all machine)
3x8 35kg fly - 3x8 45kg narrow grip row - 3x8 47kg seated dip - 3x8 30kg arm curl - 3x8 50kg 45° leg press

>I still feel pretty newbie.
>I don't want to be that fag who thinks

Ignore being self conscious. Wear the belt if you feel like it can help you. But at 115 you are probably just practicing form. The belt won't harm you. If you like it, do it.
>all machine
Read sticky. :3
Can anyone suggest 3 day routine with 2:1 or 3:1 pull to push exercise ratio? Not interested in powerlifting or pure strength routines. Thanks.
50kg leg press, are you serious? Are you a 12 year old girl?
i was 1.80m/5ft11 & 58kg/128lbs m8

i hated legs, but i want to improve them now

>literally want to improve and still hating
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someone answer me goddamnit.
Yeah and that means its even more important to have been using freeweights

Compound lifts build a whole bunch of muscles and since you were/are skele, all your muscles need work.
What are the advantages of focusing on certain areas (like chest/triceps on Monday and back/biceps on Tuesday) instead of doing a little bit of everything each time you workout?
I know that. I was lifting half of said when I joined the gym. But now that I want to non-elderly fitness i would like to know if Greyskull LP is a good start for ottermode goal
It's a sugar alcohol. Overconsumption gives you diarrhea.
You can increase the volume on those areas without being in gym for 3 hours and have more time to recover.
But you shouldn't be thinking of "ottermode" or whatever meme

That's like saying "What summer job should I get in order to one day be President of the United States?"
It's a bit cart before horse.

Get a strong foundation and then worry about what meme you apply for
afaik once you progress past a certain point your muscles need more time to recovery. beginners run full body 3x a week, so each muscle group is hit every other day during the week. splits might hit each muscle group once or twice a week, so the recovery is much longer.
Can stress slow/stop weight loss? I know it's calories in calories out but can it affect the rate at which weight is lost? Or cause a ton of water retention?

Going through a lot of stress right now and wondering why I've stalled
>what meme you apply for
kek and thanks
Are there any good bro split programs that work for anyone or do I have to make one myself? When people post their programs here you usually just shit on them so I'm wondering if there's something like what SS/greyskullLP/SL is for strenght training but instead for hypertrophy and body building. Currently doing SS at least until I can bench 2pl8
Thank you.
What should I do at the gym while I'm still reading SS?
You can do it bro
Get those barbell lifts going. It'll feel really good once you get the motion down and you can start adding on weight.
Diddlies are the best workout possible.
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I do a full body routine 3x a week.

Would it be a good idea to do high rep, low weight accessories on my off days, such as situps, chinups, pushups, dips, somme rubber band stuff, etc?
>current year
can i combine it with a daily abs workout? Currently doing


for about a week and it has helped pop the muscles more. i know it won't 'spot reduce the fatties' obviously, but just pops the abs more. will this mess up GSLP progress or can I happily combine the two?
bro splits suck
use an upper/lower like lyle's generic bulk or aworkoutroutine's muscle builder
double up on the upper for a bro program
UxULxUx or UxLxUxx
lyle's generic bulk or aworkoutroutine's muscle builder
Piggybacking on GSLP

What other accessory exercises work best with it? I'm thinking it needs more shoulder work like
>3xfailure rear delt flys
>3xfailure lateral raises
>3x5 heavy shrug

And possibly some more forearms like wrist curls.
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How do i stop my arms and torso from getting bigger?
I have long ass arms compared to my legs and narrow over-developed shoulders from swimming over a decade. I barely do any upper body anymore.
I just want my legs to look strong.
Pic related but bulkier
So I literally just started lifting this weak, from absolute zero.
Should I always try to use one of those bigger 20kg bars the various SL exercises, or are those smaller 5kg barbells still fine? Obviously I can't use them forever since eventually I'd have to lift something with more weight.
whats the difference between lifting 4 times instead of 3? more gains?

always heard more than 3 for a natty is a waste
Unironically do SS
There's a reason why it's called A Farewell to Arms
What is the compound lift that most targets back muscles?

Is it a deadlift with proper form? Should I incorporate rows into my program? I do strict pull ups but I want to switch it up every once and a while so my lats don't become complacent.
Can you even do squats with the little bars?
If you're following a progressive overload program, the 3 times a week is to include rest time from your PR day to your volume day.

If you're doing a mostly hypertrophy program, go 4 days, it doesn't matter too much.
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They're basically like these but with adjustible weights. I had no issues doing squats with them, I probably don't really do them well but I didn't really see a difference between using those or the big bar.
the plan is to progress on the compounds and eve nacessories, to be strong and build mass.
sometimes I feel like I could do more work, others I cherish those 2 days off
Yeah, if you're trying to do that much, make it 3 good days and do calisthenics and hard cardio on your long weekend. You strengthen your joints this way and also keep pretty athletic.
is there anything wrong with full body workouts 4 times a week.

I tried doing it last week and i felt extremely exhausted after hitting every single muscle.
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Does anybody have experience with Stacker 4's?
any tolerable whey flavours to mix in stuff like quark/yoghurt/smoothis and shit?

can be from any brand, I've tried chocolate, vanilla and strawberry from ON or whatever it's called and myprotein, they all suck dick.
unflavoured has a weird taste too
lats and most of the back, but spinal erectors not so much
(neutral-grip) pull-up

whole back, but lats not as good as pull-ups
barbell row

same as barbell row
cable row

same as pull-up
cable pulldown

deadlifts build the spinal erectors very well, just like squats, but they're not that good for the other back muscles.
3 days is optimal for full body my dude. AxBxCxx. Anything more than that for full body and you'll wear yourself down in the long run. If you want to lift more than 3 days, best do some sort of a split.
Saw a bunch of ducks, geese, beaver, muskrat, squirrels etc on a my walk today.

They were busy just doing animal things, eating grass, gathering shit, fuckin with each other.
Then I wondered, do animals think with a voice in their head like we do? What do you anons think? They must have thoughts and personalities like us. I wonder how their entertainment thought process works
I read the stickies and stuff but anyone know of some good places to read about nutrition more?

I just don't know what the fuck to eat. I should add that i HATE eating - usually eat like 1000kcal a day at best, and i'm having such trouble trying to force myself to eat more food.

Oh and i'm >pescetarian
> They must have thoughts and personalities like us.
they dont. animals have no higher brain functioning like us. they dont reflect upon their existence.
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Loads of tuna, salmon, .

Beans, lentils, chickpeas are good sources of protons.

If you eat dairy: yogurt, cottage cheese, quark. Also eggs.

If you genuinely have trouble eating more than 1k cals per day, then those "weight gainer" shakes filled with sugar are probably a good option for you.
i fucking love salmon. pricey though. i eat a metric fuck ton of cod. Like probably at least once every day. I eat dairy so i'll look into that. I eat healthy, i just don't eat very much is all. trying to eat when not hungry sucks
I can bench more than I can deadlift
I can curl more than I can squat

There is no hope for me
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What can I do to broaden my shoulders? I realized that no other muscle matters until I get shoulder gains. Now I know they won't get that much wider, but even half an inch would be great.
Is there a routine that focuses heavily on shoulders?
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>just skip legs lmao
I'd also be interested in one actually
>first date in my life tomorrow night
How do I not drop my spaghetti everywhere?
Make sure you do OHP's on the regular
If any water touches my lips they end up destroyed. They become almost white and start to look like that skin that people can sometimes peel off. Heck, if I shower then all I need to do is rub my lips before the "skin" actually comes off.

How can I fix this?
Sounds like a question that you should direct to a dermatologist.
I don't believe that. Ever watch the little fuckers? They tease and torment their bros. They run around and have fun, I mean obviously they're nowhere near as complex as us but I don't imagine they're purely robotic, reflexive, instinctual.
Overhead presses, single arm dumbbell presses, lateral raises, cable upright rows (set it to around dick height), facepulls, rear delt exercises.
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I saw this on a thread a while back and was looking to follow it.
Are there any notable issues with it?

Also, I would want to incorporate skull crushers into it. Would this be best to do on B days?
SS or SL? Any good cardio workout i can do at home? I went from skelly to skinny fat, my stomach is bloated sometimes and it sticks out so i want to cut.
you don't skip legs on push/pull. You do squats and deadlifts on the pull day.
SS. SL is a ripoff of it.

Download Army FM 7-22. Do circuits of Conditioning Drill 1 and 2 for 5 reps per movement, without resting between movements, for 15 minutes building to 30 minutes. Great no-equipment home calisthenics cardio.
SS, but do high-bar instead of low-bar, replace powercleans with rows, and add dumbbell curls and neutral grip pull-ups.
How do I get faster? I don't mean like running, but or quick reactions, but like improving fast-twitch muscles. I'm gaining strength, but I feel like I do things like punching at the same speed.
Reaction time is more or less set in stone.
what do people even eat on a cut? lettuce sandwiches with no bread?
Make sure you do everything in cadence too. Don't forget your PT belt
When I cut I eat pretty much the same stuff as usual, just less of it.
lemme know when a dog writes a book discussing the existence of dogs.
Just felt a sharp pain in my right knee when I squatted. Fourth set, first rep, quite heavy. Is it something wrong with my stance? I try to go low (almost atg). Also very tall if that matters.
Thanks, that Army FM is quite confusing but thanks anyways.
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What does /fit/ think about the routine attached? 5kg per week lower body / 2.5kg upper body.
fine, just do it.
Lads i want to find a decent intermediate 3 day workout if there are any left just stopped gaining from Starting Strength and I want to move on I've heard PPL is decent
>squats, diddles, barbell rows, cable rows, lat pull downs, face pulls and accessories
this seems excessive, too many big lifts on one day to be efficient
Fair enough. Just dislike not doing normal deadlifts.
then replace the RDLs with normal deadlifts.
just don't go to failure each set, leave two reps in the tank.
Yeah makes sense, cheers. So still do 3x5 front squat and 3x5 deadlift? Or maybe do front squat 3x8 and 3x5 deadlifts
Keep front squat to 5 reps, more reps is pretty awful to do.
Deadlift can be 5 (keep 1 in the tank) or 8 (keep 2 in the tank), both are fine, doesn't really matter.
Righto. Do appreciate it, mate.
Why does everyone on /fit/ take fish oil?
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Is Tokita Ohma achievable natty?
Hey got a quick question

I was considering doing some side lat raises until failure, not during my usual workout time.
Like, just before my shower or after lunch etc.

Is this a bad idea? Is there a better lift to do that I can do with some not heavy dumbbells?
is fasted cardio worth doing? or is it a meme?
Is this a good strength starting routine for someone who has never lifted weights before? Like for a beginner? I'm also classified as overweight.

5x5 deadlift

5x5 dumbbell bent over row

5x5 barbell military press

I was thinking of doing cardio inbetween strength days, like just go to the gym and do cardio this way my muscles can rest and what not. Some people said it's stupid to do both, but I read that there isn't anything wrong with doing both cardio and strength training. So basically I'd be doing this five days a week, and taking two days off to rest.
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TDEE calculation - which activity level?
>run 5-6x a week 20-30min with extensive streching afterwards
>3x week lower body bodyweight exercises
Should I choose light or moderate?

If you wonder why no upper body or weights: I currently focus on running alone.
I just stole a box of protein bars from a display at a nearby supermarket. I'm desperate. I walked out just fine but I'm worried. Do you think they're going to catch me on cam?
I strained my upper back on a new PR
What did I do wrong?
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do i have birthing hips?
how to mitigate?
you got diaz brothers body
Why are you mirin? He's flexing every 'cep in his body, look at that clenched fist
light and be on the safe side
Should I do power shrugs and farmers walks the day after deadlift?

Its shoulder day and I wanna hit den traps again but idk. Forearms are a tad sore and so is my back but traps are fine and shoulders too.
this, t. person in image
And why not? Can you explain or just give me something better? I mean I found this routine linked through the sticky, and they said it was good for beginners so I wasn't sure what the problem was.
You probably overread the second day of that routine that involves squatting and bench press that would make it a good routine.
look up a 3 times/week full body routine. You are a beginner not used to any load, dont overdo it. Tendons take more time to strenghen than muscles and the body need 48h to fully recover.

Form is key, especially deadlifts. Saw a lot of beginners having big trouble with it.

You could do some cardio after your workout or on rest days but again, you arent used to anything, take it slow.
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Help a plateauing brother out? Been working out for 6 months so fairly new.

5'9" / 174 cm
150 lbs / 68 kg
7" / 18 cm bone pressed dong, 6.5" / 16.5 cm from skin
4.7" / 12 cm girth

My 4RM:
Bench: 149 lbs / 67.5 kg
Overhead: 83 lbs / 37.5 kg
Squats: 176 lbs / 80 kg
Deadlifts: 198 lbs / 90 kg

Doing Ivysaur's 4-4-8 routine. For one thing, I can never seem to increase at the rate suggested by the routine (pictured). Is it okay at my current level to increase at 5 lbs per month? This is for every lift. I also noticed I can never finish any sets beyond the 2nd set, especially my bench press and overhead press. Squats and Deadlifts seem fine tho.

Thanks in advance!
Forgot to mention I take 100g protein and 2.4k calories per day. Is it too low? I'm really concerned with my lifting stamina, especially on my bench and overhead.
wtf step it up
is a maintenance of 2400 calories for a 6ft 165lb male that does 45mins of cardio +bodyweight exercises everyday sound about right? Should I lower or raise it?
How can I make my egg whites not taste like shit besides adding the yolk? I added tomatoes and onions and it still doesn't taste like anything
add yolk, it's where all the micronutrients are anyway.
depends on what you want to do! id say 3000 spread throughout the day would be ideal. you are tall and if you want to gain some mass id increase it to at least 4000 calories + occaisional weightlifting youd swell up.
ok thanks
how long should i go for on a stationary bike to be equivalent to 25 mins running?

got some mad shin splints brehs
Can someone recommend a routine that only uses a pull up bar and adjustable dumbbells?
is lower back pain normal after doing stiff leg deadlifts? i'm not injured or anything, just sore as hell.
so you're saying the downsides aren't anything too serious
I recently came home from uni for the summer and have fairly limited food.
I planned on cutting when I got back but I've quite a lot of weight in just a few days.

I went from just under 200lb on tuesday to 192lb today.
I'm 6'4" btw.
>I know I'm skelly
>pls no bully

Am I gonna lose a lot of gains if I'm unintentionally fasting but still working out and getting enough protons?
I'm on a ~500 calorie deficit (maybe more from the cardio I'm doing). I'm doing cardio on even days, strength on odds. I've lost ten pounds in the last 3 weeks, and I'm definitely looking better, but I'm worried that my BF% is staying pretty similar and half of my weight loss is from muscle.

What do I do? Pic is my daily diet, except I'm eating cottage cheese or eggs + whey supplement instead of chicken nuggz now (haven't added nutrition to my spreadsheet yet).
>pullups for width, rows for thickness
Is this a meme? All evidence I've seen suggests horizontal rows work the lats and back outright more than vertical ones.
Keep protein around 1 to 1.5 grams per lb of body weight, keep carbs under 100grams a day, train every muscle group at least once a week, and make sure you're supplementing with BCAAs. Plenty of water as well. Also, there's no way half your weight loss is from muscle. A lot of it was probably water weight with the first two weeks.
Osso spur maybe?

be sure that you are stepping correctly to avoid impact. massage, ice and correct form should help
where do i get steroids
Also make sure your carbs are good carbs and not anything high glycemic. No reason to spike your insulin levels, it will do nothing but promote fat storage. Try and stay away from whey supps for the time being, a lot of them contain a lot of sugar and sweeteners, use eggs and chicken for protein source and fruits and steel cut oats for carbs. Also download my fitness pal to track your calories and macros. You're welcome.
Also, goddamnit don't eat peanut butter and chicken nuggets for weight loss, what the fuck.
Diet should consist of mostly eggs, chicken, oats, Jasmin rice, plenty of fiberous veggies and a limited amount of fruit.
Yes and no. Vertical pulls (and certain rows) help a lot with the upper back so it enhances the v-taper, but both rows and vertical pulls will make your lats wider.

Its 0.8 gram per Kg NOT lbs.
ignore this advice entirely
>A lot of it was probably water weight with the first two weeks.
Can you elaborate on this? I drink lots of water. I've been doing strength for a long time, but the cardio is new, as is the diet.

thx, yeah I've got macros on the side. And I bought some Isopure because I'm not hurting for money and I'm not using a lot of it. Hell I've only had one scoop so far.

Long-term I'll probably invest in some grass-fed promix whey complex, looks pretty good.
Yeah fuck off. I lost 80 lbs and retained a lot of my muscle. 1 gram of protein per lb is what you want. As well as training muscle groups and BCAAs. Goddamn this board.
the thing that's done the most for my back thickness is low bar squats. i have wide lats from chinning with heavy weights but the depth and size of my muscles right in the middle/bottom of my back is insane.

i never do rows ever.
its totally normal to lose a lot of weight in the beginning (though not that much), it's just water. same thing happens on a bulk but in reverse. keep an eye on your weight to prevent fucking up.
How can I eat big on a very small (student) budget?
When you lower your carb and salt intake you'll slowly lose water weight. Hence why you probably look better after two or three weeks, you're not bloated anymore.
I don't think I should be losing that much water weight though, I've started drinking a gallon day which is much more than I used to.
Same situation here.
I'm on 4000 calories a day in 7 meals.
Groceries are $60 a week for me.
Bulk oats
Boneless Chicken breasts/thighs
Canned chick peas/ black beans
Eggs, tons of fucking eggs, like 12 a day
Cheap produce like boccoli and celery
Whey protein post workout
Meals look like this
Meal 1, 6 eggs 1 cup oats 2oz cheese
Meal 2, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup oats
Meal 3, same as 2
Meal 4, tuna, cottage cheese, oats
Meal 5 post workout shake, milk, whey,bananas, oats, peanut butter
Meal 6 chicken breast, jasmin rice or beans
Meal 7, casien protein before bed
your muscle store less water when you cut, but you are right it shouldn't have been as much as that. maye your weighing technique was off, for example if you ate a salty meal, had a bad sleep, wore different clothes (weigh naked always), hadn't taken a shit etc can all pretty extremely affect the number on the scale.

bulk tinned foods, bulk oats, bulk eggs and bulk milk, guaranteed to be cheap as fuck

could prob even make that cheaper by cutting out the chicken and veg. not the healthiest but if money is tight it may have to do

also (original guy) if you're a student you could probably always reduce the amount of money you spend on alcohol.
this is excellent thanks anon
I don't drink at all it's just I'm putting myself through college so money is always tight.
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Around how much protein should I be taking in each day?

>15%ish bodyfat
>Alternating between cardio/lifting as a routine
(Cardio necessary for career)

I've been cutting at,
>220g of protein per day
>2000 calories overall

And have seen no noticeable change.
My end goal is around 10%bf.

Any advice?
Help me figure this out before body dysmporhia eats me.
that amount of protein is good mate
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That's too much.

Anything more than 1g/lb lean bf is a fucking meme.
I'm relatively new to lifting and I started at a new gym today. I go in tomorrow to be assessed by a PT. I know PTs just want your money but I don't know what to expect since it's free.
They're going to jew you.
If you're not losing weight cut more.
This is gonna be real fucking stupid since I've never done weighted dips or pull ups or any of that shit before. But.

My gym doesn't have a way to do weighted dips at all. The only way to even do normie dips is on the assisted machine. So my question is, can I put a pl8 on the pad where your knees go to make them weighted? Is that how this shit works?
My stomach has been bubbling/gurgling a lot since I started gymming. Is there causation from working out?
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Could be not enough rest or recovery. Try sleeping more and eating clean
How many calomies you figure in a 10 inch beef shawarma? The knockoff ones central/south asians make?
>can I put a pl8 on the pad where your knees go to make them weighted?
holy shit, plz upload a video of you doing it, would be a new meme.
I'll get to sleep right now senpai.
I mean it's either that or sandwiching a dumbell or pl8 between my legs or thighs and I don't really want to be doing a fucking balancing act the higher I go. I'll just try it out next time I go to the gym and find out for myself.

bump you faggots I know fit is a slow board
18 yo high schooler here and I'm asking this chick to prom tomorrow. Any ideas on what to do?
Is there a good household workout routine?
I'd say maybe do an extra mini set at the end of each arm workout with your left arm
It'll take a while for it to reach the size of the other arm, though. Be patient with it, my dude. Nobody will notice unless you flex in front of them
Sounds bretty good anon, it'll take a little longer but the results will probably be better than doing a more intense cut. Good luck, my love
Ive read a lot online that it isn't good to do cardio around the time you lift when trying to build muscle, but my father who helped me with a routine said its important to do ten minutes of like rowing machine before lifting, to warm up. Not sure which is more beneficial then doing it or not..
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un/fit/ here pretty much spent the last 5 years in depression became a shut in and really lost control of myself
my scale weight hasn't really changed over the last few years usually hovering around 75kg I'm not obese but I'm not fit. I don't know for sure but I do have a pretty high body fat percentage and not much muscle mass at all.
my current goal isn't to get /fit/, ripped, swole or what ever you want to call it. It's simply to become more comfortable in my own body. I'd like to lose some of my fat and maybe gain a little muscle in the process. but the main goal is the fat.
currently I'm not able to do much at all after being so inactive for years. I recently bought myself a treadmill and am trying to use it every day, just walking at this stage for a few kms. every week I'm going to try and up things either by going faster or going longer. currently I'm up to 4kms in just under an hour. I know that doesn't sound like much but it's progress for me.
My lifts are pretty non existent, how ever I am now able to do one chin up and every time I pass something I can do one on I'll try. I bench a total of 35kg for 8 reps and I can manage a couple of sets.
can anyone recommend or suggest anything that I can start adding to improve where I'm at now.
ive got quite a noob question, but i can't find it on the wiki

if im 150lbs and i train 3x a week, mo-we-fr fullbody routine, my protein intake should be ~150g protein with a ~200kcal surplus.
do i also need ~150g of protein on my off-days, or can i lower it to something easier to maintain? and can i also remove the calorie surplus on my off-days to just maintenance levels?
Is it ok if I do SL on a 500 calorie deficit? I'm skinnyfat as fuck so I want to cut until I see abs, then start clean bulking

is this good?
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Seen the Metcons recommended somewhat frequently as a running shoe. Found a pair online for $35. Worth? Thoughts?
Image so you'll look at this.
I'm using it lad. Did SS for 5~ months. Switched to this program about a month ago. Already seeing results on back and arms.
Every time after I deadlift my lower back hurts for a few days. Am I doing something very wrong or is this just what deadlifting is like?
Do my muscle gainz hurt if I eat enough protein but too much fat and carbs? I don't mind getting fatter as long as my muscles grow as big as they can.
I've been doing ICF for a few weeks now. I'm wondering about changing it a little so that I hit my arms more often as I think they're falling behind & I want bigger arms.


>Day A

>Squats 5x5
>Bench 5x5
>Bent over rows 5x5
>Shrugs 3x10
>Curls 3x8
>Cable pushdowns 3x8

>Day B
>Squat 5x5
>OHP 5x5
>Bent over rows 5x5
>Close grip bench 3x8
>Curls 3x8
>Hyperextensions 2x10


I want to move the curls, close grip bench and pushdowns to a different day, let's call it C, and go


Or have the rest day somewhere else, basically hitting arms 3 days a week.

Whats the calorie count in half a chicken?

My diet plan is daily
>Morning - Green Smoothie
>Dinner - Half a roast chicken and as many vegetables as I want

Goal is weightloss via Keto where the fat is almost entirely from my body fat.

What would my calories look like? I've seen so many different numbers for half Roast Chickens, anywhere from 600-1200 calories.
Chickens vary in size Dumbo
Buy one and read the packaging
give it a go and report back
Yes, i would try to hit the 150g protein & 200kcal surplus, you build muscle while recovering from training.
fucking too much work tbqh
does omega-3, vitamin D and creatine also help with workouts/muscle growth when taken on off-days?
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