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Why are normies horrible /fit/? >go to party with some friends

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Why are normies horrible /fit/?
>go to party with some friends
>have gf so not out to hook up
>get waay to drunk, like 3 girls looking at me all night, 1 of them is insanely skelly.
>after all 3 literally comes up to me and asks if i wanna come home to their house
>respectfully decline, trying to keep the mood going without any drama bullshit
>2 of them take the hint and move on
>skelly apparently takes it as a challenge
>keep hanging around me and my friends, shit gets awkward
>many hours (and shots) later
>party is in my friend's appartement so i crash in his guest room
>to drunk to remember to lock door
>wake up to skelly chick licking my nipples and has a firm grip on my dick
>"oh awake huh? ;)"
>literally push her 40kg body across the room
>still drunk, its like 6am
>take my clothes and leave while she tries to apologize
if i was a chick this would be an easy rape case, but since i'm a guy the cops probably wont care so wont bother.

anyone else have had any run inn's with thirsty bitches?
>if i was a chick this would be an easy rape case, but since i'm a guy the cops probably wont care so wont bother.
This is the most fucked up part of your story because it's so damn true. Chicks get away with A LOT.

Also...what'd she look like (aside from being a skelly). Honestly, if I was as drunk as you're implying you were, I probably would have fucked her...but that's because I really like thin chicks.

I have a similar story, but it was with a fat chick trying to fuck me and she ended up getting REALLY annoying after a while. I just can't bring myself to fuck a ham planet...but I'd bone a skinny chick easily.
not like hot skelly, more like borderline anorexic...
....Sooo...did she have a pretty face? Decent tits?

I don't think you realize how much I like thin chicks and wouldn't hesitate to rail one even if she was borderline anorexic.
i wouldnt call them tits, would say a 6-7/10 face tho but she used way to much make up for my liking. she is so skinny you can easy see her neckbones(?) and shoulders being pointy as fuuuck. not anything i would go near, atleast not worth to cheat on my gf with.
but hey man, if you're into it, more power to ya

>getting mad that a girl was so attracted to you that she wanted to molest you

dont be homo
Nah, you did right mate. I have makeup too, so I may have given her the cold shoulder too. Plus, if it's not your type, it's not your type. Plenty of guys would have railed the ham planet who threw herself at me, but that body type just turns me off.
>if i was a chick this would be an easy rape case, but since i'm a guy the cops probably wont care so wont bother.

Difference is that you as a guy can easily push her off while if the sexes are reversed, she'd barely budged and then ram her cock in your pussy.
Good lad but
>1 drunk girl = all normal people ever
Get a grip mate
Clearly you arent in shape or youd realize this is completely wrong
Not the point at all.
What are you on about? Wrong how?
Almost all girls are like that drunk or not. Girls legitimately think theya re entitled to touch a man anyway they want if they want to. Once you get fit go to a party and count how many girls feel you up.
Been felt up plenty mate it doesn't bother me but I've never met a man in my entire life who's been molested in his sleep by a strange girl. Go outside, twat
>calls others normies
>has a gf
Come on mate
I have clearly you havent dude.
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Obnoxious cunt
dude just go back to r9k dont reply to me again
this desu
>>>/misc/ >>>r/fitness >>>/instagram/
People in general are fucking shit. The more people you are near, and the drunker those people are, the shittiness average goes up. Men, women, blacks, whites, normies, NEETS, whatever, there will always be fucktards who ruin things for others will their deficient brain.
Ya, that's the point. You can defend yourself. A woman can't.
Explain how you can defend yourself while sleeping/drunk like OP was? PLease stop white knighting for women
>oh no someones given me an orgasm free of charge
Unless its a disgusting hambeast, men don't care
CAn you not read or are you pretending to be stupid?
OP has a GF he doesnt want to cheat on and the girl was a spooky skelly. Please stop pretending to be an idiot.
Are you the guy who got severely drunk and got a bj from a smelly fat chick at your friend's house?
speak for yourself you pathetic faggot
>cries because his willy got wet
>calls me a faggot
Sort it out mate
Maybe you should get out of your basement and see how real world works
Again, you probably arent fit so you need to take any sex you can get. Once youre in shape tinder is like shooting fish in a barrel dude. Some of us can say no to ugly women.
That's why you don't get stupid drunk dumbass.

Personal responsibility faggots. Jesus christ.

>Go get shitfaced drunk
>Someone takes advantage of me because I didn't have common sense not to lose my bearings and have self control
>Bitch about something you could have avoided 100%

Fuck off. You got what you deserved.
So the one who didn't act like most of the other people was/is a normie?

>2 girls take a hint
>1 girls doesn't
>the one girl is clearly the normie and the 2 girls are obviously ultra weirdos
This is wrong and stupid. I agree he shouldnt get stupid drunk but says he got what he deserved is a little far dude.
Welcome to 4chan, where anyone who does anything wrong to you is a normie, anyone who is worse than you at anything is a normie, and anyone who is better than you at anything is a normie, but you're DEFINITELY not a normie.
If you put yourself in a situation that you know can have bad consequences, and there is an easy way to avoid that.

There's really no pity. This goes for both genders.
The terrible consequence of being asleep. He totally asked for it?
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>be me
>tip toes to reach lat pull down
>chad is literally pointing and laughing
>use anger to crush PR
>more than his
>hes dumbfounded
>feel good man

>use anger to crush PR
He didn't fall asleep, he passed out because he was shitfaced drunk. Big difference.
Dude people make mistakes. Wishing something bad on someone and saying they deserve it is to far. Stop trying to be edgy to fit in. IF you have to walk somewhere and a bunch of niggers attack you can i say you deserved it?
Except it was still the middle of the night. He'd have gone to sleep either way. She was the aggressor, she was the one responsible.
you're a normie if you have a gf

I already explained it in above posts, I really don't feel like doing it again.

Not sure how it's remotely being edgy or "trying to fit in" when it's people who on purpose do dumb things, then because of it go cry about it on the internet wanting sympathy.
Having some drinks and sleeping at a friends house is not dumb or uncommon. Once you get some friends youll find that out.
He was just hanging out with his friends, dude. Aside from the girl who assaulted him, it's a fairly normal night.

How good shape do I need to be in?
what man who isn't a /fit/ autist doesn't have this story
I've been felt up too. It kinda pisses me off actually because the only women who feel me up are mediocre as fuck. Like you turn around and it's someone ugly or average, now what? It goes from hot to creepy real fast when you're not interested whatsoever. When they're attractive on the other hand...
op makes it sound like if the girl was hot enough he would cheat on his gf.

why the fuck even pretend to commit to a girl just to hurt her feelings and leave her ?
6 pack and don be ugly or two short.
OK, do you post a shirtless selfie or photos with friends or what?
This is true. It's annoying as fuck, the double standards. If a guy walked up to a girl and started feeling her tits going "hey beautiful" he'd probably get beaten up by whiteknights and then sued. For a good reason, that's inappropriate and disrespectful.

But when a woman gets instantly close and starts feeling you up, it's socially acceptable and there's really not much you can do about it without seeming like a sperg since it's a norm
>lat pulldown PR
what the fuck are you doing
>rape case
why the fuck would you ruin someone's life for having a little nosh on your dick? you're clearly not traumatized, holy shit you're like a victim playing woman
>>lat pulldown PR
>what the fuck are you doing

he said he was doing a lat pull down you fucking retard!
Got 5 photos on mine.
First is a selfie with a focus on my face and jaw. I have no expression on my face. Its just showing the girls what they are getting.
Next is a pic of me shirtless at a pool with some friends.
Next is a picture of me at a bar with some friends.
Next 2 are photos of when i was in the navy.
Easy senpai.

>But when a woman gets instantly close and starts feeling you up, it's socially acceptable and there's really not much you can do about it without seeming like a sperg since it's a norm
I do it back. I probably get away with it cause im fit but if a girl rubs my chest i do the same thing right back and give a coy smirk. Dont try if youre ugly but then again she wouldnt be rubbing you if you were. Just being honest.
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I have done it, but making her MORE playful doesn't exactly help your situation if you don't want her touching you up. Not to mention that some women feel attacked despite starting it, which can cause huge amounts of drama and other stupid shit
Noted on the photos. My friends never fucking take photos ever, not even the girls. I'll have to somehow convince them to start doing it.
>have gf
foookin dropped m8
>doesn't exactly help your situation if you don't want her touching you up
Oh i assumed you did my bad

Bro neither do mine just plan it. Guys almost never take photos. I said to mine i need these for tinder and they completely understood. If your friends think thats weird just get new friends.

lotus arent you a normie though? Ive seen your apartment it looked pretty nice plus didnt yo make a shit load of money playing poker?
Do what I do and stage some. You obviously can't stage group photos, but if you have abs and don't want to wait for a group photo by the pool, set one up yourself. As long as it doesn't look like you took it yourself you're fine.
>Bro neither do mine just plan it. Guys almost never take photos. I said to mine i need these for tinder and they completely understood. If your friends think thats weird just get new friends.

OK I honestly never thought to straight up ask for that but that's a good idea.

Also a good idea.

Thanks for the help, fellow /fit/izens
>oh no someones given me an orgasm free of charge

I'd love to see a guy use this "I was just giving her a free orgasm!" excuse in a rape trial.
You're pretty normal too then
Fuck off just because you're a thirsty beta who doesn't mind uggos doesn't mean everyone else is
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The /r9k/ tier comments ITT

> Just getting your dick wet, what's the problem?
> Doesn't count as sexual assault because you're stronger, even though you didn't want it
> Passing up a free orgasm???

jfc you DYEL incels, you're not even teetering on the cusp of awareness, you're fully detached from reality.
>get drunk with friends and end up in our usual bar
>wearing my favorite DnB cap because I'm hyped af for an upcoming event
>bar is packed and everybody is dancing
>proceed to get smashed
>notice a 2/10 fatty eyeing me multiple times from across the room while I'm dancing
>am decent looking normie so not desperate enough to pursue
>ignore her and carry on having a good time
>suddenly feel my cap being lifted from my head
>probably one of my friends, right?
>turn around
>fatty stole muh cap
>really don't like it when people touch my shit but don't want to ruin the night
>try to be nice about it and ask her to return it
>she refuses and says I should take it from her, forcing me to touch her gross body
>I just want my cap man
>as I reach for it she pushes her body against mine and immediately pushes me away again with a faked angry look on her face
>"I have only 2 rules handsome, no touching down there or my chest..."
>start losing my temper and demand she stops playing stupid games
>she pouts and acts like she is going to give it back, right as one of her friends swoops in and "steals" the cap
>"woops... can't give it back to you anymore it seems teehee ;)"
>"maybe I can get it back for you if you give me your number? :)"
>really fucking done with this shit but I decide to play along anyway
>she immediately calls me to check if I didn't give her a fake number
>almost squeals in joy when she confirms it is indeed my real number
>retrieves my cap and gives it to me
>"you look better without it though ;)"
>fake a smile as I take the cap from her
>immediately pop off after, telling her what a fat cunt she is and that she should never touch my shit again
>get a text later
>"I was just trying to get your attention hihi"
>stupid fucking monkey emoji.jpg
>tell her again how I hate her for wasting my time and being a fat bitch
>block her number and laugh about it with friends
Why are the fatties always so obnoxious?
fuck this was hard to read, i think all fat girls are like that
What is this?
If you don't plan on marrying her then there's really no point
Dungeons and Bragons
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Drum and Bass
You fucked up when you noticed her.
If you forced that you were completely oblivious to her she wouldn't have even tried.
drum and bass
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I didn't maintain eye contact though. I was just scanning the room looking for my friends.

Dave and Busters
I have a similat story but I was single at my mates sausage fest party and her and her friend are sluts.
>really drunk
>mates gfs friend and I get into argument
>tell her to piss off
>"youre fat and annoying"
>she decides to slap me
>I see red
>coldly tell her to fuck off or I'll slam her and her boyfriend
>hours pass
>she comes up and apologizes profusely
>Isay its ok but I have a headache so go to bed
>I've almost crashed and hear the door open
>mates gf and fat annoying bitch come in
>"wake up anon, youre not going to bed yet?"
>one jumps on my lap
>the other squats on my fucking face
>Bite her playfully on the vag
>"I said I have a headache, piss off!"
>It was dark and I was drowzy so not sure which was which
>Next morning, mates gf is making us bacon and eggs
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>bite her playfully on the vag
>"oh nooou, a chick wanted to bang me! so horrible!"
>bite her playfully on the vag
>I have makeup too
wait what?
It was all I could think of to get her off. Could've motorboated it but that would've been inappropriate.

You could have fucked Eugenia Cooney.
Naw, you're right. I see your point.
Making money doesn't make you a normie. Engaging in mainstream social events like OP makes you a normie.
This is becoming a new meme, isn't it ?
capitalism is normie as fuck
Taylor go to bed.
Are you a vampire?
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>Bite her playfully on the vag
So the girl did nothing wrong?
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>bite her playfully on the vag
Hahahahhaa what a retard
>waah! Girls like me now :((((
Everytime a girl touches my pecs I touch her tits (except when it's a friend's gf). If you can't beat them join them anon
He was molested in his sleep so how much he drank doesn't matter. Also she clearly violated the law and OP could sue her for sexual harassment
>not teleporting behind people
Kind of personnel, kid
Because women are not a fucking threat. You can easily knock one out if need be and you don't even need that since with 99% of people simply telling them what they're doing is not ok is enough.
God, you sound exactly like the fucking feminists you hate, always getting mad at pointless bullshit
prolly meant hate
Not the point. Men mostly like it. It's a different social situation fundamental to the species, I think.

Christ you're stupid. You can't defend yourself if someone slips you a roofie without you noticing it. Where's all the strength difference then when you wake up to find yourself tied up and some crazy bitch pegging you against your will with a horse cock sized dildo?

His point was that if a guy does this, everyone goes apeshit, and the law would come down on you really hard for it, not to mention the stigma associated with being a rapist. However, if a girl does it, nobody bats an eye, and the law does not give a shit even if you're being put in danger with no way to defend yourself.

Who's to say what could've happened if he didn't wake up soon enough to do something about it.

You sound so jaded
Is it just me who enjoys courting mires with girls i've no intention of banging? I just like the attention
I'll even flirt back and lead them on then just ghost when i get bored
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>tfw I used to think of cute girlfu's while lifting as motivation
>tfw 2 years later using my hatred for women as motivation
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> tfw hate women but still want to fuck them
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