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In what world would you even fucking bother with the backsquat

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In what world would you even fucking bother with the backsquat when you can do frontsquats?

>Front Squats zone in on the quads and upper back, while Back Squats focus more on the hips, glutes and lower back. Both lifts recruit all these muscles together, but the emphasis shifts from one lift to the other.

Only FAGGOTS want a thicc ass. Glutes will be trained sufficiently with front squats anyway so there is literally no point in backsquatting over front squat. Why would you cuck your leg gains doing the bastard pleb tier backsquat when I can do the master tier goat frontsquat and get those juicy quads and teardrops?

>bb b but muh posterior chain
>bbb but muh lower back

deadlifts faggot, do you do them?
Honestly I wanted to do them, started, and then at 60kg total weight I wrecked my shoulders for three weeks. I have no idea at alllll how to hold it without pain. Nobody has addressed in any videos what to do when it hurts like shit to hold.
I do upside down Hack squats on a bench
i front squat so i dont have to do abdominals separately
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hold the bar with your fingertips, elbows pushed as far out and up as possible. the bar should choke your neck it's that close
this guys knows what's up
>while Back Squats focus more on the hips

That's wrong mate. Properly executed High/Low bar will mostly focus on your quads and back squats allow you to overload quads more than front squats.
I do low bar squats because ss told me to
I agree that front squats are superior.

Also my hips are fucked from a misaligned SI joint so they're easier on my back.
Fuck deadlifting. I do low bar back squats and by the time it comes to deadlift (SS) my lower back is fried as fuck and can't progress
>wants a quad imbalance
>thinks you choose only one type of squat
Come back when you actually lift.
because only reason to squat is wanting to have a thicc ass.

If i want to work my upper body i just do some upper body movements not front squat
not everyone has the mobility for them faggot and i'm not buying some retarded straps just to front squat
>In what world would you even fucking bother with the backsquat when you can do frontsquats?
In a world where my clevicles are uneven and one protruded up enough that no bar placement allows me to front squat more often than once every two weeks without causing agonising pain.
t. dyel
There are no superior squat, only superior progress. Mine just happen to be front squat. But honestly you should do them both.
Thats what i find retarded about SS - squatting and DLing on the same day isn't viable.

Once I switched programs my DL skyrocketed!
Just change up the order, if you can't do both on the same day deload.
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>Front Squats zone in on the quads and upper back

>doing squats for upper back

how retarded are you?
What do i do if I can't stay upright during a front squat? Can't tell if it's a mobility issue or a strength issue. I can highbar 260 3x5 for what that's worth
I don't have the ankle mobility to do a high bar back squat, I cannot even dream about doing front squats :(
Mobility in ancles and hips
What should you do if you think your core is too weak for SS? Or at least not progressing quickly enough?

I've progressed to 240 squat, 225 deadlift and 115 OHP but this shit fucks up my lower back. My research on my back pain leads me to that I have a weaker core and hamstrings compared to the rest of my muscles. What do?
Romanian deadlifts + hanging leg raises. Work on hamstring flexibility and do knee raises of you can't do hanging leg raises.
> still don't have the ankle mobility in pic

Should I just sudoku?
Jokes on you I do both. Front squat is 405x3 while highbar is 485x5. I do front squats more so because it has more athletic transfer though because I compete in judo. If I was an everyday run of your mill type of /fit/tard I would just do back squats because front squats are far more technical and only reason why I know how to do them is because I took weightlifting at my uni when I was off season for judo competition.
Weaklings detected. I run 5/3/1 BBB and I squat and deadlift on the same day 2 days a week while front squatting on both my bench day and military press day.
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