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Rank 1/2/3/4 in order from Most Difficult>Least Difficult

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Rank 1/2/3/4 in order from Most Difficult>Least Difficult

Is it possible in 12 months?

Can you expect any aesthetics from it?
>Can you expect any aesthetics from it?

What the fuck are you even talking about
for me:
bench, dl, ohp, squat

still at 90 kg bench when ohp is 62.5kg. 140 dl (just today) and 125 kg squat

dunno, i just suck at benching i guess. cant seem to progress on that bitch
Yes and yes.

I found 4pl8 diddylift the hardest for me, and I hit it last, but I used to have form issues on account of my freaky long legs and small torso.

Easy to hard for me: 3pl8 squat, 1pl8 ohp, 2pl8 bench 4pl8 Diddy.
i'm lifting for 14 months now, if i had a clue at the beginning i think it would be possible in 12 months. aesthetic wise i can't comment, am 20-25% bf but people noticed that i got bigger

possible in 12 months if focusing on strength, avoidance of injuries, and motivated.
Aesthetics and strength are not highly correlated. If you get it in 12 months you will likely be overweight, but if you train for aesthetics and eventually reach 1/2/3/4, then you will be aesthetic.
>you get what you train for. eat, you pussy
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>Is it possible in 12 months?

>Can you expect any aesthetics from it?
no, see picture. I'm at 1/2.25/3.5/4.5 and look like shit.

>Rank 1/2/3/4 in order from Most Difficult>Least Difficult
depends on your body. lower body lifts might just be a little easier.
it depends entirely on anthropometry, muscle origins/insertions, etc.

this anon has short limbs relative to height, i can almost guarantee you that

this guy too

compare this to my experience:
405 deadlift first, then 315 squat months later, then 500 deadlift, then 135 ohp, and then finally 225 bench

whether or not you can do it in 12 months depends entirely on your starting point, athletic background, and above all your genetic draw

Hardest: 4 plate deadlift
2 plate bench
3 plate squat
Easiest: 1 plate OHP

The 3 plate squat is easier if you don't ever skip doing squats. If you do then you might hit 2 plate bench quicker.
I don't think you look like shit desu
Easiest to hardest for me
hit them all well within 12 months though
this is pretty irrelevant

it depends on your relative segment lengths which one you will find easy/hard
I have been lifting for precisely one month today. 6'3 84kg/~190lbs? My lifts for 3x5 are:
Ohp 35kg = barely 0.5pl8
Bench 1pl8
Squat 80kg = 1.5pl8
Deadlift 90kg 1.75pl8 (1x5)

In general I've been careful rather than gone all out, I think for sure I could lift more on all but ohp if I went for it but I want to be patient and get the form down.
Especially deadlift, I didn't progress it at all last session because my form was trash, but I've been watching videos, reading guides and shit so if I've got the hang of it I might just hit 2pl8 next time.
Ohp is even lower than it should be because I missed a rep 2 workouts in a row so I didn't go heavier than 35kg. Then I had one more go before just deloading, remembered to rest 2mins+ between sets and I hit 3x5 easy peasy, so I don't know what was happening there.
Rate my 1 month progress /fit/
1/2/3/4 within a year?

Started 3 months ago from


Currently at 1/2/2.75/4

All I did was a variation of PPL 3x a week
you started at a 120kg squat but have progressed only 10kg in 3 months?

My mistake. Meant 1.5 plates
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It really varies depending on build and past experience.
>I could do the 1pl8 OHP when I started
>built steadily to the 2pl8 bench in a few months
>tried 335 on a squat randomly and got it(pic related)
>Never DL’d more than 365. It’s not too hard, it’s just terrible form on my part. And I’m stubborn and refuse to use belts, bands, or anything but double overhand.

So for me it was 1-2-3-4 in terms of ascending difficulty
For me it was in pairs, squat and deadlift at the same time, and bench and OHP at the same time.

But I was almost at 4/5 by the time I got 1/2

Long arms and weak shoulders.
4 plate deadlift is the hardest for sure.
3 plate squat comes next.
2 plate bench took me a year and a half.
1 plate ohp wasn't hard at all. I'm almost at 2
All depends on your proportions you fucking mongaloids
>500 lb DL before 2 plate bench

4 ft arms detected
Took me under a year to get 315x5 and 405x5 on them while it took me a almost 1,5 years to get the OHP and bench for 1 rep.

Did 1, and then 2. Will probably eventually get 4. Won't ever get 3, not in a million years.
Ya you look good brother, a lot of /fit/ is memers, you could obviously improve, but still look good.
Not for me, I hit 5 plate DL about the same time I hit a 2plate bench.
How many reps is 1/2/3/4? One rep max? 5 reps? 8 reps?

It's whatever you want it to be
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you're not wrong

very long femurs and legs in general too, i look like irl gondola
I don't really know about 1/2/3/4, is it just a goal for strength or for people who work out for asthetics too?
If I'm counting correctly, then:
1pl8 ohp (70kgs) - I have it as my 1RTM in 5/3/1 this month, wish me luck
2pl8 bench (120kgs) - probably after holidays
3pl8 skwat (170kgs) - Sept/Oct most likely
4pl8 dl (220 kgs) - at the end of the year

of course if I don't stall dramatically, but I have hope in muh 5/3/1
2pl8 is 100kgs lad
the average gymbro who works out for aesthetics can't squat 3 plates or deadlift 4.

there are some people who work out for aesthetics and still look at their strength values though
plate refers to 20kg plates not 25kg

There are also people who work out for aesthetics but don't realise they can't make gains that way without roids so they look the same year round

Average curlbros can definitely do 4 plate ya slag
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is 1/2/3/4 based off your 1rm or 5rm?
I'll keep that in mind, I'm looking good, but most of what I do is high volume workouts training the muscle to grow rather than conditioning the CNS.
thats some joocy body dysmorphia senpai
1pl8 is the 20kg plates, not 25kg.
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Literally no one knows
with shit form maybe. You can't pull 4 pl8 with good form without squatting 3, and curlbros definitely can't squat 3 plates
and yes, I do have short arms and long legs. Part of the reason my upper body is stronger than my lower (relatively speaking).
Just hit a 1pl8 ohp and I'm nearly at a 4pl8 diddly. Still a couple months away from a 2pl8 bench and god only knows how long it will take me to reach a 3 pl8 squat. Can barely do 2pl8 due to hip problems.
oh ok, I thought it was about the biggest pl8s my bad - then I have the OHP, the rest will take some time, though a bit less, accordingly

Answering the OP's question: the OHP is the hardest, I have crazy week's volume for shoulders and the progress is slow as shit, while having my DL's 1RTM at 160kg I have enough strength to pull it 4-5 times, same with squats. But slow and steady, I hope it will be rewarding.
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Do I even look like I lift?
there you go, enjoy your shitty deadlfit and great bench/ohp

if you have hip problems you should probably disregard a bunch of memelovers on the internet and seek medical advice/stop squatting
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I've been lifting for 9 months. For me it is

OHP (50kg) > Bench (90kg) > Squat (140kg) > Deadlift (170kg)

I started out at skelly 72kg bodyweight and bulked up to 85kg, so I guess that's why I got to almost 1/2/3/4 quite quick.
No, but after instagram nobody who is natty looks like they lift anymore

just learn to deal w it
if you have to ask, you already know
Yeah I've given up on squatting for now. I'm just doing stuff that doesn't aggravate my hips like bulgarian split squats for now until I can get my shit sorted.

It was a rethorical question, I'm pretty confident in myself desune
ive been always stronger in upperbody, when i reached 2 plate bench i had barely 3 plate dl
WHAT THE FUCK HOW CAN YOU OHP SO EASILY? I'm fucking at 0.25pl8 OHP with a 3pl8 DL and 2pl8 squat. pretty nooby but my OHP is so fucking weak REEEEEE
I literally can't believe how retarded this board is sometimes, look at all these replies lmao


as for aesthetics, how do you think muscles grow? here's a big hint, it has quite a lot to do with getting stronger
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good for you m8

even compared to current instagram GIRLS, you don't look like you lift though
>0.25pl8 OHP with a 3pl8 DL and 2pl8 squat.

nigga what the fuck. you can deadlift 140kg but can only ohp 30kg? How much can you bench?
is 1/2/3/4 based off your 1rm or 5rm?
why would you do deadlifts when you can't squat? you're only going to wear down your spine.

Yeah not taking the bait though, comparing a 6'0 guy with a nice physique with a lean 5'4 girl is not a very good comparison
shut up you fucking idiot

don't ever post on /fit/ again
Why is that?
I fail to see your point, m8?

to look like you lift nowadays, your insta pics need to look like the top 10% on insta (otherwise girls will NEVER believe that you go to the gym)

this guy doesn't even look like the top 10% of GIRLS. let alone compared to guys...
don't ask that retard anything

he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about and is only going to spew some garbage

as if squats don't also place strain on the lower back, and as if they somehow prevent lower back injuries or alleviate the stress deadlifts put on the back
I've been on /fit/ for a while and still don't have a single clue what people are talking about when they talk about 1/2/3/4 and all this different pl8 stuff
2 pl for example is 2 90lb plates per side on the bar

2 girls plates is 2 45lb plates per side
i squat and pull more than you.

why would you deadlift if you're not a power lifter? that's the main question you got to ask yourself. squatting has some justification even for bodybuilding purposes but deadlifts have a bad cost/reward ratio when you're not aiming purely for strength.
>girls will NEVER believe that you go to the gym

I don't know what you been smoking but it's actually the opposite. I constantly see girls comment on auschwitz modes drooling over their physique. Besides, anyone here knows otter mode is what girls really want.

shoulders progress slowly yet steadily

start with low-rep high-weight sets, then high-rep low-weight sets

you should barbell OHP then dumbell OHP
>bad cost/reward ratio

what the fuck am I reading

Deadlift is the number one exercise to develop a joocy back
post some videos of these big impressive lifts then anon
Fucking hell ive been waiting for someone to answer this.
>Deadlift is the number one exercise to develop a joocy back

This is what the pseudo powerlifters of /fit/ actually believe.

The best bodybuilders of all time all had a strong deadlift

Bench is fucking impossible for me. I use dumbells though.

OHP was never all that difficult.

Squats and deadlifting are what I'm built for.
sure average 6/10s will be like that

8/10 and over fit(ness) girls won't though, and let's face it if you put incredible amount of work into your body why the fuck would you settle with a 6/10 that doesn't even squat?

if you are really into this fit meme for real I don't even think its feasible to be together with a girl that isn't. You will barely even see each other unless you both go to the same gym/ prep the same type of meals/ etc etc
Well personally I've noticed that my traps have gotten a lot bigger since I started deadlifting.
it wears down your joints and spine, and that's a fact.

there are many big and famous mr olympia bodybuilders who've never used deadlifts as part of their routine. You can believe the /fit/ memes all you like but maybe you step into a gym with some big dudes one day and just ask them, how about that?
>The best bodybuilders of all time all had a strong deadlift
They had a strong deadlift because they had good backs.Not the other way around.
leg press is way worse for your spine

and no, there are no top bodybuilders that can't at least pick up 6 plates DL

it is true that many don't go that heavy though (keep in mind 6pl is NOT A HEAVY DL at those levels, it is moderate intensity work).

so yes, they are telling the truth when they say they never went heavy on DL, with that they mean they never went much past 300kg/660lb
You look good brah, decent cut and you'll be even better
squatting also puts a lot of wear on the lower back, along with more on the knees and hips

so does squatting lmao

both squats and deadlifts wear down your back and joints, let's not be fucking stupid here

the risk or reward of each exercise depends entirely upon your build for each exercise

long arms, great at deadlift? you will have a superior starting position with less shear force on the spine, and you will be able to move heavier loads and get much more out of it (you can also handle more volume, usually)

reverse this for short arms, inferior starting position and higher risk all around

for squat, short femured long torso lifters are going to get incredible quad development from it and have very little wear on the low back

for long femured short torso squatters, the lower back will be a limiting factor long before the quads are, and the amount of strain both on the knees and back is much higher

it's not all so black and white, which is why you see top tier BBers with vastly different exercise selection depending on build and what works well for them

>le actually lift and you will know something maymay

>there are many big and famous mr olympia bodybuilders who've never used deadlifts as part of their routine

Please tell me which ones

I love deadlifts for building strength and do heavy deadlifts (1-3 reps) at least once a week

but honestly I've only seen strength gains from them, for getting juicy I do exercises that focus on the mid and upper back (rhomboids and lats)

I think deadlifts are only for building core and lower back strength honestly
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1/2/3/4 corresponds to the number of 45lb/20kg plates on either side of the bar during the 4 major barbell exercises (OHP/Bench/Squat/DL)

Being able to do a single good rep of these is the baseline for male strength. Far from ideal, but well above average.
So, if you you’ve achieved “1/2/3/4”, then you can

>Overhead Press 135 lbs
>Bench Press 225 lbs
>Squat 315 lbs
>Deadlift 405 lbs

The thread is asking people to rank which of these 4 goals is the hardest to get.
Been lifting for a bit over a year (Nov 15, but with a few months off due to travel). Currently;
> 195kg deadlift
> 180kg back squat
> 135kg front squat
> 90kg bench
> 75kg push press

Are my numbers off?
how long you been liftan?

Dorian Yates for a start and he has a sickening back.
Bench looks a bit weak but everything else is good.
upper body ridiculously low compared to lower body

but thats usually how it is, most people never reach good OHP or bench during their entire lives

if you are lean you could have some potential for OLY lifting. you will never become great at bench in any case
Unless you have an injury or something that sounds like something is wrong, probably terrible form. Pay attention to Valsalva maneuver, path of the bar and your head, hold the bar correctly and place your feet. Even stuff like keeping your glutes squeezed makes a difference.

Read the starting strength chapter
test post

50 kg
he also didn't squat, which speaks to >>40703964

you don't need to do squats or deadlifts desu, they're just very good tools

find which tools work for you
Getting stronger has more factors than just muscle.
They can deadlift that because they are doing rows and other types of back work.

He actually did a lot of SLDL, even though it's a variation of it
bodyfat% estimate ?

bench heavy at least twice a week, your bench is pathetic relative to your other numbers

>push press

is this supposed to train the shoulders or the legs? If you want to train shoulders do OHP

Sure, CNS adaptation and form also play a role, but if you were Benching 2pl and now you can bench 3pl your chest will be bigger
It's going to be squat for me since I literally did not squat or deadlift when I starting lifting and I hit 2pl8 and 1pl8 goals already.
Currently at 195 squat and 315 dl. Kill me, senpaitachi. And my squat form is bad.
Does 3pl8 assume low bar or high bar ?
yes, fair enough, they are not FOCUSING on deads. they are doing them about only once a week at moderate intensity (i.e. 5-6 plates)

but yeah, you are right rows are one of the main BB lifts, and they focus very heavily on them. Typically they will be doing BB rows with anything between 4-6 plates, just about the same weight as they use on DLs.

those who focus on DL all do 700lb+ (arnold did 710lb and he was small and weak by todays standards)

so yeah, either way, you will need a very strong lower back to sustain those heavy rows. A good way to get there as a newbie is to focus heavily on deadliest until you reach 6 plates, after which you can focus on rows more.
body dysmorphia: the post

lookin strong boi
>if you want to train shoulders do OHP
>still believing this
Lol. If you want good shoulders - clean high pulls and upright rows. Provided you are doing high-volume bench press and other pushing exercises your front delts will grow.
around 1 year seriously, before that fucking around for another.

i'd guess around 22%?
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are my numbers correcT?
training with fuckhuge volume, doing several sets of with ramp and then adding weight and doin push presses, adding weight to push jerks is actually a KINDA good way to break through plateaus.
>clean high pulls
I'm going to look like a fucking mong doing these.
Very rarely would you see bodybuilders doing deadlifts because the deadlift is not a back exercise or at least not entirely. The heavy work for spinal erectors are done with rack pulls or RDLs. Deadlifts by themselves rarely build a good back and focusing on them would lead you nowhere. Maxx Chewning deadlifts like a mofo but his back doesn't look good. If a newbie wants a good back rows, chins and racks are a better investment of their time.
Do you want results or not?
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You need to count the bar too. Which is 45lbs/20kg. Just add that to each of the sums you have there.

>inb4 “he counts the bar” with pictures of people laughing in ridicule.
1pl8 bench

thanks man, I've been hitting shoulders extra hard lately to catch up

I'm pretty sure my form is good, but my left shoulder does feel like it has a pinch after heavy OHP. would that have an effect?

Tbqh I haven't ever done a clean either. I'll work on this.
whatever t-rex
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>>inb4 “he counts the bar” with pictures of people laughing in ridicule.
>actually counting the weight of the plates
>not counting the bar and gravitational forces pulling on your body

niggers are you all serious
Need to work on your bench...a lot.
It's one of the easiest exercises to learn.
good post, I can agree with that

the point I was trying to make was just that newbs need to understand that you ABSOLUTELY MUST move incredibly heavy ass weights for significant results, on rows, on rack pulls, etc.

rack pulls are a good example. since they will allow even heavier weights than normal DLs, which is a great idea for bodybuilding. but almost pointless for powerlifting.

doing some high rep BB rows at less than 2 plates will do nothing for anyone

the autistic enthusiasm for deadlifts comes from the simple fact that only few people at a normal gym do them (correctly) while it's a very simple lift to progress in for a beginner.
Most people on /fit/ lift for less than a year and the deadlift is the only thing at which they can surpass the hated aesthetic curlbro.
Ask any big guy at a gym (preferable some older dude) and they will tell you there are many ways of doing it, some just lead to injuries more often.
>move heavy ass weight
Absolutely. 4 nasty sets of racks will get the back growing. BB rows can be done for high volume and they can be done for nastiness. Some days you do them for lots, some days you do them to crush.

>pointless for powerlifting
Meh. Powerlifting shouldn't be the be-all-end-all.
that's a bit excesive, he's definitely below 20
22 is literally fat mode while the guy in the pic relatively lean just without much definition
It's a very simple for anyone to progress in. It's not uncommon to see 70kg guys deadlifting 200-210kg for a 1RM with the right training. The deadlift is not that much dependent on muscle mass like the squat and bench are.
How can people hve such weak OHPs?

I can bench 80kg and squat 110kg, yet I can OHP 60kg.
>bench lagging that much behind OHP
Not gonna make it tbqh
People do Rippetoeain programs.
yeah totally, the deadlift moves via magic

no muscle mass is involved in the deadlift, unlike the other lifts, and maxx chewning is representative of what the average lifter needs in terms of muscle to deadlift 600lbs
Squat > ohp > bench > deadlift
i have long legs and arms plus a small torso. Deadlifts were easy. Bench and ohp are difficult but never as difficult as squats because of the long legs small torso combo. i cant highbar squat properly without some adipowers, which I own.
The bar is in front of you and you aren't supporting it. This changes everything. Suddenly you ca recruit a lot more muscles to do the lifting.
it's pretty obvious that barring some extremely strange proportions, deadlifting X will be easier than squatting X

so you deadlift X + 100lbs, and you build muscle

I don't get this deadlift is bad for size meme, I got some of my best gains from deadlifting - I think people just do a heavy set once a week and expect that to be enough, instead of treating it like any other lift and doing it in high volume, and I also think some people with shitty leverages for it have a hard time with it and write it off for everyone based on their personal experience

Going from 135-500 blew my hamstrings, glutes, spinal erectors, traps, and forearms up, and as I get close to 600 and do more volume of deadlift and deadlift variations I keep seeing great gains from it
You are literally retarded
deads release growth hormone as well
Depends on if you want it the easy way senpai

Utter fucking broscience
It's completely individual and dependant on leverages.
>this anon has short limbs relative to height, i can almost guarantee you that

>on account of my freaky long legs and small torso.
are you autistic? HOLY SHIT
Are you me?
>95 ohp
>205 squat
>165 bench
>365 deadlift
if you are going to do something, aim to be the best at it. otherwise, what's the point?

don't waste your life on something you can never be the best at, you're wasting your time. Just like the guy who posted his pic.
Most -> Least
Took me 3 months from when I started SS to get a 315 squat and another month after that to get 405 deadlift. It took me a while to figure out that I, personally, can't progress on a 5 rep scheme for upper body so I swapped to triples. In regards to aesthetics you have to be lifting for longer or heavier to look good.
ahhaha kek.

Obviously 1rm anon.
Squat,Overhead press,Bench,Deadlift for me
I could deadlift 365 when I first started and now I can do 405 for at least 1 rep
It took me awhile to get bench to 225 but I eventually did it
My squats are barely heavier than my bench (275 at the heaviest) because I have have difficulty with my form due to stiff ankles
And overhead press sucks I have been stuck at 135 for only one rep for awhile
I can technically do 1/2/ and 4 for 1 rep each but I still can't 3 plate squats.
Kek. Didn't get the answers you expected huh?
irrelevant, so does every exercise

short spikes in GH do nothing for your muscle gains
Bench > Deadlift > Squat > OHP

This is in terms of hitting it for at least 1 rep. I can hit five reps on all of them except deadlifts. No belt, straps, chalk, or any powerlifting meme involved.

Squat is high bar, and deadlifts is conventional mixed grip btw.
hahah literally me. Im 6'1 and have long arms, strong back from pull ups. Rarely do barbell pressing movements. Bad pressing technique im sure it is the cause.
>no chalk
>does mixed grip

what's it like having down syndrome
Ask your mother


You probably are neet as fuck. I grew up doing sports judo football and rugby. I hit 1 pl8 OHP at 16 or 17
When I first started lifting I never did legs and deads but just started doing them at least 2 times a week for about 3 months
I can squat 265 for 3 and just did 315 for dead.
Already ohp 1pl8 and bench over 2pl8
i'm the opposite of you.
>155 OHP
>225 bench
>335 squat
>305 deadlift
you just need to press more. make it a priority. since you know it's a weak point, enter challengeaccepted mode and rape it. do some pushpresses and really focus on the negative, overload it and get used to the feeling. press more often, and you'll press more.

Man I hit 2/2.5/4/5 in 12 months
Don't know what you fags are doing

Also it's shit for aesthetics. I have large muscles but I'm far too fat to be pretty.
At the end of my first year I decided to cut (220lbs 5'10") to 190. Most of my lifts dropped 20-30lbs but at least now I'm not disgusting
>upright rows
that will fuck up your shoulder joints please don't do this, do lateral raises instead if you don't want to ohp
I hit them in order. 1, 2, 3, 4.
easiest to hardest
I'm 1/2/2/3 for reps right now. Squat feels the most difficult next to deadlift.

Easiest to hardest:
1p8 OHP
4pl8 DL
3pl8 squat
2pl8 bench

> Is it possible in 12 months?
Depends on how big you are and how much size you can forseeably put on. If you're already a big lad, absolutely.

> Can you expect any aesthetics from it?
Again, it depends on your size. The bigger you are, the more achievable aesthetics from a strength programme are, because you will be able to carry more lean muscle, i.e. your body composition will be better than someone who hits the same stats at a smaller stature.
Easiest to hardest:

Jesus fucking christ is this board cancer sometimes. That guys's around 15%. I swear if zyzz posted on here people would say he's in the upper teens.
its 20rm
what do you mean his abs aren't visible that means like the lowest he could be is like 18 ill bet he is like 20%
Alright question. When talking about 1/2/3/4, is that for reps or just 1 rep max?
Yeah champ let's replace one of the best shoulder-builders there is with an exercise that doesn't allow for overload.
It's not a meme but it's misunderstood. As you said, people either do a heavy set and call it a day or rely solely on them for back development. If you want a good back - racks. If you want a strong lower body and some upper-body strength - deadlifts.

In an ideal world people wouldn't take everything that Rippetoe, Blaha and Medhi spew as gospel and would read books by Medvedyev and Simons while studying the workouts of the greats for ideas. However, that requires a bit of research and thought put into it.
On average:
4 > 3 > 2 > 1

Depending on how you're built that can change though.
>Short arms: Deadlifts are much harder, pressing is easier
>Long legs: Squats are much harder
>Barrel chest: Bench is much easier
>Short legs: Squats are much easier
>Long arms: Pressing is much harder

u dont get a certificate, theres not some established rule on this shit

consider that youre probably retarded for testing your 1rm if you cant do 1/2/3/4 as your working sets though
at least 5 reps
do you work anything besides forearms and leg raises?
1rm is probably the best
how can people have such weak squats/bench?
Dude you look better than 90% of regular dudes. Don't fall for the memes.
You can't tell with dark clothes and that angle. But your arms would tell normies you lift
Nigga he ain't 22% have you ever seen 22% body fat before

He's probably between 14% and 16%.
>tfw I was 17 and couldn't bench 1pl8
>would lift and play sports with my friends
>generally eat the same foods
>couldn't progress anywhere near the rate that they could

It was then that I knew I was low test
>bench and squat are the same

Are you trying to fit into skinny jeans?
thanks guys, pic related is what I (>>40703109) looked like before I fell for the bulking meme. Don't have a bigger version cause I can't find it right now.

never done a leg raise in my life. i just do compounds

Nigga you fat as fuck
today i hit my first 1/2/3/4 . i was so happy i was crying.

It's the 1pl8 OHP and it felt quite easy for 3sets 5reps. Pretty sure on Monday I can press 61.25kg as well.
I think the next coming up is 2pl8 bench.

my lower body just sucks. gonna take forever for that.
>120 OHP
>165 bench
>190 squat
>260 deadlift
nice numbers ( I assume in kgs, KEK)
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I wish.

I'm still a beginner.
Honestly it's 4-3-2-1 for me.
Got 1pl8 OHP the first time i tried it, 2pl8 bench took apptoximately 1 month, 3 pl8 squat took 2 month....and i still haven't hit 4pl8 dl after 7-8 months..
>Rank 1/2/3/4 in order from Most Difficult>Least Difficult
Depends entirely on the person

>Is it possible in 12 months?
It's a fairly moderate 12 month goal for most people.

>Can you expect any aesthetics from it?
What are you asking?

Shitty bait post but OHP is easiest for most people and squat and deadlift are hardest for most
Are these supposed to be 1rm or what
It's based on faggots who do SS so 5RM. Actually more like 6-7RM because you can't sustain pushing your 5RM for 3 sets 3 times a week.
Easiest for me is OHP and Bench
Hardest is the squat
yep got it after 7 months of strength training altho I was already training casually before that for a year so I was already familiar with the form.
>(ez)Binch 145-253
>(sorta ez)OHP 80-145(stopped after 1pl)
>(hard)Diddy 240-418
>(grind)Skwat 183-356
Went from 12% > 20%ish and 136 lbs to 181 lbs. Got big and somewhat aesthetics/thicc.

Working set.

At the very least 5RM.
The answer is always different, depending on who you ask. If you can 1 rep all those, than it's not wrong for you to say you can 1/2/3/4, because you demonstrably can
I got DL first, then OHP -> bench -> squat
Got 135 ohp pretty easy, but I've not made much gains (still natty) I'm pressing 165 3x5 though so I'm cool with that.

Bench/Dead were about the same, didn't stall on them and managed to reach goal after 5 months of Texas.

Squat though, I'm still not there. I can only squat 275 3x5. I can't get the movement down, my knees always fucking hurt (I have knock knees where my feet flair out) and I always do squat mornings. I've been lifting for almost 1.5 years now, and don't think I'll ever get it. My skeleton is just too fucked for squats. I've tried all the assistance, stretching and mobility drills in the world over the past year, but it's not going up. I swear it's my knock knees.

Feels bad man. I'm going to just try hypertrophy on my squats from now on, rather have big looking weak legs, than thinn looking strong ones.
what's your deadlift form like? people with (relatively) low squats tend to have terrible DL-form
Don't worry breh you'll make it.

My form is okay, I posted a form video on bb and the SS forums when I was just starting. I'm happy with my dl form actually.
double overhand + chalk > mixed grip
My 1RMs:
Squat: 130kg
Deadlift: 155kg
Bench: 73kg
OHP: 51kg
>Rank 1/2/3/4 in order from Most Difficult>Least Difficult
>Is it possible in 12 months?
>Can you expect any aesthetics from it?
no, unless its from 5 x 10 with all that weight
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