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Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 35

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pretty sure we all know who frogs grandparents are........ edition
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dont people think Mike T is Marcel???
Anybody dealt with quadriceps tendonitis/pain right above the kneecap? Anything that worked other than just laying off it?
>not an SBD singlet
>shoes aren't mark bell shoes or even adipowers
>no headband

Picture needs an update desu
Elbow tendinitis from low bar squatting, pls help. Been using thumbs over, but going to try a closer grip with thumbs under.

Knee sleeves, foam rolling, light leg extensions worked for me
>Trying to write a cover letter and not sound autistic

Fuck this is hard. Can't I just send them a vid of my latest squat PR?
I wouldnt write a cover letter unless they specifically ask for one or if its a small 3-4 man team of old people
why are powerlifters so fat? if youre an athlete shouldnt you look like one?
So you're saying a deadlift PR would go over better?
Listen kid, I'm trying to give you life altering advice and you're sitting here throwing me an unfunny reddit joke told 1000 times already
Wow, really makes you think...
I've had to rest. Light bicycling can be smart, tho.
I know this is bait but
Not all sports require you to "look like an athlete"
>babe ruth- had an isley esque body yet one of the greatest baseball players of all time
>tom brady- greatest qb ever but looks like flabby dyel
the greatest sumo wrestler in the world has a disgusting body but is still an athlete and at the top of his sport
So how was todays lifting session? :^)
Skipped it :^) have been in bed all day watching the Expanse and Doctor Strange. Could've both trained and studied, but felt like giving zero fucks today.
Hah, you just go twice as hard tomorrow :^)

And I have to go to bed now, gn8 laddo
Ye, hope the days' potato chips and chocolate fuel the session.
Good night m8.
pls help
High bar or widening grip
Wrap it or get some sleeves. Warm up with curls and pec deck. Gotta suffer through it bro.
what plans are y'all running/how many days a week do you lift heavy
weighed myself today and im 5'7 188lbs

i just ordered a dominos pizza and a coke someone help
wishes of a great week
might be from your foot positioning/posture. i had this problem really badly and led to quads actually shifting position causing pain above knee from tension. ran/walked duck footed, had to learn to walk/do most things with feet straight and the problem was resolved
i actually had that yesterday for some reason

sometimes i dont get it sometimes i do
Monday- max effort raw upper body
Tuesday- sumo deadlift, various rom and gear
Thursday- board press in shirt
Saturday- box squat (3s, increase 20 lbs ew)

This program only works with equipment and steroids obviously.
candito 6 week

I have been squatting with my toes further out recently, so going back to toes further forward is worth a shot.
I'm having beer with my cpk so I can't help
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So jealous of you.

I drink a lot of wonderful amazing tasty smooth craft beers, and gave up pizza in 2007..... about 10 years now....

>currently 5' 8" 191.... was 198 before sickness in 2016 November.
>somebody on here admires you. ;-)
ive been in a habit of bulking for so long idk how to stop

i dont think im gonna
Just train harder and take some stimulants
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took 400mg of caffeine before my workout today it was pretty good

i dont like the high rep first weeks of c6w but i always hit all my reps fine so whatever
As long as you don't look sloppy and make weight for meets its all good
yeah its weird i look really thig in clothes and then i take my shirt off and you can see i have high bodyfat

like 18-19%
Now that the dust has settled I'm going to continue with the releases of dietmar 6 day program.
hey rafael whats up why dont you change your trip
No thanks I'm good.
How come i can double overhand grip 200 kg but i cant hook grip 180? How do i improve my hook grip over my overhand? I have bicep issues so can only go over 85% with over-under like once every couple weeks or so
Couldn't Trappy just have been a man who gave advice and bantsed lewdly? Why the need for the fake persona? I get that rp'ing as a trap somewhat blunts the sting of the fact that you don't lift and are weak, but people that needed it would still have appreciated the advice. The whole thing is just so weird. And sad, because Rafael obviously loves strength sports and was a good contributor, minus the obvious drama and deception. It's just so strange.
don't be a bitch and just embrace the pain
not him but hook grip honestly doesnt hurt
Yeah fuck that. You have to at least compete before you coach.
Like imagine having to explain the situation to someone not familiar with 4chan or Internet culture. Like I've always said, the truth is almost always stranger than fiction.
yeah itd be like trying to explain the misfits to someone its not possible

i dont get the whole rping as a trap or an ex girlfriend or any of it its fuckign weird

i agree even if he is dyel his advice isnt less good and calling yourself a trap makes it even less credible seeming than just having shit numbers

fucking weird
I tried explaining trappy to my wife even before the whole truth came out. I felt really stupid. And this is a woman who understands powerlifting and supports me.

>so you know the anime image board i get my powerlifting advice from well theres this guy that is roleplaying as his ex girlfriend but saying that his ex girlfriend (which is him actually) is not a girl but is actually a man becoming a girl and he says that thats him
/plg/ help im retard
what does GDE mean?
whose benis/butt was that

i need to know who i spilled my seed for...
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>the top level weightlifting and pl coaches never competed
A cute girl butt :)
pls tell me rafael
Doesn't seem that hard

Great punk band who make terrible music now that their singer went solo
Obsessive need for attention.
you got used to it
i guess

just feels like pressure on my thumb, i actually like the feeling a lot now for whatever reason. same way i love the feeling of holding heavy as weight

i need chalk though since the top of your thumb and your finger can both be sweaty and more slippery than just normal gripping
that only really applies to when youre doing multiple reps. especially on rows or whatever
how retarded would it be to take the squats from monday and friday of sheiko intermediate large load and put them in my own routine on monday and thursday?
id be doing deadlifts on tuesday
should i replace the bench days in c6w with something else or just do a completely different program?

2 8
nah have you run it before?

i got 10lbs on my max the first time i ran it. about to start week 3 on wednesday of my second run through
I've ran it a few times and never really saw a crazy gain on my bench. I've ran a few other programs between then and now so I think I'm going to run the normal plan and see how I feel after
3x int med or 3x int high>?
Don't run those programs, they're shit, run Sheiko.
3x int med unless you're already used to volume, then 3x int high

Whichever you want, the only real difference is close grip bench on day 1.
Lol those programs are absolute shit written by a moron, run a real program, like Sheiko or my dietmar.
/plg/ pls
i don't know what GDE means
pls inform me
Great Deadlift Expert, its used when ones deadlift is their only good lift, for example, Isley is a GDE
it means genetic dead end which isley is also one
>3x2 block pulls@95% of my inflated max tomorrow



Don't inflate the max then
You should do my tried and tested novice/intermediate DUP

2-Day Comfy Bench DUP

Day 1 start at ~70%1RM
5x4 1ct pause bench
1x4+ tng

Day 2 start at ~80%1RM
4x2 tng
1x2+ tng

Add 2.5kg/5lb week to each day for 6-10 weeks or until the sets become too grindy and then reset back to 2.5kg/5lb over your starting weight and repeat. Close grip bench/dumbell accessories for chest, shoulders and tri's on both days. Don't destroy yourself on +sets but don't be a pussy either.
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Are little Debbie's the ultimate bulking food?

This desu. I feel like ONE of the reason my overhand is wayy above my hook grip is because i sweat like a bitch when deadlifting, making my thumb slippery as shit.

How to fix? My gym doesnt allow chalk
>and also people actually follow his advice and do his program even though he doesn't compete or coach

Close. Cheeseburgers
There's a fucking mouse in my room. I can't sleep now
liquid chalk? i just bought some cause i have the exact same issue
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Kill Yourself Raf
>tfw squatting tomorrow
I'm pumped as hell lads, also I might be a father
oh nice
Well, get to the gym as often as possible before that little time waster pops out
About doms and very little sleep and now I'm doing a mr heavy squat set

Fucking help me lads
i da a volume day yesterday and was sore. it sucked
Hey lads. What's your opinion on sheiko
The past 3 days I've spent roughly 5 hours a day edging and then completing.
Am I addicted to jerking?
Wrong thread bro.
Maybe better than no plan.
What's better than better than no plan?
Sheiko maybe. It might actually be worse
So sheiko is better than sheiko but may actually be worse than sheiko?
When is Frog's meet?
riff raff rafa rip a roo a loo a lelelo
why is this faggot still here?
its sean
>tfw no trappy-chan gf

euros lads

>tfw no qt hijab gf edition
whens filip
dont know

I looked it up, saturday at 17:00, I assume danish time (GMT+1)
link to schedule? whens virtus on?
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I only started squatting heavy past 1 years but before this played sports 10+ years with just leg press, quad extensions the usual I just finally hit 140 kilogramsquat for 5 clean reps. Now my problem is I'm stalled at this for past month. I've tried deloading less than 30kg and building up again and even eating more but more than 140kg is near impossible for me.

5'5 and 72kilograms. any advice?
noms http://goodlift.info/onenomination.php?cid=395

schedule http://www.europowerlifting.org/fileadmin/data/events/Corrected_Revised_Timetable_Classic.pdf
thanks :)
Just finished Candito and got 4 reps on the last week

Do I restart it or join the 5/3/1 master race
test maxes and do it again, it you get gains why switch?
whos the fatty with the diamond cutters on the left

How did deadlifts go? Im starting week 4 tomorrow and I feel like I havent pulled anything heavy in ages

Worried im not going to be able to pull anything close to my max
burned out on benching 3x a week

thinking of doing a stint of beyond 5/3/1, anyone have some good fun meme chest/shoulder work suggestions?
Shoulders shrug during heavy bench, what do
keep them tight
What is the frontsquat equivalent to 3pl8*5 backsquat in terms of quad development?

Backsquats feel like shit so I'm dropping them.
But I'm trying
Lay on your traps/neck instead of your back(most important)
Try harder
Strengthen your back through rows

I think it's mostly a technical error, getting a better arch in the upper back is probably the best fix.
>try harder
that's cheating
is canditos 6 weeks, week 1 day 1 supposed to be so exhausting?
you have bad conditioning, do some cardio
Been lifting for 3 years. 375 squat, 280 bench, 425 deadlift. At what numbers will i finally look ottermode and aesthetic?
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>he fell for it
phil is saturday evening
going to be able to watch with the lads
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Fell for the aetshetics meme? i really want to be a fat, greasy, bearded man with a big gut and tiny arms from the front( this is funny because triceps is more of the arm, so a big bench should theoretically mean a big arms) lifting ass-dominant lifts nobody will ever care about, losing money in the process.

On a more serious note though, when one can bench 275lbs for 3x8, squat 320 for 3x8 and deadlift 405 for 3x8 will one be a beefcake and get laid finally?
>posts the first man to total 3,000
>whines like a bitch about powerlifting being hard
>estats 3x8
Why are you here?
keep going this is hilarious
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Who here literally not a GDE?

Tested my DNA.

I strongly recommend testing your DNA to see if you should consider recreational geological collection hobbies.

Also wut haplo
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>being a GDE
just try harder.
88 kgs.
660 kg total.
427 wilks.
Time training?
So you're like 5'6"? DNA failed you on that one.
Where can one do this and at what price?
3 years off and on.

5'9". I've sired 2 children. Literally not a GDE I guess.

Got Ancestry DNA kit as a gift (around 100 bux), then used Promethease (5 bux) to run the raw DNA.
Why did you think you were a GDE with those stats? I'm pretty sure those of us that are GDEs already know.
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>being a GDE
have you tried, HARDER?
No thanks I like to keep the delusion strong to motivate me to try harder. Also known as the LALALACANTHEARYOU approach.
>I've sired 2 children. Literally not a GDE I guess.
that might actually mean jack shit kek https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/R/K_selection_theory

keep on keeping on m8
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all jokes aside, i think TM is the best program ever invented, if you rep cycle on VD and ID between 5's and 3's and 1RM's
Plus AAS use makes that shit worthless
Not quite, but it helps.
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>515kg total at 110kg after 2 years
Am I a GDE...
No but you might want to get a new program/coach/team/equipment/AAS
am on sheiko, was a member of a pl club for like 3 months but that's it.
>Sheiko without Boris coaching you.
Found your problem.
I've been making gains though, even while cutting

>515kg @ 110kg
>3 years

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I said 2 years though...
Similar stats here. I contemplate kyssing myself everyday.
he said 2 years, but anyway what is a good total to be at after that amount of time lifting
>trappy reference

Still shit lmao
You mean the first fat as fuck fattie fatterino american lolfed fat faggot to total 3000lbs half-squatting in billion ply under SPF rules while being fat and gay?

At that weight and that time lifting, it'd be decent if he were at or above 600kg.
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who is trapt
Raw natty? At least 1,500 at 242. 1,600 would be better.
When will isley make the jump to the WPC lifting multi-ply and taking sterons like andy bolton? He is already not excessively fat like him, already lifting single-ply, why not go full lolcow to match his ugly laughable fucking face?
Nigger, you couldn't unrack donnies weights no matter how much gear you wear.
Hakuho isn't disgusting you fucking asshole

Trolling aside, what does it matter if i could or not do what this fat cow can, when it's still not according to the official rulebook? Why not just have the sport of unracking then? Donnie thompson and the SPF are a fat fucking joke, not even following their own rulebook.
How is my routine /PLG/ ?
I want to get stronger and more explosive. Aesthetics won't hurt though.

I do muay thai Tuesday and Thursday.

A (worksets):
Deadlift 1x5
Pull ups 3x5 (trying to do more)
Barbell rows 3x5
Lat pull down 3x8
Barbell curls 3x12
Curls with elbow in knee 3x12

B (work sets):
Squat 3x5
Bench / OHP 3x5
Cable chest, with handles at bottom 3x12
Dips 3xf
2 exercises of triceps 3x8/12

I also do moderate strength work at muay thai.. push ups, sit ups etc.

I alternate the days so it's AxBxAxx with muay Thai in between.

What can I improve? Is it completely retarded? Not new at lifting, but not strong either by ane means.
Where's your progression scheme? Where's your overload scheme? What's your diet?
>official rulebook
They're all the same rulebook (basically), just interpreted differently.

Don't be an autist about it. Just do your hobby how you please.
I would like to put on 1.25 kg plates when I can do the sets unhindered. Like every second / third time.
I'm also trying to cut down though. I have too much body fat for my liking, and getting it down would benefit my sport and aesthetics. Work overload im not sure on. What would you recommend?
You're basically doing an SS-esque routine with linear progression. Try progressing on at least one set of every workout for as long as possible, either by adding weight or adding reps. When you fail to do that, jump over to the texas method. Stalling and redoing weights for too long is stupid, if you stall more than 2 times just eat more and switch your program to something more akin to the texas method. Your current program is just somewhat like SS but with assistance work. Your primary goal is still to get good at muai thai though, and i know nothing about that or programming for that but specificity is the most important.
Also you can and should bench/ohp more frequently.
if your goal is to improve your fighting then a powerlifting template is horrendous for you
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Then why didn't they give him the 1,300? This guy doesn't deserve your hate, just because he squats more than your total. His name will be in the record books forever, and you are just a jealous faggot
they didnt give him it because he didnt even try to hit depth, the bar was slipping on his back so he cut it high, he never tried it again in comp which is a shame
Youre missing the point, too.
So 5/3/1?
Isley ate out Esmeralda's asshole then she dumped him because his dick was too small LOL

Who cares. Get a life.
Yeah, that's what I'm trying to. But I don't know if full body would work better or tire me out.
I alternate so the other week it's two B''s instead.>>40688168

I heard some say this, but many athletes lift? I mean, you can use muscles and explosiveness in a fight. Especially in grappling. Many wrestlers powerlift.
Good lift targets for two years lifting, 92Kg lifter?
Explain frog then

Try harder
700-800 total kg
>Explain frog then

Genetically gifted.
All he has to do is school and lift.
Autistic focus.
Hot for gay brazilian men, found rafael.
no, not really. the microcycles are shorter and you're hitting PR's every Friday, not like 5/3/1

Where are you at now and how long training?
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>>>>>>>>>>>Genetically gifted

he's not.
>he's not.
Yes he is.

His numbers VS his training years makes this clear.

So fuck off, frog.
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lmao get a load of this hot head. Try. Harder.
Havent posted once yet today

Training just over two years and have these, all in Kg:

232.5 Squat
220x6 Deadlift
107.5x18 Bench
75x10 OHP

and other like 45x20 dumbbell bench
Care to weigh in?

Which do you think is true:

>you try harder than anyone else that has been training longer than you

>you are training hard, but you have some genetic gifts (or lack of genetic inhibitions) that have allowed you to progress quickly.

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fuck off boris, i don't live at a gym

This is /plg/ we only care about your 1rm, but those aren't bad.
I didnt make any progress on my lifts (except dl) for a year and then got on a more try hard prog and made progress

I pic that i just tried harder
>85% 2*2
>90% 2*4
Looks fun
You didn't answer the question.

If you deny your genetic benefits, then you have about as much humility as your homo coach-daddy.
If i had a huge genetic advantage I wouldn't be squatting more then a i dl lol the only thing i have good genetics for is squat
lads i could feel my shoulders actually fatigueing for the first time ever during squats today, what did i do wrong?
To say you don't have superior generics is wrong. But anyone in here that just cries talent chad is also wrong, it's a mix of superior genetics, training hard and training smart
he's lucky he found the training programs but the rest was just up to him to execute it.

he might be special to /plg/ but he isn't that special to the LOL SPORT OF POWERLIFTING
You really think hancott, or heck even brett gibbs was squatting 250kg at 17? He's a major talent bro
Not yet atleast still got a long time to be special in that
>still got a long time to be special in that
No you don't.

You're mostly done.

Strength athletes unironically don't peak in strength until their 30's. As long as he trains hard and smart he does have a long time to compete.
Who knows. There's plenty of hoghschool seniors who benched 315. They just wanted it more when they were younger
Started too early. Mentally unstable. Vulnerable to abusive homosexual internet men.

I give him 1 more year of serious training.
True points
I'd love to see him be a huge success. But being on this website means that he's doomed from the get-go, especially at his tender young age.

He won't lift through college.
Bad b8 and probably same fag

Wrist curls with a fixed bar. 20 reps, 4 sets extension, 4 sets flexion. Do them two times per week for a few months.
Lmao lifting is the only hobby i have why would i stop in college

TSA free intermediate 8 week plan, 4 days each week.
>lifting is the only hobby i have
You'll eventually stall (and have to change training, which you don't know how to do) or you will get injured and have to backtrack.

Also, since it is your only hobby, you will be a shattered shell of a boy.

Go make friends, and pound some college booty. Keep lifting, but it shouldn't be your life, fag.
Don't listen to people like this. They'll only stop you from doing what you want to do
Ive been I injured and have changed training many times it wont be new to me
I am


Trip on Benchfatty.
Kek, I weigh a lot more than benchie, why else would you think that I am so fucking hungry?
trappy makes me happy and want to fappy!
hey guys, one of my friends who never works out is coming to the gym with me today. What should I have him do?

I was going to have him just do SS day 1 with some chins, but I'm trying to think of what meme Isos i can have him do so he wont be totally discouraged with squatting and benching the bar.
Hammer curls.
i would take him through one or more of the big three but also do some excercises that normies would find fun like curling. That will encourage him to keep coming to the gym.
Goblet squats, Dumbbell bench press, chin-ups, and abdominal work.

This advice is not a meme.

Train your next gym partner.
He will stall or get hurt at some point. His bench isn't that good, and he hasn't even done a meet.
isley turned out the lights

I thought he was under 105 but he was 110 there so I'm not impressed.

That was my plan some big three and then maybe arm stuff.

I agree.

We'll probably get to arms and some dumbbell bench. I think those are both important esp for someone who has never gone to the gym
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If I get injured today on project momentum, it's because of daylight savings.
what about fil? and virtus?
What's hurting senpai. I feel like PM is taking a lot of victims lately, ive luckily been injury free thus far
I am doing a meet soon and yea my bench is shit and getting hurt is debatable also im bulking a lot so i doubt ill stall hard very soon

Nothing is really hurting, I'm just under recovered from a lack of sleep, and my low back is extremely tight.
>107.5x18 Bench
>45x20 dumbbell bench
Do you otherkin-identify as a piston?
>tfw your lower lats get so pumped up it actually hurts
>lower lats
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>loses one single hour of sleep
>complains of sleep deprivation
>Woke up after 6.5 hours of sleep this morning and couldn't fall back asleep
>Not sure if Boris' volume has memed more or if I'm just fucked up from getting back to my dorm and DST
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Squat 480 lbs when you're tired and under recovered, then we'll talk :^)
The point is that multiply squats out of a monolift with less than strict depth calls are really so far removed from everything that makes powerliftig great that it's not even funny. Yeah it's heavy as fuck. Yeah it's badass. But it's not a squat anymore
>real program
>No Haaack
Hahahahahahahaha druggos btfo
So you cycle between 5/3/1rms on ID what do you cycle on VD? I'm intrigued
How come there are 2 athletes competing in 105?
>Dennis Cornelius still allowed to compete
Drugaroos in fact NOT btfo, sadly.
Haaaaack is b& because he's competing for money in a lolfed, not because he got popped
So for volume day it could look like

5x5 squat
5x5 bench
5x3 powerclean


8x3 squat
8x3 bench
5x3 powerclean

I probably wouldn't change the rep schemes too far from this. Try to stay at around 25 working reps
does anyone have the photo of the kurt cobain squat rack?
that's gay
New pr song srs
not if I think he's a trap
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Considering buying a whole cow brehs. This Angus cow is worth $800, if I get a mobile butcher to come over and cut it up for me that's only $1,000 for a whole cow of meat!
The point is that following the rules are for faggots and we can make exceptions to the rules when it's appropriate to do so? I can't believe how you can say what you're saying. Listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBzTZHg8_7c&t=74s
Very good post, except you should learn how to butcher it yourself. It's a useful skill to have.
If you're still here, other guy. When I did my first c6w I was kinda feeling the same, but then I somehow smashed my deadlifts on week 5, got literally 20kg progress.
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B r e h s
>Squat went up by 10kg in 2 weeks while on cut
I think I should never bulk again.
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Someone turned off the light when Tom Martin deadlifted 400kg to try and get it disallowed lol?
How many protons in a whole cow?
>I feel like I havent pulled anything heavy in ages

It was the same for me but when I deadlifted heavy it was easy
All of them
>white lighting a lift you literally can't see

It was definitely Isley
How do you know they passed all those squats? You need to understand that multiply suits, especially canvas, are not designed to let you break parallel, they literally stop you from doing the same rom as a raw or single ply squat. Judges know this, especially if they see the same guys meet after meet.
on your ABA week, if you alternate bench and OHP, you'll do one of them 1x that week and the other none. No good man.

My routine is similar to yours but with OHP every deadlift day, rows and bench on squat day. Works for me, you might consider swapping them like that.
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Is there some special form to perform dips without shoulder pain or am I just fucked? Dips seem to cause issue with my anterior delt
limit the ROM. Other than that some people just can't do dips with a huge range of motion without pain
Dips are dangerous for a good proportion of the population even with perfect form
Great exercise for those who can do it safely don't get me wrong, but move on if they hurt
Most are actually really ripped in the middle weight classes, especially the ones who are good benchers. It's a weight class sport though, so the heavy weights who aren't on tons of drugs will normally be fat. I was a 93kg lifter, and I had at least an outline of abs when relaxed year around.

Now I am an oly lifter in the 94kg class, and I am even leaner (legs and delts caught up with my arms and back) despite being a few kg outside of my weight class

The only people who look like shit are probably not meant or ready for their weight class, or are shitty benchers/have fucked up genetics for looking good. Or just don't do hypertrophy work, hypertrophy work is important.
>power lifters

What did he mean by this?
>Or just don't do hypertrophy work, hypertrophy work is important.

>stick to low reps for most of my training career
>begin adding in hypertrophy work, switch upper body compounds to 8+ reps
>feel like death the first few workouts

makes sense why good bodybuilders make good amateur powerlifters/weightlifters. dat gpp.
Because they were put in the video. If multip-ply suits don't let you hit parallel, then that is a faulty design of the multi-ply suit. I'm proposing a very moderate thing here: Follow the fucking rulebook.
Going to hop on sheiko in a week or so boys.
Going to be eating at maintenance/ slightly above maintenance while doing it.
What kind of mass or strength gains can I expect?
Workouts will take around 2-3 hrs right?

stats: 77kg @~13%bf, 183 cm, lifts are 1/1.5/2.75/3.5 for reps
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>Running Sheiko with those lifts
will I get big delts off of just benching like clarence lads
make sure you max every 5th week
you're probally stiff as fuck

imagine being so stiff that dips hurt your shoulders man all the gains you are not getting lmao. Dips are the squat of the upper body bro never forget that
wait is that mandatory on sheiko
How else did you expect to progress.
it doesnt say max out anywhere in the spreadsheet

not the original poster btw
No. Altough some people can increase their maxes significantly in 4-5 weeks of training and doesn't really need to wait 12 weeks before maxing.
click the tab that says "comp" or something with "32", then look at the first week.
but this spreadsheet goes in this order

did I get memed
That sounds like the normal spreadsheet. If you look at the first week of 32v2 it should have you doing 105% singles on the three lifts. Also the last day of 32 is a competition.
You're a fucking retard just run the fucking program to how it says and don't do a Buda (running it in order of the numbers)
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Click 32v2 and look at the first week.

hint in picture
>make sure you max out every 5th week
>5th week
pls respond I need to know if its worth to do some delt bb
That was just some retards personal opinion
look at the dude his lifts hes a fucking novice who probably still can progress linearly if he bulks

Why the fuck would you recommend him to train 8 weeks without maxing, he needs to keep inflating his max or actually max every so often 8 weeks not gonna cut it imo
Hey plg, I've always deadlifted in a different session than squatting. Recently I started a program where I low bar squat, then deadlift. This resulted in low back pain on one side. Why might this be? I don't think it's fatigue because all my sets at rpe <9.
you blew out your si joint probally
I don't know much about anatomy so I thought I had injured one of my erectors where it inserts, but SI joint seems to be exactly where I feel pain.

Is pain there bad? How fix??
Its not the worst thing but you probally need to stop hurting it for a week or two
I was on vacation, then sick which resulted in 2 weeks off gym. The pain was nowhere to be found, but as soon as I did deadlifts(this saturday), it was aggravated again. I only worked up to a single at 140kg and it still caused the pain. The pain usually remains for a couple days then dissipates.

Should I maybe just switch to sumo? Since conventional is the only thing I've done that aggravates it(which is weird because I've done conventional for year+ with same technique without it causing pain).
lmao >equipped
It will pass just dont deadloft fot 2 weeks

Im experiencing the exact same thing right now. You gotta gove it enough rest so it doesnt come back. Switching to sumo is not the solution
new thread

switched from 85% to 90% for my Texas Method volume days.. fuck it was hard. I mean I was in no fear of missing a rep but the last ones were hard.

Is this a good thing? Hoping it pays off. I think my volume days were way too light compared to my intensity. Doing 90% for volume and 80% of that for recovery day.
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