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>tfw shes fit, works out everyday, is smart, loyal, fun, cooks

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>tfw shes fit, works out everyday, is smart, loyal, fun, cooks well
>3 years together
>Only 2nd girl ive been with seriously and had sex with
>Cant live without her
>Its either marry or leave now

Wat do brahs
how many girls you've fucked doesn't mean shit.

if she feels right, stay. you'll regret it afterwards, if you leave and fuck another 10 girls before you realize you loved her.
You'll regret it if you leave her.
What's the problem?
You got lucky by finding yourself a perfect woman, and not having to deal with all the bullshit heartbreak, rejection, and feeling of emptiness that fills you after meaningless sex with some whore.
Sounds like you got lucky
>>Cant live without her

If there's one thing that screams "Marriage will fail later", it's this.

Marriage is a good thing, but you need to be careful. If you go into it saying you need her (or vice versa), you will be expecting / relying on her a lot. In time, you both will change, and this will create problems. Then you divorce, and within a year you find "the one" again, and you can't live without her. You marry, eventually change, get divorced.

I cannot stress it enough. You cannot be super dependent on the other person. Personally, this is why I lean on God, but if you aren't religious or whatnot the whole principle is still the same.
>Personally, this is why I lean on God
I tried leaning on my imaginary friend, then I broke my ass falling through him and hitting the floor.
That's when I realized if we were really friends he would have caught me
I know i will.. i know i wont find anyone better than her. But that feeling of committment... I know i sound like a bitch. But yea i guess i need to hold onto her.

But also that feel of never ever seeing another pussy in life. You must feel me on this one
really makes u think...
As much as I would like to talk about Him, I didn't mean to spark a debate. I'm saying because I lean on Him and not the wife, (and vice versa), then when one of us goofs up it's not like it changes absolutely everything.
It's not the end if you leave her, but don't rush into marriage either. Complicated feel. I separated because I had my own issues to work out before I settled down(personal, not going out and fucking other chicks), and I accidentally broke her heart. Should've thought more about lettin her know it wasn't forever instead of ghosting on her. Still want her back but she said I hurt her and humiliated her.

Other girls don't mend this feel.
Doing this wrong.
T. Lost everything and blamed Him
I mean me, nerd.
Its such a complicated feel... I wake up every morning with a thought of what will i do with my life and it kills me. Just want to end this either way.

To me, comitting to this kind of relationship at this age feels like loss, feels like you surrender and go the easiest path - settling down. But i know its the best path - to build life together, to travel and acomplish dreams. Our dream is to live and settle in Singapore and we are from east europe. And this dream alone tells me to not leave her because there wont be anyone else i could accomplish this with.
Get a prenuptial agreement and fucking marry her dude.
You know the game OP

"Pump and dump"
nice oneitis if you can always find another
Marry and cheat on her with other girls. Simple as that.
You are lucky. Don't waste that.
Marry her and fill her belly with white warrior sons.
Unless you are like 19.. wtf man. If you really love her and can't be with anyone else and have these awesome dreams together, why wouldn't you want to marry her? If you are really afraid of committing to one pussy your whole life then grow the fuck up and get that pussy whenever you are craving it or whatever retard feeling you have, as a husbando
>Its either marry or leave now
She sounds like a shitty person.
post somewhere else and stop shitting up /fit/ with feel threads

i hope she leaves you
Go for it if she's really that good, good women nowadays are a rarity and they should be seem as gold. Take it and claim her as yours.
Don't be a dumb ass OP. If you love her, keep her. It's not fun losing a woman you love, and one that loved you isn't likely to take you back once you've hurt her.

Just tell her you're scared. Be honest. She'll understand, she just wants to see something from you. Commit to her without going full marriage. Give her a promise ring. Let her know you just want to make sure you can be what she deserves first.
Stick with her breh, if shit goes sideways you can always divorce, however if you leave now you may regret it for the rest of your miserable fucking life
People who haven't played the field think this way and usually lack power.
Don't do this, OP. Don't tell her you're scared. Never show weakness to women.
t. never been in a relationship
>wanting to be committed to someone and wanting to be sure that person also wants to spend the rest of their life with you makes you a shitty person
>Leaving someone for not doing a silly ritual with absolutely no value other than a tax cut
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>absolutely no value other than a tax cut
Correct. It's completely pointless and generally cost a ton of money, for absolutely nothing.
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>Everyone who doesn't conform to my world opinion is a fedora tipster
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sleeping with lots of different girls sounds nice when you are young, but when you are older, a good girl (yours sounds 10/10) is worth a LOT more. I wouldn't risk losing her. If getting married and settling down is something that is important to her, 3 years is long enough to warrant that making that decision.

you'll regret not keeping her when you hit your mid to late 20s. eventually you will want to raise a family and you'll be stuck with single moms at that age
Brahs thanks for all the replies appreciate it, really
If she's a good woman stick with her till she ain't. Hos will always be there and take it from a fuckboy women that are easy are husk of people nothing good about them after you've fuck em a few times. Soon each new one is just a carbon copy of the last just in a different body. But the dick always wants more. Seriously if you find one that ain't another basic bitch and isn't a complete cunt keep her around.

But don't put a ring on it 56% chance you'll get FUCKED HARD people change but alimony doesn't
I feel that feel bro. I'm in the exact same boat, except it's 4 years together and the thrill is gone for me. I feel anxious every day because if I break up with her I basically ruin her life and she'll go back to drinking... but I still need to break up with her god fuck
first best
god fuck why did I get in a serious relationship for all of college...
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Marriage is for people who love living with each other, not for people who can't live without each other.
No 26 here
Dating prospects have never been better last GF was 19 petite complete q.t 3.14 with her for 9 months but she wanted to move in together get serious. Great girl but was basic as they come not a long term prospect.
Currently seeing a 20, 24, and a 35 the 35 one is baby crazy as shit but work hard on yourself as young men wish I would of put more time into developing a good finaceal future but hey never too late.
Started at a 250 pound 18 year old kissles virgin omega. Currently 170 11% BF Didn't get laid till 22 now been through 20+ now
Work hard on yourself when your young take chances learn new things travel don't compare yourself to others it's your life go at your speed.
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>have gf 4 years
>she's the sweetest and sexiest girl ive met
>want to be with her forever
>never lived with her though
>she's messy as fuck and has terrible house keeping skills
>get agitated when she's at my place for more than a weekend

What do.
>she's messy as fuck and has terrible house keeping skills
Does she want to improve for your sake?
No offense, but you're in no position to give advice. You didn't get laid until 22, so you're still in your early 20s as far as sexual appetite is concerned. Try again when you hit 30. You get bored of it.
pretty much same, only difference is im the one who is terrible at house keeping skills and shes annoyed by it.

prolly gonna leave her
Yes I've told her I don't think I could live with her. She promises to work on it but her place is always a disaster and I think I would be constantly annoyed
>posting on /fit/ looking for someone to answer the way you want them too
stop being a pussy and do what you think is best for you in the long run

>tfw know this is the best decision but dont want to end up like my fuck up father that gets caught multiple times, ending the marriage and fucking my kids lives
>tfw I finally kissed the girl of my dreams a few months ago
>it felt so right
>it felt intimate
>we made out for like a good 5 minutes
>tongue included
>after that shit just got awkward between us
>she's been with this guy too so I can't really do anything
>I know I could kick his ass but I hate drama
>I love this girl
>haven't talked to her in weeks
>I convinced myself I've moved on
>but she pops into my head literally every day

Young love is so fucking stupid and fake and nothing like the movies.
Nobody's perfect you can train her to be better.

Always have your place spotless before she comes over. When she's there she makes a mess Plan something to do together something she really likes. Guess what before we do X her thing you have to clean up your Y don't leave/start Y until she has cleaned up her mess like a child. Do not budge she made the mess she cleans it up.
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>college freshman
>university in southern hemisphere (so summer school right now
>QT grad student (6.5/10) really really likes me
>alone for 18 straight valentines days

Do I gf the QT so that I don't have to be alone again

or do I leave her be and try to plow fresh pussy as the freshmen move in in 3 weeks?
I guess this is a 1 in the hand vs 2 in the bush situation
Well if I'm in my thirties still pulling 19-26 year olds I think I will be fine. But I do see where you are coming from I have begun to think about finding a woman to build a family with
Doesnt matter how good the girl is if shes your only 2nd fuck - dont even think about it
Dont gf her and just go to clubs with bros if you have bros. You wont have to gf her and you wont feel lonely. Win win
t. never will be able to datemodels
a judge can easily overthrow that one if the wife suddenly realizes that she was forced to sign it once the question of alimony cones up
if you never get caught this is objectively the best choice. godspeed anon, risking financial rape withevery fuck though
What about just banging hookers from time to time to spice it up. Without risking with chatting and shit
Is she demanding you marry her?
Most deserving of a (You).
I married my wife because we already spent all of our time together and loved it. Many years later, we still do.
Seeing another pussy isn't worth it. I should have married my high school girlfriend. She was great, funny, sexy, cool, smart, practical, but I had to get my dick wet with some other girls when I was 22, so I broke up with her, and though I've had a lot of sex with a lot of girls since then, I know now I should have stayed with her.
Holy shit lmao
id say it really depends on the both of yours ages. i would never propose out of the blue, its something i feel the couple should talk about. i also agree with that other anon that your spouse shouldnt be the center of your universe but instead just a part of it.
why dont you just not be terrible
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