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>finally convince friend to start working out >he goes

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>finally convince friend to start working out
>he goes to a different gym but keeps me updated on his progress
>he's putting on weight and getting his numbers higher, nice
>in one month he can bench 1pl8, be impressed
>one day be at his place, decide to go to the gym together
>watch him get under the barbell
>starts benching 1pl8, but he's only half-repping wtf
>tell him he's only doing half A press
>"a bench press is a bench press, you can't say it's only a half"

Who was in the wrong here? How do I get through his thick dinosaur skull?
explain the finer points of parallel bars
Tell him to get on the treadmill and accelerate for 12 hours.
Was he using heavy plate transportation to get his bar loaded up, at least?
If the bar doesn't go very close to your chest, it doesn't count
>very close
touching or get out
hold on, i dont understand

explain parallel universes to me first
Go crawl back into your mother's ass. That's legit like entry level strength for even the worst of genetics.
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obviously you dont know the distribution of strength within the male population.
lmao, the bar should TOUCH your chest
>inb4 this guy complains about 'muh genetics' and long arms and touching chest being bad for him
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>gym is too crowded due to NYRfags
>long queue to use every machine
>decide enough is enough I need some privacy
>finally get to treadmill, insert all my tokens, and run on it for 12 hours building up speed
>break free and go out of bounds to 4 PUs (1 QPU) over
>totally empty, perfect, can work out in peace
>finish my routine
>realization hits me
>I actually went over 5 PUs, not 4
>not enough speed to get back
>mfw QPU misaligned

What the fuck do I do bros, I just want to go home
my friend used to make the argument that pros had huge chests, so they were actually going throught the same ROM as him. he was kind of trolling, but still wouldnt touch his chest
m8 I started with the bar
You are fucking retarded.

There is NO such thing as half a press. It doesn't exist. A press is a press. Fuck off with your autismo bullshit. I swear to god I am so fucking tired of you fags making shit up. You can't say it's only a half.
what does that mean
tourist here
one 45lb plate on one side of the bar
so 90lbs
>long queue to use every machine
>queue to use every machine
>to use every machine
>use every machine



found your problem.

you need a bar and some steel accessories for said bar. possibly an advantageous positioning device for aforementioned bar plus accessories.
Don't worry anon. I got your joke and had a sensible kek
You can't talk to people like this. I've tried. My friend was bragging to me about how many reps he was doing, just with barbells, after I told him I met my goal weight/reps. He starts bragging to me that he does, like, double the reps with more weight. And I'm pretty impressed because we started at the same time. Eventually I get to see him do his reps.

He barely does the shit. He's swinging his arms. Momentum is carrying the fucking weight. He doesn't do whole motions. It was fucking ridiculous. Eventually he allowed me to show him how to do things properly. He could barely hit three quarters of what I was doing.

Anyway, a guy like that has some inferiority problems. I wouldn't push it. I would only offer to show him how to do them properly, and explain the benefits of doing full range and maintaining control.
For those on /fit/ not in the know, I'll spoonfeed you just this once


>you will never watch this video for the first time again
I find it funny that people always gave me shit for not touching my chest while it's literally physical impossible for me to do it.
M8 I started with adding 10 lbs to the bar. I weighed 115lbs. If someone actually started 1 pl8 I'd be impressed.
>I weighed 115lbs
Manlet or hungry skelly?
Mate fuck off. I was the lanklet of lanklets and started with 40kg.
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That is the absolute most autistic and impressive thing I've ever seen.

I wonder if that guy actually found any of that funny. The parallel universes and 12 hour speed especially.

What a waste of a brain though.
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I wonder who could be behind this post...
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>friend finally convinces me to do cardio
>start running on the treadmill
>he just sits in the corner claiming he's building up speed
>he does this for 12 hours
>suddenly disappears

Think he misaligned lads.
If you're a fat fuck of course
You just gotta exhale really, really hard
Mfw I'm almost 6 months working out and can't do more than 99lbs
When i was 13 i had a classmate who lived on a farm. The first time he ever benched he hit a pr of 72,5kg. He had pretty massive biceps and back from shoveling shit and stuff
>Bar is 45lbs (20 odd kilos)
>1pl8 ("one plate") is also 45lbs/20kgs
>The bar with a plate on each side is known as "one plate", or "1pl8"
>The bar with 2 pl8s on each side is known as "2pl8s"
>Various plate sizes and weights exist, but when referring to a "pl8", it is widely known that one is referring to a 45lb plate
>A 25lb plate is specifically referred to as a "25lb plate", to avoid confusion
>As well, 10lb plates are referred to as "10lb plates"
>5lb plates are referred to as "5lb plates", etc. etc.

I have drawn a helpful diagram to further clarify the immediate situation.
I thought that 45lbs was a swastika.

>Counting the bar
Lel nice bait
Someone post that gif from Team America for me.

The one where the Spotswood guy says "Jeeeesus Titty-Fucking Christ". Because seriously. Jeeeeesus Titty-Fucking Christ.
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I've never understood how people can't start at 1pl8. My friend JUST made it to lmao1pl8 after like a month and a half and says it's already near his old max.

How is this possible?
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