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/plg/ - powerlifting general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 100

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Be kind and respect each other
Just a reminder that the person that receives your (you)s is a real, living, breathing person with emotions and a history.
Boris Sheiko had his programs translated incorrectly to purposefully sabotage English speaking lifters.
>overhear gym convo
>"I can't squat because I hurt my knee so I stick to heavy leg press"
>Doing dirty commie programming
As soon as I'm done with my Anderson deadlift with chains I'll laugh at the poor fools who trusted the red menace.
Alternatives to squats/deads for herniated disc injury?
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Sheiko Programs:

>Beginner (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Intermediate Medium Load

>Intermediate Large Load

>Advanced Small Load (/plg/ internet exclusive)

>Advanced Medium Load

>Advanced Large Load

Dietmar Programs (translated by cā€™ā€™,)):

>New to competitions:

>Veteran competitive:

>Guide for competitive programs:

>Volume program:

>Volume program: (by Haugen)

>Guide for volume program:
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>beginner program

>intermediate program

>advanced program

>guide to running above programs
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hey trappy, what accessories should I do while running SS?
(no t-rex mode pls)
High rep deads can be beneficial, along with hypers and reverse hypers to get some blood flow to that area. Inversion therapy after your workout, also. But you should probably see a real doctor and pt.
Put it in a pastebin? What is your problem?
Trappy doesn't know. You probably want some arm and chest work. Asgard has videos for accessories on YouTube, for arms and bench, etc.
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SS with accessories.png
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thanks senpai <3
Norsey you look handsome with your new hairdo it goes well with your beard :)
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>main problem with base ss program is lack of upper body pull
>what accessories should I do
>more shit for ur shoulders lmao

It's time to stop posting
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>lack of upperbody pull

Sigh... here the memes come.
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woah, never seen that version of that poster. Here is the original.
Explain yourself
is that supposed to be badmouthing Americas lack of European culture or homogeneity?
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>lack of upperbody pull

>Sigh... here the memes come.

Just because YOU avoid a big back so guys will still fuck you, does NOT mean that Powerlifters don't benefit from a back built on multiple pulling planes.

So kindly fuck yourself, you closed minded, arrogant faggot.
It accurately depicts the Americas as the disgusting, shambling incoherent consumerist trash culture behemoth it is, yes.
we wouldn't be so bad if lincoln hadn't been shot.
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difference between

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It's not just USA, it's the new world as a whole, good book on the subject, I also like Baudrillard's "AmƩrique"
Not an argument
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(counting only the back and elbow flexion muscles to make it simpler)

Day 1:
OHP: Lower traps, middle traps, serratus, delts, rotator cuff
Deadlift: Spinal erectors, Lats, upper traps, middle traps, rhomboids
Dips: Lower traps, middle traps, serratus, delts, rotator cuff
DB curls: Elbow flexors
Squat: Spinal erectors

Day 2:
Chinups: Lats, lower traps, middle traps, upper traps, rear delts, rhomboids, rotator cuff, elbow flexors
Deadlift/Clean: Spinal erectors, Lats, upper traps, middle traps, rhomboids
Lateral Raises: delts, lower traps, middle traps, serratus, rotator cuff
DB curls: Elbow flexors
Squat: Spinal erectors

What else do you want?

Back in your confinement board
Weightlifting is technically difficult, not enjoyable, won't make you jacked.
Powerlifting is easy, fun, and makes you huge.
Strongman uses elements from both, is fun if you're already huge, but will snap your shit.
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What lifts can I do to impress my niece? Haven't seen her for an entire year lads.
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Competes with Squats, Bench press, and Deadlift.


Competes with Snatch and Clean & Jerk.


Isn't a thing.

Vid related is both a weightlifter and a powerlifter.


Deadlift and snatch are the most "impressive" lifts tbqh.
I engage my glutes when I ohp, does this mean they'll give me a massive thicc strong ass without any squats or deads?

None of the big four are prime movers for most of the back, with the exception of upper traps during ohp. Your argument is retarded.
longebois are so ugly theyre cute.
OHP your niece.
Yeah you should try doing some of that
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OHP it is.
She isn't long enough for deadlifts and snatches.

I wanted a nephew desu but my sister hates having kids lmao
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So the fuck what? A Jumping-jack uses almost all the muscles in the body, but there is not enough resistance to make it useful at developing those muscles for strength.

Quit being so dogmatic and stuck the fuck up.

You are (literally) a weak faggot, so tread a little lighter.
How about you put your seed inside a woman and get yourself a son.

You do have a girlfriend right?
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finding it hard to reach my 5k calories without eating a bunch of sugar tbqh familia
drink oil
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Your glutes aren't a primary mover on the OHP.
The muscles I mentioned are all primary movers.

>exception of upper traps

Your upper traps don't do much at all during OHP.


Except all the exercises I mentioned have full resistance to all muscles mentioned. Except maybe the rotator cuff, which doesn't really deals with full resistance in barbell lifts.

But these aren't random muscles being engaged cause reasons.
They are primary movers necessary to actually be able to move the bar.


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What is your problem?
>posting a thread as anon because you hate dogs that much

youve got issues trappy
No. You would rather be wrong and feel right than be right and feel wrong.
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How to sex.webm
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>trappy-free land

Uh, you might wanna re-read that post.


Tell me where I'm wrong and I'll prove you otherwise with scientific citations.
The lats are not a prime mover in the deadlift. They're a stabiliser. Prime movers actually contract through the range of motion.

Plus, who the fuck gets sore lats from deadlifting? Glutes and spinal erectors will always give out first, this is something you would know if you lifted.
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>The lats are not a prime mover in the deadlift

Wrong. They perform shoulder extension, pic related.
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When i bench press.
Do i rotate my elbows in to engage the lats before or after i unrack?

>inb4 mods ban
>Tell me where I'm wrong and I'll prove you otherwise with scientific citations.
Tell me how a smattering of lightly loaded vertical pulls and presses can possibly strengthen the entire back like a barbell row can.

Where did you find that post about Dietmar's TDEE calculation?
Help pls
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>Tell me how (...) can possibly strengthen the entire back

Simple: >>40295459

>lightly loaded

We're talking about SS here. If they're lightly loaded you're not doing SS.


thanks for the video trappy,goes in my justin folder,got any more?
>tfw no doggo to teach high fives to

Oh yeah, many more.~
>Uh, you might wanna re-read that post.
its the classic double bluff
>when you sneak in items to your mums shopping cart
>referencing yourself

And that picture says it all, it's a stabiliser. A full range of motion is something like a row or pullup, where the elbow goes from far from the body to next to it under resistance. In a deadlift, the elbows start close to the body (ie NOT a full range of motion) and they don't pull back, they don't pull the torso into the bar, the torso gets driven up and out into them by the hips.

Bending forward over the bar and then pulling it into yourself is dumb. Sitting back further means more torque from the hip, and you're not dragging the bar into your legs.
So would you say that in your professional opinion, that horizontal rowing has no place in powerlifting training?
i have no idea what you are talking about
holy shit,mind if I ask for more?
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Justin is a fucking slut desu and I love it
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I thought you were discussing lifting, nevermind.
Only realised you were just shitposting after.


>And that picture says it all, it's a stabiliser

The picture literally explains piece by piece how the lats perform dynamic movement of pulling the bar into your centre of gravity.

>A full range of motion is something like a row or pullup, where the elbow goes from far from the body

Your lats aren't attached to your elbow.
Why are you even talking about elbow here?

>they don't pull back

They do. Look at the picture, it explains everything as if you were a 5 years old.
Watch vid related and you can clearly see how he uses his lats to pull the bar into position throughout the lift.

>they don't pull the torso into the bar

They pull the bar into your centre of gravity, aka pull it closer to your hips.

Please look at the image before asking more questions.


There's nothing wrong with horizontal rows (besides having less range of motion than vertical rows, but it's not really a big deal).
They're fine accessories.

But they are not NECESSARY. They're just accessories. Just like chinups, or dips, or ohp.

How do you even came to the conclusion you're asking me about, I have no idea.
You forgot to put your trip back on trappy
Don't worry, we know you are a samefag
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>this guy slaps your ass between Sheiko DL sets
>what do you do?
I have started wearing a sleeve for my lower body days for last 3 weeks, and since wearing it i have had zero pain in my knees after a leg workout.

I used to come home with very tender and painful knees after a workout, and have suffered with it for 2 years. Is there any downside if i continue to wear the sleeves they feel great and im finally pain free.
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>instead of adding weight to my sheiko bench workouts (my bench is stalling bad and I feel the sheiko style training isnā€™t the best solution for it) Iā€™m adding an extra rep to every prescribed set instead of adding weight. The total volume resulting will be SUBSTANTIALLY higher (like 270kg in 2 sets today versus 10kg if adding an additional 2.5kg) and should drive gains


>Only realised you were just shitposting after
its ok no need to apologise
thank you
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What did it say on trappys party picture?

Partu? pariu?
you're really trying to please everyone,thank you

Reminder that the formula for volume calculations is
V = SF āˆ§ (XR + YW) - 7 <= 0 ā†’ F = 0 āˆ§ Ā¬((XR + YW) - 7 <= 0) ā†’ F = 1

Aka number of sets over +-RPE 7

aka increasing reps won't increase volume.


>anon makes a "trappy-free thread"
>but it's actually me samefagging

Please explain how you arrived at that conclusion.


hanke =/= trappy


Always here for you senpai ;3
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I hope you realize how unhelpful you are.

Advanced lifters know that you're full of shit. For all the technical jargon that you like to spam, how much of it is actually practical and applicable? You've done nothing but over-complicate what lifters with anecdotal evidence have known for over half a century.

You talk over the head of novice lifters, so I think you know what you're talking about. You're nothing more than a cross-dressing man with a medical textbook.

I feel sorry for the people that you claim to coach. It must be miserable having such a dogmatic, third rate, narcissistic human being taking credit for cookie cutter accomplishments
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hehe thanks
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>I hope you realize how unhelpful you are.

Stopped reading here.
>Please explain how you arrived at that conclusion.
that was anon not me
stop shitposting
The elbow is the furthest part of the humerus, the bit that the lat attaches to. You would have heard the expression 'row with your elbow' if you had ever set foot inside a gym before.

Have you ever fucking deadlifted before? You start with the the centre of gravity, you and the bar, vertically over the foot. It moves straight up, it doesn't fucking change. It does very little work, and goes through a tiny range of motion. Your centre of gravity is irrelevant, seeing as you and the bar should be considered as one object.

The lats are not a prime mover. If I went through the same range of motion for a squat you'd tell me I wasn't working anything.

Last I checked you're anon.
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>aka increasing reps won't increase volume.
>Reminder that the formula for volume calculations is
>V = SF āˆ§ (XR + YW) - 7 <= 0 ā†’ F = 0 āˆ§ Ā¬((XR + YW) - 7 <= 0) ā†’ F = 1
>Aka number of sets over +-RPE 7
>aka increasing reps won't increase volume.

This is a clear example of you being a faggot on purpose. Adding a rep per set increases the difficulty of the set which could make it more effective for training stimulus.

It is true that the more challenging sets you do, the better. However posting your dorky little useless formula does nothing to actually help the lifters that you are targeting here.

Most people here use volume and tonnage interchangeably, which is fine for 99% of the lifters here.

You don't need to run around telling everyone how wrong they are just to make yourself feel right.
Last I checked ur a qt3.14
since oly is dead. Can someone tell me what happened to jon north or donny shingle?
nice,leave your man for this guy trappy I bet he is bigger
huge squat off accident
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If you can't understand one simple (albeit shittily written) predicate logic formula you shouldn't be powerlifting desu.
All powerlifters here have at least an IQ of 140.
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>The elbow is the furthest part of the humerus, the bit that the lat attaches to

Lats do not attach to elbow.

>You would have heard the expression 'row with your elbow'

Rows involve elbow flexion, performed by your elbow flexors muscles.
Nothing to do with your lats.

>Have you ever fucking deadlifted before?


>You start with the the centre of gravity, you and the bar, vertically over the foot. It moves straight up, it doesn't fucking change

This is where you're wrong.
The bar isn't hanging from your arms in your centre of gravity because of gravity pulling it down. The bar is actually ANGLED and BEHIND your shoulders.
Meaning your lats need to PULL IT CONSTANTLY so that it stays over your centre of gravity.

This is explained as if you were a 5 years old on the picture that you still have refused to look at >>40295636

>It does very little work

Yeah it's very little work to keep pulling 300kg into position against gravity.

>and goes through a tiny range of motion

It's a range of motion almost as long as a row.
In fact, in the picture you refuse to look at, I have demonstrated the full range of motion at the bottom.

>Your centre of gravity is irrelevant

Have you ever deadlifted before?

>seeing as you and the bar should be considered as one object


>The lats are not a prime mover


>If I went through the same range of motion for a squat

Your lats aren't moving the bar during squats, merely helping stabilize your torso and spine.
This is because the bar is FIXED on top of your back.

On a deadlift, the bar is FREE in front of you. What keeps it in position is your lats


# of sets


>Adding a rep per set increases the difficulty of the set

Yes, adding a rep increases the intensity (RPE) of a set.

But it doesn't increase volume.

>which could make it more effective for training stimulus.

Not the same type of stimulus.


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>All powerlifters here have at least an IQ of 140.
yes helo

me iq is 78.6
Janoy is that you?
You're doing a lot of assumption there.

Strength training is a simple sport. Pretending that you're the smartest person on an anime powerlifting forum shouldn't be something that you feel the need to boast about.

I'd tell you to take your brilliance out in the public and grace the world with your Genius, but I've seen on the news that Brazil is basically a lawless third world country currently. Something tells me that your cunty attitude wouldn't last very long on the street. Thinking of you :/
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pls liek and subescribe
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Reminder that I'm not Trappy.
Also not being able to detect such obvious sarcasm is a symptom of autism. You might want to take a break from 4chan and have some of your mummy's milkies.
>Aka number of sets over +-RPE 7

This is what madman Mike suggests too.
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But in the deadlift the bar is in a stable position. The lats just connect arms to hips.
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Miss misery
Your centre of gravity is irrelevant. The only centre of gravity that is relevant is you and the bar together. One object.

>yeah it's very little work to keep pulling 300kg into position against gravity.

Post your heaviest deadlift lmao

Plus, holding it there takes a lot less effort than actually moving it off the ground with your prime movers

Ie the glutes and hamstrings

You will never get big strong lats without upper body pull because lats are never the first thing to wear out during deadlifts.
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Im currently C6W (Lower) + 3x Nucklos

but I would like to squat more often than 2x a week, currently 4pl8 squat

Can I into more frequent squating and what rotuine should I go for?
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I agree with this

let father MIKE teach you about lats.
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Did I give you permission to post cute puppers?

Have I gotten you confused? I swear you only squatted like 110-120

It isn't.
That's why the bar can twist around or drift forwards during the lift - the action of the gravity is pulling the bar away from YOUR centre of gravity (the bar is in front of your shoulders, so if you draw a straight line to the floor at 90 degrees it would be way ahead of your feet.)

How to test this yourself: Deadlift the bar a few cm off the floor, then just let your arms hang freely. See where the bar stays at.


>The only centre of gravity that is relevant is you and the bar together. One object.

This only happens if your lats pull the bar into your centre of gravity.

How to test this yourself: Deadlift the bar a few cm off the floor, then just let your arms hang freely. See where the bar stays at.

>because lats are never the first thing to wear out during deadlifts

Yeah, it never happens that the bar drifts forward on heavy lifts, or twists around. Certainly never happens.
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My Shangra-la.jpg
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P sure they just made up an equation and decided that reps don't matter because of the made up equation.
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yea no hands maybe

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I never denied that the lats get used. Do you just see a (you) and instantly reply without reading it with a bunch of technical bullshit? My point was that they get used but are never remotely near overloaded, and so neglecting upper body pull will eventually catch up when you need them for bench.

And are you seriously giving advice to someone who pulls probably more than 3 times what you do?
Meant for

Sorry anon
Cute pupper
>And are you seriously giving advice to someone who pulls probably more than 3 times what you do?

doesnt jp cauchi bench like 100kg

he still gives gr8 bench advice to beg binchers like gibbs
Trappy =/= coach
100kg bench is a lot better than not lifting desu
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>doesnt jp cauchi bench like 100kg
isnt jp cauchi a world level athlete
>doesnt jp cauchi bench like 100kg

It isn't JP's fault he was born as a 50kg stick insect with arms down to his ankles, he can still learn a lot about benching, even if we will NEVER bench well.
Need help picking weightlifting shoes, need something cheap but good quality all i own is cheap running shoes.
Wait, is trappy seriously playing retarded here just so he doesn't have to admit he's wrong?

Everytime someone brings up the lats and elbows he's acting like he is just at a complete loss as to what they could be talking about.

Absolutely hilarious

>be good anon, be better than me
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>My point was that they get used but are never remotely near overloaded

Citation needed.

>And are you seriously giving advice to someone who pulls probably more than 3 times what you do?

You think Isley doesn't contract his lats when deadlifting?
He said it himself, one of the only 3 cues Wilks gives to deadlift is to tighten the lats back.

Discussing something =/= giving advise


Dietmar or just customise one of the sheiko spreadsheets and squat as accessory on the deadlift days.


All of the shoes described below are great, including the cheapest options.
Heel height is personal preference.

Remember to look for sales. They're very common.

<- : trappy picks

Cheap but Great:
Adidas Powerlift 1/2/3 (1.5cm heel) <-
Wei-Rui Warrior (2cm heel) <-
Wei-Rui VX3 (2cm heel)
VS Athletics (3.3cm heel)** <-
VS Athletics 2 (3.5cm heel)**
Do-Win Gong-Lu 2 (2.5cm heel)
Sabo Gym (1.5cm heel)
Do-Win Gong-Lu 3 (2cm heel)
Sabo Deadlift (flat heel)
Wrestling shoes (flat heel) (multiple brands) <-

Adidas PowerPerfect 2 (2.1cm heel) <-
Adidas Drehkraft (2.1cm heel)
Risto Tiburon 2 (2.2cm heel) <-
Risto Deadlift (flat heel)
Sabo Powerlift/Weightlift (2cm heel)
Reebok CrossFit Lifter Plus 2.0 (2cm heel) <-
Inov-8 Fastlift (1.7cm heel)
Do-Win Pendlay (2cm heel)

Expensive tier:
Adidas Adipower (2cm heel) <-
Adidas Crazypower (2cm heel)*
Nike Romaleos 2/3 (2cm heel) <-
Risto Olimpico (2.2cm heel) <-
Reebok Legacy Lifter (2.2cm heel)
Anta Chinese Weightlifting (2cm heel)*
Adidas Leistung 2 (2.5cm heel)

Collectors tier:
Asics 727 Tiger (2cm heel)* <-
Adidas Adistar 2008 (2cm heel)* <-
Adidas Ironwork 3 (2cm heel)* <-
Rogue Rippetoe Powerlifting (1.3cm heel)
Do-Win Rogue (1.3cm or 2cm heel)

* precise measurement unknown
** probably not the effective heel height. Adipowers have 3.3cm heel height, but effective heel height is 2cm.
Thankyou senpai, i think a low heel is preferably i prefer to squat as flat as i can.
Tip: Don't use Isley as a source when he literally just disagreed with what you're saying, and you disagreed with him

And no one in the thread said the lats aren't used in the dead. They're just not on board with the lats being a prime mover in the dead. You should learn how to figure out what the argument actually is because more often than not it's different than what you think
>trappy reported the dog posting

What a fucking bitch
My citation is that I actually fucking lift. Only once or twice have I ever had the bar drift forward, and that's not because my lats were tired, it's because I was forgetting to engage them. Not once during an amrap set have I stopped because my lats were done or the bar was falling away, and this is the case for the vast majority of people who ACTUALLY FUCKING COMPETE IN THE SPORT OF POWERLIFTING.

And back to my original point - it's time for you to stop posting.
Been gone a long time.
Is this the real Trappy?
Is Trappy really Livia?

Did he man up and come back?

fuck him
i bet he kills street dogs for fun
Crooked spin can't come to rest

I'm damaged bad at best
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Isley 300kg Deadlift.webm
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Adidas powerlifts are pretty great.


>Don't use Isley as a source when he literally just disagreed with what you're saying, and you disagreed with him

Uh, are you retarded or something?

Isley disagreeing with the function of the lats doesn't mean Isley doesn't use his lats to deadlift.
Have you ever SEEN his deadlift? Vid related, you can clearly see him contracting his lats before pulling the bar.

>And no one in the thread said the lats aren't used in the dead. They're just not on board with the lats being a prime mover in the dead

I've explained everything and even taught you a way of testing for yourself.
Read the image I posted above, test for yourself, then read the image again.


Uh... I didn't report anything on this thread.


>My citation is that I actually fucking lift

So you have no citations.

>Uh, are you retarded or something?

you are such an entertaining poster tranny
Cmon you trans loving degenerates help
>lied about being called Luna
>lied about being livia cavalcanti
>lied about being Haino
>lied about talking to himself over Facebook
>expects me to believe him when he says he reported nothing

Lying bitch
Isley is a bulging eye beta faggot
Give me a citation that shows conclusively that lats are often the first thing to fail during a deadlift, and one of the main sticking points for people who actually compete. I can guarantee you that pretty much everyone in this thread will back me up when I say that the lats are almost never the first thing to go. I don't have a citation, because I'm speaking from experience, something you don't have.

I'm going to bed, I'll be waiting for your expert article. Bonus points if you reference yourself again.

why dietmar program has so low intensity in comparision with C6W?

I mean I didnt squat less than 135kg on C6W
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I don't mind dog posting, I just dislike when the OP isn't related to powerlifting.
But no, I didn't report your doggos.




Low intensity high volume is the secret to success for more advanced lifters.
because wolfgang puck isn't a stupid american kid that talent out the ass.
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So Im not advanced enough to touch it yet than. 4pl8 is not enough on squattos.

Gonna stick to C6W/Nucklos meme until muh better lifts or fall to bulgarian method squat if I want to do it more
Did you just say that I said Isley doesn't use his lats while quoting a post the very next line that said nobody disagreed with the lats being used in the dead?

The point is Isley disagrees with your argument here. You can't use Isley as a source to back up your argument when he literally disagrees with the function of the lats here. It looks like severe cherrypicking.

How are you this simple? I hope it's just because english isn't your first language but that doesn't explain... everything else.

well I dont know about the stupid part but im not american and I make good progres on C6W
Try deadlifting
A 4pl8 deadlift is harder than a 4pl8 squat
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Hey I dl more than I squat

Im only a benchlet
please get around to hanging yourself soon!
how does lifting culture look in poland?

also, why do you post so many finnish(?) memes?
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>You can't use Isley as a source to back up your argument

Where did I do that, exactly?
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wow i just felt really dizzy and started sweating all of a sudden

>mfw these are symptoms of diabetes
I was watching this movie where the protagonist cuts his wrists and sits down in the bathroom until he bleeds out to death.

Is this an painful way to kill yourself?
People cut all the time, surely its not that painful?

And blood loss must be a nice way to go cause you'd just get dizzy until you pass out.

adrenaline rush
Looks like it's time to cut
C6W is great, making more gains on it than Sheiko or 5/3/1.

What reason have you for changing now?
just do the car exhaust way if u want a painless suicide

my friends dad drove his car out into a field and did that when we were kids

>And are you seriously giving advice to someone who pulls probably more than 3 times what you do?

You think Isley doesn't contract his lats when deadlifting?
He said it himself, one of the only 3 cues Wilks gives to deadlift is to tighten the lats back.

Discussing something =/= giving advise
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>A 4pl8 deadlift is harder than a 4pl8 squat
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But when doing deadlifts i can set up that my shoulders are over the bar and my arms are straight. If i then let go of the bar the bar stays over my middle foot. I can see how the bar would drift forward if you set up with your shoulders way in front of the bar but why would i do that?
I made a damn sexy picture to show my point
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How can I cope with having EXTREMELY small wrists?!

Hank destroyed
thought it was just another red head from the thumbnail

norsie looking groomed viking as fuck
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not so much wlers and powerlifters

most gym members are into fitness/bb meme and 120kg squat for them is stronk

roid 100kg+ bodybuilders show toilet squats 180kg that dont count for nothing

pretty much every other country

I love finnish memes


Probably not going to change if nothing similiar with more squatting frequency

only reason for changing for me I is when I end up one squat/dl session I have to wait few days for another and do boring upper body shit than
looks like a fag Tbh
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. . . so late
Yeah a cute fag
Party is on Sunday

I am so excited :ā€¢)
Smesh it lad
I don't think I'll be setting any prs, probably just work on form.
Dietmar is for powerlifters who aren't stupid.
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so nobody then xd
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thats why you sheiko?
I do sheiko because it's a program for PED users, like myself
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kurwa :DDDDD
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homo zapienz.jpg
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Just be nice to me I just hit my 2 years mark andmy sq and dl is noice admit it

I've been in the watch2gether room for months and nobody has come online

Where has everyone gone

Where's the insta crew??
I really like push presses but mine is incredibly weak.

My strict press is 70kg
My seated press is 80kg for reps
My push press is also 80kg
Its suppose to be 90kg to be intermediate at my BW

its so hard

try doing it behind neck
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Ok I will
Insta crew represent
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it helped for me I felt more stable doing it
risto $175
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Say goodbye to your rotators and hello to impingement lmao
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stop it
I read that as IPL and thought, who the hell is IPL. I am retarded.

How you doing buddy? Last time we spoke we were watching that steroids video.
Haha eyy yea I remember that, the bostin Lloyd vid right?
I'm OK ty, how are you?
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You love it tho
So it is you. Wow, I thought you were gone?
I've been good man, made some Alex tier progression these past few months.

Weighed in at 94kg at 6'0 the other day, may even shoot for 100kg. What do you weigh?

Also, according to Sean you live in the UK right? Midlands? (Don't mean to be a stalker lol)
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de fak.jpg
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I just drinked a lot of milk and have my mouth white and now im licking it off

ehhh I want to squat so badddddddddd
Is anyone else actually terrified of herniating a disc in their back?
Nah I still visit here a bit when there's not too much anime going on lmao
Nice job u finna compete? And I'm only 78kg I went full aesthetic mode cuz I'm a proper GDE. Even multiple sheiko cycles weren't getting me anywhere
And yea that's right I'm in the UK
Does Sean still come here? Every time I ask is just get ignored kek
Should I start Sheiko if I'm coming off a back injury?
My maxes would be very low but I want to do low intensity training because I found out I have Spondy l5-s1 even tho it's still asymptomatic.
I'm high bar squatting now and I ran the first 6 weeks of J&T2.0 but I don't like it that much for sq/dl.
Sean is livias boy toy
There is literally no reason to sheiko
Fair enough, I browse semi-often but hardly post anymore, plg is pretty damn different now.

I've had my interests in strongman, maybe maybe maybe one day I might enter a competition for a laugh, but it won't be in PL probably.

You're fucking huge for 78kg, at least from the images I've seen. I feel you, I took a break from high specificity PL programming and have been doing some high frequency maxing. The gains have been the best I've had in a long time, which is refreshing.
You're really damn big, got any pictures of you cut?

Didn't realise you're from the UK. If you're near midlands like Sean said, then we are fairly close.

Sean lives on discord, he very rarely comes here now. Supposedly he talks to trappy-chan every day and trappy seems to keep him on the discord primarily. Very weird situation, nobody seems to know all the facts.
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Oh nice strongman is bad ass. And yea plg went to shit now, none of the old trips even come here any more from what I've seen.
Yea non PL training really revitalised my gym experience too, I still do the big 3 and managed to maintain my lifts though
Yea I got a recent pic here
I live in the north west, where are you?
Loool no way that doesn't sound like Sean, i bet he left altogether. Oh and what about sparrow, where is she at?
I do.

I've been busy tho
>I live in the north west,

Which area?
Sean is still around.
That's so damn thicc for 78kg. Unreal. Mirin hard.
It really has, been in major decline since Buda announced his departure, (IMO) Bodorio stopped posting with his tripcode about 3 months ago and other trips have slowly posted less and less or disappeared completely.

Its a shame really, because these threads aren't bad now that Sean has also stopped posting. They are actually not bad at all. Its just that everyone has migrated to Discord, and anyone who hasn't, has left because of trappy-chan.
I don't think he is a bad person, but he brings a lot of crap, drama, spam e.t.c to this general and it really brings down the quality of each thread. He also has tantrums and responds to EVERY bait post.

I was still doing the core power lifts until recently, now I focus on OHP, push presses and deadlift / deadlift variations, (mostly snatch grip deadlifts). But yeah, shifting to low specificity training has been the break I've needed for a long time. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself too, results are great from your picture.

I'm pretty Midwest, around London.
Sparrow is gone completely, however she posts on her Instagram often. She has moved down a weight class and took a hiatus, so she is a fair bit weaker now unfortunately.

I've seen it with my own eyes unfortunately. He just talks to trappy on discord since you left him.

Now the dust has settled, did he really black mail you?

OK Dino
If he does, I've hardly noticed it.
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That's not backing up my argument...


>But when doing deadlifts i can set up that my shoulders are over the bar and my arms are straight

You can't do that with heavy weights. Your hips will rise and shoulders will move forwards.
Also, with lower hips your shins push the bar forward, moving it away from your centre of gravity.


Damn, he's looking hot O: kekkkkk


Sheiko is also low intensity high volume.


Most are on discord, a part are on cytube, a few left everything but facebook.


You'll be fine as long as your scapulae rotate properly, and you have decent mobility.


Sean is on discord, I'll tell him you were around when he shows up lated.
Trappy I love your posts in plg and I don't want you to listen to the haters that blame you for the "decline" I'm quality.

Plg was always shit, and it's partly my fault for building to treehouse and stealing as many of the trips away as I could so they no longer had a purpose in coming here.
That's not fair to say when he
>drunk posts
>posts gay anime traps
>argues with everyone
>literally spams

Most people don't like him

Stop beta orbiting him, you have a real girl you beta orbitered into bed lmak
Trappy and discord worked together on killing /plg/.

Discord is killing everything I love in this world.

IRC, /plg/.. list goes on

fuck discord
This. FUCK discord.

It was Sean's ultimate plan. Get everyone on discord and kill PLG.
If that was orbiting I must be Pluto

Yeah possibly
You are a beta orbiter and that's okay. It's important you accept it.
I want to keep my friend livia around
Of course you do you're never leaving George
Haha thanks for the kind words man. yea I always was really light for some reason, bitch bones I guess. That training sounds fun asfk, might start doing some overhead movements myself.
Yea trappy ruined plg for me desu, drove all the trips away with the shitstorm that comes with her existence
And nah Sean didn't blackmail me that's just a myth lmao
Of all the people you can't take into your secret club house god damn

Make him go away. You are plgs last hope...
I mean it man, always thought you looked thicc as fuck. The first picture I saw of you was the shopped one tho lmao.

It has been fun, I definitely find overhead presses a lot easier than bench, and my wing span is pretty short, (5'8-9 at 6'0) so I benefit from that with presses. Still suck balls at bench for whatever reason, my OHP has always been far stronger.

He has ruined it for me too. All we can do is wait it out I guess, hopefully he will get bored of shit posting every single day, 8 hours a day.

Glad that wasn't true. Sean did doxx Fat retard apparently, and Fat retard has been afraid to ban Sean from discord in case Sean releases his info.
I think that's old news now though.
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Don't worry about me ;3
I KNOW what has been actually happening to /plg/, and I know why the trips that have left did so (spoiler: not because of me).

And really, most of the people are still around. They just don't post often cause they're busy with their lives.


>drunk posts

I don't even drink...

>posts gay anime traps

Wait are you listing the positives or negatives?

>argues with everyone

I only respond to posts about lifting or people who aren't just baiting (like you).

>literally spams

I don't think you understand what spam is.

>Most people don't like him

Objectively incorrect.


Sean isn't releasing fat retard's info. I guarantee you this.
Then what's your explanation for those retard posts?

Can't be bothered to debate what has been proven true time and time again. Enjoy living in your bubble you faggot.
Hello lads, how's it going? Training's going well, squat and bench are feeling on point, I'll be gauging the diddly on thursday, where I'll do some 260kg singles.
tbf hank has an iq in the billions, 7 doctorates, and an intellect to rival even the greatest minds of wisconsin
Seriously, you can't be sober.
My squats were shit today
Did you ever get his stats? And did he roid? Seemed like you implied that earlier one time.
Nice gyno
How can I look as lean as possible by Sunday?

Very important. Need help.
dehydrate yourself
Do you think anyone will notice if I draw abs on my powerlifting belly?
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Ye I coached Stephen Hawking in powerlifting you know
should have told him to sleep on his floor
Nah the shins are at the same place i just sit back a bit more. Why would my hips rise with heavier weight? As long as i have strong enough quads i am stronger with a lower hip position. I believe george leeman teaches it that way too.
Do the opposite of whatever George leeman says unless a real powerlifter also said it.
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he he Sean here I didnt leave I was just temporarily immobilized for a few weeks ;o
Just pooped my diaper :O
I made a big stinky doo doo the the toilet!!
oooh fuck this fecal matter is squishy through my butthole and smearing everywhere
Mommyralda change my poopy diaper!!!
Ew my poop is dripping out of my diaper down my leg x(
theres stinky smelly diarrhea splatter leaking from my butthole
Oh fuck my poor little butthole I shouldn't have ate those spice curry sriracha tacos :|
i tug my dick at the thought of you dying you slag
i hope your favela roof crashes down on you and you're buried under ruble for weeks until you die of dehydration you ugly fucking man
Sean you've fucked 83 women right?
How do I pick up girls at a party despite the fact I'm at the end of my bulk and need to cut?
george leeman is pretty strong. why u don't like him isley?
Cuz he is strong
I've fucked 85 women actually

party is very easy place to pick up girls just start talking to her and lead her to a quiet place

He doesn't compete in IPF so he isn't a real powerlifter or something
Lol nice, how'd I do that? Everyone's gonna be wasted and horny so it shouldn't be too hard.
hopefully ive answered your question?
Sean who do you hate more:
Felipe or Dino?
Drugs and not a real powerlifter
Probably, any advice you'd give I'd likely be too drunk to remember.
im gonna have to go with dino (discord username moo)
How many of those 85 women were paid for, and how many of those paid for women had penises?
Didn't Felipe take your princesesa away though?
>mfw sean hasn't had sex in a YEAR
well if you're unsure if the girl is down to fuck grab her ass and if she doesnt walk away (slapping your face but staying still means she wants to fuck)

so just remember, when in doubt, grab the butt
It went from 83 to 85 you idoot
dino is the one that going to sit in the corner of the party and wait for the girls to throw themselves on him btw
8 and 0
13 months now
Could be worse, I could have had sex with a hideous bridge troll like you
>on 3rd day of sheiko
>do squat with 75% 5x3
>suddenly on the last rep of the 4th set right knee starts hurting
>doesnt go away
I didnt even attempt the 5th set it hurts right below the kneecap when Im in the bottom position

I also woke up with some flu but still went training, you guys that could play a factor or have I been training wrong
No its been 85 for over a year now
No dino is the one staying at home asking esmeralda to play battleships with him
>mfw I haven't HAD sex
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But brett gibbs has straight arms
>THIS jealous
I triggered shit posting :^)
>Mfw it's getting close to a year for me too

Sex is overrated senpai
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isleys past women.jpg
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So jealous mhmm yes look at this prime AAA meat

nigga you unironically have a fetish for the most ugliest women on this planet
>No dino is the one staying at home
its litterally dino who is asking about the party
they grow up so fast
Kek I'm glad you never saw abi

Massive (like maserati tier) boobs but pretty chunky.
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Get ready to change your mind Bobby
Why did I have to get stuck with the dino nickname fml
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are you unironically talking about yourself in third person
because you tripped as it then immediately regretted it
classic hank

Why don't you go back to smeshing twinks?
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p-pls respond
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but i have, see pic related for example
Wait, maybe you aren't talking about me.

I need a big strong man to put me in my place once in a while.
fuck off you stupid fucking noob go to QTDDTOA and FUCK OFF
Jeez thought you guys had some experience with knee injuries
P-please Hank

>Big and strong
Pick one and only one
I do my knee hurts right now (:
who has the best body in PLG besides the cheater virtus
>sex is overrated
I know I don't actually give a fuck about stickin my dickin someone

I just want a bf or gf to love me ;-;
what lats
Okay Dino
That's not abi lmao
thats styx

she's already in isleys harem though you're too late
Sean, unironically

At least from the pictures I've seen that are supposedly him
why do you identify with the dino name
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>Pick one and only one
Shh don't ruin the fantasy.
i thought abi was code for aboriginal in australian aka styx

are you talking about pepe girl
Styx isn't abbo. Or Australian. She just lives and works there.
she has abbo and chink in her
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>only ever had sex while blackout drunk with some sket and can't remember a fucking thing of it

a-at least I'm not a virgin right guys?

No abbo. None at all.
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>mfw had more sex in 2017 than all of 2016
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if you dont remember you virgin
she does lol she has a mix of a lot of things in her a mutt
Why do you let crappy boss you around and lead you around by your little pecker?
I dont lol
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>go to music festival
>friends dropping e like fucking candy
>I refuse them
>head to hotel room for afterparty
>passed out because of all the alcohol
>wake up with a dude bobbing his head up and down on my dick
>have no strength to resist
>can't even feel it
>get urethritis few days later
l-lewd y-you gave me a boner anon!

But also

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Brett Gibbs 305kg Deadlift.webm
2MB, 749x540px

The bar is behind his shoulders...

You can clearly see him using his lats to pull the bar in vid related
Yeah but what is the reason the shoulder should go in front? If you have strong quads you'll want as much quads in the movement as possible so sit back and down more and therefore the shoulders go back.
Thread posts: 315
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