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mires from grills thread

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Thread replies: 324
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share your mire stories.

i have none to share since i don't lift
>i don't lift
you think there are people here who do?
>i lift a pole
>lady said "good"

the only mires i get are fat girls and ugly girls.
>At a clothing shop with gf
>She goes into change room
>I'm loitering around the shop
>See another girl walk past me in a dress
>She waves and smiles
>She starts trying on shoes while standing up
>She sees me looking
>Bends and lifts her leg up grabbing foot and flashes me
>Giggles then walked past me and brushes my arm
>I awkwardly wait as my gf tries on shoes too
>she continues to look and smile at me

>just left
then you woke up, with your feet on the pillow, right?
Only mire I got recently (that wasn't my sister) after shagging some girl got up to put my shirt back on and she said one sec. She jumped up out of the bed and punched my stomach so I would tense up, started rubbing my abs, looked at me smiled and said 'sorry they're just so hot'
No need to be bitter m8
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A-are you swole anon? What routine do you do? How much do you eat?

I need to know these things
At wage cuck retail job. Right before election
Girl walks up "My friend wants to know if she can have your number"
>I stupidly give it to her after a few minutes
>Few minutes later girl walks up "Hi I'm K____ the one who ask for your number"
>Look up she is pretty fat and has Septums piercing
> Me "Do you like Trump?"
>Her "No i don't like Tump"
> Me "Sorry there are some things i don't budge on" start working again
Kek. Sounds like she wouldn't budge either
Was walking through mall and some hot girl, looking straight at me, waves me over.
I go and she says that I had some pretty big muscles and that if I ever wanted to put them to use I should join the army because I would totally fit in.
Told her I wasn't interested and she seemed a bit upset but gave me some phanphlets that she had in case I changed my mind, and then out of nowhere she asked for my phone number.
How lucky can I get? I'm expecting her call any day now.
I need to start doing this when I get mires from fatties
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never change /fit/
I'd say I'm almost at natty limit so I'm jumping on test e in next few weeks

I just eat the regular clean foods, mainly get Thai food tho since my gfs mother cooks it
Also I just do powerlifting and Olympic lifts 6 days with one rest day with 30min cardio
Grill mires I get are mostly from high school girls and single moms. I am okay with this, and my wife is too.
Oh shit, okay. What does a 6 day pl/oly routine look like then?
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>get message from the fiancee (8/10, personality ruins it) of a buddy of mine wishing me happy new year, he is a policeman and has to work on NYE
>one hour later she calls me to ask where I am, tell her the club where I am
>shows up with her squad
>we have a few drinks, I dance with almost every chick in her group
>dance with her and she gets really touchy, sliding her hand under my shirt, grinding me hard, biting my neck
>I guess she is drunk, go get a new beer and leave the club with my buddy 20 minutes later
>next morning
>7 missed calls, countless messages
>during the night she tried to contact me, wanted to talk, asked me if she could sleep at my place, share a cab
>last few messages were more aggressive, she send me some nudes and invited me to her place
>in the evening I get a long message, apologizing, begging me to keep it a secret, to delete all of it
>gonna keep all of it as an insurance in case she does something crazy
>not going to tell buddy, he is an idiot and probably is going to blame me
>I don't put myself into situations where I could possible get mired
>sorry I'm a trump supporter you wouldn't like me
>oh me too!
>oh well I meant that I support... I hate fat people
My girlfriend notices girls mirin me way more than I do. It's fucking wild. Waitresses, random girls while we are out shopping. She really gets off on it, always grabs me, kisses me, or makes me grab her ass/hips when she notices someone looking our way.

I think she is secretly a reverse-cuck (is that a thing?). One night she got real drunk and tried to invite one of my old fuckbuddies over, told me she wanted to watch me bang them.

Anyway, this happened today
>Early morning run to my car to grab my work phone
>Shirtless, only wearing sweatpants with no boxers
>MILF that lives in apartment next to us is coming up the stairs as I'm going down
>STARING at my bulge
>"Oh hi anon good morning you look like you've been working out"
>"Good morning, thanks yeah I work out quite a bit"
>"Can I take a picture of you to show my friends? They are looking for a trainer"
>"Uh sure"
>She's lower than me on the stairs and zooms in
>Hands me the phone to see picture, I scroll through other pictures accidentaly
>Tfw one is of my body the other is zoomed in on my cock bulge
I want to believe
>At the mall christmas shopping, looking for a necklace for my gf
>Talking to this qtpi at jewelry store, she's noticeably nervous talking to me, tell her I want a necklace not that it's for my gf
>"Here let me show you it" -- *puts on necklace*
>Charm falls right into her cleavage
>"Do you like it?"
>Staring at her boobs
>"I like it on you!"
>"Touch it, it's real gold"
>*Grab the charm and partial boob, look at it*
>"Looks great"
>She giggles, takes it off
>Buy necklace
>"My name is ____ btw, if you have any troubles come back and see me"
>Sure thing
>"I wrote my number on the receipt too if you want to text me"
did you call her?
Nope. I do plan on visiting her at the mall next time my gf and I get in a fight though

>I was hoping you'd be here, I lost the receipt that had your number on it

>trump supporter
>hates fat people

pick one
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>all these normalfags
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>be yesterday
>qt at work pokes me in the back to get my attention
>wow you're really hard
>feels again

So you wanted a necklace for your girlfriend, but due to your autism you bought a necklace for yourself? Good job, Anon.
Oh yeah here's one more. Just for background I'm pretty hung, about 7.5 inches but I'm super thick, like 7 inches around

>Visiting with gf friends
>They are lesbians, somehow we talk about sex toys
>GF: "Oh I don't need one with anon here ;-)"
>Her friends laugh, say vibrators are great, and they have this one really big/thick dildo
>They end up showing it to us
side note: it's black v_v
>GF: "Anon that's about you"
>Her friends don't believe it and ask to see
>Don't want to because gf is right there
>Gf actually encourages me to show them
>They start comparing my size to their forearms, put dildo side by side
>"Well ANONGF you are one lucky lady"
>I spaghetti and zip up immediately
>Don't talk for the entire rest of the time we are there

Was my gf trying to set up a foursome or am I thinking this over too much? It was like 2 months ago and we haven't seen them since, but she is constantly saying they want to hang out with us
Kill yourself
Of course we believe you brah
Tell him, and remind him that he's lucky she did it to a friend who as willing to tell him the truth about how shitty she is and who didn't touch her.

It could have been a random person with whom the truth would never come out until she inevitably does this again, and maybe even succeeds on cheating on him that time.
Her is one more.

>go donating sperm because I'm a tall, good looking, succesfull billionaire with a high IQ
>wear sweatpants with no boxers, already a semi
>assistant hands me the cup, she is nervous as fuck because my huge bulge (7.5x7 penis) is visible
>ask her for a bigger cup because of my huge loads
>get three cups
>as soon as I start jerking off somebody knocks on the door
>it is the assistant asking if she could help, my gf is behind her and wants to film the whole thing
>at the mall with le GF
>btw shes super hot solid 9/10, smart AND funny
>while shes trying on a cute dress I spot a hot MILF eye fucking the SHIT out of me
>get a boner
>le spaghetti
>i run to gf in dressing room
>she notices my bulge and starts blowing my 8" penis
>shes so random and funny lol
No. I'm not going to tell anybody.
This bitch has more redflags than a Chinese military parade. People already warned him and he ignored it.
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>muh dik muh muh dik bix nood ooga booga me fuk gf me fuk many woman eek ook ooh aah aah
So you're a faggot cunt then.
Kill yourself nigger
No she assumed it was for my mother for some reason, and I didn't correct her.

One more because I get mired a lot

>Post workout meal at Chipotle for the gains
>Qtpi in line in front of me orders her food TO GO
>Order mine for here, sit down
>She packs up her bag w napkins and salsa and is walking out the door, turns around and sees me sitting down
>There's probably 4 people in the restaurant eating, plenty of empty tables
>Comes back inside, sits directly across from me at the same bar/table, smiles
>"I'm qtpigirl"
>"Hi I'm anon"
>Go back to eating my food because I don't have time for this
>"So do you go to school at [localuni]"
>No I don't
>"Do you live around here?"
>Yeah just down the street
>Silence while I finish eating, stand up to leave
>"Where are you going?"
>"Home, I'm done eating..."
>"Well maybe we could hang out some time?"
>*hand her my phone to put in number*
>gf ends up calling me at that very moment
>"Who is anongf??"
>"That's my girlfriend"
>She frowns a bit, lets it ring out and puts in her number
>"Text me, okay??"
>I will
>Hugs me goodbye

Never texted her because I'm too much of a pussy to cheat on my girlfriend

made me laugh
Sounds like you are one of the guys who gets constantly cheated on.
You are probably like my buddy, you get mad if somebody tells you the truth about your gf or you get mad if that nobody told you the truth about your gf. No matter what, you blame others. Kill yourself faggot.
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The only mires I get are for my faggy haircut and nothing else. I hate being a skelly
>be at the gym, squatting 800 kg for reps
>suddenly see two 10/10 cardiobunnies in the mirror miring my massive cockbulge (7,5×7)
>walk up to them and say ey gurl u want sum fug
>they instantly drop to their knees and start sucking my dick
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>"Wow, the exercise is paying off"
>roommate's boyfriend when he sees me walking shirtless in the flat
>"You got prettier didn't you ?". (doesn't sound gay in original language)
>male coworker who saw me with my hair cut

T-t-thanks /fit/
Smart boy
Conor Murphy plz go
Even in your fantasy you only have a 7.5 incher, dicklets need to leave
Girl looked at me when I was walking past. Beat that.
Women almost never do this, except they are drunk, hookers or sluts.

They'll do everything so you approach them. Eye contact, smile, being around you...but except those mentioned above they'll take the first step and approach you!
i bet it still sounds incredibly gay
ur talking like a grill
Here's one I thought was cool.
>work a job that requires driving to grocery stores all over the city and its suburbs
>visit a store I used to frequent a lot a year before I started lifting
>customer service lady who always talked to me does a double take when she sees me
>we talk and she says that I look great and like I finally grew up (was a skellington)
>grabs my shoulder and squeezes it
>says they should send me out here more often again
Felt good. She was okay looking. I actually used to get way more mires before I lifted.
>be lifting at my powerlifting gym
>see new qt grill with 8.5/10 booty who's been at the gym for about a week
>I stare off randomly inbetween sets and space out
>I zone back in and realise I was staring right at her
>she was staring back the whole time
>I get embarassed and she notices too and darts her eyes away and starts avoiding eye contact with me
>she starts avoiding me and avoiding eye contact completely
>think i must have done something wrong so start doing the same
>this happens for a week
>doing deadlifts
>right after my set she nervously walks up to me with her hands in her fucking pockets
>"Hey, did you know you're like my man crush?"
>I get flustered af and start spilling spaghetti
>I say "oh... haha thanks"
>start ignoring her and avoiding her
>see she is visibly sad
>don't see her again at the gym for months
>she comes back with dyel boyfriend

A-at least she was mirin right haha
>tfw a strongchub look so 90% of comments/looks are from middle-aged/older women

I have people (men and women) tell me all the time I look intimidating and muscular, but I never really take that as a compliment/mire.
My gf is 7/10 but we did this, not memeing

You'd be surprised how horny some girls get about blowing your cock
S-sorry bro
Yeah, at least I'm not 100% autismo anymore, only 65% now
Really? It happens to me quite often. I have a really appealing face and ottermode body. People tell me all the time I'm very warm and easy to talk to. It all depends on the guy.

Generally if you a girl finds you attractive she will..
>Try to have close proximity to you
>Avoid you, not acknowledge you unless you act direct
>Make it very clear that she is sexually or otherwise available for you
IE - coming up and talking to you

Just what I've observed
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>random hook up at new year's party
>she says that I have a cute butt and says that I must squat
>mfw my max is 2.5pl8
That has to be some southern European language because I cannot think of any other language in which that doesn't sound gay.

>something something guapo?

Pretty much everything in your comment sounded gay.
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>leave gym together with my gymbro
>qt receptionist makes eye contact with me and says bye but not to my bro
French actually
"Tu t'es embelli dis moi"
He said that in a professional environment too
literally me irl
>New years rave
>Going in to some dubstep
>People dancing and vibing around me cheering me on every now and then when im going hard
>Once i calm down little 5'2 qt brunette grabs my arm "Nice moves big guy"
>Grabs my face and starts making out with me
>Put me up on your shoulders!
>She becomes my rave bae for the rest of the night
>She was such a cutie makes my heart melt thinking about her still
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>he couldn't even fuck the drugged up rave slut
never ever gonna make it
My bad, I mean they never do this except the hookers/sluts/drunk ones.

What do you mean?

Not in my experience. I'm talking about women you never met before. I'm not talking about women in your class or gym you both seen each other before but never interacted.

I've seen all the tricks
>eye contact
>smile at you
>bumping into you
>dancing near you, sitting near you, even following you

These are all signals they send you, but if you do not approach them nothing will happen. Women need some 'excuse' to approach you, for example they know someone in the group I'm talking to so they join the group. Or they send one of their girlfriend to approach for her.

The only times I got approached in all those years were prostitutes, drunk/tipsy women or sluts. Never ever has a women approached me I would consider for a long term relationship.
He didn't say "for you"
copy pasta fuck u
how do you even dance to dubstep?

just feel the music bro
Come back after 6 standard units of alcohol and we will talk
yeah that's what most people say, but then most dances are pretty formulaic. i just don't get dubstep. never seen anyone dance to it without looking like they're 200% drunk or having a seizure
I haven't had a mire in years
>Tfw ugly
>Tfw bad lifting genes
>never seen anyone dance in the club without looking like they're 200% drunk or having a seizure
Its quite agressive and involves a great deal of headbanging.
Take some molly sometime and your body will just know
People always meme about how dubstep doesn't have a rhythm so you can't dance to it, which is bullshit. There is always some kind of beat you can bounce to and people make up other moves while they bounce.

Actually unironically what the other anon said
>just feel the music bro

Also the stuff you find on youtube is NOT how people actually dance at raves.
J'aurais pas traduit en anglais comme ça (Beau != Cute), pour ça qu'ils trouvent ça gay, et puis on va pas se mentir hein.
i've been to raves myself. even at the smaller clubs there's always a handful of guys who actually know their shit and look good while dancing. i just can't imagine dubstep, it's so slow and yeah, aggressive.
Can you count in fours?

Yeah I meant that sarcastically
Sniff sniff mmmmmmm quite pungent my dear don't you think so? Sniffffffff why yes, yes I was eating eggs earlier! Mmmmm they give off such a unique smell wouldn't you agree my dear?

>Also the stuff you find on youtube is NOT how people actually dance at raves.

Have you ever been to a rave sober?

Don't you have fanfic to be writing or something
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>used to be skeleton in high school
>now senior in college after hitting the gym hard
>come home for holidays
>non stop mires from old high school grills at parties. "I can tell you've been working out." "I bet you're the strongest person at this party."
>tfw they all have boyfriends who you are close friends with...
How is that a copypasta you fuck
>Be me today
>Walk into the free weights section
>See Chad from highschool
>Exchange handshakes and hi's
>Watches me walk to squat rack and load lmao1.5p8
>"Wow, heavy"
>Watches me unrack it and go ass to grass
>I hear him asking Brad if he could go that deep
Sure mires on looks from grills feel good but my mires on strength from males are the best
post nudes
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>Fucking a woman that is 5'2
Absolutely disgusting.
Yes I have. If you search for "dubstep dance" on youtube you'll mostly find guys that have sick body control and just kinda like "vibe" on all the different sounds dubstep has, like this:
People that are spacing their balls off on mdma or way too much xtc may prefer to mimic this and just look at their own arms and hands while they move very slowly.

In my experience here (in the Netherlands) everyone that has the energy to move on the beat, either because they're sober or because they used something like 4fmp (4fa), xtc with more than just mdma, speed etc, moves on the beat and headbangs like >>39919719 said. Really feeling the beat instead of the sounds surrounding it (which to me is an mdma thing). That is my experience at least. I am more of a dnb guy myself but I have attended quite a few dubstep raves.
Man dubstep is so fucking shit. The dance is good but the sound is such absolute garbage and his moves dont fit with it at all.
Bruh if that's real tell him tf. Why would you let your friend get married to that?
i lifted in 2015 stfu
Stop worrying about others. You can't help delusional people, especially idiots who fell in love with a woman.
He was already warned. He is a grown ass man. Time to learn hard lessons.
>DYEL 2-3 months consistent gymming
>nobody notices at work
>get haircut
>girls notice haircut
>noob gains go unnoticed

I agree dude. Still, even in that music there is a beat you can dance to (which he isn't doing).

Dnb is a lot more fun in my opinion.

>tfw shilling for Liquicity for free
I gues anything you say in French is gay anyway

>especially idiots who fell in love with a woman.

Who hurt you?
You usually don't notice until like 6 months in.
>at rec centre gym
>benches face a track
>a girls soccer team is running around doing warmups and stuff
>they're probably 16-17
>all of them are attractive not even one token ugly girl
>some of them are glancing over at me while I'm sitting on the bench as the run by
>tfw you're gonna make it
frogget pls go, don't you have some krauts to get bullied by?
I've seen it and heard countless stories. Some men are so happy to get their dick wet that they ingnore even their own family who warns them. Ignore disrespectful/bad shit their gf/fiancee/wife does.

I just avoid this drama.
>This bitch has more redflags than a Chinese military parade
I like this line, Im definetly going to use it in future,
Tell us about your sister, senpai
This guy >>39917599 isn't me.
I weigh 140 lbs and do SS+GOMAD
depends if you're talking amerilard dubstep or normal dubstep
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this is 100% the only true statement in this thread
I know, just don't tell normies
>Be out of a club smoking with a friend
>Meet hot grill who used to go with us in HS
>Was one of the popular hotties in HS, and I had a huge crush on her.
>Incredibly pretty face, nice body but flat chested when we were younger
>Starts talking about how we all were crushing on one of her friends because she had big boobs and how she was flat chested.
>"But not any more"
>Grabs her boobs and starts laughing
>Apparently she had a boob job
>And not you Anon, I know you liked me and said I was pretty.
>Autismo plus drunkness kicks in
>"Oh.. did I?"
>"Yes you did, you were so shy and cute"
>My friend starts hitting on her hard, but she completely ignores him.
>Starts feeling my arms and chest while staring and smiling at me all the time, while I keep giving one word autismo reponses.
>Friend goes home, and hotty and I go inside and have a drink.
>Mild flirting
>She goes for the kiss because I'm a coward and we start making out.
>Finally break some autismo and ask her to go to my place.
>She giggles
>"Too soon"
>Walk her home, make out more at the front door, honk those new fake boobs and finger her under the panties.
>"Fuck it, let's go inside"
>Gives me head and fuck twice.
>Don't sleep in all the night: fuck, talk, cuddle, fuck, cuddle, talk
>Prepare to leave to parents' house for family meeting.
>Good bye make out session
>"Don't you dare not calling me"
>"I will"

Just arrived home from my parents' and haven't slept in 36 hours, it's a national holiday in my country. I still can't believe it, almost a year without sex and suddenly this. Not really a mirin story, but a success one I guess.
you mean possesive
Why didn't you bang her you faggot?
>be me
>not you
>earn lots of money
>like a whole lot
>especially for my age
>decide to start lifting
>6 weeks into ICF 5x5 (thank you based jason)
>finish up and decide to go to grocery store still in my tank top
>got that juicy pump going on
>get chicken, eggs, veggies, and rice, and some whey protein
>qt3.14 at register
>obviously mirin
>she asks if I found everything I need today
>I say yes
>im thinking of asking her to be my gf and make sex with me but im too much of a spaghetti spillin' sperg autismo
Anyone else have stories like this?
pop an e or get 10 units of alcohol in you
enjoy your yellow teeth and nails boyo
>Going skiing with outing club
>Resting around in lodge
>Just about to leave, guy walks up to me and friend
>Says something like "This girl over there likes you" or something like that
>Barely see her, she is walking out door petite blond I kid you not
>Look back at him "Uh, you kidding me dude?"
>Says no, I don't believe him because subconsciously I think its impossible for girls to like me

Don't believe him to this day, too much of a pussy to find out

>Get coffee with friends, young gay guy is super nice to me and only me
>Lots of smiles and looking me in the eyes
>Friends say he was into me but I can't tell because autist

>Friend with girl who is friends with gay guy
>Tells me gay guy thinks im cute
>Offers me his snapchat
>Not gay fml I could be getting that dick rn

>Gym class
>I'm alone because I'm dual enrollment in HS
>In younger class
>Two of these chicks keep trying to hang out with me
>Avoid because autistic and don't know how to hang
>We have this thing where we shake hands at end of game
>One of them makes a point to shake hands with me every time even though we don't really interact
>Giggles smiles blah blah blah
>Eventually realise I'm autistic and give up
>God I would love to bang them

So many more stories

>kissless virgin

>started lifting 6 weeks ago
>juicy pump

Is this bait

To avoid drama. This is why I left 20 minutes later.
Maybe I would have fucked her if I was drunk.
Post em


>Moshi moshi, pasta desu
>Is this newfag?
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Well done lad! Well bloody done!
pics of sis?

>Yesterday was lifting in YMCA gym can remember with clarity
>Resting hanging out near table on phone
>Girl about 22 maybe walks in goes on other side
>I'm 19 but I got that face and beard aesthetic
>Look up and see her looking at me
>Not like we both looked at the same time, she was def looking before
>She smiles for like half a second looks down, classic
>I start walking to do rows
>Row machine near squat rack
>She start walking behind me faster
>Awkward moment when she is about to pass, I let her go by, she doesn't want to at first then accepts it
>Sounds stupid when I say it but you know what I'm talking about
>While passing super smily and looking at me
>Barely look at her because autism
>Accentuating ass while walking
>Doing squats can see her panties as black and threaded patterned things
>Would totally bang out of ten
>I move around the gym she always finds a way to be in the general area
>End story because I can't hit on girls
>been lifting steady for a year and change
>qt3.14 comes in to my place of work
>can't take her eyes off me
later tells me she decided not to kill herself because she wants to fuck me so bad

I'm counting it. And her calling me classically handsome makes me feel pretty
Why the fuck do girls in the gym do this? Don't they have goals or something to accomplish?

Many stories fag here

>Why the fuck do girls in the gym do this?
probably cuz D is the end goal

another story kinda stupid

>Inner circle tier friend has family lodge on lake
>Me and a few platonic girl "friends" go to lodge
>Eat pizza and talk and hang out
>Really late at night
>They start drinking Jack and stuff
>I get tired and go lay face down on bed
>One girl after a minute "Hey where did anon go?"
>Respond that I'm laying down in bedroom
>She jumps onto bed excitedly
>Lays down next to me saying how comfortable it is
>Another girl comes in lays down on other side
>She is not attractive has no ass at all
>Like negative ass like it curves in where it is supposed to curve out but whatever
>Get all cuddly with me
>I do literally nothing because I'm not attracted to them at all really
>Get up like a minute or so later because uncomfortable with them so close
>They get up like half a minute later
because that's how girls flirt. you legit have autism man.

Many stories fag again

with another shitty short story where nothing happens but I find out that girls are into me and I don't do shit because you know what

>Go to college
>Hang out with floor mostly grills
>Go to get food me and 4 grills
>Short petite grill, the hottest is tired and doesn't want to walk back to dorm
>Wants piggy back ride
>I offer piggy back ride
>She is like yes
>Give ride all the way
>She is wearding yoga pants
>Bod is an absolute 10 don't even trip
>Ass in yoga pants is bouncing on my back all the way to dorm
>Get hard but wearing jeans so nobody sees
>Let her off and she is all happy
>Haven't really hung out with them in a month since I hang out with people on a different floor most of the time because its awesome with them and I don't have to be with grills
>Keep asking me to hang out but I don't for some reason even though I'm not uncomfortable really
>Just autistic routine ingrained in my nature I guess

Wish I could post pics but scared of revealed identity
I like how you talk about the music and scene, you actually know whats up
I was getting down to some zomboy when that happened if you know his music
>at a bar with friends
>am relatively fit and was wearing tshirt so you can see my muscles pretty well
>feel someone touch my shoulder
>turn around to see a girl smiling
>as soon as I turned around and she saw my face her smile disappeared immediately
>she didn't know how to react and just walked away awkwardly

I literally wanted to die at that moment
it's ALL about the FACE boyo
go on lookism.net and ask what surgeries and other looksmaxing stuff you need ASAP before the agepill hits you and your tour ends before it even begun
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holy fuq
grow up
It is not that you are ugly but rather she thought you were someone else.
many stories fag

>In college
>With the floor I normally hang out with
>3 AM like 6 people are in the common room
>Russian grill drinks alcohol
>One night she sits next to me and is all cuddly
>Yoga pants strike again
>Rests head on shoulder
>Sit like that for a while
>Puts hand on chest
>Kinda awkward cuz everyone is around
>Everyone knows I am slight sperg but know I am not totally spegy
>I don't know what to do
>Like honestly even if I wasn't autistic thats kinda a weird situation to be in
>Get up and leave after a while

Doesn't really count because alcohol influence but also

>Some time later russian girl says that she has a friend who thinks I'm attractive
>Some other girl pipes up and also says she has a friend who thinks I'm attractive
>(Some time before other girl comments on my arms "Didin't realize you had big arms anon")
>Ask who they are
>Won't tell me
>ok well it's probably the least attractive ones because that's how that works right

In highschool the NoAss girl randomly commented on my face in french class
>"You have a really chiseled face anon"
>Don't care because she is unattractive
>Care because just now I realise that she was sitting with girl I care about
>The one whose name you post on those threads that say "STOP, now you are thinking of HER what is her name?"

Tell story about HER? or not. It's probably the best one actually. It really showcases my internal beta.
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>go to grocery store
>get whey protein
yeah why not lay it on us
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yeah she thought he was a robust MM CHAD but he turned out to be a recessed Norwooding sub5 incel
Why did i kek to this
Why is it that Somerhalder seems orders more attractive when the other fag has a stronger jaw, thicker eyebrows and more "manly" features in general.
He doesn't imo, the only things he could possibly mog the other guy on are gonial angle and masseter size
brehs why do girls constantly grab my ass ?
Couldnt she just have said so if that were the case
>3 cups

i lost there
Somerhalder has been rated the most attractive man on the planet by several magazines.

I don't even know the other guy's name.
>>"Don't you dare not calling me"
Fuck sake. This is my fear with any girl I meet.
What artists would you say are normal vs amri dubstep?
Ah man I got into the scene right around when Zomboy dropped The Dead Symphonic EP with Nuclear, Vancouver Beatdown, City 2 City etc. Good times. I recently found an old playlist (~4-5 years old) with loads of dubstep in it. Zomboy, Flux Pavilion, Kezwik, Knife Party, Doctor P, Rusko, you name it.

Netsky's remix of Rusko - Everyday made me switch to dnb by the way. Still get goosebumps whenever a dj drops it, be it dubstep, liquid dnb, dnb, whatever.

They stayed up all night talking. She probably wouldn't have said that if they just fucked and he left.
Also he got the girl.
post face
Noticed this since I gained over 10 kg muscle mass while dropping bf at the same time. I've changed drastically in the last years.

>my neighbours wife sometimes joins me when I chill or have a beer on the balcony (balconies next to each other)
>when it's hot she just wears a bikini, sometimes a top with no bra
>when her husband is at home she just joins me for a cigarette, when he is at work or some shit she chills with me and we talk way longer

>met some chick at the club and had a ONS
>met her on month later again, but this time she had a bf
>turns out she is friends witht the sister of my buddy
>so I joined their group that night and we party together, no drama with the chick I fucked
>since then sister of my buddy seems to be interested
>treats me like we have known each other forever, hugs, kisses, messages me all the time asking what my plans are

>spend some time with my niece, 3 years old
>go to the zoo, some shopping for dinner
>I've been eyefucked like never ever before
>women smiling at me, asking me questions thinking she is my daughter
>as soon as I told some of them that it is my niece not my daughter you could see how their panties got wetter in their expression
>surreal experience

>help a buddy out maybe ones a month, he is a soccer coach for little kids
>most of the times the parents watch their kids the whole training session
>I have almost nothing to do during the training, just helping him before and after
>most of the times I sit around and watch the kids having a blast
>Milfs flirting with me all the time, inviting me for a coffee in the cafeteria of the sports center, celebrating a goal with hugging and pressing their tits against me
>talking with me about fitness/gym because I finally look like I lift
>met up and fucked only two moms, a third one gave me a blowjob in the bathroom while her son played

Have a few more stories. Getting fit was a game changer for me.
All the thirtysomething single women at work smile at me. They want to marry but I just want to lift.

>This one girl been attracted to all of highschool
>Petite but not skinny, brown hair, face to kill for
>Knows what she wants, into science and stuff
>Am ultra sperg teaching myself abstract algebra/group theory in HS so she asks me for help from time to time
>not really into me afaik
>She leaves junior to go to community college
>lifting hard
>Go to CC senior year
>See her there
>Super nice wants to talk a lot
>"Hey anon wouldn't it be cool if we had a study group together"
>Yoga pants and sweatshirt so cute
>Looking into her eyes is what I imagine cocaine is like
>"Haha yeah it would"
>Don't talk to her about it again

>Shit like this happens like all the time for a whole year
>I hit her up on facebook, we talk about shit
>She hits me up in return from time to time
>One time says "What was that theory you were talking about earlier?"
>"Godel's incompleteness theorem?"
>"I knew it started with a g, but damn, that's really cool, and interesting"
>If she was calling that interesting she was either just as much of a nerd as I am or really into me
>Getting more /fit/ all the time
>"Hey anon wouldn't it be cool if we went to the same college?"
>"Hey anon check out this thing"
>"Hey anon help me with this"
>Prom comes around
>She walks up to me from across the room
>Tries to start conversation about something stupid and school related
>Ask her "Do you really want to talk about this stuff now?"
>She looks down and smiles asking me to dance with her
>I say yes
>she is like really?
>I'm like yes
>We dance and it's kinda awkward
>Prom ends

>I text her if she wants to hang out
>She can't
>Try a few days later
>She can't for totally legit reasons she is going to be in different state
>Try again
>The reason becomes less legit
>Less and less legit
>I stop trying
>I must have spilled some of my spaghetti on her while dancing
>Live in agony for about two weeks in romantic depression
>Get over it completely in about 2 months

Looking at the texts make me cringe now
sry bro

the important part is you're over her and it was a learning experience
I guess she mistook you for somebody else. Don't take it personallly, Anon.
Lesson being that I'm awkward

Or that I came on too strong in the texts and was not as forward IRL probably
>be you
>kill self

my story's better
It's spelled and pronounced "pamphlet"

You have probably made an ass of yourself so many times by speaking like a Rugrat
You gotta tell him or he's never gonna tell you shit like that. If he blames you, then they can both fuck off. Grow up
this is the start to a double homicide-suicide.

i would get the fuck out.
So this just happened like 5 minutes ago:
>end of shift, making quadruple espresso for workout energy
>some middle aged lady comes up to the counter
>"you look really strong and athletic, what sports did you play as a kid?"
>blink confusedely
>"Uh, softball for a year or two, hockey for one season?"
>"really! You have such an athletic build, I'm raising two boys and I'm trying to decide which sport to get them into."
>conversation lasts a while, I tell her about my interest in music and art, more talk about raising her kids
>she ends with "you have a really athletic build, you should try rowing if you haven't already," then just leaves
>go relate it to a coworker of mine who constantly jokes about me being fat (she's super skinny)
>when I'm done telling it she says "I totally just checked you out after you said that"
>laugh it off, surely joking
>Tell another coworker
>catch coworker 1 looking at me and biting her lip twice while telling it

I'm not even in that good of shape, I lift 1/2.5/2.5/4 and am 6'5 228lbs, this was the most surreal thing that's happened to me in like 6 months
Premium kek
Is it a mire if you get into other people's dreams? Happened earlier this week at work.
>gyms, working out, routines comes up due to resolution fags
>they keep talking about machines, spinning and bodypump classes
>suddenly the 9/10 milf tells me she saw me in her dream
>I had left my job to become a gymnast in some east block country
>reminded about it because the gym talk
>spill spaghetti everywhere because don't know how you're supposed to answer that
As a good looking guy I can tell you, they actually do.
Same dude.... same..
I have a pretty face, read accordingly.

>in a bar with co workers, 3 girls, 2 guys
>girls know about my weirdness
>other guys 2 friends drop by, a couple.
>introduction, handshake
>female of the couple shakes my hand than longer
>after sitting, stares at me for 5 minutes
>my co-worker girls starts to drink their beers at the same time.
>staring girl starts to talk in that moment, "there must be a lot of girls hitting on you"
>co-worker girls burst their beers to the table, laughing.

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>>Looking into her eyes is what I imagine cocaine is like
Oh please let this become a new meme
another one
>same co-workers, 2 guys 2 girls this time.
> going on small trip
> have a cowboy hat with beard
> walking on some mountain trail
> a group of middle aged women come along
> talk to each other "are you seeing this young man?
> they whistle at me
>oh no
> " hey honey, you have gorgeus face"
> pretend not to hear and walk along
> co workers stop and watch the situation
> they shout after me " you are not even going to talk to us!"
> guy co workers intervenes " I accept your nice words ladies, he is an air-head, don't mind him."
> girl co workers grinned and blonde one (briefly hit on me when we first met 2 years before that) runs to me, winks at me when comes close and holds on to my arm rest of the walk.

as far as i heard from her friend, she wanted a serious relationship with me and knowing I didn't want that never showed her full interest.
Post face or gtfo
I look like quasi - Jason Momoa with beard but olive skin.
Share milf stories
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>be me
>enjoying sweet noob gains combined with dbol
>new haircut
>visit senpai
>cousin (15) exclaims "pecs" and feels my chest for 10-20 seconds
>asks if I've been working out
>flex arm "you tell me"
>"oh my god"
>holds my arm as we walk along the street with her friend later that day
>touches my abs at dinner

I can't speak for him, but I know some of us are bitter about being alone while the normies we know have relationships
>fuck senpai
>fuck cousin
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>Talking about politics at work
>Talking about politics at a retail job
>Talking about politics TO A CUSTOMER at said retail job
It does sound gay in French too. I'm French. I think it sounds gay as fuck.
their goal is to get you to make a move.
> GF's friend invites us to go wine tasting for her birthday
> She gets a bus, everyone basically gets drunk on the bus before we even arrive to the first wine tasting
> bathroom break, hop down and line up
> 2 grills in front of me, a few other people behind me
> don't know them, so I mind my own business
> one girl turns around and looks at me
> "I know we don't know each other, but you seem like a really cool guy"
> autism kicks in, just laugh but I don't say much
>other girl turns around and says "and look at those shoulders!"
> begins to grope my shoulders
>"They're so hard!"
> girl begins to punch my shoulders
> "Seriously, they are so strong!"
> other girl begins punching my shoulders as well
> stand in line for a few mins getting pummeled in the shoulders by these two chicks
> someone comes out the restroom and my shoulders are no longer punched

I didn't ask for this
>at a restaurant where this strangely positive and happy cute chick with a hot accent worked as a waitress
>chatted to her a bit, ate, paid, left.
>realized I had to give her my number. Gave it.
>She was happily surprised. Took it. Didn't say much more, maybe shy.
>She never called me.
>be me at anything but clothes party
>was wearing my boxers and a set or armor+crown that was made of beer boxes
>everyone saw the crown and called me king for the night
>at a house party
>call over my room mates to get high in the backyard

At this point the majority of my armor fell off and I was just wearing my boxers and a cardboard crown

>some blonde grill pulls me over to the side
>"King! King! We have dire need of your help! One of my friends lips are ever so swollen and she needs you to make out with her!"
>look at her with wat.jpg
>palm her forehead like Shaq palming a basketball
>shover her to the side and say
>"Not right now peasant"
>proceed to smoke with my room mates

I also had a girl ask me to give her a lapdance and in exchange fondled my dick and made out with me, was too drunk by the end of the night to pull a girl though considering I lost recollection shortly after the king incident
I work as a server and I'm always really happy to get numbers but I will never call them. Seems kind of desperate to hit on someone who's job is to be nice to you.
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>not right now peasant
>"You have a really chiseled face anon"

said no girl ever.
also a waiter

got my first number on New Year's Eve

I was a bumbling idiot for the rest of my shift, thanks spaghetti
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Most of my mires were in highschool
>gym teacher takes personal interest in me since he also went from fat to fit (the cool gym teacher, runs 6 miles and back to school everyday, fucks the 9/10 milf married guidance counslor on the side)
>called me out of the hallway senior year into his freshman health class "you want to be anon when your older, he's top 10 of class and is a (exact words) twisted piece of steel and sex appeal"

>vice principal walks by me in hallway (skipping class) and says "looking good anon, keep up the good work"

>reknowned school bully who used to small time tease me does a double take, pats my stomach and is genuinely impressed "you slimmed out anon'

>girl in spanish class (8/10 clueless popular girl who was pretty but not a complete bitch
>have to do a video project where I play a character that vaguely shows off my muscles
>teacher mentions that I look good in the video
>8/10's friend pipes up that 8/10 thought I looked better than I used to, too
>she gets embarrassed and says something to the effect of "no, I said he has POTENTIAL"
>probably embarrassed because I didn't run with her group and hung out with a sperg and a tryhard, I was thought of as the class "harry potter nerd"

Pic related was my shape senior year, ended up winning an award for Outstanding Scholar/Athlete

>had to be nominated by principal/staff, a gym teacher/coach, and a guidancr counslor/department head
>instantly got a bid from aformentioned chill gym teacher
>along with that came a vote from the 9/10 milf guidance counslor he was fucking
>got the vote from the mirin vice principal

I was very taken aback overall
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Literally me
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Not mires from grills, but I don't get those yet

> at construction job
> 2 mexican workers there
> big ass 2x12 planks
> the 2 mexicans tag team a couple of them
> I lift a couple onto my shoulder, bretty easy

One of them comes up to me, says "fuerte!" (read: strong) and makes a double bicep pose

You can shit on mexican workers all you want, but those motherfuckers are some hard working guys, so to get their respect was pretty cool

Another one was where a family friend I hadn't seen since I was a wee lad saw me. He walked up and said I looked like a beast, asked if I had been hitting the weights

>sit on he tribune, just relaxing and watching the kids go crazy
>Milf approaches me and greets me, kiss left and right, sits next to me
>talked to her countless times, so we sit for almost 30 minutes just talking
>she is touchy the whole time, resting her head on my shoulder while laughing, deep eye contact,
>I flirt too, resting my hand on her lower back where nobody can see, legs touching the whole time
>she asks me to help her, she baked some muffins for everyone because her son had his birthday a few days earlier
>so we both go her van to get the muffins
>in the parking lot she opens the car, climbs in the back and pulls me in
>make out session
>she gets my dick out and immediately starts to blow me
>sloppy and deep
>don't remember how long I lasted, probably only a few minutes
>she swallowed all of it
>everybody was excited about the muffins and thanked her
>I was eating my muffin with a wet crotch
9/10 that was good anon. Hats off
Who the fuck cares if you get found out mate, you're not talking about fucking dogs or the sort
Curious what your age is?
>not right now peasant

>Worked as a lifeguard at a swimming pool last summer
>Old lady came everyday
>Slapped my ass everyday and said you remind me of my husband in the 60s
>She invited me to Christmas dinner at her house this year
Phanphlets made me laugh more than expected
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>Wear baggy jumpers because I like the look
>Don't actively hide powerlevel, but I don't flaunt unless I'm feeling spry
>Visit uni friends for new years
>Get changed in living room
>Friends commenting on gains
>Friends girlfriend walks in
>Mire's for 0.4 seconds
>Compliments me
>Thank her
>Nothing else happened because I don't make shit up and post it on the internet
You're fucking retarded. There are a lot of extremely hard working, intelligent, and able Trump supporters. Its common sense not to be fat and Trump is by far the common sense candidate,

You're living in a fucking bubble if you think the only people that support Trump are retarded fat trailer trash.
30, but I look way younger. Late bloomer.
I guess I catch up on missed experience in my teens.
>He doesn't take a rest year
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audible kek
8/10 can imagine anon waking op with bruises on his shoulders
Glad to hear it cause im in the same boat sort of. DIdnt start lifting till 23. About to be 26 in a few months and ive started making up for lost time and plan on getting even crazier as time goes on.
>>"Not right now peasant"

fucking kek
Enjoy it Anon.
One important mindset shift is to not think about the past or things you have no control of.
How does it feel to have peaked in high school
So you're fat and no one mires you, basically
Part one

>My friend, his older brother Ben, my dog and I were looking for parties Saturday night
>Friend gets a text from his sister
>She needs a ride from a party that's going sour
>We eventually find the place but we got lost using google maps
>House is fucking huge
>"that's no house, that's a mansion!"
>We see lots of black people hanging out around the front and it looks kind of shifty
>Car is pulling in behind us so we have no way to turn around and we end up getting parked in
>We walk in with our dog, we have to hold him back from jumping on all the people there and its like we're escorting a prisoner
>We search for my friends sister and find her on a couch with a huge gangbanger that looks like a druglord
>we try and talk to her but his friends won't let us near
>We head upstairs
>We notice tons of clothes in a bedroom, Ben says he saw the circuit breaker and can shut off the lights
>We call him a retard and instead we put on gangbanger clothes to disguise ourselves
>Ben watches the door
>We leave and Bens gone
>We approach the room with his sister
>"Aye yo nigga get this girl another drink!" - Big nigga is pointing at her brother
>Leaves to get a glass of tequila
>meanwhile I'm talking to some niggas with my dog, they're asking me how I know big nigga, oh shit.jpg, pretend I can't understand them and be really drunk
>Brother comes back to give it to her, she looks her brother over "Aren't you a little short to be a gangbanger?"
>sweating.jpg, only one answer will work "Y-you too"
>She instantly knows its her brother now
>She pretends to be drunk, about to throw up, she jumps up and we drag her to their kitchen
>pretends to throw up in the garbage compacter
>"Couldn't you retards find me faster? He tried to drug me twice!"
>I'm indignant "Excuse me princess!"
>Dogs sniffing her ass "Get this walking carpet away from me"
>Lights go out, he did it THE FUCKING MADMAN
and then....
Your gf is actually just the Cuckmaster
>be me
>go to a club with gf and her friends
>everyone starts getting drunk and goes to dance floor
>gf's friends keep dancing next to me and maintaining physical contact and "friendly" dancing with me.
>gf's friends keep staying near me and demanding attention.
>didn't do anything about it, just basked in the glory of it all
Monday do 1hr sessions of progressive deadlifts, then 20min of core work
Tuesday have 1hr back high bar squats
Wednesday 1hr 30min clean + jerk, including working heavily on the individual movements as well as the whole c+j
Thursday 1 hr front squats and accessory work and overhead press
Friday 1hr 30min snatch plus working on the individual pulls
Saturday bench press and any other accessory work I feel I might have left out
Sunday roughly 30min of light to medium intensity cardio, mainly running or cycling
that's way too autistic to be real
>You're living in a fucking bubble if you think the only people that support Trump are retarded fat trailer trash.
Obviously they're not, but not only are conservatives more likely to be obese (pro-fat leftist nutcases are still a fringe minority), but lower classes were most likely to vote Trump, and lower classes also happen to be more likely to be obese.
> Be me, Medfag
> Spending morning with the phlebotomist as part of my training
> Taking blood
> Middle aged women comes in
> Making general chit chat
> Choose vein poorly
> Get a little bit of blood but it stops coming
> Move it around a little bit just in case I've come out or gone through
> "I'm afraid the vein isn't giving me anymore Mrs [x], I'm gonna have to try another vein if you're ok to carry on"
> She laughs
> "Ooh its alright, its not often I get an attractive young man handling me these days, take all the time you need"
> This puts me off way more than it should have done
> Drop my spaghetti
> Fuck up the next one
> Give up
Part two
>Chaos breaks out
>Niggas shouting everywhere, sister is terrified and grabs on to me
>They think its a police raid
>People shouting outside
>"We have to find Ben and get out of here!" I'm thinking that her brother actually has some huge balls now
>"Alright I'll look for Ben and you find a way out with your sister."
>Me and my dog end up looking for Ben
>Lights coming on now, niggas found the circuit breaker
>Ben is confronting the big nigga
>"Stay away from my sister!" OH SHIT
>"Aye yo nigga you trippin I'll beat your faggot ass up bitch!"
>"Do it! You'll be in jail and I'll be richer than you can ever imagine!" BENWTFAREYOUDOING.jpg
>Brother notices Ben being retarded, goes to pull him away
>Big nigga shoots Ben
> I grab his sister and run shouting for her brother to follow
>Dog is freaking out
>We jump in a random car
>they're shooting at us but can't seem to hit anything
>we drive across the lawn and end up speeding out into the street
>they follow us
>cops showing up now
>we pull over
>niggas being thrown on the ground
>I say I stole to car to escape the party because I don't want brother or sister to get in trouble
>princess has been holding on to me the entire time
>I look into her eyes as the cops are cuffing me
>cops dragging me into the back of the car with a nigger
>Smile and look directly at her
>"I know."
>Car drives away as she cries into her brothers arms as they give their testimonies.
>The police put a medal on my dog for pet heroism and he howls
Mexicans are some the nicest, hard working people I have ever met.

Not sure why America loses their shit over time. I would prefer a trillion Mexicans over a hundred niggers.
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Now this is podracing.
There are very different flavors of mexicans. Gangbanger/Druglord mexicans might as well be muslims with how aggressive and crazy they are.
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>"Do it! You'll be in jail and I'll be richer than you can ever imagine!"

i died.
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my fucking god
>One night she got real drunk and tried to invite one of my old fuckbuddies over, told me she wanted to watch me bang them.
>one of my old fuckbuddies
>bang them
My inner grammar nazi is very triggered right now.
She wanted to recruit you. It's not a mire.
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that's amazing. I want to believe
Please put more effort into your shitposts.
[citation needed]
Best meme 2017
just do the reload animations of your favourite shooter game
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>be me
>after the gym, going to apartment.
>3 hours ago on the elevator
>a girl enters the elevator
>look at me, smiles, "do you workout?"
>i smile like a souless broken droid and make weird sounds mouth.
>"you are big!", she says
>after going out of the elevator she says "nice to meet you" while smiling.
>I don't say anything.

what's wrong with me?
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>"Not right now peasant"
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>palm her forehead like Shaq palming a basketball
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those happened literally yesterday

>lifting with my bro
>catch petite blond mirin
>friend also comments on it
>you cant be real
>he is
>coming back home
>girl smiles at me
>pretend i didnt see
>she literally lives in the same place as me
>holds the elevator for me
>i-i'll pick the other one t-thanks

I'll never make it.
I wish so bad I was autistic looking enough for this to be me

When you look like chad girls smile at you once and then hate you if you don't rape them on the spot. Why don't they understand.
It took me until part two to realise this was all star wars and I still cant believe
>t. inbred lardbucket flyover trailer trash
fat chick at work said I have a beautiful body. Why am I only getting mired by fat chicks and gay dudes?


bench 240lbs
squat 270lbs
DL 330 lbs

That explains it.
>still mad that trump won

>with gf

>"Nice moves big guy"

>not replying "For you"
Pull the ejection handle, m8.
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Im still in highschool and been lifting for less than a year but i got some

>one time i was chilling with two female friends and two other bros
>one of the girls randomly says "your arm looks big without flexing" i just laugh awkwardly and say thank you

>another time i was in class with 2 girls just talking and we got to the topic of fitness and then i flexed my abs and and one of the girls felt my abs under my shirt and got very exited

Im not even that big on low body fat and got a bit of muscle.
This. 75% of my mires are from men.
That's just a byproduct of browsing /fit/. They can literally smell the faggotness on you.
post face
Guys this isn't a girl but it just happened at work today

I'm an emaciated twig but I started doing some arm workouts in my house. I have a 35 pound dumbbell and I do hammer curls with them (I can barely do like, 5 reps of actual bicep curls). Usually do 4 sets of 10 reps of hammer curls on each arm, then do 2 sets of 20 two arm tricep extensions, and some shrugs. nothing else lol, i still have zero chest and all that

I've noticed that my arms are getting bigger. Not anywhere close to what a normal guy my age should be, it's probably still a teenager sized bicep/arm, but there's actually something there if i flex

Today a guy at work said "it looked like i'm starting to fill out" and asked if i work out

is this what making it feels like? at least a tiny tiny bit?
>in a club
>says the word "squad"
>dancing with all these girls

fuck off normie ree
How come every guy in these mire threads has a girlfriend?
get a proper fully body workout, you will make so much better gains, won't look disproportionate, etc.
>scared of revealed identity
Never understood this. If someone recognizes you on 4chan, it means that they're just as degenerate as you are.
Just have some fucking balls man, so what if someone recognizes you. Stop hiding the shit you do like a pussy.
What's the deal with so many guys on /fit/ always being shirtless all the time? I never see many guys shirtless in normal life, but guys on fit are like always walking around just shirtless
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>be me
>18 year old lifeguard, summer 2015
>hadn't started powerlifting to get big yet but had a good shoulder to waist ratio and definition
>watchin' the pool like it's my job
>notice two black girls staring me down from their chairs (I'm white)
>Cute but probs 16 or 17 so off limits
>One gets in the water and swims over to my chair
>"hey anon, you single?"
>"uhhh yeah"
>she swims away, gets out, talks to friend
>I keep watching the pool.
>15 minutes later, I rotate to the front desk, checking people in
>Girl number 2 walks up, gets my attention

>"Do you...do you like black girls?"


>total catch 22. If I say yes, then it gets weird. Plus underage.
>if I say no, I'm fuckin racist
>I'm no sperg but that seemed like a no-win social situation

>"No. I MEAN YES...but not...like...now. You're cute but I...uh...don't, I'm not looking for anything

>girl gives me a withering stare and stalks off.
>I cringe thinking about it even today
You didn't do anything wrong, anon. Those negresses are weird
At ren faire, wearing no shirt and a leather shoulder armor with cape. Gay guy says I look good and wants to feel my biceps. Still counts, right guys?
>"Doesn't really matter to me."
>"But I'm probably too old for you."
>"But I'm not really looking for anything at the moment."
oh god you reminded me of mire I had in high school
>senior year
>sitting at the awkward grills table during because I'm super autismo
>5-6 grills and 3 guys
>one day for some odd reason I was touching my """""""abs"""""""
>grill sitting next to me realized what I was doing
>she started touching my """""""abs""""""" too
>told everyone they were pretty hard and they should touch it too
>got autistic and told them I didn't want that
>the topic at hand moved to something else
>after lunch walking back to class
>one of the grills started walking and talking with me
>I didn't think anything of it
>she made a joke and punched my """"""abs"""""" in a flirty way
>you guessed it
>I didn't notice because autismo
>she wanted to hang out a little more before class but I went into my class right after to work on some stuff

She was pretty cute and definitely high test. Could have banged her if I played my cards right. But I’m sitting here cringing as a 24 year old virgin.
Good job setting boundaries and vocalizing when people are making you feel uncomfortable.
>be me
>read these threads
>i've been so places
>seen so many faces
>Girl you look like someone that I done fucked before
>I've been around the world
>I've met all kind of girls
>Girl you look like someone that I done fucked on tour

gotdam i'm popular
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>"no, I said he has POTENTIAL"
I-I don't know if you are j-joking.
Srs. You did nothing wrong. Sure, you missed the girl, but I assume the work you were doing was at least semi-important? You shouldn't compromise your priorities just because you MAYBE could've gotten some pussy.

You're going to make it one day, anon, and you're going to do it by being honest with yourself.
People don't recognize this pasta anymore...
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>"Not right now peasant"
a rare gem in the pile of shit that is /fit/
This is /fit/ all of these are encouraged behaviors
oh you devil, that's awesome.
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Not from a girl but
>post my pic and snap chat on /soc/
>dude adds me and asks if I can try to get nudes from his gf
>tfw he thinks I look good enough to get nudes from his girl

I'm gonna try and get them tomorrow after the gym so I get that pump look. Wish be luck brehs
Not always, anon. Women send indications of attraction for most of us unwashed masses.

Sounds like you have never been around a guy that women literally flock to. There are guys that women stop what they are doing to talk to.

> It can be very unnerving if you have never seen it happen
Thanks anon. I really appreciate it.
>countless messages

yeah I'm pretty sure your phone would tell you exactly how many there were you fucking liar
haha he's still feelin the bern
You know why, anon.
"Phew, really dodged a bullet on that guy!"
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But trump is fat as fuck
It's pasta, I've seen it before
How does it feel to be a literal gorilla Dick nigga who make the dyke pussy wet
>black girl
Lol ok whatever u say anon
How small is your dick that you need to make up stories about how big it is?

Happy people don't tell stories that stress how happy they are, because it's the normal state for them.
fucking kek
Kill yourself.

He's supposed to be your friend. He trusts you to have his back even when he's too retarded to see it. That's what trust is about.

If you can't even manage that then you have no business calling yourself a friend.
>be me
>walking home from uni
>see guy fall of skateboard
>qt3.14 fucking materializes out of nowhere beside me
>"hey that was pretty funny huh?"
>uh yeah it was
>"I like your hair"
>I just laugh in response because I my hair is shit, long as fuck and was tied in a bun at the time
>we walk together down the road a bit, she keeps matching my fucking pace and tries to talk to me
>walk past alley
>I glare intensely away from the alley
>she follows gaze out of curiosity
>power walk down alley while she's distracted
>she must know I went down it, but she doesn't pursue
>I wait 5 minutes then resume walking home

dude I feel you, I have no idea why the fuck I function like this either
I used my face and body to become employee of the month at a rural Walgreens
Does that count?
>thanks t-rex
when I was 19 my 27 year old boss "accidentally grabbed" my ass and then giggled, always wanted to "show me stuff" where we'd be alone, always spilled spaghetti when I'd pick stuff up; fucked her until I switched jobs, she was married but he was a closet fag, which is why she was after my dick like Liam Neeson when you kidnap his daughter, gained a shitload of confidence since I never got laid in high school was a busty qt

my assigned college counselor was only 31 and spilled her sketti all the time and was really nice, would've dated if I wasn't dating current wife. Randomly added me on facebook after I graduated, seems really lonely but she's a 8/10 so maybe she's just autismo

wife's old friend/coworker used to uncomfortably eyefuck me all the time and once told me "we'd have cute babies lol" (actually said lol, out loud), ran into her at a Target years after last seeing them, she spilled sketti hard and bit her lip and played with her hair constantly, kept touching my arm and basically giving me runway signals to her cunt, told her to have a good and then just 180°d out of there.
Sounds more like you're too much of a bitch to just tell your buddy. Wouldn't you want to know if your gf want cheating on you?
Can you try to get from mine too?
Pretty good bruh
>be me
>at party
>drunk af
>cute 8/10 18y/o girl shows up
>10/10 with beer goggles
>My communication skills are at 10%
>maintain coolface
>she keeps sitting down next to me as I move around
>gain ability to speak briefly
>"wanna find a different room?"
>both get naked
>too drunk to get it up

We met up the next day and got it on though
some good stories there. but mine's doesn't involve a muscular body. ....

I have 11/10 face and skin. fat body.

girls swirl around me.

not gonna tell my story.

good luck being uglier than me
>walk into store tonight to buy muh veggies
>run into 2 korean girls, they smile at me, direct eye contact
>keep walking to next aisle, more bullshit to buy
>they walk into the same aisle, one girl kinda pushing the other, like doing the "go talk to him," thing.
>they awkwardly walk by me and make it to the other end of the aisle and I pretend to not know they're standing there giggling and trying to work up the courage to come talk to me
>I play hard to get and walk to another aisle
>"just coincidentally" bump into them again
>they keep pretending to be interested in shit in that aisle while trying to work their way closer
>It's confirmed, they want me
>Looks like I have to be the one to make the move
>I buy my shit and leave, I don't like flatface mongoloids.
I fucking lost it

they acted like autists, not you mate
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once in a lifetime opportunity and he ruined it
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sorry bro
>tfw no slightly possessive gf
It turns me on like nothing else when a girl does the whole passive aggressive "this guy is my property, don't you even dare to think about trespassing bitch" when they notice someone is flirting with their bf.
I don't think there is such as a reverse-cuck, but she definitely gets off on other women wanting you, and only her actually having you.

Also I don't think she wanted to set you up to a foursome, only wanted her friends to be exxtra-jelaous.

It's all pink in the middle
yeah, couldnt agree more
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it's like you're me
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>go into small elevator
>girl (not cute) with dog (kinda ugly too) enters and mires
>"There's no room for another big guy like you haha"
>Say nothing for like 6 floors and leave

What did she mean by this?
with new grill in bed
she says "fuck you look like you're photoshopped"
>>"Not right now peasant"
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