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/Plg/ powerlifting general

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Thread replies: 321
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I made the first Plg of 2017 ahaha I win again Plg I win again

Powerlifting general PLG
Lith's best lifts?

I'm coming for the guy.
You are probably already stronger than him.

Definitely look stronger.

imagine watching donnie darko with the original, kek
Progression Models in Resistance Training for Healthy Adults

It is recommended that novice to intermediate individuals train with loads corresponding to 60–70% of 1 RM for 8–12 repetitions and advanced individuals cycle training loads of 80–100% of 1 RM to maximize muscular strength (9,33,96,206,225,227,255,268).

>9. Anderson T, Kearney JT. Effects of three resistance training programs on muscular strength and absolute and relative endurance. Res Q. 1982;53:1–7.

>33. Campos GE, Luecke TJ, Wendeln HK, et al. Muscular adaptations in response to three different resistance-training regimens: specificity of repetition maximum training zones. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002;88:50–60.

>96. Häkkinen K, Alen M, Komi PV. Changes in isometric force-and relaxation-time, electromyographic and muscle fibre characteristics of human skeletal muscle during strength training and detraining. Acta Physiol Scand. 1985;125:573–85.

>206. Peterson MD, Rhea MR, Alvar BA. Maximizing strength development in athletes: a meta-analysis to determine the dose– response relationship. J Strength Cond Res. 2004;18:377–82.

>225. Rhea MR, Alvar BA, Burkett LN, Ball SD. A meta-analysis to determine the dose response for strength development. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2003;35:456–64.

>227. Rhea MR, Phillips WT, Burkett LN, et al. A comparison of linear and daily undulating periodized programs with equated volume and intensity for local muscular endurance. J Strength Cond Res. 2003;17:82–7.

>255. Stone WJ, Coulter SP. Strength/endurance effects from three resistance training protocols with women. J Strength Cond Res. 1994;8:231–4.

>268. Weiss LW, Coney HD, Clark FC. Differential functional adaptations to short-term low- moderate-, and high-repetition weight training. J Strength Cond Res. 1999;13:236–41.

Why are we defending SS again? Remind me.

I think you just fixed the film

Link to the studies, I bet they're mostly bullshit or unrelated to the conclusion.
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What's the proper way to warm up for bench? Last night I failed my first set, but second and third were successful.
SS is a shit, the only person whos defending it is probably a trap that doesn't lift and managed to troll an entire board.
1pl8 5 reps, 2pl8 3 reps, 3 pl8 1 rep then move to your working sets.
SS has you lifting 60-70% for 5 reps for your first month about.
Do 100 reps with half your working weight as fast and is as few sets as possible
the 3x5s on SS are 80%+
>>9. Anderson T, Kearney JT. Effects of three resistance training programs on muscular strength and absolute and relative endurance. Res Q. 1982;53:1–7.
"Statistical analyses revealed that the 20% improvement in maximum strength by the high resistance-low repetition group was greater than the 8 and 5% gains reported for the medium resistance-medium repetition and low resistance-high repetition groups, respectively."

>>33. Campos GE, Luecke TJ, Wendeln HK, et al. Muscular adaptations in response to three different resistance-training regimens: specificity of repetition maximum training zones. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2002;88:50–60.
"Maximal strength improved significantly more for the Low Rep group compared to the other training groups"

>>96. Häkkinen K, Alen M, Komi PV. Changes in isometric force-and relaxation-time, electromyographic and muscle fibre characteristics of human skeletal muscle during strength training and detraining. Acta Physiol Scand. 1985;125:573–85.
Some shit about how resistance training affects isometric strength and endurance. Nothing about low volume high intensity vs high volume low intensity

>>206. Peterson MD, Rhea MR, Alvar BA. Maximizing strength development in athletes: a meta-analysis to determine the dose– response relationship. J Strength Cond Res. 2004;18:377–82.
"Effect size data demonstrate that maximal strength gains are elicited among athletes who train at a mean training intensity of 85% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM), 2 days per week"

>tfw all your sources disagree with you
I could go on but I think this is enough.

The intensity starts out around 60-70% yes, and it will slowly increase to like 90% until you stall. But that's not relevant, since the studies says 60-70% AND 8-12 reps.


Start with the bar for a few sets until you feel warm. Less sets if you feel good, more sets if you feel tight etc.
Then start with 50% of your 1RM (or working wieght works also) and do 3-4 more sets with increasing weight but decreasing reps until you hit your working weight.

So if you're goal is 3x5 @ 100, it might look like this:

Few sets of bar only.
50 1x5
70 1x5
80 1x4
90 1x3
100 3x5

Something like that.
Anyone who argues lower intensity is better than high intensity is a full blown fucktard

have some common sense

This. If you want to lift as heavy as possible the bulk of your training should consist of lifting things that are as heavy as possible.
I kinda agree. I've made the best progress doing a lot of volume at the highest intensity I can manage and hitting lots of heavy singles and triples
thats alot of warming up desu
Greg Nuckols advocated for higher volume in one of his strengtheory posts. Should I start doing f x 5 instead of the GSLP-style 3x5+? I'm a beginner but i'm set pretty good form-wise.
As a beginner if you're still making progress on your LP, don't worry about it. Once you become intermediate and start to weekly LP, up either volume or intensity when you start to stall after a while on your program
Too much warming up in my opinion. Doing 1x5 with 60% and 1x3 with 80% with 1-2 minutes rest before you start your 3x5 work-set has been sufficient for me and I haven't had problems with fatigue.
He says to do what you're doing now until you can't make progress anymore, then add a little more volume.
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pic related

Too much? I feel like this is the bare minimum. It's how both SS & Sheiko does it. Of course the heavier the working set the more you have to warmup, but yeah.
I run Sheiko intermediate, warmups are 1x5@50% and 1-2x4@60%
>just do 100reps with 135, it works brah
Vids of lifts? No? didnt think so, opinion discarded lol,, you're just another tiny twinkshit shit talking others on the internet
Can't be the tough guy IRL so you use 4chan as escapism
No lift posting obsessed faggot
Are you the fag who suggested 3x8-12 is optimal? Because then you started it and got btfo by your own sources. Fuck off.

If not, this is /plg/. Discussing the differences in training approach is literally what this thread is for.

Well, his warmup sets varies based on the intensity of the work sets, so what I said is still true. The rules are basically like this:

If 70% or below: 2 warmup sets, 50%, 60%.

If 75% or 80%: 3 warmup sets, 50%, 60%, 70%.

If 85%: 4 warmup sets, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%.

If 90%: 5 warmup sets, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 85%.

So if you apply the same logic to a LP program, like SS, where the weight is probably around 75%-85%, you'd use 3-4 warmup sets + any extra empty bar sets.
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kys. the trap is this boards jason bloho. regurgitating articles, looking shite after years of hormones and with an army of nut huggers
uh yes and here you are obsessing over "the trap" as per usual
Literally nothing in his post even talked about trappy, you obsessed faggot lol

Craving the tranny dick are we?
a powerlifting thread is not the place for
>literally ss beginner
training approaches Tbh lad

Ok mr. President of PLG
why do you feel i am wrong?
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No faggot. Just make believe that I'm not strong.

I was hitting 345x10 on squat, 265x5 on bench, and 435x6 on deadlift by using 5/3/1 without even knowing that it was a "shit program". That was ONE year into training.

Know why? I try hard, and I like my hobby. I'm not using powerlifting forums as an escape from being a literal faggot, out to try and argue why a program keeps me weak.
>getting into powerlifting is not about powerlifting
Is there any difference between doing max effort singles to failure while fresh vs fatiguing yourself first and doing max effort singles which will naturally be at a lighter weight?

Forgot to mention the reps as well:

For Squat & Bench it's usually starts with 1x5, with a decreasing rep for each warmup set, but never down to 2 reps.

So even if you have 4 warmup sets it would look like

1x5 50%
1x4 60%
1x3 70%
1x3 80%

Sometimes the warmups are 1x3 throughout, not quite sure why, maybe just to keep the volume in check? Trappy probably knows more about this. On the deadlifts the warmups are usually like that, so something like this:

1x3 50%
1x3 60%
1x3 70%

Biggest takeaway? Start with 50%, increase 10% for each warmup set until you reach your working weight. Decrease reps as you feel to not exhaust yourself.
So I was right, you're just another tiny twinkshit shit talking others on the internet
Can't be the tough guy IRL so you use 4chan as escapism
No lift posting obsessed faggot
My best bench is only around 300 lbs, but I do:

bar x 5
1/2 pl8 x 3-5
1 pl8 x 1-2

and then im done because boris starts you at working sets around 50%.
531 isnt shit?

its fucking simple, designed to get you big and strong and yield results for a long time, and yet people still fuck it up

"this week is 3+, ill do 3 reps then"
you honestly think starting ss is
>getting into powerlifting?
why are beginners so caught up with wanting to call themselves powerlifters?

well he did say 'shit program' because you are allowed to think anything different with being shit on here because certain people say it and then it gets parroted around as usual
The quotes implied sarcasm, big guy.

Lol. Stay mad that you still don't match my first year progress.

If you don't like lifting, do something else. You clearly don't have the temperament for it.
Anon is the strongest poster in plg

shut the fuck up
You lift the right amount of reps with the right amount of weight to progress in the right direction.

You do the highest recoverable volume in the highest managable intensity. But aguing high intentisy is inherently better is wrong.
After about 2-4 weeks of adding weight, yes.
It is relevant.

The point is beginners will make better gains lifting submaximally for a while as opposed to utting them under maximal weights their first day in the gym.

does 531 allow for faster progression than 2.5 lbs per month or whatever the standard version has you do?

maybe i haven't read it well enough
>you honestly think starting ss is getting into powerlifting?
It literally is though. You do the main lifts every workout with the goal in mind to increase your strength as much as possible. How is that training for powerlifting for a beginner

>you need to deadlift at least 600lbs if you want to call yourself someone who's training for powerlifting
Being this elitist is exactly what alienates beginners and spectators from the sport.
>does 531 allow for faster progression than 2.5 lbs per month or whatever the standard version has you do?

>maybe i haven't read it well enough

Then read the god damned ebook. It's free if you know where to look.

Beyond 531 has 25+ fucking templates ready to fly for all schedules and abilities, but the tranny calls it a meme so fuck it, right?
you know you load the bar yourself right?

progress as fast as you feel you are able
Can I take my bench from 115 to 145 in my second year of lifting at 66
get comfy

>t. breaking own promises again

Sure, but even loading 10 lbs on, say bench, a month, would lead to a 120 lbs increase in a year, which doesn't seem likely in regards to this post. >>39861278
>It literally is though.
you litterally dont know what powerlifting is
and who are these people that have dedicated themselves to competing in powerlifting on their first day in the gym
doesnt anyone just start lifting because they want to lift, and at a later stage start decide to progress into competing
beginners need to be putting on muscle before worrying about anything else

>Being this elitist is exactly what alienates beginners
im not elitist, ive encouraged many into the sport, although if you are on ss, dont worry about it, spend a bit of time lifting

come on now
having more 3 plate deadlifters running about isnt going to draw in the spectators and they are irrelevant anyway
>as fast as you are able

take it by feel, numbers on a screen do not take into account the variables of your life/rest/diet
You might have to train hard for more than one year to get strong.
>a 120 lbs increase in a year
stop thinking like this, progress slows and stalls happen on every program
and even the rate of progress becomes irrelevant, enjoy lifting and take what you can get
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If I had a dollar for every post the tranny made with his trip off, I'd be as rich as Sean claims to be.
>i cant beat my depression and ive come to a dead end
>i burned many bridges because i couldn't contain myself to the few people there to listen

>im all alone and i want to kms

You and the tranny go to /adv/ or /lgbt/.
Trappy I'm running SS and im doing 5x3 as you said thats the same as 3x5

is this okay?
Trappy is it okay if I do chins instead of power cleans on SS?
Trappy is it okay if I do 3x12 for accessories or should I do 3x10 for strength and muscle?
me too man.
When you die inside none of these will matter.
Just live
trappy should I wear heels for deadlifts?
trappy what is 3(2x + y)

pls im stuck on my homework
trappy why did my dad leave me
what the fuck kind of math is that?

letters and shit
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Literally 0


It's not the same.


You're supposed to do both chins and power cleans.

Do deadlifts if you don't want to power clean.


Same thing.


No unless it feels much better that way.


He was hurtin sorry bby


6x + 3y
trappy why do i like someone who hurts me a lot
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skills test 3.webm
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finally got onto some halfway decent wifi and was able to get video onto my laptop and make webm of skills test.

anyways I hope you all had a great 2016

I hope you all have a great 2017 too!
Nice goin' alex poo
trappy will I ever get my life back?
no numbers
wrong order

>well done tho
Nice. What numbers did you Hit?
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Alex 247kg Squat.webm
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kek I had made webms since you posted the first time
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Alex 265kg Deadlift.webm
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Alex 165,5kg Bench.webm
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tyvm I appreciate u
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you did see he posted those same lifts himself already?
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Katie Anne 145kg x7 Squat.webm
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Hey trappy - I have my first meet in 4 weeks. I'm late beginner/early intermediate (150/87/170 @ 78). Do you have any recs. on what should I run leading up to to the meet?
If I were you I'd keep doing your normal routine and not bother peaking.

Of course take it easy the week of competition.

But im not a 40kilo tranny so what do I know.
see pic
>asq sem namorada fofinha levantadora de peso
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skills test 3a.webm
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here just because I wasn't happy with that webm either
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Because you want to like them.


Depends. Are you willing to fight for it?







Do the prep cycle and line it so that the competition lands on the second day of the first week of the comp cycle. Cut a day or two from the prep cycle if needed.

great improvement
How do I get over them? How do I move post good memories?
>If I were you I'd keep doing your normal routine and not bother peaking.

That was my initial thought desu.

Interesting, cheers gbro. I know some BPU lads doing a Folkestone qualifier at some point this year, are you doing that?

OK thanks trappy I'll have a look.
i am entered but im not sure now, back feels a bit stiff and im starting a new job so dont want the added stress of a comp
How do I report this post

that has to be false, right?

if its true, wow
Volume squat, bench, and deadlift tomorrow.

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1: Attempted
2: Before transitioning counts

So basically it's just buzzstats.


>le everyone is trappy

fucking orbiters gtfo
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>that hit at 5 seconds
Day 1:
Intensity Squat
Volume Bench
Speed Deadlift

Day 2:
Intensity Bench
Volume Deadlift
Speed Squat

Day 3:
Intensity Deadlift
Volume Squat
Speed Bench

This is my program for 2017. Get over it.
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My suggestion:

Intensity Squat
Volume Bench
Speed Deadlift

Intensity Deadlift
Volume Squat
Speed Bench

Intensity Bench
Volume Deadlift
Speed Squat
Trappy I would love to cuggle you and kiss you gently :)
>speed anything
Sick memes but speed is for warmups
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I also don't think speed work is that useful but I guess it serves as light work.


what's cuggle?
Please can I be invited to your wedding? I will pay for the flight if you lift with me :)
Like cuddling but you squeeze them super tight and whisper sweet wishes in their ear and just appreciate their warmth for an hour :)
We already have the 175 people not including kids anon :/

Do I know who this is?

Adjusting your verbiage to your audience to sell it better?
oh ;-;
I just anon. You gave me a form check back when I first squatted 100kg, and you taught me how to brace.

Thanks for that though :))
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Aw. I'd invite you if we didn't already have to cut a bunch of friends already

Sorry amigo
It's okey friend :)
I hope it goes really great!

Day 1:
Volume squat
Intensity bench
Speed deadlift

Day 2:
Intensity deadlift
Volume bench
Speed squat

Day 3:
Intensity squat
Speed bench
Speed deadlift
Esmeralda, trappy, sparrow and commune girl are cute.

My hangover is brutal and unforgiving
Day 1
Volume Squat Bench Dead
Speed Squat Bench Dead
Intensity Squat Bench Dead

That way you're not mixing energy systems and affecting recovery. Doing Intensity, volume and speed work in the same session is retarded.
>Doing Intensity, volume and speed work in the same session is retarded
it's not
you gotta confuse the muscles to get a better result
I don't get hang overs :(
this. Thats how DUP is supposed to be
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>tfw broscience in your plg

go fuck yrself
why not just #buildmomentum instead?
>your plg
This is Sean's plg tbf.

>he doesn't know sean is trappy's bitch
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I would kissu puppyralda and pat her head and call her a good girl
I'm right though. Prove me wrong.

what did norway mean by this?
Fuck off sean
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apology for poor english

when were you when /plg/ dies?

i was squat at home eating gallon of milk when pjotr ring

‘trappy is here’

thats not an ipf legal deadlift, and not because of the straps
Why do you say that
Why do you say that
Holy shit you're right. They both even have body image disorders. Blaha thinks he's jacked, more jacked than Ryback, and Rich Piana, and Trappy thinks he's a girl.
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>>tfw broscience in your plg
In what is your cuntiness in regards to?

Better not be in regards to the dup comment.

If it is, ill bounce your head like haino bounces his deadlift m8.
>ill bounce your head like haino bounces his deadlift m8.
keked Tbh
dont post my pepe again
Ok dino
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You have than monolift attachment thing?
Yes but i dont use it like a normal monolift bc the meets ill go to wont have them
I'd like to go from 1pl8 bench to 2pl8 bench in a year (or less than that preferably)

trappy, i'm doing TM. last week my gym was closed on monday, so i just moved everything up a day. instead of monday, wednesday, friday, i did tuesday, thursday saturday. i'd really like to get back to mon, wed, fri though, because it works well with my classes. can i just go tomorrow, so one day of rest between ID and VD this one time?
Absolutely. You will need to gain weight.
Srs dude? Most people bench 2pl8 within a couple months if they're paying attention. Like, damn set your sights higher
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Yeah that's fine.


awesome man! what's that? 300 kg? 340?
Most people who roid and weigh 110 kg total bench more than 150kg
No, you'll spontaneously combust.
Wew i wish its 202.3
I've decided that I'm gonna go for the full 20-rep meme after this training cycle. Wish me luck, kids.
off yourself
What is the 20 rep mem3?

Deer steak, sweet potato, and green beans for dinner lads.
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>pic related

Leeman's programming. Start with a set of twenty, add weight each week until you need more than four sets to get twenty reps, then switch to a top set with two 5% back offs of equal reps.
I've done it with fifteen reps and three sets, and it actually worked for me, but I haven't tried it with the full twenty.
I almost did it for squats, then I didn't. Sick story or what?
Most anons on this board lift but here we are
Sounds pretty tasty. Do you have a sauce or something on that steak, or is it just on its own?

Breddy good story, breh.
fuck you talentchad
Just salt and pepper. Coat in oil and salt, a minute per side on a skillet, into the oven at 350F for maybe three or four minutes.
Trip on twink doesn't-try-hard-enough-Alex

t. Try-less-hard Aaron
Made some mods to the Sheiko 3-day deadlifting and they're working well. I do maybe half the suggested block pull, I just drop 5% and do the reps from the floor. Also for halting deads, I do something similar subbing them for paused deads just off the ground.
I benched 205 for a few sets of 7 paused yesterday. I'm getting there.

N-no bully.
What was the RPE of the first set?
I'd say 9.
Thank God, I'm still stronger than you. ;)

Any study that takes the "1RM" of novice trainees can be safely ignored as stupid bullshit conducted by people that don't know what the fuck they are doing.

SS bases absolutely nothing on "maxes" because novices don't have the requisite motor unit recruitment needed to actually HIT a max, which you would know if you weren't retarded and had actually read the book.
Don't worry, anon. In 2 months I'm gonna go back to cutting for a bit. Glad you're stronger than a weakling though :)
>sets of 5 @9REP
>lifting less than 80% of your 1rm
Pick one you stupid nigger
Mark Rippetoe is a memer.
i get sharp pains in my left wrist/forearm when i bench, even at 50% weights, and some tingling sensations post workout. is this carpal tunnel or what?

i keep my wrists straight. is it just my joints not being used to the volume? recently started sheiko and i didnt bench 3 times a week before.
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jap grip

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what do you lads think of my new weekly schedule? I have an engineering job but I was laid off for 3 months ending in february (it looks like). so at the moment I'm collecting unemployment benefits although I'm not technically unemployed. but I am off work at least.

thought I'd be productive. do crafting. also I heard coffee should be drunk an hour after you wake up at earliest not to mess with the bodily adrenal functions. (adrenaline spikes in the morning to wake you up). also I wanna shut off all screen and read books instead in the evening for opimal sleep (and maybe mind gains)
my gym was closed all last week, and opens tommorrow

will I be okay to just carry on with c6w week two or should I do something different on monday?
Trip on Patrick Bateman
[spoiler]se um cara te abordasse no metro, você conversaria com ele?
suas amigas conversariam?[/spoiler]

Where's the "meet gf/bf" and "sex"?
hah. and the abs and vacuums is to counter my bad posture and anterior pelvic tilt.

singing and theatre class is to break out of my shell.

been going to the singing class for half a year and it's great. "don't be boring anon, put feeling into it! emotion!" it makes me less autistic. love it. I think theatre is gonna be the same. "anon you gotta speak more interestingly, try it this way. okay now your face is totally dead. try to act it out more"
I met a girl already. she lives far away so we see each other maybe once a month. so I get good sex once a month. I'll do that instead of reading or PC.
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Defina: abordar.


You'll probably be fine, just warm up a bit more if needed. One week isn't a big deal.
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i do that. i actually started doing it when i began sheiko, so maybe my wrists are not used to the "correct" position?

i know i do it correctly because the bar leaves a big mark along the thumb like pic, or is that TOO far down?
chega (amigavelmente) e começa a falar com você
my gym closed for two weeks, i'm doing SS, should i deload when i go back to the gym tomorrow?

I wouldn't plan to. Go in, see how you do. You shouldn't need to deload (odds are you'll actually come back stronger, unless you're super super new) but it's possible you might have to.
everything below is 1x5
Bar, 50% or 135, then 225 if still <50%
then 50%, 60%, 70% and by then if youre not in a working set...what low % are you doing man
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>1rm of a novice

SS starts you at 60% and you continually hit 75-80% for 5RM's
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If you don't have pain in that area it's fine.
Sounds like you might wanna start using wrist wraps then. I'd recommend for squats as well


Ah sim, é de boa, não vejo porquê não.
Desde que não seja estranho mostrando intenção de pedir dinheiro ou falar de gsus ou assaltar kkkk
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better image

yeah wrist wraps but theres' always a sharp pain when i'm done with and rack the bar.

the pain is not in that area, it's in the whole lower hand + wrist

i don't experience any pain while squatting so don't think that's necessary.

maybe i'll experiment with different type of grips while warming up next time anyway

fuck i had a stroke or something

yeah i use wrist wraps*
when i'm done with the set and rack the bar*
[spoiler]como faço para ter uma conversa legal com uma fofinha como você no metro?[/spoiler]
are we supposed to externally rotate our arm to grip it like that? is that the best way to grip a bench bar?

it's called pronating but yeah

that kind of sounds like the bar's pressing your ulnar/ulna/whateverthefuck nerve

Move your grip in slightly and start doing more grip & wrist work on your off days. I had a similar problem and that seemed to help it go away
>perfect bottom position

Is this a troll account?
Allegedly. Just remember, you don't have to participate in every single lifting meme.

how does moving it in help? the bar still lays in the same position in the hand no?
>girls who lift
I swear if I ever open a gym I'll have a "No Fun Allowed" sign.

Good morning fitness more like

It'll shift exactly which part of the hand is taking most of the weight. The wider your grip, generally the more of the weight sits near the thumb-side of your palm rather than being more evenly distributed.
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Don't externally rotate your shoulders when benching, that will wreck you badly.


Do you feel any numbness? Pins and needles? Burning?


Não sei kk
Só abelhar à si mesmo eu acho. kkkk
Senta do lado e puxa conversa simples, sorri bastante... se ela não se interessar na conversa ou mostrar incomodada, deixa de lado eu acho.
Mas sei lá não manjo dessas coisas de macho rsrs. Se eu tivesse que ser alfa e ir atrás de broto eu ia morrer de fome kkk
Not him but I feel burning in my lower hand and wrists after I'm done with the set until I take the wraps off.

yeah i get a tingling sensation in all fingers right after.

no burning, slight numbness maybe.

i don't get any pain whatsoever in any exercise, only bench press, things like curls, tricep extensions & squats have been pain free
my cousin opened a gym. his own gym. and named it "Gym 365". your thoughts on it?
sobre o que uma mulher aceitaria conversar com um estranho?

my width is already pretty close, with pinkies being a finger-width from the knurling
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Are they closed on Feb. 29th?
The only issue i have with trappy is that she has to avatar fag. She posts good advice for the most part
his hands are externally rotated
which causes internal rotation of the shoulder, if you don't isolate the arm and force it in place that is

Wow he must be pretty successful if that's his 365th location

Is he some kind of fitness mogul in the surrounding area?
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nah it's open. how else would he name it. maybe Gym Every Day ?

I think you got it wrong

'twas a joke my man

I was implying that he named it that because he had opened 364 gyms before that one and called them Gym 1, Gym 2, Gym 3, etc
Daily Fitness?
and you think that's a good name?

yes sir i understood that hehe
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>Don't externally rotate your shoulders when benching, that will wreck you badly.

Just to recap:
> you don't bench because then boys won't fuck you
> you recommend the behind the neck press, despite inpingement dangers
> you neglect the lats and their importance in stabilizing the bench press and influencing shoulder rotation

Who listens to you besides lmao 1 plate literal homosexuals?
>>>39865756 (You)
>and you think that's a good name?
Nope, I'd name my gym The Gymtimidation Station.
Is... Is this all true my princess?
I'd name my gym Irongrip, because it means three things. a good grip, a good mental grip, and simply pumping iron
Forgot to mention that I would enforce a strict no singles policy, and I'm not talking about reps.
Tell me to kill myself please

I need encouragement
Just remember, the universe doesn't hate you.

It literally cannot be arsed to even know you exist.
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Yeah that's a sign of nerve irritation.

Check if you're not tightening the wraps too hard.
If you're not using wraps make sure you're using jap grip.

If we eliminate the wrist, what would be causing the issues is cubital tunnel entrapment of the ulnar nerve - or all the way up your clavicle and first rib (thoracic outlet).

Thoracic outlet is usually an issue of the unracking. You're unracking the bar alone and it's too far behind you. Bring it as close as possible to your chest, while not getting in the way of the actual pressing. Or have someone help you unrack, even better.
And make sure you're not trying to bring the bar straight down, tough lower on your chest while arching your back. The basic stuff.

For cubital it's a bit more complicated. Usually it needs adjustment of grip width (sometimes wider sometimes narrower) and identifying at which point of the range of motion the entrapment occurs. This can only really be done if you're coaching someone in the spot, not feasible through the internet.
So basically you will have to experiment and see what works best.
The advise from the thoracic outlet issue also applies here, as well as stretching your forearm and arm muscles frequently.


Sei lá, qualquer coisa desde que ele seja simpático. :)


Just mount stupid, ignore and they leave eventually.
I don't get it. you want couples to work out there? so as not to lose track of the workout when staring at women?

things will get better eventually. things change.

Just remember, you are the universe. If you kill yourself, you kill the universe.

Now you're making me want to kill myself too.
E se eu não souber se eu sou simpatico ou um literalmente autista que não percebe estar sendo um incomodo?
No singles policy is a /tg/ meme
fuck /tg/
i saw it first on /tv/
can you explain internally rotating your shoulders when benching? does that mean the angle between the upper arm and torso gets larger?
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Habilidade social é como squats. Quanto mais você treina, mais forte você fica. Mais peso você levanta. Melhor fica sua técnica. Mais confortável você se sente em ir ATG.
Se tiver medo da barra pesada nas costas, não vai fazer direito. Se não treinar, não vai ficar mais forte. Se não for pra academia, nunca vai aprender.
então eu realmente devo falar com fofinhas no metro?

[spoiler]se eu perguntar no final o que ela achou da minha conversa, ela vai me achar mais estranho do que eu ja sou?[/spoiler]
I don't feel suicidal at all

Thanks cunts
When should I cut? I weigh around 210, but I can't even bench lmao 2pl8 so I feel like I shouldn't cut yet but I feel fat.

>Check if you're not tightening the wraps too hard.
I get pain without wraps so that shouldn't be the issue?

>If you're not using wraps make sure you're using jap grip.
I told you where the bar leaves a mark, is that the correct position or what? I pronate my arm and push the bar into the "bone" of my palm. My fingers do wrap around all the way though, they don't stay on top like the picture. Short fingers in the pic maybe? But if the mark is left on the correct spot it shouldn't matter right if the fingers wrap or not right?

>You're unracking the bar alone and it's too far behind you.
I unrack alone. I position myself like it says in the SS book, so my eyes are slightly "below" the bar if that makes sense. Then I keep the bar above my shoulder joints.

>And make sure you're not trying to bring the bar straight down, tough lower on your chest while arching your back.

I've had a lot of issues for the correct cues of this. It feels best if I just bring it straight down (in my mind this is how I think, it's not actually straight) but when I record myself I still tuck "correctly". If I think of tucking I tend to overtuck so my wrists bend back. If I think of flaring (like nuckols said in a video) I can't keep my shoulders under the bar, they tend to float behind which makes the lift a front raise.
U r f a t t b h f a m
Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
Very yes.

You might want to get further back on the unrack and see if it makes a difference. Without a handoff, a lot of guys prefer starting with the bar more at chin or neck level. A few who touch rather low will even set up closer to shoulder level but that's a rather extreme example.
What is the average body fat percentage around here???
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Yusuke Suzuki 212kg Bench.webm
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Raise your arm in front of you, thumb to the side.
Now when doing the following movements, think about rotating your entire arm, not just your wrist or forearm. The whole thing, so that you can feel the humerus rotating inside the shoulder capsule.

If you point your thumb down, you're internally rotating your shoulder.
If you rotate it in the other direction, so pointing it up and to the opposite side, you're externally rotating it.


Deve ué.
Ao invés de perguntar o que ela achou da conversa, pergunta qual o face ou whatsapp dela.


When is your competition happening?


Wraps too tight would cause numbness and pins and needless, not actual pain.

Don't put the bar directly on the bones, let it rest where it's meaty and comfortable.

Fingers wrapping all the way can be an issue if you're having cubital tunnel entrapment. Try like vid related, see if it gets better.

As for the bar path, set up on the bench like vid related. Tuck your scapulae together, raise your arch as much as possible. Unrack with the butt off the bench, then settle the butt on the bench as minimally as you can (don't just lay it down, keep the weight on your legs instead).

Then it will be natural to touch in the good spots, as they will be higher and easier to reach.
I'm boning this girl at the moment. she's hot, has good proportions. good tits. b cups. b or c.

between the tits is a bit darker linear patch of skin. what's that? improper ventilation? I try not to care because she has tits afterall and we're all human
>When is your competition happening?
Never, I lift for "fun".
>Deve ué.
>Ao invés de perguntar o que ela achou da conversa, pergunta qual o face ou whatsapp dela.

Vou tentar começar a fazer isso
How the fuck do you internally rotate your arm while benching?
cut now
hey stop flirting with my princesa
back the fuck off??
What program is good for cutting? Right now I do TM for squat and dead, and Nukcols for bench
I was just getting some tips on how to talk to random girls in the subway from a real girl
[spoiler]since she wants nothing with me :((([/spoiler]
>Wraps too tight would cause numbness and pins and needless, not actual pain.
Hmm.. Yeah I wrapped pretty hard last time, I'll try lighter tomorrow.

>Don't put the bar directly on the bones, let it rest where it's meaty and comfortable.
I'll take a pic of the marks the bar leave on my hands tomorrow so you can see for yourelf. It feels like it's in the right position but what do I know.

>Try like vid related, see if it gets better.
I'll try.

>As for the bar path...
I do this already.

>Then it will be natural to touch...
Yeah, so I don't necessarily need to think about tucking if I do enough of it naturally already? The guy in the video has a very wide grip but he doesn't seem to be focus on tucking regardless. He seems to think about where to touch it and then let the elbows align on their own.

It seems that cues like tucking or flaring are for people who does the extreme opposite of what they're suppose to do. You'd tell someone who benches near their neck to tuck, and someone who has his elbows touching his lats to flare. But if you're already in a good angle naturally (like I am, I think...) these cues just seem to fix something that's not broken. But then again people advice you to tuck your elbows in every single bench press instruction video so I'm not sure what the fuck to do.
why is internal rotation good for benching?

isn't internal rotation bad? (e.g. harambe posture)

sorry for being noob x3
>from a real girl
I'm a woman and I'm considering getting a sex change and taking testosterone so I'm finally good at PL.

Will I still get orbiters if I trip?

There's a fair difference between cuing someone to perform the lift safely versus trying to optimise technique for the sport. Good enough for the former often isn't anywhere near the latter.
No because then you'll be a man. You only get orbiters if you're a woman. Feel free to start tripping know if you want to maximize orbiters. You don't even have to lift!

When do I get my orbiters?
only works if you dont lift sry mlad
first post some facial pics
I'm ugly...
it doesn't matter if you are pretty or not
I look like >>39860626 basically
Esme 2.0?

I want to see it
I'm uglier:(
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tfw you're an apathetic waste of space who's never going to do anything with their life
post you qt
You'll still get orbiters. This is 4chan after all. And at least you know you're ugly so the trolls can't damage your self-esteem like they did to degen.

Start looking for things you care about. Try harder.
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Then cut whenever you feel like it.


That can be a lot of things really. Can be post inflammatory darkening, dry skin, a rash, pityriasis versicolour (topical meds for yeast/fungus solve it if that's the case), keratosis, etc etc


You already do it without noticing, as that is the natural movement your body wants to make.

But if you lay down and raise your arm, following the same "rotate everything" logic, thumbs pointing medially or down is internal rotation, pointing up or laterally is external rotation. You can also think about rotating your elbow.

For bench pressing, internal rotation = good, external = rip


external rotation will put a lot of stress on your elbow (as more external rotation requires more forearm pronation and there's a limit to that, thus it can get painful) and can cause strains on the rotator cuff (since your chest wants to internally rotate, so your rotator cuff would be fighting against something that they should instead be letting overpower them).


Not with that attitude.
Same, let's stop wallowing in our misery like everybody else and let's amount to something starting today.
>like they did to degen.

Shes fucking hot tho
trip on esmeralda
Oh wait are you talking about internal rotation during the concentric? That makes sense i guess.
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What routine is good for cutting? For reference I have squat 5RM of 350lbs, bench 5RM of 185lbs, and dead max around 405lbs.
She's definitely not unattractive. She's just a little chubby, but if she lost a bit of weight I could see her being really hot. (of course that would be over the course of a few months, so she wouldn't be underaged by that point, so I'm not creepy)
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We've all been there anon. I still am. I think I've found out what I need to do to change my life around over several weeks of contemplation and am taking a huge leap tomorrow morning.

You need to make goals for yourself and write out a plan on how to achieve them. Be objective with yourself and cut out on things that don't get you towards that goal. Also, if you've just spent the past month doing nothing but sitting on your ass and jacking off like I have, do yourself a favor and get a job.

I'm really hopeful for 2017. You should be too. The only person that can change your life around is you, make sure you put yourself and your own mental health over that of everybody else.

We'll make it
not with that face
what are you, a doctor?

what is this creature? >>39866435
Wise nigga
hmm okay thanks m'trappy mebbe that will help with my pec minor pain

I always thought about externally rotating because of that cue "bending the barbell in the shape of a U towards your feets"
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You getting a rhinoplasty tomorrow morning????
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real program.png
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It should be internally rotated through the whole thing. From the moment you grab the bar.

Internal rotation is not bad. External rotation is not bad.
They are good for certain movements, bad for others.


I use metric.

Depends how aggressive or not the caloric deficit is.

If it's not too aggressive, then Sheiko intermediate small load. Run the prep cycles (one or both) and then the first week of the comp cycle (where you test for new maxes).
If you find yourself with no energy to finish the workouts, skip accessories, lower amount of sets or the weight, whatever you need to do.


If it's an aggressive cut... Just run something low volume to not get detrained while you lose the weight. Worrying about preserving strength or muscle mass will be pointless, but keep training through it. Even low volume will prevent the detraining crash when you finish the cut.


Not yet.
Do you recommend intermediate small load even if we've been running medium load with good gains for a few cycles? Gonna cut for summer in a few months and don't know what to run then. Was planning on just sticking with medium load.
Thanks boo
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If you have enough energy to do the medium load, that would be fine.
Just depends on how big the caloric deficit is.

Just try it out. If after a few workouts you think it's too much and want to try the small load, just continue from the same week and day you stopped on the medium load.
u r my queen
Are you talking about internal and external rotation as positions of the shoulder and not just directions?
Because when you setup and descent during the bench press you certainly externally rotate.
If I decide to only do one prep instead of both per cycle, then which prep is better?
He got kicked out of school because he couldnt pay them so I dont think he can afford rhinoplasty LOL
Thinking of growing a Van Dyke (since i can't grow a full beard)

What do you guys think of it?
I wonder who could be behind this post :thinking:
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looks like paulie D couldnt 'andle the bants afterall :joy: :ok_hand:
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cant wake up.png
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Don't bully Prutus :((
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im chalking this up as another life victory
leave my bf alone >:(
paul d the school shootee
get out
plg is a bully free zone
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Internal and external rotation of the shoulder is independent of "direction". It's the position of the head of the humerus inside the shoulder capsule.

External rotation isn't what your body naturally wants to do, since it wants to keep the hands pronated and your chest active. But in case you forcefully try to externally rotate during the descent, that means your forearm will have to compensate that rotation in order to keep the hand pronated properly, and as I said there's a limit to what the forearm can do. Thus it can lead to forearm pain, perhaps even explain cubital tunnel syndrome.

And remember, your chest is stronger at transverse flexion (internally rotated) than transverse adduction (externally rotated).


1 starts easier and ramps to a peak around the end.
2 starts already ramped and ends on a ramp down.

2 generally has more volume and intensity than 1, thus it's a bit more difficult.
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rare pic of paul on NYE
hmm Paul would actually look attractive if he wore a ski mask
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me walking, paul on the ground
oh shit i thought this was the original where i flick him a gold coin
yea he's definitely on a list looks like he just banged out a 200 pg manifesto in that pic LMAO





i almost feel sorry about the sorry sack of shit, i mean he was dealt such a shit hand with being ugly and born into a poor family.. not to mention his general lack of intelligence

and then he was in the discord talking about how depressed hes been.. its like, why doesn his mother just euthanize the poor sap already, put him out of his misery you know?
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